Colored peas growing from seeds. Sweet pea

Sweet pea is a plant belonging to the Chin genus of the Legume family. It can be annual or perennial. It is unpretentious in planting and care. Perennial varieties of china have a weak, pleasant odor and can grow in one place for up to 10 years. Sweet peas have angular stems and pink or purple flowers, which are collected in inflorescences.

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    The sweet pea flower has a highly branched root system that can penetrate the soil to a depth of 1.5 m. The plant, like most legumes, can enter into symbiosis with nodule bacteria which absorb nitrogen from the air. The stems of peas are climbing and weakly branched, capable of climbing a support with the help of modified leaves- branched antennae.

    The plant begins to bloom in July, and lasts for proper care until frost. The shape of the flowers resembles exotic colored butterflies. Peas are small, bivalve beans with seeds. spherical greenish, yellow or black-brown.


    Varieties of sweet pea flower are:

    • tall;
    • medium-sized;
    • short.

    Tall varieties (up to 3 m) include specimens that have large bright peduncles that can reach a length of 30 cm. They are used both for cutting and for vertical gardening.These include:

    • Alice is a variety with a delicate pink-cream-lilac color of flowers, which are collected in 4-5 pieces on long peduncles;
    • Selecttsvet – a variety with burgundy-chestnut coloring;
    • Cremona – corrugated fragrant flowers have a cream color and are collected in 6–7 pieces on a peduncle.

    Medium-sized varieties (up to 1 m):

    • Lummer is a profusely flowering variety whose flowers are white and pink in color;
    • 850th anniversary of Moscow - a variety that does not have a mustache, with double flowers Pink colour on a strong peduncle.

    Low-growing varieties (up to 60 cm):

    • Vera - has bright red flowers;
    • Floriada - distinguished by scarlet inflorescences;
    • Galina - has lilac-purple flowers.

    Echinacea plant - growing from seeds, planting in open ground and caring for the flower


    Like other plants cultivated in front gardens, it is advisable to plant sweet peas as seedlings. Climate plays an important role. If the soil in the region does not freeze, then the seeds can be planted directly into the ground.

    Severe frosts can destroy young shoots, so they use seedling method.

    Sowing seeds

    Growing a flower from seeds begins with the fact that it is sown as seedlings in mid-March. Since pea seeds germinate very difficult, they are soaked in water for 10–12 hours or kept in a 50-degree solution of the drug Bud. Then they should be germinated in damp sand or gauze for 2–4 days. When the seeds sprout, they need to be planted immediately.

    Store-bought soils for roses and Saintpaulias are used as a substrate, or you can make your own soil mixture. To do this, take turf soil, peat and humus in a ratio of 1:2:2. These components must be disinfected with a strong solution of potassium permanganate.

    Sowing is carried out in moist soil to a depth of 2–3 cm, planting 2–3 seeds in each cup. If a common container is used for seedlings, then the distance between the seeds should be 8 cm. After sowing, the soil is watered, the pot or box is covered with film and placed on a sunny windowsill at a temperature of 18–22 degrees.

    Seedling care

    When, after a week or two, the seeds begin to actively grow, the film is removed from the container and taken to a room with a temperature of 15–16 degrees. The substrate should always be kept slightly moist, and the seedlings should be provided good lighting. If it is not possible to grow seedlings on south window, then they will organize it for her artificial lighting for 2–3 hours daily, using a fluorescent lamp or phytolamp.

    When the seedlings have 2-3 true leaves, they are pinched. This stimulates the development of side shoots. After the procedure, the seedlings are fed with Kemira solution.

    Planting in open ground

    Seedlings are planted in open ground in late spring. At this time, the soil is already warming up well and there is no threat of a return of frost. If the seedlings have already formed buds or flowers, then you need to tear them off so that the plant can direct its energy to the formation of the root system. 10 days before planting seedlings, hardening procedures are carried out. To do this, the pot with seedlings is taken out every day open air and gradually increase the duration of stay until the seedlings can stay outside for a whole day.

    Sweet peas prefer bright, warm places and moist, drained soil enriched with fertilizers. Before planting, the area is dug up to the depth of a spade with humus, compost, potassium and phosphorus fertilizers. Fresh manure should not be used because it promotes Fusarium wilt.

    To plant seedlings, make holes at a distance of 20–25 cm from each other and plant 2–3 plants in each. If the variety is tall, then it is necessary to immediately install supports. You need to know that annual sweet peas are disposed of in the fall and it will be possible to plant them again in this area only after 4–5 years.

    How to care for peas?

    Caring for sweet peas is not a very labor-intensive process. To grow a plant you need:

    • water;
    • weed;
    • fertilize;
    • protect from diseases and pests.

    The plant needs to be watered regularly and with enough water, otherwise, due to lack of moisture, its buds and flowers will fall off, and flowering will not last long. In dry summers, it is recommended to water sweet peas every day, using 30–35 liters of water per m2 of planting. To prolong flowering, you need to get rid of wilted flowers in time.

    Tall varieties are tied to supports using mesh or twine. As the plant grows, its stems should be directed in the desired direction, after which they are tied up.

    Feeding sweet peas is not necessary, but it is advisable. At the very beginning of growth, 1 tbsp is used as fertilizer. l. urea and 1 tbsp. l. nitrophosphates, which are mixed in 10 liters of water. At the beginning of flowering, peas are fed with a solution of Agricola and potassium sulfate, for the preparation of which a tablespoon of these components is mixed in 10 liters of water. At the height of flowering, the plant is fertilized with Agricola and Rossa, dissolving one tablespoon of fertilizer in a bucket of water.

    Diseases and pests

    Sweet peas can be affected by pests and fungal diseases. Of the pests, the most dangerous are the root weevil and different types aphids. At the beginning of the growing season, the weevil gnaws out semicircles along the edges of the leaves, and its larvae feed on the roots of the plant. As preventive measures from the pest when planting seedlings, it is necessary to pour 100 ml of a 0.1% chlorophos solution into each hole. The plants themselves are sprayed with the same solution.

    Sweet peas are most often affected by pea, chin and bean aphids. These small pests are capable of sucking sap from plants, deforming their organs and infecting viral diseases. To destroy aphids, peas should be treated 2-3 times with Tsiram and Zineb during the growing season.

    Among the diseases that affect the plant are:

    With ascochyta blight on the stems, beans and leaves of peas, brown spots having clear boundaries. To cure the plant, it is treated with a solution of the drug Rogor.

    Downy mildew and powdery mildew appear as a loose whitish coating on the stems and leaves of plants. Gradually they begin to turn yellow, turn brown and fall off. To destroy pathogens, use a 5% solution of colloidal sulfur, which is used to wash the leaves.

    Signs of fusarium are yellowing and wilting leaves of sweet peas. The affected plant cannot be treated, so it is destroyed, and healthy bushes are treated with a solution of the drug Tilt. For prevention purposes, crop rotation should be observed on the site.

    Root rot and black leg cause pea roots to darken and root collar, as a result of which the plant dies. Infected plants cannot be saved, so they are destroyed, and healthy ones are transplanted to another place, having previously disinfected the soil and roots.

    If peas are infected with viral mosaic, it appears as a line pattern on the leaves, and the tops of infected plants curl and become deformed. All plants that have contracted viral diseases should be removed and burned, because they cannot be cured.

    Plant in landscape design

    Sweet pea is climbing plant With big amount antennae. It's blooming long time and has a pleasant aroma. Due to this, it is widely used in landscape design plot and garden.

    Tall climbing varieties used to decorate fences, verandas, arches. With the help of artificial plantings and pea supports, you can well camouflage the most unsightly areas of the garden. It also looks good in the background of a flower garden.

    Low varieties are grown in balcony boxes, on the edge of a border or flower bed. Peas can go well with other annuals and do well alongside perennials. It makes a tangible contribution to the ecology of the garden, enriching the soil with nitrogen and providing nectar to beneficial insects.

Sweet peas, as sweet peas are more often called, are grown on garden plots for vertical gardening, for decoration summer gazebos and terraces and just for fun. This article tells you what rules you should follow when planning to start growing a flower.

Description of the flower with photo

For the first time, it was in 1696 in Italy, sweet peas were discovered by the botanist Kupani. From there it was brought to England, and over 300 years of breeding, specialists managed to develop more than 1,000 varieties of fragrant china.

A special feature of peas is that their strong shoots can reach two or more meters. Cleverly clinging to the supports with their tendrils, the stems stretch upward, creating a picturesque vertical carpet. Pea flowers are collected in inflorescences that bloom one after another, and this makes flowering constant.

The flower itself is very similar to a sailing boat with oars. By the way, individual parts of the flower are called exactly that: sail, oars, boat.

However, the liana-like plant has a dwarf form, the height of which is about 30 cm. Such a flower does not need support.

Sweet peas bloom two months after germination and continue to delight the gardener with the brightness of the inflorescences throughout the warm season.

After the petals wither, a fruit is formed, which is a bivalve bean. It contains up to 10 peas of beige or dark brown color. If you leave the first pods on the plant, they will have time to ripen, and this will make it possible to get your own seeds.

IN garden culture Sweet peas come in two varieties and can be grown in annual crop, and there are perennial varieties. Both species are grown from seed and produce strong, ribbed shoots. The ability to cling to everything that comes your way requires mandatory support. Therefore, flower planting should be done:

  • next to walls that you want to give a decorative look.
  • along fences that will look like hedges.
  • the open gazebo will be hidden by tall shoots of the fragrant pine tree from the hot rays of the sun.

Perennial sweet peas are not rich in color. More often these are pink or purple flowers collected in a brush. Many strong vines reach two meters and require strong mesh support so that the plant can grow and develop freely.

The annual tree has a much more interesting color palette. The flowers of this species can be white and blue, pink red, burgundy and blue. Annuals exude a more delicate aroma compared to perennials.

Sweet peas bloom from June until the onset of cold weather. Prefers open sunny places with fertile soil and neutral reaction to acidity.

The stems should not be allowed to lie down as this will lead to disease and rotting.

Group of varieties "Spencer"

Variety "Sir Charles"

All types of fragrant chyna are divided, in turn, into groups. Among the tall varieties, the Spencer group can be distinguished. This is a multi-stemmed plant with a shoot length close to 2.5 m. Peduncles are strong and consist of 3-5 flowers. The petal itself, or as it is called, the sail, has a wavy upper edge.

  • The Aristocrat variety has a deep sweetish aroma exuded by charming white and pink flowers.
  • "Sir Arthur" will decorate the garden with soft lilac sails
  • "Sir Charles" - scarlet.


The varieties included in the "Kazburston" group are distinguished by their multi-flowered nature. There are up to 8 pieces in a brush. The stems of the plant are long, which makes it popular in garden design. Plus, it looks amazing when cut.

On a note. It should be remembered that bouquets of sweet peas are best formed after all the buds in the cluster have bloomed. This is due to the property of the flower “not to spread its sails” when cut.


The Royal group consists of varieties early date flowering. They have large flowers, and the color of the upper petal can be delicate (white, pink) or rich (bright red, lavender blue).

Low-growing varieties, also known as dwarf varieties, are also divided into groups.

Group "Bijou"


"Bijou." Plants of this group are distinguished by large flowers and bright colors. The height of the bush is about 30 cm, the flowering is abundant.

Group "Pink Cupid"

"Pink Cupid"

Peas from the Pink Cupid group are characterized by wavy edge upper petal. Its color can be white or soft pastel colors, blue-lilac or pale blue, pink or red. The height of the flower does not exceed 30 cm.

Flowers from both groups described above can be used for flower beds, borders and cut flowers.


“Fantasy” is a group of varieties that have a miniature height. Growing no more than 20 cm, they serve as an ideal border edging and are used as ground cover.

Low flowers create bright colors in the area colorful rugs and fill the air with a subtle aroma of beauty.

The fragrant china is grown by sowing seeds in open ground or by seedlings.
For open ground we can sow both in spring and before winter. Due to their cold resistance, the seeds overwinter safely in the ground, and with the onset of warmth they begin to germinate.

Sowing before winter

Pre-winter sowing has a number of advantages compared to growing a flower through seedlings. First of all, this lies in their resilience:

  • seedlings from autumn sowings are not afraid of spring temperature changes
  • they are more adapted to the stress of transplantation
  • differ lush flowering throughout the entire summer season

Autumn sowing is carried out with the onset of frost, but the soil must be ready at least 2 weeks before. It is loosened well, weed roots are removed and leveled. On ready bed cut grooves up to 5 cm deep. Seeds are placed in them at a distance of 3-5 cm, covered with dry soil and compacted well. In spring, seedlings will appear with the onset of stable warmth.

At the same time, seeds sown in the ground at the end of April or beginning of May will germinate. The sowing principle is the same, only the depth of seeding is reduced (to 2-3 cm).

However, spring sowings require more attention: it is necessary to monitor the soil moisture and in no case allow it to dry out.

It is best to cover the bed with film, this will prevent the evaporation of moisture from the surface and create a greenhouse effect.

Soil moisture and temperature within 20°C are the main components of the friendly germination of sweet pea seeds.

Seedlings For getting early flowers

ranks of fragrant, many summer residents resort to the seedling method of growing. The difficulty is that the plant has a long tap root and does not really like to be disturbed.

Therefore, it is preferable to sow in cups, be they peat or plastic. Then transplantation into open ground will take place with less trauma to the root system. In the first case, the plant will practically not feel the moment of transplantation. And from plastic containers

the sweet pea bush is rolled into the hole along with a lump of native soil.

Before sowing, the seeds must go through a processing stage. First, they are calibrated and damaged ones are removed. To determine the fullness, the seeds are immersed in saline solution . It is prepared from 1 liter of water and 30 g of salt. The part that ended up on the surface is removed, and the remaining ones will be used for sowing. But first they need to be rinsed from salt and soaked. Soaking is carried out in hot water

and lasts for a day. This helps soften the dense shell of the grain. Next, to get a 100% result, the seeds are germinated, wrapped in soft cloth

. It should always be kept moist and in a warm place. At this stage, it is important not to miss the appearance of sprouts. The hatched peas are distributed into cups and covered with film. After waiting for the shoots to emerge, the container is moved to a bright windowsill. Sufficient quantity sunlight

will save the seedlings from stretching. For greater bushiness, pinch the sprouts at 3-5 leaves. perennial varieties ranks of fragrant.

Planting sweet peas: video

On the 20th of May, the grown fragrant bushes can be transferred to the site. If the weather is hot, then the plantings should be shaded - this will protect the delicate leaves of the flower from burns.

When preparing a bed for sweet peas, mineral fertilizers are applied and incorporated into the soil. The soil must be loose and moisture-permeable, since root system the flower goes deep into long distance. This requires abundant but infrequent watering.

The location of the fragrant tree is selected taking into account lighting and protection from the wind.

  1. The light-loving plant does not tolerate drafts, but can grow in light partial shade.
  2. When choosing a site, you should consider the possibility of installing supports for tall varieties.
  3. As the stems grow, they should be directed in the desired direction to create the intended composition.

Loosening and hilling also apply to necessary measures in flower care. Hilling stimulates regrowth adventitious roots. This leads to the appearance of new shoots, and therefore to more luxuriant flowering.

Timely removal of faded flowers will help to achieve continuous blooming of buds. Otherwise, the fruit will set in the form of a pod, and the plant will switch to ripening seeds. If there are a lot of such fruits, the plant will stop setting new buds. In this case, flowering will end within one month.

But if the gardener needs to get his seeds, then a few pods should be left. During this period, it is necessary to remember that only 5-10 peas are formed in the flaps. Therefore, based on your needs, it is easy to calculate required amount seed material.

The seed pod is formed at the point where the flower meets the stem. This happens after the flower withers and the petals fall off. On initial stage it looks almost flat and has a green color. As the peas inside the valves increase, the pod will thicken and change color. At first it will turn yellow-green, and by the time it ripens, it will turn light brown.

This is the best time to collect seeds. The pods are picked or cut from the plant and left to dry for several days in a dry place with sufficient air. Next, they are carefully opened and the contents are poured onto a plate with sides. In this form they should stand for another 2-3 days.

The finished seed material is packaged in paper bags and stored in a dry place. Pea seeds can remain viable for 7-8 years.

Among plant diseases, the most common is powdery mildew (downy and true), blackleg and brown spotting.

To eliminate signs of powdery mildew, the drug “Topaz” is used. 4 ml of the product is diluted in 10 liters of water and used on 8 m2 before and after flowering.

Black leg and brown spotting are treated with the drug “Hom” (10 liters of water +40 g of product).

Maintaining crop rotation, maintaining cleanliness in the area with flowers, removing and destroying plant debris play a big role in the prevention and control of diseases. You can return the flower to its original place no earlier than after 3-4 years.

When infested by pests (aphids and root weevils), use the drug “Fitoverm”. Add 2 ml of the product to a liter of water and spray the sweet pea plantings. This amount should be enough for 10 m2.

With the onset of cold weather, the plantings should be put in order perennial peas. The stems are removed from the supports and cut at ground level. The ground is mulched with sawdust or humus. Cold-resistant plant easily tolerates winter period, and in the spring it begins to germinate as soon as the soil thaws.

Undoubtedly, the fragrant china requires attention and care. But when it blooms and fills the air with a delicate aroma, all the worries seem insignificant. And the gardener, admiring his creativity, determines places to plant flowers in the next summer season.

Sweet pea is beautiful flower, related to herbaceous plants, legume family. It is capable of growing up to 2 meters in height, provided there is good support. Sweet peas have been actively cultivated since the 17th century, and they still attract bright colors, pleasant aroma and long flowering time. The first flowers appear in June, and the plant blooms almost until late autumn, depending on climatic conditions. The flower has a wide variety of shades.

Sweet peas, growing from seeds. When to plant, photo

The topic of this article is sweet peas, growing from seeds. When to plant, photos and recommendations from experts will help you decorate your territory with an unusual, vibrant plant.

How to grow sweet peas from seeds?

Sweet peas are widely used in landscape design: they decorate gazebos, fences, and arches. The flower is grown as an annual and perennial. It can be planted as seeds in open ground, or as seedlings. If you plant sweet peas as seedlings, flowering will occur faster. Seeds are planted in May.

Sweet Pea Seeds

Before sowing it is necessary:

  • Soak the seeds for at least two hours in hot aqueous solution(+50 degrees) of the drug "Bud", prepared at the rate of no more than two grams per liter of water. This promotes better germination, since the seeds have a fairly dense shell. But sweet pea seeds, which have a creamy tint, should not be soaked; they are planted dry.
  • Choose high-quality planting material. The seeds that float to the surface are removed, as they are not suitable for planting. Those that have sunk are taken out and placed on a damp cloth, which is placed on damp sand. It is necessary to ensure that the sand does not dry out.
  • Disinfect the soil. To disinfect the soil, it is treated with a solution of potassium permanganate. Sprouted seeds are planted in individual containers to a depth of 3 centimeters.

After two weeks, the first shoots will appear. After three true leaves have grown, the tops of the plants are pinched, which will help active growth side shoots. In the second half of May, when the plants grow to 10 centimeters, they are planted in open ground, leaving a distance of at least 20 centimeters between them. The depth of planting depends on the development of the root system. When transplanting seedlings, you need to remove them from the container along with a lump of earth so as not to damage the roots.

Caring for sweet peas

Plants need to be tied up when they are still very small, and support should be provided for them. You can use a net or a stretched rope as a support. In order for flowering to occur simultaneously, the plants are fed mineral fertilizers. Also, in order for the flowers to be lush and delight them with their bloom for a long time, faded buds and pod ovaries should be removed. As they grow, you need to tie the shoots in the required direction.

IMPORTANT! As care, you should ensure regular weeding of plants, loosening as necessary and abundant watering. To make sweet peas please their owners beautiful flowers and lush flowering, one should take into account climatic features your region. So, in warm areas, the plant can be planted directly from seeds in open ground. In areas with colder climates, it is recommended to use seedling growing methods.

So, the topic is sweet peas, growing from seeds, when to plant, photo will definitely help you get beautiful flower bed unusual flowers.

See also video:

Turn your garden plot into a real one paradise easy with the help of delicate sweet pea inflorescences. This curly flowering plant will decorate any area, entwining various supports with a weightless carpet and spreading a pleasant, subtle aroma in the air. As the name suggests, this plant It has inflorescences with a pleasant, delicate scent. In addition, thanks to the wide color palette It’s easy to choose the shade of petals you like.

Sweet peas weaving on various supports with delicate flowers has a number of undeniable advantages, thanks to which it has gained wide popularity among modern summer residents and has become widespread in the courtyards of private houses and garden plots. Sweet peas are quite unpretentious and are also suitable for vertical gardening on a balcony or loggia - with sufficient watering, it is easy to grow them in boxes with soil.

Some of the benefits of sweet pea include:

  • high decorative properties– with the help of this climbing plant it is easy to create a flowering screen on the site, decorate a nondescript wall of a house or barn, garden pergola, gazebo or fence;
  • the unpretentiousness of this plant - it can easily tolerate autumn and spring frosts (down to -5 °C);
  • the ability to form a comfortable diffused shadow with its weaving on nearby supports;
  • low-growing varieties of sweet peas can be planted in flower beds without any supports;
  • higher growth rate compared to slow-growing climbing perennial vines;
  • long flowering period compared to many other climbers annual plants(at least three months);
  • sweet peas can be grown not only on open ground, it grows well on balconies - the south-eastern side of buildings is optimal for this;
  • This plant remains fresh when cut for quite a long time; bouquets of delicate sweet pea flowers are simply stunning.

Conditions for growing sweet peas

This crop can be grown in various climatic zones. Sweet peas thrive in open and windless places (sunny or slightly shaded), in moist and well-drained, breathable soil. This plant does not tolerate growing on heavy soils very well. clay soils, constant waterlogging or close proximity groundwater, due to significant temperature changes, it can shed its petals or die.

Before planting sweet peas, you need to first prepare the soil by creating favorable conditions for normal development of the root system. To do this, you should add compost, as well as phosphorus and potash fertilizers at normal rates. Please note that for this crop it is not recommended to apply nitrogen fertilizers, as well as fresh manure. Sufficiently fertile soil with neutral acidity is optimal for growing sweet peas. In case of increased acidity of the soil, before planting this plant, it is recommended to apply liming in advance by adding slaked lime.

Some gardeners argue that growing sweet peas is not so easy - they say, the plant is quite capricious. In fact, figuring out how to grow sweet peas is not too difficult.

For creating optimal conditions For the growth of this plant, several features should be taken into account:

  • Growing sweet peas using seedlings is a more labor-intensive process compared to planting seeds in open ground. In addition, it is worth considering that seedlings are less frost-resistant and more capricious. The branched root system of this plant, which goes quite deep into the soil, does not always tolerate replanting well, and its thin, long stems break easily. Thus, sweet pea seedlings must be replanted together with an earthen pot;
  • This plant has seeds with a very dense shell, as a result of which their germination is often difficult and occurs unevenly over time. Gardeners use some tricks to speed up this process (pre-soaking, cutting or rubbing with sandpaper);
  • planted plants quickly stretch out and can break, so it is recommended to install supports for weaving (optimally nets) as early as possible and tie plants to them as necessary;
  • Sweet peas are characterized by the development of a root system that goes deep into the soil and actively absorbs moisture. As a result, for the normal development of plants it will be necessary to organize regular, abundant watering.

When to plant sweet peas

To choose the conditions suitable for planting a given plant, first find out how well this particular variety tolerates cold, how to plant sweet peas, and what conditions are optimal for growing them. You should not delay the moment of planting, since the growing season of this plant is quite long. From the moment the seeds germinate until the sweet peas begin to bloom, it will take about two to three months. The sooner this happens, the more like a plant will delight you with its flowering.

The timing of planting and caring for sweet peas must be correlated with obvious climatic conditions. In areas with a mild subtropical climate, it is allowed to plant this plant in the ground in November, in a moderate climate - in early spring (this should be done only if the soil does not freeze). When growing sweet peas from seeds this way, you should expect the plant to bloom by mid-spring.

In severe winters, sweet peas can also be planted in February, but not directly in open ground, but indoors. In this way, you can prepare seedlings in advance for the beginning of the gardening season - for planting after the snow melts on permanent place growth. In temperate climates, it is recommended to soak the seeds in April-early May. At the same time, depending on current weather conditions, sweet peas can be planted in open ground from early April to early summer.

Preparing Sweet Pea Seeds

To speed up the germination of seeds of this plant, experienced gardeners use some tricks. Some craftsmen lightly rub the seeds between layers sandpaper, or carefully slightly cut their surface using nail scissors or a small knife. To create optimal conditions, sweet pea seeds, brown or grayish-brown in color, are soaked for several hours. Please note that light cream seeds must be planted dry, as they often die when soaked.

For germination, place different varieties seeds into separate containers and fill with warm or hot water(up to 60°C). After some time (during the day), drain the water and cover the seeds with a damp cloth, periodically adding a little water. You can also place them in moistened sand or sawdust. At temperatures of 18-23 °C, seedlings appear in approximately 6-10 days. After germination, the seeds should be sown immediately.

Planting sweet peas

As mentioned above, this plant can be grown in two ways:

  • from seeds planted directly in open ground;
  • from seedlings.

Each of these methods of growing a given crop has its own advantages and adherents. It should be taken into account that in temperate climate When planting seeds directly in open ground, flowering of sweet peas will begin no earlier than the end of July. After the snow melts and when the soil has sufficiently warmed up, sweet pea seeds are sown in open ground, several at a time (2-3 seeds). To do this, you need to make holes 2-3 cm deep, located at a short distance (10-20 cm).

To grow sweet pea seedlings, you should prepare soil mixture from turf soil with the addition of humus, peat and sand. As pots for seedlings, you can use fairly deep narrow containers (for example, disposable plastic cups 200 ml). Seeds must be planted in holes about 2 cm deep and watered. The emerging seedlings should be kept in a cool and bright place at a temperature of about 15 ° C, not forgetting about abundant watering, for two weeks - such conditions are optimal for the development of the plant’s root system and the formation of nodules that fix nitrogen from the soil. If allowed weather, it is convenient to place the seedlings on a glassed-in balcony. In addition, it can be placed on a windowsill in a cool room (in this case, at least at night, you will need to provide an influx of cold air). To stimulate plant growth, it is recommended to fertilize the seedlings a couple of times in succession. After a few weeks, the roots of the sweet peas will be tightly entwined in the cups. earthen lump. After the first two leaves are formed, the growing point is pinched (the top is removed), then the same must be done with the side shoots and fertilizing is applied. Thus, the peas will begin to bush, increasing the root mass.

To plant in a permanent place of growth in open ground, it is necessary to carefully remove the earthen ball with seedlings from the pot so as not to destroy the root system of the seedling. It is convenient to do this by first cutting and removing the plastic cup.

Caring for sweet peas

During the first two to three days of being in open ground, it is advisable to shade the seedlings. As a rule, at first the planted plants freeze for several days and then begin to grow. Within a week, sweet peas can grow new ones, which are already much more powerful compared to the previously developed side shoots.

After planting in open ground, this plant requires routine care in the form of periodic weeding, loosening and not very frequent, but abundant watering. In addition, you will need to provide support for developing climbing plants - a mesh or stretched twine is suitable for these purposes. As they grow, the shoots of sweet peas must be oriented in the desired direction and tied in this position. To stimulate the development of adventitious shoots of the root system, you will need to hill up the plant and apply fertilizing. To do this, the nutrient substrate must be added to the root system of young shoots.

There is also an important nuance that should be taken into account when growing sweet peas. To prolong the flowering of plants, it is necessary to cut off the emerging ovaries of the pods (faded peduncles), since otherwise it may stop within a month. To obtain seeds, it is enough to leave a few pods on each plant.

Due to excessive soil and air moisture, this plant can be affected by various diseases– for example, powdery mildew, as well as root rot. In addition, pests in the form of snails and slugs may appear.

With careful care in compliance with the above recommendations for growing sweet peas, this plant can please gardeners with its flowering throughout warm season– until the beginning of autumn frosts.

Sweet pea - photo

Growing sweet peas - video

Do you dream of growing sweet peas from seeds? with my own hands but don't know where to start? Cast aside all doubts! Growing plants is interesting exciting activity, and no need to worry about getting your hands dirty. This is nothing compared to how beautiful and fragrant your flowerbed will be throughout the flowering season. But most importantly, you will know that all this was created independently.

Planting methods

Sweet peas are a decoration for any flower bed and flower bed. Its peculiarity is that it pleases with flowering even when other plants are languishing from the summer heat. Sweet pea inflorescences last for more than five months, and the variety of their shades creates a multi-colored waterfall in the flower bed. In the evening, before a thunderstorm, the unusual aroma of the plant will not leave anyone indifferent. The flower is also popular for the reason that it feels great both in the sun and in the shade, is easy to shape and is an excellent arched plant that climbs along any support.

There are several ways to sow sweet pea seeds:

  • before winter (after the first frost);
  • spring sowing;
  • into closed soil.

Which method to choose, everyone decides for himself, but it is best to try each of them and give preference to the one that will ensure beautiful and rich flowering.

Pre-winter and spring sowing

Before winter, sowing is carried out after the first frost, but the bed is prepared two to three weeks before that. The soil is carefully dug up, leveled, weed roots are removed and loosened.

Before sowing, shallow (up to 5 cm) holes or rows are made and seeds are thrown into them. The distance between the peas is 2–3 centimeters. The sown rows are covered with earth and compacted with a shovel. Plants sown before winter emerge in the same period as during spring sowing, but are resistant to frost and stress, and are distinguished by abundant flowering.

When sowing in spring, you have to wait a long time for the appearance of young shoots if you do not cover the planting site with film or allow the soil to dry out.

Sweet pea is a climbing plant. It is usually planted near fences, gazebos or under trees. In most cases, sowing is carried out according to the principle: the main thing is to throw it into the soil, and in the spring the stump will bloom. This is the biggest mistake of flower growers: growing even the most simple plants requires love and patience

Sweet peas require special conditions for rapid germination:

  • constantly moist soil;
  • warm - about 20 degrees.

Only under these conditions will a tender sprout be able to break through the thick skin of the seed. As a rule, the first shoots appear in mid-May, and the plant blooms in June and delights with its beauty until October, and sometimes until November.

Sowing indoors: basic rules

To make sweet peas bloom as quickly as possible, you can sow them in protected soil and then replant them in a garden bed.

What do you need to sow sweet peas?

  • High-quality seeds - collected independently or purchased. It is important not to save on buying seeds and give preference to a reliable company. They bloom very beautifully hybrid species sweet pea.
  • Earth mixture. It is advisable to use purchased soil or peat. Sphagnum peat is best suited as it does not contain stimulants, large quantity microelements and has bactericidal properties.
  • Potassium permanganate.
  • Mini-greenhouse or plate with a thick transparent lid.
  • Small containers for sowing seeds.

Everyone can cope with the task. You just need to learn the main rules for sowing sweet peas.

Before planting seeds, they need to be calibrated. This means choosing the largest and strongest seeds that will grow into a powerful plant. It is also important to check the percentage of healthy seeds that will sprout. To do this, soak the seed in warm salted water for five minutes. We throw away everything that floats to the top. Only those seeds that have sunk to the bottom of the container are suitable for sowing.

Sweet pea seeds have a very thick skin. In order for a sprout to break through it, a lot of moisture is needed. But when sowing in a closed container, excess moisture can be detrimental to young sprout. To avoid losses, it is best to first germinate the seeds in a humid environment and then plant them in cups.

In order to soften the skin, you can also pour hot water over the peas and leave it like that for a day. This procedure not only helps soften the peel, but also stresses the seeds, which serves as a catalyst for the germination process. After this, we place the seeds in a damp scarf and send them to the greenhouse. Now the main thing is not to miss the moment when the peel bursts. To do this, you need to check the seeds in the greenhouse two to three times a day.

Seeds with cracked skin can already be planted in cups with moist soil. It is also advisable to place the cups in a greenhouse or cover them with film until the first sprouts appear. Then you can lower the temperature and reduce the humidity. Growing young sprouts on a windowsill - The best way protect them from being pulled out. It is also important that the temperature does not exceed 20 degrees. During this period, the light regime plays a special role: the more sun and light, the better for the young plant.

Features of transplanting to a flowerbed

In mid-May, plants can be transferred to a flowerbed or bed, but before that they need to be prepared for new living conditions.

It is very important that this is precisely transshipment, and not just planting of seedlings. When transshipment, plants take root faster in a new place and tolerate stress better. Such a plant will bloom quickly and will not get sick. It is not afraid of the sun and summer heat, since the root system was not damaged during transplantation and is able to nourish the vegetative part.

After transplanting to a flowerbed, it is important to shade the plant for the first three to four days so that it gets used to the light and does not burn the delicate leaves.

It doesn’t matter what method you use to grow sweet peas, the main thing is to give the flower maximum attention, starting from a small seed. If you sow, water, and feed the plant in time, it will thank you bright flowering and a wonderful aroma. Growing aromatic peas from seeds is not such a difficult task if you know all its secrets.

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