Figs planting and care in open ground. Fig (fig) tree or fig tree: how to grow at home? Growing figs in various climatic conditions of Russia and Ukraine

Figs – exotic fruit with high taste. If a gardener decides to plant figs on his plot, growing the crop will require providing all conditions for development and growth. The key to success in this difficult task is: planting, competent choice of variety and regular care behind a bush.

For the northern hemisphere it is better to choose self-fertile varieties figs that do not require pollination by blastophagous wasps, since they live only in subtropical conditions. The best varieties for this are:

  1. White Adriatic, which is a small fruit covered with a yellow-green skin and soft pink flesh.
  2. Dalmatian, considered one of the cold-resistant varieties. The fruits are pear-shaped and have a grey-green skin. The fruits are very juicy and have a sweet and sour taste.
  3. Kadota" - excellent variety for long-distance transport. It is a round pear-shaped fruit with pink flesh and a sweet taste.

In addition to the main varieties, they can be grown the following types: Brunswick, Crimean black, Nikitsky aromatic, Absheronsky.

Climatic comfort

How to grow figs so that they not only please the eye, but also bear fruit well? To do this, it is necessary to provide the plant with optimal climatic conditions. Since the subtropics are considered the bush’s homeland, it needs high-quality watering.

The procedure must be carried out taking into account the age of the plant:

  1. Young stems need to be watered every week. The volume of moisture ranges from 5 to 10 liters per bush.
  2. In subsequent years root system The crop has already been formed, so watering can be reduced to once every two weeks, and the water rate should increase to 8-10 liters per bush.
  3. During the period of fruit ripening, watering should be stopped.
  4. Water the plant for the last time after harvesting to increase the durability of the figs.

Watering must be carried out taking into account the age of the plant

After each watering, it is necessary to carefully loosen the rows and weed them to prevent the growth of weeds.

The plant needs to be fed at least twice a month. There are a number of rules for fertilizing crops:

  1. In the first third of the growing season, nitrogen fertilizers must be applied.
  2. In mid-summer, it is important to concentrate on phosphates to promote fruit set.
  3. In the last third of the growing season you need to apply a large share potassium fertilizers, which will help to better ripen both the fruits and the wood itself. Nitrogen fertilizers are prohibited during this period.
  4. Monthly it is necessary to fertilize with microelements necessary for the normal development of the bush.
  5. Twice a month should be carried out foliar feeding by spraying.
  6. For berry bush Organic fertilizers are also important. For this purpose, humic acids, microorganisms and soil are used.

The plant needs to be fed at least twice a month.

All fertilizing should be done only after watering to prevent burns to the root system.

Landing location

It is better to choose the sunniest place for planting shrubs. It is desirable that there are tall trees or tall buildings on the south side. If there are some objects on other sides that can protect from the wind, you can create an optimal microclimate in the summer.

In order to solve the question of how to grow figs on a plot, you need to take care of proper planting. For this plant, the best way is to plant deep in trenches.

The best way It is considered to be planting deep in a trench.

They need to be dug in such a way that the depth is at least half a meter and the width is about a meter. If the soil is loamy, it is better to pour a drainage layer of sand and fine gravel onto the bottom.

For the substrate, surface soil is mixed with humus, manure and compost, and then poured into the planting hole.

After this, small mounds are poured onto which the seedlings will be placed. To do this, the roots are straightened, and the seedlings are covered with earth, holding the stems to the level of the root collar.

For the substrate, surface soil is mixed with humus, manure and compost, and then poured into the planting hole.

The southern slope is covered with a dense black film, which will not only protect the root part of the stem, but also prevent weeds from growing. The appearance of weeds can lead to diseases, as they block the bottom of the bush from the sun.

From the northern part you need to install a polymer wall or from slate sheets. It will reflect light rays and smooth out uneven lighting.

To properly form a plant, you need to understand how figs grow.

To create a compact shape, you need to build a trellis from wooden slats or regular wire. A bush will be tied to it.

In the first year of development, when pruning, three upper shoots 20 cm high are left. One of them is launched vertically, and two lateral ones are tied to a trellis. The result is a kind of trident.

When the stems reach a height of about a meter, they are bent parallel to the ground. Further growth The stems are launched vertically and tied to ensure precise angles.

Next spring, the trunk, which is located in the middle of the bush, is cut 20 cm above the point where the branches appear. Then we repeat last year’s procedure.

To properly form a plant, you need to understand how figs grow.

In this way, the plant needs to be grown to 4 tiers of branches. At the last stage, only two branches are left, which are carried out in different sides parallel to the ground. When they grow 10 cm, they are allowed to grow vertically.

As a result, you get a neat compact bush that can become decorative element landscape. For example, about .


Figs, the care and cultivation of which require care, are also demanding in terms of propagation methods. It is believed that in optimal ways plant transplants in our climate are:

  • propagation using cuttings;
  • seed method.

For this method, you can use both winter seedlings and summer green shoots.

Winter cuttings are taken only from plants that are at least a year old. Cuttings are planted in early spring With light soil before the buds appear.

Green cuttings should be planted in late spring or early summer, preferably in sand. Cuttings are taken from fruit-bearing plants. Before rooting, they are kept in a humid environment. (This can be a jar of water or a regular glass).

Cuttings are planted in early spring in light soil until buds appear.

Place the container in a warm place. After about 3-4 weeks, roots will appear, and when they are 1-2 cm long, they can be planted in the soil.

Only the best are selected to obtain the starting material juicy fruits. The pulp with seeds is selected from them, placed in a bowl and left in a warm place for about 3-5 days. After the mass begins to ferment, the seeds are separated from the remaining pulp, washed and dried. After which they are stored until February, when they begin planting.

Then the starting material is sown into a prepared substrate consisting of humus, turf soil and sand, to a depth of about 0.5 cm. The appearance of the first shoots is expected in about a month, subject to daily spraying of the soil warm water. After 6-8 leaves appear, the seedlings are planted in separate pots with a diameter of 10 cm.

To obtain the starting material, only the best juicy fruits are selected.

The plant will be ready for transplanting into open ground in 2 years. During home grown seedlings need to be fertilized, and with the onset of stable heat they are taken out to open air. They can stay there until autumn.

After the end of the growing season at average temperatures of about 2 degrees Celsius, you can begin to cover the bushes. To do this you need:

  1. Remove autumn structures: arches, non-woven material and polycarbonate.
  2. Bend the branches to the ground.
  3. Lay boards or sheets of plywood on top of the pit.
  4. Lay a durable film over the flooring.
  5. A layer of earth of about 10 cm is poured over the entire structure. It will prevent frost from penetrating the tree.

In particularly frosty regions you can do additional layer insulation.

The presence of air in the shelter will ensure normal aeration of the plant.

In particularly frosty regions, you can add an additional layer of insulation. The following can act as natural insulation:

  • straw;
  • corn tops;
  • spruce branches

The following can be used as cargo placed on polyethylene:

  • boards;
  • cardboard;
  • roofing felt

If the covering material is too dense, small holes are made in it to allow air to enter.

After the end of the cold weather, one of the the most important moments In caring for figs, timely opening of the plant is considered.

To prevent the stem from drying out, it must be opened in mid-April. If the soil above the structure has not thawed, it can be spilled with hot water.

To prevent the stem from drying out, it must be opened in mid-April.

After this, a greenhouse is erected over the tree, and the associated branches are straightened. The stem is cleared of dry leaves, while the fruits formed during wintering are left on the branches.

Diseases and pests

Based on where the fig grows, you need to be prepared for the plant to be susceptible to various diseases and will be attacked by pests.

The most common diseases are the following:

  1. Branch cancer, which covers the affected area of ​​the trunk with cracks. As a result of the disease, the wood is exposed and part of it dies.
  2. Gray rot manifests itself as a gray and white coating on the fruits themselves.
  3. Fusarium leads to internal rotting of the fruit and peeling of the pulp.
  4. Anthracnose is characterized by the appearance dark spots on fruits, which lead to fruit rotting.
  5. Fruit souring begins with the appearance of various brown or watery spots.

The following pests can attack the bush:

  1. A moth that can cause fruit to rot.
  2. The leaf roller, which is believed to damage the bush in such a way that the leaves turn yellow, the fruits begin to rot, and the stem itself dries out.
  3. The psyllid threatens to slow down the growth of the stem due to a lack of useful substances sucked out by the pest.
  4. The pine beetle damages the bark, which often leads to the death of the plant.

Moth moth can cause fruit to rot

To control pests it is necessary to use special insecticides, and various fungal diseases can be overcome by normalizing the climatic watering regime and careful care.


At proper landing and caring for figs, growing them in open ground can bring a good harvest. Fig fruits ripen extremely unevenly, so they are removed from the trees as they ripen. A sign of ripeness is the appearance of drops of nectar on the skin, the color of the fruit depending on the variety, as well as the softness of the fruit. When the fruit is torn off at the point of separation from the branch, no juice is released.

Fresh figs can be stored for about 2-3 weeks. During this time it must be processed. It is usually used for making jam and as fillings. And when dried it becomes one of the popular dried fruits.

Having understood the intricacies of growing shrubs in open ground and the peculiarities of caring for them, you can get a stable harvest of tasty and healthy berries.

Growing figs at home will not give the owner of this plant any special troubles, no material costs, and two years after planting you can count on receiving the first harvest. We'll talk about different methods planting cuttings, methods of growing them and the peculiarities of home care for the fig tree, which is often popularly called fig, fig or wineberry.

About methods of reproduction

You can use it as planting material for growing indoor figs. root layering, seedlings grown from seeds and rooted cuttings cut from a fruiting plant.

  • Growing figs from seeds is the most labor-intensive and long way, allowing you to receive the first fruits only in the sixth year of his life. Seeds extracted from healthy large fruit, washed with water and dried for 24 hours. To obtain seedlings, you need to take a small (up to 0.5 l) seedling glass and plant no more than three fig seeds in it (the strongest sprout must be propagated). After lightly sprinkling the seeds with a layer of damp substrate, cover the glass with glass and place it on a warm windowsill. The appearance of the first shoots should be expected in 2-3 weeks. When the grown seedlings are five weeks old, they will be ready for the first transplant.
  • Residents of the southern regions can obtain planting material by rooting root shoots. The most optimal time for this is April. Having bent the young shoot to the soil, it is secured and sprinkled with a layer of soil. With the appearance of its own roots (this will happen in about a month), the young plant can be transplanted into a prepared pot.
  • To propagate figs by cuttings, select a semi-lignified branch from a fruit-bearing tree (this condition is mandatory). The right time for cutting cuttings is the last ten days of January or the first days of February. At this time, the tree that has shed its leaves does not yet produce young shoots. On the lower part of the cutting there is very sharp knife make an oblique cut, leaving three or four buds; The cut at the top should be straight. The length of the cutting should not exceed fifteen centimeters.
  • Residents of the northern regions who dream of growing indoor figs can purchase ready-made seedlings or cuttings in specialized stores and fruit nurseries. You can, having grown a seedling, divide it into several cuttings and propagate figs in this way.

About methods of planting cuttings

How to plant fig cuttings? Exist different ways their cultivation. Let's describe each of them step by step.

  • Having placed the cuttings in a cool place, they are dried for seven hours until the milky juice that emerges from the cut has completely hardened: this will prevent it from rotting. To speed up the formation of the root system, shallow cuts or scratches are made on the bottom of the cuttings. Prepared seedlings are rooted in transparent plastic cups filled with raw river sand (planting depth - 3 cm). To make the process more successful, the glass with the cutting can be covered with a glass jar or plastic bag, periodically removing them so that the plants can “breathe” and ventilate. To water rooting cuttings, use slightly warmed water. After three weeks, the cutting can be transplanted into a separate ceramic pot with prepared soil. Porous drainage should be placed at the bottom of the pot, and the surface of the soil (after planting the cutting) should be sprinkled a small amount steamed river sand.
  • Rooting will proceed at a faster rate if the cuttings are kept in home greenhouse with soil temperatures maintained at twenty-five degrees. It is also possible to root cuttings in a jar of water.
  • You can also root cuttings in pots with not too greasy nutrient soil. You can prepare the soil mixture yourself by taking two parts each of leaf humus and turf and one part each of river sand and peat. Having poured a layer of expanded clay onto the bottom of the pot, place the steamed substrate on it and sprinkle it with sand. After washing the lower cut of the cutting with water (to improve adaptation to new conditions, it can be kept in a heteroauxin solution for 12 hours), place it in a shallow hole and lightly press down the soil around it. To increase the efficiency of germination, the cuttings are covered with a glass cap, not forgetting the need for periodic ventilation. The rooted cuttings are transplanted to permanent place together with a lump of substrate, using a weak solution of potassium permanganate for the first watering.

Home care secrets

Features of home cultivation of indoor figs should take into account the needs of this although not too whimsical, but still southern plant, in natural conditions growing in a subtropical climate.

Requirements for temperature, humidity and lighting

Figs are a light-loving plant, so the place where they are kept should be warm, well lit and free from drafts (for young plant they are simply destructive). One more an important condition wellness figs is constant control over the level of soil and air moisture in the room where it is located.

With the arrival of spring - as soon as the temperature in the room begins to exceed 15 degrees - there is a need for abundant watering and regular spraying of the leaves and trunk of the plant (the water for spraying should be settled and warm, and best of all - rainwater). On especially hot days summer days Some gardeners moisten the floor in the room: this simple technique helps increase the air humidity in it. Figs react to lack of moisture by drying out, curling and dropping their leaves. During the fruiting period, the frequency and intensity of watering is somewhat reduced so that the fruits do not crack and their taste remains rich.

Being subtropical plant Once a year, the fig sheds all its leaves and retires. During this time (lasting three months - from early November to February), a pot with a resting tree can be placed on an insulated balcony, in winter garden or just a cool room, the air temperature in which does not exceed 15 degrees and cannot drop to zero.

If this is not possible, figs can overwinter on a windowsill, under which there is no hot radiator. To create the necessary microclimate, you can fence off the plant from warm room special screen from polyethylene film. Since figs are freed from leaves during winter rest, they practically do not need lighting.

During this period, the need for watering also decreases sharply (it is quite enough to do this no more than once a week). Figs are watered only to prevent the substrate from drying out, which can lead to the death of the root system. In order not to provoke early awakening of the buds, the sleeping tree is watered only with cool (temperature no higher than 16 degrees) water.

The awakening of the fig is indicated by the swelling of its buds. This process is a signal to move the tree to a brightly lit room, begin regular watering and apply necessary fertilizing. IN spring period– with the onset of a period of stable positive temperatures – best place For placing figs there is a garden or balcony.

About fertilizing

To obtain a bountiful harvest (several kilograms of fruit from one tree), figs must be fed promptly and competently from the moment the buds swell until the fruit ripens. To avoid burning the roots, fertilizer should be applied only after abundant watering substrate in a pot.

  • You can feed figs that are not too demanding when it comes to feeding using complex fertilizers intended for household use. citrus crops. The whole complex essential microelements figs can be obtained after watering them with a solution (one cap per 2.5 liters of water) of liquid complex fertilizer Vito.
  • Throughout the growing season, figs should be fed every two weeks, alternating nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizers and organic matter (mullein solution or bird droppings). To prepare such a solution, mullein or bird droppings are diluted equal amount water and infuse for three weeks, after which it is diluted again with water (in a ratio of 1:10, bird droppings - 1:20).
  • Excellent source nutrients may become an infusion of weeds used as organic feeding. Filling a large jar halfway with finely chopped weed leaves, fill the remaining part of the volume with water and leave for four days. A slightly fermented infusion is fed to a plant that is in the active growth phase.
  • Combination is quite acceptable mineral fertilizers in one feeding ( nitrogen fertilizer With potassium fertilizer). In the same way, organic matter is compatible: its solution (10 g per 1 liter of water) can be used both as an independent fertilizer and in combination with organic fertilizer.
  • To keep fig leaves bright green, they must be sprayed twice with a solution (2 g per liter of water) iron sulfate. The first spraying is carried out in April, the second - in early June.
  • Periodic watering with a pink solution of potassium permanganate has a good stimulating effect on the growth of the root system of figs.

Rules for transplanting and pruning

Young plants, the root system of which is rapidly developing, must be replanted annually until their buds begin to open. The diameter of the new pot should exceed the diameter of the previous one by no more than 5 cm, since an overly spacious container will stimulate too rapid root growth, to the detriment of fruiting.

With each replanting, care must be taken to ensure that there is a thick (at least 3 cm) layer of good drainage at the bottom of the pot. The root collar of the plant should remain on the soil surface after transplantation. The transplanted tree must be placed in a well-lit place. After the fig tree turns seven years old, transplants cease to be annual: at first they are carried out no more than once every three years, and then they are limited to only replacing the top layer of substrate in the flower tub.

Abundance and regularity of fruiting, as well as taste qualities fruits largely depend on how well the crown is formed fig tree. Fast growth, unevenness natural light and the lack of artificial lighting can be the culprits that it can become too long and thick, so timely pruning is a very important point in caring for indoor figs.

Pruning should be done before the buds begin to swell. In young plants, no more than four fairly developed branches should be left, the rest must be removed. After the tree reaches thirty centimeters in height, its top is pinched. This action promotes more active growth of side branches, which in turn can be shortened by a third of their length.

When pruning, they strive to ensure that the buds do not look into the middle of the crown, but are directed to the sides. Thanks to regular pruning, one achieves the creation of a branched crown, the basis of which is 3-4 vertical shoots and a large number of side branches.

The result proper care Indoor figs may produce abundant fruiting, beginning in the second year of the plant’s life. For experienced flower growers it is possible to obtain two harvests during the year: the first is harvested in early July (these fruits ripen on last year’s branches), the second (it is produced by young branches current year)- at the end of September.

At the beginning of winter, when the figs have already dropped their leaves and retired, the fruit-bearing shoots are pruned or shortened. To prevent juice from leaking out, it is necessary to treat fresh cuts with garden varnish.

About diseases and pests

Indoor figs are not one of the capricious plants susceptible to various ailments, but the possibility of pest attacks and the development of certain diseases cannot be ruled out.

  • The main enemy of figs is the spider mite, which can attack the plant during heating season, causing dry air in the room. The best prevention of attack by this pest is daily spraying of both the tree itself and the air around it. If lesions are detected on the plant, pests should be immediately washed off from the shoots and stems using a strong stream of cold water, and then thoroughly spray all parts of the plant with an insecticide solution (actellik has proven itself to be excellent). After a week, the treatment should be repeated.
  • Indoor figs are susceptible fungal disease- coral spotting, covering its shoots with a scattering of reddish small spots. Branches damaged by the disease must be removed immediately. The remaining shoots are treated with a solution of foundationazole, potassium permanganate or Bordeaux mixture.

Therefore, most often it is not available fresh, but dried or other processed form. But there are varieties of figs that grow and bear fruit even in an apartment, and can please lovers of both sweets and home flora.


Fig, or figurine, fig tree is a subtropical deciduous tree with a wide spreading crown and large lobed leaves. In nature it grows up to 10 m and lives up to 300 years. There are men's and female trees: Male inflorescences are called caprifigs, female inflorescences are called figs. The inflorescences look similar, but only the figs (female) turn into fruits. Pollination is carried out only by small blastophagous wasps. It is for them that the holes in the hollow inflorescences are intended. Trees, in turn, help wasps reproduce. The fig fruit is pear-shaped, sweet and juicy, with many seeds inside. It is believed that the more seeds inside (more than 900), the better and more tender the fruit. This fruit is dried, canned, made into jam, and even made (figs are called wine berries).

Thanks to their rich chemical composition, figs have many health benefits. They are part of some medicines. They are used in the treatment of many diseases, even cancer early stage. The seeds, leaves and sap of the tree are also medicinal. Figs are very high in calories, especially dried, and satisfy hunger well. They replace chocolate and candies. It was not for nothing that the famous Cleopatra loved figs more than other sweets.

IN wildlife fig grows in warm countries with a humid climate: in the Mediterranean, Asia Minor, India, Iran, Afghanistan, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Black Sea coast Crimea and the Caucasus. Already withdrawn and cold-resistant varieties, which can grow in colder climates.

Open ground or home conditions?

To decide where to plant a fig tree, in open ground on the street or in a pot in an apartment, you need to take into account the characteristics of your climate zone and how figs grow. Although this heat-loving plant, some species can withstand severe frosts. The tree may freeze, but in the spring it will come back and bear fruit. Under natural conditions, the fig tree bears fruit almost all year round: spring, summer and autumn. How north region, the shorter the warm season, which is why the fruits do not have time to ripen.
In cold areas, it is best to grow figs, if not in an apartment, then in a greenhouse, on a glassed-in terrace or loggia (it is warmer there than outside). If it grows not in open ground, but in a pot, it can be taken outside for the summer and brought indoors for the winter. In warm regions, figs grow safely in open ground and do not require special conditions.

Important! In Ukraine, the climate is perfect for growing figs in open ground, but they still need to be protected from frost for the winter.

Varieties for home cultivation

Indoor figs outwardly resemble their relative - a lush and low plant 2-3 m high. Unlike wild varieties, indoor figs do not require the services of blastophage wasps, since they are self-pollinating and produce delicious fruits even in an apartment. Figs - unpretentious plant, so growing it at home does not require special effort. It loves warmth, but can also withstand coolness. In an apartment, in summer it is best to place the pot near the window on the east side, and in winter - on the south. Indoor varieties There is a wide variety of figs.

Sochi 7 and Sochi 8

As the name suggests, these two varieties of figs were bred in the city of Sochi and have similar characteristics. Without artificial pollination They bear fruit once a year and produce juicy, sweet fruits weighing 60 g. Recommended for growing in an apartment.

This wonderful variety bears harvest twice a year, in summer and autumn, without caprification. Fruit Green colour with red flesh, large, up to 130 g; at the first harvest they are larger than at the second.

White Adriatic

This variety of fig tree produces very sweet yellow-green fruits at the beginning and end of summer. small size, weighing 60 g. Does without artificial pollination.


The variety is named after the scientist who developed it from other domestic fig varieties. It is distinguished by the fact that the fruits appear on it in the fall, in winter growth stops and the fruits overwinter on the tree as small green ones, and in the spring they begin to grow again, and in the summer the harvest is ready.

Growing and care

Grow fig tree in the apartment it is as easy as a ficus. A little effort in caring for him will definitely be rewarded a bountiful harvest. First, you need to learn how to grow figs correctly so that at home they take root well and bear tasty fruits twice a year.


There are certain rules on how to plant figs. Planting should be done in the spring, before active growth begins. A glass for seedlings or small flower pot(no more than half a liter) must be filled with a substrate of sand and (1:1) with the addition of. Or you can add coarse sand and a little peat to the leaf soil and mix. Source material For planting figs there can also be root shoots.
You can sow several seeds in one bowl and then choose the strongest one. It is enough to sprinkle the seed with damp soil, without compacting it, then cover it with glass and leave it warm. After 2-3 weeks, sprouts will sprout. And after waiting another 5 weeks, the seedlings can already be replanted. Figs planted in this way will produce their first fruits only after five years, so growing a tree at home from seeds is only used in the absence of cuttings.

If a sprout emerges from the root, it can also become new. To do this, you need to bend it to the ground, sprinkle it and secure it. The roots will appear in 3-4 weeks, and the seedling is ready for planting in a pot. More often planting material are cuttings. Trees planted in this way bear fruit in the second year. To do this, you need to follow some recommendations on how best to grow figs from cuttings. It should have at least 3-4 buds. From below you need to make an oblique cut 2 cm below the last bud, from above - a straight cut 1 cm above the first. To speed up the appearance of roots, the leaves can be cut off and a few scratches made on the bottom of the cutting, which will be covered with soil. It is advisable to moisten the oblique cut in a root formation stimulator and immerse the cutting in the moist bud second from the bottom. The soil must be compacted and the cup covered plastic bottle or in a transparent bag. Roots will appear in about 3 weeks.

The soil

Be sure to lay a layer on the bottom of the pot and fill it with soil on top. You can use purchased soil and mix it with ash and sand. Or you can take a regular one from the garden, generously add sand and water to improve water permeability.


Figs are propagated in the same way as planting: by root shoots. You can root root shoots at any time. But it is impossible to grow a new fig from seeds if they are taken from a seedling from a nursery. They grow there female plants. If you weren't around male tree, then pollination has not occurred and the seeds are infertile. Nothing will grow from them.

The following trees are also propagated by cuttings: plum, thuja, blue spruce, hawthorn,

Features of care

To determine how to care for figs at home, you need to remember that the tree loves warmth, light and moisture. Solar lighting and a warm climate (air temperature within 22-25°C) are needed for proper flowering and timely ripening of fruits. The domestic fig tree bears fruit in June and October. After this, it sheds its leaves and “rests” in winter at a temperature not exceeding 10°C.

Indoor fig is a fruit-bearing plant. In order not to lose this ability, he needs plentiful and regular. Mature plants can tolerate long break c, and for young trees this is detrimental. In winter, during the dormant period, on the contrary, you need to water less. The main thing is to make sure that the soil in the pot does not dry out. If at this time the leaves on the tree are still green, you need to dry the soil so that the leaves turn yellow and fall off. At the end of February growth begins again and frequent growth should be resumed.

Growing exotic plants from seeds - this is an interesting hobby!

Many people grew their first specimen simply because they were wondering if anything would happen if they planted the seed in the ground after eating the fruit?

But, as it turned out, bananas cannot be grown from fruits.

And many people are interested: “What will happen if you plant a lemon, orange, mango seed or fig seed?”

In this article I would like to talk about how to grow figs from seeds, how to care for them, and when to expect the first fruit.

Figs are almost ficus.Yes, yes, it's called a genusficus, mulberry family.Ficus carica, fig, fig tree, fig tree- it's all about him.

Firstly, if you really want to get a fruiting tree in your apartment - don’t be lazy and buy a varietal specimen specially bred for these purposes. The fact is that for many years, breeders have been specially “struggling” to grow plants adapted to apartment conditions. This includes a chronic lack of light and low humidity. Somewhere on the forum I read an interesting phrase: “A date grown in an apartment from a seed does not bear fruit.” And then an excellent answer: “Why, it bears fruit, and very actively. Only after 100 years”...

Grafted, cultivated plant will save you from having to wait a long time for the fruits to appear, and will give you a plant that is most adapted to the conditions of the apartment. But if you are not looking for easy ways, and still want to plant exactly what you ate five minutes ago, then read on.

It must be said that figs are an excellent representative of fruit and ornamental trees. However, adult specimens take up quite a lot of space. Their branches have thorns, and even if they are pruned in time, they remain quite spreading. Therefore, if you want to get more compact plant- figs are “not about you.”

Another “fig complexity”: They need wintering cooler than the temperature in the room. A basement, cellar or insulated balcony (middle climate zone) is suitable for these purposes. Deciduous crops simply need wintering, during which they rest and shed their leaves! As a last resort, you can place the pot closer to the glass and shield it from the warm air of the room with a screen. I tried this option, but when we still lived in an apartment with wooden frames, from which there was a fair amount of draft.

Many people try to grow another exotic from seeds, and then bombard the forums with messages: “Help! The plant is dying!” Therefore, it is better to study in advance what difficulties you will have to face.

Fig seeds are very small. You should first carefully separate them from the pulp (some craftsmen simply bury the pieces along with the fruit; I do not recommend doing this to avoid rotting and excess food for microorganisms). The seeds should be washed well and then dried.

Figs should be planted in a light soil mixture with a high sand content. It is advisable to build a greenhouse from a plastic box or cover the top of the pot with cut top part plastic bottle.

In fact, fig seeds do not lose their viability for about 2 years. Therefore, you have every chance to wait for the sprouts to emerge. However, be patient. You may wait anywhere from two weeks to several months (especially during the fall or winter months). Moreover, the room temperature should be about 25-27 degrees Celsius.

During the growing season (from spring to late autumn) you should put the fig in a warm, very bright place in the apartment or on the balcony (you can south side) and water generously when the soil dries out.

But you can wait for the fruits for 4-5 years. Some sources even claim that fruiting figs from seeds indoors is impossible. If you grow figs not from seeds, but from varietal cuttings, then you will see fruiting much earlier, almost next year. You can buy such a cutting at botanical garden, For example.

In a room, figs can bear fruit 2 times a year: first, the fruits set in March and ripen in June, the second time this process occurs respectively at the beginning of August and the end of October.

For good harvest figs should be fed and replanted every year at new pot, larger volume. At first, figs grow very quickly, but when they enter the fruiting period, their growth slows down.
Remember that fruits are set only on young shoots!

If you follow all the growing rules, then you can easily grow figs on your windowsill from seeds.

Figs can be grown even at home, and the plant will not only decorate the room, but will also produce fruit twice a year. But to achieve such a result, you will have to create the necessary conditions for it.

Fig propagation methods

You can grow it at home using:

Root suckers
Cuttings from the middle and lower part of the tree

Most quick way obtaining a fruit-bearing tree - cuttings. Cuttings with 3-4 internodes are cut before the beginning of the growing season (in winter). Their optimal length is 15-20 cm. The lower cut should be oblique (1.5 cm below the bud), and the upper cut should be straight (1 cm above the bud).

A fresh cutting is placed in a slightly warm water so that the milky juice comes off. The cup is filled with 2/3 fertile soil and 1/3 sand. The lower cut of the cutting is immersed in the ground (optimal depth is 4 cm). The glass is covered with a transparent bag. Rooting occurs in 4-6 weeks. After this, the plant can be transplanted into a pot filled with a mixture of leaf soil, turf, sand (all components are measured in equal parts).

At seed method sowing is carried out in early spring. The soil mixture is the same as when growing rooted cuttings. Immersion depth is 2-3 cm. The soil should be moist. The sowing is covered with glass. When the first sprouts hatch, you can remove the cover for 1-2 hours a day for ventilation. After all shoots have appeared, the shelter is removed. Grown seedlings are transplanted into separate pots.

Varieties of figs for home cultivation

How to grow figs at home? Self-pollinating varieties with compact sizes are suitable for indoor spaces:

Gift to October

Rules for caring for figs

A fig at home in a pot will grow well only if it is provided with proper care. In summer, plants are watered abundantly and sprayed with warm water. When fruiting begins, watering is limited - otherwise the taste of the fruit will be watery.

From November to January, plants need rest - they are left in dark room, the temperature in which ranges from 0°C to +10...15°C. Watering during this period is carried out only to prevent drying out. earthen coma. The water should be cool.

After the rest period ends, the buds will swell. The plant is “brought back to life” by moving the container to a sunny windowsill. Watering is carried out with warm water as usual. During this same period, fertilizing begins, alternating a solution of manure with fertilizers containing phosphorus. When the weather outside becomes steadily warm, the plants are taken outside or onto the balcony.

As the figs grow, they will have to be replanted, increasing the size of the pots by several centimeters. The root system should not be allowed to grow, so replanting is carried out approximately once every 3 years. When replanting figs, it is important to ensure that root collar was above the ground. The procedure is performed in early spring.

The formation of the crown is carried out before the buds swell. In young plants, all branches are removed except for the four strongest ones. When the tree reaches a height of 20-30 cm, pinch off the top. Growing side branches are cut to a third of their length (above the bud).

Plants grown from cuttings produce a harvest already in the second year of life. The fruits can be collected in July and September.

Figs are a beautiful plant that produces delicious fruits. It will become a spectacular decoration of your home, displacing the usual indoor flowers.

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