Should tomatoes be picked green? How to speed up the ripening process of tomatoes? How to speed up the ripening of tomatoes.

Kira Stoletova

IN northern regions Summer residents strive to speed up the ripening of tomatoes in order to get a harvest before the first frost. There are several ways to do this. Let's look at each of them.

Pinching and pinching

The procedures of pinching and pinning of excess lateral shoots, which take a significant part of the plant, help influence the formation of fruits and accelerate the ripening of tomatoes. useful elements. Multiple shoots inhibit the development and growth of vegetable crops and, as a result, delay the flowering and ripening of vegetables in open ground.


You can carry out the pinching procedure to speed up the ripening of tomatoes using one of the following options:

  • formation into 1 trunk, for which everything is cut off side shoots in the leaf axils;
  • formation into 2 trunks, when at the beginning of flowering all lateral shoots are removed with the exception of the only one located under the very first flower brush from above;
  • formation into 3 trunks, in which, together with the lateral shoots under the first flower cluster, one of the healthiest, most powerful stepson remains on top, located just below, all other lateral shoots are cut off.


Pinching also helps tomatoes ripen earlier. This procedure consists of removing the upper part, where the fruiting shoot and flower racemes with not yet formed ovaries are located. As a result vegetable crop directs forces to the ripening of already set fruits.

Feeding tomatoes

Accelerate the ripening period of tomatoes outdoors soil soil will help proper nutrition. Timely deposited mineral fertilizers and spraying by special means- deposit fast maturing fruits Among the means and preparations that accelerate the harvest of tomatoes are the following:

  • Superphosphate. An extract from it with a concentration of 0.5% is sprayed on the vegetable crop at the very beginning of the tomato flowering stage;
  • Hydrel. Plantings are sprayed with this growth stimulator once at the stage of already formed vegetables, approximately 1.5 months before the planned harvest.
  • Bor. Tomatoes are watered and sprayed boric acid in the case of a vegetable crop shedding inflorescences or ovaries, which subsequently affects the ripening period of tomatoes.
  • Iodine. Feeding tomatoes with iodine significantly reduces the ripening of tomatoes if done foliar method, spraying the foliage. A weak solution of 30-40 drops per 10 liters of water is suitable for these purposes.

Food restriction

Some summer residents have recently begun to practice limiting the nutrition of tomato crops in order to speed up the process of fruit ripening. Gardeners who practice such techniques are confident that under conditions of limited nutrition, the vegetable crop experiences stress and accelerates development, including the ripening of fruits.


Using a garden knife, a through cut is made in the trunk at a height of about 10-12 cm from the soil surface, in which a pre-prepared wooden plate of 0.5 x 2 cm is placed. Breaking the stem does not completely block the flow of nutrition, but significantly reduces its volume.


At the same height, the stem is pulled with copper wire in the transverse direction. This constriction, which limits nutrition, is fixed.


The plant is slightly pulled out of the ground by the base of the trunk until a faint crunching sound of thin roots being torn is heard. The result of such manipulation is the death of part of the root system and restriction of the supply of food and water to the plant.


Ripening helps speed up the ripening of tomatoes grown in open soil. In this case, such an event can be carried out both with the whole tomato bush, and with picked green tomatoes.

Moving under the roof

When there are still a lot of green vegetables left on the bushes, and cold weather has already arrived, vegetables can ripen indoors directly on the bushes. Tomato bushes are simply pulled out of the ground along with the root system and hung in a barn, greenhouse or other enclosed space to ripen.

It is generally accepted that for any vegetable and plant in general there is a list of the most favorable regions for growth. This is fair, because development is ensured by quite clear factors, including climatic and soil factors. However, this does not mean that the planting of certain crops should be limited. If we are talking about cold regions, then in order for the tomatoes to turn red faster and gain nutrients, you must first trim the leaves close to the fruits and organize abundant watering. However, if we are talking about large volumes of planting, then it would not be amiss to use other, rather strategic, methods of accelerating growth.

Tomato fertilizers

From the point of view of development and maturation, feeding during the growing season is very important. Several feedings should be done, and the first should be done within 20 days from the moment of planting the seedlings. It must be said right away that the total ripening time for tomatoes in a greenhouse is about 40-45 days. So, what should be included in the supplement? Experienced gardeners in 10 liters of water mix nitrophoska with a dose of 1 tbsp. l. To the resulting mixture you should add another 0.5 liters of mullein in liquid form.

The second feeding is done at the rate of 1 liter per bush after 10 days. But in in this case the solution will have a different composition. So, for 10 liters of water you should use 1 tbsp. l. full specialized fertilizer for growth and 1 tsp. potassium sulfate. After another two weeks, a third final feeding is carried out, which also uses wood ash. For beginners who do not know how to speed up the ripening of tomatoes in a greenhouse, liquid and superphosphate should be recommended to demonstrate the effect. The inclusion of these components will ensure a pronounced filling of the tomato within short term and will endow him necessary set nutrients.

Eating alcohol

Folk recipes for increasing productivity and accelerating growth are not effective in all cases, therefore, despite the high cost of specialized drugs and fertilizers, many summer residents and farmers still rely on factory-made agricultural products as a source of nutrition. Nevertheless, many note the effectiveness of ethyl alcohol as a stimulator of the development of certain vegetables. For example, if 0.5 ml of alcohol is introduced into green fruits, ripening will be completed within two weeks. Moreover, the time in this case may coincide with the period of the second basic nutrition- that is, 20 days after disembarkation. The advantages of this method include the fact that chemical composition tomato juice remains virtually unchanged and at least retains the basic nutrients.

Removal of shoots

After about three weeks, you can begin the so-called bush optimization. That is, trim inflorescences, stepsons, buds and leaves. However, this should be done very carefully and as the bush approaches maturity. First of all, you should remove the leaves located in the lower and middle parts. The food that goes into them will bring more benefits directly to the fruits. Two weeks before the moment of ripening, which should be targeted based on previous experience, you can work on the inflorescences and the new fruits that have formed. Unfortunately, in the question of how to speed up the ripening of tomatoes in a greenhouse, one cannot do without removing young and, as it may seem, promising fruits. But it is important to understand that they simply will not be able to develop fully.

Watering rules

It has already been noted that the key to rapid ripening of tomatoes is watering. At the same time, abundant watering does not mean frequent, in other words, you need to irrigate the bushes rarely, but fully. Several rules should be followed, this will prevent possible Negative consequences procedures. Firstly, the simplest answer to the question of how to speed up the ripening of tomatoes in a greenhouse is to use warm and clean water. The use of an irrigation hose is not recommended. Water carefully pours purposefully under root system. Secondly, this action should be performed in the late afternoon, when the sun has weakened its light. This is due to the fact that drops will inevitably fall on the leaves or stem. Through the light-enhancing drops, the effect of ultraviolet radiation is enhanced, which can cause burns.

Artificial lighting

It can't be said that sunlight It is completely unsuitable for growing tomatoes, but it is difficult to regulate in a greenhouse. Therefore, in the issue of organizing light supply, the main attention will be paid to artificial means. In particular, LED elements are beneficial from the point of view of operation and maintenance of equipment. They require the least energy, but at the same time provide exactly the spectrum in which a tomato can quickly develop.

A more in-depth analysis in choosing a suitable light source also involves assessing the heat parameters of the device and the breadth of the color range. In any case, to make tomatoes turn red faster, it is important to use lamps with a full spectrum, including red, yellow and violet shades.

Stimulation of moisture intake

At the end of August, it is worth performing an operation that will reduce the amount of nutrients and moisture supplied. By this time, the fruits should have time to fill. You can do this action different ways. For example, in stems 10 cm high, you can use sharp knife make through longitudinal cuts 8-9 cm long. To prevent the gaps from closing in the future, wooden plates can be inserted into them. Also ensure rapid ripening of tomatoes in the greenhouse at last days growth can be done by gently twisting the stem or tying it with wire at a height of 3-4 cm.


In the northern regions, you can hardly count on getting bright, fleshy and juicy tomatoes. The only means of forming tomatoes more or less suitable for gastronomic needs is ripening. This is a special process, in a way, of ripening a vegetable, which brings its taste, nutritional and aromatic qualities to a certain level, which, however, cannot always be called optimal. Now you can deal with the question of how to speed up the ripening of tomatoes in a greenhouse through ripening. A prerequisite for storage is to maintain a temperature of about 25 °C. The humidity coefficient can be 50-60%. The storage period is about a week.


Newest technological devices coupled with folk remedies allow even under unfavorable conditions climatic conditions grow vegetables suitable for their qualities. In this matter, both the optimal thermal effect and bait with enriched nutritional compositions, as well as proper watering and generally gentle handling of the plant. It should be noted that the speed of ripening is also influenced by the atmosphere in the greenhouse itself. Regardless of crop requirements, many farmers recommend Special attention devote temperature conditions and ventilation system.

In August, the tomato harvest is in full swing. But weather, established during this period in our region, often force gardeners to remove from 30 to 70% of the fruits of this crop unripe in order to avoid their damage. However, these indicators can be significantly reduced if the summer resident uses some agricultural techniques aimed at accelerating the filling and ripening of tomatoes.
First of all, for planting it is necessary to use early and mid-season varieties and hybrids that are capable of producing their harvest in a shorter growing season than their late-ripening counterparts. In addition, the planting area must certainly be open and well-warmed by sunlight throughout the day.
To redirect nutrients to fruit filling and ripening, it is necessary to periodically (once every 7-10 days) prune 2-3 in August. bottom sheets on every bush. They often have a pale green or yellow color, as they are shaded by the upper, younger leaves and practically do not bring any benefit to the plant, but only draw juices from it. In addition, such pruning improves air exchange inside the bush, and the fruits, better illuminated by the sun, begin to ripen much faster.
For the same purpose in the first ten days of August it is necessary to pinch the growing point of each plant, and also remove all the inflorescences and small newly appeared ovaries, which definitely will not have time to fill and ripen in the prescribed time.
Also during this period, to speed up the ripening of tomatoes, you can spray the bushes on the leaves with an iodine solution. To prepare it, you need to take 30-40 drops of iodine per 10 liters of water and use this amount of solution for irrigation 1.5 linear meters beds.
In order to reduce the risk of plant infection with late blight in August, which is caused by cold dew that falls due to differences in day and night temperatures, It makes sense to install arcs over the garden bed and cover them with film at night. Under such cover the bushes will remain dry, which will have a beneficial effect on the quality of the fruit.
At the beginning of August, stop watering and fertilizing the plants. This will allow you to get meatier tomatoes, which with this approach will be able to accumulate a sufficient amount of sugars and will turn out sweeter and more tasty.
If possible, it is advisable to turn all the brushes towards the sun, securing them with spacers, and place slingshots under them to avoid them breaking off under the weight of the filling fruit.
Some summer residents use one simple technique to speed up the ripening of tomatoes - they put a plastic bag on each brush, at the bottom of which they make small hole for condensate drainage. Inside the package the temperature is set higher than on outdoors, the concentration of ethylene released by the fruits increases, and this contributes to their faster ripening. In addition, the experience of gardeners indicates that plastic bags protect fruits from late blight.
To speed up the ripening of tomatoes experienced gardeners at a height of 8-10 cm from the soil surface, a small through longitudinal cut is made in the stem of each plant. Then a wooden chip is inserted into it so as to push the walls of the stem apart by 1-1.5 cm. In this case, the size of the fruit remains the same, but in a short time they acquire the characteristic of this variety coloring
For the same purpose, you can carefully tear the roots of the plant, slightly pulling it up. In this case, due to deformation of the root system, the supply of moisture and nutrition is reduced, which contributes to faster and more efficient ripening of the crop.
Thin tissue helps limit the access of nutrients and, accordingly, accelerate the ripening of fruits. copper wire or synthetic twine, several turns of which at a height of 4-5 cm from the ground pull the plant stem.
It makes no sense to bring tomatoes in the garden to full ripeness, Thus, their overall productivity decreases. To enable the remaining fruits to ripen as quickly as possible, you need to pick brown unripe tomatoes from the bushes 1-2 times a week. Moreover, it is advisable to collect them in the early morning hours so that they do not have time to heat up in the sun. They are laid out for ripening in a dry, ventilated area. It is worth noting that in the light, tomatoes ripen in a shorter time, and in dark room– slower, but more evenly.
To speed up, they can be folded into carton boxes, placing several red copies next to them. The boxes must be covered and placed in a room with an air temperature of 20-25°C. In a closed, warm space, the concentration of ethylene gas released by tomatoes increases significantly, which significantly reduces the ripening period of this vegetable. In addition, it is worth keeping in mind that under all equal conditions large fruits ripen faster than smaller ones.
Kudrina Irina

Tomato is a southern plant that requires a lot of heat and light. Therefore, where the summer is short, its fruits often simply do not have time to ripen, and crop losses can amount to more than 50%. To avoid this, you can use a number of simple techniques that allow you to harvest earlier than usual.

To quickly ripen fruits, you must, first of all, correctly form tomato bushes. The more stepsons and branches there are on a bush, the more energy is spent on their growth and development. If you need to get ripe tomatoes in a shorter period of time, it is necessary to grow the bushes into one trunk, mercilessly removing all the stepsons that appear.

Helps speed up the ripening of tomatoes and pinching of the tops when the growing point is removed. This is usually recommended to be done on the central stem and not earlier than above the third flower cluster. When performing this technique, you must ensure that at least 2-3 leaves remain above the last cluster, which will ensure the growth and filling of the set fruits.

Helps speed up the ripening and removal of unripe, but already browned and beginning to ripen fruits. They can be successfully ripened somewhere in a dry and warm place. The green tomatoes remaining on the branches will fill faster and will sooner reach the stage of so-called “technical” ripeness.

To speed up ripening, stop all feeding and watering starting in the second half of July. Tomatoes that find themselves on a meager ration ripen faster than those growing on fertile soil.

You can also speed up the ripening of tomatoes by tearing the roots. In this way, the nutrition of the bush is also limited. But when using this method, we must remember that it can sharply reduce yields.

Spraying saline solution used at the first signs of late blight disease. It allows you to save fruits by accelerating their ripening. Per liter of water take approximately 100 g of ordinary table salt and the resulting solution is treated with diseased specimens. As a result of this procedure, all the leaves on them will turn yellow, the growth of the bushes will stop, and all the power of the plants will be directed to the ripening of already formed fruits. A thin film of salt deposited on the fruits will protect them from damage.

For the same purpose, spraying with superphosphate is used, after pre-infusion in warm water– One tablespoon is enough per glass. After holding for a couple of days, the infusion is poured into a bucket of water and the tomato leaves are treated. After which they darken, and ripening accelerates.

There are more exotic ways accelerating the ripening of tomatoes. One of them is putting on green tomatoes plastic bag. It is based on the fact that tomatoes turn red much faster if you place a ripe fruit next to them, which produces ethylene gas. A small but already ripe tomato is placed in a bag, which is placed directly on a bunch of tomatoes growing on a branch and tied. They do not keep it in this form for long - about three days. Then the package is removed. In 80% of cases, green tomatoes turn brown after two or three days.

You can simply put multi-layer polyethylene “covers” with a slit at the bottom on green tomato brushes so that accumulated moisture can drain. In such “clothes” the fruits can continue to grow and ripen even after the first frost.

It has long been noted that a significant difference in the rate of ripening is observed in fruits that have certain mechanical damage. If you specifically pierce the fruit in several places with a clean wooden stick, it will ripen much faster than its healthy neighbors.

Accelerates the ripening of tomatoes and the longitudinal splitting of the stem near the root collar. The stem is cut with a knife and a special spacer is inserted into the resulting through gap - wooden stick about 4 - 5 millimeters thick.

Some experts suggest doing green tomatoes injections of ethanol, or simply vodka. This does not affect the taste or vitamin content, but such fruits ripen much faster. This method of accelerating ripening was tested at the St. Petersburg University of Food Technologies. Tomatoes that had reached normal sizes for their variety were injected with 0.5 ml of regular forty-proof vodka. After twelve days, most of the treated tomatoes were already orange or brown in color. And after another week, almost all the fruits were ripe. It was noted that the industrial application of this method is unlikely to be advisable, but in private farms it may well be used.

There are also special chemicals, spraying with which you can significantly accelerate the ripening of tomato fruits. But no one has studied seriously enough how these substances, when they get into vegetables, will affect humans. Amateur vegetable growers who used such spraying noted that ripening actually occurs faster, but the taste of the tomatoes becomes similar to lettuce.

In any case, each gardener must choose a method for accelerating the ripening of tomatoes independently, depending on local conditions and the result he wants to get.

Summer is ending, frost is approaching, but green fruits are still hanging on the tomatoes.

How to hurry them up?

During the period of fruit filling and ripening, it is important to monitor soil moisture. If it’s hot, I water the tomatoes little by little, but often - every other day, and in cool weather - once every 3-4 days. You should not water tomatoes too often or too much, as this will lead to cracking of the fruit.

Until mid-August, I feed the tomatoes once a week with an infusion of nettle and pigeon droppings (I dilute 1 liter of the infusion mixture in 1 bucket of water, consumption - 1 liter per bush).

The most important thing is that in August the plants’ need for potassium increases. To feed, I make an extract from ash, pouring 1 liter of boiling water into 1 glass of ash and leaving for 30 minutes. Then I filter and dilute it in 1 bucket of water. The consumption is the same, 1 liter per bush. I carry out this feeding once every 5-7 days.


If the weather is cool and rainy, I additionally spray the plants with a complex of biological products with the active ingredient Bacillus subtilis according to the instructions. A solution of serum and biofungicide has proven itself well. To prepare it, you need to take 0.5 liters of whey, 1 teaspoon of biofungicide and 2-3 drops of iodine for 5 liters of water.

I spray in the morning, generously soaking the stems, fruits and leaves.


I prune once a week starting in mid-June. It turns out that in one go (every 7-10 days) I cut 3-5 leaves from a plant (depending on the weather, if it’s warm, sometimes more). I am not afraid of tomato diseases: I carry out preventive measures on time and trim the leaves. This also prevents the appearance of pests. Previously, there was a constant invasion of armyworm caterpillars, and one year the whitefly, brought in with a purchased chrysanthemum in a pot, was rampant.

As a result, in August there are very few leaves left on the bushes. I continue pruning the leaves until the end of August: this way the brushes are better ventilated and the fruits receive more nutrients. At night, plants can be covered with agrotex; it retains dew, and the fruits remain dry and healthy. Thanks to these simple techniques, by the end of August, most of the crop has time to ripen on the bush.


Despite the cold nights, even in rain and cool weather, I do not close the greenhouses completely at night, I leave the windows open. This allows you to get rid of condensation - main reason the appearance of diseases. There is only one rule: the greenhouse must be well ventilated in any weather.

If there are 4-5 clusters on the stems, you can pinch them, this will speed up the filling and ripening of the fruits. In August, I collect only ripe fruits and carefully place them in boxes in one layer. They store without problems for 2-3 weeks in a cool, dark pantry, and during this time I have time to process everything.

How to properly prepare your TOMATO seeds

I squeeze the seeds not onto a plate or paper (as I know many people do), but into a jar with a lid. A lid is absolutely necessary, since the seeds will have to ferment for 2-3 days, and at the same time they release quite a lot. bad smell. For seeds, I select fruits that correspond to the description of the variety and do not have deformations or signs of disease.

Having cut the fruit in half, I select the seeds from the bottom of the fruit, squeezing them together with the pulp (juice and pieces of pulp) into a jar. The seeds must be completely covered with liquid, otherwise they will turn black. If there is not enough juice, you can add a little cool water.

Having signed the name of the variety, I leave the seeds to ferment for 1-3 days (this depends on the weather, if it’s sunny, the seeds will ferment faster, if it’s cloudy, longer). During fermentation, it forms on top white coating, sometimes there is mold, there is nothing wrong with that, it will all be washed under running water.

I wash the “ripe” seeds under running cool water (about 20-22°) in a metal sieve. If a solid layer of mold has formed on top, I simply remove it and throw it away, and carefully grind the seeds under running water over a sieve, clearing them of pieces of pulp.

To dry the seeds I use newsprint; it absorbs moisture faster and dries faster than, for example, A4 paper. I spread the seeds in a thin layer and dry them for 2-3 days (in the sun) or 5-7 days (in cloudy weather) on shelves on the window.

The last stage is storage. I roll the seeds into paper, sign the name of the variety and put them in a cool place for storage. You can store it in a box if there are few seeds. I store it in bags sewn from nonwoven fabric: I noticed that seeds are stored worse in polyethylene, they do not breathe there.


Since most of my harvest goes to seeds, a lot of tomato pulp remains. In the evenings I make preparations for the winter from it. At the first place - tomato juice. Contrary to stereotypes I do it different colors: yellow, orange, black, green, and of course, traditionally red (this depends on the color of the fruit).

The technology is very simple: I pass the pulp through a juicer, boil the juice for 15 minutes from the moment it boils and roll it into sterilized jars without adding sugar or salt. The sweetest juice comes from yellow and orange tomatoes, and the thickest from green ones.

Ketchup is also popular in our family.

I usually cook it in two steps - in the evening I boil 5 kg of tomato pulp with 10 large heads onions(cut into 4 parts) and 10 red peppers (also cut into 4 parts), adding 1 tbsp. spoon of cloves, allspice peas and cinnamon. I cook everything for 1 hour over low heat, stirring, and leave until the morning. And in the morning I carefully drain the “water” that has formed on top, putting on latex gloves, I grind the vegetables through a sieve. I add 2.5 cups of sugar, 2.5 tbsp. spoons of salt, maybe 1 teaspoon of ground black pepper (then the ketchup will be spicy), a glass of 9% vinegar and let it cook for 1 hour. After that, roll it into sterilized jars. It turns out 3-3.5 liters of thick, aromatic ketchup.


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