When can you plant ferns in the garden? Planting and caring for ferns in the garden

About the plant called "fern" many people know. It gained popularity thanks to the legend of Kupala night, on which the fern supposedly blooms. Whoever finds such a flower will be blessed with happiness. We won’t vouch for the authenticity of the legend, but we can say for sure that the fern is magical beautiful plant, with which you can easily decorate any yard and garden. The main thing is to love fern and know how to plant it correctly. But here blooming fern no one has ever seen it, at least there is no official confirmation of this phenomenon. But this circumstance does not prevent the plant from being among the leaders among many elements of garden decor.

There are about 10 thousand varieties of fern, which gives every gardener the opportunity to choose the variety he likes. Let's take a closer look at the features of this plant and answer the question of how to grow a fern in the garden.

Did you know? Fern is rightfully considered one of the most ancient plants, since it appeared on Earth several million years ago.

Garden fern: general characteristics

Fern varieties differ from each other in size, cycles and life forms (woody and herbaceous), and structural features. However, in appearance they are very similar, many do not even suspect that this is the largest group spore plants. Ferns are also distinguished by their varied leaf shapes, resistance to excess moisture and environmental plasticity.

What types of ferns are suitable for growing in the garden?

Today, fern is very popular with many gardeners who have thoroughly studied its planting and care in the open ground. They decorate gardens, ponds, and create wonderful landscape compositions.

We list several types of winter-hardy ferns that will feel good in the garden in our climate and are excellent for growing:

  • Common bracken. Beautiful view. Its roots are used in folk medicine. The height of this fern is 80 cm.
  • Female Kochedyzhnik. Reaches a meter in height. Lives in one place for up to 10 years.
  • Male shieldweed. Very tall fern, which can shoot up to 1.5 m, but grows slowly. Propagated by cuttings of rhizomes. An excellent garden fern, growing and caring for this plant is not difficult.
  • Bush's shieldweed. Evergreen large fern.
  • Common ostrich. This type of fern very quickly creates spectacular lush thickets. Feels great both in the shade and in the sun.
  • Asplenium. People call it Kostenets. Many aspleniums love warmth, but some are frost-resistant and can survive cold temperatures down to -18 ° C. Growing this type of fern in the garden is very popular today.
  • Nest-like asplenium grows even without soil, since in nature it is accustomed to rooting on heaps of leaves, snags and trunks. Grows up to 1 m in length. You can purchase in specialized stores dwarf varieties this fern.
  • Bulbous asplenium is a deciduous fern. His historical homeland is New Zealand. This species can be grown in the garden if the roots are covered with a layer of dry leaves for the winter or dug up and stored in the cellar until spring along with a lump of earth. Plant length is approximately 60 cm.
  • Viviparous asplenium. Buds grow on the upper side of the curved, dissected leaves and fall to the ground, turning into new specimens.

How to choose a place on the site for a garden fern

Fans of this plant should know how to plant a fern correctly. First of all, you need to understand that all species of this plant, without exception, love shade and moisture, so garden fern has its own specifics for planting and care in the future. If your dacha has secluded, dark places where other plants feel uncomfortable, you can plant a fern there. It easily tolerates conditions that are harmful to other flora and can grow in soil without fertilizers.

The depth of the hole and the distance between neighboring bushes is determined from the size of the adult plant. If you are planting long-rhizome fern species, set aside for them more space, since they can greatly crowd out neighboring plants. You can also artificially limit their area.

Does a fern need lighting?

The fern tolerates shade well, but long absence sunlight can have a bad effect on the leaves - they turn yellow and fade over time. This does not harm the plant, but its appearance deteriorates. Better lighting for ferns - diffused sunlight. Direct rays of the sun should not fall on it.

What should the soil be like for planting?

To the question: what kind of soil do ferns like, it is easy to answer even for a novice gardener. Of course, the soil must be loose and absorb moisture well. To prevent water in the soil from stagnating and causing putrefactive processes on the roots, you will need river sand or other drainage. Add peat and sand to the excavated soil in a ratio of 2: 2: 1. Moisten the hole well and carefully place the plant in it. As much of the soil in which it grew before transplanting should remain on the roots of the fern. This will help him settle down faster in his new place.

Features of planting ferns in the garden

The main feature of planting a fern in the garden is to find a dark, damp place for it, but with enough diffused sunlight. If you brought a fern from the forest, then it is advisable to leave as much of the soil in which the plant was previously on its roots. Then the fern will take root well in the new place and quickly adapt there.

The main condition for quick and correct height any garden fern is sufficient soil moisture. Once every three to four years, the plant needs to be renewed and thinned. Remove old, diseased and damaged leaves, but very carefully. If you planted ferns that are not frost-resistant, then do not forget to cover them with peat or dry leaves for the winter. Here, perhaps, are all the basic tips for caring for garden ferns. Plants do not need specific feeding, and pests are indifferent to it.

Important! Be careful with the roots of ferns - they recover very slowly.

How to water a garden fern

In the first year after planting, the plant needs to be watered regularly. Pay special attention to watering during spring growth And summer period drought. When watering, do not forget to spray the leaves, and not just moisten the roots of the fern. It is good to then mulch the soil around the plant with pine paws. This will help the soil retain moisture longer and strengthen the fern roots.

Soil care

The fern soil should always be loose and moist. Make sure that the water does not stagnate and does not rot in the soil. These are the main tips for caring for the soil in which it grows. garden fern.

Fern feeding in the garden

Feeding ferns with fertilizers is not necessary, but important condition, if you want to provide plants with useful substances, create conditions for full growth and development. It is best to feed the fern in early spring, when young shoots are just beginning to grow. It tolerates organic and inorganic types of fertilizers equally well. If the plant withers, the leaves turn yellow or dry out, then it simply does not have enough minerals and nutrients. You need to purchase liquid mineral fertilizer and, together with water, improve the condition of the soil.

Gardeners are reasonably interested in the question, when is the best time to replant ferns? This is usually done in the spring, when the plant begins to grow. If you replant the fern later, carefully dig it up so as not to damage the root system. Try to keep the soil on the roots, and after replanting, water the plant generously. Since the soil settles after planting, dig a shallow hole. The hole should be such that the rhizome can fit freely into it when the roots bloom.

Place the fern in the hole so that the top of the rhizome, where new leaves will grow, remains on the surface of the soil, fill with water. Pour the soil directly into the water so that there is no air gap left and the roots are well strengthened by the soil and do not dry out.

Garden fern, planting and caring for which is not difficult, is an excellent crop that gives a finished look to any landscape composition. A representative of the department of vascular plants, which witnessed the life of dinosaurs and other extinct species of flora and fauna, is loved by many gardeners and landscapers.

Types of ferns to grow in the garden

Ferns representing the Aspleniaceae family number more than 10 thousand species, which are classified according to their habitat.

  • Forest - a group that prefers acidic, moist soils and is characterized by tall growth.
  • Rocky - low-growing representatives, differing in different requirements for soil and lighting, depending on the specific species
  • Swamp - this class of ferns can be found on the banks of reservoirs, where there is very high humidity soil

Forest ferns are usually cultivated as garden ferns.

Among the most popular species and varieties, which are particularly decorative, the following deserve attention:

  • Adiantum stop-shaped - a common representative, reaching a height of 30 cm, has horizontally arranged yellow-green openwork leaves(vayami).
  • Japanese leaf is a kind of fern with fronds of different directions, creating a special randomness that gives the landscape composition extravagance.
  • Ostrich is a tall variety that can reach 1.5 m in height and is well known to many gardeners. Fronds in the form of light green ostrich feathers are distinguished by their grace and high decorative qualities, which will decorate any area.
  • Kochedyzhnik is a variety that combines ferns of not only green, but also red flowers, which perfectly complement landscape composition, made with a predominance of burgundy - for example, the red wine-colored variety Burgundy Lace.
  • Centipede – beautiful plant For alpine slides and other stone art objects, which has a creeping root system, which allows the gardener to independently set the direction of development for the fern.

Planting in open ground

When carrying out planting work, it is necessary to take into account such important points as preparing holes, choosing a place and time.

Site selection and soil preparation

In order for the culture to develop well, it is necessary to select a shady area with light and moist soil, where there is plenty of free space.

IN preliminary preparation The fern does not need soil if its structure is loose enough. In the case of heavy soils, humus and river sand should be added when digging.

Fern is one of the famous plants. Many people first became acquainted with it thanks to the legend of the Kupala night, on which the fern supposedly blooms. It says that if you find a flower on this night, then good luck awaits you. Whether this is true or not, no one knows. There is no doubt about it, this is an amazingly beautiful plant that can decorate any yard and garden.

Not much is needed for this - learn the rules of its cultivation. However, don't expect to see the fern bloom. At least, there is not a single case known of anyone succeeding in this. However, even this circumstance does not stop gardeners and simply amateurs wild plants who very often use it as one of the main elements of garden decor.

There are about 10 thousand species of fern in the world, thanks to which every gardener can choose the variety that he likes best. But in any case, it will not be possible to appreciate its beauty without knowing the nuances of growing ferns in the garden.

Garden fern: general characteristics

Each fern variety is unique in its own way. These plants differ not only in size, but also in their life cycle and form, as well as structural features. What unites them is their appearance, which helps to recognize them as ferns. Few people know that this is the largest group of spore plants. They have many features. They not only have leaves of various shapes, but in addition they are resistant to excess moisture and are naturally plastic plants.

What types of ferns are suitable for growing in the garden?

Today, many gardeners who are familiar with the peculiarities of planting ferns and caring for them in open ground conditions are engaged in growing them on their plots. It is used not only to decorate gardens and ponds, but is also often one of the main elements that allows you to create beautiful landscape compositions.

There are several types of winter-hardy ferns in the world., which can grow in the harsh conditions of our country:

  • Common bracken. A very beautiful plant whose roots have healing properties. This species reaches a height of 80 cm.
  • Female Kochedyzhnik. A plant whose height does not exceed 1 m. It can grow in one place for up to 10 years.
  • Male shieldweed. A fairly tall plant that can grow up to 1.5 m. It can be successfully propagated using cuttings of rhizomes. Great choice for growing in the garden. Low maintenance.
  • Bush's shieldweed. Tall evergreen from the fern family.
  • Common ostrich. Main feature species is the ability to create spectacular lush thickets in a short time. It is undemanding in terms of light, so it can be grown without problems both in complete shade and in open areas.
  • Asplenium. Also known as Kostenets. The plant is heat-loving, but there are also frost-resistant species of asplenium that can easily tolerate cold down to -18 degrees. This species is very often chosen by gardeners as decoration.
  • Nest-shaped asplenium. A unique plant that can be grown even without soil. The breeding ground for it can be a pile of leaves, snags and tree trunks. The plant does not exceed 1 m in length. If desired, you can buy special dwarf varieties in gardening stores.
  • Bulbous asplenium. It is also known by another name - deciduous fern. Its homeland is New Zealand. Perfect for growing in the garden. In order for it to survive the harsh winter, the roots must be protected with dry leaves, or it can simply be dug up and kept in the cellar until spring with a lump of earth. It is a medium-sized plant, 60 cm long.
  • Viviparous asplenium. It differs from other species in the method of reproduction. During the growth process, buds form on the upper side of the leaves, which, after falling into the ground, form new specimens.

How to choose a place on the site?

If you have fallen in love with this plant and want to see it on your site, then you need to get acquainted with the rules for planting ferns. First you need to understand that fern is a shade and moisture-loving plant . It is with this in mind that you need to select a place for it and plan care activities. Surely you have darkened places on your site that are constantly empty. This is where you can plant your fern. This unique plant, which can easily tolerate conditions under which other representatives of the flora cannot survive and demonstrate active growth even without regular feeding.

To correctly calculate the depth of the hole, as well as the distance between neighboring bushes, you need to focus on the size of an adult plant. If you choose to plant a long-rhizome type of fern, make sure that it has as much space as possible. Otherwise, when it grows, the fern can greatly displace the plants located next to it. Or you can do it differently and artificially limit their area.

Does a fern need lighting?

The fern feels great even in conditions of complete darkness, but still it should not be constantly left without sunlight, otherwise it will negatively affect its leaves, which will quickly turn yellow and begin to fade. And then the fern will take on a completely different look, which you didn’t even expect. It grows best there where there is a lot of diffused sunlight. But under no circumstances should it be exposed to direct sunlight.

Soil for planting

One of important points Something that must be taken into account when growing ferns is the soil for planting. The plant feels best in loose and well-absorbing soil. The soil must have such a structure that water does not stagnate and putrefactive processes occur on the roots. To do this, be sure to add river sand or other drainage before planting.

The most optimal soil mixture should include:

  • 2 parts of land;
  • 2 parts peat;
  • 1 part sand.

Be sure to water the hole well and then carefully place the bush into it. Try to keep as much of the soil in which the bush grew before transplanting on the roots. This will speed up its adaptation to the new place.

Landing Features

One of important issues which gardeners planning to plant ferns in the garden have to decide - find one for him suitable place . It should be located in the shade and provided with a sufficient amount of diffused sunlight. If you are going to plant a fern dug out of the forest, then try to leave as much of the soil in which it grew on its roots as possible. In this case, the plant will need less time to take root in a new place and begin to grow.

How to care for ferns in the garden?

If you want the fern to quickly take root after transplantation and gain green mass, you need to ensure that the ground was always well moistened. Please note that every 4 years the fern will have to be renewed and thinned. Watch for the appearance of old, diseased and damaged leaves and remove them in a timely manner, but do it very carefully.

If you decide to grow in your garden non-frost-resistant varieties, then be sure to take care of their shelter for the winter. For this you can use peat or dry leaves. This is the only thing you need to know in order for garden fern to grow well in your area. Feeding is not necessary. There is no need to deal with pests for which it is not of great interest.

How to water?

During the first season after planting decorative fern especially needs moisture. Therefore, you will have to ensure that the soil is constantly moist, not only in the spring, when the plant enters the active growth phase, but also in the summer, when long droughts often occur.

  • The plant must be watered in such a way that not only the roots, but also the leaves receive moisture, for which they should be sprayed.
  • After watering, it is recommended to mulch the soil around the bushes using pine paws. This will reduce moisture evaporation and also make the fern roots stronger and more resilient.

Soil care

Throughout the season, the soil in which the fern grows must be kept loose and moist. Do not allow water to stagnate, as this can lead to rotting of the roots. By following these care recommendations, you can create optimal conditions for the normal growth of garden ferns.

Fertilizing in the garden

It is not necessary to fertilize ferns. However, it will still be useful if you want the plant not to lack useful substances and grew and developed well. Start feeding possible in early spring when young shoots just appear. Ferns respond equally well to organic and inorganic fertilizers.

Plant wilting, yellowing or drying of leaves is a signal indicating a lack of minerals and nutrients. In this case, it is necessary to fertilize with liquid mineral fertilizer, which is preferably applied to the soil along with water.


IN certain moments many gardeners are beginning to wonder at what time they should replant ferns in the country . The most suitable time for this is spring when the plant begins to grow. However, you can do this a little later. But be careful when you dig it up, as it is very important not to injure the root system.

Try to leave as much soil as possible on the roots of the plant, and after replanting, water the fern thoroughly. Do not forget that after planting the soil always settles. Therefore, it will be enough for you to dig a shallow hole for the plant. Make it such a size that all the roots can easily fit into it when you unravel them.

When the decorative fern bush is in the hole, correct its position so that the top of the rhizome is at soil level, then water thoroughly. Immediately begin filling the hole with soil. This way you can avoid the appearance of an air gap and at the same time strengthen the roots with soil.

For planting decorative ostrich fern, soil with a predominance of organic matter is best suited. If you have problems with this, then during replanting you can water the bush not with ordinary water, but with “ArganiQ” for the garden, observing the consumption rate of 300 g per bucket of water. Thanks to this, the fern will be able to quickly adapt to a new place.

How to propagate?

Most often, ferns are propagated by dividing adult bushes. However, there are species that can propagate and budding. It is advisable to do this procedure in early autumn. To do this, you need to choose a healthy and well-developed bush, bend it to the ground, and then pour moist soil on top along the edges, trying not to touch the central vein.

Also, ferns, including ostrich, reproduce well by spores. To do this, they need to be collected after flowering, laid out on paper, where they should dry thoroughly. Around mid-January, they can already be sown in a substrate collected in the place where the fern grows.


The fern needs no special introduction, although not all of us have had the opportunity to see this plant. Despite this, it is very popular among gardeners, who often try to leave a place for it in their garden. Grow ostrich fern in the country- not like that difficult task, as it might seem at first glance. Unlike other plants, it thrives in conditions of heavy shading, and is not particularly demanding on soil fertility.

Taking care of it is also not difficult. You just need to make sure that the soil is always moist and loose. This is more than enough for this plant to demonstrate active growth every season and delight the gardener with its bright foliage.

The modern trend in landscape design is to decorate the garden plot with plants that are traditionally perceived as growing wild. They give the composition a natural ease and special charm. One such popular plant is the garden fern. How to care for him?

Garden fern: a brief introduction

The plant, endowed among the people with mystical powers and magical properties, has been known since ancient times. Many people dreamed of seeing a fern flower, but science managed to debunk this myth: the perennial never blooms. However, due to its interesting appearance, it does not have flowers. will be a worthy decoration any garden, the main thing is to know how to properly care for your dacha.

This herbaceous plant The Osmundov family came to us from the Far East, namely from Korea and China, and took root well in the Russian climate. Some are known interesting facts about fern:


You can recognize a garden fern by the following signs:

Ferns can be planted in the shade; this unpretentious plant does not require special care.

The most suitable species for the garden

There are more than 200 species of this in the world perennial plant, some of them are real giants, accustomed to existing in the hot tropical jungle. Others get along quite well in the climate middle zone. The following varieties are best suited for the garden:

Adiantum comes in several varieties:

  • Venus hair. Does not tolerate frost well, so it is suitable for the site only in warm weather. climatic conditions. Reproduction occurs using spores.
  • Stop-shaped. Historical homeland plants - Primorsky Krai. Average height bush – 50 cm, leaf blades lace openwork shape, color– greenish-yellow. The fronds are placed horizontally, as if forming tiers. The plant looks very neat, reproduces by dividing the bush, and tolerates frost well.

Common ostrich. In nature, it prefers to grow on the banks of rivers and the shade of trees; it can be found on almost any continent. The plant is popular in landscape design for a number of reasons:

The leaflet comes in two varieties:

  • Japanese leaflet. It has an unusual shape due to the fact that dark green fronds grow in a specific way - in different sides. The height of the plant is small, no more than 40 cm. But due to its attractive appearance, the plant has found wide application in landscape design.
  • Scolopendra leaflet. The fronds do not have the dissections characteristic of a fern, so the plant does not look delicate. The rich green leaf plate is long. This plant came to us from the mountain forests of Western Europe.

Kochedyzhnik is diverse; the color of the leaves can be different, from green to red and even brown. The most suitable varieties for growing are:

  • Female Kochedyzhnik – a true long-liver in the world of ferns. Average length 50 cm, but individual varieties They can grow up to 70 cm in length. The fronds are collected in bunches and dissected, which looks very interesting and unusual.
  • Nippon Kochedyzhnik. It is colored silver with reddish veins, which is very unusual for ferns. Reproduction occurs by horse shoots.

The multi-row fern comes from Holland, has a weak rhizome with poor branching, so this type of fern is not widespread. The frond leaves are very interesting:

  • They retain their greenery even in winter, adding fresh accents to a snowy area.
  • in spring twisted into "snails" which looks very nice.
  • In summer and autumn - openwork and lace, in a fresh green shade.

Male shieldweed is one of the most common varieties and is often found in wildlife middle lane. Has a developed root system. The average height is from 50 cm to a meter, sometimes the plant grows up to 1.5 meters. The feathery fronds form a funnel-shaped rosette, but grow very slowly.

Common bracken – edible species fern with large leaves, reminiscent of a bird's wing. The plant reaches a height of 50-70 cm, but care should be taken when growing it - the fronds have characteristic tannic odor and are poisonous to pets.

Selecting from this list the most suitable varieties of fern for yourself, you can safely start planting and caring for it unpretentious plant.

Fern propagation

Unlike most garden plants, the fern does not bloom, but forms spores, so there are two methods of reproduction:

  • Disputes
  • Vegetatively (by dividing the bush or root suckers)
  • Ground antennae
  • Budding

Let's consider both methods. Reproduction by spores is easy and simple in nature, but gardeners often encounter problems when choosing this method.

The spores are located on the underside of the frond in special tubercles. They should be collected in spring only from mature plants. If the fern is on garden plot If you don't have one yet, you can buy spores. Parts of the leaf with tubercles are carefully cut off and placed in a paper bag, where they will be stored until they dry.

Planting starts in January next year, the spores will have dried out sufficiently by this time. For cultivation, you should prepare pots with a soil substrate consisting of sand, leaf soil and peat. The spores are placed on the surface of the soil; there is no need to sprinkle them with soil. Using a spray bottle, the soil is carefully moistened, after which the containers are covered with film or glass to obtain a greenhouse effect.

In about a month the first shoots will appear, appearance resembling moss. At this time, the film is removed, and young plants are sprayed daily. When a full-fledged plant is formed, it can be transplanted into a separate pot, and in the spring - into open ground.

The simplest fern propagation method, suitable for beginners - dividing the bush. Time to carry it out - early spring, suitable bushes are selected - with the largest number sockets, dug out and carefully divided into parts. After this, the plant is immediately transplanted to a new “place of residence” - long-term storage It is detrimental to seedlings.

Reproduction by tendrils or rhizomatous shoots is often found. To do this, the tendrils that appear in the spring are buried in soil and provided with watering; after some time they become independent plant.

Important! This method of propagation is suitable only for those varieties that form ground tendrils..

Finally, some plant species reproduce by budding. After buds form on the platinum leaf, they should be separated and placed in moss, covered on top glass jar. After some time, the buds will germinate, forming a small sprout. By watering this plant well, in a month you will see that it is ready to be transplanted to permanent place.

The plant is unpretentious in care, but, like any representative of the fauna, it will grow better if you provide it with proper care. A place for a fern in the garden should be selected shady, draft-proof. You can also plant the plant along the shore of a pond or under a large tree. Optimal soil- loose, light, slightly moist, but not waterlogged, otherwise the roots will rot.

How to replant a fern? It is necessary to dig up the plant and straighten the roots. If transplanting is done from a pot, the fern is thoroughly watered so that it is very easy to remove the seedlings. At the planting site, planting holes with a large diameter are formed - approximately twice as large as root system plants. Distance between bows should be at least 30 cm. When planting, it is important to ensure that the root collar is above the ground. After this, the plant is covered with soil and mulched with peat. Transplantation of plants, as well as planting of seedlings in open ground, is carried out in the spring.

Important! The fern can grow very quickly, so the area where it grows should be fenced in advance with slate around the perimeter.

Secrets of growing

Fern is not a capricious plant, so growing it special labor won't require it. The main thing is not to forget to water the plantings; you can use fertilizers that stimulate growth.

For normal plant development, the soil must be moist, so in dry summers regular watering should be organized.

For normal plant development, the soil must be moist, so in dry summers you should organize regular watering. Newly planted bushes should be watered especially generously in the first few months.

Loosening the soil after each watering will also be useful for growing ferns. This will make the soil light, allow oxygen to flow to the roots, and prevent the appearance of weeds. To reduce moisture evaporation, the soil can be mulched using spruce needles.

The fern does not need fertilizing, but if you want to speed up the growth and development of the plant, you can use solution organic fertilizers or mineral complex. Best time for feeding - the period of formation of offspring.

Fern - unpretentious perennial, characterized by an attractive appearance, due to which it will become great decoration garden Planting these bushes is very simple, care will not take much time and effort, and the lush openwork fronds will delight your eye throughout the season.

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