Recommendations for growing brovallia from seeds and cuttings at home. Browallia in your home - a purple ball from a small seed

A compact, round bush with flexible, branched shoots, generously strewn with charming star flowers - this is exactly what Brovallia (Brovalia) looks like, a popular ornamental plant, which arrived in our region from tropical regions South America. The original name for the culture was given by the famous naturalist C. Linnaeus in honor of his friend, the Italian monk G. Brovallia. Main advantage wonderful guest– plentiful, continuous flowering, lasting several months. Depending on the variety, the tubular-star-shaped flowers of Browallia, about 5 cm in diameter, can be white, blue, deep blue or purple. In horticultural culture of mid-latitudes unpretentious beauty Usually grown in flowerbeds or borders as an annual, but at home it looks no less chic. IN winter cold when you really want something bright, summer colors, Browallia will be a real salvation for you. Just think: it’s snowing and frosty outside, but there’s a blooming miracle on the windowsill!

Indoor brovallia is modest and undemanding when it comes to care, which means that if you follow the basic requirements of agricultural technology, it will not annoy you with endless whims.

When to plant

There are no strictly regulated planting dates for home cultivation of brovallia. Sowing can be done at any time of the year. For summer bloom seeds are sown in the first week of March, and so that the flowers bloom by New Year's holidays, work is carried out at the end of August.

Growing from seeds

To sow Brovallia seeds, you will need a wide bowl or container with low walls, as well as a nutritious soil mixture made up of turf and leaf soil, garden humus and clean river sand taken equally. Before use, the planting substrate must be sterilized in a hot oven or in a water bath. The sowing procedure is simple and takes just a few minutes:

  • The soil mixture is poured into a bowl, pressed down and leveled.
  • Small brovallia seeds are scattered over the surface. There is no need to cover them with soil.
  • The crops are carefully sprinkled with settled water.
  • The bowl is covered with polyethylene or glass lid. If the container is not too large, then you can use a plastic bottle cut in half as a cover. suitable size. An improvised greenhouse with germinating seeds is placed at a temperature of +22…+25 °C.

The first, very fragile shoots of brovallia will appear above the ground after 12–14 days. In anticipation of their appearance, the greenhouse is opened daily for 30–40 minutes for ventilation, drops of condensation from the shelter are wiped off with a soft cloth, and the surface of the soil is sprayed with settled water from a sprayer.

In separate pots, the plants are picked in the phase of 3–4 true leaves.

Conditions of detention

When creating a favorable microclimate for an overseas pet, you should take into account all its, albeit few, but very important requirements:

  • Brovallia loves bright light, but does not tolerate direct rays: under the scorching sun, the leaves become covered with ugly yellow-brown burn spots. Therefore, it is preferable to arrange a pot with tender plant on the east side windowsill. If your window faces west or south, then at midday, “hide” the flower behind a thin lace curtain.
  • The optimal summer temperature for keeping the crop is from +20 to +25 °C. In winter, indoor brovallia will be quite comfortable at +15…+17 °C.
  • On hot, stuffy evenings, pamper your beauty with a cool shower from a fine spray - on water treatments she reacts gratefully.
  • Water the moisture-loving brovallia abundantly. In summer, the procedure is carried out every 2 days, and in extreme heat every day. In the autumn-winter period, the number of waterings is reduced to 2 times a week. Try not to overdo it with the supply of moisture, otherwise the soil in the pot will turn into a miniature sour swamp, and the roots of the plant will begin to rot. It is recommended to water in the evening, and the next morning to loosen the substrate under the plant to ensure oxygen access to the roots.
  • The tops of browallia shoots must be pinched periodically; this simple manipulation contributes to the formation of dense and lush bush. To maintain a neat appearance of the plant, wilted inflorescences and old, bare stems must be removed in a timely manner.
  • Every 2–2.5 weeks, brovallia is fed with complex mineral fertilizer.

It doesn't make much sense to replant brovallia. At the end of flowering, an aged, falling apart bush looks somewhat sloppy, so it is better to grow a new plant from seeds or cuttings to replace it.


If you have an adult bush, it is easy to propagate brovallia by cuttings. The technology is quite simple:

  • Several shoots without buds are cut from the mother plant.
  • The cuttings are planted in a peat-sand mixture under cover (film or glass).
  • Caring for plantings during the rooting process consists of regular watering and daily ventilation.
  • With the appearance of 3–4 root shoots, the young plants are planted in flower pots.

Be careful! Browallia is a poisonous plant, so all work on cuttings sanitary pruning, pinching shoots, as well as removing faded flowers must be done only with gloves. Upon completion of the procedures, do not forget to thoroughly wash your hands and working tools with soap.

Diseases and pests

At home, brovallia can be attacked by aphids, thrips and scale insects. Dryness and high ambient temperatures increase the likelihood of plants being damaged by red spider mites. Destroy insects using improvised means (concentrated solution laundry soap, infusions of garlic and onion peel), and industrial insecticides (“Akarin”, “Fufanon”, “Fitoverm”, “Aktellik”).

Of the diseases, the greatest danger to brovallia is powdery mildew, which can be recognized by the characteristic bluish coating on the leaves and shoots. From the outside it may seem that the affected bush is sprinkled with flour or light dust. There is no point in delaying the fight against infection: at the first symptoms of infection, spray the bushes with a solution of a potent insecticide (Hom, Fundazol, Previkur). Severely affected plants are almost impossible to cure, so it is better to dispose of them to avoid the spread of the disease.

The best varieties

Several species of Browallia are grown in garden culture, but room window sills Only one representative of the genus has firmly established itself - the beautiful Browallia, the best varieties which is recognized among flower growers:

  • Silver Bell, White Troll – white;
  • Blue Troll, Fidelity - sky blue flowers with a white center;
  • Ocean - a mix variety with blue and snow-white star flowers;
  • Blue Bell, Jingle Bell - all shades of blue;
  • Indigo is a rich violet-blue.

In the flower collection of graceful brovalia, excellent company will be indoor balsams and primrose. In addition, its delicate tubular-star-shaped inflorescences will look advantageous against the background of decorative deciduous crops - ficus benjamina, homemade lemon and myrtle tree.

Modest, not provocatively bright flower crops are becoming increasingly popular in the design of flower beds and garden plots. Their calm, gentle, peaceful beauty fascinates and makes you look back and stop. This also applies to the brovallia flower - herbaceous annual plant from the nightshade family. A neat bush strewn with small flowers will decorate a balcony, terrace, or any corner garden plot, will give the interior of the room a cute originality. Browallia can be grown as a garden and indoor plant.

Description of Browallia

The roots of the culture go to the tropical regions of South and Central America, where it grows in wildlife. The bush with branching drooping stems has a compact rounded shape and natural environment grows up to 1m, the height of cultivated species varies from 20cm to 35cm.

Small dark green leaves look like an elongated oval with a narrow tip. Single flowers of white, blue and purple colors, resembling stars, grow from the leaf axils. The petals, of which there are five, are fused at the base, slightly curved and show a light “eye” in the middle of the flower.

Flowering begins in mid-summer and continues until frost, and potted plants delight with an abundance of flowers all year round.

Small seeds ripen in a box with valves, from where they spill out when ripe.

Information! Browallia is an annual plant, but at home with proper care it can life cycle can be extended up to 2 years. After prolonged flowering, the plant fades and needs to be renewed.

Brovallia varieties for indoor growing

How garden culture Several species have become widespread: beautiful, large-flowered, pubescent, sticky, American, and as a plant for home cultivation there is only one species - beautiful browallia.

Varieties of beautiful browallia

Sowing seeds

Growing brovallia from seeds is not time-bound - sowing can be done at any time. To obtain a flowering plant throughout the year, you can spread out the sowing of seeds of one or several varieties over time. For example, sowing in August or early September will produce flowering in winter, sowing in February in spring, sowing in April or March in summer.

How to sow seeds:

  • cook soil mixture from equal parts of turf and leaf soil, humus, river sand, disinfected in an oven or with boiling water;
  • fill shallow containers with the mixture;
  • distribute the seeds over the surface of the soil (previously keep them in warm water 2 hours and dry on a cloth;
  • moisten with a spray bottle (no need to add seeds);
  • cover the container with a transparent material (glass, film), place in a bright and warm (22°-25°C) place;
  • open the shelter daily to remove condensation and ventilate the greenhouse;
  • moisten the soil with a spray bottle;
  • pick into narrow pots;
  • pinch the top if there are 3-4 leaves.

In order not to prepare the soil yourself, you can use for sowing peat tablets, having previously soaked them in a zircon solution. After that, squeeze excess moisture, place 3 seeds on each tablet (do not soak the seeds or treat them with anything). Place the tablets in a transparent bag or container (cover the top) and place them in the light, where the temperature is 22°-25°C.

Propagation by cuttings

Brovallia cuttings - an easy and simple method of propagation the right variety or updating an already growing one. Cuttings take root well in both water and soil.

Procedure for planting cuttings:

  • cuttings are obtained by cutting the top of the stem without buds in May or early June (water the plant the day before);
  • soil for flower crops with the addition of vermiculite (gives looseness) pour into small containers;
  • Place the cutting in the ground, cover the container with a bag (jar) and place it in the light at 20°C;
  • Water the soil regularly and ventilate the greenhouse;
  • picking is carried out after germination of the roots (2-3 seedlings can be planted in each container to obtain an ampelous bush);
  • When diving, be sure to pinch the top.

Home care

The value of brovallia long flowering(13-18 months), which is not common among indoor animals flower plants. The flower spends a lot of energy on such a life cycle, but proper care helps him recover.

Care stages:

  1. Temperature conditions. Depending on the season, the temperature varies from +25°C in summer, to +15°-18°C in winter and +20°C in autumn and spring time. Support desired temperature You can move the pot with the plant to the balcony, to the windowsill, or, conversely, by removing it from there to a warmer room.
  2. Humidity. tropical plants They grow in a humid environment, so the air in the room can be humidified using a spray bottle or installing a container with water. It is not recommended to spray the bush itself, since drops of water may cause stains on the flowers.
  3. Illumination. If there is insufficient lighting, flowering may not occur, but direct sunlight is also undesirable - the light should be diffused. On hot sunny days, sun protection should be provided, and on winter time, if necessary, highlight the plant.
  4. Water generously in hot weather sunny days and moderate in winter and autumn. The container must have a drainage hole and a drainage layer to avoid moisture stagnation.
  5. Feeding (every 14 days) to replenish nutrients it is necessary to apply in the soil - ready-made complexes without nitrogen are suitable for indoor flowering plants. The recommended dosage should be reduced by 2-3 times.
  6. Trimming and pinching. To form a beautiful bush correct form, you need to regularly pinch the top of the shoots, trim off dried stems and remove faded flowers.
  7. Diseases. If signs of powdery mildew appear (grayish coating on leaves and shoots), treat with a fungicide (Topaz, Skor) or, if severe defeat, remove the plant so that the infection does not spread to neighboring plantings. The disease appears in too humid environments and high temperature, so you should follow the rules of care.
  8. Pests. For indoor plants aphids, thrips, scale insects and red spider mite. Helps fight them special drugs(Intavir, Oktara), a solution of laundry soap (spraying, washing with a sponge), growing nearby plants with a specific smell, for example, geraniums, marigolds.

Information! Brovallia flower belongs to poisonous plants— all work with it is best done with gloves. When placing it in an apartment, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of contact with children and animals.

Appearance of the plant and errors in care

ABOUT incorrect implementation caring for Brovallia signal changes in its appearance. It is possible to correct the situation if you take immediate action.

How to correct mistakes in care

Appearance changesReasonsHow to fix
Yellow spots on the leaf plateSunburnProtect from direct sun rays
The entire leaf blade has turned yellowIron deficiency (chlorosis)Use complex fertilizers with a balanced composition
The bush is sluggish, droopinghigh temperature,

dry soil

Observe watering norms and humidify the air
Pale leaf colorInsufficient lightingMove the pot to a brighter place
The leaves are fallingSudden change in temperaturePlace the plant in a room with a constant temperature, avoid drafts
Reducing the number of budsHigh room temperatureChange location

At correct landing and appropriate care, brovalliya will thank you abundant flowering all year round, creating comfort in the apartment and a homely atmosphere in the office, it will help maintain good mood in any season.

Humidity: Regular watering
Location: Sunny
Soil: Any, good drainage
Required work: Watering, fertilizing, pruning
Growth height: up to 30 cm
Planting seedlings: March
Planting in the ground: May
Flowering: June-September
Suitable for cutting

Brovallia - elegant tubular flowers.

Browallia is a genus of the Solanaceae family. These are herbaceous annuals and biennial plants. With strongly branching shoots and an erect stem. The leaves are entire, lanceolate-heart-shaped, broadly lanceolate. The inflorescences are racemose, the flowers are star-shaped, their colors are varied: blue, white, purple. There are about 6 species in the genus.

Important: Always wear gloves when handling browllia and wash your hands thoroughly afterwards. The plant is poisonous. It is worth keeping it out of reach of children and animals.

Planting Browallia

Most often it is grown as an annual. But in room conditions Browallia also grows as a biennial. After flowering for a long time, it becomes old. Its shoots stretch out, but the young ones do not grow. It is simply renewed by propagating by cuttings or seeds. At home, beautiful brovallia is most often planted.

The plant is unpretentious, but it is better to provide it with soil with good aeration. You can mix turf, humus and leaf soil for the plant and add sand. Before planting, it is advisable to add ash to the soil.

Drainage is also necessary to avoid stagnation of moisture in the soil. Dense and moist soil for brovallia is not suitable for greenery that is too fertile and can develop to the detriment of flowering.

IN home growing For planting, you can take soil for flowering plants. For a drainage layer, place expanded clay on the bottom of the pot, adding charcoal.

Caring for Brovallia

The plant is light-loving, but it is not advisable to plant it in the open sun. Diffused lighting is best. In the shade, brovallia may not bloom or flowering will be sparse.


When watering, it is necessary to observe the measure, not over-wetting the browllia, but also not allowing the soil to dry out. If earthen lump Once the plant dries out, it is almost impossible to restore it. Excess moisture can cause roots to rot.

When the weather is dry, it is good to spray brovallia. But you should make sure that moisture does not get on the flowers. This causes spots to appear on them.

Winter hardiness

The plant grows in open ground as an annual.

Top dressing

Good to contribute mineral compounds during the flowering period every 2 weeks. Phosphates can be added to irrigation water.


Blooms profusely from summer to late autumn. Dried inflorescences are removed.


It is necessary to regularly remove elongated, old shoots, as well as bare and dried stems after flowering. To make brovallia bush better, pinch it, removing the very tops of the bushes. It is better to carry out the first procedure before flowering.

Growing seedlings

In early April, seeds can be sown in a greenhouse or in containers. A composition of peat sand and humus is suitable for them. It is moistened and Brovallia seeds are distributed over the surface. They can be sprinkled with sand on top.

The container is covered with film or glass. The cover is removed daily, ventilating the soil, and watered once every 2 days. Germination can be expected in about 2 weeks. The shelter is removed, gradually hardening the seedlings. A month later, they are carefully plucked so as not to damage the roots.

The seedlings are moved to open ground after all the frosts. The plant will bloom in June. When kept at home, the grown seedlings are simply transplanted into separate containers.

Reproduction of Browallia


Before sowing in open ground, it is good to soak the seeds for 2 days in warm water, this will increase their germination. In May they are planted in the ground. Then cover with film. Shoots can be expected after 2 weeks.


For planting material will do upper part stem without flower buds. The cuttings are rooted in loose sandy soil, having previously been treated with a root formation stimulator.

You can prepare it yourself from young willow shoots. They are cut into small pieces and placed in a container with water, infusing for a day. Then the cuttings are placed in this solution for 12 hours before rooting.

After planting, they are provided with shelter. Cuttings must be regularly ventilated and watered. Rooted shoots are transplanted to permanent place or planted in separate pots.

Diseases and pests of Browallia

May suffer from chlorosis. Fungicides are usually used here. The plant can be treated for powdery mildew soap solution. Brovalia is annoyed by spider mites, scale insects, and aphids. Tobacco infusion helps against scale insects.

Vegetative propagation is carried out by cuttings. This way you can get new plants all year round. The second method, less popular - propagation by seeds, also does not have clear boundaries when it is best to plant them; it can be either summer or winter.

In order to propagate by cuttings, it is recommended to select mature apical stems that have not acquired buds.

The rooting itself occurs in loose, moist soil in a mini-greenhouse. There is a second method of rooting - by placing the cuttings in a bowl of water. Depending on when planting is done, the flowering period will also change.


Seed method

Seeds for growing in the ground must be prepared; before sowing, they need to be soaked in warm water for several days. This will help in increasing germination and speeding up the germination process. First, the flowers are provided with a closed greenhouse, then open air is left.

Before you sow the seeds, you need to prepare the soil. You can purchase ready-made soil, or you can prepare the soil mixture yourself, which is recommended by all gardeners. Ideal soil considered to be soil consisting of deciduous and turf soil with an admixture of river sand, humus and peat. Deciduous and turf soil are needed in equal proportions.

The prepared mixture is placed into containers. In the container you need to do drainage holes so that the water does not stagnate. It is necessary to pour into glasses flower soil. You can put the planting number on the dishes if necessary. The soil must be spilled with water and epin..

To improve the looseness of the soil, vermiculite can be added to it.


The soil required for planting cuttings will be exactly the same. Same as in the seed method.


For reproduction you will need:

  • plastic glasses with a volume of 50g;
  • flower soil.

From seeds

Browallia has very small seeds. Care must be taken not to wake them. To do this, the seeds must be poured into a previously prepared lid, or matchbox so that they are convenient to take.

A toothpick or thin stick needs to be moistened with water. Thus, it is very easy to pick up each gloxinia granule.

Seedlings will appear in about 2 weeks. Browallia will begin to bloom at the age of 2.5 months. If the room temperature is kept at 22-25 degrees, then the first shoots will appear within 10 days.

Apical shoots

Cuttings are not only a method of propagation, but also great way rejuvenate mature plant. The process itself is very simple and does not require much effort or special knowledge.

  1. It is necessary to cut exactly apical cuttings without buds.
  2. The stems must be mature.
  3. Before propagation, cuttings must be watered abundantly.
  4. The container with cuttings must be covered with a bag.
  5. Be sure to put it in a bright place.

Direct sunlight is not suitable for growing the plant, it is necessary diffuse light. It is necessary to periodically ventilate and moisten the soil.

After rooting, the plant must be planted in separate pots one at a time; in extreme cases, 2-3 can be planted. It is necessary to pinch the tops to increase branching.

Common Mistakes

In the case when browallia is grown from seeds to decorate a balcony or loggia, it is necessary to remove the seedlings to a permanent place only when the threat of the first spring frosts has disappeared. Otherwise the plant will die.

Regularly, after the final transplantation of brovallia into pots, it is necessary to begin fertilizing with fertilizer for flowering indoor plants every 10-14 days until the end of flowering.

Inexperienced gardeners often make mistakes when. They may not have the best effect on the health of the plant. Mistakes that are made when caring for brovallia:

  1. One of these mistakes is incorrect placement of the flower. If you put brovallia on the window south side from bright sunlight, the leaves of the plant can get burned, which leads to the appearance yellow spots. To avoid such a situation, the plant must be hidden from direct sunlight. If you place the plant on sides where there is little light, it may not bloom for a very long time.
  2. Incorrect feeding. For fertilizing it is necessary to use only high-quality balanced universal fertilizers. Otherwise, the leaves of the flower will begin to turn yellow due to iron deficiency.
  3. Insufficient moisture also affects the condition of brovallia.

    At low humidity, the plant will simply begin to dry out. The problem can be solved simply; on hot days, you need to spray the plant, water it abundantly, but do not overwater it.

  4. Another mistake, creating indoors sharp changes temperatures Due to temperature fluctuations, brovallia begins to shed its leaves. Creating the right one temperature regime is the key to solving this problem.

Browallia is a toxic plant. When working with it, you must wear gloves and be sure to wash your hands. It is better to place the plant in places out of reach of children and animals..

Brovallia has a beautiful and unusual flowering. In order for her to please the eye for as long as possible, you just need to create for her favorable conditions cultivation and provide proper reproduction. Which is not that difficult.

Useful video

We invite you to watch a video about the features of growing and propagating Browallia:

Browallia (lat. Browallia) belongs to the Solanaceae family and is a direct relative of potatoes and tomatoes. With its name, the plant immortalized the memory of Bishop D. Broval (Sweden), friend of C. Linnaeus, world-famous botanist, founder of plant classification.

Browallia is native to the central and southern parts of America. It was brought to Europe in 1846 from Colombia.

It's grassy flowering plant In its homeland, the plant reaches a meter in height and is considered a subshrub. Garden forms half as low, indoor ones are bushes with soft drooping shoots.

The stems of the plant are densely “strewn” with axillary single flowers, resembling stars. The corolla of the flower is formed by five half-fused funnel-shaped petals and is colored in various tones: from snow-white to blue and purple. The flowers are bisexual, odorless. Flowering lasts from spring until frost.

The fruit is a capsule with a lid and valves. Small dark seeds ripen in it and fall out through the valves. Seeds of the first year have high germination rate.

Tall species are grown in open ground in decorative purposes and for cutting. Low-growing - for decorating loggias and balconies, like indoor plants. To enhance the decorative effect garden varieties Browallias are placed in a group; when grown in pots, several bushes are planted together in one container.

The plant is quite unpretentious, it only needs “traditional” care measures: removing faded buds, yellowed leaves and old shoots; pinching shoots to enhance the decorative effect of the bush; spraying and fertilizing.

However, all this must be done with caution. Like some other representatives of the Solanaceae, such as belladonna and mandrake, Browallia is poisonous. Breeding it at home is unsafe for children and pets. After caring for the plant, it is recommended to wash your hands thoroughly.

Location and lighting

Browallia loves bright places, but does not tolerate bright things scorching sun. On a hot summer afternoon it is better to shade it. East-facing windows are perfect for placing plants indoors.


The plant does not tolerate heat and reacts to it by reducing the number of buds, yellowing and drying of the leaves. Spring and summer optimal temperature for browllia to grow it will be 20°C. In autumn and winter, it is better to place the plant indoors, with an air temperature of no higher than 15°C. In cool conditions, the plant reduces its growth rate, which prolongs its life.

Watering and air humidity

Browallia feels “uncomfortable” in rooms with dry air. Spraying the plant will never be superfluous; it is advisable to spray the brovallia once a day. When flowering, spraying should be carried out as carefully as possible - water should not get on the flowers, otherwise brown spots may appear on them.

The soil in the pot should not dry out completely. But excessive waterlogging is also undesirable for brovallia. If the plant is suddenly flooded, the stem may begin to rot, which leads to the death of the plant.


Brovallia develops well in soil consisting of equal parts of humus, sand, turf and leaf. To plant brovalli, you can use a regular purchased soil for flowering indoor plants.

Feeding and fertilizers

Blooming indoor views Browallias are fed twice a month: from spring to late summer. As fertilizers, you can use any fertilizer for flowering indoor plants, reducing their concentration by half as recommended by the manufacturer.


Being an annual, the plant does not require replanting. It lives for one season, dying after the fruits ripen. New plants are usually grown from seeds.

Brovallia reproduces by simply sowing seeds in the ground. The timing of sowing seeds determines the beginning of flowering of brovallia: the earlier it is carried out, the more like a plant will bloom.

Sowing is carried out in boxes, placing the seeds on the surface of the soil, not sprinkling them, but spraying them with a spray bottle. The box is covered with film or glass and placed in the light at room temperature air. The “greenhouse” is ventilated daily. Shoots will appear in about two weeks.

Seeds sown immediately in open ground will bloom later. However, if you sow in a greenhouse and then transfer the stronger plants to open areas, flowering will begin earlier, and its duration will increase.

You can speed up the onset of flowering and its duration by first soaking the seeds for two days in warm water.

Diseases and pests

Browallia is affected and attacked by whiteflies and mealybugs.

The likelihood of disease and pest damage increases significantly if Brovallia is kept indoors with low air humidity.

Browallia beautiful or magnificent (Browallia speciosa)- found in the wild in the southern and central parts of America. Brought to Europe from Colombia and grown as house plant. Externally, the plant is similar to petunia and is a low (up to half a meter) branched bush, strewn with small single axillary flowers, the shade of which varies from white to purple. The flowers are attached to the shoots with the help of thin and long pedicels. Plants have large, up to 6 cm in length, whole leaves dark shades green.

Browallia viscosa- an annual plant that got its name due to the stickiness of the stems. It is distinguished by low, up to 30 cm, branched stems. From November to February it is covered with small single flowers. The flower petals are painted in shades of white or dark blue with a white spot.

The variety is particularly impressive Sapphire (Sapphire). Its miniature bush, up to 25 cm, is strewn with flowers of a beautiful sapphire shade.

Browallia grandiflora– grown for decorative purposes since 1829. This annual is a branched bush with a wide crown up to half a meter in height. Its flowers are collected in loose inflorescences resembling a brush. The flower petals are painted white or blue. It blooms for three months: November, December and January.

Browallia demissa (Browallia demissa)– blooms profusely and has a branched tall (up to 60 cm) bush. Her blue or purple flowers larger than other varieties.

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