What flowers grow like bindweed. The best varieties of flowering plants

At all times, weaving flowers for the garden were popular with the owners of estates and estates. Wealthy owners from different parts of Europe and the world brought plants to create their own luxurious greenhouses and decorate their summer residences. Time passed, but the love for winding and weaving cultures remained. Professional and amateur gardeners are still trying to diversify their plot, make a unique composition, etc. with their help.

It is almost impossible to imagine a garden, even the most modest, without weaving. Arbors and pergolas twined with greenery, vertical landscaping of walls and hedges - all this adds coziness and originality, besides it helps to hide some imperfections of the terrain and buildings, to zone the space.

Annual and perennial climbing plants

All weaving plants that are used in garden design can be divided into two large groups: annuals and perennials. The classification is based on their growing season. Perennials can grow in one place for decades and every year delight you with their flowering with renewed vigor. Annual plants have a limited growing season and die, as a rule, with the onset of the first frost. However, they have one feature for which gardeners love them so much - this is the most magnificent and abundant flowering. They, in comparison with perennials, are able to give the largest possible seasonal increase.

What to choose weaving flowers for the garden? And those and others. Thanks to the current variety of planting material, you can, firstly, achieve the effect continuous flowering, and secondly, to use each type where it is most appropriate. Of course, don't forget about climatic conditions Moreover, when choosing colors, you should be guided by this factor in the first place.

Let's start with annual weaving flowers for the garden - as the most simple and versatile to use. We offer you a selection of the five most popular and spectacular plants.

Sweet pea

In our opinion, sweet pea underestimated, as it is practically not in demand among landscape designers. And it’s completely in vain, because the plant has its own unique charm. Without it, it is difficult to imagine such a popular Provence style and english garden. At the moment there are 10 groups of varieties and more than a thousand varieties. Powerful hybrids grow up to 2 m in height in 1-2 months, and from mid-summer the bushes are decorated with large “moth” flowers (characteristic of all representatives of legumes) of a wide variety of bright colors, exuding a delicate aroma. There are also medium and undersized varieties. This diversity allows you to create a harmonious multi-level composition.

Sweet peas belong to the group of wicker flowers most commonly used for arbors. It is unpretentious, requires only regular watering and timely garters of lashes. Prefers shady places where the sun hits in the afternoon. In the photo above - sweet peas planted with clematis.


One of the most unpretentious climbing annuals is, of course, morning glory. With her strong green embrace, she will embrace everything that gets in her way. This genus of flowering plants from the Bindweed family includes more than a thousand species, but several main varieties are used in ornamental horticulture, which gave rise to numerous hybrids.

Ipomoea prefers sunny, well-lit areas. Easy to care for and undemanding. In dry summers, it needs frequent watering.

Ipomoea - weaving flowers (photo above), most often used to decorate fences and hedges. At the same time, the type of support does not matter at all: a neighboring tree, a wall of a house, etc. Ipomoea creates a living carpet, decorated with many large (up to 10 cm in diameter), intricately curved funnel-shaped flowers. The palette of shades varies from white to dark blue, burgundy and deep purple. Against the background of green foliage, a bright contrast is obtained.


Kobe can rightly be called the queen of annual weaving flowers (photo above). It stands out among a wide variety of hybrids with large flowers in the form of wide bells, reaching a diameter of 8 cm. A palette of shades: from white to rich, deep purple. The plant has a high growth rate and the ability to quickly build up green mass, it may well stretch up to 4 m in a season. The shoots are very tenacious with sensitive tendrils, do not require additional garters and can crawl on any surface on their own. Flowering continues until the first frost. If desired, morning glory roots can be dug up and stored until next spring at room conditions. However, as a rule, gardeners prefer to use it as an annual.

In terms of use, kobe is universal. With its help, you can hide the most unsightly buildings and walls, decorate pergolas and arbors, the walls of the house. True, there is one caveat: the green mass built up by the plant seems light only at first glance, therefore it is better if the support has sufficient strength.

Dolichos, or hyacinth beans

Can there be something brighter and more exotic in Russian gardens than blooming dolichos? These magnificent weaving flowers are a novelty that deserves close attention. Gardeners often refer to it as "curly lilac", referring to the stunning large clusters of flowers that form on the plant in mid-summer. Closer to autumn, no less decorative glossy pods of a purple hue appear in their place, which are also a kind of decoration.

Dolichos is a thermophilic plant. Under good weather conditions, it is able to grow up to 4 m in height over the summer. In this regard, professional designers prefer to use it for pergolas and arbors. The plant is not demanding to care. However, in central Russia, it is recommended to grow it through seedlings and plant it on permanent place only after warm weather is established without the threat of frost.


Nasturtium in its homeland, in Central and South America, is a perennial. However, in our climatic conditions, these are annual weaving flowers for the garden. The photo clearly demonstrates the magnificent warm golden range of shades characteristic of nasturtium. The plant is unpretentious and even in cool summers can grow up to 3 m in length. Prefers sunny and warm areas.

The shoots are strewn with flowers, harmoniously combined with rounded bright green leaves. Experts recommend using it to decorate gazebos, as nasturtium is natural remedy from annoying insects.

The listed types of annuals are only a small part of the plants that can be used for vertical gardening. In addition to beautifully flowering specimens, there are many deciduous-decorative ones. However, the palm still belongs to perennial weaving flowers for the garden. Photo, name and short description the most common crops you will find below.

climbing roses

If ordinary standard roses- these are the queens of the garden, then the climbing ones are its princesses. They have long hanging shoots (2.5-9 m), for the normal development of which a strong support is simply necessary. Varieties can be remontant, that is, blooming almost throughout the entire season, or ordinary - with a single flowering. The flowers are simple or semi-double, collected in a large inflorescence, do not have aroma, painted in a wide variety of shades of pink, red, white and yellow.

Climbing roses are the children of the sun, so it is best to plant them on the south and southwest sides of the exposure. Warmth and plenty of light contribute to the maturation of growth, on which buds will appear next year. Roses are demanding on fertility and need care, so just planting them and, as they say, forgetting will not work. Otherwise, you will not see the abundance and beauty of flowers. Weaving roses take center stage in the garden's vertical landscaping. They go well with small architectural forms, and are also indispensable for creating pergolas, arches, arbors, pyramids, columns, decorating the walls of a building.


Herbaceous liana clematis is one of the most popular garden plants. Delicate and charming, in beauty it competes with many exotic species. The plant is quite finicky and requires permanent care. But in return it will thank you lush bloom. The spectacle is truly delightful when up to five hundred large fragrant flowers up to 15 cm in diameter bloom on a vine. Depending on the variety, weaving flowers can be double or simple, and the color can be red, purple, pink, white, yellow, blue.

Clematis have good frost resistance, especially zoned varieties. This feature allows them to be used in the gardens of the Urals and Siberia with proper shelter for the winter. Use the plant to decorate creating a shadow in the yard, braiding arches and arbors, masking outbuildings.

Honeysuckle Brown

Not all perennial weaving flowers for the garden can boast of such original view like Honeysuckle Brown. It reaches its highest decorative effect during the flowering period, however, the rest of the time the bush is beautiful thanks to large dark green leaves, densely located on shoots up to 2-3 m long.

The shrub in summer is completely covered with dense greenery and beautiful flowers reminiscent of fuchsia and have a delicate pleasant aroma. The most common shade is red-orange. The flowers are large (up to 5 cm in length), not collected in inflorescences, so the bush looks even more elegant. The plant is unpretentious, patiently endures unfavourable conditions environment.

Honeysuckle Brown prefers well-lit places, without drafts and strong winds. The shrub is sensitive to dry soil, so it requires regular watering and mulching of protruding roots. It is not capable of self-pollination, so it is recommended to plant several specimens nearby.

For landscape design, these perennial weaving flowers, or rather, shrubs, are used in several ways: creating hedges, vertical gardening (pergolas, arbors), trellis, separate single plantings with support.


Wisteria, or wisteria, is a perennial species of climbing garden plants belonging to the legume family. It is a very popular beautiful flowering vine and is widely used in landscape design regions and countries with mild climates. In Russia, it can be found on Black Sea coast or in the Crimea. You can not pass by her spectacular inflorescences up to 50 cm long, which can be painted in pink, white, blue, purple.

Until recently, this splendor was inaccessible to central Russia. Bushes simply freeze in cold winters. However, plant breeding, including weaving garden flowers, does not stand still. Was bred in the American frost-resistant variety macrostachia wisteria called Blue Moon. The plant can withstand temperatures as low as -40°C.

The main thing for a liana is warmth. Therefore, experts recommend planting it closer to buildings and walls. They will serve not only as a support, but also as additional sources of heat.


Campsis is the champion in growth rate among all other climbing perennials. Literally in a couple of seasons, under proper conditions, its shoots stretch up to 3 m in length, completely braiding arbors and arches. It is resistant to adverse weather conditions, cold and at the same time has a modest but dignified beauty that pleases the eye. Kampsis on your site will grow "by itself", requiring little attention, except perhaps periodic watering. For the winter, the root system is covered.

The plant has beautiful flowers of an unusual shape, as a rule, orange color, without smell. Liana is sometimes called "aggressive" due to the fact that she gives abundant root growth, which is developing by leaps and bounds. This feature can be used for good. It is enough to plant campsis where nothing else grows (the farthest corners of the garden, unsightly buildings, etc.).

What to choose?

When choosing weaving flowers (photos and names of the most popular ones are presented above) for your garden, first of all compare the possibilities with the goals. If you want to get lush green carpet, decorated with flowers, in a short time, then resort to annual plants. They will literally braid a gazebo or fence before our eyes, at the same time hiding all the defects of the site. If you are planning to arrange a place to relax on a long period, then it makes sense to think about perennial climbing flowers. They will grow longer, but the annual question of what to plant this time will disappear.

Inclining to the choice of one or another option, you need to take into account some of the nuances in advance. So, climbing plants, such as campsis, do not require special support. They will perfectly climb on their own on the walls of stone or brick.

Clinging garden plants, such as sweet peas, are suitable for thin trellises or stretched wire, for which their thin tendrils will cling.

For leaning vines (wisteria, honeysuckle), you will need to build trellises or arches, pergolas. They cannot independently gain a foothold on a vertical surface, but they wrap it around it very tightly and tightly. Semi-lianas, in particular climbing roses, require not only supports, but also additional fastening and garters.

The design of garden areas is impossible without climbing plants, which are planted near fences, poles, lanterns, arrange "green arches" at the entrance to the garden or near gazebos. The range of crops for vertical gardening is very diverse, including perennial creepers and climbing annual plants. This article is all about agricultural technology, differences, decorative qualities climbing crops with descriptions and names. To help flower growers - a photo determinant of climbing plants.

Climbing plants for the garden are not only beautiful, they also perform a number of specific tasks:

  1. Zoning the territory of the garden into separate sections.
  2. Camouflage of outbuildings and fences.
  3. Installation of green awnings over playgrounds.

Wherever vertical gardening is used with decorative climbing and climbing plants, this section of the garden becomes unrecognizable, unusual and elegant.

Climbing plants will decorate the gazebo, fence or building on the site

The range of plants for the installation of green screens and canopies is very extensive - for vertical gardening, annual and perennial crops, and they, in turn, are divided into light-loving and shade-tolerant.

Advice. For planting in a site with a southern orientation, it is necessary to provide for the choice of those crops that tolerate strong sun, and plant certain plants in the shade.

Annual climbing plants: green garden canopy

Annual climbing plants are good because when sown with seeds, they quickly grow green mass, forming a dense canopy, bloom and form seeds in one season. Among the annual climbing plants can be distinguished:

  • Decorative flowering crops - this group of plants includes vines with large, decorative flowers, which already at the beginning of summer create a lace shadow and delight with their colors.
  • Fruiting vines - here you can include plants that, after flowering, form decorative fruits. Below we consider several crops that bear fruit on vine-like shoots.
  • Curly annuals for shade - this group should include those plants that are able to grow a significant green mass in one summer season in conditions of insufficient lighting. In the garden there are always shady areas that need to be covered with climbing plants.

Creepers with decorative flowers

Among the variety of climbing plants with decorative flowers, Ipomoea is worth noting. The plant is very unpretentious, reproduces well from seeds, including self-sowing. Ripened in a round box, large morning glory seeds are planted directly in the garden, where the plant will have to develop for the whole summer - morning glory is difficult to tolerate transplantation. The plant belongs to the Bindweed family, the genus includes more than 300 species of morning glory.

Ipomoea purpurea

Especially often in the gardens of amateurs you can find purple morning glory - an annual liana, reaches a height of up to 8 meters. The stem, heart-shaped leaves, pedicels have a gentle omission with a short pile. Flowers - delicate funnel-shaped gramophones different color(white, pink, red, blue, violet, two-tone with contrasting spots or border), the diameter of which varies from different varieties from 5 cm to 8 cm.

Ipomoea grows very fast maximum length, blooms early, and the decorativeness of this liana has long been appreciated by flower growers. Ipomoea can be found in almost every garden.

Another type of morning glory, which looks very decorative when creating a “blooming canopy” is quamoclit. This creeper has very thin, pinnate green foliage and an abundance of small, star-like flowers in white or red. Kvamoklit grows rapidly, while doing an excellent job of wrapping around some garden structures. Sometimes special spatial frames are installed in the garden, near which quamoclite seeds are planted, in a short time the plant tightly envelops the support, creating unique landscape figures. A scattering of decorative star-shaped flowers adds charm to unique flower beds.

Thunbergia winged

Ipomoea moonflowering (moonflower) in nature grows in the tropics South America. Powerful shoots quickly grow from seeds, reaching a height of up to 6 meters. Moonflower decorates the walls of buildings in a short time, rising to the 2nd floor. Ipomoea flowers of this species are much larger, the diameter of milky-white shining gramophones reaches up to 10 cm. The beginning of flowering is the end of July, the plant blooms continuously until the first autumn frosts. Pearly-delicate moonflower gramophones are open only in cloudy weather, as well as in the early morning or after sunset.

An amazing green bedspread with bright colors of yellow-orange hues catches the eye. It blooms winged tunbergia - a winding annual liana, which can reach up to 2.5 m in a short time. The leaves are green, heart-shaped, covered with sparse hard hairs. Tunbergia buds appear from the axils of the next leaves, it seems that the whole plant is strewn with yellow flowers.

The black eye located in the center gives decorativeness to simple flowers of tunbergia. Thunbergia variety " Black-eyed Susanna» includes orange, yellow and cream flowers with a bright contrast spot - in general, a very decorative carpet is obtained.

Advice. TO climbing annuals with beautiful flowers can be attributed to azarina, rhodochiton, kobe (sometimes grown in a two-year culture).

Fruiting annual vines for vertical gardening.

Ornamental pumpkins can be freely attributed to this group of plants. The culture is growing rapidly. Huge leaves cover fences, gazebos, wrap around pergolas and awnings. Pumpkin flowers do not differ in decorativeness, but already at the time of fruit set, the plant acquires an indescribable charm. During the maturation of pumpkins, when the fruits, painted with stripes and dots, hang from the stems, it is impossible to take your eyes off this bright Persian carpet.


Another culture that perfectly decorates vertical planes in the garden is momordica. The plant is characterized by rapid growth, sprouts well from seeds, decorates high walls. Momordica is a member of the Cucurbitaceae family. Planting requires fertile soil and special care, but the plant is worth it. When the fruits of momordica ripen, the vine is practically strewn with oblong orange fruits with bumpy skin (the entire surface of the fruit is covered with warty outgrowths). Momordica fruits and its seeds are used in folk medicine, they are prepared from the plant medications, lowering cholesterol levels, cleansing blood vessels. Medicines from momordica reduce the risk of strokes and heart attacks, prevent cancer.

Advice. Beans, beans, okra bear fruit on vertical supports.

perennial climbing plants

Among the perennials for vertical gardening, it is worth noting climbing roses, kampsis, parthenocissus, ivy, and hops.

It is difficult to compete with climbing roses in beauty - when a bush is strewn with fragrant flowers, it is impossible to look away from it. The height of roses ranges from 1.8 to 5 meters. Among the beauties there are varieties that bloom once at the beginning of summer, as well as remontant varieties - flowering occurs 2-3 times per season. Repair varieties continue to bloom single flowers even in between mass flowering. Roses have double or semi-double flowers, the diameter of which ranges from 4 to 8 cm. The color of the petals can be red, pink or white color in a wide range of tones and shades.

Clematis are amazing creepers with huge flowers (can be non-double or double) of all kinds of colors. Plants require close attention and careful care. Clematis do not tolerate bright sun, so for their planting it is worth choosing a shady place, completely protected from the wind. Support for plants is installed immediately upon planting, so it is important to immediately choose a suitable permanent place for clematis. The plant needs reliable drainage - the roots of clematis quickly get wet with excessive watering and the proximity of soil water.

Campsis grandiflora

Kampsis (tube flower, tekoma) is a powerful vine, the stem of which becomes thicker every year and becomes overgrown with bark. The bright green leaves of the kampsis form a dense tent, among which orange bell-shaped flowers hang in clusters. It grows to a considerable size, requires shelter for the winter in the central regions of Russia, in the southern regions it winters without shelter.

Ivy is the most shade-tolerant plant in vertical gardens. They decorate the walls of buildings facing the north side. Ivy can climb stone, and concrete surfaces without support - the plant clings to the ledges in the walls with special suction cups. Ivy is unpretentious, tolerates a haircut well.

Hops and parthenocissus become decorative closer to autumn - pale green seedlings appear on hop bushes, which look very decorative against the background of dark foliage. Girlish grapes at the end of summer are painted in crimson-pink tones, as if the artist had painted a green canvas with paints. Grapes and hops unpretentious plants, differ easy care when growing.

Types of climbing plants: video

Climbing plants for the garden: photo

Climbing plants for the garden

Each summer resident or owner of a private house seeks to decorate his site, create beautiful landscapes on it and cozy corners. Climbing plants for the garden will help in the shortest possible time to hide the flaws of the old fence or hide the nondescript wall of the building. The green screen attracts attention and delights, while the living plants fill the air with sweet aromas and create a wonderful place for relaxation and meditation.

What to choose for a summer residence: annuals or perennials

Curly flowers for the garden are conventionally divided into annuals and perennials. The former are characterized by rapid growth and long flowering. When choosing annuals for hedges, it is necessary to acquire those species that develop as quickly as possible, since they should show themselves in all their glory by the beginning or middle of summer.

Undoubtedly, annuals are able to decorate the desired space in the shortest possible time, but their main drawback is a short period of life. Such crops must be grown from scratch each year by seedlings or sowing in open soil.

Perennial vines easily endure winter and do not need such time-consuming care as annual ones. Their flowering period is shorter, but the main advantage is that the green hedge appears already in early spring with the first leaves.

annual climbing plants

The advantage of annuals is the possibility of annual replacement. If you like variety, annual climbing plants for the garden will allow you to constantly change appearance landscape, choose new colors and translate into reality various ideas and fantasies.

Ipomoea (lat. Ipomoea)

One of the fastest growing annuals. Ipomoea already in the first couple of months is able to grow vines, more than a meter long. This culture will quickly decorate any fence or gazebo.

Ipomoea is used to decorate not only vertical surfaces, but also horizontal ones. Without support, sprouts independently spread along the ground, braiding others. vertical plants and tree trunks. Ipomoea has beautiful large flowers that resemble a gramophone in shape. The most common colors are burgundy, purple, blue and pink. The buds open with the morning sun and close at noon.

The most unusual variety of this species is Ipomoea Kvamoklit. It is distinguished by unusual leaves resembling spruce twigs and bright small flowers in the shape of stars.

Kobeya (lat. Cobaea)

This vine has a long growing season, so it is recommended to grow seedlings in advance. The first flowers will appear only at the end of summer, if you sow the seeds in open ground, and when grown by seedlings, you can speed up the start of flowering by a couple of months.

large flowers in the form of bells have a pleasant cream, purple or pink hue. Kobei blooms for a long time - up to 4 months, so you can enjoy the beautiful view until the very frost.

Sweet peas (lat. Lathyrus odoratus)

The name speaks for itself - the plant has a pleasant sweet aroma. The color palette consists of many shades: from white to brown.

Buds growing in clusters bloom at the end of spring and delight the eye until the very frost. This culture is very popular, it is planted along fences and places for recreation, or grown in containers and planters on verandas and balconies.

Decorative perennial creepers for garden decoration

Perennial creepers for the garden are powerful plants with stiff shoots. They need a strong support and a garter of large and heavy branches. In addition to decorative flowering species also allocate fruit crops.

Decorative perennial creepers growing on the territory of Russia serve only as an ornament, and are used only for landscape decoration. The most popular of them:

  • Clematis;
  • climbing rose;
  • Ivy.

Clematis or clematis (lat. Clematis)

Clematis creepers grow up to 3 m in height, turning any hedge into an emerald screen. The duration of flowering is up to 3 months. Several hundred large flowers strew each vine, filling the air with delicate scents of jasmine and almond.

Even the most demanding gardener will be able to choose the color they like among white, pink, blue, red and purple hues. The flower itself is strewn with many stamens and pistils, which makes it terry.

Climbing rose (lat. Climbing rosa)

Cuttings of climbing roses are planted along a hedge, or any other building. Perennial vines quickly climb a vertical support and need to fix young shoots. Delicate buds bloom in June, and emerald greenery decorates the site until the frost.

Ivy (lat. Hedera)

The most unpretentious climbing perennial is ivy. It's unique evergreen able to independently climb any vertical surface.

Ivy does not need special threads or supports. Thanks to its roots growing along the entire length of the liana, it can easily and quickly decorate the wall of the house, or cover the ground with an emerald carpet.

Also, ivy is often grown in containers as an ampelous plant for decorating verandas and balconies. This culture does not need special care, and is a universal decoration of any building.

Do not forget to monitor the growth of ivy, limit its growth in the right direction, removing unnecessary vines. It is best to plant this crop in a limited space, for example, by equipping a low box-shaped fence. Otherwise, he will quickly wrap around neighboring plants, buildings and trees.

Fruit climbing vines

Perennial creepers for the garden can not only decorate, but also bear fruit. The most popular weaving species suitable for the territory of Russia:

  • Actinidia;
  • Honeysuckle;
  • Maiden grape.

Actinidia (lat. Actinidia)

This deciduous vine deserves special attention. Curly shoots reach 2-2.5 m in height. Actinidia fruits have a delicate berry aroma reminiscent of strawberries.

The most popular variety is Actinidia Kolomikta. In early summer, the plant is covered with a tent of white flowers. During the flowering period, the leaves change their color, creating a unique crimson picture. They can exhibit white, pink and yellow hues, turning purple in autumn.

A feature of this culture is that the plant is dioecious, so seedlings must be purchased for both female and male. It is recommended to plant 2 male plants for 5 female plants. It is worth remembering that such varieties of Actinidia as: Kolomikta, Polygama or Arguta are pollinated only by plants of their own species. It is possible to determine the sex only during the flowering period, therefore it is recommended to purchase planting material only in specialized stores and nurseries, and not on the market.

For planting, only young plants no older than 3 years are used, since older ones do not tolerate transplantation and do not take root well. It is recommended to choose south sides buildings and open areas. Actinidia does not tolerate neighborhood with orchard, the plant needs a free area a few meters from the nearest crops.

Honeysuckle (lat. Lonicera)

This variety of perennial vines is striking in its flowering. Although this period is only 3 weeks, the spectacle is unforgettable. Huge clusters of flowers almost completely cover the greenery, and the plant turns into a fragrant cloud of aromas. Honeysuckle fruits are both decorative and edible.

The most favorite variety among gardeners is Honeysuckle. Flowering falls at the beginning of summer, pale yellow, white and pink flowers have a unique aroma.

Honeysuckle Brown, differs in that it is evergreen and does not shed its leaves for the winter.

The Telman variety is characterized by rapid growth. Culture in the shortest possible time can reach 6 m in length. It easily climbs vertical supports and creates a dense green hedge.

Maiden grapes (lat. Parthenocissus)

This culture produces inedible fruits, it is used only to decorate the site, therefore it is called ornamental, although it is classified as a fruit perennial.

For the reader's reference

The name "maiden" grapes was due to the fact that the flowers do not need pollination, such a "immaculate conception" was called "virgin".


When choosing climbing flowers for your garden, you need to consider the care needs of the crops and the area. Giving preference to annual flowering vines, you will have to spend a lot of time and effort, but as a reward you will receive a unique fragrant flower garden. Perennial curly ones do not need special care. They are a dense green hedge with early spring until late autumn, and serve as decoration for any buildings and structures on the site.

The indoor bindweed flower is a genus of 200 representatives of flowering plants of the bindweed family with a wide distribution throughout the world. It winds along the ground and the fence, and indeed on any things that meet on its way, the flower is a funnel-shaped formation of petals. You can use the flower for the most exquisite interiors as a green decoration and shading of large-flowered representatives of the flora. It has arrow-shaped medium green leaves, pink flowers and strong roots. The article talks about how to grow a plant at home. indoor bindweed pictured in various variations:

Bindweed flower in the photo

These are annual or perennial herbaceous vines, shoots and woody shrubs of which can reach up to 3 meters in height. The leaves are spirally arranged, the flowers are trumpet-shaped, mostly white and pink, but some varieties also have blue, purple, purple and yellow petals. Look at the bindweed flower in the photo, which shows a variety of varieties and species:

Bindweed propagates through seeds and roots. Seeds obtained from a flower box retain their germination capacity up to 30 years in the soil and 2-3 years in open form. In open soil, it most often grows as a weed, so to get rid of it, you need to thoroughly clean all the roots of plants. Even a small particle of it is enough to grow a small family.

Indoor and home flowers bindweed

As ornamental plant only two subspecies are used. These are indoor and home flowers of bindweed, allowing you to elegantly decorate apartments and offices. Convolvulus tricolor or Bindweed tricolor or small - is short to medium term with single flower on a long stem. This flowering plant is native to the Mediterranean Basin and is especially common in the south, but is sometimes seen in other areas with similar climates. In Spain, it can be found in the Balearic Islands and Andalusia, especially in the Costa del Sol.

The indoor flower consists of three funnel-shaped flowers three centimeters wide with a blue, white and yellow center. This subspecies is distributed naturally in cultivated lands, dry open habitats, sandy places and near roads. Usually the tricolor is grown for ornamental purposes. Includes the varieties Red Banner and Blue Ensign. In landscape design, it is used in discounts and mixborders, and at home it is most often grown in pots on the balcony. As we have already said, all varieties of bindweed grow very quickly, so it is very convenient to use it as a ground cover.

The shoots of the plant reach half a meter in height. The flowering period is from July to August, but its flowers are short-lived. After one day, it falls off, but a new one immediately forms in its place. In the flowers there are boxes with seeds 3 mm in diameter each. Second decorative look- this is Convolvulus sabatius or Mauritanian (or Sabat) bindweed. It is a species of flowering plant in the bindweed family. It comes from Italy and North Africa, it is quite often grown on purpose. This woody trailing plant reaches 20 centimeters in height and has slightly drooping leaves. The shade of the flower can vary from delicate blue to deep purple. Quite often, it occurs with a lighter center 2-2.5 centimeters in diameter.

This species is often sold under the synonym Convolvulus mauritanicus. Although the plant is perennial, it is better to care for it as an annual in a colder climate. It will be very convenient for plants grown on the windowsill and in balcony boxes. The flower prefers sunny places with a good drainage layer. Timely pruning provides new growth and more lush and bright bloom. The flowering period of the bindweed is from July to September, and the bindweed of this species blooms quite abundantly. The flower is unpretentious and does not require careful care from you, which is why it is so loved to be grown on balconies as an ampelous plant. In combination with other colors, it creates a unique look for your balcony.

Growing indoors

As we have already said, bindweeds are unpretentious and can grow even on poor soil, but it is only desirable that it be a sunny place. Growing indoors can begin with planting seeds or layering. In late April - early May, seeds can be planted directly on open ground, and if you want to prepare seedlings, then this is best done in March. For this, in a container with pre-prepared soil, or better in peat pots. It is necessary to plant only after the threat of frost has finally passed so that the plant does not die in cold weather (some species are thermophilic). It is very important to water the bushes on time, because with a lack of moisture, they immediately throw off their buds. During growth and development, it is necessary to regularly feed bindweeds with potash and phosphorus fertilizers - 1 time in 2 weeks will be enough. Can also be used nitrogen fertilizers for better foliage growth, but this will be at the expense of flowering. If you have chosen a bindweed liana, then you also need to install a support for the trunk.

On window sills and balconies, bindweeds are planted on the south and southeast side in boxes with a sufficient amount of land. With timely watering and sufficient feeding, the plant develops very quickly and blooms profusely from mid-summer to early autumn.
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