The largest marigolds. Types and varieties of perennial and annual marigolds

All amateur gardeners have these flowers. Marigolds are annual plants.

There are many legends about them.

Here is one of them: my mother had small, black-browed, cheerful sons. One day the Tatars attacked the village and stole the children in the absence of the mother. When she returned, she looked for them, but did not find them. Since then, she often cried under the window, where her children frolicked in the clearing. Marigolds are children who reach out to their mother.

Marigolds first appeared in America, and then gradually captivated the whole world with their unearthly beauty. These flowers have many uses.

For example, one incomparable Georgian seasoning is prepared from them - Imeretian saffron.

The popular genus of marigolds “Tagetes” distinguishes between erect, deviated and thin-leaved marigolds. This genus is represented by more than 30 varieties of flowers.


As a rule, these are marigolds with tall bushes up to 90 cm, but among the upright ones there are also low-growing ones, such as the Antigua variety.

Variety "Antigua" - bush height up to 20 cm, large flowers up to 10-12 cm, single, semi-double, can be double.


Up to 25-30 cm high, highly branched, inflorescences 4-5 cm in diameter, a large number of different forms and colors, there can be two colors in one inflorescence.

Several popular types of rejected:

  • “Tiger Eyes” - “Tiger Eyes” with a stem height of up to 25 cm, bright double flowers orange color diameter 5-6 cm,
  • "Yellow Jacket" up to 15 cm high, double inflorescences yellow.


An elegant compact variety, the flowers are small, never double, used in borders and in balcony boxes.

Popular varieties:

  • Lemon Gem variety, 20 cm high, lemon-yellow inflorescences;
  • Starfire variety, 15 cm high, bright orange.

In addition, many marigold hybrids have been developed:


An example is the "Kilimanjaro" variety, unusual vanilla-white color, low-growing up to 30 cm, medium-sized inflorescences, 5-6 cm, double.

Suitable for both planting on the balcony in boxes and for flower groups in the flower beds.

Low-growing marigolds - planting, care

Flowers reach their maximum decorative value in the open sun.

Tolerates partial shade, but does not respond well to frost.

When planted directly into the ground, flowering time is reduced. The seeds are planted one centimeter deep. They dive in three weeks.

In order to get flowering marigold bushes in your garden earlier, you grow flower seedlings.

  • Seedling. P is planted in early April. Plant the seeds one centimeter deep. After the last frost, the shoots are planted in open ground at a distance of thirty by thirty centimeters.
  • The soil. Nutritious, moist soils with a neutral or slightly acidic environment are required.
  • Care, flowering. Plants are light-loving and drought-resistant. Special care they are not required. They need to be watered, fed, weeded. Marigolds bloom from June to October. To extend this period, it is necessary to remove faded inflorescences.
  • Place of cultivation. Flowers are used in all kinds of flower beds, in a group of flowers in a flower bed, on a balcony. Flowering plants, if they grow in a box or vase and are brought indoors in the fall, will continue to grow. Plants planted in the ground in the spring form a flowering bush.
  • Watering. Flowers should not be filled with water. The only one abundant watering carried out within two weeks after planting the seedlings. Due to lack of moisture, plant inflorescences become very small. But from its excess, the inflorescences rot. If plants are kept in containers, then they need to be sprayed during dry weather.
  • Fertilizers. Fertilizers must be regularly added to the soil where marigolds are planted.
  • Diseases, pests. Resistant to diseases and pests. Roots rot when high humidity. If you follow the rules of watering, then there will be no problems with growing beautiful plants.

Marigolds have a strong phytoncidal effect.

They have a typical odor that can hardly be called pleasant or unpleasant, different people People have different opinions about this smell. Strong smell has bactericidal properties.
It is useful to plant these flowers around the site, which repels pests. They are also used to combat aphids.
Beautiful, miniature, fragrant plants will delight the eye in flower beds, in alpine slides, thoughtfully located in harmonious combination with nature and in pots at home. Marigolds are a charming, enchanting gift from nature for any gardener.

Good luck, gardeners!

Marigolds are bright, unpretentious flowers that can be found in many summer cottages, parks, and city flower beds. These are charming decorative flowers in rich orange, sunny colors will decorate any garden and create a cheerful, cheerful mood in it. Marigolds are very popular in Ukraine; they are called “chernobryvtsy” here. Marigolds have been used for a long time to decorate rural courtyards and streets. They fit so organically into the rural flavor that they are considered to be a symbol of Ukraine, although the birthplace of flowers is America. Marigolds have earned popular love not only for their attractiveness, but also for their ease of care; even a beginner can grow these charming flowers.

Marigolds (lat. Tagetes) – annual or perennials, belong to the Asteraceae or Asteraceae family. The homeland of the blooming unpretentious culture is America, where they are widespread from the southern American states to Argentina. Marigolds came to Europe thanks to the Spanish conquerors in the 16th century and soon spread throughout the continent. Today there are up to 40 species of this plant. Latin name Tagetes received flowers in honor of the grandson of Jupiter - Tages (Tagetes), who has the gift of a fortuneteller.

Tagetes is a compact bush with an erect, branched stem, the height of which reaches from 20 to 130 cm. The leaves of marigolds are lacy pinnately dissected or pinnately divided, arranged oppositely, sometimes in an alternate order. The leaves, depending on the type of plant, are light green or dark green. Marigolds have a fibrous root system.

The inflorescences of the plant are baskets: double or simple, can be collected into inflorescences. The middle bisexual flowers are tubular in shape, and the marginal flowers are pseudo-lingulate, with five stamens. The color of the flowers is bright and catchy. There are marigolds in bright yellow, orange, red, golden, and brown colors.

Marigolds bloom abundantly and for a long time, starting in June and ending with the first frosts. The fruit of the plant is a linear achene, narrowed towards the base; the flowers reproduce well by self-sowing, maintaining their viability for 3-4 years. Distinctive feature flowers - a strong spicy, slightly tart aroma exuded not only by the flowers, but also by the leaves of the plant. Not everyone likes the aroma of marigolds, but it is this pronounced specific smell that repels pests from the plant that can harm it.

Types of perennial marigolds

The species diversity of marigolds is huge; three types of plants are most common in our region:

Tagetes patula, another name for the species is French, small-flowered, low-growing. Low compact plant, reaching a height of no more than 60 cm. A spreading branched bush with lateral shoots strewn with numerous small flowers up to 8 cm in diameter. Flowers, depending on the variety, can be double or collected in simple inflorescences with a pronounced disk in the center. The color of the flowers can be yellow, orange, golden or two-tone. Small-flowered marigolds are often used to decorate lawns, flower beds, flower beds, they are planted as a border or grown in flowerpots and containers. Unpretentious look Marigold grows everywhere and is a cold-resistant species.

The most common varieties of rejected marigolds:

  • Carmen is a variety with bright double flowers with ruffled petals. The color of the petals is a yellow-orange core framed by a red-brown edging. The height of the spreading bush is up to 30 cm.

  • Gold Bol - the height of the plant bush is up to 60 cm, the color of the flowers is a bright yellow core with a red border.
  • Lemon marigolds - have bright lemon colored petals, double flowers. They look great in a single-color flower bed.

  • Marigold Bolero is a low-growing plant, up to 20 cm tall with lush inflorescences, wavy petals, colored yellow-red. The most common variety of marigold, it grows well in the shade.

Mexican Tagetes (Tagetes tenuifolia) - miniature view marigolds with original openwork foliage. There are about 70 hybrids of this plant species. The height of the bush is about 20-40 cm, the inflorescences are small up to 2 cm in diameter. The color of the petals is golden, orange, red, yellow.

Popular varieties:

  • Ursula is a bush up to 50 cm high with golden flowers.
  • Paprika - bush height up to 25 cm, blooms red or orange.
  • Lulu - bush height up to 25 cm, blooms with yellow-golden flower baskets.

Tagetes erecta is a type of tall marigold. The height of the bush is from 30 cm to 1 meter. The peculiarity of this type is luxurious large double flowers up to 15 cm in diameter. As a rule, the color of the flowers is monochromatic: yellow, cream, golden, orange.

Popular varieties:

  • Vanilla is a bush up to 70 cm tall with cream double inflorescences up to 12 cm in diameter.

  • Kilimanjaro - a bush up to 70 cm tall with charming large spherical flowers white.
  • Antigua is a low bush up to 30 cm tall with bright flower baskets: golden, orange, lemon.

Which marigolds to choose: annual or perennial?

Decorating country cottage area, many gardeners are wondering what better variety choose marigolds for growing. When choosing between annual or perennial marigolds, you need to decide on the purpose of growing flowers. Low-growing perennial marigolds are suitable for a permanent place near the house, veranda or for decorating a flower bed. It should be remembered that when reproducing by self-sowing, perennial species have the ability to capture new territories, and every year, the bushes of the plant develop better, and the flowers become more magnificent. These varieties include: Carmen, Bonaza. You can buy perennial marigolds at flower shops or assemble it yourself.

Annual hybrid varieties are propagated by dividing the bush or by digging. Every year more and more new and interesting bright annual marigolds appear, which do not get boring, surprising with a new color or flower shape. New hybrid varieties summer period can be planted in flower beds, in hanging plant pots, flowerpots, pots, or decorate window sills. They can be either short or tall. Among the famous annual varieties We can highlight: Mandarin, Eye of the Tiger, Kilimanjaro.

Perennial marigolds: cultivation

Unpretentious marigolds can be grown in several ways: sow the seeds directly into the ground or grow through seedlings.

Growing marigolds through seedlings

Sowing seeds for upright tagetes seedlings is carried out in March; small-flowered and thin-leaved varieties are best planted for seedlings in early April. For more early landing, in February, seedlings will need illumination, since daylight hours in February are still short.

Stages of planting seedlings:

In May, when the night frosts have gone, the seedlings are ready for planting in open ground or in flowerpots and containers for growing on window sills, balconies, and verandas. To transplant seedlings, just carefully pry them with a spatula and transplant them onto permanent place on the site, maintaining a distance between plantings of 30-40 cm. Low-growing varieties are planted according to a 20 by 20 cm pattern. The ground under the bush should be lightly compacted. The soil for planting should be nutritious, rich in minerals, neutral or loamy. For flowers planted in soil with low fertility, further fertilizing will be required during the growing season.

Watering young plants should be moderate and regular; lack of moisture in the soil affects further growth and the flowering of marigolds.

Sowing perennial marigold seeds directly into open ground

Perennial marigolds can be planted directly in open ground. For the first planting, seeds can be bought in the store and then collected planting material after flowering, for breeding marigolds on the site, marigold seeds are also abundantly propagated by self-sowing. Seeds collected in autumn are stored until spring and then planted in the ground. Optimal time sowing seeds - mid-May, when the soil warms up enough.

For planting, it is necessary to prepare in advance wide holes, 5 cm deep, at a distance of 15 cm from each other. The seeds are sown in moistened holes, and then sprinkled on top with a small layer of earth, about 1 cm. Watering is careful and moderate until the first shoots appear, which will appear quite quickly. If young marigolds have sprouted too thickly, they should be thinned out and transplanted to another location.

Perennial marigolds: care

Caring for marigolds is not difficult, all you need to do is follow simple conditions for growing them:

Reproduction of perennial marigolds

Marigolds can be propagated not only by seeds, but also by rooting stem cutting in water or soil. In addition, adult marigold bushes can be propagated well by dividing the bush. Enough to dig mother bush and divide it into several parts with roots and foliage.

Collection and storage of perennial marigold seeds

To collect planting material, you need to wait until the inflorescences on the bush are completely dry. Then, in dry weather, the inflorescences are torn off and their seeds are extracted. You can store marigold seeds in paper bag in a dry, dark and ventilated area. When collecting seeds of a certain variety, it should be taken into account that only three out of four seeds inherit the parental characteristics.

Diseases and pests of perennial marigolds

Marigolds are rarely susceptible to disease. Their specific aroma is a kind of plant protection from many diseases and pests. Due to the high content of phytoncides, the plant can protect not only itself, but also other crops surrounding it.

But, if the summer is rainy and damp, the flowers are attacked by slugs and snails, which feed on the leaves and stems of the plant. To control pests, traps made of bleach solution are used, which are placed around the perimeter of the site.

Another disease associated with excess moisture is gray rot. Infected bushes should be removed to prevent infection of healthy specimens.

During dry summers, flowers can be attacked by spider mites; in the fight against them, onion infusion is used, which is sprayed onto the bushes. To prevent the appearance spider mite flowers in dry weather must be sprayed regularly, artificially increasing air humidity.

Possible problems in growing perennial marigolds

  • At insufficient humidity soil, the plant will not fully develop; this indicator also affects the size of the flowers.
  • Excessive moisture leads to root rot and fungal diseases.
  • IN rainy summer There is a possibility of rotting of faded inflorescences, so it is recommended to remove them regularly.
  • When the air temperature drops to 10 degrees, the plant stops developing.

Perennial marigolds in landscape design

Marigolds look great in any part of the garden, decorating flower beds, lawns, and borders with bright, juicy and lush inflorescences. Tall varieties look harmonious in the center of a flower bed, and low-growing ones are used as decoration for borders and the side of a flower bed or lawn. Monochromatic velvet flower beds made of yellow marigolds or bright multi-colored flower beds with marigolds of various colors look very impressive.

Marigolds – perfect option to decorate even the most small plot, if the area for planting flowers is limited. Bright, unpretentious flowers can even be grown in garden beds, among potatoes or other vegetable crops.

Marigolds look very beautiful when planted in flowerpots, containers on verandas, and in gazebos. Cheerful flowers will be given good mood until the fall.

Marigolds are an unpretentious and versatile plant that a beginner can grow. These bright flowers with a fragrant aroma will fill your garden with warmth, joy and happiness.

Perennial marigolds, photo

Popular for landscaping, marigolds, or blackbrews, are easy to grow and care for, exude an attractive aroma and bloom all summer. In Ukraine, marigolds have even become national symbol, although the plant comes from America.

When choosing between annual or perennial marigolds, determine your growing purpose. Landing on summer season To improve a garden or terrace, it does not require maintenance all year round, but perennial marigolds adapt well and every year they develop better and bloom more luxuriantly. You can work with perennial flowers of this variety for a long time, forming interesting compositions.

Marigolds have more than fifty species, which also influence whether they should be planted as perennials or not. annual plants. Perennial marigolds conquer new territories with the help of wind dispersal of seeds. Reproduction of annual marigolds occurs by digging and dividing the bush. Perennial marigolds were cultivated as low growing plants. These include the following varieties: Carmen, Bonaza and orange marigolds.

Annual marigolds have long become hybrid varieties. This contributed to them rapid development, active flowering, no matter what conditions they find themselves in and how late/early in the season they were planted. Above annual marigolds continue to experiment, so every year more interesting and bright plants. Popular annuals include: Petite Orange, Gem Red, Mandarin, Antigua, Tiger's Eye and Kilimanjaro. By the way, all of the listed varieties are low-growing marigolds and are convenient to plant for growing in hanging planters, terraces or on window sills in small pots.

Annual marigolds can also grow tall. They are grown in greenhouses and flower beds and used to create intricate compositions. Tall varieties of marigolds are also used to decorate a flowerbed or fence. These include the following interesting varieties, like Demon Queen (up to 120 cm in height), Glitters (up to one meter), Smiles (95 cm), Hawaii (80 cm), Mary Helen (from 80-90 cm). Tall marigolds are distinguished by the duration of their flowering and unusual color. The varieties listed above have inflorescences of lemon, variegated orange and red colors, as well as double, clove or chrysanthemum-shaped petals. The end of flowering occurs approximately in November, and if the winter is dry and warm, it may be somewhat delayed. To prolong it, try in every possible way to protect the marigolds from hypothermia.

One of the secrets of growing marigolds (you can learn about the rest from the article about planting and propagation) is to achieve seedlings in as soon as possible is that the seeds of the plant should not be planted far from each other - the optimal distance is up to two centimeters, and the water in the soil should not stagnate. Put away excess moisture you can use a drainage layer at the bottom of the pots or general box for propagation (growing in it requires further picking of seedlings). If these conditions are met, you can achieve seedlings twice as fast as usual.

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When to plant marigolds in open ground?

When to sow marigolds in open ground?

When to sow marigolds in the ground?

When to plant marigold seedlings in open ground? When can you plant marigolds in the ground?

Growing marigolds from seeds at home

How to plant marigold seedlings?

Marigolds are probably known to everyone; they are one of the most unpretentious flowers. Bright, sunny flowers will decorate any flower bed or balcony. Marigolds are real hard workers; their flowering lasts all summer until frost.

These plants can be used for more than just decoration. garden plot, but also as medicinal plant, seasonings in cooking and as a means for cosmetic procedures. From this article you will learn what marigolds are, varieties with photos and names are described below.

Types of marigolds


This type mainly includes low plants. They have compact bushes, the height of which does not exceed 50 centimeters. The foliage is small, dissected and the flowers are simple. Thin-leaved varieties look good in flower beds and in combination with other types of marigolds; they can also be grown in balcony conditions. Now let's look at the most popular varieties of this species.

"Lemon Jam"

The plant grows to a height of only 35 centimeters, the flowers are small lemon color, bushes of minimal shape, branch with abundant flowering.

Lemon Jam


It grows up to 25 cm, the plant has the shape of a ball, the foliage is dense and openwork. This variety blooms earlier than others. The flowers have a yellow center and brown petals on the edges.


"Golden Ring"

The plant produces shoots up to 50 cm, flowers yellow color, small ones begin to bloom in June and end when the first frost occurs.

Golden Ring


The plant forms small dense bushes up to 25 cm, the flowers are small and simple.


Marigolds erect

This species includes the tallest varieties; they reach 100 cm. The flowers grow large, up to 15 cm, of the same color, double type. In addition, marigolds are divided into following sizes: super tall -90 cm, tall - 60-90 cm, low - less than 45 cm

Upright varieties of marigolds with photos and descriptions:


These plants reach 105 cm, the flowers are large, with a hint of orange, 12 cm in size, and bloom late, at the end of summer.


"Gold Dollar"

The bushes look miniature, grow 120 cm in height, powerful trunks, light green foliage, rich orange flowers.

Gold Dollar


The plant grows up to 35 cm in height, the flowers are milky-colored, the peduncle size is up to 6 cm.



Plants form small bushes up to 80 cm, flowers are large, with yellow center and orange edges, blooms at the end of July.



It blooms with lush orange flowers, the bush itself is dense, densely branched.


Marigolds rejected

This species is otherwise called French; it is characterized by a wide range of color shades. The bushes reach a length of no higher than 60 cm. The flowers are double and simple, they are small, only 8 cm. For convenience, the variety is divided into classifications: tall - 60 cm, medium - up to 50 cm, low - 20-40 cm, lowest - 15-20 cm .

Here are the most popular varieties of rejected marigolds:


A relatively new variety that has become a favorite among gardeners. The flowers are not large, lush, red with brown and a small splash of lemon color. The bushes are not high, about 30 cm. These marigolds grow quickly and bloom a lot throughout the summer season.



The bushes are lush, grow up to 50 cm. The foliage is saturated Green colour, openwork. Flowering begins in early summer.


"Jolly Jester"

These marigolds branch well, the bush itself grows up to 30 cm, the flowers have several shades.

Jolly Jester

"Gold Ball"

Spreading bushes, up to 60 cm high, green shoots with brown coating, flowers are simple or semi-double, about 5 cm in diameter. The variety blooms in early June, the flowers can be used for cutting.

Gold Ball

The shortest varieties

A variety of low-growing marigolds is widely used to create flower beds and ridges. Shades of flowers are yellow, orange, reddish, and brown. Mostly dwarf varieties marigolds curl strongly, reaching a height of 20-35 cm. The smell of the flowers is well expressed, but somewhat softer than that of other species.

Here are the most favorite marigolds among gardeners , low-growing varieties with good photos:


Belongs to rejected marigolds, the bush reaches up to 30 cm, the flowers are brown-red in color with a yellow center and 6 cm in diameter.


"Petite orange"

The bushes of this plant are very miniature, only 25 cm, the foliage is bright green, dense, the orange flowers are not large, 6 cm in diameter, double.

Petite orange

"Golden Head"

This plant is only 20 cm high, the bushes are dense with strong shoots, and the foliage is dark green. Double flowers resembling chrysanthemums, about 4 cm in diameter. These marigolds bloom early from the beginning of June, abundant flowering last until the first frost. The variety is suitable for growing in pots, on balconies, flower beds and garden beds.

golden head


The variety consists of a series of plants with varied colors. The flowers come in shades of yellow, white, reddish brown and orange. All inflorescences are double, 6 cm in size. The size of the bush is from 25 to 30 cm.


short large-flowered varieties are defined by powerful stems, dark green foliage, and large double inflorescences. Flower color can be lemon, yellow, orange.


The variety is upright, the height of the bush does not exceed 25 cm. The inflorescences are sufficient large in size 15 cm, terry. 4-5 flowers bloom on one bush; they have a uniform color. Flowering begins early at the end of May and lasts for two months.



Beautiful low-growing variety With big flowers chrysanthemum-shaped, predominantly orange. Flowering begins two to three months after germination.


Perennials among marigolds

Perennial marigolds grow in natural conditions hot countries. IN climatic conditions In our country, marigolds can grow as annual flowers, because they die due to frost. But due to the abundant release of seeds and their germination in the same place in the next season, the effect of perennials is achieved. Perennial cultivars grow in Mexico and America, but here are the plants most resistant to climatic anomalies: “Bicolor French”, “Bonita”, “Golden Domes”, “Khokhloma”, “Mexican Tarragon”, “Sofia”.

Planting seeds in the ground

Marigolds are easy to grow from seeds. Planting in flower beds begins at the end of May, when the soil warms up well. It is better to choose an open sunny place, away from bodies of water, light partial shade is allowed. For convenience, furrows can be made with a hoe, then spilled with water.

The seeds are laid out approximately 1.5-2 cm apart, and sprinkled with 0.5-1 cm of soil. Next, the plantings are watered and covered with covering material so that the moisture does not evaporate so much, of course, if rain is forecast, then this is possible not to do.

After about five days, marigold shoots will appear; the covering fabric is removed; if there is severe drought, the plants need watering. When the second pair of true leaves appears, the places where the marigolds have grown densely are thinned out. Excess plants can be planted in beds with cabbage, tomatoes, peppers, and carrots. The fact is that all parts of marigolds secrete phytoncides, which repel pests and fight pathogenic microflora, including such a common fungus as late blight.

When planting these plants, depending on the variety, certain conditions are observed. So between tall marigolds you need to keep a distance of about 40 cm, between medium-sized plants keep 30 cm, and low marigolds are planted at a distance of 15-20 cm.

Growing marigold seedlings

If you want to receive flowering plants early, then you need to sow the seeds for seedlings. This is done at the end of March or at the beginning of April, when daylight hours increase so that the marigolds have enough sun for full growth.

You can choose ready-made primer for flowers or for universal use. If you prefer to use soil from your own plot or from the forest, then you must definitely disinfect it. To do this, use a pink solution of potassium permanganate, or pour boiling water over it several times. You can immediately take deeper containers; you need to put a drainage layer of expanded clay or other material on the bottom.

In the moist soil, make grooves one centimeter deep, lay out the seeds and cover them with soil. Next, moisten the crops with a spray bottle so as not to wash away the soil. For germination of marigold seeds, a temperature of 20 degrees is suitable. Boxes with seedlings are covered with film with small slits so that less moisture evaporates.

In approximately five to seven days, depending on the variety, the marigolds will sprout. Now the container can be moved to well-lit places, with a temperature of 15-18 degrees. Most likely, in an apartment this will be a place on the windowsill. After the plants have 2-3 pairs of true leaves, the plantings can be thinned out by transplanting the excess plants into another container.

Seedlings are planted in a permanent place in the middle or at the end of May. But gardeners should pay attention to the weather forecast and if there is a threat of frost, the plants are covered with high-density material or plastic film.


Marigolds have bright and beautiful flowers, openwork foliage, but many gardeners decide to plant these plants due to the fact that they do not require special care. Flowers easily tolerate dry days and temperature changes, grow well, bloom profusely and do not get sick. Plants also do not need fertilizing. Caring for marigolds involves weeding, watering and removing faded buds to promote longer flowering.

Growing and caring for these flowers is not at all difficult. And there are a lot of varieties of marigolds, so everyone will find a suitable option.

is a bush of erect, branched stems, 20 - 120 cm high. Leaves are from light green to dark green colors, pinnately dissected, less often jagged with translucent glands. The placement of leaves on the stem is opposite or alternate.

The inflorescences are ordinary or terry baskets of yellow, brown or orange color with a pungent odor reminiscent of asters. Flowering time is from early summer until frost appears. Root system fibrous.

There are annual and perennial species. They spread throughout Europe further after they were brought from America by Spanish conquistadors in the 16th century. You can read about all types of this plant.

Annual or not?

The choice between annual and perennial depends on the purpose for which marigolds will be planted. Perennials are suitable for long-term cultivation in one place, with an increase in the area that the plants will occupy by self-seeding. Besides, every year the marigold bushes become stronger and produce larger and more magnificent flowers.

Annual plants require annual planting, but at the same time there is greater scope for changes in landscape design. They can be planted not only in flower beds, but also in flowerpots, flowerpots, and moved with pots wherever a sense of aesthetic balance requires. Is it possible to grow this beautiful flower at home in pots we wrote in .

In addition, their new varieties appear much more often than perennial varieties. Even just collecting seeds of flowers pollinated among themselves different varieties, you can get your own new hybrid. You will learn how to collect marigold seeds in.

Plant varieties and photos

Below you can read a description of the appearance of marigold varieties and look at their photos.

Rejected or French

They come from the mountainous regions of Mexico. The name is due to the fact that they side shoots always rejected. They grow in low bushes up to 60 cm in height, consisting of erect shoots with dark green, pinnately dissected leaves. They bloom from June to October.

Flowers are double or semi-double, 4 - 6 cm in diameter. They are undemanding to soil composition and perform well even on rocky soils. Widely used for planting in front gardens and on alpine coaster.

Thin-leaved or Mexican

They grow in bushes up to 50 cm high from stems branching from the very base. The light green leaves are pinnately dissected, small and narrow. Flowers are golden, orange, red, yellow, up to 2 cm in diameter. They grow well even in heavily polluted soils and on roadsides. The leaves of some varieties are used in cooking.

Erect or African

They grow in tall bushes from 30 cm to 1 meter in height. The stems are straight, ribbed with pinnately divided serrate leaves of all shades of green. Flowers range from light yellow to dark orange with a diameter of up to 13 cm. Well suited for growing as cut flowers.

You can find out all the details about what types of marigolds exist in, and photos and descriptions of the most popular varieties you will find .

Appearance and features

Perennial marigolds grow in compact bushes consisting of erect, branched stems 20 - 130 cm high. Depending on the species, the leaves are pinnately dissected and pinnately divided in all shades of green.

Reference. These flowers have a very strong and quite specific aroma. But this is rather their advantage. If you plant marigolds next to vegetable crops, then they will help protect them from pests.

The inflorescences consist of tubular and reed flowers. Depending on their shape and quantity, marigolds are usually divided into:

  • simple(consisting of 1 - 3 rows of reed petals);
  • semi-double(they contain no more than half reeds);
  • terry(more than half of these flowers are either tubular or reed).

Flowers can be yellow, orange, lemon, white, variegated, red-brown. By overall height Marigold bushes are divided into:

  • Giant - more than 90 cm.
  • High - up to 60 cm.
  • Medium height - up to 50cm.
  • - up to 40cm.
  • Dwarf - up to 20cm.

In order for marigolds to develop normally, it is recommended to follow a number of rules for planting them in open ground.

Important. Abundant watering is very important for the further development of marigolds. In its absence, the bushes will grow short, with a small number of shoots, and the flowers will be much smaller than they should be.

We wrote about how to get seedlings of your favorite flower in.

If you decide to plant by simple sowing, then there are two options. Seeds are planted either dry or pre-soaked in warm water for a few days. You will find all the details about growing marigolds from seeds.

  1. At the planting site, make grooves 5 cm deep and moisten them.
  2. Seeds are sown at a distance of 5 cm from each other.
  3. Filled beds are covered with earth or peat.
  4. After a pair of true leaves appear, the sprouts are pruned and thinned out. As a result, there should be a distance of 20 cm between plants, 40 cm for tall varieties.
  5. Until the plants get stronger, carry out abundant watering and regular weeding.

You will find all the rules for planting marigolds in, and how to do it correctly at home and in open ground read .


When planting, pay attention to its illumination. Although planting in partial shade and shade is allowed, it is better to plant these heat-loving flowers in areas that are well lit all day. Water should not stagnate in these areas, otherwise the flowers will begin to rot with fungal diseases of the roots.

Also, when choosing a location, the future height of the bush is important. Usually they form flower borders or are planted on alpine hills. The remaining varieties are used as central elements of flower beds or planted in the background part of the flower garden.

Soil requirements

In general, plants are quite unpretentious to the richness and density of the soil in which they grow. For achievement best results It is recommended to plant them in neutral loamy soil, which is pre-enriched with minerals and trace elements. For a better oxygen supply, provide good drainage, for example by adding compost.

Important. You can pre-fertilize the soil with any complete mineral fertilizer in full dosage, but manure cannot be used for this.

Care and choice of location

At making the right choice the original planting site, with constant lighting, although caring for marigolds is not difficult, they still require some attention.

Common diseases and pests

  • Gray rot formed if the summer is too rainy and cold or when close landing plants from each other. Characterized by dark brown spots on stems and leaves. If an infected plant is discovered, it is dug up and destroyed.
  • Root rot appears as a result of stagnation of moisture in the soil. Treated with any phytoncides for plants.
  • Slugs and snails begin to attack plants at high humidity. They fight them by collecting them with their hands and placing open containers of bleach near the plants.
  • , then a certain number of seed pods are simply left on the bushes. Later they will open on their own and the seeds will fall to the ground.

    The easiest way to propagate is by dividing the mother bush. The dug out bush is simply divided into several parts with roots and stems. Then they are planted separately according to the planting rules.

    In general, we can say that marigolds are a good choice both for beginner flower growers and for experienced gardeners and landscape designers.

    A large selection of varieties and unpretentiousness make it easy to decorate with them both a city flowerbed and the front garden of a private house or cottage. And gardeners will like the fact that their smell will repel harmful insects from vegetable beds.

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