A garden flower that blooms in early spring. First flowers of spring

A short review

When the snow begins to melt in the fields and forests, the time for the first spring flowers comes. We call them by the general word "primroses". Many of them bloom in some European latitudes as early as February - even in places where snow is now rarely seen :) They are also interesting to us because they can also be found in the wild in our cultivated vegetable gardens. To help summer residents I will show you a few photos.

Primroses - this is the name of a whole family of plants, the representative of which is Common primrose, or common primrose (lat. Primula vulgaris).

Another primrose:

Spring primrose, or medicinal primrose, or true primrose, or spring primrose (lat. Prímula veris). Photo: Wikipedia

In some regions, any first spring flowers are called "snowdrops", but according to botanical nomenclature, a "correct" snowdrop looks like this:

Snowdrop, or Galanthus (lat. Galánthus). There are several species of this plant that are poisonous. In the photo - Galanthus nivalis. Photo: Wikipedia

Chionodoxa is one of the first to bloom, which is sometimes confused with Siberian scilla.

Chionodoxa; Snowman; Snow beauty. Photo: www.weerkust.ru

Siberian blueberry (lat. Scilla siberica). Photo: Wikipedia

In some regions, scilla is called liverwort.

Noble liverwort (Hepatica nobilis), or coppice. Poisonous plant. The white flowers next to it are the oak anemone (lat. Anemone nemorosa). When working with it, you also need to be careful, as with all ranunculaceae.

And this is another anemone.

Anemone ranunculoides, or Anemone ranunculoides. Poisonous plant!

It is sometimes confused with another plant from the same family, called spring flower, but if you look closely, the differences are visible to the naked eye.

Winter Erantis, or Wintering Vesennik, Eranthis hyemalis (see also title photo)

It's bloomed lungwort (Pulmonaria).

And this is blooming Corydalis (lat.Corýdalis).

This is what it looks like in bloom:

Corydalis are also considered poisonous. Photo: www.vespabellicosus2008.narod.ru

Goose onion (lat. Gagea)

Common coltsfoot (lat.Tussilago farfara). The leaves of this plant appear later than the flowers. Photo: www.vespabellicosus2008.narod.ru

In the wild you can find both crocus and muscari (mouse hyacinth).

Crocus (lat. Crocus)

Viper onion, or Mouse hyacinth, or Muscari (lat. Muscári). Photo: Wikipedia

Shot (lat. Pulsatilla) blooms later, in some regions it is called "sleep grass". Common lumbago is a poisonous plant.

Beautiful flower carpets are created by different types of tenacious and clarets, which also bloom a little later than the very first flowers.

Creeping tenacious (Ajuga reptans L.), or oak tree. Photo: www.files.school-collection.edu.ru

Purple lily (lat.Lamium purpureum). A yellow flower next to her - clean guy, which is sometimes confused with marigold.

Spring clear, or spring buttercup (lat. Ficaria verna).

And the marigold looks like this and is very, very rare in our gardens:

Marsh marigold (lat.Caltha palustris). It has only 5 petals; poisonous plant. Photo: Wikipedia

Well, just in case :) Plants that in some latitudes can bloom in January.

Veronica oak (lat. Veronica chamaedrys)

Perennial daisy (lat. Bellis perénnis)

Budra ivy, Budra creeping, (lat. Glechóma hederácea); sometimes called dognip or catnip. The plant has a pleasant aroma, but is also considered poisonous.

I won’t show you the dandelion, everyone seems to know it :) Instead I’ll show you the beautiful violet.

Fragrant violet (lat. Viola odorata). The most fragrant primrose! In some reference books it is considered a conditionally poisonous plant. *

* “In modern literature, those plants that produce toxic substances (phytotoxins), even in small quantities, causing death and damage to the human body and animals are considered poisonous. However, this definition contains a certain measure of convention.” (B.N. Orlov, D.B. Gelashvili, A.K. Ibragimov. Poisonous animals and plants of the USSR). Most researchers divide such plants into highly poisonous, poisonous and conditionally poisonous.

The first long-awaited spring flowers appear in thawed snow patches. In the summer, when there are so many bright colors around, you would hardly pay much attention to them. But after a long winter, even a tiny bud of coltsfoot, grown on bare ground, makes us happy. There are many primroses that can decorate our site. Among them there are some that are still too early to be considered popular.

Adonis spring, or Spring adonis (Adonis vernalis). This perennial (150 years or more!!!) early flowering herbaceous plant of the Ranunculaceae family was known as a medicinal plant back in the 16th century. They were treated for heart disease. Blooms in April - May for 2 - 3 weeks. Adonis, whose flowers light up when exposed to sunlight, is considered a difficult crop to grow by amateur gardeners. Popular names (“yellow flower”, “golden flower”) contain a hint of the color of the flower. In cloudy weather and at night, the flowers close. When growing on the site, it is worth paying attention to the fact that adonis in nature grows better on black earth soils. It is advisable to add a small amount of lime. The place should be well lit; shading can destroy the adonis. Reproduction is difficult due to the low germination rate of seeds (up to 30%), which have an underdeveloped embryo. They need to be sown within one year. Dividing the rhizome is not the best method of propagation, since Adonis may not take root after this. There are several varieties of spring adonis, even with white flowers.

Or anemones (Anemona). Some species of this plant of the Ranunculaceae family replenish the number of primroses. Among them anemone Radde (Anemone raddeana), which grows naturally in the Far East. Mass flowering in April - May for two weeks. The maximum height of the peduncle is 25 cm, usually 10 - 15 cm. The flower with white “petals” has a diameter of about 4 cm. The most popular species is the oak anemone (Anemone nemorosa), which grows in the forests of the middle zone and blooms from the beginning of May. Oak anemone loves loose soil. There is a terry variety “Vestal”, which blooms later, towards the middle - end of May.

Spring whiteflower (Leucojum vernum) like the snowdrop belongs to the Amaryllidaceae family. This bulbous perennial blooms very early, appearing in thawed areas. The flowers are white, the edges of the petals are corrugated, and there is a yellow or greenish spot on the petals. A peduncle up to 20 cm high can hold not one, but two flowers. Leaves appear towards the end of flowering. The plant grows quickly (especially in the partial shade of trees), forming bouquets of blooming primroses on moist, nutritious soil. Grows well in low areas. Avoids acidified soils, grows better in nutritious soil mixture. Propagated by freshly collected seeds (flowering will have to wait until 6 - 7 years) and by children (dry out quickly). Nests of bulbs need to be replanted after 5 - 6 years. In summer, white flower plantings must be watered.

Bulbocodium spring, or spring brandushka (Bulbocodium vernum). This perennial stemless corm plant (from the Mediterranean, the southern part of Eastern Europe, southern Ukraine) is only 7 - 8 cm high and has pinkish-lilac flowers. They appear in April - May, flowering lasts about three weeks. Narrow, green leaves with a bluish tint, which grow up to 25 cm long, turn yellow and die by mid-summer. Prefers sunny places, fertile soils. Reproduction by seeds (blooms in 6-7 years) and corms.

(Iridodictyum). A miniature bulbous perennial iris belonging to the Iris family. Flowers appear in April - May. In some species they are aromatic. All types and varieties are decorative, perfect for rockeries and flower beds, where the bulbs are planted on the south side. The color of the flowers is different. This bulbous plant is winter-hardy; most species overwinter without cover. The light-loving plant tolerates partial shading. On fertile soils (neutral) a whole nest of bulbs is formed in three years. Does not tolerate prolonged waterlogging and planting in damp places. The bulbs are left without replanting for 4 - 5 (up to 8) years. In the flower departments of stores you can buy bags of iridodictium bulbs of one color or a mixture. Until planting in the second half of September, store at a temperature of about 18 - 20°C. Seed propagation is often used for breeding purposes.

Bulbous snowdrop iris

Marsh marigold (Caltha palusrtis). The name of this plant confirms its craving for damp places: “kaluzha” = “puddle, swamp.” One of the popular names for marigold is “paddling pool.” You can see marigold near water bodies and in damp meadows throughout most of Russia, when its bright yellow simple flowers bloom from the end of April. There is a garden form with white-yellow flowers and with golden-yellow double flowers. Flowering lasts about 20 days. After flowering ends, the leaves grow. All parts of marigold are slightly poisonous. The marigold appeared on our site on its own. Not only near the decorative pool, but also under... blackberries. This golden flowered plant looks wonderful in spring. Later it dissolves in the greenery of other plants.

Kandyk (Erythronium). This interesting plant, called "dog's fang" for the color and shape of the bulb, grows in forest edges, meadows and in damp but light forests. Some species are grown by amateur gardeners on their plots. This is, first of all, hybrid erythronium, which blooms in April. Flowering does not last long, no more than two weeks. There are varieties with bright crimson flowers, lilac-pink, white, etc. Their central part has a contrasting color. American erythronium, whitish erythronium and some other species (Siberian kandyk, Caucasian kandyk) are also grown with slight shading on light soils with an acidic reaction. The bulbs are planted and replanted in the second half of July - in August. Protect them from drying out. Kandyk grows without transplanting for up to 6 years, during which time it forms a beautiful clump. Kandyk is not replanted in spring!

Spring crocuses

Merendera three-columnar (Merendera trigyna). This is a very beautiful corm plant, 5-12 cm high. Blooming in April (at the same time as crocuses), it is rarely found in our areas. One of the problems is poor reproduction. Merendera is a cold-resistant crop. Neither spring frosts nor snowfalls kill it. The flowers are pink, appearing later than expected - whitish. The diameter of each flower is from 3 to 5 cm. Another species blooms in early spring, Merendera Radde (Merendera raddeana). Its light purple-pink flowers resemble those of crocuses. Merenderu is most often propagated by seeds (autumn sowing), which bloom in 3-4 years.

Hellebore (Helleborus). This plant of the Ranunculaceae family is called “Christ’s Rose” in Europe. A rhizomatous perennial with evergreen leaves blooms in April - May. The color of the flowers is white, yellowish with a green tint, burgundy, peach, dark reddish, etc. Hellebore is grown in partial shade. Water moderately, do not plant in damp places or where melt water stagnates for a long time. High frost resistance. Hellebores reproduce by division, less commonly by seeds. Be careful, the plant is poisonous.

(Muscari). This unpretentious perennial bulbous primrose is known to many as “mouse hyacinth” or “viper onion”. Most likely due to the musky appearance and odor of some species. There are several dozen species in the genus. Not all of them can be cultivated in Russia. Muscari is especially good at a young age, until the elongated peduncles fall under the weight of the inflorescences. Flowers (collected in spike-shaped inflorescences) of different shades of blue are more common. In our areas, Armenian (Colchian) muscari usually blooms with bright blue flowers and white “teeth.” There are varieties with white, purple and dark blue inflorescences. The inflorescences with smooth transitions of different shades of color are incredibly decorative. Flowering (late April - May) lasts 3 - 4 weeks. The seeds form the lower tiers of inflorescences, which usually consist of 40 or more flowers. A very interesting late-flowering variety “Blue Spike” has inflorescences with up to 170 flowers!!! It is decorative for 20 - 22 days. “Terry” varieties do not set seeds; they need to be propagated only by children. Other species are also popular, for example, muscari grapevine. It is worth considering the heat-loving nature of some species (muscari latifolia). Nests of bulbs are planted every five years. When sowing flowering seeds, you have to wait about three years.

Daffodils. Early varieties of daffodils bloom in late April - early May.

(Hepatica). This charming perennial plant blooms in the Moscow region in the second half of April. In nature, it can be seen on slopes and other dry places freed from snow. Our liverwort has settled among the stones on an alpine hill. Delicate blue, light blue, whitish, pink and violet-blue single and double flowers are visible from afar. The bright yellow stamens are clearly visible on them. The liverwort settles into the area and begins to grow weeds. You can read about the liverwort in the article.

Or galanthus (Galanthus). Primrose belongs to the Amaryllis family. More often they are planted in areas snowdrop white (Galanthus nivalis) or another type, Elwes snowdrop (Galanthus Elwesii) and its hybrids. This bulbous plant may not bloom for the first couple of years as it gets used to its new location. After this, galanthus will invariably bloom in those places where snow lay yesterday. There are no worries with this primrose. It can remain in one place without transplanting for 5 - 6 years. They say that a long, frosty winter prolongs the flowering period of galanthus. After flowering ends, the leaves gradually die off. A detailed description of the snowdrop and its care is in the article.

Snowdrop (galanthus)

Or Scylla (Scilla). The earliest of the woodlings - scylla bifolia (Scilla bifolia) with pink, blue and white flowers. Flowers appear soon scylla sibirica (Scilla sibirica) with blue or white flowers. At the same time, the blue and white blossoms Scylla Tubergena (Scilla tubergeniana) and grandiflora Scylla Rosen (Scilla Rosenii). Scillas often become weeds because their seeds are taken away by ants. Scilla grows well in semi-shaded places.

Pushkinia (Puschkinia) in the Moscow region blooms early, soon after the snow melts (April - early May). Flowering lasts 3 - 4 weeks. Inflorescences are racemose. Pushkinia is sometimes confused with scilla. These unpretentious small-bulbous plants grow best in sunny places on well-cultivated soils. Two types are cultivated: Pushkinia proleskovidae(pale blue flowers, blooms from May) and Pushkinia hyacinth(with pale blue, almost whitish flowers with a bright blue stripe, peduncle height up to 15 cm). They reproduce by bulbs (in autumn) and seeds.

Pushkinia next to the liverwort

Chionodoxa (Chionodoxa). A miniature, early-blooming bulbous plant in the Liliaceae family, it is sometimes called the “snowman.” Chionodoxa Lucilia blooms in April-May, flowering lasts about 20 days. The flowers are blue-blue and have a white spot in the throat. They are collected in brushes of 5 - 10 pieces. There are forms with white and pink flowers. This unpretentious plant is very winter-hardy.

You can see photos of the first spring flowers.

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Spring flowers are a delight. They stand out brightly in the black and white landscape of sleeping nature, striking with the tenderness and fragility of their petals. To bloom so early, primroses accumulate all the necessary substances in the fall. Snow cover and low temperatures cause them to hibernate. As soon as it gets warmer and the snow begins to melt, the flowers awaken. In the garden, it is imperative to arrange a prefabricated spring flowerbed of primroses. The brightness and variety of their colors amazes the imagination.

Spring flowers are amazing

The first spring flower blooms at the end of winter or at the very beginning of spring. This is an ornamental plant loved by many gardeners. When closed, its flower resembles a droplet or an earring.

There are more than 20 species of snowdrop. Most of them do not have a pleasant smell. In modern gardening, white snowdrop is widespread. Its different varieties differ in the size and shape of the flower.

Primroses look best in the garden in groups of 10-20 plants. Single flowers do not look so impressive. Immediately after a short flowering, snowdrops quickly fade, without leaving withered foliage and without impairing the decorative qualities of the flower garden.

Galanthus are unpretentious and resistant to adverse weather conditions. They can grow quickly, filling the free space in the forest or on the site.

Snowdrops should be planted from mid-June to November, when the bulbs are dormant. It is better to select open areas for them. Snowdrops do not like heavy soils and excess moisture.

Tender woods

Delicate miniature scillas (they can be called scyllas), appearing in early spring, are known to many. There are about 90 species of this plant. In the European part of Russia, two types of woodles are most often found - Siberian and two-leaved. They are often called blue snowdrops. The woodlands grow so close to each other that from afar they resemble a blue carpet. The earliest species appear on the surface of the earth in late February - early March.

Numerous varieties of scilla are bred mainly from Scylla Sibirica. Varietal plants have different flower colors. Scilla Mishchenko blooms in spring with white bells with a bluish tint and a blue vein. Scilla Socialis is covered with small purple-green flowers. The Peruvian Scilla has flowers that look like stars and are collected in rounded clusters. They are painted dark blue with a bluish tint.

Spanish scilla is often grown in the garden. She covers the area with a blue or purple carpet from April to May. Sometimes there are pink and white flowers shaped like bells. The height of the flowering plant can reach 40-50 cm.

Scilla are unpretentious. They are easily propagated by bulbs and seeds. It is enough to plant a group of primroses in a sunny area once to enjoy their flowering for many years without much hassle.

Primroses (video)

Magnificent crocuses

The incredible beauty of crocuses is mesmerizing. There are about 80 types of these stunning flowers. Their petals differ in shape and shades. There are single-color crocuses (snow-white, violet, lilac, lilac, blue and creamy yellow) and two-colored.

The plants reach a height of 8-15 cm. Gardeners successfully grow both wild flowers and artificially bred varieties and hybrids on their plots. Flowers of some varieties may have both blue and yellow petals.

Early flowers are divided into botanical and large-flowered. Botanical plants appear immediately after the snow melts, from late February to early April, depending on the region and weather. They rarely grow above 10 cm and are distinguished by small buds. It is better to plant them in groups of several copies. The most popular botanical varieties include: Blue pearl, Cream Beauty and Prins Claus.

Blue pearl's early spring flowers are blue and white in color, reminiscent of pearls. They appear very early. Cream Beauty's flowers are painted in an unusual cream color. Their stigmas are orange. Prins Claus crocuses are considered the most beautiful representatives of the species. They have white petals with a bright purple center.

Large-flowered crocuses bloom 7-10 days after botanical, approximately in mid-April. The most famous varieties of Dutch crocuses were obtained by crossing large-flowered species. Most often, gardeners plant the following varieties: Jeanna D'Ark, Pickwick, FlowerRecord.

Crocus Jeanna D'Ark is recognized by florists as the best. On its snow-white petals there are barely visible light lilac strokes, which become dark purple closer to the base. The large Pickwick flower has unusual lavender veins on its petals. The FlowerRecord variety will surprise you with the rich purple hue of its massive flower. Ideal for decorating rock gardens.

It is better to plant the first spring flowers in sunny and well-warmed areas. In the shade, the buds may not open. Almost all types of crocuses do not like acidic soils. Planting and transplanting of bulbs is carried out from June to August. Corms should be stored at a temperature of 17-20 °C. They are planted before winter.

Gallery: spring flowers for the garden (25 photos)

Bright liverwort

In the European part of Russia, already in early April you can find the noble liverwort with azure-bluish or pink flowers. Its relative, the Asian liverwort, grows in the Far East. The squat perennial blooms from April to May with white, pink or purple flowers.

Gardeners often plant liverworts in their gardens. Primroses appear even before the snow melts. They bloom luxuriantly for 6 weeks and delight with the rich color of the petals. After flowering ends, leaves begin to grow. Therefore, instead of a bright carpet, a green lawn appears on the flowerbed.

There are about 10 species of liverworts, which gave rise to different varieties. Among them there are exotic specimens. Transylvanian liverwort has rounded leaves with bifurcated tips. It has large flowers of blue or purple color. Transylvanian liverwort blooms from late March to May.

Japan is actively developing new varieties of liverwort. Japanese varieties are distinguished by a variety of leaf and petal shapes, as well as varying degrees of terry and many shades.

Since liverworts grow in the forest, it is better for them to choose an area with moisture-absorbing soil in partial shade. Plants can be planted in spring or autumn. To create conditions close to natural for the flower, the soil must be mulched with fallen oak leaves, wood chips or spruce bark.

Beauty primrose

Primrose is one of the most beloved primroses among gardeners. The origin of its second name (keys) is associated with an ancient legend. The peoples of northern Europe believed that the keys with which the goddess Freya opens spring are shaped like primrose flowers.

The plant's habitat covers Europe, Asia Minor, the Urals, the Caucasus and Iran. More than 500 species of primrose are known. Primrose loves damp and sunny places. It grows in meadows near streams, rivers and lakes. But on a personal plot it is better to choose a place in the shade of fruit trees and shrubs. Primrose loves well-drained, loose and moisture-absorbing soils.

Tall primrose is unpretentious and resistant to bad weather conditions. It blooms in April and blooms for 1.5 months. On a peduncle reaching a height of 30 cm, there are light yellow flowers with a diameter of 1.5-2 cm.

Many varieties and hybrids have been bred from high primrose. Primrose flowers of the Alba variety will surprise you with their snow-white color and yellow throat. Primrose Colossea has crimson petals with a yellow throat. Dark blue coloring and a yellow throat characterize the flowers of the Cerulea variety.

Primrose fine-toothed has a spherical inflorescence. It rises on a long thick peduncle reaching a height of 70 cm. Even a young rosette of leaves with recently appeared buds looks elegant. Primula fine-toothed blooms in April and pleases with flowering for 30-45 days.

Plant seeds are planted in boxes immediately after collection. Seedlings are planted in open ground in spring or autumn in the second year of life.

Spring primroses (video)

Fragrant May lily of the valley

Delicate snow-white bells look touching and delight with a delicate aroma. The plant is widespread in the wild. Its range covers almost all of Europe. Lily of the valley is found in the Far East and North America. It blooms in May.

Many gardeners willingly plant a wild plant in their garden after digging it up in the forest. However, there are interesting decorative varieties of lily of the valley.

The Albostriata variety looks unusual due to the thin light longitudinal stripes on the foliage. White flowers are almost no different from wild ones. The Flore Plena variety has regular leaves and double bells. From a distance, the blooming lily of the valley of the Flore Plena variety resembles foam. Flowers of the Rosea variety have a light lilac-pink hue.

Forest primroses prefer shady corners of the garden and well-moistened soil. They should be planted between September and October. Part of the rhizome of an adult plant with bud rudiments is transplanted. When planting, you need to make sure that the root does not bend. All sprouts need to be sprinkled with soil.

Adonis spring

There is an opinion that the plant was named in honor of the ancient Greek god Adonis. Bright yellow flowers appear on the surface of the earth in the first sunny days of spring. Primrose grows on the outskirts of sparse birch forests and steppe slopes of the European part of Russia, Western Siberia and Crimea. It can often be found on the mixed-grass steppes of Donbass.

Every year the plant grows by several shoots, which are crowned with a single flower. The inflorescences of Adonis spring are a simple or slightly terry basket with glossy petals. It has lush, feathery foliage covering the stem from root to flower. Adonis vernatum has been a popular ornamental plant in gardens and parks since the end of the 17th century.

The most popular are the fluffy and Amur species. Adonis fluffy begins to bloom in May. Its flowers are bright or pale yellow. The height of the plant reaches 30 cm. Adonis Amur enters the flowering period earlier. The first buds may appear in April. Large flowers of a bright yellow hue reach a diameter of 5 cm. The Amur Adonis gave rise to many varieties.

The Benten variety blooms with snow-white flowers with a fringed edge. The densely double flowers of Adonis variety Pleniflora have a greenish-yellow hue. If you plant the Ramosa variety, it will bloom with stunningly beautiful double flowers of red-brown color.

Spring Adonis loves well-lit places and light, fertile soil. It can be planted in flower beds, filling small areas between groups of plants. Adonis grows well in crowded conditions and easily tolerates short-term drought. Sowing of seeds is carried out in April or May after stratification. Plants bloom 3 or 4 years after planting.

The humble violet

For its delicate beauty and exquisite aroma, violets are loved and appreciated by many peoples of the world. Low-growing plants have been planted in the garden since ancient times. Their height does not exceed 10-15 cm. There are about 450 plant species.

As soon as the snow melts, the fragrant violet begins to bloom. It fills the garden with a subtle aroma. Its flowers are dark purple. From the beginning of April to the end of May, the marsh violet will delight you with its flowering. It has no scent, and the petals are colored a pleasant mauve, dark purple or white. The lower petal has dark purple veins.

Spring primroses love shaded areas of the garden. They can be planted even in deep shade. Violets need slightly acidic, light-composition soil. Planting should begin in early March.

Attention, TODAY only!

After a cold winter, the first shoots that appear from under the snow cover bring special joy. The main place in the spring garden is occupied by early flowering species. The bright colors of spring flowers attract insects, and even on cloudy days they enliven the landscape.

All primroses are divided into several groups depending on their morphological characteristics. There are biennial and perennial plants, as well as rhizomatous, herbaceous, bulbous and corm spring-flowering plants.

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    Their peculiarity is that flowers grow from succulent storage plant organs - bulbs. The list of bulbous plants is very diverse. It includes both miniature species (scilla) and powerful plants about 1 meter tall (hazel grouse).

    Modern ornamental gardening cannot do without representatives of this class. Both wild subspecies and varieties bred relatively recently are popular.

    Spring whiteflower (Leucojum)

    A low (15-20 cm) delicate plant, with colors and belt-shaped leaves reminiscent of a snowdrop. The flowers are bell-shaped, white with greenish markings at the tip of each of the 6 petals.


    Blooms in April, loves semi-shaded places. The bulbs have a short period of rest, after which fresh roots begin to form. Therefore, it is best to plant white flowers after the leaves turn yellow. It also reproduces well by seeds, which are spread throughout the area by ants.

    Galanthus, snowdrop

    Snowdrops - translated from English this name means “snow droplets”. Famous and beloved by everyone, one of the first to please the eye in spring. If a beauty connoisseur finds a secluded shady corner for it in the garden, galanthus will thank you for this by regularly flowering from snow thawed patches.


    The most commonly found plant in gardens is the common snowdrop (Galanthus nivalis). In addition to the species form, several interesting varieties are grown:

    • Flore Pleno - with terry crown;
    • Sandhill Gate has 6 slightly bluish petals of equal length;
    • Viridapice with a clear green heart-shaped pattern on the three inner petals and a more diffuse one on the outer ones;
    • Snow White Gnome - according to the name, it is really snow-white miniature (up to 5 cm tall).

    Due to the poaching of vast areas of the plant, it was listed in the Red Book.

    Oriental hyacinth (Hyacinthus orientalis)

    This series of primroses is famous not only for its colorful blooms and outstanding aroma. All varieties of hyacinths are easier to grow in pots than all bulbous crops. If desired, it is possible to grow a blooming ear of hyacinth even for the New Year holidays. In open ground it blooms in April, after snowdrops.

    The most popular varieties:

    • L "Innocence (from French "innocence") - snow-white;
    • Ann Marie - soft pink;
    • Pink Pearl (“pink pearl”) - pink with a darker stripe;
    • Ostara has a blue-violet hue;
    • Miosotis - pale blue;
    • Jan Bos - raspberry.

    Iridodictium, reticulate iris (Iridodictyum)

    One can rightfully call it a spring miracle. As soon as the snow has melted, its unusual small irises with a speckled beard appear from the ground. They bloom for only a few days, but so colorfully that the flowerbed comes to life, attracting the first awakened insects. After flowering, thin leaves appear like sharp skewers. This mini-iris prefers sunny places.

    Iris reticulum

    Some of the most notable representatives of the species include:

    • Cantab - soft blue;
    • Harmony - blue;
    • Edward - blue-violet;
    • J. S. Dijt - purple-violet;
    • Pauline - bright blue.

    No less popular is the Dunford iris with bright lemon flowers, which is earlier and more compact (up to 10 cm).

    Muscari, mouse hyacinth (Muscari)

    Flowering begins in the second half of spring. Belongs to a completely different species compared to hyacinth. Only the shape of the inflorescence is similar. Small tubular flowers sit tightly together on the stem, giving the impression that this is not a flowering plant, but a miniature bunch of grapes.

    Interesting varieties:

    • Fantasy Creation - blue-green;
    • Christmas Pearl - purple;
    • Blue Spike is a multi-flowered double silver-blue.


    Due to the diversity of species and varieties, the flowering of this crop is extended: it begins in March and continues until the late May tulips bloom.

    Narcissus split-crown

    Main groups:

    1. 1. Tubular. Combines plants with flowers that have a long crown - a tube. For example, Arctic Gold, Brighton, Las Vegas, Little Gem, Foresight.
    2. 2. Large crowns with a wide large crown: Ice Follies, Armada, Velasques, Daydream.
    3. 3. Small crowns: Amor, Barrett Browning, Rockall, Sabine Hay.
    4. 4. Terry represents the most diverse range of flower shapes: only the crown can be double, or many wide petals are folded into one large flower. There are also multi-flowered double daffodils. Representatives of double daffodils: Ice King, Acropolis, Bridal Crown, Double Fashion, Rip van Winkle.
    5. 5. Triandrusaceae. The earliest group with small flowers arranged 2-6 per stem. Perianth petals are bent, the crown is medium-sized: Ice Wings, Thalia.
    6. 6. Cyclamenoides also have petals bent back, but their tube is narrow and long. Early dwarf group: Wisley, Jumblie, Tete-a-Tete.
    7. 7. Jonquil daffodils bloom mostly late compared to other groups. They bear several small flowers on peduncles: Baby Moon, Bell Song, Sweetness, Hillstar
    8. 8. Tatset. Round flowers with a short crown, 4-8 per stem: Grand Soleil d'Or, Orange Wonder, Scarlet Gem.
    9. 9. Poetic. Late (May flowering): Actaea, Sarchedon.
    10. 10. Narcissus Brandushka - bright yellow, has a large long crown surrounded by small sharp petals.
    11. 11. Split-crown. The crown is large, strongly cut. The most popular group. Some varieties: Dolly Mollinger, Cassata, Orangery, Tricollet, Pink Wonder.

    Species daffodils have found application in gardens with natural landscapes. Small and unpretentious, they grow, forming blooming pictures.

    Scilla, Scilla

    One of the first to emerge from under the snow. The species received its Russian name due to its tendency to grow on forest edges. Small blue flowers still peek out from under the snow.


    The genus includes about 90 species. In temperate and cold climates, some of them have become widespread:

    • Siberian, also has white flowers.
    • Bifolia and its subspecies with white, pink, soft and dark blue corolla colors.
    • Lucilia, formerly called Chionodoxa, includes varieties of several tones.

    Prefers sunny or semi-shaded areas.


    A small plant resembling blueberries. There are mainly 2 species grown in gardens - scilla and hyacinth. The first of them blooms in March, the second - after about 2 months.

    A distinctive feature of Pushkinia is its small pale blue flowers with a dark blue stripe in the center of the petals.


    Hazel grouse, fritillaria (Fritillaria)

    A rather unusual plant that blooms in mid-spring. The name is due to the color of the bell-shaped flower of some species: they can be checkered or painted, variegated, “pockmarked”. Of the many varieties used in ornamental gardening:

    1. 1. Checkerboard - a low plant (up to 35 cm) with single flowers of white, reddish and purple tones, often with a checkerboard pattern. Flowering - late March - early April.
    2. 2. Imperial (“royal crown”) - a powerful (up to 1 m) stem bears several large (6 cm) orange or yellow flowers, located at the same height under the top - a tuft of bright green leaves.

    It is important to provide the hazel grouse with good drainage and fertilizing for stable flowering.

    Imperial hazel grouse

    Tulip (Tulipa)

    The most famous bulbous plant allows you to admire the flowering from the end of March to May inclusive, depending on the flowering period. According to this criterion, varieties are divided into 4 groups: early, middle, late. Group 4 includes wild species and varieties.

    In addition to group affiliation, each variety is included in a specific class:

    1. 1. Simple early ones. They are characterized by a height of 25-40 cm and a classic flower shape: Christmas Marvel (lilac-pink), Diana (white), General de Wet (orange), Prins Carnaval (yellow with a red flame), Ruby Red (rich red).
    2. 2. Terry early ones grow up to 30 cm. Their bright colors and ability to hold a flower for a long time are valued by landscape designers and florists. Monte Carlo (yellow), Montreux (white), Queen of Marve (lilac-pink), Orange Princess (orange).
    3. 3. Triumph. Includes varieties with a medium flowering period (from mid-April). The flowers are large, goblet-shaped, on high - up to 70 cm - strong peduncles: Gavota (dark red with a wide yellow border), New Design (pale pink with white-edged leaves), Happy Generation (white with a crimson flame), Lustige Witwe (crimson with silver edge), Mascara (ruby red).
    4. 4. Darwin hybrids bloom a little later than the Triumph class. The most powerful of all - the height reaches 80 cm. Dawnglow (dense pink with an apricot edge), Ad Rem (red), Banja Luka (golden yellow with a red edge).
    5. 5. Simple late ones are slightly lower than Darwin hybrids (50-75 cm) and later in flowering time (mid-May). Blushing Lady (apricot-yellow with a pinkish tint), Catherina (white), Queen of Night (purple-black), Aileen (yellow).
    6. 6. Liliaceae - late series with sharp, bent tips of petals. Opening in the daytime, the flower really looks like a lily. Height - 50-60 cm. Adonis (red), Akita (cherry with white border), Ballade (yellow), Lilac Time (lilac).
    7. 7. Fringed. They bloom at the same time as Darwin hybrids. Fabio (red with yellow fringe), Smirnoff (white), Valery Georgiev (carmine), Santander (pink).
    8. 8. Green-colored tulips have a characteristic green pattern on the back of the petal. Flowering time is from mid-May. Artist (salmon pink), Dancing Show (yellow), Doll's Minuett (raspberry).
    9. 9. Rembrandt tulips include all varieties with variegated colors: Saksia (yellow-red), Columbine (white-pink).
    10. 10. Parrots are unusual in the shape of their petals, strongly dissected and bizarrely curved. Apricot Parrot (orange), Black Parrot (purple-black), Caland (cherry).
    11. 11. Terry late flowers resemble peonies - large and bright. Flowering occurs in the second half of May. Blue Diamond (pearl lilac), Anfield (red), Angelique (pink).
    12. 12. Kaufmana - the earliest class (bloom from early April). Their small height (15-5 cm) and large flowers with long petals make them especially attractive. Alfred Cortot (red, leaves with purple stripes), Ancilla (white with crimson back), Berlios (yellow with striped leaves).
    13. 13. Foster is distinguished by even larger flowers in comparison with T. Greig. Height - 30-50 cm, flowering - from the end of April. Charley Kuntz (white with reddish back), Copenhagen (red).
    14. 14. Greiga - late long flowering and variegated leaves with speckles. They grow up to 35 cm in height. American Cocktail (red), Bella Vista (yellow with a reddish back).
    15. 15. Wild species bloom early and are small in stature. Some are very fragrant. T.biflora (cream with a yellow center, star-shaped), T.gesneriana rosea (crimson).

    A wide palette of shades makes it possible to create excellent colorful compositions. Many series are used for cutting and forcing. Dwarf varieties are ideal for a small flower bed.

    Planting bulbous

    The optimal timing is late summer - early autumn. The bulb has time to take root before the cold weather, and flowers appear in the spring. The dormant period occurs in late spring and summer. At this time, all life processes freeze. In regions with high summer temperatures, it is recommended to dig up tulip and hyacinth bulbs after the leaves turn yellow: this method will avoid the degeneration of hyacinths, when the bulbs become smaller, and the disease of tulip variegation, on which mosaic spots and stripes appear.

    If you carefully consider the choice of planting material, its preparation and planting, you can ensure abundant flowering. After purchasing the bulbs, they are carefully inspected, damaged parts of the scales are cut out, and the sections are treated with crushed charcoal or an antifungal drug in powder.

    When planting bulbs, their size is taken into account: the depth of planting from the bottom (the place where roots form) should be equal to the height of the bulb itself, multiplied by 3. On heavy soils (for example, clay), the depth is reduced by half or three times. In order to get more children, the onions are planted higher. For full flowering, observe the standard location relative to the level of the soil horizon.

    Often in markets you can see blooming scillas, tulips and other bulbous plants sold with bare root systems. This method of replanting cannot be called successful: during flowering, all the power of the plant is directed to the formation of offspring (seeds), the roots serve as powerful conductors of water and nutrients in this process. When digging, this process is disrupted and the root system is injured. This affects future flowering and growth vigor. In addition, you cannot expect instant beauty from plants: their flowers and leaves wither and turn yellow, and there may be no flowering next season. A good option would be to buy bulbs grown in pots. In this case, the integrity of the roots is ensured, and metabolic processes in the bulb and aerial parts are not disrupted.

    Since bulbous plants have retractable roots, with age the bulb itself ends up at too great a depth, which will certainly affect flowering. Therefore, plantings are renewed by planting bulbs at least once every 2-3 years.


    Their difference is that instead of the mother corm, several daughter corms are formed. The main storage organ dies, and the babies germinate the following spring. Then each of them is divided according to the same principle.

    Spring corms touch you with their simple beauty and tenderness. These are low plants with cup-shaped flowers. Petals - 6, curved with a rounded edge.

    Crocus, saffron (Crocus)

    Of the large number of species grown in gardens, botanical with small flowers of different shades and large-flowered, the diameter of its flowers reaches 5.5-11 cm.

    The most famous varieties: Jeanne d'Arc (white), Negro Boy (deep purple), Pickwick (lilac with purple stripes), Flower Record (purple, flower size up to 11cm).

    Crocuses are unpretentious, but grow better in loose, nutritious soils. Need periodic seating.

    Bulbocodium, brandushka (Bulbocodium)

    Of the two types of fireweed, one blooms in autumn, the second blooms at the end of April - May. The petals are lilac-lilac, the flower resembles a crocus, reaches 7 cm in diameter.

    Looks beautiful in group plantings. This species is planted once every 4-5 years.


    Herbaceous perennials

    Early-blooming, overwintering plants can tolerate low winter temperatures without harming their blooms. For most of them, the above-ground part dies off in late autumn, and new flowers and leaves appear in the spring. Other crops are evergreen - retaining their leaf mass throughout the winter.

    Group representatives;

    1. 1. Adonis, Adonis, colors the April meadows with bright yellow colors. A bright background is created by emerald green pinnately dissected leaves. Prefers sunny places and loose, infertile soils.
    2. 2. Arabis (Arabis), requiring no care, pleases with abundant flowering. Caucasian arabis, which has a snow-white color, is used in garden design. To date, varieties have also been bred with bright pink flowers (Lotti Deep Rose).
    3. 3. Aubrieta, like Arabis, belongs to the cold-resistant Cruciferous family. Its compact habit attracts landscapers: one low, spreading plant can form a flowering lake. The group looks even brighter. Having overwintered under snow cover, the shoots of aubrieta are already covered in March with countless small (up to 2 cm in diameter) flowers of pink, lilac, purple, and lilac colors. Aubration is widely used in the design of rock gardens.
    4. 4. Bergenia, heart-leaved bergenia. It is notable for its large, juicy shiny evergreen leaves and small pale pink flowers, which in the form of an umbrella-shaped inflorescence rise 40 cm. With age, the rhizome of bergenia becomes bare, so it is recommended to plant it once every 3-5 years.
    5. 5. Hellebore (Helleborus). Black hellebore is widely used in cultivation, which has become the ancestor of many interesting variety series with white, red, green, purple-black, and pink flowers. They can be simple or terry, pure color and with dark specks in the middle. Evergreen. The leaves are palmate, dense, rich green in color. It is unique in that the flower stalks develop already in the fall, and in the winter they appear from under the snow. The root system is not very branched, so in adulthood the bush suffers when transplanted. It reproduces well by seeds, but young plants will bloom only in the 5th-7th year.
    6. 6. Liverwort (Hepatica). In March, when almost all the vegetation is still dormant, small blue flowers begin to appear. Later, heart-shaped leaves grow. Unpretentious culture, loves partial shade.
    7. 7. Primula (Primula) - a genus with more than 500 species. In temperate climates, the following feel good: fine-toothed (spherical inflorescence of white, lilac, purple tones on a powerful plant); auricular with painted flowers, yellow center; high up to 20 cm and flowers about 2 cm. Polyanthus and stemless, which are so loved for their large flowers and compact bush, almost never overwinter in the ground. Primroses are propagated by fresh seeds and by dividing the bush.
    8. 8. Fragrant violet (Viola odorata) is one of the first to greet spring in April. A stemless compact plant with small fragrant flowers. It self-sows well.
    9. 9. Corydalis (Corydalis) is a flower of forest edges, where already in March it can form carpets of lacy leaves and fragrant flowers. One of its advantages is resistance to diseases and pests. After flowering and seed formation, the above-ground part dies off, leaving a rounded tuber in the ground, waiting for the next season.
    10. 10. Spring grass (Ficaria verna) has a tuber-shaped rhizome, thanks to which it overwinters well and recovers, blooming at the end of March. The height of the plant is only 10-15 cm. The flowers are bright yellow and shiny. Soon after the 2-week flowering period, the plant sheds its leaves and goes dormant to open the next season with renewed vigor.
    11. 11. Erantis, spring flower (Eranthis) is similar to the clearweed with a tuberous root and yellow flowers. Propagated by dividing the bush during the period after flowering. Blooms in April-May. Height - 15-20 cm.

    Biennial flowering plants

    Their peculiarity is that in the first year of life a rosette of leaves is formed, which overwinters and blooms in the early spring of the second year. With the onset of hot weather, the plant ages and dies.

    The most favorite biennials among gardeners include viola and daisies. Most of their varieties have good winter hardiness. Flowering of well-developed bushes begins in the fall and continues after the snow melts. And during winter thaws, 2-year-old flowers create an unexpected colorful accent among the snowy thawed patches.

    Viola, pansy (Viola)

    Violas, which became descendants of the tricolor violet, have a very wide range of colors. Their flowers can be small (1.5-2 cm) and large (10 cm), and the bush has a compact or ampelous habit.

    Modern selection has gone far ahead in terms of developing new groups and colors, and this makes it possible to widely use violas in landscape design. There is practically no color that is not available in one series or another.

    Hybrid viola (Viola x Wittrockiana)

    This group is characterized by large (5 cm or more) flowers. The color can be pure or patterned, combining in 2, 3 and even 4 colors within the variety. There are series of hybrids and varieties for early cultivation (Delta, Dynamite), and there are late large-flowered positions (Swiss Giants) that are resistant to heat and temperature changes (Mammoth).

    Viola hybrida

    Horned viola (Viola cornuta)

    Its difference is a large number of small (up to 3-3.5 cm in diameter) flowers. Unpretentious and frost-resistant, it has a rich palette of colors - from pure tones (snow-white, yellow, blue, red, violet, lilac) to unusual combinations (series with a black eye, “antennae”, two-colored with contrasting upper and lower petals).

    Varieties of horned viola give abundant self-seeding, which allows you to observe flowering without interruption: while the mother plant has not yet faded, seedlings are already gaining strength and will continue to grow almost until the fall of next year.


    When growing 2-year-olds, special attention is paid to humidity. There are 2 simple rules that work here: do not water with cold water and do not wet the leaves at night. If they are not observed, a white coating appears on the leaves, which indicates the development of a fungal disease - powdery mildew, which is difficult to get rid of.


    Bulbous and corm plants are propagated by children - daughter or replacement bulbs formed as a result of division, budding from the mother.

    2-year-olds are grown from seeds. It takes 10-18 weeks from sowing to the start of flowering.

    Herbaceous species reproduce by seed and vegetative methods. The latter includes several techniques: dividing the bush, cuttings, planting root suckers.


    Spring bloomers are characterized by laying flower stalks and storing nutrients in the season preceding flowering. For this reason, special attention is paid to watering (if necessary, during the dry spring period) and fertilizing. Most plants in this group are responsive to organo-mineral fertilizers, but do not tolerate fresh manure. During flowering, the amount of potassium in fertilizing solutions is increased, with the formation and active growth of the root system - phosphorus, and with the development of leaves - nitrogen.

    Mulching is an effective technique to avoid the formation of soil crust. In addition, a unique microclimate is formed in the root zone, which promotes the active absorption of minerals, and the flowers grow wonderfully.

    To prolong the flowering of herbaceous species and the formation of large storage scales in bulbous species, a technique called decapitation is used.

    This operation consists of removing the heads of fully opened flowers. It is used to strengthen the root system, which will not consume a lot of resources for seed formation. The retained potential is spent on the development of more children in bulbous plants and a more powerful root system in herbaceous plants.

    Pest control and disease prevention

    Even during planting, attention is paid to the quality of seedlings and bulbs; sick ones are discarded due to the risk of further infection. It is useful to carry out pre-planting treatment with fungicides (antifungal drugs) and/or growth stimulants. For example, tulip bulbs are kept in a 0.5% solution of Fundazol for 30 minutes.

    On heavy clay soils, the root system often rots. To prevent this from happening, a 3-4 cm layer of coarse river sand is placed at the bottom of the planting holes and the soil is lightened. To do this, use compost or peat with neutral acidity.

    Systematic weeding will not only rid the flower beds of weeds, but will also prevent infections from developing.

    The larvae of the cockchafer cause great damage to plantings. To get rid of voracious insects, sticky traps are used and birdhouses are hung to attract birds into the garden.

    Placing plants on the site

    No matter how beautiful the flowers are, it is important to arrange them, taking into account several planting laws:

    1. 1. Agrotechnical requirements. Those who love sunny flower beds should be planted in an open, well-lit area to avoid stretching. Shade-loving species are avoided for planting in the sun due to possible burns. The same principle works in the case of soil acidity requirements - calcephobes cannot tolerate alkalization and vice versa.
    2. 2. Ease of care. You should not combine spring flowering plants in dense plantings with perennials or shrubs that need winter shelter. This will create additional difficulties and the likelihood of damaging green shoots.
    3. 3. Aesthetic component. It lies in a successful combination of color shades and the optimal configuration of flower beds. Following the first of these rules, compositions are made monochromatic or contrasting. The second involves planting plants of the same kind in groups, arrays, which will give a natural and colorful effect. Narrow, even rows will spoil the impression even when using rare, beautiful crops.

    One of the main concepts of garden decoration is this: you need to take care of spring flowering in advance. Bulbous and herbaceous plants are planted in August-September, biennials begin to be sown in early or mid-summer, followed by picking in the fall to a permanent place.

    When high-quality planting material has been purchased, timely planting has been carried out and the basic rules of care have been followed - in the garden or at the dacha, spring will sparkle with new, bright colors and bring inspiration.

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