Fertilizer for currants and gooseberries. Spring feeding of currants and gooseberries - tips, recommendations, rules

Fertilizer for currants and gooseberries

Among all the fruits berry crops currants, gooseberries, and raspberries especially need fertile soil. They need special care, and the life expectancy of the bushes and their productivity depend on this. There are cases when, as a result of good care, even forty-year-old gooseberry bushes produced high yields.

Currants are considered less durable than gooseberries. In the first year after planting, currants produce about four new strong shoots, which at first branch very weakly or do not branch at all. The next year, new shoots appear, and the old ones continue to grow in length, branching on the sides. These lateral branches are usually fruit-bearing. In the first months after planting, the above-ground organs of currants develop much more strongly than root system. This period is most favorable for applying fertilizer to the soil. In the first year after planting, gooseberry roots develop better.

In the 2nd year, currants produce their first small harvest; gooseberries begin to bear fruit in the 3rd year after planting. As the bushes grow, their yield increases. In order to obtain higher yields, it is necessary to fertilize the soil as best as possible, since as the fruitfulness of crops increases, the need for nutrients increases.

Crops become fully fruitful when there are 15–20 strong shoots on the bush. With careful care, this period begins for currants in the 5th year, for gooseberries - a little later.

From the above, it becomes clear that with good branching of the bush, the yield remains consistently high, but when the growth of branches slows down, fruitfulness decreases. Therefore, if a branch stops growing, it should be pruned. Broken and diseased branches are also removed. At correct pruning bush and good care a gooseberry branch produces crops for 9–10 years, and sometimes more. The currant branch ages faster, already in the 4th year.

Continuous replacement of old branches with new ones is necessary to maintain high productivity of the bush. All this requires an increased dose of fertilizers.

The root system of currants and gooseberries is located in the ground at a depth of up to 1.5 m, the bulk of it is located relatively shallow (up to 30 cm from the surface on soddy-podzolic soils and a little deeper on light soils and chernozem). The best soil For currants and gooseberries, light, loose sandy soil is used. Therefore, it is necessary not only to monitor the provision of these crops with nutrients, but also to improve physical properties soil, giving it looseness.

In early spring, after the snow melts, currant and gooseberry buds begin to bloom. During this period, the soil is characterized by relatively low microbiological activity and contains insufficient amounts for plants. nutrients, especially nitrogen. At the beginning of spring, crops develop mainly due to the consumption of reserves deposited in wood and roots last fall. Therefore, already in the fall, the plant must be provided with useful substances, otherwise they will become less winter-hardy and will develop poorly. in early spring.

A characteristic sign of a lack of nutrients is early leaf fall. The winter hardiness of the plant may decrease as a result of metabolic disorders of the plant associated with too high autumn nitrogen nutrition or lack of potassium in the soil.

In the second half of spring, as well as in summer, plants need to be fed in order for roots and shoots to grow and develop well, as well as for the filling of berries and the formation of fruit buds.

Some experts believe that the early fall of ovaries on bushes (in many areas it occurs within a week after the appearance of ovaries) is associated with poor plant nutrition. Others refute this opinion, and see the cause of shedding in poor fertilization of the ovaries.

Fertilizer is applied to currants and gooseberries in the same way, but more potassium should be applied to gooseberries, and more phosphorus to currants. Currants are more sensitive to chlorine than gooseberries, so to fertilize them you should avoid substances containing potassium, and it is better to use wood ash and potassium sulfate.

Lime can be applied immediately before planting. For gooseberries, liming is carried out only on acidic soil in half the dose or not at all, and later manure is added.

In early summer, a sign of a lack of nutrients in gooseberries is a change in leaf color. They either acquire a colored rim around the edge leaf blade, or become covered with purple spots, or acquire an uncharacteristic shade. A well-fertilized bush has powerful, even, dark green leaves.

The leaf color begins to change only with the arrival of autumn. It follows from this that external signs– such as the color and size of the leaves, the size of the crop – you can get a clear idea of ​​the plant’s nutritional level and take appropriate measures to increase or decrease the dose of fertilizer.

Before planting currants and gooseberries, local soil improvement is carried out. The size of the planting hole for these shrubs is 60 cm in diameter and 30–35 cm in height. The amount of fertilizer applied is determined by the size of the hole.

For fertilizer, humus and compost are widely used, which are filled with one or two buckets for each hole. You can also use manure, but it should be taken into account that in the first year after planting it has no effect, as it slowly decomposes.

From mineral fertilizers, namely phosphorus, phosphate rock or bone meal and other sparingly soluble fertilizers are used at the rate of 300–400 g per pit with the addition of 40–50 g of superphosphate.

As potassium fertilizers, wood ash is widely used at the rate of 400 g per pit, as well as potassium sulfate - 50–70 g. As for nitrogen fertilizers, 40 g of ammonium sulfate is added.

In the first year after planting, currants and gooseberries do not need to be fertilized if the planting hole is well filled. It is recommended to mulch the soil around the bush, that is, cover it with humus, compost or manure. The manure should not touch the plant. If the plants, despite good weather conditions, have light green leaves in the first year after planting, they should be fed with liquid nitrogen fertilizer in July. To do this, you need to dilute 12–15 g in a bucket of water. ammonium nitrate and apply half a bucket of solution to each plant. From the second year after planting currants and gooseberries, the soil should be fed with phosphorus, potassium and organic fertilizers. You need to fertilize that area of ​​soil that, upon final formation of the bush, will be under the crown, since in more late dates this will be much more difficult to do. The amount of fertilizer must be selected based on the initial soil fertility.

There are several ways to improve the soil:

– filling with fertilizers over several years by surface application of fertilizer;

– one-time filling of the soil with annular circles;

– annual application of fertilizers with a gradual decrease in the depth of tillage near the crown.

In all these cases, nitrogen fertilizers are applied at the rate of 9–10 g of active substance per 1 m2 (30 g of ammonium nitrate or 45–50 g of ammonium sulfate).

The area of ​​soil where fertilizer is applied increases with the growth of the bush, and at the same time it is necessary to increase the amount of fertilizer applied. The remaining fertilizers, manure, composts, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, are applied in a circle with a radius of 1 m. Light sandy soils should be additionally enriched with peat and pond sludge to reduce soil washability. After filling is completed, the soil around the bush is dug up to a depth of 18–20 cm. To avoid damage to the roots, when digging, the blade of the shovel should be placed along the radius of the circle, and not across (with the edge, not the blade towards the bush). If there are too many roots in this area a large number of, you need to move away from the plant.

Deep digging with turning over layers of soil can be done in two steps: the first time on both sides of the bush, the second time, next year, on the other two sides. In the place where deep digging was carried out, further surface treatment soil to avoid damage to the roots, which began to actively develop at the site of deep digging.

On small plots garden plots the soil can be improved in one go. To do this, in the place where the planting hole was located, you should dig a groove to a depth of 25 cm, 50–60 cm wide. Add 40–50 kg of manure or compost, 300–400 g of superphosphate, 100–150 g of chloride to the dug soil for each bush. potassium For gooseberries, the dose of superphosphate can be reduced to 250 g. The soil must be mixed with fertilizers and poured into the ditch. Subsequently, this area is subjected to shallow processing.

Light sandy soil should be fertilized as follows. Dig a trench and place in it an even layer of 2–3 cm of compost from clay soil(sludge) and manure. Their ratio in compost is one part clay soil and two parts manure. This layer reduces soil washability and improves its properties. Then mix the excavated soil with the above fertilizers and fill the ditch with it.

On large areas They use a slightly different method of fertilizing the soil. At first, fertilizers are applied annually with deep incorporation. After the bushes have grown significantly, they switch to shallow plowing, since deep digging becomes quite difficult. The roots will then rise slightly and begin to develop in the lower layers of the fertilized soil. Ash nutrients will gradually penetrate into the deeper layers of the soil. This use of fertilizers is considered the most rational and does not require large costs or additional processing. The optimal amount of available phosphorus and exchangeable potassium after fertilizing is 15–20 mg per 100 g of soil.

In subsequent years, it is necessary to support the created favorable conditions For good growth crops and obtaining high yields, from time to time feeding them with useful substances. To maintain soil fertility high level, you need to apply 200–300 kg of ammonium nitrate, 2–3 quintals of superphosphate and 1.5–2 quintals of potassium chloride under gooseberries per 1 hectare. For one bush this will be: 60–80 g of ammonium nitrate, 70–100 g of superphosphate, 75–90 g of potassium chloride.

Phosphorus fertilizer can be applied once every three years. With more frequent application, the dose of fertilizer is reduced. Instead of inorganic fertilizers, 10–15 kg of manure per bush should be applied once every three to four years.

Red and white currant gives higher yields than black, and accordingly, the yield useful elements it happens more strongly to them. Therefore, the dose of fertilizer for black currants should be increased.

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Both a gardener with extensive experience and a novice enthusiast understand that for the successful development of any living organism, a complete, balanced diet is required. And as for such fruit- berry bushes, like gooseberries, raspberries or currants, the generosity and quality of the resulting harvest depends on the timeliness of fertilizing in the spring.

But before applying fertilizers, you need to become more familiar with the characteristics of specific preparations, their effect on currants at a certain time of the growing season, as well as the rates of their application depending on the age of the plant.

The most common fertilizers are ammonium nitrate, urea, ammonium sulfate, ammonium chloride, etc.

They are used to activate the growth of crops, stimulate the development of the crown and green parts of plants. Based on this, the deadlines for their payment are determined:

  1. In early spring, as soon as the buds on the currant bushes swell, they are first fertilized with nitrogen-containing preparations. And at this time, ammonium nitrate is most often used - approximately 50 g of granules are scattered under each bush and buried in the soil by digging up the top layer of soil or loosening it using a flat cutter.
  2. In May, when the flower buds of currants or gooseberries begin to form fruits, you need to stimulate the plant by adding nitrogen in liquid form. To do this, a matchbox of the drug is diluted in 10 liters of water, mixed thoroughly until completely dissolved and used for watering.

In the future, the application of such fertilizers is stopped, especially for adult plants, since their excess causes the opposite of the desired process - instead of a rich harvest, you will get lush green growth.

And exclusively for fans organic farming, it is worth mentioning that nitrogen is also contained in natural fertilizers. Its high concentration is in bird droppings, about 1.5% - in compost humus based on peat or with the addition of household waste. Greens of many meadow grass also contains nitrogen, for example from 0.3% to 0.7% in clover, lupine, sweet clover, so these herbs are often used as a top dressing in the form of mulch or in the spring to prepare humus.

Interestingly, the same silt deposits that cover stagnant reservoirs in summer contain up to 2.5% natural nitrogen.

Potash fertilizers

They are presented for sale in the form of: potassium sulfate (potassium sulfate), potassium chloride, potassium carbonate (potash), two-component potassium nitrate and others.

They increase the quality and quantity of the harvest, improve the taste of the fruits and extend their shelf life. They have a beneficial effect on the general condition of gooseberry or currant bushes: they strengthen their immunity, increase resistance to disease and accelerate recovery after transplants or damage from frost and pests.

Due to the negative attitude of fruit bushes to chlorine-containing compounds, potassium sulfate or complex preparations containing potassium are usually used to fertilize currants and raspberries.

  1. In the spring, during harvesting and pruning of bushes, approximately a matchbox of granules is added to the tree trunk circle when digging, but if the plant is still young and has not entered the fruiting period, then it is recommended to reduce the dosage. It is more rational to carry out spring fertilizing with potassium fertilizers on light, sandy soils in order to reduce the percentage of their leaching from the soil during fertilization.
  2. On clayey, moist soils, the added potassium lasts longer, so this fertilizing is carried out in the fall, before the onset of the dormant period.
  3. Foliar application of fertilizers is carried out with an aqueous solution of potassium preparations during the formation of fruits and ripening of currants or gooseberries. Spray the bushes in the evening or in cloudy, cool weather. The concentration and method of preparing the solution depends on the type of fertilizer used.

When using industrial mineral fertilizers, you must strictly follow the instructions in the instructions, and in this case it is better to “underfeed” the plants than to “overfeed” them.

Wood ash is rich in organic potassium, which is used in dry and liquid form. When digging, 2-3 handfuls of ash are added under each bush or an infusion is prepared: a third of the bucket is filled with water, infused for a week, filtered, and then added to the water for irrigation or spraying.

Phosphate fertilizers

A large amount of phosphorus contains superphosphate, enriched or double superphosphate. Phosphate rock, phosphate slag (for acidic soils), precipitate (long-acting), etc.

Phosphate elements are necessary for the full development of the root system, which undoubtedly affects the entire condition of the plant - its growth, the ability to rejuvenate, the intensity of flowering, the formation of ovaries and even the taste of the berries. Based on this, it is more rational to apply phosphate fertilizers even before the start of the growing season, so that the plantings can stock up on elements in advance for promising development in the next season.

  • In the fall, after harvesting, superphosphate is buried in the soil at a distance of 50 cm to 80 cm from the base of the bush. Such fertilizers for a long time remain in the ground, so they should be applied to young bushes no more than once every two to three years.

  • In the spring, you can transform a poorly soluble phosphate compound into a form that is easily digestible for plants by preparing an aqueous solution. For this, 20 tbsp. The drug is poured with 3 liters of hot water and, stirring, left until the granules are crushed as much as possible. Then 150 ml of the finished suspension is diluted in 10 liters of water and used for irrigation.

At a certain period of growth and development, each plant needs appropriate feeding. There are cases when, as a result of correct, quality care The fruits were produced by 35-40-year-old currant bushes. In order to properly fertilize, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the soil on which the bushes grow, its level of acidity, the degree of fertility and the age of the plant itself.

The first year after planting gooseberries is spent developing the root system. In currants, on the contrary, above-ground shoots develop first. Currants begin to bear fruit in the second year after planting, gooseberries - in the third.

The growing season of these fruit and berry bushes can be divided into 4 phases:

  • the first is the beginning of intensive growth, the appearance of buds, flowering. At this time, the plant uses those nutrients, which were introduced last fall. Therefore, it is important to fertilize, water and feed on time. future harvest. Thanks to this, by autumn all the necessary nutrients accumulate in the soil, which will help the plant endure winter frosts and receive the necessary nutrition in the spring;
  • the second begins in May and ends at the end of June or beginning of July. During this period, the plant gives increased growth, gooseberry and currant buds form fruits, and the crown of the plant grows. At this time, shrubs are especially demanding of nitrogen nutrition. The soil should always be loose and moist. From depositing minerals during this period, the amount of annual growth will depend, and accordingly the abundance of the harvest;
  • the third is the extinction of growth. This stage continues until the beginning of August. During this period, nitrogen fertilizers are not required, since their excess causes rapid growth of greenery. At this time, feeding should strengthen the shoots and provide necessary nutrition future fruits;
  • fourth - preparing shrubs for winter. This phase continues until the first frost. The plant's resistance to cold weather will depend on feeding during this period. flower buds, quantity and quality of next year's harvest. In autumn it is recommended to apply phosphorus and potassium fertilizers.

Nitrogen fertilizers

Every summer resident must understand that for full growth and development, any plant requires proper care and nutrition. To get a rich harvest from bushes such as currants, gooseberries or raspberries Special attention It is worth paying attention to timely application of fertilizers. It is the quality of feeding in a certain period that will determine how tasty and healthy their fruits will be.

Before you start fertilizing, you need to carefully familiarize yourself with its effect on plants during a certain growing season. Irregular feeding, inconsistency with the age of the plant - these and many other factors can lead to undesirable results.

Nitrogen fertilizers are aimed at enhancing the growth of shrubs and trees. They stimulate the development of leaves and form the crown of the plant. The most common among them are urea, ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate and others.

  1. The first feeding is carried out in early spring (late April). Dry ammonium nitrate (50-60 grams) is poured under each bush. The strip of applied fertilizer should be equal to the width of the bush crown. Usually the roots do not extend beyond the crown. Then the ground is loosened or dug up.
  2. The second feeding should be at the end of May, after flowering. This time, nitrogen-containing drugs are administered in liquid form. To do this, the drug is diluted in 10 liters of water. The resulting liquid is used with each watering.

Over time, these fertilizers are no longer applied because mature plant begins to devote all its strength to the growth of leaves.

To those who don't trust purchased funds, it will be important to know that nitrogen is contained in bird droppings and peat-based compost humus. To mulch the soil in spring, you can use lupine, clover or sweet clover. They also contain nitrogen.

Potash fertilizers

These fertilizers are sold in the form of sulfate, carbon dioxide and potassium chloride. Nowadays, you can buy two-component potassium nitrate, potash and other fertilizers of this type on the market.

Potassium fertilizers increase the yield, give the berries a richer taste and smell, and extend the shelf life of the fruit. They increase the resistance of gooseberry and currant bushes to diseases and pests, and improve their immunity. Thanks to them, the bushes recover faster after transplantation or damage, and become more resistant to winter frosts and the winds.

Basically, potassium sulfate or other preparations containing potassium are used for feeding:

  • The first time fertilizing is carried out in the spring, during pruning of bushes. A matchbox of the drug is introduced into the soil by loosening, around each bush. If the growing season has not yet begun, the dosage of the drug is halved;
  • the second feeding is carried out in the fall, when the plant is preparing for winter. This period is very important, since it is these fertilizers that the bush will consume with the onset of spring;
  • Spraying with potassium preparations is carried out during the period of fruit formation and ripening of berries. The preparation of the mixture depends on the type of fertilizer chosen. To do this, you need to read the information on the packaging provided by the manufacturer. Treatment should be carried out closer to night or in cloudy weather.

Potassium is found in wood ash. It is added to water for irrigation and spraying, and also poured dry under each bush and dug in with the soil.

Phosphate fertilizers

Phosphate fertilizers include phosphate rock, phosphate slag, precipitate and others. The most common among them are superphosphate, double or enriched superphosphate.

Currants and gooseberries need proper and timely feeding. To do this, it is important to take into account such nuances as soil characteristics, acidity, age of the plant and its degree of fertility.

Often, summer residents are faced with the problem of a lack of fruits, but the bush itself is quite large and green. The reason for this is most often the incorrect spring fertilizing of currants and other fruit-bearing bushes - its absence or application not in full. Even if fertilization occurs at the wrong time, the result may be negative. Therefore, it is very important to know how, what and when to feed such plants.

How to feed with nitrogen

Nitrogen agents make it possible to enhance the growth of shrubs. Without this component, plant development is impossible. At the same time, it is important to understand that an excess of nitrogen will not bring benefits - in winter period shoots may freeze, and during the fruiting period the berries will ripen unevenly.

Basically, solutions of the following substances are used as fertilizers:

  • ammonium nitrate;
  • urea;
  • ammonium sulfate.

The optimal time to feed shrubs is early spring- first ten days of March.

Saltpeter is produced in granules and they are applied in one of the following ways:

  • in dry form, scattering in the required proportion over the root zone at the rate of 30 g. per 1 sq.m. soil and plowing the ground lightly;
  • as an aqueous solution, which is prepared according to the manufacturer’s instructions and also applied around the bush.

Aqueous solution spray very carefully so as not to touch the foliage and branches.

Mineral fertilizers

  • 1 cup ammonium nitrate;
  • 3 cups superphosphate;
  • 2 cups of potassium chloride.

All components are mixed, and one glass of the resulting dry mixture is poured into 10 liters of water.

A small ditch is dug near each bush and 5 liters are poured into it clean water. After the liquid is completely absorbed, the solution is poured. You need 5 liters of it for each bush.

At the end of May, it is necessary to feed the crops again, this time organic substances. To prepare it, you need to dilute 30 g of urea and a little potassium permanganate in 10 liters of water until the solution turns pink. The crowns are sprayed with this fertilizer. This should be done late in the evening or early in the morning. This will allow the product to stay on the foliage longer.

Potash fertilizer

To do this, use agents in the form of potassium chloride, sulfate and potassium carbonate. Such fertilizing measures are aimed at increasing productivity, giving the berries an intense taste, and extending the shelf life of the fruit. Also, shrubs become less susceptible to pests and diseases. When transplanted or damaged, currants and gooseberries tolerate injury more easily, recover faster, and become resistant to winds and frost.

To feed the bushes, preparations containing potassium are used. Similar feeding of currants and gooseberries in the spring should be done during the pruning period. To do this, it is important to loosen the soil, using a matchbox of the selected preparation in the process. It is worth reducing the amount of fertilizing by half if the plant has not entered the growing season.

Spraying with nitrogen is an emergency measure; it is used only in case of quickly replenishing the deficiency of the component.

For gooseberries, a weak concentration of the drug should be used, otherwise there is a possibility of a chemical burn of the foliage.

VIDEO: Secrets of growing large gooseberries

Phosphate fertilizers

This should include the precipitate, phosphate rock, tomasslag. The most popular among drugs is superphosphate, enriched or double. The advantages of this type of fertilizer are the formation and strengthening of the root system of crops. Consequently, the shrubs will bloom intensively, healthy ovaries will appear on them, and growth will increase.

Phosphate fertilizer should be applied before the growing season. Divorced in spring hot water The plant is watered with fertilizer. The proportions should be as follows:

  • 3 tbsp. l. preparation for 3 liters of water;
  • concentrate (150 ml) is diluted in 10 liters of water and added to the plants.

The procedure should be carried out once a year for shrubs that have been growing for more than 3 years. Young plants need fertilizing once every 2-3 years.

Fertilizing can also be carried out in dry form; for this purpose, granules are scattered around the bushes in a strip, moving half a meter away from the base.

If the shrubs grow on light, sandy soils, then it is important to feed them in the spring. In clay soils, it is more correct to feed bushes in the fall, since potassium remains in this type of soil longer.

Features of spring processing of currants and gooseberries

Nourish the weakened after winter fruit bushes possible with fertilizers for a long time impact. The release form of such products is in the form of sticks, briquettes and tablets. You just need to bury the selected fertilizer in the ground near the base of the bush. Fertilizing works like this: the fertilizer gradually dissolves, the bush is saturated with additional nutrition.

The row spacing method is also popular among gardeners. It is based on planting green manure crops, for example, peas, vetch, lupine. Before flowering, the shoots of the planted plants are mowed down, mixed with soil and placed around the currant or gooseberry bush, so as to cover the entire radius of the root system. Plants overheat and the soil is saturated with nutrients.

VIDEO: 7 secrets of currant fertility

How to feed correctly

  1. The roots of the bushes are located close to the surface - 10-40 cm, remember this when fluffing the soil.
  2. Fertilizing is applied from all sides of the bush.
  3. Be sure to distribute the fertilizer evenly.
  4. The radius of the soil for cultivation should be equal to the radius of the crown or slightly exceed it.
  5. To get a significant effect from feeding, you should use a deep fertilization method. A furrow is dug around the bush at a distance of 40-50 cm from the trunk of the plant, the depth is 20-30 cm. Fertilizers should be poured into it.

Differences in feeding gooseberries and currants

Despite the similarity of care shrubs, there are differences. Currants require less potassium, since currants are more susceptible to chlorine. Therefore, before fertilizing, calculate the dosage for each plant variety separately. The difference lies in the fact that it is recommended to feed currants with strong additives once every 3 years, while annual feeding is important for gooseberries. When choosing fertilizer, remember that currants require more phosphorus, gooseberries require more potassium.

The correct choice of not only the component for feeding, but also the process time will help to obtain strong plant and a rich harvest.

VIDEO: How to feed gooseberries, currants and fruit trees in the spring

Feeding red and black currant bushes, as well as gooseberries in the fall is not a whim, but a necessity. After all, over the summer, plants spend a significant amount useful substances, which is why autumn fertilization of the soil is so important.

Some novice gardeners feed the bushes in the spring, hoping to thus stimulate the plant to produce a rich harvest. At the same time, when all the berries are collected, the shrubs cease to interest would-be gardeners until next year. Meanwhile, autumn feeding of currants and gooseberries has great value. After all, plants already weakened by abundant fruiting will soon have to withstand frost and chilly winter winds. In order for your green pets to survive the coldest time of the year without loss, it is important to feed them correctly, taking a responsible approach to the choice of fertilizers for currants and gooseberries in the fall.

Fertilizers for planting currants and gooseberries

If you decide to plant gooseberries or currants on your plot this fall, landing hole it is necessary to add mineral and organic fertilizers, which will provide the plants with the substances necessary for growth and development for the next 1-2 years. First of all, it is worth mixing in equal proportions the top fertile layer of soil, removed when preparing the hole, with rotted compost. It is extremely useful to cover the roots of the seedling with this nutrient mixture.

You can also add 0.5 to the planting hole. matchbox potassium sulfate and superphosphate.

How to feed gooseberry bushes in the fall

When the harvest is harvested, it's time to start preparing for winter. Experienced gardeners Every year, before the first frost, formative and rejuvenating pruning of gooseberry bushes is carried out. It is advisable to dig up the soil around the plants to a depth of 12 cm (being careful not to touch the roots), while simultaneously applying fertilizer.

One of the most suitable for berry bushes autumn fertilizers may become superphosphate. It is added in the amount of 1-2 tbsp. per 1 bush, planting to a depth of 7-10 cm in radius trunk circle. Autumn feeding with superphosphate helps plants better resist fungal diseases and frost, which means that next year they will not waste time on long recovery and will delight you early flowering. In addition, when correct application fertilizers, plants use water more economically, accumulate more sugars in fruits, etc.

Of the potassium fertilizers for autumn feeding of gooseberries, you can use potassium sulfate (15-20 g per 1 sq.m.).

Also under gooseberries, as an organic potash fertilizer, once every 3-4 years you can deposit liter jar wood ash.

Humus is also popular among gardeners (up to 1 bucket for each bush). Some people prefer to combine fertilizers, adding 8-15 kg of humus and 40 g of potassium sulfate for each adult bush.

When using humus, part of it can be incorporated into the soil, and part of it can be used as mulching material.

As an organic fertilizer for feeding gooseberries, you can also use chicken manure diluted in water in a ratio of 1:15 or diluted mullein - 1:10.

The last one autumn feeding Gooseberry harvesting is carried out at the end of September. After applying fertilizers, it is advisable to mulch the soil around the bushes, thus providing the roots of the plants with additional protection from frost.

Fertilizing currants in the fall

Autumn feeding of currants is carried out in the third ten days of September. As is known, the most important substances in autumn period for plants are phosphorus and potassium. There is no longer any need to increase green mass, the growth of the root system and plant resistance to unfavorable conditions become much more relevant weather conditions. Therefore about nitrogen fertilizers It’s better to forget until spring.

Berry bushes respond well to fertilizing with chicken droppings. It can be applied either in dry form for digging (0.8 kg per 1 sq.m.), or diluted with water in a ratio of 1:15.

It is important to avoid direct contact of plant roots with the active fertilizer, so a solution of chicken manure is watered between the rows, and the soil is not dug too deeply to embed the chicken manure.

Fertilizing plants must be combined with watering, otherwise the applied fertilizers can cause burns to the roots.

At the end of October every currant bush you can add 0.5 buckets of rotted manure.

As for mineral fertilizers, currants in September can be fed with potassium sulfate (15 g) and superphosphate (30 g per 1 sq.m of tree trunk circle).

Also good to cook complex feeding, adding 10-15 kg of humus, 60 g of superphosphate and 40 g of potassium salt under each bush.

Some gardeners spray currants in the fall with the following composition: 10 liters of water, 3 g boric acid, 5 g of potassium permanganate, 40 g of copper sulfate.

From traditional methods For feeding currants, an infusion of potato peels is interesting. Fill a liter jar with the dried peel and pour 10 liters of boiling water. Cover the container with a lid and leave it in a warm room so that the water cools down longer. And then the infusion is poured into the grooves dug along the perimeter of the tree trunk circles.

Fertilizer application methods

When root feeding berry bushes, fertilizers are distributed along the projection of the crown. They can also be placed in small grooves located 30 cm from the bush. The depth of the grooves is no more than 20 cm.

When applying granular fertilizers, it is advisable to incorporate them into the soil to make it easier for the plant root system to access beneficial microelements.

As an alternative to the classic organic fertilizers near currant and gooseberry bushes you can sow green manure (peas, lupine, vetch). In the fall they are mowed and used as mulch.

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