Landscape design of a summer cottage site basics. Harmony of landscape design

This does not mean that you must necessarily apply all the principles to every part of your plan. But only if you understand these principles will you have creative ideas.

The best landscape design is in the mind of its creator. To create an interesting design, we recommend following the principles landscape design, but they don't "have to lead" the project. Creativity and creativity are always welcome.

Principles of landscape design

Unity should be one of the main goals of your project. Unity can be better understood and expressed through compatibility and repetition. By repeating similar elements (plants, groups of plants or decorations), we create unity. Compatibility creates a sense of unity when some or even all elements of a landscape fit together and create a sense of cohesion.

Unity can be achieved by combining the characteristic features of the elements in the project, such as height, size, structure, color scheme, etc.

A good example is placing boulders as a focal point. If you have ever seen a landscape where a large white round stone is located here, a red granite shaped boulder in the shape of a square there, and so on, then you may have noticed that there is no special unity created by this specific element.

This is just one example, but the principle applies to all other design elements, such as color groups for example.

An easy way to create unity on your property is to unify the elements of your landscape with one theme. And one of the most affordable ways to create a theme is by using some kind of garden decorations. It's easier to create a theme garden when the theme is related to something you like and are interested in.

If you like butterflies, for example, you can create a theme by using plants that attract butterflies, as well as putting up statues, ornaments, or any other decor that relates to butterflies.

Unity can be expressed by the dominance of one element in your landscape. Harmony is created by the use of elements in the same style and theme.

Simplicity- in fact, one of the main principles of design and art. This is one of the guiding principles that you can follow both while you are taking your first steps as a beginner and when you create your own garden. Just don't complicate things to begin with. You can do this later.

Simplicity in planting, for example, means choosing two or three colors and repeating them throughout the garden or patio. Decorating with figurines to a minimum and within a specific theme is as consistent with the principle of simplicity as is the consistent distribution of small architectural forms such as boulders.

Balance also implied by the word "design". The meaning of balance is balance. There are basically two types of balance in landscape design: symmetrical and asymmetrical.

Symmetrical balance is when the corresponding garden design elements are arranged more or less equally. In a symmetrical garden, both sides can repeat completely or partially the same outlines, shapes, plant heights, groups of plants, flowers, flower bed shapes, themes, etc.

Remember how you created something similar when you were a child in art class at school. You take a piece of paper, smear paint on it, fold it in half, open it, and see how an interesting symmetrical design is magically created. So a symmetrical balance or design is a kind of mirror image.

Asymmetrical balance, on the other hand, is a slightly more complex landscape design principle. While the structure, shape, color, etc. may remain constant, to create some unity, boulders of different shapes may be scattered randomly. This form of balance often involves various themes individual parts garden All topics are equal, but have Various types attractiveness.

Asymmetrical balance is effectively unbalanced, abstract or free-form, but still creates unity and balance through the repetition of certain elements.

Here good example: The shapes of the flowerbeds or paths are different on either side of the dividing line of the landscape, but some repeating elements and plants are still used. One side may be curved with waves, while the other side is straight, smooth, rigid and completely opposite to the first. But again, unity and balance will be created by other elements. This type of shape can create a nice contrast. Smooth lines are pleasing to the eye, but a bold contrast between a curve and a straight line can look very interesting.

Asymmetrical balance does not depend on the shape of your garden. This dependence, of course, can exist, but not necessarily.

An example would be a garden where one side is mostly large shady trees, while the other side is mostly low-growing flower beds, or a combination of both forms. As I emphasized earlier, a landscape can be abstract, but it still needs to maintain unity through some elements, be it stones, plants or decor.

Contrast and harmony can be achieved with the help of plants. Fine foliage versus coarser foliage, round versus pointed leaves, color complements and contrasts.

Plant height, color and structure may vary from site to site, but each site should be unified by its own theme.

You may have noticed that I talk a lot about “themes.” Many of my clients have created successful projects themselves by adhering to the core theme and most of the landscaping principles described on this page. Proper selection of plants or garden decor is an easy way to create a theme.

Color adds attractiveness to the landscape and can change the feeling of reality. Bright colors such as red, yellow and orange appear closer to you and can actually make an object appear closer. Cool colors such as green, blue and pastel colors appear further away from you, and the object may appear further away.

Grey, black and white are considered neutral colors and are best used in the background, while in the foreground bright flowers. However, to add depth to the landscape, you can use plants that are dark and coarse in texture in the foreground, and plants with finer texture and delicate flowers- on the background.

Colors can also be used to draw attention to a particular area of ​​the garden. A bright plant among cooler shades naturally attracts the eye.

Natural transition can be used to avoid radical or sudden changes in your landscape. Transition is basically a gradual change. The transition can be conveyed by the height of the plant or its color. But transition can also be applied to all elements in the landscape, including but not limited to structure, shape, size of foliage, but also paying attention to the size and shape of other elements. In other words, the transition can be achieved by gradual ascents and descents of various elements with varied structure, shape, color and size.

An example of a good transition would be the “ladder effect” - a transition from large trees to medium-sized ones, then to bushes and finally to flowers. Creating this transition requires a little knowledge about choosing the right plants.

Transition is one of the principles of landscape design that can be used to "create illusions" in a landscape. For example, moving from taller to shorter plants can create the effect of depth and distance (as in a painting), making the garden appear larger than it actually is. Transitioning from short to taller plants can be used to create a focal point to make something stand out and appear closer than it actually is.

Line structures landscape design. This may mainly be due to the location of flower beds, paths and landings.

Straight lines look strict and angular, while curved lines produce a more natural, gentle and smooth effect.

Proportion- this is the ratio of the sizes of the elements to each other. Of all the principles of landscaping, this one is the most obvious, but still requires a little thought and planning. Most landscaping elements can be planned in advance to ensure the garden has the proper proportions.

For example, if you are creating a small garden in the courtyard, a huge two-meter statue placed in the center will look disproportionate and a little awkward. Or conversely, a small waterfall with a pond placed in the center of a large open yard can get lost in space.

Do not misunderstand me. This does not mean that if you big garden, then you cannot place small figurines or other structures in it. Proportion is relative and elements can be different sizes and be located in various parts garden The goal is to create a pleasing relationship among the three dimensions - length, width and depth or height.

A small fountain or pond can look proportional if placed in a corner or on the edge large plot. It becomes the focal point of a large area, creating its own special atmosphere. Near this pond a small gazebo, a bench can be placed, or a whole topic. Other spaces and themes can be created in the same way. In addition, it is necessary to specifically take into account and pay due attention the right choice plants to avoid disproportionality of plants.

Repetition directly related to unity. It's good to have a variety of elements and shapes in the garden, but repeating the same elements allows for variety.

Unity is achieved by repeating similar elements. If there are too many unrelated objects in the garden, it can appear cluttered and unplanned.

But there is one subtlety here: the abundance of one element can make your garden or yard uninteresting, boring and monotonous.

But still, unity can be created by repeating several different elements. This can make your garden interesting and original.

Landscape design can work wonders. You probably have a question: how can an inanimate plot of land, planted with plants, strewn with stones and decorative elements, create something? Very simple. Go to a city park or visit the main attraction of a city. What a pleasant atmosphere there. What feelings does such a place give you? Most likely, very pleasant and warm. Isn't this a miracle? Place, shapes, colors can convey so many feelings and emotions, tell about their creator, his life and interests. Famous and sought-after designers are so imbued with the idea that they are able to create truly impressive objects of landscape art.

Landscape design of a site is the creation of beauty and harmony around your home

Russian universities train certified design specialists. But design is not science, but creativity. Creativity, as everyone knows, is unique and unique in its manifestations. In other words, every person who creates landscape objects contributes a drop of their own, unique and one-of-a-kind soul. Only by listening to the prompts of your subconscious, famous designers created historical architectural compositions that have survived to this day. But they were not recognized immediately; time had to pass. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid to take the initiative in arranging your site. Sometimes, the most extraordinary and strange decisions create a unique atmosphere of the territory and reveal the true beauty of the human soul.

You'll have to work hard to create practical place for a holiday with the whole family

In order to learn the basic lessons of landscape design, you need preliminary preparation. At this stage, you need to take time to study reference books, manuals and magazines dedicated to design suburban areas and their gardens. Fortunately, the Internet is generous as always. In these books you will find tips from designers who will share their secrets with you, show you the most common mistakes of beginners, and direct your aspirations in the right direction.

Always start small and realize your ideas slowly, enjoying the process itself, and not just its result

Of course, nothing can replace live communication with a person. But if you find a suitable book written by a competent author, you will absorb the makings of a true landscape master.

A good garden design has several compositional centers that attract attention. It can be anything - a tree, bush, pond or bench

Usually two or three books read within a week inspire the newly minted creator to such an extent that he immediately runs to the nearest gardening supply store and buys everything he thinks he needs. Starting from decorative elements and ending with flowers and trees. This is strictly prohibited. Rushing will not lead to success; you will only forget what little you have learned. First you need to figure out the order, following which you will be able to choose the right material for the fence and gazebo. The further choice of elements of small architectural forms, trees, flowers and plants depends on this.

Start your path to your dream garden with one small flower bed or mixborder

Go out into the garden when you have time and desire, work and don’t try to do everything at once and in one day

Basic principles of landscape design

  1. The first thing you need to do is analyze the backyard territory and understand the topography of the site. Further development largely depends on this.
  2. Dividing land into zones. This includes marking on the plan of the recreation area, garden (vegetable garden) and small architectural forms.
  3. Marking of garden paths. They should provide ease of movement between zones, taking into account the width of the aisles.
  4. Determination of the general composition of zones and architectural forms. At this stage, the choice of building material, its color and shape occurs, as well as the determination of the color of the paths and the material for their manufacture.
  5. Selection of green spaces and flowers. On at this stage varieties of trees (their shapes) and flowers are selected, as well as the territorial location of mixborders and alpine slides.

Consider scale and visualization to accommodate plant growth

An important point in landscape design is size. personal plot. The arrangement of flower arrangements, as well as the choice of location for planting trees, depends on them. In a small area, there is a need to visually enlarge it. This effect can be achieved different methods. One of them is correct selection fence colors and asymmetrical planting coniferous species trees along it. Here you need to understand that the square or rectangular shape of the fence creates some kind of frame. To remove them, the fence is painted in light colors, and the trees are planted in groups of 4-5 in a row.

Each element of the garden should fit organically into the overall landscape composition

Trees must be purchased at least half a meter higher than the fence. Due to this, a visual expansion is created.

Conifer hedge

If you want to add depth to your hedge, plant trees in a staggered pattern.

They also arrange alpine slides, which can be supplemented with multi-colored stones. A good idea to expand the territory would be to install a medium-height slide with a stream. And at the foot of the stream is dug small pond, along the banks of which you can plant a moisture-loving fern. If we talk about the recreation area behind the house, then such an object is best placed near the fence. A climbing carpet of ivy is allowed onto the fence. Such a cascade of architectural forms will create a perspective effect, that is, an external observer, when contemplating this beauty, will feel the depth of space, richness and volume.

Against the backdrop of a perfectly trimmed lawn, a path made of concrete slabs, the area around which is covered with small pebbles, looks good

The article mentions small architectural forms. They can also be found on the Internet under the abbreviated name MAF. For a person unfamiliar with this concept, below are the main elements of the MAF involved in landscape design.

  • Terraces, verandas and gazebos.
  • Trellis, pergolas and arches.
  • Garden fences, mixborders, fountains and sculptures.
  • Ponds, streams and bridges across them.
  • Other decorations, ranging from free-standing vases with flowers to garden gnomes.

Wooden bridge over a dry stream

Beautiful decoration of a blind fence

In addition, every person living in the city meets MAF every day. This bus stops, telephone booths, city and park benches and many other elements.

Terraces, gazebos and pergolas

These structures play the same role in landscape design land plot. They are built to create a relaxation area, do your favorite things and just have a good time. Their distinctive features is the location relative to country house, as well as design.

Outdoor terrace with gazebo and grill area

Pergola came to our country from abroad. Her historical homeland is Italy. The design of this object is simple: four or six support beams are topped by horizontal partitions on the roof. Most often it is made of wood, less often of metal.

Corner pergola made of wood with a sofa for private relaxation

It is undesirable to use metal, as it gets very hot in the sun and can damage the plants entwining its elements.

Climbing plants are used to create shade in the space under the pergola. It is preferable to choose densely creeping grapes. It grows without flowering, but has a non-uniform leaf shade (from dark green to burgundy and even red). The space under the pergola is equipped with garden furniture that is resistant to precipitation. Also, in some cases, you can place a swimming pool under it. This solution is convenient in very hot climates.

Climbing plants can hide anything, anywhere

On open terrace practical to use rattan furniture with removable cushions

A place to relax can be arranged either on a stone-paved platform or on a wooden platform

The construction of a terrace implies its location near the house, or rather, it is attached to it. The main difference between such a structure and a veranda is its open placement. That is, there is no canopy or one wall. This characterizes the building as a purely summer recreation option. If you plan to use the terrace in winter, then it is made with sliding glass doors, which is very convenient. But then it will no longer be a terrace, but a combined veranda.

Original terrace with a seating area inside

Closed gazebo for winter recreation

The construction of a gazebo implies the presence garden furniture, fireplace and barbecue.

When installing a gazebo, you need to pay attention to the presence of a leeward side. If there is one, then one wall needs to be made blank, or vines should be planted.

The blank wall of the gazebo is placed on the leeward side

  1. When organizing the overall style of the landscape, all zones should overlap with each other. The smooth lines of paths and tree crowns are complemented by the rectangular shapes of gazebos or other buildings.
  2. For a relatively small area, use methods to visually increase space.
  3. Installing flowerpots in several levels will save space and also simplify daily care for flowers and plants.
  4. If your personal plot is located on a slope, which means a large amount of ground work, you can take advantage of this in favor of design. Install decorative retaining walls using natural stone. Also in this case, alpine slides, a pool or a pond are installed at the lowest levels of the ground.
  5. If there are particularly large differences in ground level, it is necessary to organize the site into several levels, separated by retaining walls. From the point of view of landscape design, in such areas it is possible to arrange extraordinary and very beautiful architectural compositions. The only downside is the decent cash investment.
  6. On large land holdings it is possible to install a fountain and large flower arrangements. If finances do not allow you to purchase a fountain, then you can make decorative elements with your own hands, such as boats, windmills, or multi-level flower arrangements. Also great solution There will be an organization of a large alpine slide.
  7. Before choosing one or another design option, you need to reconsider different combinations and combinations architectural elements. For a visual representation of compositional solutions, use computer programs, allowing you to combine MAFs and pre-evaluate your presentation. The advantage of this software is the presence of hints and ready-made images and solutions.

Stones of various sizes and shapes create the effect of a mountain landscape

Color in the landscape is the most important rule for creating the desired effect. The main one is always green, but splashes of other shades give greater expressiveness.

Perennial flowers and shrubs require less maintenance than annuals, they should be used for the basis of landscaping

Landscape design is a very interesting and rewarding endeavor. You'll get a ton positive emotions and have a great time with your family.

Low-growing flowers are planted along the edges of the flower bed, and large ones are planted closer to the center of the flower bed.

Improvement suburban area– a long process, taking several years

Video: how to change the design of a narrow area

Photos of landscape design and garden decorations

Following fashion trends, nowadays more and more people are striving to decorate their site in accordance with the requirements of landscape design. To realize their ideas and dreams in the garden or at their summer cottage, some study mountains of books on landscape design, some enroll in design courses, while others give up and invite professional landscape designers. Of course, it may take years to master, however, in order to arrange a beautiful, organic and cozy area under the windows of your own home, it is enough to master the basics of landscape design.

The basics of landscape design

Despite the fact that the concept of “landscape design” appeared in the everyday life of modern gardeners relatively recently, the origins of this science go back centuries. The history of landscape design dates back to ancient gardens, which first appeared in Ancient Egypt, Persia, and Babylon. These were the so-called “pleasure gardens” in which they grew different kinds flowers, and the surface of reservoirs was covered with lotuses and nymphs. The pinnacle of ancient landscape art was the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, which are now considered one of the Seven Wonders of the World.

Landscape art originated in ancient times in Japan and China. In these countries, it was formed under the influence of Eastern religion and philosophy, which spiritualized the natural principle. This is how it appeared East style landscape design, in which every natural component, be it a stone or a body of water, has a symbolic meaning.

Over the centuries, the concept and basic laws of landscape art have been formed. Each era has made its own adjustments to this complex and inexhaustible science. Thus, the Middle Ages gave landscape design sculptural alleys and artificial ponds; during the Renaissance, regular style gardening art, which became the embodiment of royal luxury and wealth. But in Modern times formed theoretical basis landscape design, its main principles, rules and laws.

  • Where to start landscaping the site

Nowadays, no one doubts that landscape design is a real art, the creation of which is subject to certain rules, laws and principles. However, it is based on three main stages - planning and design, selection of plants and creation of landscape structures.

  • Planning and design

Even the most inexperienced gardener must understand that the very first stage of creating landscape design in any style is designing and planning the site. Before implementing any idea, it is very important to draw up on paper a plan for the placement of all objects, because only in this case will it be possible to obtain a thoughtful and stylistically complete landscape design. In addition, preliminary planning allows you to determine the order of engineering work (irrigation systems, lighting), as well as to correctly delimit the space, highlighting a recreation area, a farm area, play area and garden.

The choice of plants for decorating a personal plot must be approached with skill, because they are the most important element of landscape design. When choosing plants, you need to pay attention not only to their shape and color scheme, but also take into account factors such as landscape design style, climatic conditions, features of care. Only in this case will the plants become an organic part of the landscape design and will delight you with their lush flowering for more than one season.

Creation of landscape structures

A key role in the design of any garden or park is played not only by plants, but also by landscape structures (small architectural forms), because they are not only capable of becoming bright decoration garden plot, but also fill it with coziness, harmony and comfort. Small architectural forms should be selected in accordance with general style landscape design. Thus, bamboo bridges and pagodas will become integral components of the oriental style in landscape design, but a French garden cannot be imagined without graceful arches, benches and gazebos, decorated with artistic forging or wood carvings.

Basic rules for site design

Many people are convinced that the art of creating parks and gardens is something only specialists can do. In fact, anyone, even the most inexperienced gardener, can create an attractive garden and plot design, provided, of course, that they follow the basic rules of landscape design for beginners.

Landscape design style

Without a doubt, to decorate your garden or summer cottage, you can plant it with your favorite plants, create a beautiful pond on it, or arrange elegant sculptural compositions. However, such a garden will look chaotic. In order for the overall appearance of the site to look harmonious and complete, all components of the landscape design must be made in the same style. It can be elegant and sophisticated regular style, discreet English style, ultra-modern high-tech or, for example, cozy oriental style. Today there are many styles of landscape design, each of which is beautiful and interesting in its own way.

Unity of the created composition

In order for landscape design to look attractive, it is necessary to achieve the unity of the created composition, in other words, such a ratio of plants and structures in the garden that would please the eye and evoke a feeling of harmony. It is unlikely that the garden will be decorated with colorful tulips and irises adjacent to coniferous trees, a huge fountain on a tiny lawn or a large bench in the middle will look ridiculous small garden. It is impossible to create a single composition through the use of materials of different textures. In a word, harmony in landscape design should be manifested in everything - in color, texture of material, flower schemes and proportions.

Simplicity and balance of components

Despite the abundance interesting ideas, which can be found on the pages of magazines and on the Internet, you should not clutter up the space of your personal plot with small architectural forms and fancy flowers, because it can ruin general composition. Experienced designers say that optimal solution There will be no more than four primary colors used, which must be repeated in all design elements.

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I'll start with general information. What is landscape design? Landscape design is the art of modeling and beautifying an area. It includes gardening, landscape architecture, construction of reservoirs and fountains. This is work with objects of living and inanimate nature - water, stone, earth, plants. main feature landscape composition– the relationship between natural and artificial components, with the decisive role played by natural components. These include natural and climatic conditions, relief, water, and vegetation. Artificial components include structures of various sizes, small forms, and path surfaces. Of course, you shouldn’t overload the landscape; I think this is, if not the main, then one of the main rules that must be taken into account and observed. Otherwise, a designer garden will end up with chaotic thickets of plants, rocky piles, etc.

Basic terms of landscape design.

or a rock garden, a rocky garden in a fantasy style. Its purpose is to display the flora of the Alpine highlands. Nowadays such structures are practically never found in their original form. Modern interpretation rock garden - “rocky hill”.

ornamental plants with hanging shoots.

BALUSTRADE – a fencing of terraces, retaining walls, stairs, consisting of figured posts-balusters. Additionally, it can be decorated with sculptures, vases, etc.

BERSO (or curved alleys)wooden frames entwined with tree branches.

an elegant strip on a flowerbed or lawn (10-30 cm wide) of one or several rows of flowers.

is formed in the bed of a watercourse as a result of water falling from a ledge of at least 1.5 -2 m or several ledges with a significant difference in levels. The decorative effect of a waterfall lies precisely in a high, wide and powerful falling stream, accompanied by noise, foam and splashes of water.

HABITappearance plants.

LAWNartificially created turf cover made from cereals or ground cover plants, replacing cereals.

dense, closed row planting of trees or shrubs of the same height, creating the impression of a “screen” or “green wall”.

SOURCEa miniature water device that simulates the release of groundwater to the surface.

- this is a small symmetrical flower garden in the form geometric shapes(circle, oval, square, triangle, trapezoid).

SMALL ARCHITECTURAL FORMSsmall structures (fountains, benches, sculptures, gazebos, lanterns, etc.) installed in gardens and parks for functional and aesthetic purposes. Viewed as secondary, but necessary elements general composition.

or a mixed border, can look like a picturesque strip 2-4 m wide of arbitrary length, or like an irregular oblique space with an area of ​​20-30 m2. It is important, my dears, that the assortment of plants is selected so that the flowering of the mixborder is constant from early spring to late autumn. That is, the flowering of plants replaces each other.

GROUND COVER – the nature of the covering of the top layer of the earth: grassy, ​​moss, lichen, dead (fallen leaves, needles, bark and branches).

RABATKAa long floral strip 50-100 cm wide. It can be one-sided or double-sided.

rocky areas where ornamental plants are combined with stones (sometimes with ponds).

TAPEWORMa tree (sometimes a shrub or a large herbaceous plant) located alone in an open space, attracting attention with its outstanding size, color, special crown shape, and expressive silhouette.

FOUNTAIN - an architecturally designed stream (or many streams) of water gushing upward.

Common mistakes and examples when copying landscape design elements.

I think many people in their lives have thought about their own cozy place in nature. Whether it's just a seasonal dacha or a private house, everyone wants to create their own unique landscape design. When conceiving it, a person searches for information on the Internet, copies the pictures he likes, and adds the sites he likes to his “favorites.” Now we will look at some of the common mistakes that we can make at the stage of independent work on improving our cozy area.

Mistake 1. Lack of plan when planning.

Now you have decided what exactly will decorate your site. Mentally we planted trees, flowers and dug a hole under a pond, etc. And they are ready to rush into the “battle”. Slow down, friends!!!

To get started, arm yourself with a tape measure, a notepad and a pencil. Walk through the area and write down the distance of existing plantings from each other, existing buildings (sheds, dog house, chicken coop, etc.). Draw a sketch of your site on paper. If you do not plan to completely clear the area of ​​buildings and decide to leave the trees and your favorite shrubs, transfer everything to paper. Having a clear plan in hand, which will reflect all the elements of the garden - flower beds, benches, trees and everything else you are planning, it will be much easier to bring your plan to life. You say: “I’m not a designer to draw.” I don’t force you to do art, like at the Academy of Arts. Just make a sketch, believe me, this is, if not half, then a significant part of the whole matter. In the next article I will talk in detail about the layout of the site.

Error 2. What goes together is incompatible.

When selecting decorative elements, try to take into account not only their appearance and size, but also the combination of all these items in style and even color with each other. Moreover, you need to take into account not only the garden itself, but also the architecture and style of the house. For example, if you have a monolithic log house, then it is unlikely to be appropriate to make a Japanese-style garden.

Mistake 3. Planting only seasonal plants.

Friends, may the garden please you with its blossoms all year round, for landscaping you should select those plants that will not bloom at the same time, and for the winter you can plant several evergreen trees - conifers are perfect. I myself adore conifers. I definitely plan to plant fast-growing and dwarf varieties. I'm tired of looking at the grayness of houses and trees in winter. And I will definitely add

Error 4. Incorrect placement of zones.

If you have planned, try to allocate a place for it that is clearly visible from all sides of the site. Usually this is under the kitchen windows or near the adult sitting area. Create shade with a tree or pergola. It is important to remember what to plant flowering plants Not recommended for children's playgrounds, they attract insects.

It is advisable to place it away from the garage and the entrance to the site, in a secluded corner or near the bathhouse (swimming pool). All this is, of course, conventions. If the area is small, but you want to create a recreation area, you can fence it off with a hedge or the same pergola.

Error 5...

Of course, it is not the lawn itself that is a mistake; many people simply think that by sowing everything with grass, it will become easier for them to care for the garden. This is not true. The lawn needs to be looked after and we will return to this topic. There are a lot of nuances here. Not all grains, for example, are suitable for the lawn (unless you lay a roll). If the lawn is seeded, then it must be compacted (with a special roller), otherwise next year your lawn will turn into a field of mounds and tubercles.

We can talk endlessly about mistakes, there are many of them. I named the main ones. Perhaps one more thing - do not forget to take into account when planting plants their size, color and shape. If you miss this, friends, you risk your well-kept garden becoming overgrown. It is better to take this into account immediately than to uproot (thin out) the plantings after several years.

See you again! Don't forget to subscribe to our blog updates. Write to me what topics in this section would be of interest to you, I will try to answer your wishes with my future articles.

Regards, Tatiana!

The basic rules of landscape design must take into account the relationship between forms and objects when placing them correctly. We offer you to familiarize yourself with the rules of landscape design that will help you create an aesthetically attractive area. For quality work you need to know the rules of landscape design, which include not only good combination flowers, but also the choice of plants.

Professional landscapers typically strive for simplicity in their designs, but despite their advice, artsy gardens outnumber subdued ones. Before you decide to fill your site with all sorts of form and function, it's worth looking at the benefits of a simple approach.

First of all, the work involved in an overly complex garden can be overwhelming. Mowing is a skilled operation when one has to maneuver through a complex of flower beds, while edging and weeding beds can be endless tasks.

Removing spent blooms cannot be neglected, and watering all those annual plants that you have planted is important work in dry weather. Secondly, cluttering unrelated elements will make your garden look smaller and will not create the feeling of calm that a garden that has simple lines will.

The experts are right, it's not a good idea to fill a large garden with a collection of unrelated borders, flowerbeds, paths, etc., but we shouldn't take the concept too literally. Many people with tiny lots choose more complex designs, so that they have the opportunity to romp outdoors for several hours.

The garden must be balanced. This does not mean that the landscape balance should be strictly symmetrical, and the right side should be a mirror image of the left. In fact, clear symmetry usually doesn't look good in home garden, and there should be noticeable differences in design between the two halves. But it still needs to be balanced, and the easiest way to do this is to imagine the left and right sides of the garden on a huge scale - if one side clearly outweighs the other, then the garden is unbalanced. This is not as easy as it seems - dense evergreens such as Lawson's cypress are "heavier" than more tall trees, but with a more open spreading crown, such as birch.

Cohesion is a word used by garden designers to describe the way they make sure the different parts of the garden fit together into a harmonious whole. This does not mean that the result should be boring or uninteresting. An easy way to achieve consistency is to make sure that the materials used to build the fence and retaining walls are the same type as the walls of the house. They do not have to be the same in shape or color, but weathered brick walls in combination with the old brick house, will give a feeling of unity. Avoid using too many types road surface also important is the mixing of artificial stone slabs, bricks, paving with rough natural stones, and gravel would certainly create a feeling of disharmony!

It must seem strange to have both unity and contrast in a list of fundamental principles good design. They are direct opposites. Unity means that there should be a sense of harmony in the garden; contrast means that there should be noticeable differences between its elements. But in reality there is no problem - each of them plays their role. As described above, you should strive to give the overall design a basic sense of unity without using elements that conflict with the chosen concept. There is room for contrast within the accepted scheme, and this applies especially to plants in beds and borders. Don't just try to provide attractiveness with contrasting floral colors - yellow next to purple, orange next to blue, etc. There should also be a contrast in plant and leaf shape - feathery foliage next to broad-leaved plants and upright shrubs next to spreading ones.

Harmony of landscape design

The harmony of landscape design is laid down at the design stage of the placement of various plants and forms. Proportionality is a concept used by designers to ensure a proportional combination of height, width and length of various living and non-living elements of the garden. Make sure that the mature height of any tree or shrub you buy will be appropriate for the size of the garden - basic advice that continues to be given and ignored. the main problem- impulse purchase. Weeping willow or Japanese larch are bought at the garden center because they “look so good.” After a few years, there is a constant need for heavy pruning, as the giant tries to reach its natural height.

It is equally important to avoid elements that are too small. Tiny patio adjacent to a large and imposing house will look wrong, as will a small flower bed on a large lawn.

Interesting landscape design objects

This is a very simple principle - the garden should contain interesting landscaping objects that will force the observer to come up to look at them. This detail could be a particularly attractive flower or plant that the visitor has never seen before, a sculpture, or a koi pond. Points of interest may become obvious as soon as you enter the garden, but your skill as a designer is to ensure that at least some of these points of interest do not come into view immediately.

IN design solutions there should be "mystery" as you approach the point of interest, "suspense" as you get close, and finally "surprise" as you finally reach the hidden focal point.

For us it's much easier - just make sure you have a few vantage points in the garden that catch the eye and that you can't see them all when standing on the terrace or at the entrance to the garden.

Forms for landscape design

Forms for landscape design should be balanced and consistent in the same style. The introduction to this chapter emphasized the idea that it is your garden and, within reason, the only thing that matters is that the design appeals to you. It is important, however, that you take into account the size and shape of the site, as they really limit your ability to make it attractive.

The basis of the garden, of course, is a lawn, a shed, flower beds, etc. And then comes everything else - a rose garden, a pond with fish, a vegetable garden, a playground, a sundial and... If you have half a hectare or a hectare, then this will not pose any problems, but on small area, in fact, this is out of the question. Something has to go off the list - some open space vital in a standard medium-sized garden if you don't want to suffer from the pressure of gardening excess.

A long and narrow area should be divided into several zones so as not to look like a long passage. A square garden can look like a boring box. Curved borders in the corners of the site, breaking straight lines, as well as round flower beds or garden structures will help to avoid this feeling.

Color harmony in design

Color harmony in landscape design is basic principle design. In some textbooks you will find detailed lists of do's and don'ts when planning what landscaping color to use in the garden. But in reality, you don't have to learn a long list of rules about what goes with what, and how to avoid bad combinations - "never put pink next to orange or dark raspberry" and so on. These hard and fast rules are less important in the garden than is often assumed. The reason is quite simple. A solid surface of one color placed directly next to another with which it does not harmonize can cause unpleasant sensations, and this is important in the interior, clothing, etc. In the garden various shades, tones and nuances are diluted with green foliage and earthy shadows that soften the so-called color contradictions.

White and gray play a special role in color schemes in your garden. White itself has a calming effect and stands out on cloudy days and at dusk when violet and red colors lose their expressiveness. The main goal of gray and white however, is to bring out the best in other colors. Monochromatic and pastel schemes become more interesting, and the sharpness of extremely bright contrast schemes decreases.

Your garden will become even more beautiful if it has elements of different heights. To some extent, this can be achieved by planting plants of various shapes and sizes - columnar conifers, spreading shrubs, low-growing and carpet ground cover plants. Remember that a tall variety planted close enough to the house will make the garden appear longer. Planting vines near the wall of the house is almost always a good idea - it gives the garden extra height.

Plant tubs are an old and, as always, valuable way to enliven the space around the house with color. An alpine slide is another way to raise plantings above ground level. Creeping perennials for rock gardens can be planted directly on the walls of these terraces to soften the lines of the walls with cascading plants.

On a flat area you can build one or more raised flower beds. They will help reduce the monotony of a flat garden, but there are others important advantages- better drainage, easier weeding and planting, etc.

Retaining walls can be built from a variety of materials - stone, brick, wood, etc.

Decorations for landscape design

Can be used various decorations for landscape design, which will create a more attractive appearance. Decorative wall, a fence covered with wild grapes, ivy or climbing roses, or a series of rapidly growing coniferous plants- These screen creation methods are not the only ways to hide an unsightly appearance. In fact, a flat screen can have its own problems - if it's large and attractive, it can act as a focal point that draws attention to a partially hidden unsightly object. Sometimes it's better to cover it with a 3D object irregular shape, such as a wide-growing bush between a window and an undesirable view.

The garden should contain a permanent, year-round structure so as not to look like a huge balcony box for flowers. There must be a certain sense of completion, and this requires the presence of permanent objects. Decorations are useful - arches, sundials, fountains, walled areas and the like - but the main skeleton is provided by trees and shrubs. Lack of space is no excuse - there are compact woody plants that can provide variety to the garden's winter appearance when the annuals and border plant stems are gone.

Use evergreen and deciduous woody plants. Books on gardening are replete with photographs taken in the height of summer, but views in midwinter are largely ignored. In many cases, however, we are forced to look at the garden for several months when all the leaves and flowers have disappeared. In this case, of course, some evergreen plants with gray, yellow, green or purple leaves are necessary, but deciduous shrubs and trees play an equally important role. Most of the beautiful flowering varieties belong here, along with their seasonal changes.

Beware of the pitfalls - don't be too ambitious. Before you create a design plan, you must be prepared to face your limitations in time, money, ability, gardening knowledge and health. There is no point in planning a heated greenhouse if you are not willing to take on the annual costs of heating it in winter and the year-round work associated with watering, ventilation, and so on.

Laying paving slabs, brickwork, concreting and cutting down large trees are jobs that should not be taken lightly if you have never done them before. Have this job done by a professional if you can afford it. If this is not possible, then read about the technique, talk to knowledgeable friends and ask them for help.

Few aspects of gardening are more enjoyable than successful cultivation vegetables... and few take longer. If you don't have much free time, don't include a large vegetable garden in your design project.

Lawn: arrangement errors

When arranging a lawn, mistakes are made mainly by inexperienced people. landscape designers, which do not suggest how it will all look in finished form.

The first mistake is to expand the lawn to deprived sunlight plots.

The second mistake is to extend the lawn all the way to a wall or path - a grass-free strip for the outer mower wheels should be all around the lawn to make it easier to work the edges.

The third mistake is a path that leads directly to the lawn and ends at its edge. Regular traffic in this area will cause excessive wear and compaction of the turf.

The fourth mistake in creating narrow strips of grass between beds and/or borders is that the strip should be at least 75 cm to facilitate the passage of the mower.

Choosing plants for the garden

When creating your planting plan, check the characteristics of each tree, shrub and border perennial before choosing plants for your garden. To do this, look for information in books, catalogs or on the Internet. You'll want to know the plant's expected mature height, bloom time, and flower color, but you should also know the expected width of the tree or shrub and its light and soil type requirements.

Almost all bedding plants and rock garden perennials prefer to grow in full sun, but numerous shrubs and border plants will thrive in partial shade. Make sure your plant list matches the conditions under which the plants will need to grow. Failure to do this can lead to trouble - for example, some plants thrive on chalk soil, but many do not survive in such conditions at all. Check the needs of plants before adding them to the plan.

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