Deutzia shrub: planting and care. Features of growing plants in the Moscow region

Deutzia is an ornamental shrub of the Hydrangeaceae family, amazing in its beauty and diversity, which can increasingly be found in gardens and on summer cottages Russia, due to their ease of care. The unique exotic beauty fits perfectly into landscape design, harmoniously complementing its long and lush flowering in spring and summer, lilac, mock orange, jasmine. As a result, the garden can be decorated with flowers almost without interruption.

Description and photo of the bush

The genus Deytsia includes more than 70 species, many varieties and decorative forms evergreen or deciduous (losing leaves in autumn) perennial shrubs with a life expectancy of more than 20 years. The bushes vary in shape and color of flowers from soft white to lilac-purple. Small simple or double flowers collected in racemose or corymbose inflorescences and are completely odorless. The leaves are oblong-oval in shape with a pointed end and have an opposite arrangement. With age, the bark can acquire a layered structure and peel off. After flowering, which usually begins in late May or early June and lasts about a month, a fruit is formed - a box with seeds. Their germination persists for several years.

The bush can have a spreading or erect structure, as well as different heights, which vary from 50 cm to 4 m. Low-growing species are often planted along garden paths or along the perimeter of the site, and taller bushes are used for single plantings or as part of groups of other perennial woody plants. Deutzia look beautiful in hedges. Some species and varieties are highly resistant to gaseous and finely dispersed pollution, therefore they take root well in city conditions and are excellent for decorating parks and adjacent areas.

Origin story

Motherland graceful plantEast Asia, Mexico and the Himalayas. In the XIX century. The first actions appeared in the gardens of Europe thanks to Dutch merchants. Large role in distribution amazing plant played by the French botanist Maurice Vilmorin, for whom missionaries in the mountains of China specially collected seeds. His nursery gave European botanists the opportunity to study the plant and promote its selection.

The bush was named after one of the mayors of Amsterdam, who sponsored expeditions to the East.


In the middle zone of our country, from many species diversity Not all types of action have found application in ornamental gardening and park landscaping. The following take root most well and bloom for a long time:

  • Rough or star-shaped. This is a shrub with interesting leaves, covered with hairs and rough to the touch. The crown is up to 1 m high and spreading. Small white or soft pink flowers with a pointed shape resemble bells and are collected in narrow, spectacular panicles. It usually begins to bloom in the second month of summer. The species includes such interesting varieties like Plena with densely double flowers, Candissima, whose pink buds turn into snow-white flowers, Codsell Pink with double pink flowers and others.

  • Small-flowered or Amur. A spreading bush up to 2 m with small white five-petaled flowers that bloom in the first month of summer, and elliptical pointed leaves that turn yellow by autumn. Blooms in early summer. Differs in winter hardiness.

  • Lush or magnificent. The erect bush has a height of up to 1.5 m with lush crown, and the branches, under the weight of the flowers, arch in all directions. The flowers are large, bell-shaped or double, the leaves are elongated. The plant blooms profusely in early July and grows quickly. Winter hardiness is not very high.

  • Graceful. A low plant up to 0.8-1 m with thin arching shoots and a rounded crown, which makes it look like a snow-white fountain. The flowers are small, collected in large inflorescences, bloom profusely at the end of June, and the variegated leaves have a certain golden hue. Grown mainly in the southern regions of Russia.

  • Longifolia. Bush up to 2 m with large, up to 12 cm narrow leaves with pubescence in a rich green hue. Blooms in the middle summer period. The buds are bright purple, and when the flower opens they turn pink-lilac.

  • Lemurana. Relatively tall bush white deutzia with a rounded, not very spreading crown. The flowers are medium-sized in long, pyramid-shaped inflorescences. It is one of the first to bloom - in May, and also has fairly high winter hardiness.

  • Wilson. Named in honor of the outstanding Anglo-American botanist who studied the Chinese flora and put the decorativeness and beauty of deutsia on a par with the queens of flowers - roses. The low bush blooms profusely in June.

How to plant and care properly

In order for the shrub to delight with luxurious and long-lasting flowering, the plant needs care, maintenance and compliance with certain rules when planting. These are mainly light-loving and drought-resistant plants.

Deytsia prefers soils with a slightly alkaline reaction. If the soil on the site is too acidic, during planting you can add wood ash (200 g) or slaked lime(300 g).

Landing Features

The most favorable period for planting is from early spring until summer. When leaves have not yet appeared on other trees, and the ground has already warmed up enough, you can choose a site. This should be an open place, but without drafts and not blown by cold winds. Avoid over-moistened areas with high level groundwater. It is also advisable that the site should no longer be exposed to direct rays of the sun after 12.

Purchase seedlings from a specialized store immediately before planting. Please note root system. Visually, it should be elastic, moisturized with long roots without defects (growths, cracks, stains).

The soil needs to be fertile, loose, well-drained. The best option make a substrate in proportions 2:1:2 – humus-peat compost-sand + 100 g of nitrophoska. The depth of the pit must be at least 0.5 m. Expanded clay, broken brick, crushed stone, sand, etc. are poured into a 15 cm layer for drainage.

Before planting in a hole, it is recommended to keep the seedling in a clay mash for several hours. For disinfection, you can add a solution of potassium permanganate. The root collar of the bush should remain at ground level. If you are planting several bushes, then leave a distance between them of about 1.5-2.5 m. Afterwards, the soil must be compacted, and the bush should be watered abundantly. Spread a 5 cm layer of peat mulch on top.

Transplant mature plant not advisable. Young bushes are carefully dug in. When moving to a new location, try to avoid destruction earthen coma, so the plant will experience less stress during transplantation. After planting, corrective pruning is carried out.

IN autumn period The shrub is not planted or replanted, as it simply will not have time to take root before the onset of frost and will die.

Features of care

Care includes fairly meager watering - 10 liters once a week. From mid-August, watering is stopped so that the bush does not produce new shoots and is fully prepared for winter. You also need to feed once a month - 3-4 liters of liquid organic fertilizer and 2 times a season - with complex mineral fertilizer (120-150 g) per bush. To ventilate the roots, the soil is periodically loosened and weeded out.

During the season, pruning is required - 2 times. In spring, it is necessary to remove damaged or frostbitten branches. In autumn, pruning is carried out to form the bush so that it is not too dense. It is imperative to remove branches older than 3 years, and those that have bloomed are shortened to the first strong bud or completely removed. Anti-aging pruning is carried out “under the stump”.

Even winter-hardy species at -25°C the branches are already freezing, and at -30°C the plant may die.

Preparing for winter

In regions of Russia with cold and snowy winters, the deutzia must take shelter during the winter. Air-dry cover of ornamental shrubs is mainly used.

A small bush is laid and fixed to the ground with arches, then covered with fallen leaves or a frame is built over it. They cover it from above non-woven material, for example, lutrasil, on top - plastic film. If the plant is large enough and spreading, it needs to be tied before the leaves completely fall off, and wrapped on top with material that allows air to pass through.

Deytsia is quite resistant to diseases and pests. Although the leaves can be affected by the bumblebee proboscis. Treatment - treatment with a 15% solution of karbofos or phthalophos.


The shrub can be propagated in various ways, with vegetative methods being the simplest and most effective. At the beginning of the season - by layering. In the spring, you need to bend the marginal shoot, place it in a shallow groove, previously dug in the ground and filled with fertile substrate, and fix it. Separate care the sprouts that appear do not require. By the beginning of the next season, the cuttings can be separated. If a shoot has started from the root, and its height has reached 30 cm, then it can be dug up and carefully separated, transplanting it immediately to a new place.

It is also possible to separate early spring adult 4-5 year old bush. In addition, this measure allows you to rejuvenate the plant. Parts with a developed root system and dormant buds are suitable for propagation.

It is quite possible to grow deutia from seeds, which are harvested in mid-autumn. They are removed from dry boxes, dried if necessary and stored in paper bags. In spring, seeds can be planted in greenhouses, maintaining a microclimate favorable for growth. The main thing is timely moderate hydration. Seedlings appear no earlier than a month later, and when several pairs of leaves appear, they can be transplanted to open ground. Remember that one-year-old bushes are easily damaged by frost, so before winter you need to take care of their shelter. Flowering after planting usually begins in the 3rd year.

Video about cuttings:

Deutzia is a luxurious shrub that is increasingly becoming a decoration of garden plots in our region. It bestows its beauty on those around it for a long period of the spring-summer season. A bush strewn with flowers looks impressive as a hedge, among trees in a garden or near a residential building. If you want to settle on your site action - planting and care V open ground are described in this article for you. Our site will help you transform your land holdings.

Deytsia - general information

Various species of this picturesque plant were brought to Europe from various parts Asia and Mexico. Some of them are spreading, others are erect; some are low, others are within 2-4 m in height. White or soft pink flowers appear on last year's shoots; they are collected in apical inflorescences. Unfortunately, deutia flowers have no scent at all.

The shrub lives a long time - up to 25 years. After flowering ends, boxes appear on the bushes. What do some of them look like? popular varieties actions, you can see in the photos below.

Deytsia the whitest
Deutzia pink Pink pom pom
Deytsia Amur

How to plant deutzia in open ground?

How to choose seedlings? It is not enough to simply find the desired variety of deutia on sale and plant it in the chosen location. Seedlings with flaws will not take root well and may become sick. When choosing, take a closer look to see if there are any signs of disease on them and whether the kidneys are damaged. All broken branches of the seedling must be cut off before planting; the roots should also be shortened and soaked for several hours in water or a solution of potassium permanganate.

When to plant deutia in open ground? Planting of the purchased seedling should be done immediately after purchase. You can go to the store for it at the very beginning of spring, during the period when the ground has time to thaw, but the trees have not yet begun to bloom. The end of spring is the last suitable time for landing.

How to choose a place for the action? This ornamental shrub grows well in open places without direct rays of the midday sun. At the same time, the shrub does not tolerate cold winds well. Deutzia is suitable for nutritious soil, constantly moist and at the same time well-drained.

How to prepare the soil mixture? When planting, the roots of the deutia should be covered with a mixture of peat, humus and a small amount of sand. If the soil on the site has a similar composition, then special mixture no need to cook. Lime must be added to acidic soil.

Carrying out landing. Action at favorable conditions It grows quickly, so it should not be planted close to plants or other objects. Minimum distance- 2 m. For action, dig a hole 50 cm down, at the bottom of which a drainage layer of sand, stones or brick fragments is placed. Next, the roots of the seedling are lowered into the hole and sprinkled with the prepared mixture. It’s also good to add nitrophoska. After filling the roots and compacting the soil root collar should be covered with a couple of centimeters of soil. It is advisable to shorten all branches on the seedling, leaving 3 to 5 buds on each. At the end, the soil around the action is covered with a 5-centimeter layer of peat.

How to provide the shrub with proper care?

Even an inexperienced gardener can handle caring for this Asian beauty. The list of main events:

Watering. Deytsia should not be over-watered - one or two buckets of water once a week will be enough for it. From mid-August, watering the bush is usually stopped completely. To prevent moisture from evaporating quickly, the ground around the trunk is mulched.
Loosening and weeding. The soil around the action should be loosened to a depth of 20-25 cm after each watering.
Feeding. In order for the bush to give you all its beauty, you need to feed it monthly. To do this, you should use liquid manure (3-4 l). Even during flowering, you can apply complex fertilizer once or twice.
Trimming. Care usually includes two prunings per season - at the beginning and at the end of the growing season. In the spring, before blooming, you should cut off all branches damaged by winter winds and frosts. In autumn, faded branches are cut off completely or leaving the very first bud. They also get rid of old branches and those that thicken the bush. Rejuvenation of the action is carried out by completely cutting off all branches to the base, but only in the case of a well-developed root system.
Shelter. Deutzia does not have high frost resistance, so it is important to take care of protecting the buds in winter. So, in regions with not very severe winters, it is enough to bend the branches of the bush to the ground. In a more severe climate, this will not be enough, and you will need to build a frame over the bush, cover it with dry leaves, cover it with spruce branches and plastic film. If the branches do not bend well, they need to be tied together and wrapped with breathable material.

Reproduction of action in open ground

After considering the main issue of our topic about the decorative shrub deutzia - planting and care in open ground, let's move on to the moment of propagation of the shrub. Having appreciated the beauty of the plant, you will probably want to have more of these magnificent bushes on your site. This can be done in several ways: seeds, cuttings, layering and by dividing the bush.

Propagation of action by seeds

This is not the most effective way propagation of shrubs, and in the case of hybrid varieties it doesn't fit at all. First you need to collect ripened seeds, and in early spring sow them in a prepared container without pre-processing them. They do not need to be deepened, but simply sprinkled a small amount sand You need to create a greenhouse from the film and, constantly moistening the soil, wait for the emergence of seedlings. This usually takes one to one and a half months. The young sprout can be immediately planted in well-warmed open ground.

Propagation of action by cuttings

This is the surest way to propagate shrubs. In June, you need to cut cuttings 10-12 cm long from thick shoots (at least three buds on each). They need to be planted in large containers with nutritious soil and sand, pre-treated with a root formation stimulator. They should be at a slight slope to the ground and enter it only half a centimeter. In a greenhouse, cuttings must develop until spring, after which they must be planted in open ground.

In open ground, it is better to propagate deutia by cuttings

Propagation by layering

It is necessary to select the strongest of the lower shoots on the bush and bend them to the ground. The place of contact with the ground should be near the edge of the shoot; the bark in this area should be removed, and only then covered with earth. Once it has taken root, you can transplant it from the mother plant.

Dividing the bush

Strongly overgrown bushes with well-developed roots can be dug up and divided into several parts. It is important to ensure that each part remains with a healthy root system. Separated parts of the bush should be replanted immediately, without allowing the roots to dry out.

The deutia plant belongs to the hydrangea family and is a perennial with a fairly long flowering period. Deutia flowers are very unusual, and this is still an exotic plant for our gardens and can be easily grown in your own garden. The shrub is unpretentious, and its only drawback is the need to cover the flower for the winter in the middle zone.

Action, brief description

Deutzia in the description is a deciduous shrub reaching only one and a half to two meters in height. Feature Deutia bush is the peeling of the bark, which is also typical for other representatives of the Hortensiaceae genus. On old shoots you can see the bark hanging from them like rags. This is not a sign of disease, but a normal property of adult shoots.

Homeland of this amazing beautiful bush Japan and China. The plant is very widespread in the wild in North America and some regions of Europe. In the southern part of Russia you can also find this bush in nature.

Although caring for this ornamental plant and somewhat troublesome, beauty flowering bush makes you forget about wasted time and effort. Deytsia is unique plant, which looks simply magical when in bloom. Be sure to plant a delightful deutia on your site, which will decorate your summer garden.

Common varieties

A huge number of bred varieties of deutia allow you to create an original, memorable garden design. Some varieties of shrubs are suitable for creating barriers.

In the wild, this variety grows on mountain slopes in Japan and Northern China. This variety has increased resistance to climatic conditions. The slender deytsia is able to survive long-term droughts and sudden cold snaps.
Deutzia bushes are slender or, moreover, graceful, have a beautiful, compact rounded shape. This variety is perfect for creating sculptures. With proper care, bushes can reach a height of up to one and a half meters.
The oblong foliage of Deutia slender is hairy on top and smooth below. In summer the leaves have a lush green color, and in autumn time turn yellow. Deutia slender blooms with snow-white flowers at the end of May. Flowering duration is about one month.

Through the efforts of selectors, a truly unique variety of deutzia was developed - Pink Pom Pom. The flowers of the variety are pink, double and numerous. The foliage is rough, dark green. The variety distinguishes long period flowering that can last all summer.

Deytsia is hybrid. This variety was obtained by crossing the graceful and Amur deutzia varieties. The height of the shrub can reach at good care 2 meters. It blooms with snow-white flowers in July. The leaves are dark green in color, rough, and turn red in autumn. This variety is distinguished by cold resistance.

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In the wild, Deutia rough or star-shaped can be found in some regions of China and Japan. This variety is distinguished by a rough leaf blade, which is why it got its name. The height of deutzia rough can reach 2.5 meters. The flowering period occurs in June-July. The leaves of Deutia rougha reach a length of 9 cm and are pale green in color. In autumn, the shrub is very decorative - its foliage turns brown. This variety is very thermophilic and does not tolerate low temperatures.

When to plant

The best time to plant a bush in your garden is spring, when the soil has already warmed up a little, but the buds on the trees have not yet opened. If you buy a seedling with closed roots, you can plant it in open ground in mid-June. But before you plant the beautiful deutia in your garden, it is important to choose a site for it where it will develop well.

Deutia bushes are best planted on open areas. But at the same time, the plant does not like direct hits. sun rays at noon. Keep in mind when selecting a site that the shrub will not grow well in a place open to cold northern winds and drafts.
If we talk about soil preferences, then it must be said that the shrub loves nutritious, moist soil with good drainage. Excellent soil for planting is humus, compost mixed with peat. It is also good to add sand to the planting hole.
If the soil in the selected area is too acidic, and deutzia loves slightly alkaline soil, then lime should also be added to the planting hole.


Deytsia is very simple landing and outdoor care. In the selected area, planting holes are dug approximately 50 cm deep. Broken brick, expanded clay or stones are placed at the bottom of the pit as a drainage layer. The thickness of the drainage layer should be at least 15 cm. You can add 100 grams of dry nitroammophoska to the soil mixture with which the hole will be filled.

When planting deytsia, under no circumstances should you bury the root collar. The neck must be higher or at least level with the ground. A distance of at least one and a half meters should be left between seedlings.

The planted seedlings are covered with soil, compacted and watered abundantly. Young plants are mulched with a layer of peat or sawdust at least 7 cm thick. A layer of mulch will protect the planted bushes from drying out and will greatly facilitate caring for the plant.

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Caring for this Asian beauty comes down to watering, fertilizing and pruning.


This shrub is drought-resistant and does not tolerate excess moisture very well. It is enough to water adult plants once a week, pouring a bucket of water under each bush.
After watering, be sure to loosen the soil around the bushes to a depth of at least 20 cm. If the weather is too hot, then increase the number of waterings. You should also water the bushes more abundantly during flowering. Young plants also need more abundant watering.


Deytsia is very responsive to fertilization. It is useful to fertilize this shrub with fermented mullein, diluting a liter of fertilizer in a bucket of water. You can add 100 grams to mullein wood ash onto a bucket of fertilizer.

Twice during the entire season, fertilize the shrubs with complex mineral fertilizers, adding 150 grams of dry fertilizer to each bush. It is advisable to fertilize the bushes during the flowering period. In the fall, fertilizing is not applied, as it is too large number fertilizers reduce the frost resistance of the plant.


Deutzia needs pruning twice a year. The first pruning is carried out in early spring, and the second at the end of flowering.

  1. At the end of April, all thin shoots, as well as those shoots that grow inside the crown, are cut off at an angle with sharp pruners. Subject to spring pruning and those shoots that did not have time to ripen last year. When pruning in spring, all frozen parts of the bush are removed.
  2. After flowering, faded branches are cut back to young shoots, which should also be shortened by a third. Pruning the plant after flowering stimulates the bush to produce young shoots and bush, lay flower buds next year.
  3. Also, if the bush is more than 5 years old, a couple of the oldest shoots at ground level should be removed every three years. This way the action is rejuvenated.

Shelter for the winter

Deutzia is a very heat-loving crop, and very often the shrubs freeze slightly in winter. Important stage plant care is proper preparation it for wintering. At frosts of more than 20 degrees, the entire above-ground part of the bushes may freeze.
Therefore, the plant must be covered for the winter. Young branches of bushes are flexible enough to bend them to the ground, pin them, and cover them with a layer of dry leaves. The bent shoots are covered with spruce branches on top.
If the bush is too large, then it must be tied like a sheaf and wrapped with covering fabric, for example, lutrasil. The top of the wrapped bushes is covered with spruce branches. They begin to cover the action for the winter even before the leaves completely fall off, with the arrival of the first frost.

In spring, it is very important to prevent the bushes from getting wet. Remove the shelter when warm weather sets in.


Deutia can be propagated very easily vegetative way and seed, which is more difficult. With the vegetative method of propagation, cuttings can be taken from both green shoots and already lignified ones. You can also divide the mother bush into several parts. Deutia is also propagated by root suckers.

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Green cuttings

Cuttings of this plant can be carried out in June. Well-developed, healthy annual shoots are cut into cuttings. The length of the cuttings must be at least 20 cm. The lower leaves on the cuttings are torn off, then the lower part is dusted with root and dipped in a growth stimulator for three hours. Then the cuttings are buried in a soil mixture of garden soil, humus and sand, taken in equal parts. The soil in containers for rooting must be soaked with root solution.

Cuttings should be planted slightly inclined, deepening them into the soil by about 1 cm. The containers are covered with transparent film to create greenhouse effect and put it in a shady place in the garden.
In order for the cuttings to take root faster, they must be constantly sprayed. When the roots appear, the young plants can be planted in open ground in a growing bed. For the winter, young bushes must be well protected from frost. On permanent place deytsia grown from cuttings is planted the following spring.

Lignified cuttings

If you decide to propagate deutia from woody cuttings, then they should be harvested in the fall. The shoots are cut approximately 20 cm long and tied into bundles. Then the cuttings are placed in boxes and covered with slightly damp sand. Boxes can be stored in the basement. The room temperature should be about 0 degrees. In the spring, cuttings are planted immediately in open ground in the garden on a prepared bed and cared for in the same way as with green cuttings.

Growing from seeds

This method of propagation is used extremely rarely. Plant seeds require lengthy and quite labor-intensive preparation. In addition, deutzia grown from seeds may lose the varietal quality of the mother plant.

Diseases and pests

Actions are plants that are resistant to disease. But still some problems may arise when growing them.
Among the pests, sometimes shrubs are attacked by bumblebee-like proboscis or bumblebee moths. The pest appears on plants in July-August and eats young foliage. To get rid of bumblebees, it is enough to spray the bushes a couple of times with an insecticide, for example, decis.

Deytsia in garden landscape design

Large white deutzia with a cap of flowers can be used in soliter planting, in mixborders, on alpine slides. Very often, shrubs are planted along garden paths. The shrub looks great in the middle of an emerald green trimmed lawn.

Excellent neighbors for deutsia are conifers, against the lush, green background of which the shrub looks simply magnificent during flowering.

Many varieties and hybrids of deutia have been developed that serve great decoration park alleys, paths.

Deutzia is a beautiful flowering ornamental shrub from the Hydrangeaceae family. In nature, it can be found in Mexico, as well as in Japan and China. Plants with a slender vertical or more spreading crown effectively landscape the area. In spring and summer they are covered with flowers for a long time, for which the action received the name “ oriental beauty" Deutzia is great for single plantings in the garden, creating a hedge or decorating a recreation area near gazebos and benches. Caring for the plant is not difficult at all. With minimal effort, it pleases with lush vegetation and delicate flowers, therefore it is a desirable acquisition for many gardeners.

Description of the plant

Deutia is a perennial deciduous shrub, which is 0.5-4 m in height. Its lifespan is about 25 years and every year the shoots add up to 25 cm in length. Lateral shoots are formed from the ground itself. The plant prefers to live in moist soils among forest glades or on the slopes of low hills.

Deutia rhizome of mixed type. It combines 1-2 long rod processes, which are surrounded in the upper part by fibrous roots. The branched stems are covered with smooth dark brown bark. On old branches thin bark peels off in plates that hang from the branches like rags. This is not a sign of any disease. The branches are hollow inside, so they do not have strength and easily break under load.

The shoots are covered with opposite petiolate leaves, oval or ovoid in shape. The smooth, hard leaf blade is bright green in color and has a slightly pronounced relief pattern of veins and serrated edges. In autumn the leaves turn yellowish-brown.

At the end of spring, lush racemose inflorescences bloom on last year's shoots. They consist of small bisexual flowers with a diameter of 1-2 cm. Each corolla has a double perianth and 5 oblong, pointed petals. The core consists of long stamens and the ovary. There are varieties with simple and double flowers. Their petals are colored white, pink, purple or crimson. Some flowers are double colored with a contrasting core.

Flowering lasts up to two months, it is accompanied by an almost imperceptible pleasant aroma. Over time, spherical seed pods ripen in place of the pollinated flowers. When ripe, they crack on their own and release tiny seeds. Some decorative varieties are sterile and may not set fruit.

Species diversity

According to international classification The genus Deutzia includes 72 species. Some of the species are especially popular.

A spreading shrub up to 2.5 m in height grows thin branches that bend to the ground. The old bark on them peels off. The shoots are covered with petiolate oval leaves with a thin elongated ending. The foliage size is 3-8 cm, and there are sparse short hairs on its surface. The plant blooms by mid-June with small white flowers collected in loose clusters up to 12 cm long. Varieties:

  • Terry - blooms beautiful double flowers of double color, the outer bracts have a pink tint, and inside there are snow-white petals;
  • Vaterera - double flowers are carmine-colored on the outside and white on the inside;
  • White-spotted - dark green leaves covered with small white spots.

Plants live on the mountain slopes of Japan. The shrub, 50-150 cm high, has a rounded crown with thin, arched branches. The pointed oblong leaves are colored light green color. Their length is 6 cm. At the end of July the bush is abundantly covered with simple flowers, collected in numerous brushes 9-15 cm long. Flowering lasts more than a month.

This group of plants combines intraspecific hybrids. The most interesting of them:

  • Strawberry Fields. A spreading shrub up to 1.5 m high is covered with pointed dark green leaves. Large pink flowers bloom in June-July.
  • Deytsia is great. A slender plant up to 2.5 m high consists of slightly branched shoots covered with red or dark brown bark. Large double flowers bloom above the elongated dark green leaves in July. white. They are collected in paniculate inflorescences up to 10 cm long.
  • Deytsia pink. A tall, spreading shrub up to 2.5 m in height, densely covered with dark green, broadly oval leaves, which turn yellow-red in autumn. Pink double flowers bloom in June-July.
  • Pink Pom Pom. A low but very spreading shrub with branches curved towards the ground is abundantly covered with large white and pink flowers throughout the summer. They look like wide bells. Beneath the flowers is dark green, rough oval or elongated foliage.

Reproduction methods

Deutia is propagated by seeds and vegetatively. Seeds are sown immediately in open ground before winter. In spring, the first shoots appear. Caring for them is the same as for an adult plant. For the winter, it is necessary to cover the seedlings more thoroughly with non-woven material and spruce branches, as they are very sensitive to frost. Deutzia blooms 3 years after sowing. The method is not so popular, because many ornamental varieties do not produce viable seeds.

Most often, deutia is propagated by cuttings. Green cuttings 20-25 cm long are cut in early June. Immediately after cutting, the lower leaves are removed and the shoots are kept in the Kornevin solution. Planting is done in containers with sandy-peaty soil mixed with humus. It is moistened and deepened with branches at an angle of 5-10 mm. The plantings are covered with a transparent cap and placed outside. As they take root, the covers are removed, but for the winter the plants are brought into a greenhouse to protect them from frost. They plan to transplant them into open ground next spring.

When propagating by lignified cuttings, branches 15-20 cm long are cut at the end of autumn. They are tied into small bunches, sprinkled with sand and stored in a cold greenhouse until spring. In March-April, the cuttings are planted in open ground at an angle and covered with film. When roots appear and buds begin to bloom, the cover is removed.

You can use the layering method. Bending the lower shoots to the ground, they are sprinkled with soil. To make roots form faster, you can apply a few scratches to the bark. Next spring rooted cuttings are cut off from the mother plant and transplanted to a permanent place.

Planting and care

Deutia is planted in open ground from April to June. Well-lit places without strong gusts of wind are selected for it. Bushes are afraid of drafts. It’s good if a shadow falls on the bush at noon. The soil should be nutritious and well-drained, but not too dry. Before planting, the soil is dug up and peat, compost and humus are added. Sand is added to soils that are too heavy or clayey. The acidity should be neutral or slightly acidic, in acidic soils add slaked lime.

The planting hole is dug in proportion to the rhizome of the seedling. Its approximate depth is about 50 cm. Crushed stone and sand are poured onto the bottom. Straighten the roots and fill free space soil mixture. The root collar should remain on the surface. For group plantings, the distance between plants should be 2.5 m. The same amount should remain before any construction. After planting, the soil is compacted and watered. It is better to immediately mulch the surface with peat.

Watering. Young plants need regular watering. As it grows, drought resistance increases. If there is no precipitation, pour a bucket of water under the bush weekly. After watering, it is recommended to loosen the soil. In the fall, irrigation is reduced, preparing the plants for winter.

Fertilizer. In the spring, a solution of compost, ash and rotted manure is added under each bush. During the flowering period, fertilize with a mineral complex twice more. Fertilizers are not needed later.

Trimming. To give the bush its shape, pruning is carried out. The plant tolerates this procedure very well. In spring, frozen and dry branches are removed. Up to 25% of vegetation is removed. When flowering is over, you can remove some of the young shoots and old branches for thinning. In autumn, formative pruning is carried out using young shoots. If you remove last year's branches, you may lose flowering next year.

Rejuvenation. Old dense bushes Once every 5-8 years you can completely rejuvenate. To do this, in the fall, all above-ground parts are cut off, leaving only small stumps. In May, young shoots will appear, the development of which also needs to be controlled. Flowering after rejuvenation occurs after 2-3 years.

Wintering. Deytsia prefers warm winters and can withstand only slight frosts. If the temperature drops to -20°C, the entire shoot may freeze. They try to bend low bushes further into the ground and cover them with non-woven material, spruce branches and dry leaves. Afterwards they are hilled up to a height of 15-20 cm. As snow falls, it is thrown on top of the bush. This cover serves as excellent protection from frost. Old, stiff branches are easy to break, so they are tied vertically and supported. The top of the plant is covered with lutrasil. In April, when the frosts have subsided, the cover can be removed and the snow can be scattered further from the trunk so that the bushes do not rot when flooded.

Deytsia in the garden

Beautiful cascading thickets, abundantly covered with white and pink flowers, are used in single plantings or in groups - in the form of a hedge. Dwarf varieties are suitable for mixborders and alpine slides. Tall, spreading bushes are planted near gazebos or near the house as a spectacular solo plant. Deutzia goes well with evergreen shrubs and coniferous plants(rhododendron, terry kerria).

Recently, with the development of landscape design and the prevalence of the tendency to arrange personal plots increasingly found in gardens exotic plants and shrubs. It is impossible to pass by among them graceful action. This shrub got its name in the 19th century. It was given by the botanist Carl Thunberg and symbolized the memory of the mayor of Amsterdam, Johann van Deitz.

The Deutzia shrub belongs to the hydrangea family. In nature, in the wild, it can be found in East and Southeast Asia and some areas of North America.

Description of the action and its photo

According to their own botanical properties action is evergreen shrub. Depending on the variety, it can be either spreading or erect. The following is a brief description of how it works: botanical culture. Numerous photos of the action, which illustrate the possibilities of its use in landscape design, will help you get a general impression of the shrub.

The height of individual shrubs, depending on the type, reaches from 50 centimeters to 4 meters. The lifespan of a flower without transplantation and rejuvenation procedures is approximately 25 years. The leaves, which densely cover the stems, are entire, simple, located opposite each other, of an emerald green hue.

The main and exclusive advantage of the deutzia flower is its long and rich flowering. The beginning of budding occurs in late spring and early summer. This parameter largely depends on the climatic conditions of the growing region. As a rule, the deutia bush blooms 2 - 3 weeks after the snow cover has completely melted.

The flowers on the bush are white and can be pink or lilac-purple. Odorless. After flowering, a box is tied in which the seeds ripen. It can be propagated by seeds and by cuttings, as well as vegetatively by layering or root suckers.

Planting and care

Properly organized care for the action allows you to create beautiful landscape plantings. Shrubs are widely used in planting hedges and creating garden living sculptures.

Before planting the action, it is important to determine the location and mark the area. The distance between individual plantings in group plantings must be at least 250 cm. This space is necessary for proper development vegetative shoots and increasing leaf mass. It is advisable to plant deutia in an open area, but which does not receive direct sun during the day.

To plant deutia, dig a hole up to 40 cm deep and fill it with humus, peat and sand in a ratio of 2:1:2. The distance between the sprouts should be at least 2.5 meters. The planting depth is about 50 centimeters; after filling with soil, the root collar should be located at the same level with the ground.

To obtain the result of a lush flowering period, the deutia plant should be fertilized with organic matter from time to time. For root feeding, you can take any organic matter that is diluted in warm water in a ratio of 1:10. The application rate when feeding once every 7 days is about 5 - 6 liters for each deutzia bush.

Mineral complex fertilizers According to the agricultural technology of cultivating deutzia shrubs, it should be applied regularly immediately after spring pruning.

Action care includes proper organization glaze. It is advisable to water once or twice a month, spending approximately 10 liters of water for each bush. In hot and dry summers, the number of waterings should be increased to 4-6 times a month, while the amount of water also increases to 20 liters.

When it comes to care, the deutia bush is not capricious and hardy: it can withstand any city conditions, including smoke and gas resistance.

Deytsia is resistant to dry weather, prefers a lighted place and warmth. In cold winters, the above-ground parts of the branches may partially freeze out. However, even after severe frostbite, its shoots quickly grow again, and the plant is able to bloom in the same year.

Pruning deutzia bushes is mandatory; it is advisable to carry out this procedure every year in spring and autumn. Branches that have flowered are pruned to the level of the first strong bud or to the base. From time to time, old shoots of the bush are cut out, and you can also remove the excess ones, which thicken the bush.

Near the bushes, weeds should be weeded and the soil should be loosened to a depth of 25 centimeters.

Deutsias bloom on last year's shoots, so important point- this is to preserve them throughout the winter, otherwise the bush will lose its attractiveness. If your area has snowy winters, you can bend the branches of the plant to the ground. This will be enough to preserve the plant in winter period. If you have frequent frosts without snow in your area, then you can simply cover the bush with a frame, fill it with dry branches of spruce or pine, and top part cover with film. This the method will work for young plants, and for older and taller ones, you can resort to the following method: tie and wrap with any breathable material, such as a sugar bag.

Common varieties of deutzia shrubs

Cultivated in culture various varieties Deutzia bush. The variety of varieties of this plant allows for maximum diversity in landscape design. personal plot with minimal financial costs. Indeed, among the common varieties of deutzia shrubs, there are species that are capable of forming full-fledged hedges and garden sculptures over the course of 1-2 growing seasons.

Deutzia gracilis (Deutzia gracilis)

Grows in natural form Northern China and the mountainous areas of Japan. Accordingly, Deutia graceana has increased resistance to unfavorable climatic conditions. Deytsia slender is able to withstand long droughts and periods of sudden cold weather.

The Deutia graceful bush has a rounded shape, which is ideal for forming garden sculpture. When correct managed care Deutzia gracilis grows up to one and a half meters long.

The leaves reach six centimeters in length, oblong, pointed, hairy above and smooth below. In summer the leaves are light green, and in autumn they acquire a yellowish tint.

The flowers are snow-white. Budding begins at the end of May, the flowering period lasts one month.

Deutzia scabra

In natural landscapes, Deutia roughens can be seen in various parts of Japan and China. This is a unique plant that has a rough surface leaf blade. The bush Deutzia scabra is low - up to 2.5 meters. the period of rapid flowering occurs in mid-summer. In the Moscow region this is usually the end of June or the beginning of July. The leaves are oval-shaped, 4-9 centimeters long, pale green in color. In autumn they become yellow-brown. The flowers are star-shaped, snow-white, slightly pinkish or light crimson, up to 1.5 centimeters in diameter.

The shrub is relatively thermophilic and does not tolerate the harsh winters of the Urals and Siberia. In these regions it is better to grow zoned varieties of Deutia shershava.

Deytsia rough has a division into species that are more adapted to unfavorable conditions growth:

Deytsia Pink Pom Pom

Deytsia Pink Pom Pom is a unique variety of this shrub, which was bred through selection at the beginning of this century. The flowers are double, white with a pinkish tint on the outer part of the petals. The leaves are dark green, rough. It has a long flowering period, which begins in early June and can continue with proper care until the end of August.

Look at the photo of the Pink Pom Pom action, which fits well into any landscape design:

Deytsia hybrid

Obtained from crossing Deutia graceica and Deutia Amur. The hybrid deutia bush reaches a height of up to two meters. Flowers snow-white color. Gives color in the month of July. The leaves are dark green, rough to the touch, and turn yellow-red in autumn. Cold resistant.

Hybrid action has the following subspecies:

Deutzia rosea

It is a hybrid between Deutia purpurea and Deutia gracilis.

The bush grows up to one meter in length, no higher. The flowers are shaped like an open bell. The petals are pink at the bottom, and a little lighter at the top.

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