Forsythia pruning in autumn in preparation for winter. Spring pruning of forsythia

Forsythia is photophilous, and although it develops in the shade, its abundant flowering occurs only with sufficient sunlight. Forsythia is drought-resistant, does not tolerate excess moisture in the soil - it grows well on light (preferably calcareous) soils; little damage from pests and diseases. Forsythia propagates by green and woody cuttings, seeds, and layering. Forsythia grows quickly and tolerates transplantation well. Periodically (every few years) you need to cut out the old branches of forsythia to the stem growth, which allows you to rejuvenate the bush due to the subsequent formation of new growth and give the bush an attractive appearance. Forsythia branches cut during pruning are cut, and the cuttings take root easily (even in water). Forsythia does not like excessive pruning unless necessary - this causes it to branch heavily, but blooms worse.

Ziborova E.Yu.

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Forsythia in autumn: pruning, care, preparation for winter

Forsythia is a bush-shaped plant. Found in nature dwarf varieties, up to one meter in height, and species up to 3 meters, forming a full-fledged tree crown. The bark of the trunks has a rough texture, gray with a brownish tint. The leaves are simple, oval-shaped, serrated along the edges, from 2 to 14.5 cm long. The flowers are bell-shaped, bright yellow in color, form small fruit-boxes with the seeds of the plant. Pruning and caring for forsythia is not difficult, so no special skills are required.

Features of growing forsythia at home

IN European countries It’s surprising if forsythia is not planted along the alley or in the park. This is a common plant for Central Europe. The tree is a symbol of the arrival of spring, because it is one of the first to bloom. They happily grow it in their yards, gardens and are actively used for decoration in landscape design city ​​residents.

The ornamental plant is undemanding to care and unpretentious in relation to the soil. Therefore, if you tried to care for forsythia in the fall, in the spring the tree will thank you with profuse flowering.

Forsythia begins to dazzle with yellow flames when the gray streets have not yet woken up from winter cold. Early flowering of bushes is a property that distinguishes a plant from other green spaces.

So what features does the plant have, how to care for it, and what is needed to prune forsythia in the fall in order to grow a lush and healthy bush that is popular with gardeners? Read on.

When to plant an ornamental plant

Planting and replanting of bushes is carried out in spring or early autumn, before the first frost, so that forsythia has time to take root before the cold weather. The best place for growing - a sunny or semi-shaded area protected from the wind. Although forsythia is shade-tolerant, it is so lush flowering plant doesn't like light!

You can plant bushes on any type of soil, but forsythia takes root best in slightly alkaline dry soil. If the soil on the site is highly acidic, then dig it up before planting the seedlings. wood ash.

Video on the topic

Forsythia planting scheme

Holes with a diameter of up to 50 cm and a depth of up to 60 cm are prepared for the seedlings. This will ensure the optimal position of the roots at a depth of up to 35 cm. If you plan to plant several plants, then the distance between them should be at least 150 cm.

Preparing holes for planting

Before placing the seedlings in the ground, drainage (broken brick, crushed stone) 15 cm thick is poured onto the bottom of the hole, and on top - a mixture of leaf soil, sand and peat in a ratio of 2:1:1, supplemented with wood ash (no more than 200 g). The seedlings are placed in the hole and dug in. The near-trunk part must be compacted and watered abundantly with water.

Important! Pruning forsythia in the fall concerns not only mature trees, but also planting material, because the seedlings are pre-cleaned.

Plants planted in spring will require regular care in the future.

Pruning forsythia in the fall, planting and caring for plants are different from those done after winter. In this case, it will be necessary to mulch the area, regardless of the type of plant planted. The covering material should be selected taking into account breathability, so that in winter, during periods of thaw, there is no spill under the “hood.” flower buds.

Rules for caring for forsia

Caring for a plant is practically no different from the classic care scheme for any other bush or tree. If in summer time If there is enough precipitation, there is no need to organize watering. Forsythia receives enough water and moisture from the atmosphere. During dry seasons, the bushes are watered 1-2 times a month at the rate of 10-15 liters of water for each plant.

After watering the trees, loosen the soil underneath them to the depth of a garden trowel and remove weeds. Such simple actions ensure free access of air to the roots of plants. After loosening, the area around the bush trunk is mulched using compost or dry soil.

Fertilizers for forsythia are applied three times per season:

  1. With the onset of spring, rotted manure is spread in a thick layer around the tree trunk, departing about 3-5 cm from the trunk itself. Afterwards, water generously.

    How to properly cover forsythia shrubs for the winter and prepare for cold weather

    Manure simultaneously performs two tasks: it nourishes the bush organic substances, acts as mulch.

  2. During April bloom apply a complex of mineral fertilizers: 60-70 grams per 1 m2.
  3. At the end of the flowering period, when the plant lays flower buds for the next year, Kemiru-universal is used for feeding: 110 grams per 1 m2.

Forsythia pruning

Pruning forsythia in the fall may seem difficult for beginners, but it's just general rules for plant care.

Young bushes can only be sanitized. At the same time, frozen, shriveled, broken shoots are removed. In mature bushes and trees, with the onset of the spring thaw, the tips of branches damaged by frost are cut off. The main pruning should be done in the summer, after the forsythia has faded: the branches are cut in half, old and dead branches and shoots are cut off, leaving 4-6 cm from the soil level (base of the trunk).

Pruning forsythia to prepare for winter involves cleaning and shaping the crown of the bush (cup-shaped or spherical). Rejuvenate if necessary mature plant trim all branches, leaving 2/3 from the base, to stimulate the growth of young shoots. It is not recommended to overuse such “haircuts”, otherwise the bush will give abundant growth, but small flowering. Anti-aging trimmings without damaging decorative properties Forsythia is recommended to be carried out 3-4 times a year.

How to approach the procedure correctly

Pruning European forsythia - important stage in plant care, affecting the further development and flowering of bushes. If you have never encountered such a procedure before, and you have little experience in removing wilting shoots, leave the cleaning for the summer. The end of flowering means that you can start cutting off the branches.

Autumn pruning of forsythia can negatively affect spring bloom- the buds simply won’t bloom. Therefore it is better if you have experience working with garden plants If you don’t have one, leave this matter for the summer or ask a gardener for help.

Off-season pruning involves clearing the bush of branches that are excessively thickening the central part of the plant. In the future, this procedure is carried out in order to update the decorative shape of the bush if the shoots are knocked out of the crown ball.

Pruning forsythia in the fall is a way to get rid of excess and damaged branches. When carrying out the procedure, make sure that it is not too intense, so don’t get too carried away. By cutting off too many shoots, even if they are superfluous, you will weaken the plant and its immune system before frost.

Another important nuance, which you need to know when planning to prune forsythia before winter: carry out the procedure in early autumn so that the cuts have time to heal before the onset of cold weather.

Bush pruning technology

In some cases, pruning of bushes is carried out in the spring, even before flowering. Carefully inspect the bush to identify broken, frozen or damaged shoots and remove them. Special attention Pay attention to the tips of the branches of an ornamental plant - they most often suffer from cold weather. By carrying out the procedure correctly and removing a moderate amount of weak branches, you will make sure that pruning will not negatively affect flowering, but will only contribute to its activity.

When cleaning old shoots of forsythia bushes, it is better not to cut them off completely, but to cut them off, leaving small ledge. Such pruning will stimulate the new growth of strong young shoots, which will later form lush crown plants.

Forsythia trimming scheme

The pruning scheme is not complicated. Typically, young, highly branched shoots are shortened by about 1/3. The old ones are removed almost completely, but only in the spring, since new buds are laid on them in the fall. By postponing the procedure until September, you may not be able to wait for wild flowering next year.

Those branches that spread along the ground or come into contact with it must be removed. Such shoots can give new roots and grow into the ground. Once every four years, the bush is completely rejuvenated in order to prolong its life and renew the crown. When pruning, all old shoots are cut off at the root, leaving up to 5 young healthy shoots.

Forsythia - unsurpassed beauty ornamental plant, giving joy and delight from contemplating the bright appearance of the bushes decorating and enlivening the area adjacent to the house, country cottage area, alley.

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Planted forsythia on the plot; the soil is peat. For the winter I covered it with film, but in the second year it did not produce leaves. Maybe she was frozen. Is it possible to grow forsythia in the Moscow region? Tell me how?

Forsythia, or forsythia (Forsythia) - one of the most beautiful, early flowering bushes. There are several types of forsythia, some of which are very heat-loving (greening forsythia, drooping forsythia) and are not suitable for growing in the Moscow region.
In Russian conditions, at the end of April and beginning of May, the bare branches of forsythia are covered with bright golden-yellow flowers (there are varieties with fiery orange flowers). For 3-4 weeks, forsythia retains its golden-sunny attire, especially attractive and solemn against the backdrop of the black earth and the garden that is just beginning to turn green. Forsythia leaves appear after flowering. Forsythia is suitable for winter forcing of flowering shoots.

Forsythia is photophilous, and although it develops in the shade, its abundant flowering occurs only with sufficient sunlight. Forsythia is drought-resistant, does not tolerate excess moisture in the soil - it grows well on light (preferably calcareous) soils; little damage from pests and diseases. Forsythia propagates by green and woody cuttings, seeds, and layering.

Covering sissies for the winter: roses, clematis, young thujas and forsythia (video)

Forsythia grows quickly and tolerates transplantation well. Periodically (every few years) you need to cut out the old branches of forsythia to the stem growth, which allows you to rejuvenate the bush due to the subsequent formation of new growth and give the bush an attractive appearance. Forsythia branches cut during pruning are cut, and the cuttings take root easily (even in water). Forsythia does not like excessive pruning unless necessary - this causes it to branch heavily, but blooms worse.
Forsythia is heat-loving, but some of its species are relatively frost-resistant and are successfully cultivated in the Moscow region (for example, European forsythia, ovate forsythia). In very cold winters, the bushes may freeze, as the growth of forsythia is delayed until late autumn, and escapes in conditions early winter do not have time to become lignified completely. In early spring, before the start of the growing season, damaged forsythia shoots are pruned to healthy buds. After shoots are damaged by frost, forsythia quickly recovers. A recently planted forsythia bush can be covered with soil from below for the winter and the crown can be wrapped in covering material and covered with spruce branches. Film for covering forsythia can only be used when constructing a spacious frame over the bush so that there is large stock air under the film, since otherwise during thaws the shoots under the film may dry out.

Your forsythia may have died in the winter because you purchased a non-frost-resistant type of forsythia, or because of a poor planting location (too low, wet with poor drainage); or if you didn’t add more fertile soil to the planting hole - after all, young forsythia takes root slowly in peaty, acidic soil; or due to poor shelter for the winter. I recommend purchasing or finding a winter-hardy forsythia bush from gardeners in your area and asking for a shoot for cuttings and rooting.

Ziborova E.Yu.

All about forsythia on the website

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Growing forsythia. Planting, care, propagation, fertilizing, fertilizing, pruning, insulation, preparation for winter. Agricultural technology

How to grow forsythia? What should I feed and fertilize with? How to trim and rejuvenate? How to prepare for frost, insulate? (10+)

Features of growing forsythia

When winter is just leaving, and spring has not yet sparkled with bright and fresh colors, you really want to create spring mood and the atmosphere around. This can help blooming garden outside the window. In urban environments, tulips in municipal flower beds, dandelions on lawns and small bouquets of lilies of the valley sold in passages are considered common harbingers of spring.

However, few people know that magical bushes can be the first to bloom in a summer cottage. forsythia. There is no need to be intimidated by the complex name: it is derived from the surname of the chief gardener of the Royal Garden of Great Britain - William Forsyth, that was his name.

How to cover plants for the winter?

He didn't just cultivate this plant, but was the first to bring it to Europe from China.

There are 11 types of forsythia in total and only one of them has European origin(Balkan), the rest come from Asia (China, Japan, Korea). But, despite all the “exoticism”, this plant takes root well and grows in our area.


It is simply impossible not to notice or not pay attention to forsythia. It is an upright, spreading bush that resembles a tree in size - it can grow up to 4 m in height and spread 2 m in width. Forsythia grows very quickly and up to maximum sizes can grow in 2-3 years.

Forsythia leaves are simple, small, oval-shaped with jagged edges. The branches of the bush are strong, flexible, and woody. They are densely covered with small four-leaved bright yellow flowers that bloom profusely in early April. It is thanks to the huge concentration of flowers on the branches that the plant looks fantastic and cannot but be liked. The first flowers are bright, juicy and filled with colors from the inside, pleasing to the eye and creating a spring mood.

Growing Forsythia

Besides the mind-blowing appearance I am also glad that forsythia is a very unpretentious plant and special effort is not required for its cultivation.

The most common type of forsythia grown in our latitudes is hybrid form Forsythia intermediate, medium. This group includes several species that are similar in their characteristics. It is this hybrid that is optimally suited to the climate of our area.

When choosing a location for forsythia, you need to take into account its impressive size. It is advisable to choose a sunny area; forsythia can also grow in partial shade, the main thing is to avoid strong drafts. The soil is suitable with medium fertility, light, not acidified.

It is better to choose sprouts for planting with big amount soil on the roots - this way there is a greater chance that the plant will take root quickly and painlessly.

When the location and sprouts have been decided, it’s time to proceed directly to planting. Best time for this - mid-spring or early autumn, periods when there is no intense heat, but the soil is warm and sufficiently moist. You need to dig a hole 50*50 cm in size and 50-60 cm deep. Pour drainage from fragments of brick and crushed stone onto the bottom, with a mixture of humus, sand and earth on top. Then carefully plant the plant to a depth of 30-40 cm, sprinkle with soil and water.

Watering should be moderate; forsythia tolerates dryness more easily than waterlogging. You need to ensure that the water under the bush does not stagnate. And be sure to loosen the soil after each watering.

Top dressing

Before and after flowering - favorable time for fertilizer. To do this, you can take manure, dilute it in water and water the bushes. The main thing in this case is to strictly observe the proportions. In the spring, under the forsythia, it is necessary to put manure in a ratio of 50-100 g per bush and water everything generously. Before the plant begins to bloom, it must be fed mineral fertilizers. The third feeding is required after the plant has already bloomed. Forsythia must also be fed with phosphorus and potassium, but only at the end summer period. The branches are tilted and well wrapped for the winter.

In April, complete mineral fertilizer of 60-70g/m2 is also applied. Another feeding is carried out after flowering, when new flower buds are being laid. Kemira all-rounder 100-120g/m2 is recommended.

Forsythia tolerates dry soil better than excess soil moisture. And only in the summer, if the drought is long, the bushes are watered once a month at the rate of 10-12 liters for each bush. After watering and fertilizing, the soil under the plant is loosened and mulched.

In winter, the branches of the bush need to be bent to the ground, secured with pins and sprinkled with leaves. Such a blanket will help the plant to successfully overwinter and survive frosts.


Forsythia bushes grow very quickly and actively, so in order for them to look well-groomed and tidy, they need to be pruned. You can prune the plant only after it has already bloomed at least once. You can give it any shape you want. From correct pruning the bush will bloom even more. During the pruning process, old dead branches are removed, areas that are too dense are thinned out, and shoots that have flowered should be shortened.


Propagating forsythia is not difficult. It is enough just to dig in the cuttings in spring or autumn. There is also an option for rooting cuttings: cut cuttings of about 15 cm are rooted in moist soil in the shade, and then transplanted to a prepared place. The cuttings can be covered to create a greenhouse effect.

Aesthetic value

Forsythia - very a good option for gardeners with imagination. Forsythia bushes can be easily given the desired shape, and it will fit well into the exterior of the site.

You can also create from bushes hedge incredible beauty, and thanks to its structure (strong and flexible spreading branches), such a fence will also be practical.

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Home Articles Forsythia, how to plant and grow correctly

Forsythia, how to plant and grow correctly

Articles about forsythia:

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  • Planting forsythia in the garden

    Forsythia love places protected from the wind and light, but can also grow in partial shade. If you plan to plant several bushes, then leave a distance between them of 1.5-2 m (depending on their adult size).

    Forsythia is planted and replanted in the fall, before frost. A hole is dug 50×50 or 70×50 cm. Broken brick or crushed stone is poured onto the bottom as drainage in a layer of 15-20 cm and covered with sand to a depth of 5-8 cm. Then the hole is filled soil mixture from humus, leaf soil and sand, taken in a ratio of 1:1:2. On acidic soils, add 300-400 g of slaked lime or 200 g of wood ash.

    Feeding forsythia

    In early spring, rotted manure is spread in a thick layer around the plants (but not close to the branches and trunks!) and watered abundantly. This will be both mulch and organic fertilizer. In April, complete mineral fertilizer is applied (60-70 g/m2). After flowering, when new flower buds are formed, the forsythia is fed again. At that time good result gives the application of Kemira-universal (100-120 g/m2).

    Forsythia, watered correctly

    With normal precipitation, watering is not necessary. Forsythia tolerates dry weather better than excess water in the soil. However, in hot and dry summers, water once a month, spending 10-12 liters per plant.

    Forsythia, soil care

    After each watering the area trunk circle loosen.

    Then for better preservation moisture is mulched with dry soil.

    When weeding, the soil is loosened using a spade.

    Forsythia pruning

    Young plants that have not yet entered the flowering period are not pruned for the first few years - the shoots are allowed to grow. But during winter freezing in the spring (before the buds open), the ends of the affected branches are cut off to healthy wood. The same operation is carried out with adult plants. In the future, every spring, dry and old branches are removed from the stump. The shoots on which flowering occurred are cut off from a third to half the length.

    Helpful advice. Forsythia pruning must be approached with caution. If the bush is pruned very heavily every year, it will grow quickly, but will hardly bloom.

    Forsythia, preparing for winter

    To avoid freezing, protect the roots by covering the trunk circle with dry leaves (10 cm layer). And young bushes are completely covered with spruce branches.

    To preserve flower buds, branches are bent. They do this before the onset of cold weather, when they are still flexible. Bending it to the ground, pin it and cover it with spruce branches. A plant overwintering under snow is not afraid of frost. In early spring, the branches are bent back, the cover is removed, and dry leaves are moved away from the stems.

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  • What is forsythia shrub
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  • Many readers of “Popular About Health” are interested in the Forsythia shrub, care in the fall and preparation for winter. Therefore, I will consider what you should pay close attention to and how to protect yourself from mistakes.

    Features of the plant

    Forsythia is a spreading shrub that can be considered, without exaggeration, a real symbol of autumn. Its wide, tall and bright yellow crown makes this plant stunningly beautiful.

    The plant is quite unpretentious and does not require any special labor, both in the autumn and throughout the year. Forsythia is widespread in European countries, where it is a real decoration of many cities and public gardens.

    Despite its unpretentiousness, preparing forsythia for winter is still required. Approximately once every 4 years, the bush should be pruned, primarily for the purpose of rejuvenation. From time to time, other garden procedures are required that will allow the plant to survive more easily. cold period of the year.

    Fertilizing and mulching

    Application potassium-phosphorus fertilizers in the fall, as is done in the case of many other plants, in the case of forsythia, it is not required. On the contrary, this procedure is considered extremely undesirable, since the bush may receive additional stimulation and not properly prepare for winter.

    The process of preparing the bush for winter period should begin by stopping the application of nitrogen fertilizers, approximately at the end of August. Throughout autumn period Forsythia should not receive any fertilizing.

    Mulching, on the contrary, is highly recommended. For this procedure, you should use humus, peat or a mixture of the ingredients mentioned above and dry foliage.

    The mulch layer should be approximately 10 to 15 centimeters and should cover root collar. A layer of humus can be added lightly on top a small amount river sand.

    Autumn transplant technology

    From time to time, as the bushes grow, it is recommended to plant or replant forsythia. This procedure is considered simple. For planting you will need any soil, alkaline or acidified. It is important that they are relatively dry. The plant does not like wet soils.

    It is better to replant shrubs in the fall. In this case, forsythia will have enough time to take root in a new place and enter the active growing season with the onset of the warm season.

    Holes are dug under the seedlings, the diameter of which depends on the size of the bushes being grown. In general, the dimensions of the hole should be 50 centimeters in diameter and about 35 centimeters deep. The distance between the bushes should be at least a meter, and preferably one and a half.

    For the best drainage, a little crushed stone, gravel or expanded clay should be placed at the bottom of the hole. Next, a mixture of foliage, sand and peat is placed at the bottom of the hole, which will protect the roots of the bush from contact with sharp edges stones

    Next, the bush itself is brought into the hole, after which it is lightly dug in. The root part must be compacted and be sure to be watered abundantly. The top of the plant is sprinkled with a soil mixture of soil and peat. At this point, the planting and transplanting procedure can be considered complete.

    Forsythia pruning

    Every gardener on whose plot this beauty grows should have these skills. It is thanks to the procedure of autumn pruning that forsythia is maintained in a beautiful aesthetic form. In addition, by pruning the plant for the winter, it is possible to reduce consumption. nutrients, so necessary during the cold season.

    Conducting autumn pruning forsythia should adhere to a certain plan. The first step is to remove dried stems, with cracked bark or withered leaves and inflorescences. Such shoots stand out very well against the general background.

    All branches growing from the periphery to the center should also be cut off. Such shoots contribute to the interweaving of branches and therefore it is better to get rid of them. From time to time the plant should be rejuvenated. To do this, most of the old shoots are usually removed. Depending on the size of the bush, you can leave from 5 to 10 trunks.

    Shelter features

    In most regions of Russia, covering forsythia for the winter is mandatory. The only exceptions are the southern territories: Kuban, Crimea, the Caucasus and some others. The covering material is spruce branches or spunbond.

    First, the shrub needs to be watered thoroughly, which will protect the roots of the plant from rapid freezing. Next, the forsythia branches are carefully bent to the ground, without allowing them to be damaged, and pinned.

    The covering material is secured with stones or other heavy objects. The main thing is that strong gusts of wind do not destroy the structure. In addition, forsythia branches are quite elastic and therefore require a large mass to hold them in a stationary position.

    Autumn care behind a bush, forsythia will not require special botanical knowledge from the gardener. Thanks to simple actions, not even too much experienced gardeners will successfully cope with preparing the plant for the winter period.

    Forsythia is a bush-shaped plant. In nature, there are dwarf varieties, up to one meter in height, and species up to 3 meters, forming a full-fledged tree crown. The bark of the trunks has a rough texture, gray with a brownish tint. The leaves are simple, oval-shaped, serrated along the edges, from 2 to 14.5 cm long. The flowers are bell-shaped, bright yellow in color, form small fruit-boxes with the seeds of the plant. Pruning and caring for forsythia is not difficult, so no special skills are required.

    Features of growing forsythia at home

    In European countries, it is surprising if forsythia is not planted along an alley or in a park. This familiar plant for the tree is a symbol of the arrival of spring, because it is one of the first to bloom. It is happily grown in their yards and gardens and is actively used by city residents for decoration in landscape design.

    The ornamental plant is undemanding to care and unpretentious in relation to the soil. Therefore, if you tried to care for forsythia in the fall, in the spring the tree will thank you with profuse flowering.

    Forsythia begins to blaze with yellow flames when the gray streets have not yet woken up from the winter cold. Early flowering of bushes is a property that distinguishes a plant from other green spaces.

    So what features does the plant have, how to care for it, and what is needed to prune forsythia in the fall in order to grow a lush and healthy bush that is popular with gardeners? Read on.

    When to plant an ornamental plant

    Planting and replanting of bushes is carried out in spring or early autumn, before the first frost, so that forsythia has time to take root before the cold weather. The best place for growing is a sunny or semi-shaded area protected from the wind. Although forsythia is shade-tolerant, what wildly flowering plant does not like light!

    You can plant bushes on any type of soil, but forsythia takes root best in slightly alkaline dry soil. If the soil on the site is highly acidic, then dig it up with wood ash before planting the seedlings.

    Forsythia planting scheme

    Holes with a diameter of up to 50 cm and a depth of up to 60 cm are prepared for the seedlings. This will ensure the optimal position of the roots at a depth of up to 35 cm. If you plan to plant several plants, then the distance between them should be at least 150 cm.

    Preparing holes for planting

    Before placing the seedlings in the ground, drainage (broken brick, crushed stone) 15 cm thick is poured onto the bottom of the hole, and on top - a mixture of leaf soil, sand and peat in a ratio of 2:1:1, supplemented with wood ash (no more than 200 g). The seedlings are placed in the hole and dug in. The near-trunk part must be compacted and watered abundantly with water.

    Important! Pruning forsythia in the fall concerns not only adult trees, but also planting material, so the seedlings are pre-cleaned.

    Plants planted in spring will require regular care in the future.

    Pruning forsythia in the fall, planting and caring for plants are different from those done after winter. In this case, it will be necessary to mulch the area, regardless of the type of plant planted. The covering material should be selected taking into account breathability, so that in winter, during periods of thaw, flower buds do not rot under the “hood”.

    Rules for caring for forsia

    Caring for a plant is practically no different from the classic care scheme for any other bush or tree. If there is enough precipitation in the summer, there is no need to organize watering. Forsythia receives enough water and moisture from the atmosphere. During dry seasons, the bushes are watered 1-2 times a month at the rate of 10-15 liters of water for each plant.

    After watering the trees, loosen the soil underneath them to the depth of a garden trowel, and remove weeds. Such simple actions ensure free access of air to the roots of plants. After loosening, the area around the bush trunk is mulched using compost or dry soil.

    Fertilizers for forsythia are applied three times per season:

    1. With the onset of spring, at a distance of about 3-5 cm from the trunk itself, rotted manure is laid out in a thick layer. Afterwards, water generously. Manure simultaneously performs two tasks: it nourishes the bush with organic substances and acts as mulch.
    2. During April flowering, a complex of mineral fertilizers is applied: 60-70 grams per 1 m2.
    3. At the end of the flowering period, when the plant lays flower buds for the next year, “Kemira-universal” is used for feeding: 110 grams per 1 m 2.

    Forsythia pruning

    Pruning forsythia in the fall may seem difficult for beginners, but these are just general rules for caring for the plant.

    Young bushes can only be sanitized. At the same time, frozen, shriveled, broken shoots are removed. In mature bushes and trees, with the onset of the spring thaw, the tips of branches damaged by frost are cut off. The main pruning should be done in the summer, after the forsythia has faded: the branches are cut in half, old and dead branches and shoots are cut off, leaving 4-6 cm from the soil level (base of the trunk).

    Pruning forsythia to prepare for winter involves cleaning and shaping the crown of the bush (cup-shaped or spherical). If it is necessary to rejuvenate an adult plant, cut off all branches, leaving 2/3 of the base, to stimulate the growth of young shoots. It is not recommended to overuse such “haircuts”, otherwise the bush will give abundant growth, but small flowering. It is recommended to carry out rejuvenating pruning without compromising the decorative properties of forsythia 3-4 times a year.

    How to approach the procedure correctly

    Pruning European forsythia is an important stage in plant care, affecting the further development and flowering of bushes. If you have never encountered such a procedure before, and you have little experience in removing wilting shoots, leave the cleaning for the summer. The end of flowering means that you can start cutting off the branches.

    Pruning forsythia in autumn can have a negative impact on spring flowering - the buds simply will not bloom. Therefore, it is better if you have no experience working with garden plants, leave this matter for the summer or seek help from a gardener.

    Off-season pruning involves clearing the bush of branches that are excessively thickening the central part of the plant. In the future, this procedure is carried out in order to update the decorative shape of the bush if the shoots are knocked out of the crown ball.

    Pruning forsythia in the fall is a way to get rid of excess and damaged branches. When carrying out the procedure, make sure that it is not too intense, so don’t get too carried away. By cutting off too many shoots, even if they are superfluous, you will weaken the plant and its immune system before frost.

    Another important nuance that you need to know when planning to prune forsythia before winter: carry out the procedure in early autumn so that the cuts have time to heal before the onset of cold weather.

    Bush pruning technology

    In some cases, pruning of bushes is carried out in the spring, even before flowering. Carefully inspect the bush to identify broken, frozen or damaged shoots and remove them. Pay special attention to the tips of the branches of an ornamental plant - they most often suffer from cold weather. By carrying out the procedure correctly and removing a moderate amount of weak branches, you will make sure that pruning will not negatively affect flowering, but will only contribute to its activity.

    When cleaning old shoots of forsythia bushes, it is better not to cut them off completely, but to cut them off, leaving a small protrusion. This pruning will stimulate the new growth of strong young shoots, which will subsequently form a lush crown of the plant.

    Forsythia trimming scheme

    The pruning scheme is not complicated. Typically, young, highly branched shoots are shortened by about 1/3. The old ones are removed almost completely, but only in the spring, since new buds are laid on them in the fall. By postponing the procedure until September, you may not be able to wait for wild flowering next year.

    Those branches that spread along the ground or come into contact with it must be removed. Such shoots can give new roots and grow into the ground. Once every four years, the bush is completely rejuvenated in order to prolong its life and renew the crown. When pruning, all old shoots are cut off at the root, leaving up to 5 young healthy shoots.

    Forsythia is an ornamental plant of unsurpassed beauty that gives joy and delight from contemplating the bright appearance of the bushes that decorate and enliven the area adjacent to the house, a summer cottage, or an alley.

    "Forsythia" (or "forsythia", named after the English botanist Forsyth) - extremely unusual plant. It belongs to the deciduous genus ornamental shrubs, and, moreover, is considered one of the earliest, primroses. This means that during the period early spring, against the gray background of nature that has not yet awakened, bare trees, forsythia bushes are already beginning to bloom and brighten up the landscape with their bright golden bell-shaped flowers.

    Popular varieties of forsythia with photographs and their homeland

    It was first discovered in the South-Eastern part of Europe, and specifically: on the slopes of the mountains of the Balkan Peninsula.

    This shrub is not very tall, approximately 2 m tall (12 years -3.5 m). Leaves up to 7 cm long. The flowers are golden yellow and have a faint bell shape.

    Homeland: northern part of China.

    Special characteristics: slightly curved branches, leaves up to 10 cm long, light yellow flowers, large, with slightly twisted openwork petals. Compared to European forsythia, this plant is more sensitive to low temperatures.

    Photo. Forsythia ovate

    Comes from the deciduous forests of the Korean Peninsula. It is considered the most winter-hardy and drought-resistant, and therefore extremely popular in Central Russia, since it is possible to grow it without shelter.

    Varieties and their features:

    1. "Melisa" (dwarf and very compact crown)
    2. "Tetragold" (dark) yellow flowers)
    3. 'Spring Glory' (longest flowering period, color varies from yellow to purple depending on flowering time)

    Wild hanging forsythia is still found in northern and central China.

    The branches are arched, drooping. The flowers are golden-yellow, small, and grow in bunches along the shoots.

    1. variegated (leaves with a golden tint);
    2. purple stem;
    3. deceptive;
    4. Fortuna (dark yellow flowers);
    5. Siebold;

    Photo. Forsythia greenest

    Homeland: Eastern China. Wild forsythia loves mountain slopes and covers them with entire thickets.
    Features: very dark, long (up to 15 cm long), serrated, oblong leaves. Flowers may also have a greenish tint.

    Forsythia intermedia is a hybrid between dark green and drooping. Characterized by wide choice various decorative forms. Here are some of them:

    1. "Fiesta"
    2. "Beatrix Farrand"
    3. "Lindwood" (formed as a standard plant)
    4. "Variegata"

    It should be noted that there is another species - Forsythia Snowy, or Abeliophillum. Unfortunately, this type is endangered, listed in the Red Book and is extremely rare.

    Features of growing forsythia in open ground

    It is known that forsythia is extremely popular in landscaping European cities. She can often be found on the streets and in parks. This is due not only to the attractive appearance of the plant, but also to the fact that it is unpretentious and undemanding. Caring for forsythia does not require any special gardening skills and will not cause trouble even for the inexperienced.

    Planting season

    Forsythia is planted in spring or early autumn before frost.

    Planting is done either in early autumn, before frost, or in spring.

    Reference: Don't forget to mulch the soil with dry leaves, especially when planting in early fall.

    Planting forsythia yourself

    Soil requirements are as follows: light loam or calcareous, slightly alkaline dry soil.

    Reference: The area must be protected from the wind!

    The planting scheme is as follows: 0.7 - 1.5 m between plants for group planting, the hole for each plant should be 50x50x60 cm in volume.

    Compacting the hole before planting:

    1. 12 cm of drainage (crushed stone, broken brick);
    2. 10 cm sand;
    3. a mixture of leaf soil and peat in a ratio of 2:1;
    4. 200 grams of wood ash;

    After planting, the soil must be compacted.

    Caring for forsythia outdoors

    The plant is unpretentious, caring for it does not require special care. It should only be noted that forsythia is light-loving, so permanently shaded planting areas are undesirable for it. Watering is moderate; in dry weather, the plant requires no more than 10-12 liters of water per month.

    Fertilize three times per season:

    1. For the first time, rotted manure along the tree trunk circle (not close) with abundant watering(period: early spring);
    2. Then with high-grade mineral fertilizer at the rate of 60-70 grams per 1 m² (April);
    3. Top dressing "Kemira-universal" 100-120 grams per 1 m² (period after flowering);

    Methods for propagating forsythia

    The most successful method of propagating forsythia is cuttings.

    There are two ways to propagate forsythia: seed and vegetative (i.e., root suckers, dividing the bush and cuttings).

    In gardening, vegetative methods are, of course, popular.

    If you prefer to grow forsythia from cuttings, then:

    Cuttings are cut approximately 15 cm long; it is advisable to do this in June. Further lower leaves must be cut, the branch itself is treated with a root formation stimulator (kornevin, epin, heteroauxin), after which it can be planted. More mature and lignified cuttings can be planted in early autumn, before the onset of frost, but it is necessary to form a cover of dry leaves so that the plant can overwinter and take root.

    If you decide to grow forsythia by layering, then:

    The young shoot should be bent to the ground and secured. Having previously cut the bark, pour it on top fertile soil. Thus, the shoot will very soon take root and a new plant will form. Old thread can be cut after a year.

    Forsythia does not reproduce well from seeds, so this method not popular among gardeners.

    Pests, bush diseases and how to deal with them

    Forsythia is susceptible to bacteriosis and moniliosis, and to nematodes. In the first case, there is no way to help the plant, and you can only dig it up with its roots and throw it away.

    Miniliosis is a fungal disease characterized by brown spots on the leaves. Not to be confused with simple wilting, since wilting can be prevented by means such as Fundazol or Tseneb (2-5% solution), while miniliosis can only be cured by cutting out all damaged tissue. In case of harmful effects of nematodes, the soil under the plant is disinfected with “Carbation”.

    Bush pruning

    As usual, forsythia is pruned to remove dried and frozen branches.

    Forsythia undergoes only sanitary pruning, i.e. is not different special requirements. Dried branches are pruned; in mature shrubs, frozen ends of branches are cut off. Sometimes, after the flowering period, all forsythia branches are shortened by one third, optionally, giving the bush a spherical or cupped shape. But such radical methods are used, as a rule, to “rejuvenate” the bush, that is, to allow new shoots to sprout. This procedure should be done no more often than once every 4 years.

    Preparing forsythia for winter

    For young plants, you should prepare a cover of spruce branches. Otherwise, the branches of the bush are bent to the ground and, if possible, strengthened in this position. The trunk and trunk circle are covered with dry branches and leaves, and the entire bush is covered with spruce branches on top. Please note: as mentioned above, some types of plants, such as Forsythia Ovate, are able to overwinter without any shelter.

    Landscape design: ideas for the garden

    It has long been established that forsythia looks best against a background of dark green coniferous plants, so the following are usually used as companions: spruce, thuja, and juniper. Forsythia itself is most often planted as a tapeworm (i.e., a single plant), or as part of mixborders (flower beds of free combinations). Hanging forsythia looks very impressive on the trellises of buildings, is used when decorating slopes, and in hedges.

    Plant unusual shrub(sometimes a tree) called forsythia. From the Latin Forsythia, the beauty is also called forsythia. Externally, it is an ornamental flowering shrub with bright yellow, medium-sized flowers. In spring it is covered with a golden cloud of fragrant inflorescences.

    The plant comes in compact sizes, but can reach a height of 3 meters, depending on the variety. Bell-shaped flowers bloom in early spring and delight the eye for almost a month. In Europe, the beauty is found everywhere, being an integral part of urban design. Our gardeners should also pay attention to it.

    Forsythia growing conditions

    The shrub is very unpretentious, but still several conditions must be met:

    • Forsythia loves sunny areas, but also tolerates partial shade.
    • Soils with a slightly alkaline reaction are preferred, acidic soils It is recommended to alkalize with lime or dolomite flour.
    • To achieve high decorativeness of your landscape composition with forsythia, plant juniper or other low-growing conifers nearby.
    • Keep in mind that forsythia leaves turn purple-violet or purple in the fall. golden color, which can also be effectively used in your garden.
    • It is preferable to choose a place protected from strong winds.
    • It is advisable to mulch the soil with a layer of pine needles or other mulching material.

    When and how to plant forsythia

    Forsythia should be planted or replanted in early autumn or spring, when there is no chance of night frosts. It is important that the plant, when planted in the fall, has time to take root before the dormant and wintering period begins.

    • For planting, prepare a hole slightly larger than the size of the roots of the purchased seedling. Usually this is a hole with a diameter of about 60 cm and a depth of half a meter.
    • The distance between forsythia bushes is left at least 1.5 meters.
    • If there is a risk of flooding in the selected location melt water, make drainage: deepen the hole somewhat and lay broken bricks, gravel, small stones on the bottom, and sand and garden soil on top.
    • When planting in autumn, it will be necessary to cover it for the winter with a thick layer of fallen leaves or straw (30-40 cm). It will even be possible to pre-heat the soil into the tree trunk area, but in the spring it is necessary to remove the shelter so that the roots do not dry out.

    Forsythia is regularly watered for the first two weeks as the soil in the holes dries out. But you shouldn’t be too zealous either: flooding the plant is harmful.

    How to care for forsythia

    What everyone loves about forsythia is its unpretentiousness. Usually, precipitation is enough for the bush. Only in conditions of abnormal heat will the plant need help, sometimes pouring a bucket of water under each bush.

    Particularly attentive gardeners can take care of forsythia plantings by introducing organic fertilizers in autumn: rotted compost or humus, scattered over the surface of the earth in a layer of 10-20 cm, will become an excellent shelter for the winter, a source of nutrients for development in the coming season. In the spring, you can feed the plants with phosphorus-containing mineral fertilizers to stimulate flowering. For example, natroamophoska (a tablespoon per bucket of water, consumption of 1-2 liters of solution per bush). At the end of flowering, it is advisable to fertilize with Kemira-lux or potassium nitrate according to the instructions. This will help prepare the plant for the next flowering season and wintering.

    Winter hardiness of forsythia

    Grow in middle lane In Russia, the best choice is ovoid forsythia, whose winter hardiness is above average. Such a beauty survives even in the conditions of the Urals and Siberia, but requires shelter for the winter.

    Propagation of forsythia by cuttings

    Most often, green cuttings are used: in June, green young branches 10-15 cm long are cut and planted in cups with nutritious soil, covered with bags or transparent plastic cups on top.

    Before planting, it is advisable to soak the cuttings for a day in a solution of heteroauxin or root, which will stimulate root formation. In about a month to a month and a half, the cuttings will produce new shoots, which will be evidence of rooting. In September they can be planted in the ground, and before frost they can be insulated with a layer of earth and fallen leaves for a successful wintering.

    In October, you can cut woody cuttings and bury them directly in the garden, leaving them under cover for the winter. In spring, the shelter is removed, and the cuttings quickly produce young shoots. By autumn, the seedlings will be ready for planting in a permanent place.

    The video will tell you about propagating forsythia by cuttings at home:

    Propagation of forsythia by layering

    Branches, tilted and pinned to the ground, lightly dug, quickly take root in the digging area. especially if you make a small cut in the bark at the pinning site. Laying can be done almost all the time warm season starting in spring and ending in autumn. In a year you will receive an excellent seedling that can be separated from mother bush and drop you off at the location you need.

    Pruning and shaping forsythia

    Forsythia tolerates pruning, but should not be overused. Young bushes undergo only sanitary pruning, removing frozen, dry and diseased branches. Only in the 3-4th year can you begin formative pruning, giving the bush the desired shape: spherical or rectangular. Remember that you can cut no more than a third of the length of the branches so that the forsythia continues to bloom. By cutting up to 6 cm at the tips of the branches, you do not risk anything and can safely experiment.

    If the bush is already old, it can be rejuvenated by radical pruning, leaving only a third of the length of the branches. This will stimulate active growth young branches. But such an operation can be carried out no more often than once every three to four years.

    When to prune forsythia?

    Sanitary pruning of forsythia is usually done in the spring, and formative pruning in the fall or summer, after flowering.

    Pests and diseases of forsythia

    Forsythia gets sick and is rarely affected by pests. However, the danger still exists.

    • Appearance brown spots on the leaves indicates the development of moniliosis. Sanitary pruning of all affected parts and treatment of the bush with a fungicide will be required.
    • The appearance of nematodes is recognized by the fact that the bush stops growing and even withers. Soil treatment with carbation is required.
    • If the bush begins to fade sharply, immediately treat it with a five percent solution of foundationazole.
    • If you notice signs of quickly spreading rot, this is a sign of bacteriosis. It will not be possible to save a diseased bush; it must be dug up and burned as soon as possible so that the disease does not spread to neighboring plants.

    Forsythia in autumn Preparing for winter

    Young bushes can freeze, so take the time to cover them by raking the soil and covering them with leaves. The branches need to be bent and pinned to the ground, covered with spruce branches. In winter, it’s good to shovel some snow on top. In early spring, the shelter should be removed and the branches freed from spruce branches. It is important to do this on time (before the start of sap flow) so as not to disrupt the natural development cycle of the plant. Mature bushes do not bend to the ground, but covering the roots is still necessary.

    Forsythia in landscape design

    Forsythia is often planted together with evergreens: conifers,

    How to plant forsythia Bagryannik and forsythia photo

    Forsythia is planted next to the Canadian scarlet, such joint plantings look simply fantastic: delicate purple and bright yellow flowers create a magnificent combination.

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