Perennial flowers for the Urals blooming all the name. Types of perennial flowers that bloom for a long time

Flowering perennials are often used to improve private areas. The assortment is wide enough to choose plants according to personal preferences and decorate personal plot stylish and tasteful. Today the site about farming has selected for you the most favorite perennial flowers for the garden- photos with names, catalog and a short summary for each plant.

Perennials for garden decoration

Catalog of the best perennials for the garden - names, descriptions and photographs

With experience, each gardener develops his own list of favorite perennial flowers to decorate his garden. Such a catalog usually includes the names of plants that are highly decorative but do not require complex care. Most love sun and well-drained soil. Let’s look at the perennials that are most often included in the popular “catalog,” the beauty of which will be appreciated by carefully selected photographs.


When choosing alyssum for planting in the country, it is important to remember that this plant has a high love for the sun. The flower tolerates dry summers well and is able to survive even frost down to -10 °C without consequences.

The photo shows a perennial called alyssum

As can be seen in the photo, lobularia is a low ground cover plant with small flowers. The color depends on the variety. Planting perennial alyssum in the countryside makes it possible to enjoy flowering and a sweet aroma from early summer to late autumn.

Alyssum in two colors


The photo shows a flower called anemone. The plant is a must-have item in the catalogs of summer residents who value tenderness, brightness and sophistication.

Anemone for the garden

Of the two varieties - tuberous and rhizomatous - the latter are easy to care for. Basic requirements for all varieties of anemone: partial shade, light, nutritious and well-drained soil.

Anemone in the photo


Name " pansies"is known to every gardener. This perennial flower included in most catalogs of favorite ornamental crops for the garden. Its peculiarity is that wintering is difficult for it.

In the photo there are pansies

It is necessary to ensure good shelter for the period of frost. Pansies bloom beautifully only in an unshaded space, in non-flooded loamy soil. Shown in the photo various varieties violas.



Astilbe for original design dachas

Among approximately 400 varieties, you can choose from options with different colors and heights. A plant called astilbe blooms all summer long, which makes summer residents and gardeners incredibly happy. She prefers shady areas and does not tolerate periods of drought.


In autumn, most cottages in our country are decorated with magnificent perennials called asters. Lush flowers do not fade until frost. The photo shows part of the color spectrum covered by this ornamental plant.

Magnificent asters in the photo

Gardeners create flower beds from asters in the form of carpets, borders and edgings of flower beds. Only a sunny area of ​​the dacha (maximum partial shade) with fertile and permeable soil is suitable for this plant.

Asters in the country


Due to the unusually shaped leaves (pictured), bergenia received the second name “ elephant ears" This plant looks great in the garden. In addition to its decorative value, it has medicinal value - tea is brewed from the dried leaves to strengthen the body.

Perennial - bergenia

Bergenia is included in lists and catalogs of ornamental plants for shady areas of the garden - it does not tolerate bright sun. For a plant with a poorly defined root system, light soil, regular moisture and fertilizing are extremely important.


In the photo there is a periwinkle

The ability to grow quickly is important to consider when planning a flower bed. The most common periwinkle is the one with blue buds. Partial shade suits him best; the soil can be almost anything.



Colchicum is incredibly unpretentious, which is appreciated by many owners of cottages and gardens. However, this plus covers a significant drawback - short flowering (about 3 weeks).

The photo shows a magnificent colchicum


Loosestrife erecta

There are two bud color options - yellow and red. Loosestrife loves the sun, fertilizing and needs regular watering. Otherwise the plant is not picky. Loosestrife overwinters without shelter.

Loosestrife groundcover


One of the very first perennials to bloom in the countryside is called hyacinth. This is an incredibly beautiful flower that is often grown as a cut flower. Affects the widest spectrum color range by which culture is represented.

Charming hyacinth in the country

Fertilizing and timely watering are very important for hyacinth. In the photo you can see the spectacular appearance of this perennial flower, beloved by the owners of dachas and cottages.

In the photo there is a hyacinth


Delicate gypsophila is included in the catalog of popular flowers for the garden

The plant tolerates winter well, but does not develop well in heavy soils and when irregular watering. The most delicate perennial flowers are shown in the photo.

Pink gypsophila


A perennial flower called gladiolus is designed to add sophistication to the design of the dacha. Usually, when it comes to this plant, photographs are not required for identification - its species is well known. Gladiolus loves the sun, but in the southern regions the direct rays of the midday sun can destroy it. The plant must be protected from gusts of wind.


Gladiolus will grow well in soil with organic fertilizer. The perennial looks great in combined plantings and as a monoflower in the country.

The photo shows gladioli of different varieties


In one place at the dacha, delphinium can grow for up to 6 years. These cute flowers will decorate any area and add a touch of tenderness and grace to the design. Experts advise planting delphinium densely to create a lush flower garden.

Delphinium at the dacha

Special attention watering of the perennial should be given - it should be done strictly at the root to prevent diseases. Delphinium goes on sale with different variety names, from which you can choose options to suit your taste.
Pictured is a delphinium


Honeysuckle bush in the country

All varieties produce fruit, but they are not always edible. Honeysuckle has found its way into the catalogs of many gardeners because of its unpretentiousness. The plant is able not to lose its decorative appearance and bear fruit anywhere in the garden, growing on any soil.

Honeysuckle fruit


A liana with delicate flowers attracts many summer residents. Its name is clematis. The perennial needs well-drained soil, preferably sandstone.

Clematis as a garden gate decoration

Flooded low-lying areas are absolutely not suitable. Clematis grows in one place for several years in a row, and the plant blooms for a long time. For the winter, the perennial needs to be covered.

The photo shows a charming clematis


The delicate yellow flowers you see in the photo are a swimsuit. It perfectly decorates summer cottages of any size. The swimsuit needs a shaded place and well-moistened fertile soil.

In the photo there is a delicate swimsuit for the dacha


Purchased in photo

For this perennial, you should choose a shady area, since bright sunlight is destructive for it. It is worth noting the magnificent medicinal properties purchased.

Bought to decorate a summer house

Lily of the valley

Lilies of the valley in the country

It is important to remember that lily of the valley is a fast-growing perennial.


In the Foto - perennial lupine

He is unpretentious, but feels better in acidic soil. The more fertile the soil, the more luxuriantly the lupine will bloom.



Many summer residents and gardeners love milkweed. For it you need to choose a sunny area with light soil. The photo shows that spurge will not create bright accents and saturation, but it copes well with the role of background plants.

The photo shows the original milkweed


Magnificent delicate flowers called muscari are extremely popular among summer residents. The culture is used for rocky beds, borders and for the edges of flower beds.

Muscari at the dacha

The perennial is unpretentious, so it is included in the catalogs of popular ornamental plants for busy summer residents. With regular watering spring Flower will delight with its decorativeness and pleasant musky aroma.



There is probably no reason to talk much about this perennial plant, because every summer resident knows it very well. The flower goes well with other spring flowers in flower beds of various formats.

In the photo there is a perennial - narcissus

Photos provided different varieties cultures, of which there are many.



Delicate blue forget-me-not flowers will decorate any cottage. The perennial is included in the list of the gardener's favorite ornamental plants catalog mainly due to its particular unpretentiousness. When growing forget-me-nots in the country, attention should only be paid to watering: forget-me-nots fade in dry soil.

Delicate forget-me-nots for garden decoration


As you can see in the photo, a crop called nivaria is a large meadow chamomile. Many gardeners love this flower, so they willingly plant it on their site. Nivyanik is resistant to various changes of nature and grows best in open areas.


Watering should be done carefully, as stagnation of water can destroy the plant. You can grow nevus in one place for up to 7 years.


Peonies have many positive characteristics, in addition to incredibly beautiful and fragrant flowers. This perennial can live for decades without being transplanted to a new location. Peony needs to be protected from wind, waterlogging and lack of nutrients. It is prone to overgrowth.

On the picture pink peony


Rudbeckia in the photo

In the photo, its resemblance to daisies can be seen with the naked eye. Depending on the variety, the color can be completely different. Rudbeckia grows for up to 5 years in one place in any soil.

Rudbeckia in the photo


Perennial - phlox

They thrive in heavy soil. Even with minimal care, phloxes delight with their beauty. They need sunlight and protection from gusts of wind.



It is impossible not to mention chrysanthemums among the perennial flowers for the garden. They become magnificent decoration gardens and are often grown as cut flowers.

Chrysanthemums in the photo

In order for chrysanthemums to have such an attractive appearance as in the photo, it is necessary to plant them in fertile soil not in the shade and provide regular moisture to the roots. To increase splendor, pruning is carried out.

A variety of chrysanthemums are often planted in dachas

The considered perennial flowers for the garden - photos with names (catalog) - will help you create a unique atmosphere in your area. Fences for a summer residence: photos and useful tips

  • Preface

    The climatic conditions of Siberia are not suitable for most perennial garden flowers. Even those flowers that are considered cold-resistant in other regions of the country easily freeze out in Siberia. If you want to decorate your country cottage area, you need to focus on the most unpretentious garden flowers growing in Siberia or the Urals.

    In the Siberian regions, lumbago (sleep-grass) is well known. These flowers are among the first to break through the surface of the earth that has not yet warmed up in the local harsh conditions. There are Siberian snowdrops various colors: white, yellow, blue and purple, so with their help you can create very beautiful compositions. In addition, they easily get along in the company of other perennials and are unpretentious in care and choice of soil. Some varieties are very rare and are listed in the Red Book.

    That is why you need to use seeds to grow lumbago, and under no circumstances should you dig them up for replanting - they may not take root on your site.

    Siberian Kandyk is another real Spartan flower, which breaks through the snow that has not yet completely melted with its bud in order to warm it under sun rays their purple bell flowers. It is better not to plant this flower in sunny areas, as it fades too quickly under bright rays.

    The anemone or anemone is an indigenous inhabitant of the Siberian steppes. The anemone fades very quickly, but it manages to please the eye during the period when the spring-summer flowers have not yet had time to bloom. E These unpretentious perennial garden flowers for Siberia are the fastest growing, so after just a few years of living on your site, they become crowded. To create more comfortable conditions, they need to be seated.

    Muscari are completely unpretentious perennial flowers. In the first year, they don’t even need to be fertilized - the nutrients in the bulbs are enough for them to develop. Blue, purple, white muscari bells amazingly enliven the plot of land planted with them.

    Bearded irises are one of the most beautiful and undemanding flowers. Due to its frost resistance, beauty and some similarity with epiphytes, it was popularly nicknamed the “northern orchid”. Some varieties of iris bloom in early and mid-summer, but repeat bloomers are also found, so flower beds sown with these garden flowers for Siberia can delight with their beauty until frost. More information about growing this and other varieties of irises:

    There are frost-resistant varieties among roses. Feels good in harsh conditions, but it needs to follow some pruning rules autumn period and shelter for the winter. Floribunda and park group varieties are considered more unpretentious. However, in order for the bushes to withstand severe frosts, they must be hidden under a special covering material that allows steam and air to pass through, for example, agrospan. And when snow falls, make sure that the bushes are covered with it to the very top.

    Being a florist in the Siberian and Ural climate is a special task: if the summer in these regions of our country is very hot, then spring may be late, autumn may come unexpectedly, and in winter the temperature can almost always drop below -25...-30°C even in the southern zone. In this regard, it is especially important to know which varieties of cultivated garden flowers you should choose for your dacha, and what conditions in the garden it is best to create for them.

    For a flower garden, you should always select plants that, on the one hand, grow well enough and do not require special conditions care You need to proceed from the following considerations:

    1. The most important - climatic conditions region. In this sense, everything is quite simple - stores usually sell seeds and seedlings that are suitable for local weather conditions. detailed information about specific types of perennial and annual flowers and the rules for caring for them - in the following sections.
    2. Further you need to proceed from the nature of the soil on the site- there are more and less capricious species. They can grow different soils, but in the case of infertile land, you will have to make an effort to constantly fertilize it.
    3. A very important point - how often can you visit the dacha to care for your pets. If you don’t have much time, this is not a reason to abandon the flower garden. You can simply choose those varieties that can easily tolerate a short (7-10 days) drought.
    4. And last but not least important point is color combination of plants, as well as their correspondence in height. In this regard, there are a lot of ideas for inspiration - after all, you can create 2 large or 4 small flower beds. And also make whole flower arrangements, which will consist of plants of different heights and create an additional feeling of space and upward direction.


    It is especially interesting to select flowers for a large composition with a single idea. For example, it will be one large flower bed in the shape of a butterfly or a flower clock.

    Gallery: perennial flowers for the Urals and Siberia (25 photos)

    What flowers can be planted in Siberia and the Urals (video)

    Perennial flowers for the Urals and Siberia

    When choosing flowers specifically for your garden, you should take into account the time of their flowering: if the arrival of autumn occurs very quickly in the region, it is better to give preference to those perennials that bloom in early or mid-summer.

    First, let's name the most beautiful flowers, pleasing to the eye already in the spring.

    Lilies of the valley

    Of course, everyone knows these flowers, which represent spring, beauty and youth. It may seem that they require special conditions, but this is not so. Lily of the valley should only be fed with organic matter when planting, A next spring– complex mineral fertilizer. They also like sufficient watering, but try not to create excess humidity.


    We strongly associate tulips with the holiday of March 8, and indeed with the onset of spring. They are propagated using bulbs, and this is a rare case when it is better to change the location of the flowers every year: The bulbs are dug up in the fall and transplanted to a new location.



    An equally iconic flower for spring is the snowdrop. By their name and the fact that they appear in April (this is still a fairly cold time for Siberia), snowdrops justify their exceptional winter hardiness. Love flowers wet conditions, and their bulbs are sown in the fall. You will have to try a little to ensure that they produce an abundance of flowers - when the buds appear, apply nitrogen fertilizer.


    Snowdrops are an endangered plant species, so if you decide to grow these flowers in your dacha, you will at least get pleasure and support the environment.

    Here are perennials that bloom in summer.



    Bright, lush and wonderfully smelling flowers, which, when early spring pleasing to the eye already in May. They grow very quickly and reproduce confidently - the main thing is to carefully dig up the rhizome and divide the bush. This operation is done in the fall. Peonies are completely unpretentious– it’s enough just to water regularly, but you need to plant it in a sunny place.


    Numerous species and varieties of roses take root well in Siberia, as well as in the Urals. For your dacha, you can choose both bush and ground cover roses– Each variety has a unique charm. Contrary to popular belief many varieties are not capricious, and even a novice gardener can grow them.


    A simple, sweet and at the same time very attractive flower. Completely unpretentious and sometimes grows like a weed. At the dacha, of course, it is better to use varieties with large flowers. They will certainly add their own flavor to the garden: modesty and simplicity – that’s what this plant personifies. It is also appropriate to use it in combination with other wild and garden flowers, because almost any color can successfully fit on a white background.

    And finally, autumn frost-resistant flowers.

    Dianthus carnation

    It blooms in August and September until the onset of noticeable frosts.. It is better to plant in an open, sunny place, and to ensure that the plant blooms especially luxuriantly, feed it in the spring and during the formation of the first buds. There are several species with rather thin peduncles - they need to be tied to a support.

    Dianthus carnation


    These lush flowers of different pastel shades will perfectly decorate any garden in almost any way: special flower beds are made from them and used in combination with other flowers, choosing neighbors by height (varieties of chrysanthemums are very different in this parameter: from 30 to 130 cm). Can be planted in the fall, if you have time to do this before the first frost, but it’s best to do it traditionally in early spring. And even if you are a little late, this is not a reason to refuse: if chrysanthemums are planted in the first half of summer, they will calmly take root and begin flowering next season.

    Mountain gerbil

    This flower reaches a height of no more than 15 cm, but it grows lush bush with dark greenery, against which the numerous snow-white flowers. It may bloom in June, but most varieties produce flowers by early August, continuing to bloom in September. Don't be surprised if the flower grows slowly - this is normal for a gerbil. But it lives for many years and easily copes with harsh winters, if, of course, you cover it on cold period.

    Popular perennial flowers for the garden (video)

    Non-flowering Siberian perennials of average level

    Even in small garden there is room for shrubs and small trees, which, unlike flowers, decorate the garden with their foliage and shape. Here are the most popular types of perennials, which, due to their frost resistance, take root well in the climate of Siberia and the Urals.

    Derain white

    This shrub is known for its bright red-brown bark. It is very unpretentious, so it can be planted on any soil and in almost any place in the garden - both in the open sun and in the shade. Wherein not only the bark is beautiful, but also the leaves of the tree– they have an interesting white pattern, so in summer they look like they are dusted with snow. Perfect for planting along the borders of the garden or its sections, as well as along paths, recreation areas and along the perimeter of a country house.


    White dogwood requires careful care in the sense that its bushes must be constantly shaped by pruning. If there is too little time to care for the garden, the bushes will grow and lose their visual appeal.

    Derain white

    Deciduous barberries

    This is very beautiful perennials middle tier - are shrubs that are quite resistant to frost and drought. It is better to plant them in open sunny places, but if there is a little partial shade, the barberry will feel even better.

    Different varieties reach a height from half a meter to 2 meters. It is also necessary to trim periodically, especially in the spring, when all the crops begin to active growth.Barberry bush fits perfectly into empty spaces- for example, near roads, in undeveloped areas of the garden. It contrasts well both against a green background and next to white stones.


    Common juniper

    It is better to plant this bush in open sun, then its branches will be as lush and beautiful as possible. Good as a green hedge, along country pond or the boundaries of the garden, as well as in tapeworm plantings. You only need to care for juniper at the first stage - the ground around the young bushes is loosened, mulched, and the soil itself is fertilized.

    In the 3rd and subsequent years, junipers take root and feel very confident. They tolerate frosts, droughts and temperature changes, which is why summer residents especially like to grow them on their plots.

    If the area allows, you can plant larger trees - traditional birches, spruces, pine trees, larches, which have long proven their resistance to the conditions of Siberia and the Urals. The planting location should be thought out in advance so as not to disturb the trees. They can become a kind of center of attraction, an attractive corner on the site.

    Common juniper

    Beautiful flowering annual plants for Siberia and the Urals

    Annual flowers are an excellent option for those gardeners who like frequent changes, so that every year in their flower garden it has a peculiar, unique face. Despite the fact that annuals have to be planted every spring, they do not need to be covered for the winter, so these plants also have advantages.

    Here are some popular options, which will take root well in harsh climates.

    Castor bean

    There are many legends about the poisonousness of this tree, but if you are not going to eat its seeds or drink the juice from the leaves, you don’t have to worry about your health at all. Castor bean is often called the tree of paradise: It produces gorgeous palm-like leaves, so you can use it to add a unique exotic touch to your flower garden.

    Castor bean

    Sweet pea

    This is a real liana, which good conditions in one season it grows 2 meters. Perfectly hides flaws in fences and outbuildings . And even if all the buildings on the site are not old, peas, thanks to their scarlet flowers, will add variety and enliven the flower garden, creating the effect of a hedge.


    It is also called salvia. It is a perennial biennial. Salvia blooms beautifully lilac flowers, collected in ears of corn. It’s better to create a separate flowerbed for it, and can be used with orange-colored flowers - for example, with eschscholzia.


    Eschscholzia is a flower familiar to the urban eye, having a rich orange color. It grows 60 cm in height, so it needs to be combined with fairly tall crops. Completely low maintenance– the main thing is to plant it in an open, sunny place.


    Siberian and Ural gardeners adore these flowers: they give an amazing variety of colors (white, orange, pink, yellow, red, lilac) and at the same time nothing but sunlight, practically do not require. It is also better to plant in an open place.

    Sheltering perennials in Siberia and the Urals for the winter

    Almost all perennial flowers in Siberia and the Urals should be additionally prepared for winter and securely covered with special materials, because frost is not a rare occurrence. The protective measures are quite simple:

    1. First of all, you need to trim all the flowers. Roses and chrysanthemums especially need it: they remove dead, dry shoots, and also trim those branches that have grown greatly and spoil the appearance of the flowerbed. All leaves should be removed because the cold will cause them to die anyway.
    2. Be sure to make mulch. To do this, take a mixture of equal quantities peat, dry fallen leaves, dry compost and spud each bush. In terms of layer level, there is essentially one rule - the more, the better: winter is the time of cessation life cycle, so flowers do not need air, but keeping them warm is especially important.
    3. All wide, overgrown bushes are first tied with strong, dry rope, so that later it is easier to bend them to the ground and cover them.
    4. Finally, we need to cover our flowers so that they continue to delight in the new year. This can be done different ways– if you need to cover a large flower bed at once, it is better to install a frame of twigs, wire or metal, wooden posts in advance. It is important that the roof is an arc, because otherwise the canvas may tear. Film, spunbond, agrofibre and other materials intended for similar purposes are stretched onto the frame. Be sure to press down the edges with stones. The top is sprinkled with leaves, fallen pine needles, peat and other natural mixtures that will provide additional warmth.
    5. Individual bushes can be wrapped in fibers and bent to the ground, placing stones and other heavy objects on the edges of the film.
    6. Finally, small bushes can be covered with a box or plastic bucket and also securely secured with stones.

    How to plant perennial flowers (video)


    If there is no particular confidence in the plant’s resistance to frost, it is best to additionally cover it with film and sprinkle it with foliage on top - sometimes winter can result in a frosty period that is too long, when many perennial flowers risk dying.

    Thus, the Siberian and Ural regions are equally excellent places to create the garden of your dreams. It is only important to choose the right varieties and types of flowers, but fortunately, the choice is very wide - every gardener will find something to suit their taste.


    Not every perennial flower can withstand the natural climate of the Urals. The desire to decorate your garden with beautiful cultivated plants inherent in every gardener.

    Fearing that weather will have a detrimental effect on the cultivation of perennials, gardeners decorate their garden with quickly fading annual flowers. But breeders worked hard to find and develop new varieties. And now, thanks to their work, every resident of the Urals has the opportunity to plant frost-resistant flowering perennials in their flower garden.

    The most unpretentious perennials and their photos

    Wayward weather sets its own conditions for gardeners, so they have to choose the most frost-resistant and unpretentious species crops Of course, planting perennials greatly simplifies the task of decorating the site.

    The main thing is to choose the right plants suitable for this climate:

    1. Primroses and snowdrops. These flowers will delight you with the earliest flowering. There will still be snow in some places, and the first flowers will begin to bloom. Snowdrops and primroses do not tolerate hot weather, preferring high humidity and coolness. You can decorate absolutely any area in the garden with such primroses; they will take root well everywhere and will not be too capricious.
    2. Lilies of the valley. These delicate-looking bells are distinguished by their ability to survive in absolutely any conditions. Flowers tolerate well cold weather, and quickly adapt to the local climate. It is advisable to allocate a separate place for lilies of the valley in your garden plot. Keep in mind that this culture grows very quickly. Over the course of a season, its root system extends by almost thirty centimeters.
    3. Therefore, it will only take a few years for lilies of the valley to fill all the space allotted to them. It is better to immediately fence off this place with slate or stones so that lilies of the valley do not begin to spread throughout the garden. This flower garden looks very beautiful. First decorated with green foliage, then white bells with an incredible aroma. By the end of summer, reddish berries appear on the flowers. Be careful - they are poisonous. Tricolor violets. Violets are plants that have a two-year development cycle. During the first year, after planting, the flower forms the ground part; during the second, flowering begins. The method of propagation is self-seeding, but it can also be grown as ordinary seedlings. Ideal choice for decorating combined flower beds. It is advisable not to plant separately, because without flowers, the crop looks very pale. It is recommended to first plant violets in some corner, and already in the second year plant them on permanent places location.
    4. Daisies. Miniature flowers belonging to the aster family. The method of flowering and reproduction is the same as that of the tricolor violet. Daisies look good on alpine roller coaster, or as separate bright inclusions on a personal plot. The flower propagation process should be carefully controlled. If you let the process take its course, the plant will go wild and shred. Daisies require regular replanting.

    Spring primroses for cold climates

    Brightly flowering perennials will not be able to decorate the garden throughout the season. Basically, when the flowering process ends, ground part begins to slowly wither and gradually dies. Thus, the plant prepares itself for the formation of new buds and protects against excess nutrition.

    To please yourself spring primroses We recommend choosing the following types of plants:

    1. Tulips. Choose exclusively early flowering varieties (for example, simple early or double early). Flowering begins in April – May.
    2. Daffodils. They begin to bloom with the arrival of spring. They are ideally suited to harsh conditions: they are not picky about the soil, do not require annual digging, and tolerate frost well. Large species require a mandatory garter, otherwise the inflorescence may break the stem.
    3. Iris reticulum. A very persistent perennial. Even when completely frozen, it is able to grow from the only remaining bud. The leaves are thin and pointed. The peduncles are tall, with small but numerous flowers at their ends. The most common color is yellow-blue or white-violet. Irises can survive very severe frosts, however, they do not tolerate excess moisture well. That is why experts do not recommend planting them in lowlands.
    4. Shots. The color of the flowers can be purple, white, blue or yellow. The plant is slightly pubescent. It takes root well on all types of soil. The lumbago does not need additional shelter in winter.

    Frost-resistant perennial flowers for short autumn, their name and photo

    Autumn in the Urals is very short; the first snow may appear as early as September. But there are still crops that can please you with flowering during this period, namely:

    1. perennial aster. The flower belongs to winter-hardy crops. The flowering period begins in July and ends with the first frost. It is advisable to constantly feed the plant for better development.
    2. Lupine. Are used hybrid varieties this legume. A flower is not only decorative decoration your site, but also applies to medicinal purposes. It blooms twice a season: the first time in June, the second in September.
    3. Roses. The developed frost-resistant varieties tolerate northern conditions perfectly (for example, floribunda or climbing rose). The plant needs regular pruning and additional insulation in winter.
    4. Korean chrysanthemums (individual varieties). Flowering: July – September. Easy to care for, but winter shelter a prerequisite for the survival of the flower.

    How to cover perennials in Siberia and the Urals

    Although perennials grown in the Urals are considered frost-resistant, most of them require additional insulation during the cold season.

    Shelter for the winter is carried out in two main stages:

    1. Preparatory. Some crops need pruning. It is carried out immediately in front of the shelter. The vines are removed from the supports and carefully placed on the ground. Bushy perennials are tied using rope or twine. To properly prepare plants for winter season, foliage, damaged shoots, dry branches and inflorescences are removed from them.
    2. Protective. Includes covering flowers special material. To do this, first spud root collar perennial Peat, dried leaves, sawdust or dry compost are used for this purpose. Afterwards, you can insulate the crops using:
      • Spunbond (lutrasil, agrofibre). After covering with this material, a wire frame is installed above the flower, leaving about twenty centimeters of free space. It is stuffed with dry leaves, preferably oak. The frame is covered with the same material on top.
      • Lapnik. Having covered the plant with it, it is sprinkled with well-dried leaves. Can be installed from above cardboard box or a regular plastic bucket.

    If the coming winter promises to be harsh, it is better to take care of your perennials. Building a shelter does not require much time or physical effort. But you will definitely be sure that your pets will survive the cold well.

    Frequently asked questions and answers

    [ box type=”info” ] Please advise which ones are the most beautiful flowering plants can be selected for a site located in the northern region.

    [ box type=”info” ] If I am not a professional gardener, what flower should I start decorating my garden with?.

    Muscari. It is a subspecies of hyacinths. A cute flower, absolutely easy to care for. Feels great with moderate soil moisture and grows even in the shade.

    [ box type=”info” ] How to properly care for perennials in northern conditions.

    Such varieties need minimal care. Timely pruning, feeding three times a day, regular, but not abundant watering, winter insulation(in some cases).

    [ box type=”info” ] I live in the northernmost part of the Urals. What flowers can you recommend for growing?

    Lupins and phlox. They do not require additional shelter even in severe frosts.

    Bottom line

    You can decorate your garden plot even in the difficult natural conditions of the Urals. The main thing is to choose the right one the right varieties perennial plants. Grow flowers with love and they will respond to you lush flowering, beautiful foliage and delicate aromas.

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