Universal fertilizer for the garden. Fertilizers for the garden - how to enrich the soil in spring? Complex fertilizers for the garden

IN last years gardeners are increasingly using on their plots in different time year, along with complex mineral fertilizers. They combine several types nutrients.

Today it is impossible to do without fertilizing in summer cottages. You can use ordinary manure as a fertilizer, but there will be no effect if the plants lack any specific element that is not present in its composition. Complex mineral fertilizers can saturate plants in the garden (more details here) and in the vegetable garden with the microelements they need. However, when using these fertilizers, it is necessary to take into account that for different cultures different feeds are suitable, and they are added to different doses. Proper Use complex mineral fertilizers in combination with timely care will lead to good harvest.

Mineral supplements can be divided according to their composition into 4 groups.

1. Complex

They contain 2-3 chemical elements. Such fertilizers are highly concentrated and do not include ballast substances.

2. Mixed

Their basis is a combination of ready-made fertilizers and semi-finished products. Such plant feeds are free-flowing and have little caking.

3. Complex mixed

The basis of such substances are chemical elements in combination with ready-made fertilizers and semi-finished products.

4. Combined

Such supplements include several types of nutrient salts. In the preparation they are evenly distributed, making the mixture homogeneous.

It is important that no matter how complex a substance is, the percentage of various useful elements in it is strictly maintained. In some situations, you can slightly change their ratio, for example, when the culture lacks a certain component. In this case, you can additionally add the necessary simple make-up containing the required component.

Forms of applying mineral fertilizers

Mineral supplements can be added to different forms content.


  • Ammonia. They are a solution that is obtained by mixing nitrogen substances and ammonia water. This type of feeding is applied directly to the root of the plant,
  • Ammonia water. Represents the concentration (25%) of ammonia in liquid form, diluted with water. If a liter bottle of liquid ammonia is diluted with 250 grams of water, you get ammonia water.

In general, these substances can be purchased, since fertilizers are commercially available ready for use. But you can prepare them yourself, but the solution should be used immediately after preparation. Otherwise everything useful elements will evaporate, and only water will remain, in which there will be minerals, only in a very weak concentration.


Complex minerals sold in granules or powder. Solid fertilizers are usually applied directly into the ground. The powder, as well as the granules, are easily soluble in liquid, so after applying them, you should lightly irrigate and loosen the soil.

Due to the fact that complex mineral supplements are presented in different forms, they become more versatile. After all, you can fertilize plants with their help, regardless of the growth period.

Types of complex and universal mineral fertilizers for gardening and vegetable gardens

Today there are many different types of fertilizers. Among the most popular are the following.


It is a nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizer. Ammophos does not contain chlorine, but the preparation contains 52% nitrogen and 11% phosphorus. The fertilizer is universal, that is, it can be used on any land to fertilize any crops. The rate of its application per square is 20 grams.


It is a granular substance containing:

  • Nitrogen - 10%,
  • phosphorus - 26%,
  • potassium - 26%.

And another option for the percentage of components:

  • Nitrogen - 13%,
  • phosphorus - 23%,
  • potassium - 23%.

In addition to these elements, diammophos includes zinc, sulfur, iron and other useful elements. This mineral product can be applied to all plants. summer cottage, observing the application rate (no more than 25 grams per square). Apply fertilizer better in spring, during planting, as well as during their flowering.


It is a complex fertilizer that contains 16% potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus, as well as 2% sulfur. This is a universal feed, suitable not only for garden crops, but also for trees and other plantings in the garden and flower beds. Nitroammofoska can be applied to all kinds of soils, in proportion to one square - 50 grams. facilities.


Complex nutrition for all crops, containing 11% potassium and nitrogen, as well as 10% phosphorus. Nitrophoska is used as the main feed for crops. The drug can be used on all lands, but on heavy soils it is recommended to apply it before winter, and on light soils it is allowed in the spring.

Station wagon

This is a complex granular organomineral fertilizer, does not contain chlorine. Contents of other components:

  • Nitrogen - 7%,
  • humic compounds - 3.2%,
  • sulfur - 3.8%,
  • potassium - 8%,
  • phosphorus - 7%,
  • iron - 0.1%.

In addition to them, the preparation contains useful microelements, including manganese, boron, zinc. "Universal" contains a large number of humic substances and useful micro- and macroelements. It can be used for any plants in a summer cottage; the drug does not acidify the soil. And most importantly, it is environmentally friendly. If "Universal" is used periodically, the humus content in the soil can be increased.

You can use this mineral supplement while plowing your garden; with this action, for cultivated areas you will need 100 grams of fertilizer per 1 square, and for uncultivated areas - 150 grams for a similar area. It should be added to furrows or holes for planting during planting of seedlings, mixing 20 grams of "Universal" with the soil. If replenishment is required, then 30 grams of the drug will be required per hundred square meters.

Calcium nitrate

It is a special fertilizer, and the basis of the fertilizer is:

  • Calcium - 19%,
  • nitrogen - 15.5%.

Calcium nitrate is suitable for feeding all plants in the garden. Thanks to this product, plants begin to grow intensively, the vegetative mass begins to form and develop better. Nitrate is completely soluble in water.


Complex, highly soluble in water, mineral supplement containing optimal ratio for all crops: potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen and magnesium and necessary microelements. "Solution" can be used for both root and foliar feeding. All useful components present in the “Solution” are absorbed quite quickly by the crops. The application rate is 16-24 grams of product per hundred square meters.

Magnesium sulfate

In this comprehensive tool contains components such as sulfur - 13% and magnesium - 16%. Basically, this fertilizer is used on acidic sandy and soddy-podzolic soils. Magnesium sulfate can be used alone or in combination with other mineral components, at a dosage of 11-14 g per square.

Potassium monophosphate

This preparation contains potassium - 33%, and phosphorus - 50%. Feeding with potassium monophosphate leads to normalization of the metabolic process. You can feed crops both by root and non-root methods, and it is advisable to do the latter in the morning or late in the evening.

The use of biofertilizer for the garden enriches the soil (for example, at the dacha) with microflora, increasing its productivity and resistance to anthropogenic factors. Rational use bacterial, fungal, yeast and preparations based on EM technologies contribute to the cultivation of environmentally friendly products by improving humus and increasing soil fertility.

What are biofertilizers

Biofertilizers belong to the class of natural fertilizers. They are formed during oxygen-free fermentation organic matter– manure, droppings or plant debris. Unlike complex mineral fertilizers, they do not accumulate nitrates in the soil and products, and are completely absorbed by plants. Soil microorganisms process organic and inorganic compounds into plant nutrition components.

Beneficial features

The technology of anaerobic fermentation of beneficial microorganisms completely preserves the amount of nitrogen. The ability of bacteria to concentrate atmospheric nitrogen and convert it into a form suitable for use by plants improves the growth characteristics of crops. By mobilizing sparingly soluble phosphates and phytic acid, the microbiological strain retains phosphorus and potassium in the soil.

Benefits of Biofertilizers

Research conducted in the agricultural industry proves the undeniable advantages of biofertilizers for gardening over organic, mineral analogues:

  • Disinfection from pathogenic microflora, which provokes the development of anthrax, paratuberculosis, salmonellosis, foot-and-mouth disease, ascariasis, intestinal infections.
  • Increased content of active microflora - 1012 colonies/g compared to 109 colonies/g of manure.
  • Preservation of micronutrients. During the season, 80% of organic fertilizers and 15% of biological ones are washed away.
  • Unlike mineral fertilizers, which partially dissolve, forming nitrates, biofertilizers for gardening are bound to the soil and are 100% absorbed.

Technology for obtaining biological fertilizers

Industrial production bioadditives are aimed at preserving and accumulating viable bacterial cells using an aseptic microbiological process. Initially nodule bacteria grown in an agar medium based on legume seeds, agar, and sucrose. The next stage includes fermentation at a temperature of 27-30 degrees and a pH level of 6.5-7.5. The separated biomass is mixed with a protective medium and sent for drying in a vacuum drying oven at a temperature of 30-35 degrees and a pressure of 10-13 kPa.

Types of biofertilizers

Each type of biofertilizer differs in the characteristics of the microbiological flora intended for individual crops and soil. Agronomists recommend combining preparations that accelerate the decomposition of humus masses with Azotobacterin. “Extrasol”, “Rostmoment”, BisolbiFit” have growth-stimulating and anti-stress characteristics. Among the universal drugs that suppress the development of pathogenic microflora, Baikal EM-1 helps restore soil fertility and improve the health of agricultural crops.


Biotechnology isolates nodule bacteria - the basis of bacterial fertilizer. Their symbiosis with plants is aimed at providing the soil with nitrogen and phosphorus:

  • Nitragin is used only in relation to legumes on an industrial scale. It is applied to the soil or carried out pre-sowing treatment seeds
  • Azotobacterin is a complex fertilizer for peat or humus media, which is used in soddy-podzolic soil. Its main advantage is the ability to suppress fungal flora.
  • Multifunctional liquid fertilizer"Azotovit" stimulates development vegetative organs plants, suppresses the accumulation of nitrates, increases resistance to adverse natural conditions, increasing productivity up to 40%. Used for any crops, with the exception of legumes.


Biofertilizers for the garden and vegetable garden based on saprophytic fungi enzymatically decompose organic residues into minerals:

  • “Growthmoment” is a stimulator of plant life. It is mainly used to increase grain yields and vegetable crops. Fertilizer is applied by watering or spraying. To obtain a suspension, you need to dilute the powder with water and leave for half an hour.

Biofertilizers based on EM technology

Effective microorganisms help restore soil fertility, improve the health of various crops, and increase frost resistance:

  • A popular biofertilizer is “Baikal EM-1”, which increases the fertility of vegetable crops from 50 to 150%.

  • The drug "Biorost" provokes the synthesis of humus, allowing you to get a good harvest. The main advantage is the active productivity of microorganisms for 2-3 years.


The soil processed by earthworms is enriched with useful substances and microorganisms. Vermicompost improves soil structure, accelerates plant growth, eliminates the presence of pathogenic microflora, and provides high level survival rate of seedlings. Vermicompost “Tea” is diluted in a ratio of 1:50 and poured into the holes. "AgroVerm" is characterized by increased moisture capacity and hydrophobicity. The auxin contained in the drug stimulates fruit growth.

How to choose biofertilizer for your garden

To select a specific biological composition, necessary:

  • Determine soil type by laboratory or traditional method. Phosphorus fertilizers are useful for any soil. A neutral substrate needs a good nitrogen base, which helps improve plant growth.
  • Assess the individual needs of plants. Cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes, White cabbage require additional nitrogen. Berry bushes should be fertilized with phosphorus.

Operating principle

Bacterial fertilizers are used together with planting material or seeds, adding to moist soil. Their action is not limited to providing crops with potassium, phosphorus, and nitrogen. It affects multilateral biochemical processes in the soil. In addition to nitrogen-fixing ability, Azotobacter synthesizes biologically active substances - auxins, which have a beneficial effect on plant growth. The addition of Phosphorobacterin stimulates the action of nitrifying bacteria and anaerobic nitrogen fixers.

Biofertilizer producers

Enterprises engaged in the production of liquid fertilizers for plant growth, development and protection offer a wide range of biological products, guaranteeing environmental friendliness, biological safety, and cost-effectiveness of the product. The main advantage is innovative technology processing combined with a quality control system ensure high efficiency fertilizers, increasing yields by up to 40%.

Release form

Manufacturers produce biofertilizers for gardening in powder form, liquid form, tablets, and granules. A strict dosage of the drug is used for different purposes. The working solution is prepared in the quantity required for one season, since it does not withstand long-term storage. The effect of fertilizers on acidic soil is sharply reduced, so preliminary liming is required.


Packaging is carried out in small containers for use on garden plots private property. For industrial agricultural complexes, drugs are packaged in large quantities. Recently, “Azotovit” and “Phosphatovit” have been offered to the attention of summer residents. plastic packaging, capacity 200 ml. Previously, it was only available for industrial farmland.

The best biological fertilizers for plants


Mechanism of action

Features of application


Provides phosphorus and potassium nutrition.

Suppresses phytopathogenic flora.

Promotes the development of the root system.

For pre-sowing preparation mix 50 ml of the drug with 30 ml of water. To feed, dilute 35 ml per 10 liters of water. Fertilize 2 times a month.


Enrichment of seedlings with useful environment.

Protection against pathogenic microflora.

Improving the formation of the root system.

The seedlings are moistened with a 0.1% solution.

Spraying with a 1% solution is carried out to stimulate growth.


Stimulation of plant growth and development.

Prevention from diseases.

Spray tubers or plant bulbs before planting at the rate of: per 100 g seed material– 1 tsp/50 ml. water. For growth, spray the leaves with a solution of 5 tsp/1 l of water.

Globiome biota max

Restoration of soil microflora.

Prevents the leaching of nutrients from the soil.

Protection against fungal diseases.

Production of phytohormones to stimulate plant growth.

To treat seeds, dissolve the tablet in 1-2 liters of water, moisten the seed, and allow to dry.

For root feeding and soil treatment, dissolve 1 tablet (per 10-acre plot of land) in 1-2 liters of water. Dilute the finished concentrate with 100-200 liters of water. Treat the soil 2-3 days before planting.


Increasing the yield of vegetable and grain crops.

Stimulation of plant protective functions.

Apply by pouring 0.1% liquid or spraying 0.3 g/30 ml.

Biofertilizer Baikal EM-1

High yield growth rates.

Satisfying the plants' needs for nutrients Oh.

Before you buy Baikal EM-1, you need to purchase molasses, honey or jam to ferment the drug. Add 3 tbsp to 3 liters of water. l molasses and 30 ml of Baikal EM-1 concentrate. Ready solution stand for a week. To prepare 100 liters of working solution, you need to add 100 ml of the drug and 100 ml of molasses. For 10 liters of water you will need 1 tbsp. l molasses and fertilizer.


Stimulation of seed germination.

Disease resistance.

Acceleration of ripening time.

Apply in the evening. To prepare the working solution, you need to mix the biofluid with water.

Healthy garden

Protection garden flowers and trees from diseases and insect pests.

Improvement of fruits.

To prepare a liter of solution, use 2 granules of the product.

Increased productivity by 3 times.

Improving the shape and color of fruits.

Increasing the level of sugar and vitamin C in fruits.

Increased harvest safety by 2 times.

Where to buy biofertilizers

In order not to be disappointed with the quality of fertilizers, you should give preference to leading companies producing biofertilizers for the garden. You can buy fertilizers through online stores in Moscow, packaged in required quantity. It is important that the production is based on aseptic conditions and has its own microbiological laboratory.

How to prepare biofertilizers with your own hands

Experienced gardeners offer methods for preparing solutions that promote the growth of crops and indoor plants. Unlike mineral supplements and organic animal matter, mixtures based on beneficial bacteria make it possible to grow natural vegetables and fruits:


Mix 1 kg of humus with a glass of water, add 5 g of superphosphate, 1 tbsp. l lime or chalk. Stir the mixture and form a layer 10 cm thick. Close from sun rays cellophane, place in dark place for 7 days. After a week, the surface of the mixture will be covered with mucus - azotobacter, which must be collected and dried.

To treat seeds, dilute 10 ml with 30 ml of water. For feeding, dilute 50 ml in 10 liters of water. In the spring, use the dry mass to prepare compost, dust the seeds, and apply it to the soil.


Fill metal container weeds, grass and fill with water. Close the lid and leave in the sun. When the fermentation process begins, add water, filling the container by a third. After a week, pour the starter into the compost pit.

To fertilize the soil, mix with peat and add to the holes.

Fertilizer made from yeast

Dilute 1 kg of live yeast with 5 liters of water, let it brew for 4 hours, dilute with water in a ratio of 1:10. You can add 0.5 kg of wood ash.

Apply fertilizer after picking plants. A week after planting, fertilize, as a result of which the development of the root system is stimulated. Following yeast fertilizer should be applied after flowering.

The basic principles of environmentally friendly farming include:

  • Replacing autumn digging with shallow, up to 5 cm, loosening. Digging the soil disrupts its natural structure.
  • Eliminate the use of pesticides.
  • Create favorable conditions for the reproduction of microorganisms and worms in the soil, using EM preparations.


Early spring is a busy time for summer residents. With the first rays of the sun they rush to their plots to prepare the garden for summer season: remove last year's leaves and debris, whiten trunks, trim trees, treat against insects. During this period, the foundations of the future harvest are laid: it is necessary to select and add fertilizers to the soil for the vegetable garden in the spring, when the soil is most receptive to organic and mineral supplements.

Features of spring fertilizer

Spring is the most crucial period and the most favorable time to fertilize the soil. At the start, plants especially need nutrients to stimulate their rapid growth and development. It is very important to choose wisely garden fertilizers in order to properly launch the mechanism of interaction between plants and microorganisms living in the soil. Fertilizing the garden in the spring saturates the soil with useful substances that will nourish it until the fall. After the snow has melted, you can immediately begin fertilizing the fruit trees. Flowers and vegetable crops are best treated immediately before planting.

You need to start applying fertilizer yourself in early spring

Fertilizers for the garden and garden are of organic and mineral origin, as well as combined fertilizers. The choice of one or another product depends on the condition of the soil, varieties of vegetables and garden crops, and, of course, from the preferences of the gardener himself. Main principle here - do not overdo it, because an excess of fertilizers can also have a detrimental effect on plants, as well as their lack. Excess organic matter of animal origin can cause fungal infection of plants. You should also be careful with mineral compositions and strictly follow the instructions when using them.

Organic fertilizers

Organic fertilizers include manure, peat, bird droppings, ash, and compost. They are not absorbed by plants on their own; their main mission is different - to stimulate the activity of microorganisms in the soil: bacteria, fungi, worms, which, as a result of their vital activity, improve the condition and quality of the soil.

Undoubtedly, manure is one of the most popular organic fertilizers, but there are certain restrictions on its use: it cannot be applied to fresh. Cow dung collected in a heap, covered with a layer of peat about 20 cm and left in this form for the whole summer so that it rots. Before use, the horse should lie down for no more than three weeks; if it is left for a longer period, it may burn. Experts recommend adding mineral fertilizers to it: per 100 kg - 2 kg of superphosphate. It is useful to apply this composition to the soil once every two years.

Manure saturates the soil with useful substances

This is a very valuable fertilizer. It contains more useful substances beneficial for soil microflora than manure, and its reaction speed is superior mineral compounds. The best is chicken manure, which contains many minerals and is biologically active substances, but they do not withstand long-term storage and quickly evaporate. During 1.5 months of “lying” in a heap, the litter loses a significant part of its useful substances. To avoid this, it is often composted or dried. For autumn or spring digging, fertilizer is applied at the rate of 250 g per 1 square meter. m of land.

Bird droppings are perfect for basic feeding


Wood ash- an excellent organic fertilizer with a high content of minerals that are easily absorbed by plants. It can be stored for years without losing its beneficial properties. It is poured when planting a plant in a hole along with compost and manure. The soil fertilized in this way does not need additional fertilizing and will nourish the plant with useful substances for several years.

Wood ash is used for root and foliar feeding

Mineral fertilizers

Mineral fertilizers for garden flowers and garden crops help plants survive the winter, not get sick and bring a good harvest. They are phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium.

Phosphorus fertilizers

Phosphorus is necessary for plants to form a strong root system; it also promotes the formation flower buds and fruits. The most popular phosphate fertilizers are superphosphate and phosphate rock. For quick absorption, it is best used in liquid form. Before use, the fertilizer is soaked in water for 72 hours. Superphosphate is an excellent fertilizer for hydrangea and other flower crops. It is recommended to add it during planting, as well as during the formation of buds.

Superphosphate is produced in the form of large granules

Nitrogen fertilizers

All types of nitrate (calcium, ammonium, potassium, sodium), urea (urea) and azophosphate are suitable for spring fertilizer of the garden. They can be used in both liquid and dry states. For watering seedlings and spraying foliage in spring, 10 g ammonium nitrate diluted in 10 liters of water. Dry nitrogen mixtures applied in the spring stimulate fast growth foliage. They must be applied under trees and shrubs twice: in the spring, immediately after the snow melts, and at the beginning of summer. For acidic soil Sodium and calcium nitrate are best suited, and ammonium sulfate is used for clay nitrate.

Nitrogen fertilizing enhance plant growth and development

Potassium increases vitality plants, helps them fight pests and survive in difficult weather conditions: frosts and droughts. Apply to the soil or spray on plants potash fertilizers necessary regularly, because they are quickly washed away by rain. This fertilizer is best absorbed when mixed with phosphorus fertilizers.

Potash is compatible with all types of fertilizers

Biological fertilizer

The homeopathic fertilizer “Healthy Garden”, developed by St. Petersburg scientists, is an excellent addition to organic and mineral fertilizers. It increases the resistance of garden crops to many diseases, fungi and pests, removes nitrates, and prevents the accumulation of pesticides in the soil. It is especially recommended for use by gardeners whose plots are located close to the highway. “Healthy Garden” is sold in the form of granules, which are diluted in water in the ratio: 2 pieces per liter of water. The composition can be watered or sprayed on both young and perennials.

Fertilizer "Healthy Garden" protects plants from pests and diseases

Every summer resident knows: the more care and attention he pays to his garden in the spring, the greater the confidence that a good harvest awaits him in the summer. Spring fertilizer The garden plays a key role in this. But in everything you need to observe moderation, choose fertilizers in accordance with the type of soil, follow the instructions for using the drugs, and then you will find excellent result.

Video: chemical fertilizers


The best fertilizers for the garden and garden, of course, are organic fertilizers. And all due to their naturalness and positive impact on plants. In addition, “organic” is absolutely safe for the garden itself, and for people and animals! And today we will talk about what substances - best fertilizers for the garden that will help make your garden healthy!

What are the advantages and features of using manure?

Manure is the best known of the " organic list"due to the mass of nutrients in its composition: these are various microelements, nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus. However, over time, all the nutrients from the manure evaporate, but when correct actions you can extend their “life”. For example, when applying manure, try to lay it as densely as possible - this way less air will flow in, which means the process of “decomposition” of the manure will be much slower.

There are some nuances to using manure in garden beds. For example, such as manure is applied only to pumpkins and cucumbers, but other flowers and fruit trees should not be fed - the mixture can damage root system plants.

It is best to use humus, which is a black, almost earthy mass. These are considered suitable for various purposes, since humus is used when planting trees, when planting vegetables, and for feeding plants with nutrients during their growth.

Expert advice: only a well-decomposed mixture contains maximum amount nutrients needed by the plant, so try to use humus rather than a fresh mixture. Usually for one square meter Approximately 8 kg of humus is added, after digging and watering the soil in advance.

Chicken droppings or how to create a waste-free farm?

The second most famous is simple chicken droppings. So, 10 grams of the mixture contains on average about 150 grams of potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus. Fertilizing with organic fertilizers is carried out in summer and early spring to feed vegetable and fruit crops. However, chicken manure should be “served” only diluted with water - about 10 liters of solution per 2 square meters.

By the way, among inexperienced and novice gardeners there is often an opinion that organic fertilizers such as manure will simply be burned - this opinion is incorrect.

It’s all about the doses of the mixture, because chicken droppings contain a lot of nutrients, and therefore the application of liquid organic fertilizers should be done carefully, since too high a concentration of even the most important nutrients can have a detrimental effect on the plant.

Compost: how to prepare a compost pit?

Compost, which most often consists of several components: weeds, straw, and kitchen “garbage,” is also a good organic fertilizer. In this case, compost must be prepared in advance. To do this, we simply set aside a small area in the garden for a hole, where we pour all the components of the mixture and leave it there to “ripen” for a while.

If you start working in the summer, then in the fall you will be able to use the mixture to feed plants, trees and other crops in your garden. By the way, you can significantly improve the properties of compost if you add ash and phosphorus fertilizers to it.

True, to prevent it from drying out, which especially often happens in hot summers, you will have to dig it up and water it a little, covering it for a while with a simple

Peat and cowshed: fertilizing and pest control

It is worth remembering about peat, which is suitable for mulching and for use as fertilizer. It is especially often used when planting young seedlings of fruit trees and shrubs. By the way, do not forget about the high acidity level of peat, which can harm plants. And therefore, be sure to use ash or lime to “quench” it.

Mineral and organic fertilizers for the garden and vegetable garden, combined fertilizers lay the foundation for the future harvest. Elements are placed in the ground when advancing spring period when he is most disposed to accept them.

The choice of fertilizers depends on the composition of the soil, the crops that will be placed in the soil, temperature changes in the region and other natural disasters. Excess components have a negative impact on the crop, but their shortage also negatively affects the crops. To avoid overdosing on nutrients, gardeners use the instructions provided with each package.

Spring is a time of increased responsibility for gardeners, best period for feeding. For plants, the products provide:

  • nutrition;
  • stimulation of development;
  • the work of interaction between microorganisms and soil;
  • nutrition useful components until the period of frost.

Important! Placing potassium and phosphorus components on the ground in bulk does not benefit the roots. The instructions on the package of fertilizer will indicate how to use the components.

Excess of components as plants grow brings disappointment to the gardener. Excessive organic matter from animals will infect plants with fungi. Minerals added in excess will destroy the plants. There is only one way out - the competent use of components - mineral and organic, and their combinations.

In early spring, determine what fertilizers are required for fruit trees, berry bushes, temporary crops. When feeding plants, take into account:

  • type, composition of soil;
  • number of individuals planned for rearing;
  • climate condition in the region;
  • temperature changes in soil and air masses;
  • other indicators.

Taking into account the listed indicators, the choice of fertilizer or type of fertilizing is made. After the snow melts, they begin to work with fruit trees, feed them. Before planting, vegetables and flowers are also processed and pruned, and treated with organic fertilizers for the garden.


Organic matter includes composts, peat with varying acidity, ash, manure from various animals, and bird droppings. Many gardeners are keen on organic fertilizers for gardens, but these elements are not absorbed on their own; their task is to stimulate the work of microorganisms: earthworms. The result of their activity in the soil is an improvement in its quality.

Fresh manure has limitations and is not used. Before use, cover it with a 20 cm layer of peat, leave it in the summer, and wait for it to rot. Horse manure is aged for three weeks before use, then it is used. If the component is left in longer, it will burn.

Bird droppings

The most valuable fertilizer for gardens and vegetable gardens, there are a lot of nutrients in the droppings, more than in manure; in terms of action, this component is ahead of all mineral analogues. The best specialists considered chicken manure due to its high content of active ingredients and minerals. Beneficial substances from prolonged storage are not preserved and go into evaporation.

If the droppings remain for 1.5 months, they lose most of the substances that benefit the crops. To prevent loss, it is dried and composted. When feeding per square meter. m of soil, 250 grams of the substance are added in autumn and spring. This litter is used as the main type of feeding.

Wood ash

Ash - view organic fertilizer, contains minerals, lasts for decades without losing useful qualities. When used, the ash is placed in a pit for planting a crop with other components. After this, the soil becomes saturated. Ash works in the soil for a long time; it is used as fertilizing.


Nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus components enable crops to live without diseases winter period, improve productivity.

Phosphorus is required for the formation of roots, buds, and fruits. Phosphate rock and superphosphate are the main suppliers of phosphorus. For best absorption, the components are soaked for three days. Hydrangeas and other flowers love superphosphate. It is added to crops during planting and when buds are formed.

Nitrogen is contained in nitrates - sodium, calcium, ammonium, potassium, azophosphate, urea. The listed components are used for fertilizer in spring, liquid or dry. When watering the seedlings in the spring, spraying the leaves, add 10 grams of saltpeter to a bucket of water.

Spring fertilizing with nitrogen improves foliage growth. Trees and bushes require feeding after suffering from cold weather. Components for plants are added twice. For acidic soils, use nitrate with calcium and sodium. Ammonium sulfate is used for the clay composition. Substances increase leaf growth and help plants develop.

Potassium increases their vitality, helps plants fight against harmful insects, microorganisms, frost, drought. The application of potassium must be constant; the component is washed out of the soil by rain. Potassium is absorbed by the soil in combination with phosphorus fertilizers. Combination with other components does not affect potassium components.

Calcium is useful; gardeners make up for the deficiency of the element with eggshells: as they decompose, they saturate the soil with minerals or substances containing calcium. A shortage of an element is a rare occurrence; gardeners buy it in a specialized store and add it to the soil as needed.

Complex fertilizers– mixtures of healthy ingredients, rich in minerals, substances, easy to use. They have a balanced composition. The component is used to improve soil quality. If there are signs of deficiency of nutrients, use the maximum amount of complex fertilizers.

Biological fertilizer

Scientists in St. Petersburg have developed a homeopathic fertilizer called “Healthy Garden”. Gardeners use fertilizer in the form of an additive to other nutritional components. The substance increases the resistance of crops, provides plants with vital functions, and helps in the fight against:

  • with diseases;
  • fungal infections, plant pests;
  • with nitrates;
  • pesticides.

Experts recommend using the “Healthy Garden” component in areas located near highways. They sell the component in bags; gardeners dilute the granules with water and make nutrient solution, then the plants are treated. This fertilizer makes crops disease-free. Fertilizers are universal means that increase plant growth and productivity.

Without providing gardeners with high-quality fertilizers, there will be no good harvest; their integrated use makes up for nutritional deficiencies in any period. Fertilizers of any content are rich in useful substances, change the structure of the soil, and promote the movement of water and air in it.

Gardeners use rotted vegetables as a component. sawdust, bark, nettles, seaweed, grass, banana scraps and peels, eggshells, dried potato peelings. The listed ingredients do not require preparation for use. The main thing is that they are not populated by microorganisms. Gardeners use them by placing them in holes when planting plants.

The soil

When the soil is washed out during rains, weathered, during operation, it becomes depleted by useful material. To fully grow plants, the soil requires nutrition in the form of fertilizers. Timely application of nutrients to the soil, spraying of foliage, and tree trunk feeding provide favorable conditions for plants. appearance, productivity, absence of diseases.

The compost heap dries out from the rays of the sun and winds, it requires digging, abundant watering, cover from precipitation. Timely care behind compost heap will provide the gardener natural fertilizer, which makes it easy to grow a healthy garden.

Important! Excess fertilizer in the soil provides fruits with a high content of nitrates and a meager, low-quality harvest.

Gardeners consider sandy loam, loamy soils with low acidity to be ideal. They are easy to process, they absorb air and moisture well.

They retain nutrients, are receptive to the introduction of nutrients, and quickly increase fertility. Information about soil composition allows site owners to determine nutrient needs.

To conduct a rapid soil analysis, gardeners perform a sample using a thin layer of soil located vertically.

The shovel is stuck into the soil to its full depth, the soil is taken, placed in a container, mixed, moistened with rainwater, and litmus paper is placed in it. When you squeeze the litmus paper, its color changes. It is used to draw conclusions about the acidity of the soil.

Gardeners have a positive attitude towards the use of humus; this black, earthy mass is the best universal remedy for plant nutrition. Well-decomposed humus contains a huge amount of nutrients and substances beneficial to plants.

Experienced gardeners use humus instead of fresh mixtures. For one sq. m area, eight kilograms of humus are added. The soil is first dug up and watered. There is a wide variety of tools, but you don’t need much knowledge to understand them.

It is enough to know the method of action, the condition of the soil on the site, read the instructions for using the components, and add useful substances to the soil in a timely manner. Attention and care for plantings will bring a good harvest!

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