Salad mustard: growing from seeds. Salad mustard

Many people believe that mustard sauce is the only thing that can be made from a plant that is increasingly being cultivated by ordinary gardeners.

However, there is also salad mustard, and not just the one from the seeds of which mustard powder is produced, hot sauce in tubes and jars, or sold as a seasoning. The sheet version is interesting, as fresh product, from which you can prepare salads and other dishes, and even store them for the winter.

Varieties of salad mustard

Gardeners grow salad mustard different varieties: It is often called mustard salad. Varietal plants, unlike wild ones, are distinguished by lower growth and whole leaves. Here are some popular mustard varieties.


An early-growing variety that produces a harvest of juicy greens within a month. The plant grows a voluminous and somewhat spreading rosette of leaves, consisting of elongated oval leaves with a diameter of about 32 cm, painted in a pale green tone and remaining smooth. The taste is tart-spicy. One socket can weigh about 80 grams.

The yield of Volnushka salad mustard per square meter is about 2 kg.


An early variety that produces lush greenery in 25-30 days in the form of a half-spreading rosette approximately 30 cm high and weighing 170 grams. This variety has large dark green slightly wrinkled leaves with reddish veins. The taste of mustard is mildly spicy, the leaf is tender and juicy.

You can harvest about 3.6 kg of “Vesnushka” leaf mustard per square meter.


A fast growing plant: the greens can be harvested after 25-35 days, when the height of the rosette reaches 20 cm. For large yields, “Mushtard” mustard is sown every 15 days until August 15. Thanks to its spicy taste green foliage added to side dishes and salads.

The yield of the variety per 1 m² is about 3 kg.


A medium-ripening variety that, after 35 days, forms a rosette of large red-green, whole, hairless leaves about 30 cm high. One rosette weighs approximately 60 grams.

On square meter soil grows up to 4 kg of juicy, pungent greenery.


Another early variety, producing greens in a greenhouse in 20 days, in open ground– in 35-40 days. It forms an upright rosette, the diameter of which reaches 10-15 cm. It consists of smooth pale green ovoid sheets: they are covered with a small waxy coating. Tender juicy leaves have a pleasant, slightly spicy taste.

The yield of salad mustard “Prelestnaya” is 3.4 kg per square meter.

Composition and beneficial properties of mustard leaves

Mustard salad contains a lot useful components, consisting of:

  • Ascorbic acid.
  • Magnesium, iron, phosphorus, copper, potassium, calcium and other minerals.
  • Vitamin A, B6, E and K.
  • Proteins and mucus.
  • Fiber.
  • Mustard oil – fatty and essential.

Despite the fact that Mustard mustard and other varieties are almost half fat, its calorie content is only 30 Kcal per 100 g of product. Therefore, leaf mustard is equated to dietary crops.

Salad mustard “Volnushka” and other varieties have a beneficial effect on human body. Thanks to its rich composition, this culture has many beneficial properties:

  • Anti-inflammatory. Fatty acids, vitamin K and glucosinolates in the product composition remove inflammatory processes for various diseases, including colds.
  • Protective. Due to the content of folic acid, mustard leaves reduce cholesterol levels, strengthen blood vessels and heart muscle.
  • Cleansing. Containing a lot of fiber, mustard salad enhances intestinal motility, helps with constipation and removes toxins.
  • Antioxidant. Phytonutrients and antioxidants in the plant prevent the formation of cancer cells.

Mustard leaves stimulate appetite, improve digestion, speed up metabolism and promote weight loss.

Harm and contraindications of salad mustard

Despite the abundance of useful micro- and macroelements and beneficial properties for some people, leaves of this plant may cause harm.

Eating mustard leaves is unacceptable in the following cases:

  • In case of individual intolerance to any components of the plant.
  • For kidney and gallbladder diseases: oxalates present in the leaves can cause the appearance of stones.
  • When taking blood thinners.
  • When taking calcium: vitamin K does not allow it to be fully absorbed.
  • For gastrointestinal ulcers.
  • For severe heart diseases.

Pregnant women should not get carried away with mustard, so as not to provoke swelling, as well as nursing mothers: babies may be allergic to the product.

To taste, salad mustard is a cross between horseradish, green salad and mustard sauce. Its spicy flavor adds sweet-spicy notes to marinated preparations, fresh vegetable salads, fish and meat dishes. Sandwiches are flavored with mustard leaves and decorated ready meals They are eaten with boiled eggs and added to soups. It can even be prepared for future use, as a separate dish, for example, pickled or salted.

The mustard plant contains large number useful substances and it is considered a medicinal one. It is used for treatment and prevention various diseases. This seasoning is also actively used in cooking. It is indispensable in Asia, Europe, America.

Mustard is a nutritious food. 100 g contains more than 500 kcal. Substances such as proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and dietary fiber are present. The composition contains folic and pantothenic acids, niacin, pyridoxine, riboflavin, thiamine, as well as vitamins C, A, E, K. Micro- and macroelements include sodium, calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, copper, manganese, zinc and selenium .

Description and types

Mustard belongs to the Brassica family. Outwardly she looks like weed rapeseed. Is annual herbaceous plant. The root has a taplike appearance. It can go 2-3 m deep into the ground. The stem is erect and branched. The leaves below have a pinnately incised shape. They are quite large and completely green. The top greens are short-petioled. The shape of the plates is the same as the bottom ones. They have a bluish tint.

The inflorescences are collected together and located at the top of the trunk and branches. The fruit is a thin cylindrical pod. It has an awl shape. It grows from 0.7 to 1.2 cm in length. The veins intertwine on the valves. The seeds are small balls with a diameter of up to 1 mm. They have a brownish-red, black-gray and sometimes yellow tint. The crop blooms in May. The seeds ripen in June. Mustard is an excellent honey plant.

There are 3 main types of such culture:

  1. 1. Black. It is also called French. This variety is grown in France and Italy. The seeds have a faint aroma. The famous table mustard is prepared from them. An example is ravigote sauce and Dijon mustard.
  2. 2. Gray. It is also known as Sarepet. It is grown in Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and Russia. It tastes like black. Sold as flour. The lighter it is, the better the quality. Popular varieties These types of mustard are Mustang, Zelenolistnaya, Zarya, Prelestnaya, Yadrenaya, Sadko, Vesnushka, Donskaya 5, Slavyanka, Aregoto, Yubileiny.
  3. 3. White. Also called English. This variety has no aroma at all, so when preparing various dishes it is supplemented with other seasonings. It is usually not eaten but used to make mustard oil. Popular plant varieties are Carolina, Etalon, Talisman, and Zelenda.

Separately, breeders created salad varieties of mustard. Their foliage is more delicate in flavor and texture. The greenery is growing quickly. It is used for preparing salads and side dishes. Only young leaves are used. Some varieties have a thick root that can also be eaten. The plant reaches a height of 30-60 cm. The most popular salad mustard varieties are Krasnolistnaya, Muravushka and Volnushka.

Useful properties and contraindications

Useful properties mustard is that it:

  1. 1. Helps with malignant neoplasms. In particular, this applies to cancer of the cervix, breast, colon and bladder. Anti-cancer properties are associated with the presence of phytonutrients in the composition, which inhibit the development of malignant cellular structures.
  2. 2. Treats psoriasis. Scientists have proven the ability of seeds to influence the synthesis of the enzymes catalase, glutathione peroxidase and superoxide dismutase, which affect the development of chronic autoimmune disorders. When using mustard for psoriasis, the therapeutic effect has been confirmed.
  3. 3. Used to treat contact type dermatitis. Seed extract accelerates the regeneration process and eliminates swelling, which is associated with skin irritation as a result of exposure to chemicals and toxic substances.
  4. 4. Used for prevention and treatment cardiovascular diseases. Mustard oil contains fatty acids, including Omega-3. It prevents myocardial infarction. If you use such a product, the likelihood of disruption of the rhythm of the heart muscle decreases. Also, mustard-based products can eliminate pain in this area.
  5. 5. Suitable for disease prevention and treatment respiratory system. The seeds have a warming effect, which is very beneficial for human health. That is why the plant is used for baths and mustard plasters in the treatment of bronchitis, cough and other things. You can make compresses from mustard oil and camphor. They improve blood flow, suppress asthma attacks, and clear the respiratory tract of mucus. Mustard extract can be used as a gargle to relieve swelling from a sore throat.
  6. 6. Eliminates pain and spasms. It is recommended to make applications with mustard oil, as they have an analgesic effect. They can be used for muscle pathologies such as paralysis of the limbs and rheumatism.
  7. 7. Helps with poisoning. If the body suffers from intoxication caused by drinking alcohol or other drugs, it is recommended to drink a decoction of mustard. This remedy quickly removes toxins and eliminates the symptoms of poisoning.
  8. 8. Promotes hair growth. Mustard oil is a strong stimulator for these processes. In addition, the product contains a large amount of vitamin that will nourish the hair, so that the strands will look much better.
  9. 9. Improves the condition of the skin. The seeds are used to prepare a paste, which is used in cosmetology to treat acne. This composition eliminates ringworm. To cleanse your facial skin, you can use mustard seed scrub.
  10. 10. Helps with diabetes mellitus. It has antioxidant properties, reduces the level of glucose concentration in the blood, thereby preventing lipid oxidation. Also helps stimulate metabolic processes in the human body.
  11. 11. It has a beneficial effect on the health of the reproductive system of men and women, as it improves hormonal levels.
  12. 12. Maintains healthy bone tissue, as it contains large amounts of calcium and magnesium. Reduces the likelihood of developing osteoporosis.
  13. 13. Reduces blood cholesterol levels. Substances from the plant extract bind bile acids, which consist of cholesterol, and promote their excretion. Thanks to this, the product cleanses blood vessels of plaque, prevents the formation of blood clots, and reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis and thrombosis.
  14. 14. Slows down the aging process. This is due to the antioxidant properties of the plant, which are due to the presence of folic acid, vitamin A, flavonoids, carotene, and lutein.

Despite great benefit for the body from a plant such as mustard, it is necessary to remember the contraindications. These include pulmonary tuberculosis, pneumonia, and kidney pathologies. People who have heart problems, stomach ulcers, or chronic enterocolitis need to be careful. The plant can be harmful to people who have individual poor tolerance to such a product. In this case, it develops allergic reaction. In addition, it is necessary to remember that prolonged contact with mustard plasters causes irritation on the skin, so you should always monitor the timing of the procedure.

Use in folk medicine

In folk medicine, there are many recipes with mustard. They help in the treatment of various pathologies:

  1. 1. For a cold. It is recommended to pour mustard powder into woolen socks and put them on your feet. In this case, you need to drink a lot of water or other warm drinks (a decoction with raspberries, linden inflorescences, and black currant leaves is suitable).
  2. 2. For pain in the feet and knees. It is necessary to apply a compress. You will need 1 tbsp. l. table salt, soda, vinegar and mustard powder. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and apply the paste to the sore spot. After 2-3 days the problem will disappear.
  3. 3. For hiccups. You need to prepare a paste by mixing small quantity vinegar and mustard powder. Apply the resulting product to one third of the tongue. The sensations will be unpleasant, but after a few minutes the hiccups will disappear. The pulp will need to be washed off and rinsed out.
  4. 4. For pneumonia and chronic bronchitis. You need to prepare a healing compress. You will need to take 1 tsp. mustard powder, medium-sized onion (grid it), 1 tbsp. l. honey, sunflower oil, goat fat and alcohol. Mix all ingredients thoroughly to obtain a homogeneous thick mass. You need to lubricate wax paper with it, and then apply everything to a place on the body in the lung area. It is recommended to leave this warming compress on throughout the night. Unlike mustard plasters, it has a more gentle effect, so a strong burning sensation will not appear.
  5. 5. When coughing. It is recommended to prepare a compress cake from 3 tbsp. l. wheat bran. Add 1 tsp to them. sunflower oil, vodka, honey and mustard powder. Knead everything, adding a small amount warm water. The skin must first be covered with a cloth, and then the resulting cake must be laid out. For children, you can make a different compress. Mix 1 tbsp. l. honey and mustard powder, and then add 2 tbsp. l. boiled mashed potatoes.
  6. 6. For hemorrhoids. It is recommended to do steam baths. You need to take 4 tbsp. l. mustard powder per 3 liters of boiling water. Pour the liquid into a bucket and sit on it, wrapping your lower body in a blanket. The procedure should last no more than 5-10 minutes.

Mustard can have good service both in the garden and in the kitchen. To do this, you need to decide on the type - white, black or light green (Sarepta). What mustard looks like: the white variety plant has feathery leaves arranged in pairs. Top sheet- trilobed. Flowers are collected in inflorescences of yellow or white. It usually blooms in summer and produces seeds in August. The variety is more suitable for greening the site.

Black mustard is distinguished by leaves that are not pinnate, but rather smooth and solid.

It is called black for the color of the seeds from which table mustard is made. For culinary purposes, it is considered the best, as it contains a lot essential oils that give flavor to sauces.

Sarepta variety is universal in cultivation and use. Oil is made from Sarepta mustard, used in cooking to make sauces, namely Russian mustard in jars, added to salads in green form, on summer cottage grown to improve the health of plants and soil. The leaves look like white variety, mustard flowers are also collected in yellow or white inflorescences.

Mustard seeds in cooking - indications and contraindications

Fatty acids are the main benefit of the mustard plant. They contain all the fat-soluble substances - vitamins A, E, D. Microelements are also present - calcium, iron, zinc and others.

Burning substances increase appetite and metabolism. Once in the body, it has an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antimicrobial effect. Therefore, the use of mustard is indicated for weakened people with low immunity, recovering from illness.

Carefully! If you overdo it with fresh seeds, you can provoke a natural cleansing of the body - diarrhea, as they have a laxative effect

Mustard sauces go best with meat dishes.

Application in cosmetology

When losing weight, sagging skin in problem areas is often observed, so mustard is used for various masks and wraps. This procedure is also available in salons, but it is not cheap, since a paste is first prepared from seeds and leaves, which is then used to treat the skin.

Video: All about mustard

Mustard masks promote blood flow to the hair follicles, which affects hair growth and condition. Add mustard oil to masks for problem skin faces. Bactericidal substances help get rid of pimples and blackheads.

Mustard in medicine

Not only folk, but also traditional medicine mustard medicines are used. Everyone knows mustard plasters, which are used to treat colds, neuralgia, hypothermia, and bronchitis.

A bath with crushed powder warms up well and quickly cures the runny nose and flu, while simultaneously improving the condition of the skin.

The oil is taken to lower blood cholesterol levels and prevent the formation of intravascular plaques.

A contraindication to use is a predisposition to increased blood pressure, gastritis and increased stomach acidity, kidney failure or stones in the pelvis, active tuberculosis, acute pneumonia.

Mustard as green manure - benefits and harms

Mustard grass is considered a weed and is destroyed. But in vain, since its presence on a personal plot is the safety of the plants among which it grows.

Growing Mustard Plant Helps Reduce Costs manual labor for digging and loosening the soil. The grass has a long root, after which there is no need to dig up the soil. The principle of greening is as follows:

  • Plants are planted densely so that there are many roots in the soil. After mowing the upper above-ground part, the roots rot in the soil, giving nutrients, which they pulled out from deep layers of soil. In this case, tubules remain through which air and water enter into the depths.
  • Greens are used as they grow to be added to compost, to feed animals and birds, to be added to the soil before planting vegetables, for mulching and feeding growing crops.
  • The plant is planted between tomatoes, potatoes, and peppers to prevent beetles that eat the crops from multiplying.

By nutritional properties green manure equated to manure, which has its own negative aspects: first of all, the cost, which cannot be compared with the cost of 1 kilogram of seeds, which can be used to plant a plot of land up to 6 acres.

And finally: if anyone has seen mustard growing in a field, he will definitely want to see the same beauty in his dacha.

The plus is that besides beauty, mustard has many other useful characteristics, which will be useful on the site and in everyday life.

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Today we’ll talk about a newcomer from China and a close relative of cabbage – salad mustard. Let's figure out what kind of plant this is and how to grow it. – annual, cross-pollinating, early-ripening, cold-resistant plant. It is widespread in countries Southeast Asia, in China, Japan, India. It is cultivated in the USA and Europe.

The plant received its name for the mildly pungent flavor of the leaves, reminiscent of the taste of table mustard. The leaves are tasty, containing a lot of potassium, vitamin C and provitamin A, as well as calcium, phosphorus and iron salts. This allows us to classify salad mustard as one of the most valuable green vegetables.

Oils used in food, technical and medicinal purposes. Traditional medicine In China, mustard oil is used as a pain reliever for superficial skin injuries, tumors, and burns. Juice salad mustard considered an antidote for mushroom poisoning.

There are many varieties of mustard, differing primarily in shape, color, leaf pubescence, presence edible stem or stem fruit, as well as decorative. , or rather, its leaves, are used in salads and for preparing side dishes for a variety of meat and fish dishes.

Mustard forms a fairly developed rosette of leaves in moist, fertile soils and in cool weather conditions. On dry, poor soils and in hot weather, its leaves grow weakly, quickly become coarse, and the plant blooms.

Since mustard is an unpretentious and cold-resistant plant, it can be grown in open ground - with early spring to late autumn; in greenhouses or on a window - in winter.

All varieties of salad mustard are early ripening (20-30 days pass from sowing to harvesting). Largest harvest and more high quality obtained with early spring and late summer sowing.

Salad mustard is grown as an independent crop and as a sealant when growing slow-growing carrots, beets or wide-row crops (cabbage, tomatoes).

The best predecessors of this crop are cucumbers, tomatoes, early potatoes, onion. The soil for sowing salad mustard is prepared in the fall: it is dug up and filled with compost (3-6 kg/sq.m), superphosphate (15 g/sq.m) and potassium chloride (10 g/sq.m). You can get by organic fertilizer, if there is one in sufficient quantity. Before sowing in the spring, the area on heavy soils is dug up, and on light soils it is loosened.

Sowing is carried out every 10-12 days until mid-August. Sow in rows with row spacing of 25-30 cm. When cruciferous flea beetle Mustard seedlings are pollinated with ash. The plants are thinned, leaving a gap of up to 5 cm in the row, then up to 10 cm. After thinning, the plants are fed nitrogen fertilizers(10 g of urea per 10 liters of water) or a solution of mullein (1:10), chicken manure (1:15).

Harvesting begins when the plant height is 10-15 cm. Mustard yield is 0.3-0.5 kg/sq.m. m. Salad mustard successfully grown at home, sowing in shallow boxes with light soil mixture randomly After 10-12 days, the leaves are ready for consumption.

Mustard is very popular and widely used as a green fertilizer in personal plots. It enriches the soil organic substances, phosphorus and sulfur, and also disinfects it. Mustard sprouts quickly and accumulates quickly green mass. It can be sown at any time when the soil is free: before, after sowing and between the growth of main crops.

Autumn sowing of mustard - good remedy from the wireworm, which “stitches” the potatoes. When broadcast sowing for fertilizer, the sowing rate of mustard seeds increases to 4 g/sq.m. m, and for protection against wireworms - up to 5-6 g/sq.m.

Salad mustard is not in great demand among Russian summer residents; this is unfair in all respects. Culture is considered the source useful elements, which have a beneficial effect on the human body.

Low calorie content allows you to consume mustard in unlimited quantity. Sandwich cakes with mustard will decorate festive table, their recipes are simple.

The plant is cultivated due to its low maintenance requirements, both in unprotected beds and under cover, and even on a loggia or apartment window. There is a chance to provide the whole family with a vitamin product for a year.


Leaf mustard, or sinapis, belongs to vegetable annuals from the Brassica family, which are distinguished by frost resistance and the ability to produce a harvest in a short period of time. 3 weeks after planting, you can enjoy the vitamin-rich vegetable. In the first year leaf mustard gives a rosette when grown. The following year, the seeds ripen and are used for the production of mustard seasoning and for medicinal purposes.

Mustard like green salad cultivated for over 5000 years. The vegetable is believed to be native to the Indian Himalayas. But mustard is cultivated everywhere.

Leaf mustard

Today there is a variety of mustard varieties with foliage various shapes(wavy and smooth) and shades (from green to deep red). The height of the mustard rosette ranges from 60 cm to one and a half meters. Some giant varieties form spreading stems.

Important! The plant does not tolerate acidic soil - it is preferable to grow mustard on slightly alkaline or neutral soil.

Leaf mustard does not like planting in sunlit areas with excess moisture. When cultivating a crop in the summer season, which differs in longitude daylight hours, the area will have to be shaded using:

  • slate;
  • dark covering material;
  • roofing felt

Short daylight hours inhibit the flowering of mustard. Cool weather conditions are required, but not everything is within the control of the vegetable grower.

Mustard propagation

Leaf mustard propagates by seed method. To get your seed material from spring-sown lettuce, which blooms in mid-June, leave several bushes for next year. The number of seeds in one pod ranges from 12 to 20 pieces. Small brownish seeds that fall on the soil multiply by self-sowing.

Seed material is purchased in specialty stores or ordered on Internet sites.

Leaf mustard

The State Register of Breeding Achievements of Russia includes 18 types of varietal salad mustard. Among them are:

  • Chastushka and Ladushka;
  • Lovely Prima and Arigato;
  • Meiling and the Beauty of the Feast;
  • Miracles in a sieve and the Doctor;
  • The old doctor and Mustang.

Popular varieties of mustard

Sowing seeds and care

Mustard grows in virtually any type of soil. To grow mustard leaves, you need to prepare the soil correctly. It is advisable to choose shaded beds with loose, slightly acidic or neutral soil without close burial groundwater. TO good predecessors mustards include:

In the fall, the soil is dug up with the addition of 3 kg of compost, 15 g of superphosphate, 10 g of potassium chloride per 1 m2 of area. If the soil is acidic, add dolomite, ground egg shells, ash, slaked lime, depending on the level of acidity: per 1 m² – 0.3-0.7 kg.
Mustard is a cold-resistant crop. Seeds grow at +2…+3 °C. The appearance of sprouts occurs at +12 °C after 4-5 days. The seedlings tolerate frosts down to -6 °C.

The green vegetable is planted in 3 stages. If planting dates are violated, the mustard becomes coarser and worsens. taste qualities. The first sowing is carried out before April 25. Subsequent planting of fresh crops is the third ten days of May, the final replanting is carried out on August 10.

The ideal time for growing salad mustard varieties is spring or end summer season. The optimal temperature is not more than +20 °C.

Avoid sowing seeds in hot weather:

  • salad mustard will shoot;
  • the foliage will become coarser and lose its taste;
  • Less greenery is produced.

Just a note. Some summer residents sow mustard after the snow melts in March, and also practice pre-winter sowing. When planting for the winter, shoots emerge as the spring sun warms up.

When space in the greenhouse allows, salad mustard is sown between the rows of vegetable plants.

Follow the planting pattern:

  • interval between rows – 25 cm;
  • seed placement depth – 1 cm.

The furrows are watered with lukewarm water after planting. Water moderately, trying not to over-water the plants. Shoots appear after 5 days.

When 2-3 leaves are pecked, thin out the leaf mustard to ensure good development vegetable crops.

Growing mustard at home

Unassuming mustard feels good on the windowsill with the onset of cold weather. Important condition– maintaining optimal temperature regime Houses.

Growing salad mustard

Before planting, the seeds are disinfected in a slightly acidic solution of potassium permanganate. The planting containers for mustard are processed. To speed up the germination process seed material moisten the fabric and leave for 3 or 4 days. Hatched sprouts can be grown in individual cassettes, pots, peat tablets.

The container is filled with soil from the dacha, adding vermicompost or coconut fiber. Remember the holes for liquid outlet and drainage at the bottom. Prepared soil is poured onto the expanded clay layer. Mustard seeds are buried 1 cm. Moisten the soil and cover with polyethylene.

Place mustard leaves in a cool place and wait for sprouts to appear. Ideal temperature for growing mustard in a room – up to +23 °C. Maintain air humidity at 60%.

Important! Frost-resistant varieties Mustards are not suitable for growing at home; heat-loving varieties are used.

The formation of 2-3 leaves is a signal to transplant the seedlings into a spacious container. After 21 days, mustard leaves are used in food.

Intensive watering daily prevents premature shoots. Spray mustard leaves from a spray bottle.

Secrets of caring for mustard

When leavingFor leaf mustard, the following procedures are performed:

When thinning salad mustard, do not pull out the shoots along with the roots. Cut mustard bushes at soil level, leaving the roots to decompose in the ground. Manipulation benefits the garden plot:


It can be eaten a month or a little earlier after planting. When mustard leaves reach 10-15 cm in height, they begin harvesting. As soon as the mustard produces flower stalks, harvest vegetable crop from the garden are suspended. The leaf rosette is cut off sharp knife or scissors.

Cultivating salad mustard from seeds is not difficult. Enabling salad vegetable added to your diet will not cause any harm. The beneficial properties of leaf mustard allow it to be used not only in cooking, but also as green manure:

  • improves the biological activity of the soil;
  • disinfects the soil from phytopathogens.

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