Basic principles of landscape design. Methods and rules of landscape design

Basic principles landscape design:
planning; selection of plants, shrubs;
landing; care; etc.

In order to successfully implement your own or borrowed landscaping projects, it is advisable to have an understanding of the basic principles
landscape design. Then the result will be for a long time please your eyes and will not cause any regrets.

So, here are the basic provisions that will help you create an interesting design for your local area.

First of all, you need to take care of the unity of space. The landscape as a whole should leave an impression of integrity and unity. This effect can be achieved if different parts garden, place similar elements (plants or decorations), follow a general color scheme and give preference to only certain forms. It is a good idea to design the landscape in accordance with a specific theme or style.

The next principle is simplicity. Always try to find a simpler solution and not complicate the design unnecessarily. Use no more than two or three colors, and try not to get too carried away with the shapes or boulders. You can add the necessary accents after the project is completed and you have the opportunity to evaluate the design as a whole.

The next step is to decide what balance you will choose for your landscape. It can be symmetrical or asymmetrical. Symmetrical balance implies the repetition of the same elements, only in a mirror image, relative to some imaginary axis. Such an axis can become, for example, garden path or house line. You can repeat a group of plants, their height and color, the shape of the flower beds.
The use of asymmetrical balance already requires certain composition skills. This type of balance means the unity of all the main characteristics (structure, shape and type of plants, color) against the background of one chaotically changing factor, for example, boulders can be scattered throughout the area in random order and at the same time have various shapes and sizes.

The next principle is about the importance of working with light. Here you need to know a few rules. Warm colors seem closer to the observer than cool colors, which, on the contrary, seem to move the object further away. Grey, black and white are considered neutral colors and are ideal for creating a background.

When creating a design, it is very important to maintain smooth transitions between individual elements. The height of plants, their color, shape, and size of foliage should change gradually from one group to another. Smooth transition from taller plants to shorter ones will create the effect of depth of space and the garden will seem more spacious than it actually is.

Proportion is the last but not least important one. basic principles landscape design. Make sure that the sizes of neighboring elements and the site as a whole match, otherwise a huge sculpture in the middle of a small garden will look ridiculous, and a small fountain will simply get lost in the huge open space.

We are designing the site. Advice from experts:


The land must always be fertile (self-regenerating). We need feeding, “rest” and other work. The earth always requires care.
The variety of crops on the site should satisfy the needs of the family: the aesthetics of flowers, food in the garden beds, etc.
The design of the entire site should be beautiful, comfortable and functional.
The house must be energy-saving, environmentally friendly, autonomous from the general power supply, water supply, and sewerage.
The layout of the house should correspond to the professional and creative inclinations of the family.

Useful little things

1. Hedge. This is a kind of protection and decoration of the site. How many rows of bushes and trees will there be and what types? It all depends on your climate zone. IN middle lane In Russia it is recommended to use: lilac, rose hips, etc.
You can plant honey plants (smell...!), beautifully flowering plants (spring, summer and autumn), evergreens (beautiful even in winter).

2. Forest on the site. What trees should I plant? Will they grow evenly around the entire perimeter or will there be groves (cedar, oak, birch or a mixture of different species)? Are there any alleys in the plan? A exotic plants, for your area (for example, yew or “golden shower”)? Usually 20 acres of land or more are allocated for forest trees.

3.Water. Will there be a pond or lake? This is not only a decoration of the site. A pond will eliminate the hassle of watering the area and increase air humidity, which is something many plants really need. We recommend choosing a reservoir area from 1 to 3 acres. How more body of water, the more hassle to create, but the less to maintain - the stability of the aquatic ecosystem increases. In the very deep place the depth should be 1.5...2.5 m. This is necessary so that the water does not freeze in winter and for some types of fish and plants. For a reservoir, you should choose the wettest piece of land, where spring moisture dries out last, there groundwater closest.

4. Garden. What fruit trees and shrubs do you plan to plant?
Most trees bear fruit better when cross pollination, and some plants are dioecious (male and female). Therefore, there must be at least two copies of the selected plants. Eat different types and varieties: some are early, others are mid and late. Which ones will you choose? After making the list fruit plants, you can determine the area of ​​the garden.

5. Garden. In one place or several areas? How many crops are expected?
Consider what will grow in your clearings healing herbs, which many have forgotten today.

6. House. Think about your home design now. It must fit into the surrounding architecture of the site.

This does not mean that you must necessarily apply all the principles to every part of your plan. But only if you understand these principles will you have creative ideas.

The best landscape design is in the mind of its creator. For creating interesting design We recommend following the principles of landscape design, but they should not “guide” the project. Creativity and creativity are always welcome.

Principles of landscape design

Unity should be one of the main goals of your project. Unity can be better understood and expressed through compatibility and repetition. By repeating similar elements (plants, groups of plants or decorations), we create unity. Compatibility creates a sense of unity when some or even all elements of a landscape fit together and create a sense of cohesion.

Unity can be achieved by combining characteristic features elements in the project, such as height, size, structure, color scheme, etc.

A good example is placing boulders as a focal point. If you have ever seen a landscape where a large white round stone is located here, a red granite shaped boulder in the shape of a square there, and so on, then you may have noticed that there is no special unity created by this specific element.

This is just one example, but the principle applies to all other design elements, such as color groups for example.

An easy way to create unity on your property is to unify the elements of your landscape with one theme. And one of the most available ways creating a theme is the use of some kind of decoration for the garden. It's easier to create a theme garden when the theme is related to something you like and are interested in.

If you like butterflies, for example, you can create a theme by using plants that attract butterflies, as well as putting up statues, ornaments, or any other decor that relates to butterflies.

Unity can be expressed by the dominance of one element in your landscape. Harmony is created by the use of elements in the same style and theme.

Simplicity- in fact, one of the main principles of design and art. This is one of the guiding principles that you can follow both while you are taking your first steps as a beginner and when you create your own garden. Just don't complicate things to begin with. You can do this later.

Simplicity in planting, for example, means choosing two or three colors and repeating them throughout the garden or patio. Decorating with figurines to a minimum and within a specific theme is as consistent with the principle of simplicity as is the consistent distribution of small architectural forms such as boulders.

Balance also implied by the word "design". The meaning of balance is balance. There are basically two types of balance in landscape design: symmetrical and asymmetrical.

Symmetrical balance is when the corresponding garden design elements are arranged more or less equally. In a symmetrical garden, both sides can repeat completely or partially the same outlines, shapes, plant heights, groups of plants, flowers, flower bed shapes, themes, etc.

Remember how you created something similar when you were a child in art class at school. You take a piece of paper, smear paint on it, fold it in half, open it, and see how an interesting symmetrical design is magically created. So a symmetrical balance or design is a kind of mirror image.

Asymmetrical balance, on the other hand, is a slightly more complex landscape design principle. While the structure, shape, color, etc. may remain constant to create some unity, boulders of different shapes may be scattered randomly. This form of balance often involves various themes individual parts garden All topics are equal, but have different types of appeal.

Asymmetrical balance is effectively unbalanced, abstract or free-form, but still creates unity and balance through the repetition of certain elements.

Here good example: The shapes of the flowerbeds or paths are different on either side of the dividing line of the landscape, but some repeating elements and plants are still used. One side may be curved with waves, while the other side is straight, smooth, rigid and completely opposite to the first. But again, unity and balance will be created by other elements. This type of shape can create a nice contrast. Flowing lines are pleasing to the eye, but a bold contrast between a curve and a straight line can look very interesting.

Asymmetrical balance does not depend on the shape of your garden. This dependence, of course, can exist, but not necessarily.

An example would be a garden where one side is mostly large shady trees, while the other side is mostly low-growing flower beds, or a combination of both forms. As I emphasized earlier, a landscape can be abstract, but it still needs to maintain unity through some elements, be it stones, plants or decor.

Contrast and harmony can be achieved with plants. Fine foliage versus coarser foliage, round versus pointed leaves, color complements and contrasts.

Plant height, color and structure may vary from site to site, but each site should be unified by its own theme.

You may have noticed that I talk a lot about “themes.” Many of my clients have created successful projects themselves by adhering to the core theme and most of the landscaping principles described on this page. Proper selection of plants or garden decor is an easy way to create a theme.

Color adds attractiveness to the landscape and can change the feeling of reality. Bright colors such as red, yellow and orange appear closer to you and can actually make an object appear closer. Cool colors Colors such as green, blue and pastel appear further away from you, and the object may appear further away.

Grey, black and white are considered neutral colors and are best used in the background, while bright flowers are used in the foreground. However, to add depth to the landscape, you can use plants that are dark and coarse in texture in the foreground, and plants with finer texture and delicate flowers- on the background.

Colors can also be used to draw attention to a particular area of ​​the garden. Bright plant Among the cooler shades it naturally attracts the eye.

Natural transition can be used to avoid radical or sudden changes in your landscape. Transition is basically a gradual change. The transition can be conveyed by the height of the plant or its color. But transition can also be applied to all elements in the landscape, including but not limited to structure, shape, size of foliage, but also paying attention to the size and shape of other elements. In other words, the transition can be achieved by gradual ascents and descents various elements with a variety of structures, shapes, colors and sizes.

An example of a good transition would be the “ladder effect” - a transition from large trees to medium-sized ones, then to bushes and finally to flowers. Creating this transition requires a little knowledge about choosing the right plants.

Transition is one of the principles of landscape design that can be used to "create illusions" in a landscape. For example, moving from taller to shorter plants can create the effect of depth and distance (as in a painting), making the garden appear larger than it actually is. Moving from low to high tall plants can be used to create a focal point to make something stand out and appear closer than it actually is.

Line structures landscape design. This may mainly be due to the location of flower beds, paths and landings.

Straight lines look strict and angular, while curved lines produce a more natural, gentle and smooth effect.

Proportion- this is the ratio of the sizes of the elements to each other. Of all the principles of landscaping, this one is the most obvious, but still requires a little thought and planning. Most landscaping elements can be planned in advance to ensure the garden has the proper proportions.

For example, if you create small garden in the courtyard, a huge two-meter statue placed in the center will look disproportionate and a little ridiculous. Or conversely, a small waterfall with a pond placed in the center of a large open yard can get lost in space.

Do not misunderstand me. This does not mean that if you big garden, then you cannot place small figurines or other structures in it. Proportion is relative and elements can be different sizes and located in different parts of the garden. The goal is to create a pleasing relationship among the three dimensions - length, width and depth or height.

A small fountain or pond can look proportional if placed in a corner or on the edge large plot. It becomes the focal point of a large area, creating its own special atmosphere. Near this pond a small gazebo, a bench can be placed, or a whole topic. Other spaces and themes can be created in the same way. In addition, it is necessary to specifically take into account and pay due attention the right choice plants to avoid disproportionality of plants.

Repetition directly related to unity. It's good to have a variety of elements and shapes in the garden, but repeating the same elements allows for variety.

Unity is achieved by repeating similar elements. If your garden has too many unrelated objects, it can feel cluttered and unplanned.

But there is one subtlety here: the abundance of one element can make your garden or yard uninteresting, boring and monotonous.

But still, unity can be created by repeating several different elements. This can make your garden interesting and original.

Is landscape design fashion, art or science? Why do people who have their own corner engage in landscape design? Why do companies hire designers to design their areas in front of their offices? How to properly create landscape design on your territory? What principles of landscape design should be used in certain situations? And many more questions arise if we touch upon this topic, much less delve into it.

Landscape design is the creation of harmony and convenience with the help of green spaces and small architectural forms. The landscape design direction contains a lot of elements and is built on certain principles.

Let's try to cover some issues regarding landscape design.

The main components of landscape design are the following elements:

  1. Buildings are the central element landscape composition, the idea of ​​which is to decorate the space around the central element so that it is beautiful, cozy and harmonious, and, if possible, hide the shortcomings of the buildings.
  2. Lawns consisting of a variety of grasses and paths to them.
  3. Green spaces - flower beds, trees, shrubs.
  4. Large decorative elements or small architectural forms, such as a pool, lake, stream, fountain, sculpture, gazebo, etc.
  5. Small decorative details– lamps, candles, flower beds, flowerpots, etc.

If we talk about the principles of landscape design for a personal plot, then we should highlight a number of basic ones:

  • Integrity. This is the arrangement of identical elements in different parts of the site. Elements are taken both decorative and natural. To achieve the integrity of the landscape, you must first draw up a plan and decide on the theme of your composition. The main idea conveyed by this principle is the unity and harmony of all elements of the landscape.
  • Simplicity is another principle of landscape design. In nature, everything is simple, beautiful and natural, which attracts people, so there should be no clutter in landscape design complex elements, shapes and variety of colors and shades - two or three are enough and repeat them in the main elements.
  • The principle of balance. By not observing this principle, you put at risk even the harmony that already existed on your territory. The balance can be asymmetrical or symmetrical.

Symmetrical balance is the repetition of identical elements in mirror image relative to one fixed, visually defined point. Such a point could be different elements landscape, for example, a house, a veranda or a garden path - it all depends on the specific project. For repetition, you can use groups of plants or the shape of flower beds.

Asymmetrical balance – a variety of shapes and sizes, but at the same time the harmony should not be disturbed in the color aspect, and the shapes should not predominate over each other. main idea of this balance– unity of structure, form, type of plants against the background of one non-systemic and changing factor, for example, boulders will be completely different in shape and size.

  • Combination of plants. Plants, no matter how many or few they are, must be in perfect harmony with each other. Find out everything you can about the plants you choose: size in mature age what they will look like at the time of flowering, watering features, soil preferences, etc. Based on this information, you need to plant plants, bushes and trees. And one more undeniably important point: the combination of vertical and horizontal gardening.
  • The smoothness of the transitions is very important principle, especially for planting plants. Plant height and leaf size should change smoothly and according to the principle: tall trees put on background, then the medium ones are planted and the small ones in front. Thanks to this, the depth of the landscape is achieved. It is recommended to use the same landscape design techniques when planting flowers, otherwise large flowers will cover the small ones and no one will notice the beauty of the little ones.
  • When compiling design project, it is extremely important to observe gradual transitions from one element to another. Matching the sizes of adjacent elements and their smooth transition is very important. A huge sculpture placed in a small garden will look strange and awkward, and a fountain small size no one will notice in the vast open space.
  • The principle of working with color. Cool colors create the illusion of a distant object, while warm colors, on the contrary, seem to be close. Grey, black and white are neutral colors that are very suitable for background compositions. Apply color scheme It is also possible if you have a shady area. In this case, light plants or a flower garden will help. white- for contrast, you can plant a very bright flower in it, for example, red.
  • The principle of landscape filling. Small architectural buildings and elements - greenhouses, verandas, fences, etc. - must be combined with each other and other components of landscape design. To do this, they need to be built from the same material; if this is not possible, then a color scheme will help.
  • The principle “Not only wide, but also upward” - new principle landscape design. Its essence is to create small artificial hills. Hills and mounds increase the area of ​​your landscape and create additional features.
  • The principle of naturalness. Everything in your design should give joy from communicating with nature, emphasizing its uniqueness, beauty and grace. Therefore, the use of numerous elements with strict forms and artificial plants in landscape design is not recommended.

By following the basic principles of landscape design, you can easily draw up a project for your transformed site. However, theory alone is clearly not enough. The implementation of the above principles is no less, and sometimes even more difficult, task. To make your task easier, in the section below we have provided some more tips from experts - for beginners.

Landscape design - extensive and interesting topic. It is quite difficult and unnecessary to tell everything at once. I would like to note a number of the most important tips and reveal some landscape design techniques:

  1. Should stock up necessary tool, without this you won’t be able to do anything: gloves, tape measure, pruning shears, garden shears, a hacksaw for sawing off branches that the pruning shears cannot handle, a lawn mower, a rake, a shovel, buckets, watering cans, a hoe, hoses - this is not a complete list.
  2. You need to be patient. Landscape design is a long, painstaking, but enjoyable job that cannot be done in one day. Not everything depends on you - nature has its own laws.
  3. It is necessary to take care of the land. The earth must “rest” in order to be fertile. Fertilizers and other things will help you here.
  4. When planning landscape elements on your site, take into account the needs of the whole family - a vegetable garden, a swing or a football field - and make appropriate changes. The design should be beautiful, functional and comfortable for all family members.
  5. Useful and beautiful element landscape design – hedge. This is a unique natural protection of the site from wind and sun.
  6. When planning the design of a forest or grove, take into account the size of your plot - at least 20 acres of land are needed for forest plantings.
  7. A pond will be an excellent decoration for your landscape. This design element is also very functional - it helps to increase air humidity, which will have a positive effect on the plants. The recommended area for a reservoir is from one to three acres, and the depth is preferably at least one and a half meters. It is important to choose the right place. Where the moisture dries out in the spring most recently, groundwater lies closer to the surface - this is where a pond or lake should be located.
  8. Garden. An important point for this component of our design is pollination. Fruit trees It is better to plant at least two copies.
  9. Pets. If you have livestock or are planning to have one, then the appropriate architectural elements for the life of animals must be thought out immediately in accordance with the general concept.

It's not enough to build good house: functional inside and beautiful outside. It is important to improve the surrounding area - to create an attractive landscape design on the site. This is where the basics of landscape design will come in handy.

Before we talk about the basics of gardening art and the nuances of design, let’s understand the concepts.

What is landscape design

Panoramic design refers to an area whose management tools are aimed at creating a landscaped area on a site with a small area. This is the main difference between science and design, which by its nature is a more labor-intensive and costly process. Implement a project with relief garden territory much easier.

The fundamentals of landscape design harmoniously combine art and science. Thanks to this composition, the master is able to bring the sketch into reality, influencing its functionality and introducing an aesthetic component to the project.

Landscaping is not easy. Here it is important to create natural harmony between the surrounding nature and modern modern buildings. To achieve the desired effect, the designer must be able to work with the main tools of art and understand the basics of landscape design.

basic elements of art

Widely used tools include:

  • scaling;
  • color correction;
  • texturing;
  • formation.

Everyone sees the design of their site in their own way, everyone sets their own requirements for design, everyone does everything possible to realize the visual picture in their head within their budget. In the hands of the customer, the designer is a tool capable of creating, and the result of the work depends on how accurately they understand each other.

It is important not only to beautifully arrange the territory, but also to make the garden design as useful and functional as possible.

The concept of “interior design” is familiar to many, some even tried to arrange their home according to the latest trends and they succeeded, but the basics of landscape design become a real discovery for some people, but remain a mystery for most. In addition, not everyone has the talent to visualize their ideas, so imagine what it would look like personal plot, and also having a lack of knowledge in the field of panoramic developments, not everyone can.

Of course you can simulate what you see thanks to special programs(some of them are even easy to use), and if such developments seriously interest you, enrolling in landscape design courses will not be difficult. This is a popular service in any city.

What is important in the design of a site?

What could be better nice looking from the window when you are lying on a sun lounger by the terrace or drinking tea in a rocking chair? The relief of the area adjacent to the house created by you. When designing a site, the main thing is to make sure that each design element is combined with others, thereby creating a single, harmonious-looking picture.

Landscape styling

Each of the styles presented in panoramic art has its own characteristics.

Today, from a wide range of styles, landscape designers distinguish 6 main ones:

  • English;
  • country;
  • Oriental;
  • natural;
  • Japanese;
  • combined.

The owner decides in which direction to work, giving the designer food for thought, but, despite the owner’s wishes, the choice of design style also depends on the general characteristics of the site. It doesn't matter if it's country or English style in landscape design, each of them is interesting to work with.

Laws and rules of gardening art

Landscape designs on land plots are created for a reason - this is not a play of the imagination or a flight of fancy of a person modulating the panorama, the whole secret is in the existing laws and rules.

Each designer, working with a client, relies on the basics of landscape design. Arranging a garden is a design rule that is obeyed. In total, there are 5 basic laws, according to the rules of which designers work.


Law of dominance is about submission. Elements of landscape design are divided into primary and secondary, which allows you to make a bright point of emphasis on one element and supplement it with auxiliary ones.


Law of Simplicity dictates the decoration of the site without using a large number of elements. This approach is ideal for small plots, where one style is used, and a large number of too many plants.

Clarity of forms

Triangle Law. Legal use different forms, colors or sizes are prohibited. For example, a three-color flower bed cannot be divided into equal parts. One of the colors should prevail over the other. Those who have attended landscape design courses know that design according to this law is carried out according to the rule of the golden ratio, the proportions of which are calculated according to a special scheme.

Law of the Circle will help the designer to combine colors without mistakes and boldly mix them. The coordinate grid acts as a canvas, and the primary colors act as the material. Having applied them to the canvas, you will see that they are all conditionally divided into segments, and the shades within the segment are called related colors, the use of which is appropriate in the same flower bed. You can plant material with an abundance of flowers within one quarter, so the “landscape” will look brighter.

Square law based on the four cardinal directions. This is a direct hint for the designer - each plant has its own place and conditions. Some flowers or bushes like more light, others like moisture. The square rule helps to create not only beautiful view for the owner, but also comfortable conditions for the plants.

It is compliance with the rules and accuracy in calculations that help workers create unusual and original projects from scratch. When studying landscape design, it is necessary to know the basics and principles, otherwise you will not be able to prove yourself as a designer and create a worthwhile project.

Fundamentals of composition in landscape art

By following in landscape design, you can create unique project according to a well-organized scheme.

The main thing is to divide the space, but do this without compromising the integrity of the site. Zoning should be appropriate and harmonious, with smoothly flowing elements of the site's relief. Achieving this result is easier than you might think. Simply place similar elements in different parts of the garden or use similar colors in each zone.

Simplicity in design also plays an important role. Don't complicate what can be done simpler. This approach will help you avoid unnecessary parts and save part of your budget. Make accents, but decorate the area in moderation.

An important step towards creating a natural and exclusive garden is choosing a balance. Stick to symmetry in your design or create fancy asymmetrical shapes. This effect can be easily achieved by planting trees and flowers of different heights, colors and shapes.

Learn to play with light and color scheme- it's almost main principle gardening art.

Remember that nature is a plastic material in your hands. Do not forget about the smoothness of transitions not only in color palette, but also between the shapes and sizes of plants. Playing with just a closed one, you will be able to visually enlarge the garden by planting trees evenly in a descending order: from high to low.

Don't forget about the last principle that dictates the basics of composition - proportions.


Every personal plot deserves the attention of its owner. By how well-groomed the territory is, one can judge the owner’s thriftiness. You can even create a unique, practical and cozy backyard near your home with your own hands. To do this, you don’t need to attend special courses or take lessons from masters. Explore basic course basics of gardening art and start creating.

You can create a living corner in the garden by making an artificial pond or a small fountain. In such a place it is easy to relax and concentrate on your thoughts.

You can drop me off exotic trees and decorate the yard in oriental style, decorate the lawn with gravel paths with fancy ornaments or zone the rest area using tiles and decorative stones.

A gazebo lined with low bushes will add sophistication to the garden, you will be able to admire the beautiful view and relax in cozy place without going far from home. Organizing a recreation area on the site of a private house is an invaluable opportunity, a bliss that a resident of a city high-rise building will never be able to afford. In your backyard, in the comfort of a pond, gazebo, or fire pit, the family can gather together to discuss plans or have dinner together.

Proper organization of landscape design does not end with landscaping and planting flowers. The design is complete when the park furniture is in place and the yard inspires a sense of peace and home.

On your personal plot you can place small architectural sculptures that complement the composition. Moreover, standard pink flamingos and gnomes have long gone out of fashion. Today the trend is hand-laid, fancy and sometimes shapeless products from various types materials combined together.

Homestead landscape design is the opportunity to create a unique personal territory where a person would feel comfortable and peaceful.

Like any business, the concept of landscape design is based on certain postulates. By violating them, you can destroy an already existing natural composition and in return create nothing worthwhile, building some kind of piles that are incompatible in style.

Therefore, before you arrange a landscape design on your site, you should rely on certain rules - a kind of “code of laws” of art, located at the junction of four directions (architecture, plant growing, history and philosophy).

Universal landscape design techniques

There are several universal design techniques, which will help make your garden more beautiful and at the same time solve many problems.

They can be used without preliminary preparation, "Here and now".

"Eskimo Design". The garden can be made visually larger by using a technique known as “Eskimo design”. It is believed that the Eskimos used this a little trick to visually expand the boundaries of their modest-sized homes. The method consists of dividing the space into many small bright details, turning it into a kind of “mosaic”.

"Calico effect". Using it, you can dissolve the boundaries of a fence or any other unwanted object. Plants with flowers are planted nearby a certain color, say, red, and with variegated flowers, but those whose colors contain the color of the first group of plants. Example: combinations of phloxes with crimson flowers and phloxes with variegated, white-crimson flowers.

"Papuan Design". If you need to do large object less noticeable, use “Papuan design” - a technology that will allow you to large space whole and cozy. It includes many techniques, but the main one is a combination of a dark background with bright accents. Choose dark paint for the fence and other buildings, and then plant plants with bright flowers around it, preferably red, yellow and orange. Plant a few plants with dark flowers and foliage to support the arrangement.

A landscaping technique called “mirroring” allows the garden to look especially harmonious. Pay attention to the views outside your garden. Repeat certain elements of what you see in your area. If you see a lake in the distance, a pond will be especially good on the site, if there is a river - a stream, if there is a birch grove - birch trees, if there is a hilly landscape - a rock garden. The principle is this: the surrounding nature should be reflected on your site, like in a mirror.

"Borderline" method of landscape design

Everyone has garden areas there must be boundaries. You don't always need thick screens. The “borderline” method of landscape design dictates following rules: in small areas, solid partitions look heavy, and openwork, light ones are much better suited - after all, you only need to mark the border. You can even mark the beginning of a new zone using a separate large decorative item or even a huge boulder. The role of “border guard” is often played by unusual tree or shrub.

Any boundaries must be correctly located - in the places of transition from one zone of the site to another, in the places where they “join”. But there may be many such places, and to choose a “strategic” point, check a few things. Firstly, this place should be clearly “read” from various parts garden Secondly, to satisfy practical requirements: the partition should be placed where its presence creates comfort and creates a good microclimate, which means its location depends on how the rest area is planned in a given area, what objects and plantings it is filled with. Thirdly, the partition should not block the beautiful view from a specific area of ​​the garden. If you use a container as a means of zoning, it is best to make it in the same color as the flowers of the plant growing in it.

Design techniques: paths and corners

Design path configurations with slight widening at the beginning and end. This visually expands the boundaries of the site.

Use the corners of the site - it’s beautiful and practical, and also allows you to visually enlarge the site. This method is also known as the "cat method" because... operates on the principle: “in each corner there is a cat, opposite each cat there are three cats.” The method works great on any small volumes, releasing maximum amount space.

An interesting point is worth emphasizing. If your garden contains interesting geometric shapes and lines, try to highlight them.

How to design the entrance area in landscape design

Particular attention should be paid to the design of the entrance area. The first impression is the strongest.

Don't show the whole garden at once. There should be intrigue in the garden. We must try not to see the entire area - its beauty should be revealed gradually, the landscape should slowly unfold. In every corner you definitely need to place something: a bench, unusual or aromatic plant, sculpture, etc. , leading to them should be winding.

Bizarre shapes on the site look bad. By placing complex objects, you risk that it will be impossible to examine them in detail - part of the exhibit will be hidden from view, and besides, extravagance distances us from the natural, natural forms and may look “overdone.” Always choose simplicity and naturalness: a shape slightly curved at one or two points, preferably oval - slightly elongated, widened or narrowed.

Basic rules of landscape design

When designing your garden plot, rely on the basic rules of landscape design:

1. Use volumetric optical effects. In order for the area to visually appear larger, the garden pond needs to be filled with water not to the top, but just below the sides (2-3 cm). Make the border of the pond visually narrower by filling it with stones or pebbles.

2. For some garden objects there are ideal proportions. So, the pond should not occupy less than 1/5 of the area of ​​the site area that you see at the same time as it. Keep in mind that the same object can be viewed from different areas at the same time, so balance your composition based on the largest “picture”.

3. Use the opposite method. This method will help balance non-standard areas - for example, too narrow and long. If your site has rectangular shape, choose an angular, diagonal layout for the correct shape would be better suited not a square, but a rhombus, etc. An option with soft shapes is also suitable: design winding paths, oval or fluid, irregular rest areas, wavy shape. All of the above applies to any site objects. Due to their soft shapes and diagonal arrangement on the site, you can visually “round off” sharp corners. This method can be applied locally: for example, if your site has separate inconvenient areas with sharp corners or narrowed areas.

4. Use the like method. If your site has a complex, irregular layout, a bizarre shape with many sharp narrowings and expansions, you can correct these shortcomings by using a similar method. Try to ensure that all the lines of your layout repeat the outlines of your site and are in tune with them. So, if your site has a “wavy” or rounded shape, the straight lines of the paths will create a feeling of dissonance. On the contrary, winding lines will support the composition, and it will look harmonious - after all, in nature there is no ideal correct forms. The layout of the site as a whole sets a pattern, consistency, and “explains” the configuration of the garden. The perfect solution for the option discussed above - a round gazebo, oval paving and the like. If your style requires the presence of geometrically correct objects, enter an element that will connect two types of shapes (for example, a square can be inscribed in a circle, etc.).

5. Use a fence for visual expansion narrow passages. It often happens that narrow passages on a site are adjacent to a fence, and this visually reduces the site and creates the impression of cramped space. To avoid this, first, do not design paths perpendicular to such cul-de-sacs. Secondly, paint the fence in light color and decorate it big amount as many different plants as possible, preferably with variegated light foliage and flowers. Plant white flowers, make mesh inserts into the fence, strengthen light arches in some areas of the fence and run along them climbing plants, best blooming. One of the most “powerful” techniques is to mount large or medium-sized mirrors on a wall or fence in some places, but you can also have a group of small ones, and they need to be fixed not flat, but slightly at an angle, obliquely.

Lighting rules in landscape design

Light the garden correctly - this is an essential part of its image. Lighting rules in landscape design say: it is better to illuminate the garden in separate “islands”, rather than evenly. There must be some mystery, a game, a contrast of light and shadow. Highlight, highlight with light all the most Beautiful places garden, beautiful designs, retaining walls, podiums, ponds, compositions made of stones, and, of course, the most spectacular plants. In short, you must determine which objects should attract the most attention.

The light should fall from the side of the observer - so that it does not irritate the eyes and does not distort the landscape.

If you want to organize special effects with plants, use colored light, and to highlight them natural beauty- white or yellow.

tree or tall bush fully illuminated.

If you want to highlight not only a corner of the landscape, but also its specific details, use a not too bright spotlight and spot lighting together.

If you want to emphasize the depth of a space, use bright light in the foreground and diffused light in the background.

In terms of design, the most the best option- have lamps of various types. The more varied the lighting, the “richer” the impression of the site.

In addition, the most advantageous solution is to place lamps on different levels. Ideally, they will be varied: of different heights, classic and built-in, “floor” for paving, suspended and wall-mounted. The more “dimensions” of light, the better.

If you want to illuminate, the light source must be from behind. Direct the stream of light so that the streams of falling water sparkle beautifully. Emphasize beautiful line paths or platforms with a chain of lamps.

The concept of camouflage in landscape design

Actively use the concept of camouflage in landscape design. On garden plot camouflage is one of the most current problems when working with any landscape. Even if you start creating a composition on a newly acquired plot, there will be areas that you would like to hide. What can we say about already inhabited spaces!

On any site there are many objects that annoyingly nullify all the good impressions, do not correspond to the composition and style of the garden, and give the impression of sloppiness, neglect, and unfinished work. Old foundations, massive monotonous fences, temporary buildings, sheds are just a small part of the possible “unsightly” objects. However, it is not always possible to refuse objects for economic purposes - it is better to disguise them.

Garden camouflage techniques will allow you to both completely hide objects and decorate them so that you can then “fit” them into general concept plot.

Of course, deposits of garbage and various scrap definitely need to be cleared. There is no place for clutter on the site! Sort out everything you want to keep and throw away the rest without regret.

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