Irga - “Queen of Backyards”: planting and caring for a beautiful and useful shrub. Botanical description of serviceberry

Right under my bedroom window, in the midst of thickets of quince, there is a bush of serviceberry. I held on for a long time, restraining myself from going out and trying this wonderful berry. Although here in Germany it will probably look strange, as if I suddenly started eating wolfberry. And in general, it’s somehow not customary to do this - to pick something on the street. In any case, my wife doesn’t want to accept it as edible. Well, how does she, who grew up in the south, know this plant of the northern and middle zone? He says I can’t eat - I’ll get poisoned. Even though she is a doctor, I still went out and collected these delicious, beautiful fruits from the harvest - exactly the same as those that grew in Lvov and Riga.

I remember we went for a walk with our three-year-old son to the stadium in Lvov, and there was a serviceberry bush growing in the corner. When you collect it, you want more and more. And then little Zhenya said: “Looking, looking…” Then someone dug up this bush and dragged it, according to the holy Ukrainian tradition, to take everything that is in bad shape to their dacha.

Thickets of serviceberry grew at the Riga command post "", where I ended up serving immediately after college. Then for the first time I saw how the head of the command post, Vladimir Vasilyevich Igumenov, right in uniform, in a sword belt, picked this berry from a bush and ate it. At my questioning glance, he said that yurga has been his favorite berry since childhood. I remember exactly, I didn’t say “irga”, but “yurga”. Then he had just recently returned from a business trip to Egypt with the military Order of the Red Star - he was thin, tanned, and somewhat crooked. He also told me that yurga is better than any overseas fruit... Since then, I have not confused this berry with any other.

Especially for non-believers and those who do not know, I am posting a little information about this wonderful plant.

Irga is also called yurga, pirus or karinka ( Amelanchier ovalis). The French call the shadberry "rock medlar", and the Germans call it "rock pear".
A perennial woody shrub up to 3 meters high, with high winter hardiness and abundant and annual yield.
The game looks like a bush, sometimes very large, with round inconspicuous leaves and dark round berries the size of currants. Its fruits are useful for gum disease, eye diseases, disorder gastrointestinal tract. The berries contain large quantities sugar, organic acids, carotene, manganese and bioactive substances.

Irga is not demanding on growing conditions, so any soil is suitable, with the exception of waterlogged and close-lying soils. groundwater. Irga is resistant to pests and diseases and can tolerate heavy shade. It is usually planted along the edges of garden plots so that the bush serves as a hedge.
Irga is a real long-liver of the garden, lives 60-70 years. It practically does not get sick and is not affected by pests.

The fruits of the serviceberry not only have a unique delicious taste, they are also rich in vitamins, sugar, organic acids and other beneficial substances

Serviceberry berries are used as a delicacy not only in fresh. They are used to make jam, marmalade, compotes, freeze them, and dry them.
Medical significance: The fruits are harvested after they are fully ripe, in July-August. Leaves - during flowering. Bark - after the first frost.

Serviceberry juice has an astringent and anti-inflammatory effect. IN folk medicine it is recommended as a fixative. Used for weakened vision at night, indigestion, for the prevention of hypovitaminosis and vitamin deficiencies, for gargling for colds, as well as for the oral cavity for gum diseases. Also used to treat the liver, kidneys, heart, stomach. Irga normalizes sleep and strengthens the body. The berries contain beta-sitosterol, which has an anti-sclerotic effect.

Also discovered beneficial features serviceberry flowers. An infusion of flowers has a tonic effect on the heart and lowers blood pressure.

Irgu is recommended for older people to strengthen blood vessels and increase their elasticity to prevent myocardial infarction and varicose veins. It has been noticed that after eating berries, people sleep better and become calmer.

Presumably serviceberry is a Mongolian name meaning “hardwood tree.” IN natural environment Serviceberry is distributed on almost all continents of the temperate zone. Korinka (the second name for irgi) – medicinal plant, and everything in it is useful: from bark to berries.

Why is irga so useful?

Thanks to its composition, irga has a lot of useful properties. So, this plant contains: pectins, mono- and disaccharides, organic acids (malic), B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin P, tannins, flavonols, sterols and fiber. This list is also supplemented by useful microelements (lead, cobalt, copper).

Irga contains virtually no proteins or fats, only carbohydrates (up to 12 g per 100 g of product), and its energy value only 45 kcal per 100 g of product. This makes the plant useful for people who want to lose weight. Juice from serviceberry and red currant, with proper nutrition and regular use, reduces weight up to four kg per week. To do this, you need to mix the juices in a one to one ratio and drink every day (one glass after meals).

The plant contains a large amount of carotene, which, together with ascorbic acid is a strong natural antioxidant. These substances strengthen the immune system, relieve symptoms of diseases associated with electromagnetic radiation, increase resistance to infectious diseases and stress, and dispel depression.

Antioxidants have Negative influence on cancer cells, and their constant use plays the role of a preventive vaccination against tumors. These same substances help in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease - severe damage to the nervous system.

Pectins help remove heavy metal salts, toxins, radionuclides from the body, and destroy cholesterol plaques. The serviceberry tree is a storehouse of useful properties. Its components thin the blood, clean the walls of blood vessels, prevent the formation of blood clots and other vascular pathologies, and also improve heart function.

Did you know? Irga, how ornamental plant was known back in the 16th century. It was planted in parks, gardens and alleys, used as living fence. The strong stems of this tree were used for the production of canes and cleaning rods.

Beneficial properties of berry bush bark

For medicinal purposes, the bark of the plant is collected in late spring. Greatest benefit The benefit of serviceberry bark for the human body lies in its anti-inflammatory properties, in addition, it is rich in tannins. Tannins contained in tannins can stop bleeding, bind microorganisms in case of poisoning and promote rejuvenation of the body at the cellular level.

From the bark They make decoctions and infusions that are used to treat gastritis, colitis, enterocolitis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Tinctures also help with gum problems, stomatitis and gingivitis. They are also used to rinse the mouth for bacterial infections. The medicinal properties of serviceberry bark help with ophthalmological problems such as conjunctivitis, night blindness, cataracts and inflammation of the cornea.

Recipe for treating diarrhea: 1 tsp of dry crushed bark is mixed with 200 ml of water. The decoction is prepared in a water bath. To treat dental diseases: crushed bark (1 tbsp) should be poured with water (200 ml) and boiled for 20 minutes. The broth is infused for half an hour and then filtered. You should rinse your mouth with the resulting mixture three times a day.

Use of irgi leaves for medicinal purposes

The leaves of the serviceberry tree or bush also have a number of beneficial properties (they are collected in late spring). The phytoncides contained in the leaves fight infectious diseases: sore throat, ARVI, acute respiratory infections, and the antimicrobial effect is used in the treatment of purulent wounds, open and bleeding, and bedsores.

The astringent properties of the leaves help with pancreatitis and diarrhea. An infusion of them is drunk for insomnia, high blood pressure, and cardiovascular diseases.

Young children are prone to infectious diseases, so to reduce the use of artificial antibiotics against cough, young patients can be given a decoction of irgi leaves. It has an expectorant and sputum thinning effect.

Important! Children under two years of age should be given shadberry in minimal quantities, as it contains many allergens.

While running in the yard, children often injure themselves, and Serviceberry leaves are a good natural antiseptic. Simply apply a cotton pad soaked in the broth to the wound, or immediately clean fresh leaf plants for a while.

Tea made from irgi leaves has vitamin and immune-strengthening effects. A fruit drink made from the leaves has a dietary and weight-loss effect; moreover, such infusions are also used in cosmetology. Lotions and tonics stop skin aging, tighten pores, cleanse oily skin, restore damaged layers of the epidermis, strengthen nails and hair.

For a rejuvenating effect, you should wipe your face and neck with a decoction of the leaves (preferably twice a day). The composition can be poured into a container with a sprayer and periodically spray the décolleté area.

Recipe recommended for inflammatory processes oral cavity or wounds: Dry leaves - 2 tablespoons should be mixed with 200 ml of boiled water and left for 30 minutes. For diseases of the oral cavity - rinse after eating; for wounds - lubricate with a cotton swab.

How and why to take serviceberry flowers

It's no secret that Pregnant women get sick more often, since the body works for two. Chemicals often harm the unborn baby, and problems with blood pressure, dental, heart and infectious diseases are not uncommon in pregnant women.

Serviceberry flowers, their medicinal properties will be useful for mothers both in treatment and for prevention. An infusion of flowers reduces blood pressure, has anti-inflammatory, immune-modulating and antimicrobial effects. Flower-based tea is drunk to prevent acute respiratory and viral infections.

Decoctions and infusions of flowers are used after chemotherapy in the treatment of oncology, to restore strength. Douching with decoctions helps women with gynecological diseases and cystitis. Decoctions and tinctures relieve symptoms of the disease thyroid gland.

Baths with irgi flowers healing properties tone the skin, remove toxins and other harmful compounds through the pores, making the skin elastic and smooth. Lotions made from flowers give the face a healthy look. Recipe for pregnant women suffering from hypertension: Pour 2 tablespoons of dried or fresh flowers into 400 ml of boiling water. Wrap the mixture well and leave it to brew for several hours, then strain. Take one tablespoon before meals, three times a day.

Important! Serviceberry flowers have a calming effect and cause drowsiness, so after taking them you should not immediately get behind the wheel of a car or work with devices that require good concentration.

Medicinal properties of serviceberry berries

The fruits of serviceberry are actively used in both folk and official medicine. Doctors recommend that elderly patients eat berries as a preventive measure. varicose veins veins, atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction, as well as to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and the entire body.

The berries of the plant can be excreted from the body harmful substances, coming from food from the atmosphere, and cholesterol.

Saskatoon and its berries are useful in the treatment of cardiovascular problems, insomnia, nervous disorders, and to smooth out the effects of stress. Berry juice is taken for stomach and intestinal disorders , since its astringent effect helps with gastritis, relieving inflammation of the stomach walls.

The juice has a dietary effect. Vitamin A, which the serviceberry berry is rich in, prevents the development of cataracts and improves vision when consumed regularly. In order to avoid malnutrition and lack of vitamins during diets, it is advisable to drink berry tea. Juice from fresh berries relieves pain symptoms from purulent sore throats and stomatitis. Vitamin drink:

Pour boiling water over dry fruits (1 tbsp per 200 ml of water) and leave for 30 minutes. Drink half a glass a day after meals.

The use of irgi in cooking Irga is in demand in cooking; you can use it to prepare many delicious and, mostly sweets.

Dried berries resemble raisins and are used as a filling for pies, pies and pastries. Shredded shadberry is used in the preparation of muffins, casseroles, pancakes and pancakes. For desserts and main courses, sauces are prepared with the addition of serviceberry berries. Grated fresh berries are good for mousses, soufflés and creams. It is used to make jelly, marmalade, pastille, and sorbet. From fresh fruits

They make compotes, jelly, fruit drinks and soft drinks. Wine and alcoholic tinctures from serviceberry have anti-inflammatory properties; they can be used to soak cake layers.

Each plant is something special, unlike other species. But ordinary city residents do not know these features well enough. Meanwhile, without owning them, it is impossible to grow a decent harvest.

Other names Irga has been given many alternative names.

  • So, people call it:
  • karinka;
  • Karina;
  • pirus;

wine or baby berries.

It is worth noting that linguists have not yet figured out how the word “irga” itself got into the Russian language. Some experts are of the opinion that it is associated with an ancient (appearing at least 2000 years ago) word element that denoted something that came from abroad. Even in the 21st century, despite globalization and borrowing, shadberry has a specific name in almost all languages. The word "pirus" can be heard in the Moscow region, as well as in the vicinity of Vladimir; to the east of the Urals there are equally common names “irga” and “yarga”. It has been repeatedly noted that this plant is called “wine cherry”, “cinnamon”, “karisha” or even “northern grapes”. What is noteworthy is that one of the English names of the culture also sounds like currant. Also in Great Britain it is known as June or healthy berries like a shady bush. Residents of the United States are familiar with this plant called “Saskatoon”. But in French Provence

The differently formed word “amelanche” is more commonly used. This word means that the plant is an excellent honey plant.

Where does it grow?

In these two cases, moderate soil moisture is equally important. The illumination of the shadberry area is welcoming. But it does not survive direct illumination by the hot rays of the sun. Planting near the fence is allowed. It is very good if before this gardeners make sure that the soil is saturated with nutrients and has a neutral acid-base balance.

Description of the plant

Irga is one of the unpretentious plants, which for some reason are underestimated. Typically, gardeners value highly those crops that are the most difficult to grow. Irga, on the other hand, is given a secondary role; it is planted on the outskirts of areas where nothing else can grow anyway. Meanwhile, this look sometimes looks charming if used skillfully and tastefully. It blooms brightly and violently.

This shrub is not much inferior to bird cherry in the beauty of its flowering. And when the day begins to shorten, the extraordinary grace of the serviceberry appears again. There are few other trees and shrubs that would be covered with such bright foliage during the “golden autumn”.

The genus serviceberry has 18 or 25 species (botanists have not yet made a final decision). Almost each of these plants has colonized the entire territory of North America. You can find him there:

  • on forest edges;
  • on sun-drenched mountain slopes;
  • in clearings;
  • and sometimes even in the tundra.

Russians are most accustomed roundleaf serviceberry, whose wild ancestors were introduced into culture in the Crimea and the Caucasus at approximately the same time. But there are up to 10 more domesticated species - including Canadian, spiked and blood-red shadberry. You can often find feral representatives cultivars bush. Such plants inhabit forest edges and harmoniously form part of the undergrowth.

The attractiveness of serviceberry, as already noted, is largely due to the plant’s minimal requirements for growing conditions. Dry periods and strong winds he doesn't care. If the crop is planted on any soil, except for waterlogged soil, it is guaranteed to take root. Moreover, even severe frosts will not harm this plant. Root system goes very deep into the ground, in addition covering a radius of 2-2.5 m.

That’s why Irga are not scary:

  • shady places;
  • air saturated with exhaust gases;
  • attack harmful insects and microorganisms;
  • frequent haircuts.

The plant is different long period growth. The shrub can live 60 and even 70 years. Also, as already mentioned, this culture helps attract bees. However, you should not assume that serviceberry has only advantages.

This species produces a lot of root shoots. It is especially actively formed in spicate type. Gardeners need to get ready to fight this growth. It is not advisable to plant bushes or trees near open parking lots. When leaves fall, the appearance of light-colored cars often deteriorates.

Irga is actively used as a raw material for making preserves and marmalade. Compotes and candied fruits, marshmallows and jelly are made from it. Fans of homemade drinks will be interested to know that this plant serves as a good raw material for wine production. You can squeeze the juice on the 7th day after harvesting the fruits. IN pure form it is no worse than after fermentation.

All types of serviceberry produce berries suitable for fresh consumption. You can also dry them. In this case, an excellent replacement for raisins appears. Judging by the reviews, it turns out no worse than when drying high-quality grapes. This is another reason for growing irgi in the garden.

Irga can be seen on the lawns of the most elite cottages in Western European countries, in North America. They also actively use it to decorate parks and squares, lawns in in public places. The recognized center for the selection of this plant is Canada. It is there that all the varieties that are widely used in different parts of the world were created. Among them there are both decorative varieties, as well as plants with sweet fruits.

Irga, judging by reviews, has a taste similar to the taste of honey. At the same time, some connoisseurs claim that it is more reminiscent of almonds. Although traditionally the fruit of this plant is called a berry, in reality it turns out to be... an apple. Botanical studies have shown that it is in fact a fruit. This, however, did not affect the practical horticultural characteristics.

You should not confuse shadberry with honeysuckle. Yes, some of their properties are very similar. But there are much more differences. They relate, for example, to the shape of the fruit. If the shadberry is not needed on the site, you will have to get rid of it very carefully; It is enough to leave at least a few roots for the plant to begin expansion again.

Rules for growing and care

The method of planting cultivated irgi is exactly the same as the others. berry plants. Those who have already prepared the land for planting gooseberries or currants will be able to reproduce these methods without any problems. In spring and autumn, you need to take seedlings 1 or 2 years old. They are buried 5-8 cm deeper than they were in the nursery. This technique allows you to speed up the development of shoots near the root.

The preferred planting pattern is 200-300x400-500 cm. Planting hedges according to the checkerboard principle is also quite widely practiced. In this case, plants included in one row can be located 50-180 cm from each other. Regardless of the scheme, deep furrows are prepared.

Agronomists recommend planting on summer cottages 1 or 2 bushes of serviceberry. This is due to the fact that each plant should fit 16 square meters. m of fertile loam or 6-9 sq. m of poor sandy loam. The depth of the planting holes ranges from 30 to 40 cm. However, their width can vary from 50 to 80 cm. After moving into free soil, each serviceberry seedling is watered, spending from 8 to 10 liters of water.

The following can be used for mulching the soil:

  • peat;
  • land with similar characteristics;
  • selected humus.

The surface part is shortened, leaving no more than 10 cm. At the same time, care is taken to ensure that 4 or 5 well-developed buds remain above the ground. As for aftercare, despite the unpretentiousness of the culture, it is very important. So, if irrigation provides acceptable soil moisture, the number of harvested fruits increases. It is also necessary to take care of the sufficient strength of the bush, cutting down unnecessary trunks, excessively long, broken and diseased shoots.

Reproduction of wild irgi is done using seeds. Sowing is done in thoroughly prepared beds fed with fertilizers. Be sure to produce immediately after sowing abundant watering. Most often, seedlings appear in autumn months. Only when not favorable conditions we have to wait for spring.

In any case, next year annual shoots will appear that can be transplanted to permanent place. If you need to breed varieties of cultivated serviceberry, grafting with cuttings is preferable. Two-year-old rowan seedlings are usually taken as rootstock. The scion is introduced at a height of 10-15 cm, when the juices are actively moving. Standard varieties are grafted at a height of 75 or 80 cm.

Irga is self-fertile, that is, a full harvest can be obtained even from a single bush. Fruits will appear annually. Harvesting is possible in early and mid-July, but you must be prepared for the fact that the berries will not ripen at the same time. Serviceberry fruits should be protected from birds. For this purpose, it is better to use not a scarecrow (this technique has long been outdated), but a strong wire mesh.

When pruning, experienced farmers try to form the serviceberry into a multi-stemmed bush with developed shoots from the roots. If the escape is weak, you will have to say goodbye to it. Until the age of 3, all developed shoots are left alone. zero level. Later, a selection is made among them - no more than 3 strongest branches must be left. Only under this condition will the plant strengthen properly.

The formation of the bush ends when it has from 10 to 15 shoots of different ages. At this point they move on to maintenance pruning. Its primary goal is to maintain the optimal number basal shoots. Everything that is not included in this norm must be removed. They also get rid of weak, split and broken branches.

All diseased shoots are also, of course, destroyed. If it is noticed that the branches have begun to grow more slowly, moderate anti-aging pruning is resorted to every 3 or 4 years. Another purpose of pruning is to maintain ease of care and simplify fruit harvesting. Each year, a maximum of 2 or 3 shoots should be added to the bush. If you leave more new growth, competition for nutrients together with the thickening of the plant will lead to loss decorative properties and a decline in fertility.

When does it ripen?

Serviceberry berries reach ripeness in different time, even if they grow on the same hand. This circumstance is very inconvenient for harvesting. But outwardly the bushes look intriguing at the end of summer and beginning of autumn. Most large fruits, developing at the base of the inflorescence, are initially colored red, but gradually acquire a dark purple tone. This happens through a number of intermediate stages, each of which is no less beautiful.

Fruits also have to be harvested in several phases. Fresh berries are stored at room temperature no more than 3 days. If you put them in the refrigerator, where the air does not warm up above 0 degrees, this time increases noticeably.

It should be remembered that the serviceberry attracts birds at all stages of its development. It is necessary to combat their raids in advance, without waiting for the ripeness of the harvest.

Useful properties and contraindications

Irgovy berry contains different kinds sugars, among which fructose and glucose dominate. But there are relatively few organic acids. When the fruits ripen, they are saturated with ascorbic acid and carotene, B vitamins, and various mineral salts. The presence of microelements is noted:

  • gland;
  • iodine;
  • copper;
  • cobalt;
  • manganese

Therefore, consumption of serviceberry is extremely valuable for infectious diseases and during epidemics (as prevention, auxiliary remedy). Delicious berriesgreat way diversify a meager diet. Tannins, which give the characteristic taste of irga, help relieve a number of negative sensations in the stomach. The substances contained in the juice prevent the formation of vascular blood clots. With berries you can:

  • strengthen the stomach (if diarrhea occurs);
  • prevent peptic ulcer disease;
  • suppress inflammation of the gums and teeth;
  • relieve irritation from the eyes;
  • eliminate external manifestations of inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.

Saskatoon fruits contain many antioxidants. And these substances help rejuvenate the body (or at least inhibit aging). They reduce the likelihood of developing cancer of all types and locations. Antioxidants also have great benefits in suppressing other pathological processes. It doesn’t matter how exactly harmful substances enter the body - with water, with air, with food - serviceberry helps fight them.

Some studies show that serviceberry berries reduce the risk of exposure electromagnetic radiation. Solar flares, all kinds of radio and electrical devices, and electric transport constantly create such radiation and fields. And due to the pectins that make up the fruit, it is easier to bind and remove various toxins from the body.

This is very useful when recovering from severe poisoning, serious illnesses, or in between courses of taking potent drugs.

But pectins, which provide this effect, also help lower cholesterol levels. Therefore, you should eat shadberry if you have a high risk of atherosclerosis and varicose veins. Tanning components, contained in large quantities in the bark and foliage, are useful in the treatment of skin diseases. They even speed up healing for burns of various natures. These parts of the plant are used to prepare infusions that fight stomatitis and periodontal disease.

If you prepare an infusion of irgi flowers, you can stabilize impaired blood pressure. The fight against heart failure is made easier. But, of course, this property of the plant does not allow it to be used for self-medication. Complex therapy must be carried out. You should notify your treating cardiologist in advance of your intention to use shadberry preparations.

Dry fruits contain coumarins. By reducing blood viscosity and reducing blood clotting, they prevent the development of heart attacks and strokes. And the substance beta-sitosterol helps prevent the development of senile sclerosis.

Despite all the usefulness of serviceberry, one cannot ignore the potential harm from its use. Thus, it should not be used by hemophiliacs and anyone who has a tendency to bleed. To minimize the danger, dosage should be adjusted carefully and in collaboration with specialists. Predict the reaction of a specific organism in specific situation Without professional knowledge it is almost impossible. It is very easy, while fighting angina, to lower your blood pressure to life-threatening levels. Reduced blood clotting can be harmful for people who are often injured in professional activities (athletes, military personnel).

The best varieties

For Russian farmers and gardeners who are unable to buy directly planting material in North America, you have to inevitably limit yourself to the choice of species. Among them, it is worth focusing on plants that are both gastronomic and decorative characteristics. Irga alnifolia is commonly called multi-stemmed shrubs covered with dark gray bark. The surface of all trunks is smooth, and their greatest height reaches 4 m. The leaves are considered elliptical, but in fact they hardly differ from a regular circle.

Flowers of alder serviceberry are colored in White color, the smell can barely be detected. The berries are purple in color largest diameter reaches 1.5 cm. The weight of the fruit can be 1.5 g, the sweetness is clearly noticeable. If agrotechnical requirements are met, in the 7th and 8th seasons the shadberry yields 10 kg. Canadian view can be twice as tall (at the peak of growth reaches 8 m).

It is a tree-like shrub composed of relatively thin branches. Young foliage is slightly pinkish (sometimes there is a copper or purple tint). When autumn comes, the leaves turn orange or dark red. Loose inflorescences (each up to 3 cm in diameter) contain many large flowers. Sweet fleshy fruits are not larger than 1 g, largest collection can reach 6 kg per 1 plant.

An alternative to the two described species may be the blood-red shadberry. It forms relatively narrow and slender shrubs of small height. Crown rising up to 3 m – business card this plant. The leaves are of the oval-oblong type. They can grow up to 5.5 cm. Before leaf fall, they turn orange instead of green; flower petals blood-red serviceberry elongated. The berries are very small, no more than 0.7 g. But their taste is sweet and pleasant. The fruit is characterized by a dark color. Under favorable conditions, a harvest of up to 5 kg is harvested from 1 bush.

You will learn about the beneficial properties of shadberry from the video below.

Irga - amazing plant, family Rosaceae. It is undemanding to growing conditions, can normally tolerate frosts down to -40 -50 degrees, and during flowering frosts down to -5 -7 degrees. It grows well in soils of varying composition and acidity. But there is an indispensable condition - if you want to get a harvest of large, sweet berries with the aroma of freshness, you need to give irga sunny place . Therefore, serviceberry bushes should be placed at a distance of at least 2.5-3 m, unless you aim to grow tall hedge

, for which irga is very suitable.

The most common is the round-leaved serviceberry, or the common serviceberry (rotundi-folia), found in cultivation as a fruit, melliferous and ornamental plant. The leaves are deciduous, round or oval, dark green above, pale green below, yellow-red or dark red in autumn. The flowers are white or cream, collected in corymbose racemes at the ends of the shoots. The fruits are round, bluish-black or reddish-violet, up to 10 mm in diameter, edible, sweet, ripen in July.

Calorie content of serviceberry

This is a low-calorie berry, 100 g of which contains 45 kcal.

However, due to the high carbohydrate content, it should not be abused by obese people.

Useful properties of serviceberry

In folk medicine, fresh juice of serviceberry berries is used for gargling as a dietary and medicinal drink with astringent properties, mixed with the juices of wild apples and pears.

The abundance of vitamin P makes it possible to recommend serviceberry fruits and juices from them to older people to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and increase their elasticity, prevent myocardial infarction and varicose veins. Irga normalizes sleep and strengthens the body. The use of tincture of irgi flowers normalizes heart function and reduces blood pressure. The juice of fresh fruits is used as a medicinal drink for intestinal disorders. The fruits of the serviceberry do not ripen at the same time, so they are collected in several stages. Irga is widely used in medicinal and

dietary nutrition . Its fruits are consumed fresh as a dessert, they are dried, dried, frozen, jam is made, and compote is prepared. The dried berries are sometimes called "northern raisins" and were formerly known as korinkas and are used as a filling for pastries. The juice from freshly picked serviceberry fruits is almost not squeezed out, but after 7-10 days of storage in a layer of no more than 5 cm, up to 70% of the juice can be squeezed out. Considering that the berries have a fresh-sweet taste and are not rich in organic acids, they add

citric acid or natural juice of sour fruits. To prepare juice from serviceberry, the berries are kept in a dry room for a week, scattered on film or paper so that they can release their juice and become more aromatic. Then, using a juicer, squeeze out the juice, mixing it with sugar (for 1 liter of juice - 300 g of sugar), heat until the sugar is completely dissolved, pour into jars and roll up their lids. Store in a cool place. Since serviceberry juice has low acidity, it can be blended with other juices

berry crops

, for example with red currant juice.

The fruits of the serviceberry produce a tasty and healing wine. For example, in the USA, since the 18th century, extensive plantations of serviceberry have been planted for winemaking. An infusion of irgi flowers has a beneficial effect on heart function and reduces blood pressure. Irga represents perennial shrub

, bearing dark blue berries. During the flowering period, irga is similar to cherries. The shrub has found wide application in medicine. IN

medicinal purposes

  • They use berries, leaves, bark, and more recently, serviceberry flowers.
  • The inflorescences begin to be collected before the fruit begins to form, in May.
  • Helps with the following diseases:
  • hypertension;
  • insomnia;
  • heart diseases;

The flowers of the bush are in no way inferior to medical drugs. In general, the plant has immunomodulating properties due to its natural composition.

Use for various diseases

For hypertension

The plant can lower blood pressure, so decoctions are used as a treatment for hypertension.

  1. For cooking medicinal tea, brew three tablespoons of dry ingredients with boiling water (2 cups).
  2. Leave for about 3 hours, and then take 50 ml up to 4 times a day.

Alcohol infusion for the treatment of hypertension blood pressure prepared using this method:

  • pour three tablespoons of crushed inflorescences into a bottle of vodka (0.5 l);
  • let it brew for 2 weeks.

Take a tablespoon before meals three times a day.

For cystitis

A tablespoon of crushed flowers, 1 tbsp. l. Lingonberries are mixed with 2 tbsp. l. rowan berries. Pour boiling water over and leave for 3-4 hours. The resulting decoction is taken half a glass with honey 3 times a day before meals.

Use for cough

The flowers have anti-inflammatory and expectorant effects. For respiratory diseases, this is the first remedy to combat cough.

  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. dried flowers, mixed with strawberry and linden leaves in the same proportion.
  2. The dry mixture is poured with half a liter of boiling water and left for 30 minutes.
  3. Take half a glass after meals 3 times a day.

Alcohol tinctures of flowers and berries with the addition of honey also help relieve the inflammatory process.

To do this, take 1 tbsp. l. serviceberry fruits and flowers, 2 tbsp. l. honey and pour in 200 ml of vodka. The resulting solution is removed for 10 days in dark place. Take 1 tbsp. l. after meals 3 times a day. The product helps well with both dry and wet coughs.

Attention! Infusions and decoctions with the addition of shadberry should be used with extreme caution for people suffering from low blood pressure.

For cardiovascular diseases

Since the flowers of the shrub have a tonic effect, have a good effect on blood vessels, and prevent the appearance of cholesterol plaques, they have found their use for the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis and heart disease.

  1. For cooking medicinal decoction take 2 tbsp. l. colors.
  2. Brew in 100 ml of boiling water.
  3. Let it brew for about 3-4 hours, and then take it in small portions throughout the day.

With thyroid

Treatment of the thyroid gland using decoctions of the plant has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the patient, as the plant has a calming effect and improves immunity.

For medicinal purposes, you can prepare a soothing tea from the flowers of the bush.

Brew a teaspoon of irgi in 0.5 liters of boiling water, let it brew for 15 minutes and take it throughout the day.

For constipation

Fresh fruits of the plant, eaten on an empty stomach, have a laxative effect, so their use. But decoctions and infusions from flowers should not be taken during a long period of absence of stool, as they have a strengthening effect.

For diarrhea

The following recipe may be useful for treating loose stools:

  1. Take a tablespoon of flowers and leaves and brew a glass of boiling water.
  2. After the decoction has been infused for 2 hours, take 30 ml 10 minutes before meals.

Application in oncology

Saskatoon flowers and fruits can be used after radiation therapy. They have a beneficial effect on the patient’s immune system, supporting it. It is recommended to drink tea with the flowers of this plant, it is able to remove toxins from the body

For female diseases

Since the flowers of the shrub have an anti-inflammatory effect, decoctions and infusions from it can also be taken for. Flower decoctions and infusions restore immunity and are therefore doubly useful for this illness.

During pregnancy

To expectant mothers suffering high blood pressure, you should use decoctions.

  1. To do this, brew 1 tbsp. l. flowers 200 ml of boiling water and leave to infuse for 40 minutes.
  2. Drink 2 tbsp three times a day before meals. l.

If pregnant women have hypotension, shadberry in any form is contraindicated.

Application in cosmetology

In order for the facial skin to acquire a healthy appearance, become soft and smooth to the touch, use the following decoction for washing:

  1. A tablespoon of flowers is brewed in a glass of boiling water.
  2. Let it brew for 20 minutes and filter through cheesecloth.
  3. Wash your face with the decoction after waking up and before going to bed.

Baths with irgi flowers remove toxins and tone it. Take a handful of dried flowers and brew them in a liter of boiling water. The strained broth is added to the bath and taken for 30 minutes.


The use of any components of the plant is not recommended for people with low blood pressure, as this can cause vascular spasms and lead to headaches, dizziness, and even loss of consciousness.

  1. Serviceberry flowers have a calming effect and can cause drowsiness, so it is not recommended to use the product at times when it is necessary increased concentration attention.
  2. If you have loose stools, this herbal product in the form of berries is also contraindicated.
  3. Irga has the property of thinning the blood, so the use of inflorescences and fruits of the bush is extremely undesirable for people suffering from poor clotting.
  4. Individual intolerance to the herbal preparation and the occurrence of allergies are also possible.

The beneficial properties of serviceberry were discovered relatively recently in medicine. Currently, active study of its inflorescences on the human body as a whole is underway.

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