Why do monstera leaves turn yellow? Why do the edges of Monstera leaves constantly turn black? How to save? large plant

Can be purchased without a doctor's prescription.

L-Carnitine, Carnitene, Carnifit, Elkar.


Solution for intravenous administration.
Oral solution.
Chewable tablets.


Levocarnitine is an antioxidant and vitamin-like substance.

L-carnitine, a natural substance related to B vitamins, is a means for correcting metabolism: it slows down the breakdown of proteins and carbohydrates, normalizes increased metabolism in thyrotoxicosis, activates fat metabolism, reduces excess body weight and reduces the fat content in skeletal muscles. The drug increases the secretion and enzymatic activity of digestive juices (gastric and intestinal), increases appetite, and improves food absorption. Levocarnitine increases endurance, exercise tolerance and restores performance after prolonged periods. physical activity.

At the same time, it contributes to the economical use of energy reserves in the body. Effective in conditions of acute oxygen deficiency and impaired consciousness.


For diseases and conditions accompanied by loss of appetite, loss of body weight and exhaustion.
In newborns (premature and full-term) with a weakened feeding reflex (sluggish sucking), low body weight, after birth trauma; nursing premature newborns and children with kidney diseases (on hemodialysis).
For growth retardation in children and adolescents under 16 years of age.
With carnitine deficiency (genetic diseases of muscle and connective tissue (Marfan syndrome, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, tuberous sclerosis).
With carnitine deficiency during hemodialysis.
For metabolic disorders (obesity).
For recovery after serious illnesses and surgical interventions.
With redundant function thyroid gland.
For the treatment of skin diseases (psoriasis, dermatitis, scleroderma, discoid lupus erythematosus).
If there is a malnutrition of the heart muscle due to angina pectoris.
For prolonged intense physical activity (to increase performance, endurance and reduce fatigue).
For the treatment of ischemic stroke (in acute and recovery periods), transient cerebrovascular accident, traumatic and toxic lesions of the brain.


Take 0.5-2 g orally 30 minutes before meals, additionally diluting with liquid, 2-3 times a day.

The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor depending on the disease.

If you miss a dose, take the medicine as soon as you remember.

If it is close to your next dose, skip the dose and take the medicine as usual. You should not take a double dose of the drug.

Cases of overdose have not been described.


Increased sensitivity.

Allergic reactions, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, muscle weakness (in patients with renal failure).
With rapid intravenous administration (80 drops/min or more), pain may occur along the vein, which disappears when the injection rate is reduced.

You are taking hormonal or other anabolic drugs.
You are taking any other medications, including over-the-counter medications, herbs, and dietary supplements.
You have ever had an allergic reaction to any medicine.

If you are pregnant
No data.

If you are breastfeeding
No data.

If you suffer from other diseases
No data.

If you are over 60 years old
No data.

If you are giving the drug to children
Newborns are prescribed 0.03-0.075 g (4-10 drops) 30 minutes before feeding, 2 times a day.

Before use, the drug is diluted: 3 ml of a 20% solution in 200 ml of a 5% dextrose solution. The resulting solution (5 mg of the drug in 1 ml) is prescribed in a single dose of 10-25 ml from the first day of life or on the 5th day for children who have suffered birth trauma and asphyxia, and then for 2-6 weeks, during the period of the child’s stay in in hospital and at home.

Children under 1 year of age are given 0.075 g (10 drops) 3 times a day as an additive to sweet dishes (jelly, compote, juices); children from 1 year to 6 years - 0.1 g (14 drops) 2-3 times a day; children from 6 to 12 years old - 100-200 mg 2-3 times a day.

Use with other medications

Glucocorticoids (hormonal drugs) promote the accumulation of the drug in tissues (except the liver), other means for improving metabolism enhance the effect of levocarnitine.

Store at temperatures below 25 °C in a dry place out of reach of children.

A16AA01 (Levocarnitine)

Analogs of the drug according to ATC codes:

Before using the drug LEVOCARNITINE you should consult your doctor. These instructions for use are for informational purposes only. To get more complete information Please refer to the manufacturer's instructions.

Clinical and pharmacological group

16.039 (Drug that improves metabolism and energy supply to tissues)

pharmachologic effect

Vitamin B (vitamin BT), an amino acid derivative that is an essential cofactor in fatty acid metabolism. Normalizes protein and fat metabolism. Has an anabolic effect. Helps normalize basal metabolism in hyperthyroidism.


When taken orally, it is well absorbed. Cmax is reached after 3 hours, the therapeutic concentration is maintained for 9 hours. With intramuscular administration, it is detected in the plasma within 4 hours. After intravenous administration, it disappears from the blood after 3 hours. It penetrates easily into the liver and myocardium, and more slowly into the muscles. It is excreted by the kidneys mainly in the form of acyl esters.


Taken orally. Doses and duration of treatment are set individually depending on the indications.

Drug interactions

When used simultaneously, anabolic steroids enhance the effect of levocarnitine.

With simultaneous use of GCS they promote the accumulation of levocarnitine in tissues (except the liver).


Possible: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, allergic reactions, muscle weakness (in patients with uremia); with rapid administration (80 drops/min or more), pain may occur along the vein, which disappears when the rate of administration is reduced.

Rarely: specific body odor.


Micropediatrics and pediatrics: malnutrition, hypotension, adynamia, consequences of birth trauma and asphyxia, conditions after serious illnesses and operations. Psychiatry and neurology: anorexia nervosa, physical exhaustion, traumatic encephalopathy. Gastroenterology: chronic gastritis with decreased secretory function, chronic pancreatitis with decreased exocrine function. Endocrinology: growth retardation in children under 16 years of age, mild forms of thyrotoxicosis. Dermatology: psoriasis, seborrheic eczema, scleroderma.



100ml L-carnitine syrup contains:
Levocarnitine – 10g;
Additional ingredients including fructose.

Levocarnitine – 100 mg;
Ascorbic acid – 30 mg;
Additional ingredients.

1 tablet of L-carnitine contains:
Levocarnitine – 500 mg;
Additional ingredients.

1 capsule of L-carnitine contains:
Levocarnitine – 250 or 500 mg;
Additional ingredients.

pharmachologic effect

L-carnitine is an amino acid related to B vitamins (l-carnitine is also called vitamin BT or B11), which is synthesized in the body. L-carnitine has anabolic, antihypoxic and antithyroid effects, and also stimulates the regenerative activity of tissues, improves appetite and activates fat metabolism. Endogenous l-carnitine is synthesized mainly in the liver. Exogenous l-carnitine has properties similar to the exogenous substance. The drug helps to normalize metabolic processes that ensure the maintenance of coenzyme A activity. L-carnitine leads to a slowdown in the breakdown of protein and carbohydrate compounds by stimulating fat metabolism.

The drug also helps to increase the enzymatic activity of gastric and intestinal juice and stimulates the secretory activity of the glands of the digestive tract.
When playing sports, l-carnitine reduces the degree of lactic acidosis, helps reduce fatty elements in skeletal muscles and helps normalize body weight.
It has a pronounced neurotrophic effect and accelerates the regeneration of nervous tissue.
After oral administration, l-carnitine is well absorbed from the digestive tract and reaches maximum plasma concentration within 3 hours. Excreted primarily by the kidneys in the form of metabolites.

Indications for use

L-carnitine is prescribed to athletes to increase endurance and efficiency during exercise, as well as faster growth. muscle mass.
The drug is prescribed to patients with heart disease (to increase tolerance to physical activity), as well as to elderly patients (to slow down brain aging, improve concentration and memory).
L-carnitine can be prescribed to premature babies, as well as children during active growth to normalize underweight and normal development of skeletal muscles.

The drug can be recommended for vegetarians to compensate for the deficiency of levocarnitine (l-carnitine), as well as for patients with decreased appetite and physical exhaustion.
The drug L-carnitine can also be prescribed in complex treatment (as aid) various diseases liver, pancreas, endocrine and cardiovascular systems.

Mode of application

Syrup for oral administration L-carnitine:
The syrup is taken orally, regardless of meals. It is recommended to take the syrup undiluted; if necessary, drink the syrup after taking it drinking water. The dosage of levocarnitine and the duration of administration are determined by the attending physician.
Adults are usually prescribed 5 ml of L-carnitine syrup 3 times a day.
Athletes are prescribed syrup in a single dose of 15 ml (it is recommended to take the drug immediately before training).
It is recommended to take L-carnitine for 4-6 weeks; if necessary, the course of administration can be repeated after a few weeks.

Children under the age of 1 year (including newborns), as a rule, are prescribed syrup in a single dose of 8-20 drops.
Children from 1 to 6 years old are usually prescribed syrup in a single dose of 20-28 drops.
Children from 6 to 12 years old are usually prescribed syrup in a single dose of 2.5 ml.
Children should take a single dose twice or thrice daily for 30 days. If necessary, after a few weeks the course of taking the drug is repeated.

L-carnitine tablets:
The drug is intended for oral use. It is recommended to swallow the tablets whole with a small amount drinking water. The dosage of levocarnitine and the duration of administration are determined by the attending physician, taking into account the indications and the general condition of the patient.

L-carnitine capsules:
The drug is taken orally. The capsule is not chewed or divided. It is recommended to take the drug with a small amount of drinking water. The dosage of levocarnitine and the duration of administration are determined by the attending physician, taking into account the indications and the general condition of the patient.
Adults are usually prescribed 250-500 mg of levocarnitine twice or three times a day.
Athletes are recommended to take 500-1500 mg of levocarnitine once before training.
It is recommended to take the drug in courses, following the doctor’s recommendations. Long-term (more than 6 months) continuous use of levocarnitine is not advisable.

Side effects

L-carnitine is usually well tolerated by patients. There were isolated cases of dyspepsia, pain in the epigastric region and allergic reactions.
Patients with uremia may develop muscle weakness when taking the drug L-carnitine.
If unwanted effects develop, it is recommended to consult your doctor.


L-carnitine is not prescribed to patients with individual intolerance to the components of the drug.
It is not recommended to take levocarnitine during pregnancy and breastfeeding.


Taking L-carnitine during pregnancy and lactation is undesirable. If pregnancy occurs during therapy with levocarnitine, the drug should be discontinued.

Drug interactions

Anabolic drugs and lipoic acid, when used in combination, enhance the severity of the therapeutic effect of levocarnitine.
Glucocorticosteroids promote the accumulation of l-carnitine in body tissues (excluding liver tissue).


There have been no reports of overdose of L-carnitine.

Release form

Syrup 100 ml in dark bottles from polymer materials, in a cardboard package of 1 bottle made of polymer materials.
Tablets packaged in blister packs of 10 pieces; 3, 4, 5 or 8 blister packs are included in a cardboard box.
Capsules in polymer bottles of 60 or 150 pieces.

WHO Collaborating Center for Statistical Research Methodology medicines(The WHO Collaborating Center for Drug Statistics Methodology).

Description of the drug " L-carnitine"on this page is a simplified and expanded version of the official instructions for use. Before purchasing or using the drug, you should consult your doctor and read the instructions approved by the manufacturer.
Information about the drug is provided for informational purposes only and should not be used as a guide to self-medication. Only a doctor can decide to prescribe the drug, as well as determine the dose and methods of its use.

Elkar solution for oral administration - official* instructions for use

*registered by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (according to grls.rosminzdrav.ru)

Registration number:


Trade name of the drug:

International nonproprietary name:


Dosage form:

solution for oral administration.


clear, colorless or slightly colored liquid. A specific odor is allowed.


active substance: Levocarnitine (Carnifit) 300 mg; Excipients: citric acid monohydrate 1.2 mg, methyl parahydroxybenzoate 0.5 mg, propyl parahydroxybenzoate 0.2 mg, purified water to 1 ml.

Pharmacotherapeutic group:

metabolic agent.

ATX code:

Pharmacological properties

Pharmacodynamics. L-carnitine is a natural substance related to B vitamins. It participates in metabolic processes as a carrier of long-chain fatty acids (palmitic acid, etc.) from the cytoplasm to the mitochondria, where these acids undergo a process (3-oxidation with the formation of adenosine triphosphoric acid and acetyl-acid). CoA improves protein and fat metabolism, increases the secretion and enzymatic activity of gastric and intestinal juices, improves food absorption, reduces excess body weight and reduces fat content in muscles. Increases resistance to physical exercise, inhibits the formation of ketoacids and anaerobic glycolysis, reduces the degree of lactic acidosis. promotes economical consumption of glycogen and increases its reserves in the liver and muscles.

Has anabolic and lipolytic effects. Normalizes increased basal metabolism in hyperthyroidism: it is a peripheral (indirect) antagonist of the action of thyroid hormones, and not a direct inhibitor of thyroid function. Improves metabolism and energy supply to tissues.

Pharmacokinetics. Well absorbed in the intestine, plasma concentrations reach a maximum after 3 hours and remain in the therapeutic range for 9 hours. Easily penetrates the liver, myocardium, and more slowly into the muscles. It is excreted by the kidneys, mainly in the form of acyl esters.

Indications for use

Intense physical activity and psycho-emotional stress: to increase performance, endurance, reduce fatigue, including in older people;
during the period of rehabilitation after illnesses and surgical interventions, injuries, including to accelerate tissue regeneration;
complex therapy of chronic gastritis and chronic pancreatitis with decreased secretory function;
complex therapy skin diseases(psoriasis, seborrheic eczema, focal scleroderma and discoid lupus erythematosus);
mild hyperthyroidism;
neurological manifestations in vascular, toxic and traumatic brain lesions;
anorexia nervosa syndrome;
diseases accompanied by a lack of carnitine or its increased loss (myopathies, cardiomyopathies, mitochondrial diseases, hereditary diseases with concomitant mitochondrial deficiency) - to compensate for its deficiency as part of complex therapy;
in pediatric practice (treatment of children under 3 years of age under the supervision of a physician): when caring for premature infants, newborns who have suffered birth trauma or asphyxia; children with a sluggish sucking reflex and low weight gain; reduced muscle tone, with insufficient development of motor and mental functions, as well as for the purpose of preventing these disorders in children “at risk”; with stunted growth and underweight in children and adolescents under 16 years of age.
in adults in sports medicine and during intense training (during the training process when working on aerobic performance): to improve speed-strength indicators and coordination of movements, to increase muscle mass and reduce body fat mass, to prevent post-training syndrome (acceleration recovery processes after physical activity), in case of traumatic injuries in order to accelerate muscle regeneration.


Individual intolerance.

Directions for use and doses

The drug is used as part of complex therapy.

Orally 30 minutes before meals, diluting additionally with liquid.

During prolonged physical and psycho-emotional stress: from 0.75 g (1/2 measuring spoon or 2.5 ml) 3 times a day to 2.25 g (1.5 measuring spoon or 7.5 ml) 2-3 times a day.

For anorexia nervosa, as well as during the rehabilitation period after illnesses, surgical interventions and injuries: 1.5 g (1 measuring spoon or 5 ml) 2 times a day. The course of treatment is for 1-2 months. In the complex therapy of chronic gastritis and chronic pancreatitis with reduced secretory function: 0.375 g (1/4 measuring spoon or 1.25 ml) 2 times a day. The course of treatment is for 1-1.5 months.

For the treatment of skin diseases: 0.75 g each (1/2 measuring spoon or 2.5 ml). The course of treatment is for 2-4 weeks.

For mild hyperthyroidism: 0.25 g (13 drops) 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment is 20 days. The course of treatment is repeated after a 1-2 month break or prescribed for 3 months without a break.

For vascular, toxic and traumatic brain lesions: 0.75 g (1/2 measuring spoon or 2.5 ml) per day. The course of treatment is for 3-5 days. If necessary, a repeat course is prescribed after 12-14 days.

For diseases accompanied by carnitine deficiency (primary and secondary carnitine deficiency): up to 50-100 mg/kg (2-5 drops/kg) body weight with a dosage frequency of 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment is for 3-4 months.

For children prescribed as an additive to sweet dishes (jelly, compote, juices). For children under 3 years of age, the dose is determined by the attending physician. From 3 to 6 years - in a single dose of 0.1 g (5 drops) 2-3 times a day, in a daily dose of 0.2-0.3 g (11-16 drops). The course of treatment is 1 month. Children from 6 to 12 years old are prescribed a single dose of 0.2-0.3 g (11-16 drops) 2-3 times a day, a daily dose of 0.4-0.9 g (22-48 drops). The course of treatment is at least 1 month.

For growth retardation: 0.25 g (13 drops) 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment is 20 days. The course of treatment is repeated after a 1-2 month break or prescribed for 3 months without a break.

In sports medicine and intensive training: 2.5 g 1-3 times a day ( daily dose 2.5 -7.5 g); in case of use with therapeutic purpose-70-100 mg/kg/day (5-7.5 g/day). Reception courses: 3-4 weeks in the pre-competition period. During the training process - up to 6-8 weeks.

Side effect

Possible allergic reactions, gastralgia, dyspepsia, myasthenia gravis (in patients with uremia).


Symptoms: dyspeptic disorders, myasthenic disorders (in patients with uremia).

Treatment: gastric lavage, taking activated carbon.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Due to the lack of research, use during pregnancy and lactation is not recommended.

Interaction with other drugs

Glucocorticosteroids promote the accumulation of the drug in tissues (except the liver), other anabolics enhance the effect.

special instructions

Treatment of children under 3 years of age should be carried out under the supervision of a physician. The drug has no effect on the performance of potentially dangerous species activities requiring special attention and quick reactions (driving a car and other vehicles, work with moving mechanisms, work of the dispatcher and operator, etc.)

Release form:

Oral solution 300 mg/ml.

100 ml glass bottle. 100 ml in dark glass bottles, sealed with caps with a control ring for the first opening. A 20 ml measuring cup is placed on the bottle.

50 ml glass bottle. 50 ml in dark glass bottles, sealed with caps with droppers with a control ring for the first opening. Each bottle, together with a measuring spoon with a nominal volume of 5 ml with marks marked “%” and “/4” (corresponding to 1.25 ml and 2.5 ml), with instructions for use, is placed in a cardboard pack. 25 ml glass bottle. 25 ml in dark glass bottles, sealed with caps with droppers with a control ring for the first opening.

Each bottle, along with instructions for use, is placed in a cardboard pack.

25 ml plastic bottle. 25 ml in plastic bottles, sealed with caps with a control ring for the first opening. 10 or 20 plastic bottles along with instructions for use are placed in a pack with cardboard partitions.

Storage conditions

In a place protected from light and out of reach of children at a temperature not exceeding 25 °C. After opening, refrigerate for 2 months.

Best before date

3 years. Do not use after expiration date.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

Over the counter.


LLC "PIK-PHARMA", 125047, Moscow, per. Oruzheiny, 25, building 1.

Manufactured by: PIK-PHARMA PRO LLC, 188663, Leningrad region, Vsevolozhsk district,

Why do Monstera leaves turn yellow, the tips dry out and black spots appear? Monstera is an amazing liana that was brought to us from the tropics. The modern name of the plant translated from Latin means “monster”. Monstera was discovered in the eighteenth century, and its name was immediately shrouded in many terrible legends. Many travelers of that time told stories about the killer plant, as they often encountered it in the jungle human skeletons, strung on the roots of this vine. Today this plant is very popular among gardeners due to its beautiful foliage and unusual looking. The leaves of the flower have a striking openwork shape. But the monstera is quite whimsical, and when poor care or disease damage, it immediately lets you know about it by changing the condition of the leaves. Therefore, many gardeners often ask the question: “Why does the monstera turn yellow?” The main problem that gardeners face when growing monstera is yellowed leaves.

Causes of yellowing of monstera leaves This state of the plant can be due to a number of reasons, namely: If all the leaves of the plant turn yellow and then gradually turn pale, this can only indicate that there is a lot of light for the plant. Monstera loves shaded places, so if it gets direct sunlight, the flower must be covered with a curtain or moved away from the window. If, on the contrary, there is no sufficient lighting, then the vine may completely shed its foliage. If the monstera is in a too dark place, then it must be moved closer to the windows. Otherwise, the plant may leave only a few leaves on the top and discard the rest. If on lower leaves yellowness and brown spots appear on the plants, while the young foliage remains saturated Green colour, then it is worth reconsidering the volume of watering. It may not be enough for the normal development of the plant and it is worth increasing the amount of moisture. If, along with the appearance of yellowing, the leaves of the flower wither and dry out, this may indicate an excess of moisture and damage to the root system of the plant. In this case, it is worth reducing watering, and withered leaves trim. If the situation is critical, then you can try to replant the plant into new soil, and during the replanting process you need to remove the rotten roots. The monstera does not need to be watered for three to four days. Another factor that provokes the appearance of yellowness may be a lack of useful substances. To remove this reason, you can feed it with ash or nitrogen fertilizers.

If the leaves turn yellow and dry out In cases where the foliage does not just turn yellow, but gradually dries out, it may indicate too high temperature air and low humidity. Do not forget that a liana is tropical plant. Most often, Monstera owners encounter a similar problem with the onset of heating season. The same situation can repeat in the summer, when the plant finds itself under direct sun rays. In order to protect the flower, it must be moved to a cooler place. Sometimes the leaves of a plant turn yellow only at the edges. This problem occurs if flower pot too cramped for it or the plant does not receive required quantity nutrients. In such cases, urgent transplantation into a larger container and fertilizing with suitable fertilizers is necessary. Another cause of yellow leaves can be pests: mealybug or spider mite. To reanimate a flower, the foliage and trunk must be washed soap solution. Then rinse clean water, and further carry out regular treatment for prevention. If the plant is severely affected, then special chemicals will have to be used. Yellowness and wilting of monstera leaves. This problem most often occurs in the autumn-winter period, if at low temperatures the owners continue to water the vine abundantly. In such situations they are oppressed life processes flower, and the leaves gradually dry out. To restore normal development of the plant, it is necessary to adjust temperature regime indoors, and check if there are any problems with the level of air humidity. Watering volumes should be reduced.

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