Jasmine flower. Description and care of jasmine

Jasmine - flower, whose name comes from the Persian word "yasmin". Its translation is “fragrant.” Jasmine is indeed famous for its scent. It intensifies in the evening. During the daytime heat, the buds of the plant are covered. The coolness of the evening allows the flowers to open up and release all their aroma to the air.

They fill not only gardens, but also houses. Eat indoor views jasmine. flower-shrub has features that need to be taken into account when growing in a pot and is just interesting to know. So, let's get acquainted.

Features of jasmine

Jasmine – flower-tree, more precisely, a bush. There are no herbs in the family. There are few of them in the Olive family, to which it belongs jasmine. Flower at home It can be curly or erect. Among wild species, the division remains. The stems of some shrubs twine around a support, like vines, or spread along the ground. This land is located mainly in Asia. This is the birthplace of jasmine. But, some species are also found on the Arabian Peninsula, the Caucasus and Transcaucasia.

Indoor jasmine flower, like other representatives of the genus, evergreen. This distinguishes it from chebushnik, which is considered a twin of the fragrant shrub. However, the chebushnik sheds its leaves. In shape it really does look like jasmine. The greenery is imparipinnate, that is, there is an odd number of petals on one axis. Jasmine also has trifoliate leaves, like clover.

The shoots of the plant are usually higher than a meter. The stems of the bushes are thin, green, and highly branched. IN indoor floriculture perform additional pruning and plucking of shoots, forming the maximum lush crown and inhibiting growth jasmine

Home flower and its wild relatives are distinguished by buds correct form. They can be large or small, depending on the type. All buds have two stamens and an upper type of ovary. This means that the base is attached to the receptacle without merging with other areas of the flower.

The color of the buds is white. Black jasmine – flower mystical. People started talking about its existence thanks to the release of the perfume of the same name from Bulgari. However, the mystery of the night is conveyed in them through woody notes, amber and patchouli. Jasmine used is standard, white.

In perfumery and cosmetics, it is not the plant itself that is useful, but the essential oil from it. flowers. Smells like jasmine and lots of green teas. But it is not the oil that is added to them, but the petals themselves. If we talk about the essence, it is expensive. A ton of fresh flowers goes into 1 kilogram of ether. It is not surprising that the Black Jasmine perfume from Bulgari is considered luxury.

Properties of jasmine flowers in the form of oil they are useful not only in perfumery, but also in medicine. The aroma of ether soothes, and it itself disinfects, relieves pain, enhances lactation and facilitates childbirth. The product is good as an anti-inflammatory, expectorant, diaphoretic, antispasmodic. Essential oil Jasmine is also recognized as an erotic stimulant. For example, not a single Indonesian wedding is complete without fragrant flowers.

Types of Jasmine

Botanists count about 300 species of jasmine. Let's look at the most popular ones in indoor and garden floriculture. Multifloral jasmine – flower, species which is formed by dark green oval-shaped leaves and lush inflorescences at the ends of the branches.

The buds are distinguished by a pink glow and the strongest aroma among jasmines. The size of the bushes is also attractive. In nature they do not exceed 2 meters. IN room conditions the plant is usually limited to one and a half meters.

Nizkyi is also famous for its one and a half meter height jasmine. Flowers V tea suitable, but more often used for decorating gardens and apartments. The buds are collected into “umbrellas”. This compensates small sizes flowers - up to 3 centimeters in diameter. The petals have a yellowish tint. The first buds open at the beginning of summer. The beauty of the flowers is emphasized by the two-colored foliage. It is light green below and dark green above.

The two-color color of the leaves is also characteristic of Officinalis jasmine. It is also distinguished by angular shoots and long pedicels on which umbrellas of buds are held. The flowers are white, with a strong aroma. Medicinal Jasmine essential oil is especially beneficial, hence the name of the species. Its representatives are low - 1-1.5 meters in height.

Refers to giants Large-flowered species. The shoots reach 10 meters in length. The group contains both vines and upright shrubs. You can see them only in greenhouses and gardens and, of course, in the wild. The plants are distinguished by variegated foliage and large buds, after which they are named. Flowers are arranged in groups of about 10 pieces.

There are about 5 buds in the “umbrellas” of Arabian jasmine. They come in terry form and are good for teas due to their pleasant, subtle aroma. Arabian varieties flower shop "Jasmine" does not offer. Plants of the species are tall, like large-flowered bushes. Arabian jasmine does not reach ten meters, but it often grows to 6-7 meters.

In potted floriculture they celebrate the Finest jasmine. Flower care requires reverence, since it is found in nature in the highlands. Needed and fresh air, and coolness. The shrub will repay conscientious care with white, fragrant and large buds.

They bloom in January, which is unusual for most indoor crops. Flowering ends in March. Afterwards, plants of the species delight with decorative foliage. It is pubescent and velvety. Thin, elegantly curved shoots are also covered with villi.

Caring for jasmine at home

Jasmine flowers are useful saturated with moisture. It is from these that fragrant ether is obtained. A lack of water is indicated by wrinkled buds and foliage. The average watering regime is 2-3 times a week plus daily spraying.

At the same time, you need to avoid direct rays of the sun. They burn the bushes and take away their moisture. But you shouldn’t put plants in the shade either. Representatives of the genus are light-loving, accustomed to abundant, diffused rays.

Difficulties may arise temperature regime, necessary for growing jasmine. During the flowering period, it needs 10-13 degrees. Otherwise, the bushes dry out. The rest time is experienced at +16-18 Celsius. In apartments it is usually hotter, about 22-25. Jasmine is also not frost-resistant.

Temperatures below 7 degrees are detrimental to the flower. Considering all this, many fans potted crops Jasmine is grown in glassed loggias, on verandas, and specially equipped greenhouses.

The substrate for jasmines is made up of 3 parts clay soil and 1 part peat. Once a year this mixture is enriched with fertilizers. Feeding is given every 2 weeks during spring and summer.

Jasmine price

Buy jasmine flowers They offer for 500-700 rubles. This is what they ask for for 0.5 kilograms of dried buds. Their purchase makes it possible to create tea compositions yourself, enrich ready-made mixtures from stores.

Essential oil of jasmine flowers does not cost less than 100 rubles per 10 milliliters. Standard price is 150-250 rubles. As for potted plants, you will have to fork out about 700-800 rubles. This is the cost of bushes 20-30 centimeters high, in plastic pots with a diameter of 12-15 centimeters. If the jasmine is blooming at the time of sale, they usually ask for 900 rubles.

Many vegetable and flower crops We grow using seedlings, which allows us to get more early harvest. But create ideal conditions very difficult: lack of sunlight for plants, dry air, drafts, untimely watering, soil and seeds may initially contain pathogenic microorganisms. These and other reasons often lead to depletion and sometimes to the death of young seedlings, because they are the most sensitive to adverse factors

Thanks to the efforts of breeders, the range of coniferous perennials has recently been replenished with a number of unusual varieties with yellow needles. It seems that the most original ideas, which landscape designers Until now it has not been possible to bring it to life, they were just waiting in the wings. And from all this variety of yellow-coniferous plants, you can always choose the species and varieties that are best suited for the site. We will talk about the most interesting of them in the article.

Onion is a vegetable that is grown all over the world today, from the tropics to northern latitudes. In the plant community, it is distinguished by a significant diversity of species (500-600), but the most common onion is onion. It can be grown in several ways. Ordinary - in a 2-3 year culture through obtaining onion sets or sampling from large bulbs. Or how annual crop- from seeds (nigella). In this article we will talk about the seedling method of growing onions from seeds.

Luxurious thunbergia, which in Europe are called “ black-eyed Suzanne" - one of the brightest garden annual vines. These tropical plants so good at vertical gardening, that the possibility of growing different types of thunbergia in greenhouses and rooms is often forgotten. Indoor star there was one plant, the most spectacular of the shrub species - Thunbergia erecta. Large and elegant funnel-shaped flowers and whole leaves give it a special nobility.

March madness is exactly how the first calendar month of spring is perceived by those who grow seedlings of their favorite vegetables themselves. In March, they sow their favorite tomatoes and peppers, carry out the first sowings in the greenhouse, and even sow vegetables in the beds. Growing seedlings require not only timely planting, but also a lot of care. But the troubles are not limited to her. It is worth continuing to sow in greenhouses and on window sills, because fresh greens from the beds will not appear so soon.

While the buds on the plants have not yet awakened or at the very beginning of growth, seedlings and cuttings adapt much better. Although the main attention in March is still focused on completely different plants - seasonal ones. Growing your own seedlings allows you to save money, find new varieties and ensure the health of your plants. Lunar calendar in March for ornamental crops recommends choosing days more carefully, because unfavorable periods cover almost half a month.

Stuffed boneless chicken in the oven - juicy and tender, stuffed fried mushrooms and vegetables. Your guests won’t have to get their hands dirty; they eat the dish with a knife and fork - there are no bones inside! You'll have to tinker a little initial stage, but with time experience will come. Don't throw away chicken bones! Place the bones in a saucepan, add spices, roots, pour water and cook the broth. Chicken broth is always useful at home - making sauce or soup.

In March, most of the beautiful flowering annuals that require seedling cultivation are sown. Typically, such flowers take no more than 80-90 days from germination to flowering. In this article I would like to dwell on interesting annuals, which are slightly less popular than ageless petunias, marigolds or zinnias, but they have no less advantages. And it’s also worth trying to plant them for flowering next season.

Petunia - unpretentious plant With bright colors. Comes from the Solanaceae family. The name is derived from the Brazilian word “petun” - tobacco, since petunias and tobacco are related species. As ornamental plant used since the 18th century. Petunias feel good next to begonias, marigolds, and nasturtiums. They look impressive in flower beds and hanging pots. Petunia is popular because of its unpretentiousness, and even an inexperienced gardener can grow it.

Cod liver salad with rice is a delicious and simple recipe. There are as many recipes for cod liver salads as there are recipes for Olivier salad or herring under a fur coat. This simple appetizer is served on festive table or preparing for dinner. It will be delicious to season the salad with mayonnaise, but if for some reason mayonnaise is not held in high esteem, then we will prepare a simple sauce from unsweetened yogurt - tasty and healthy! Golden-yellow rice is the highlight of the dish; turmeric and Imeretian saffron color the grain this color.

As spring approaches indoor plants They gradually emerge from their dormant state and begin to grow. After all, already in February the days become noticeably longer, and the sun warms up like spring. How to help flowers wake up and prepare them for the growing season? What do you need to pay attention to and what measures should you take to keep your plants healthy, blooming, multiplying and making you happy? We’ll talk about what indoor plants expect from us in the spring in this article.

Coconut cake with buttercream and whipped cream is a real treat. I made this cake based on the traditional German coconut cake - kuchen. Coconut cake "Kukhen" is easy and quick to bake. The cake is soaked in heavy cream, so the cake based on it is moist and very tasty. In this dessert, coconut is everywhere - in the sponge cake, in the cream, even in the whipped cream, I added a few drops of coconut extract. In general, it turned out to be a heavenly pleasure!

One of the most important rules growing strong and healthy seedlings- presence of the “correct” soil mixture. Typically, gardeners use two options for growing seedlings: either a purchased soil mixture or one made independently from several components. In both cases, the fertility of the soil for seedlings is, to put it mildly, questionable. This means that the seedlings will require from you additional food. In this article we will talk about simple and effective feeding for seedlings.

After a decade of dominating the catalogs of the original motley and bright varieties tulip trends began to change. At exhibitions best designers around the world offer to remember the classics and pay homage to the charming white tulips. Sparkling under the warm rays of the spring sun, they look especially festive in the garden. Welcoming spring after a long wait, tulips seem to remind us that white is not only the color of snow, but also the joyful celebration of flowering.

Sweet Indian pumpkin chutney with lemon and orange originates from India, but the British contributed to its popularity throughout the world. This sweet and sour spicy seasoning of vegetables and fruits can be eaten immediately or prepared for future use. To prepare for future use, use 5% fruit or wine vinegar. If you age the chutney for 1-2 months, its taste will become softer and more balanced. You will need butternut squash, ginger, sweet orange, juicy lemon and spices.

Jasmine (lat. Jasminum) – evergreen shrub, which belongs to the angiosperm department, dicotyledonous class, order Lamiaceae, olive family, jasmine genus.

Jasmine: description, characteristics, photo. What does jasmine look like?

In appearance, this plant is easy to distinguish from other representatives of its genus: it is erect or climbing bushes with a thin and smooth stem, which is covered with trifoliate, simple, dark green, odd-pinnate leaves. The stem ends with large flowers of regular shape. Jasmine flowers (umbellate or single) are collected in corymbs, which, depending on the type of plant, are lateral or apical. The aroma of jasmine is very pleasant and delicate, but in conditions small room(for example, at home) the smell can become highly concentrated and lead to headaches.

The corolla of a jasmine flower is long, resembling a narrow tube, inside which there are 2 thin threads that grow together and turn into a berry - this is the fruit of the plant, however, eating it is strictly prohibited. The color of the flower can be different - white, pink or yellow. The shade directly depends on the type of plant and the area where it grows.

Jasmine - beautiful hanging plant. At proper care the lower part of its stem is gradually covered with wood, so the plant is often used as a decorative ornament, which blooms annually and does not require painstaking care.

Jasmine is often confused with the mock orange shrub, which belongs to the Hydrangeaceae family. Here is a photo of a mock orange:

Types and varieties of jasmine, names and photographs.

In nature there are types and varieties of jasmine that differ in color scheme, the structure of the stem, leaves and flowers, as well as the height of the bushes.

The following colors of this plant are distinguished:

  • white jasmine;
  • yellow jasmine;
  • pink jasmine.

The genus of jasmine currently has about 300 species, each of which has characteristics and nuances in care. The most common types are:

Flattened jasmine (lat. Jasminum decussatum).
This representative of the olive family is a small shrub. The leaves are light green, lanceolate and odd-pinnate. The flowers of this type of jasmine are fragrant, beautiful, and pale purple in color.

Shrub jasmine (lat. Jasminum fruticans) – an upright type of jasmine, which is a bush 1.5 meters high. The stem is flexible, twig-like; the branches are smooth and rather thin. The leaves are usually paired with two leaflets. Shrub jasmine blooms in semi-umbrellas, which are located on the side branches.

Jasmine Lerata (lat. Jasminum leratii).
The height of an adult jasmine bush can reach up to 3.5 meters. Unlike other types of jasmine, Lerata is endowed with green and long stems, dark green lanceolate leaves, and small white flowers that have a pleasant minty scent.

Multi-flowered or polyanthus jasmine (lat. Jasminumpolyanthus).
This shrub can be safely called climbing jasmine, since its branches are drooping and very wide. The height of an adult plant is 1-3 meters. The leaves, branches and stems of multifloral jasmine are covered with fine hairs, which give the shrub a gray-green hue. The flowers of this variety of jasmine look like stars and are collected in clusters. They are able to bloom along the entire length of the stem, as well as at its end. This type of jasmine blooms almost all year round, spreading a pleasant aroma.

Medicinal jasmine (white jasmine) (lat. Jasminum officinale) – A climbing type of jasmine, which is endowed with thin, long and angular branches. Leaves are paired, smooth. Fragrant flowers, white, growing on thin stalks. As the name suggests, some parts of this type of jasmine can be used as medicinal raw materials.

Jasmine sambac (Arabic or Indian jasmine) (lat. Jasminum sambac)– evergreen curly look jasmine The leaves are leathery, simple, oval or ovoid in shape, from 2 to 10 cm long. The flowers of jasmine sambac are white, very fragrant, simple, semi-double or double in shape, collected in few-flowered racemes. Less common single flowers. The calyx of a jasmine flower is about 1 cm. B favorable conditions Flowering of some varieties can last all year round. The following varieties of jasmine sambac are distinguished: “Grand Duke of Tuscany”, “Arabian Knights”, “Belle of India”, “Maid of Orleans”, “Mali Chat”.

Chinese jasmine (lat. Jasminum grandiflorum) an evergreen species of jasmine, which is a shrub or vine up to 10 meters high with bright green leaves and very fragrant white flowers.

Where does jasmine grow?

Jasmine grows in the tropical regions of Australia, South America, Africa, Asia and the Mediterranean region. The shrub grows only in warm climates, because it is only thanks to warmth that the flower blooms and reproduces. There are 2 types of jasmine growing in Europe and Russia - white medicinal jasmine and yellow bush jasmine.

When does jasmine bloom?

Jasmine blooms depending on its type in different times, however, most often abundant flowering begins in early or mid June. Newly planted jasmine bushes begin to bloom in the 2-4th year of their growth, but with proper care and constant feeding, the plant can begin to bloom a little earlier.

Jasmine: cultivation and care. Planting jasmine.

Many gardeners ask the question: “How to plant jasmine?” It is recommended to plant this plant early spring or at the end of autumn. The jasmine bush grows especially quickly and well on fertile soil, as it does not like stagnant moisture and excessive amount groundwater.
Before planting jasmine, it is recommended to dig up the soil well to mix the top and bottom layers. Then you need to dig a hole, the depth of which will be at least 50 cm. In order for jasmine to grow better, it is recommended to sprinkle the bottom of the hole with nitrophoska. When filling the roots, it is worth remembering that root collar should be deepened no more than 3 cm. After planting, the jasmine bush should be watered abundantly.
If you are planting a bush that is already large in size, you can immediately tie it to a stick dug into the hole so that the jasmine grows even and tall, because many of its species are endowed with flexible stems, which can take the wrong position at the initial stage of growth.

Jasmine: care, pruning, watering, feeding.

In order for jasmine to delight you with magnificent flowering every year, it needs care, which consists of proper pruning, watering, feeding the bush and other activities:

  • loosening the soil in the root circle– 2 times per summer;
  • mulching;
  • watering– in the summer heat, a young jasmine bush needs at least 30-40 liters of water in two days, otherwise its leaves will quickly wither;
  • removing faded flowers;
  • annual thinning and pruning. Because very dense bush jasmine with many shoots will bloom poorly; it needs to be thinned out, due to which strong young shoots will form, on which many flowers appear. Jasmine can be pruned either in early spring, before the plant has had time to bloom, or after flowering. To rejuvenate the bush, strong jasmine branches are cut to half their length, and less developed ones are cut off right at the ground. After this, the sections must be immediately treated with garden varnish. Throughout the summer, the bush needs to be watered and fed, and next spring, new shoots should be removed, leaving 2-3 sprouts on each stump. A completely renewed jasmine bush will begin to bloom only after 2 years.

  • Feeding jasmine: in the spring the plant should be fed, so under the bushes you need to add wood ash and nitrophoska. Jasmine also responds well to feeding organic fertilizers– a bucket of manure must be diluted in water in a ratio of 1:10. For one plant, 15-20 liters of this fertilizer every 20-25 days will be enough. As mineral fertilizing for jasmine, a solution of 10 g of urea, 30 g of superphosphate, 15 g of potassium sulfate, diluted in 10 liters of water, is suitable.
  • Protecting jasmine from pests and diseases: at unsuitable conditions aphids or spider mite, which will affect jasmine leaves. To combat insect pests, the diseased plant must be sprayed with a fungicide. Read more about aphids and methods of combating them.

Jasmine propagation.

Answering the question of how to propagate jasmine, it should be noted that there is nothing complicated in this process, because this can be done in several ways:

  • root layering;
  • dividing the bush;
  • cuttings;
  • seeds.

If the first two methods do not represent special problems, then it’s worth learning more about propagating jasmine by cuttings and seeds.
In both cases, mixed soil is required, composed of two parts peat and one part each of leaf soil and humus. Lignified cuttings of the first year's growth should be cut in the fall, storing them in a dry basement or cellar, and planting them in the ground in the spring. The lower cut of the jasmine cutting should be oblique, and only 2-3 buds should remain on the soil surface. The soil must be constantly kept moist, and if you place these cuttings in a greenhouse, they will take root even faster.

When propagating by seeds, they must first be stratified (hardened with cold). In March, jasmine seeds should be placed in a container with soil and then lightly sprinkled with sand. Glass or thick glass should be placed on top plastic film which will prevent the soil from drying out. Jasmine seeds are often watered with a spray bottle or through a fine sieve, and the glass or film covering is wiped and inverted. After 10 days, seedlings will appear, which will later need to be pruned and protected from strong sun, and when they grow up, transplanted into open ground.

Mock orange is called garden jasmine for the pronounced aroma of its flowers. Latin name This plant (Philadelphus) comes from the words “to love” and “brother”, since the opposite shoots of the shrub are located so close that they seem to be woven together. The bark on young shoots of garden mock orange is thin and peels off easily, which makes pruning the bushes easier.

Description of mock orange at flowering time: height of the bush, photo of leaves and flowers

Mock orange plant or garden jasmine (Philadelphus) belongs to the Hydrangeaceae family, its homeland is Europe, East and Southeast Asia, North America. It is found over a large area from the Caucasus to the regions of Southern Europe.

In Russia, this shrub is often incorrectly called jasmine due to the pronounced sweet aroma of flowers in some types of mock orange. True jasmines are subtropical evergreen climbing and creeping plants from the Olive family. What brings real jasmines and mock oranges together is the similarity of the aroma of the flowers, although among more than 50 species of mock orange there are representatives with a very weak aroma or no scent of flowers at all (large-flowered, Schrenk, Gordon).

Garden jasmine is amazing ornamental shrub, which for some reason is in recent years rarely seen on garden plots(the only exception is those that are more than a quarter of a century old). But it can be used as hedge, which separates the two neighboring plots, and simply as a decoration for any corner of the garden.

In recent years, more attention has been paid to this crop, and as a result we have varieties not only with white, but even with cream flowers, which have a very strong aroma, which in June-July attracts the attention of anyone passing by this plant.

This is a spreading, multi-stemmed, deciduous, erect shrub. The height of mock orange ranges from 0.8 to 3.5 - 4 m, the bushes have a spherical crown.

The leaves of mock orange are opposite, ovate-lanceolate or oval-pointed. The shoots are bare and are used to make chibouks ( smoking pipes), hence its name. In the spring, yellow leaves The bushes begin to turn green, but by autumn the bush loses them.

Mock orange flowers are white or cream-colored, up to 5 cm in diameter, collected in racemes or paniculate inflorescences, strongly or weakly fragrant, often double. Blooms in summer, from late June to July; some species and varieties bloom for up to 7 weeks.

As you can see in the photo, the fruit of the mock orange bush is a capsule with small seeds:

Mock orange is valued for the beauty and delicate aroma of its flowers.

The garden jasmine plant prefers open sunny places and, although they tolerate partial shade, they stop blooming in strong shade. They are very demanding on soil moisture and fertility, so during the growing process you should regularly feed with organic and mineral fertilizers. They do not tolerate close stagnation of groundwater. They respond well to pruning and are easily propagated by root suckers, layering, green and woody cuttings, dividing the bush and unstratified seeds, which can be sown in the fall, in the snow and in the spring.

Mock orange has sufficient winter hardiness, however various types and varieties may behave differently in climatic conditions Central Russia. Now anyone can enter our market planting material these bushes. Therefore, it is dangerous to indiscriminately purchase species and varieties of foreign origin: some of them tolerate frosts down to -25°C, while others can withstand only -15°C. In particularly harsh winters, even winter-hardy species and varieties can freeze to the level of the snow cover, but thanks to the presence of a powerful root system, the frostbitten bush quickly grows back after pruning the damaged shoots. It is more difficult to recover less winter-hardy varieties and species that can freeze and root system.

The duration of mock orange flowering depends on its variety. Sometimes it blooms for two months! The mock orange flowers are quite large: modern varieties they can reach 6 cm in diameter. Of particular value is the flowering period of mock orange - June-July, when most garden crops has already bloomed.

But before and after flowering, it does not create any beauty in the area, because the bush is ugly, long-legged, upright with branches absurdly sticking out in all directions. Therefore, there is no need to put it in the foreground.

Transplants can be carried out at any time throughout the summer, but the root system should not dry out. The plant requires attention: every year you need to cut out outdated, lignified branches, broken and frozen. As soon as you stop watching it, it will very quickly take on the appearance of a homeless tramp.

Methods for propagating mock orange

There are 3 main ways to propagate mock orange (garden jasmine). The first is by dividing the bush, but in this case you need to have the bush itself. What if he is not there? You can try to buy it or ask your neighbor. The difficulty is that mock orange seedlings are not sold everywhere, and your neighbors may well not have them.

It’s easier to use layering, but again, for this you need to have a bush.

The easiest way is propagation by green cuttings. Find in summer green cuttings Jasmine is much simpler than the seedling itself.

You can propagate mock orange and jasmine by seeds, which are sown in a school for growing immediately after collecting seeds (those purchased before sowing are stratified in damp sand in the refrigerator for 3-4 months). They will grow in a year, but will not bloom soon, maybe in 4-5 years. Double forms cannot be propagated in this way (they usually grow into non-double plants); they can be propagated exclusively by cuttings, or by dividing the bush, this is the most reliable.

Jasmine and mock orange are cut at the beginning of summer. Divide the bush in August.

So, if you decide to plant this shrub on your site, then know that cuttings are taken in the summer, in July, but the seedling can be planted both in spring and autumn.

Planting and caring for mock orange (with video)

Having dug holes in advance with a diameter of 50 cm and the same depth, add 1 bucket of compost into them, place the seedling and, filling top layer removed soil, water it again.

After planting when caring for garden jasmine bushes are fed 3 times. The first time is in early spring, when the first leaves begin to bloom. The second time is before flowering. The third time is in the fall, so that the plant overwinters better.

For feeding, make a solution of 10 liters of water, 1 tablespoon of superphosphate and 1 tablespoon of potassium sulfate. 15 liters of solution are used for each plant.

Many gardeners use granular AVA fertilizer when planting and for feeding at a rate of 10–15 g per 1 m2. When using this fertilizer, the plant develops quickly, copes better with diseases and pests and tolerates harsh cold winters well.

When planting and caring for mock orange, you should remember that after 3-4 years a garden jasmine hedge becomes bare from below and loses its decorative effect. To achieve the growth of new shoots, it is rejuvenated by cutting off plant trunks at a height of 10-20 cm from the soil surface. Shrubs of many other species do not tolerate rejuvenation.

It is preferable to plant the bushes one by one, so that after flowering they do not become an eyesore. You can grow mock orange mixed with other shrubs as a green hedge both along the borders of the site and inside for separation different zones(recreation, playground, barbecue).

Types of mock orange and photos of varieties of garden jasmine

About 50 species of mock orange are known. IN middle lane Russia meets h. coronal (Ph. coronarius), h. ordinary (Ph. racemosa), Part Schrenk (Ph. schrenkii), Part Caucasian (Ph. caucasicus), h. thin-leaved (Ph. angustifolius). Among the late-flowering mock oranges, it is especially interesting h. broadleaf (Ph. latifolius).

Below you can see a photo and description of mock orange different types and varieties.

There are a lot now garden forms this plant is very beautiful. There are varieties not only with white, but also yellow or yellow flowers. pink color, there are terry forms. Most often, white jasmines grow in the plots. Their porcelain-like flowers are beautifully shaped.

Most winter-hardy species is mock orange crown, which is sometimes called ordinary. It has many forms, differing in the type of crown, the size of the flowers and their color from pure white, cream to golden yellow. All of them grow well in cultivation up to the Urals and Siberia and bloom profusely with creamy white flowers with a strong aroma.

Here are photos of the types of garden jasmine that are most popular among gardeners:

From crossing the pale mock orange, very similar to the crowned mock orange, and the small-leaved mock orange of North American origin, mock orange Lemoine with large, up to 3 cm in diameter, white flowers that exude a very strong aroma. However, most of the Lemoine varietal mock oranges freeze out to the snow cover in St. Petersburg and Moscow during severe winters, although they quickly recover.

Mock oranges can be placed very impressively and beautifully in garden plots. Vigorous, spreading bushes look very good in large gardens, for example, against the background brick wall at home or planted on the lawn. Graceful mock oranges of Lemoine look great in combination with flowering perennials.

Low-growing varieties of garden jasmine - “Gnome”, “Yunnat”, “Dwarf”, “Charm”– are appropriate in rock gardens, as well as near a pond, on the corners of a parterre lawn and in modular gardens.

Dense low hedges (borders) are formed from varieties « White bouquet", "Moonlight", "Komsomolets", "Academician Komarov". These hedges require virtually no trimming. Beautifully flowering unshaped hedges are obtained from plants of one type of mock orange: coronary, Schrenk, Caucasian, grandiflora.

Many gardeners prefer mock oranges with a strawberry scent: small-leaved, variety "Airborne". Those who create scent gardens, special attention are given to mock oranges with a strong odor, for example, Lemoine mock orange. And for those who are allergic to the smells of flowers, it is recommended to use mock oranges without odor or with a very weak aroma: large-flowered mock orange, varieties “Akademik Komarov” and “Arctic”.

How to prune garden jasmine

Is effective method regulation of the vigor of mock orange growth. General principles The timing of its pruning is the same as for other shrub species.

Due to intensive growth, the bushes quickly thicken, and after a few years it is necessary to carry out annual thinning.

Flower buds of mock orange are formed on last year's growths, so removing faded inflorescences and cutting out damaged and old branches should be done after flowering has ended.

At the same time, frozen shoots and rapidly aging tops are pruned.

The so-called sanitary pruning can be carried out throughout the growing season. It is recommended to cut out old shoots every 2 - 3 years.

The crown rejuvenated in this way helps regular flowering in subsequent years.

Formative pruning is carried out only on young plants for the first 2 - 3 years after planting in a permanent place.

How to prune garden jasmine to thin out the bush? In this case, all weak ones are removed basal shoots to the base of the soil, only the strongest and strongest 2 - 4 shoots are left, which will be used to regenerate the bush.

Overgrown bushes are pruned short in March, leaving only part of the young strong branches that will bloom in the same year.

This video shows how to trim mock orange and how to correct formation crowns:

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