Garden how to plant flowers, vegetable garden layout. How to properly plan a vegetable garden - a competent approach to garden beds

The vegetable garden is usually perceived only as a source fresh vegetables and greenery. Meanwhile, the green beds can become important element garden design. In addition, reasonable planning of the garden, taking into account the needs of plants, helps to obtain an excellent harvest.

The main principles of garden planning

1. Maximum light

Most vegetables are light-loving. It is better to choose a well and evenly lit area for your garden. For example, tomatoes reduce yield even if they are in the shade for about 2 - 3 hours a day. To ensure that both sides are heated evenly, the beds are oriented from north to south.

2. Calculate your strength.

Allocate as much space to your vegetable garden as you can - and want! - handle. If you are at your dacha only on weekends and not every time, it hardly makes sense to plan a large vegetable garden and strive to plant as many crops as possible.

3. Wide beds are not always good.

Planning a personal plot usually begins with marking out the beds for vegetables. Traditionally, in our vegetable gardens, beds are made 100 - 120 cm wide. This saves usable area garden, but makes it difficult to care for the plantings: it’s not always convenient to stretch. 70 cm wide beds are much easier to maintain. For older people, not only narrow but also raised beds are convenient, over which there is no need to bend over. Raised beds are increasingly dressed in a frame made of boards, or ready-made ones are used, into which fertile soil is poured. In this case, both water and fertilizers are used more efficiently by plants.

4. Don’t get carried away with beds of complex shapes

This makes maintenance difficult and worsens conditions for plants, since the soil dries out faster in the corners, so plants may not develop evenly.

5. The passages between the beds should not be the same width.

For normal care, a distance of 40 cm is sufficient; For raised beds add 20 - 35 cm due to the presence of walls. If the garden is large, you need a through path for walking and walking; you can also make a recreation area. However, before you start forming the beds, think about how to lay the path. They should be wide enough, leading to all corners of the garden, and it should be convenient not only to walk on them, but also to carry a cart.

6. Don't be afraid to combine cultures.

Especially compatible with each other. Combination on one bed different forms foliage, shades of color and height of plants looks much more attractive than monotonous rows of plantings.

Beautiful garden bed.

Quite applicable to the garden basic principles garden design, because voluminous decorative compositions can be created from almost any plant.

For single planting and creating a background, tall plants are suitable: sunflower, corn, dill, amaranth, Jerusalem artichoke, lovage, rhubarb, tall tomatoes. Sorrel and horseradish will find their place under the rhubarb, mint, oregano, perennial onions, borage and herbs will complement and decorate it with flowers and umbrellas.

Draw a garden plan

The main problems when planning a vegetable garden and personal plot are the need to observe crop rotation and different needs for vegetables. Suppose a family needs one bed of radishes, a third of it, and three cucumbers. Next year, the same thing will have to be planted in a completely different way. On the one hand, this is a plus, since the picture looks new every time. On the other hand, it’s a headache, since this puzzle has to be solved year after year. To see whether all the desired volume of vegetables will fit in the beds or whether some positions will have to be reduced, draw a plan of the garden.

Divide the area into squares, rectangles, triangles. In reality, their size should be such that you can reach the middle of the bed with your hand. Estimate how many sections you will need for which crop (for example, zucchini - 4, radishes - 2, etc.).

Then cut the required amount from a piece of paper and label the name of the crop, its height and color. And then move these pieces of paper along the garden plan, changing their places in accordance with crop rotation plans.

Not tall plants place closer to the front edge, middle ones behind them, high ones in the background as accents. Insufficient height vegetable plants can be compensated by using raised beds. Naturally, they are arranged in a ladder, the lowest ones being closer to the observer. Don't forget about lighting - this is very important when planning your garden: tall plants should not shade low ones.

What can and cannot be planted nearby.

There are garden crops that cannot grow and develop nearby due to mutual intolerance of root and essential secretions. But there are also plants that are capable of “mutual assistance”: when planted in the neighborhood, they have a beneficial effect on each other. This must be taken into account when planning a personal plot.

They don't like neighbors:

  • tomatoes and kohlrabi;
  • cucumbers and cabbage;
  • onions (onions and garlic) and potatoes, cabbage, legumes, beets;
  • legumes and nightshades (tomatoes, peppers).

I continue to garden and found another article about gardening from scratch.

How to properly plan a vegetable garden - a competent approach to garden beds. A vegetable garden, like a garden, needs proper planning. Vegetables and herbs planted wherever necessary, without taking into account their individual requirements for lighting, watering, favorable or undesirable proximity, grow poorly and bear fruit poorly. That's why it's important to consider all the nuances before buying tomato, cucumber or exotic seeds.

First, you need to decide on the location for the vegetable garden on the site. If personal plot is still empty, then the sunniest and highest place is reserved for the vegetable garden. It is desirable that the area for the beds be flat, without slopes or terraces. This area will be well heated by the sun, and vegetables will grow and ripen there faster than in the lowlands.

It is important in the winter, at the planning stage, to write a list of plants that you would like to grow on the site. As a rule, the initial version of the list will be very extensive - you will want to plant all possible vegetables and green crops, including exotic ones. However, you will have to decide what you can hold off on and which vegetables you really need to grow. This also takes into account the time and effort required to grow garden crops. Labor-intensive vegetables that require pinching, gartering, frequent watering, are planted in quantities that are easy to care for, so that work in the garden does not turn into hard labor.

Before the start of the planting season, fertilizers and products necessary to protect the garden from pests are purchased. Tools (shovels, hoes, rakes, forks, pruners, flat cutters) are also purchased in advance.

Before the planting season, it is important to draw a garden plan on paper - this makes it easier to allocate places for vegetables and herbs, calculate required amount beds and their position relative to the cardinal points. At the same time, it is important to allocate space for sowing greenery, closer to the paths and to the house - this will significantly save energy and time for collecting it. In addition, you don’t have to wade deep into the plot to pick a few sprigs of dill or parsley for lunch.

It is also important to consider how not to place antagonistic plants nearby that oppress each other. By thinking through the planning of your garden in advance, this can be done without much difficulty. - It is good to save the site plan on next year- then it will be possible to take into account individual characteristics predecessor cultures. For example, cucumbers coexist quite peacefully with legumes, cabbage, garlic and eggplants. But potatoes will be an antagonist for cucumbers, and when close landing Neither one nor the other vegetable will produce good harvests. Tomatoes get along well with asparagus, parsley, basil, as well as carrots and leaf lettuce, but not with cabbage or potatoes. The latter crop, in general, stands apart - maybe that’s why this vegetable is planted in certain areas? And thus it is easier to care for him, and no one will be oppressed.

For climbing plants trellis supports can be installed such as beans and peas. They are located in the direction from north to south.

For early vegetables It’s good to build “high beds” - they are easier to cultivate, and you get an earlier harvest from them.

A well-thought-out irrigation system is one of the main structures in the garden. Crops that require irrigation are planted in close proximity to the main irrigation junctions.

Placed next to the garden compost heap. Vegetable garden is the main consumer fertile soil, and a constant supplier of raw materials (plant tops, overripe vegetables, plant residues) for the heap in which the compost rots. This location of this object near the ridges significantly saves energy and time.

When setting up a vegetable garden, you also need to take care of the paths. They need mulching (if the path is not covered garden tiles) crushed stone, bark - any materials that will not leave the ground bare. This is important for the humidity regime of the garden: the dry soil of the path will draw precious moisture from the soil of the garden, and the beds next to the uncovered path will dry out faster than in the center of the garden. You will have to water them once again, which is not advisable either in terms of water consumption or in terms of saving effort and time.

Setting up a vegetable garden is not just about digging up a garden bed and sowing seeds in it. No wonder they say: nice vegetable garden- this is a smart plan, skillful hands and a little intelligence.

Before choosing a place for garden beds, it is worth analyzing the location of all buildings and structures that exist or are planned to be built on the site. After all, it depends on them temperature regime, lighting, wind protection and other factors that affect the full growth of garden crops. In the conditions of the sites small sizes It is important to take into account not only large objects on your territory, but also on neighboring plots. In this article we will tell you about planning a vegetable garden and give advice to beginning gardeners and summer residents.

Choosing a location for garden beds

Often gardeners set aside for a vegetable garden the area that remains after placing all the structures. But you need to take care of the quality of the crop long before planting it and choose appropriate place. It should be the most illuminated, protected from the wind, and provided with irrigation. These issues need to be resolved in parallel with the planning and development of the territory.

They start by orienting the site according to the cardinal directions. Lighting depends on this. For the garden, choose the sunniest place. According to the rules of architectural development, buildings and structures are located so that their shadow occupies the minimum area of ​​the site. It’s good if the house is on the north side, then its shadow moves from northwest to northeast, and South side

illuminated from dawn to dusk. In this case, the garden can be located in the southwest, south, and southeast directions. The location of the water source for irrigation is also important. If it is not possible to build a well or well near the garden, then it is better to provide a water storage tank. Its volume depends on the area of ​​all plantings that require watering. In addition, the tank serves not only to collect irrigation water , but also to regulate the temperature, which should be +18 0 – 25 0. This is especially true if the source is deep

artesian well

with cold water.

Dimensions of the garden and location of the beds The size of the garden is determined by the number of vegetables that need to be grown. In small areas, 500–700 m2 is most often allocated. An example of calculating the size of a vegetable garden, taking into account the range of vegetables grown, is shown in the table:
Name of culture 500 — 700
Area, m2 40 -60
Potato 50
Cabbage 80
cucumbers 60 — 70
Tomatoes, eggplants, peppers 25
Melons (zucchini, squash, pumpkins, watermelons, melons) 50

Onion garlic Root vegetables (carrots, beets, celery, parsley, radish, parsnips) plot and conditions suitable for growing vegetables. In addition, the direction of planting to the cardinal points is important. The beds are placed so that tall plants do not shade low ones. For this reason, the row is oriented strictly from north to south or from southwest to northeast, then the plants receive maximum amount light and warmth.

This has a beneficial effect on the quality of the crop, because chlorophyll, sucrose, starch are other complex organic matter synthesized in vegetables with the help solar energy. Therefore, the distance between plantings should be sufficient so that there is no competition for nutrients.

On the east side of the garden, plant the tallest crops, for example, trellis cucumbers and tall green beans. Towards the west, the size of the plants decreases. In the final row, place low-growing root vegetables, such as carrots.

How to determine the width, depth and height of the bed

Basic soil preparation is carried out to a depth of 25 - 30 cm (per shovel bayonet). This is the layer of fertile soil that most people need. vegetable crops. Traditional farming suggests annual digging of the soil with the addition of mineral fertilizers. This means that these substances need to be distributed over the surface of the bed, and then mixed evenly with the soil to its full depth.

For such work, it is important to determine the convenient width of each row. Usually a line from 30 cm to 1 m is formed, this makes it possible to approach the bed from all sides and greatly facilitates plant care and harvesting.

Tip #1. Paths of 30–40 cm are left between the rows; this width is enough for the free movement of one person.

Raised or mounded beds are sometimes formed. This method is practiced by supporters organic farming. They arrange boxes and fill them with soil or organic matter. With the help of effective microorganisms, for example "Emochek", this substrate quickly turns into fertile humus.

If it is not possible to place all the beds in one place, some can be designed as a decorative vegetable garden. The area set aside for this purpose is planned in the form of a flower garden, only filled with vegetables. Paths between crops are made in the form of figured paving. Such a garden looks elegant at any time of the year, even when empty.

The extent to which plants get along with each other can be judged by their attitude to growing conditions. Most vegetable crops prefer a sunny, wind-protected location and light soil neutral reaction. But, each plant requires nutrients for which it fights, sometimes to the detriment of its neighbors. In addition, as a result of biosynthesis, waste products are released, which have a beneficial effect on some plants and are poisonous for others.

Tip #2. It is important to take into account the timing of crop ripening, while late-ripening ones are gaining strength, early ones are ripening and making room for those that continue to grow.

The compatibility of garden crops is indicated in the table:

Dimensions of the garden and location of the beds Compatible
Carrot Green onions, radishes, peas, beans, tomatoes, parsley, spinach, marjoram
Name of culture Cabbage, eggplant, onion, spinach, peas, garlic, horseradish
Tomatoes Asparagus, basil, carrots, spinach, savory, dill, watercress - salad
Beet White cabbage, cauliflower, tomatoes, pumpkin
Potato Dill, peas
Area, m2 Tomatoes, celery
Radish Head lettuce, leaf lettuce, spinach, kohlrabi
Brocolli Parsley, head lettuce
Brussels sprouts Cress - lettuce, peas, radish

When planning to plant vegetables, you can divide your garden into four conventional sectors:

  • the first contains crops that require a lot nutrients– cabbage, cucumbers, pumpkin, garlic. Before planting add organic fertilizers in the form of slurry and dolomite flour;
  • in the second, vegetables with lower organic requirements are planted; compost is enough for them. These are carrots, beets, kohlrabi, radishes, melon peppers.
  • the third is reserved for plants that do not need additional fertilizers, because they themselves enrich the soil with nitrogen. These are legumes - peas, beans.
  • in the fourth they grow perennials– asparagus, rhubarb, garden strawberries.

Joint proximity helps plants fight pests. When carrots ripen in the lower tier, you can “add” onions, which have a shallow root, to them. In such a union, plants protect each other from onion and carrot flies. Some gardeners practice planting schemes, combining crops according to ripening dates:

  • 1st row – onion + radish (with seeds);
  • 2nd and 3rd rows – carrots;
  • 4th and 5th rows – parsley.

The radishes ripen first, followed by the onions. When they are removed, the carrots and parsley grow to take their place. There is a combination of crops that increase each other's yield. Sow dill between the rows of cucumbers and around the perimeter of the bed. The harvest of greens will increase significantly. But there are a number garden plants which are extremely incompatible.

Incompatible plants and vegetables

Some plants require so much nutrition that no other crop can compete with them. For example, sunflower and corn can be compared with medium-sized shrubs in terms of their requirements for useful substances. They leave no chance for weaker plants to survive. Therefore, they are planted separately or placed around the perimeter of the garden, but so that they do not shade light-loving crops.

  • Sometimes corn is used as a support for cucumbers, but the cucumbers are placed at a distance of 30 - 50 cm from the powerful stalks of corn.
  • Potatoes prefer to be surrounded by their own kind and do not tolerate other types of plants. Cucumbers are especially actively crowding out cucumbers; this is one of the unfortunate neighborhoods.
  • Placing carrots and beets in close proximity is also not a good idea. Due to the same periods of growth and maturation, they compete with each other for nutrition and moisture.
  • Tomatoes and cabbage are not compatible.
  • The proximity of legumes to onions and garlic is undesirable.
  • Cabbage is not planted with carrots, tomatoes, or parsley.

Rotating crops in garden beds

The plant is taken from the soil useful material, but return the products of their vital activity, that is, they deplete the earth. This process occurs at different soil levels. Therefore, crops are changed every year to reduce one-way soil use. In the place where powerful root crops grew, plants with shallow roots are planted. And the crop is returned to its original place no earlier than after 3–4 years.

The most common changes are:

  • cabbage, pumpkin, zucchini, beans, beets, carrots, dill are appropriate after tomatoes and potatoes;
  • cucumbers, zucchini, squash are replaced by cabbage, radishes, beets, onions, garlic, tomatoes, potatoes;
  • It is better to plant garlic, onions, tomatoes, and potatoes after carrots, parsley, and celery.

Mistakes gardeners make when planning a plot

Mistake #1. Placing a vegetable garden without taking into account the surroundings.

Often large structures shade plantings. This would not happen if the garden was located in a place that is not shaded by tall objects.

Mistake #2. Not correct placement crops by height.

Affects the quality of the crop if large plants cast shadows on lower ones.

Mistake #3. Neglect of water storage.

Owners of small plots regret space for a tank. It can be placed in the economic zone by burying it in the ground. Comes to the surface concrete ring and a manhole cover. But the garden and vegetable garden will always be provided the right amount water with optimal temperature for watering.

Category “Questions and Answers”

Question No. 1. I chose the brightest place between the house and the fence for the garden, but the harvest is very modest and it is clear that this place is not suitable for vegetables, although the soil is good. What could it be?

Fertility and lighting will not help if the garden is located in wind tunnel, that is, in a draft. And this is true if the distance from the house to the fence does not comply with building standards. Try moving the garden to another place protected from the wind.

Question No. 2. There is no such thing on our site large area, which would house one large vegetable garden. What can be done in this case?

Plant each type of plant separately. This way you can avoid the unfortunate juxtaposition of cultures and achieve decorative originality.

A cabbage bed planted with annuals will look like a flower garden.

Question No. 3. If you follow the advice on placing a vegetable garden in the brightest place, it turns out that we have it right at the entrance. I want to plant something beautiful here. What to do in such a situation?

We need to arrange decorative vegetable garden. Plan the shape like a flower garden and combine vegetables and ornamental plants in it.

Question No. 4. Is it possible to plant tomatoes next to potatoes?

Both crops belong to the nightshade family; they have common pests and diseases. It is better to avoid such a neighborhood.

Question No. 5. What is better to plant in the place where there was corn last year?

Green manures, plants that restore the soil after severe depletion. You can sow clover, rye, and mustard.

Vegetable garden design - photo with vegetable planting

I am pleased to offer you, dear readers, best ideas for the dacha. Well, today we will talk about planning a garden for planting vegetables - this is very important stage, on which the future harvest depends.

IN this material We will look at tips and examples on how to set up beds for vegetables, what standards exist, and get acquainted with the best practices of gardeners - practitioners.

An example of the layout of a complex vegetable garden

Grow good harvest in your garden - the cherished dream of every vegetable grower. Indeed, in order to correctly calculate the number of crops planted at the dacha, to plan and place everything correctly, certain knowledge is required, as well as experience that is gained over the years.

An example of the layout of a vegetable garden and beds for planting vegetables

In addition, beds that are made with high quality, in the creation of which the summer resident used not only a rationalization approach, but also an aesthetic one, will not be inferior in beauty to the most elegant flower beds. If you want to have just such a garden, then this article is for you.

Elated vegetable beds in the country

What should vegetable beds look like?

When you are planning your vegetable beds you must remember the first rule is that they must be dry and even., besides, it is important that they are not shaded by trees and buildings. Evening, western shading is allowed, consider the drawing with an example.

An example of planning a vegetable garden at a summer cottage

Note, that the perimeter for planting is illuminated all day long, and only in the evening does the shadow from the trees on the western side of the site touch the plantings. If you want to get a good harvest, then all your plants should get maximum sun.

Vegetables that can be grown in Middle lane Russia can be divided into several groups. This knowledge will be useful to you when you plan your garden.

An example of planning a vegetable garden for planting

An example of a garden plan for planting

The layout diagram is given as an example; pay attention to the organization of the beds. This structure will optimize the space of the site.

Vegetables of the Middle Zone

  • Fruit- eggplants, peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes, corn, peas, beans, pumpkin.
  • Tuberous- potato.
  • Brassicas - cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, cabbage sprouts, Savoy sprouts, kohlrabi.
  • Root vegetables- radish, radish, parsley, carrots, beets, celery.
  • Onion- onions, garlic, leeks.
  • Perennials- horseradish, rhubarb, asparagus.
  • Spicy-tasting- watercress, sage, marjoram, caraway seeds, dill, thyme.

An example of a small vegetable garden layout

An example of a small garden layout

Here is an interesting diagram that represents perfect combination vegetable crops. You can take note and expand this bed to the entire site.

Original garden layout

Original garden plan

Here's another example original solution. You can reach all the plantings and process all the plants.

Beds according to Mitlider

Beautiful layout of a garden at the dacha

Vegetable yield per square meter

In order to get the most from your garden, you need to know the yield of your vegetables. Based on this, you can calculate the number of plantings of a particular vegetable. Productivity is calculated based on planting on one square meter land.

So, if you follow the agrotechnical requirements, you can grow: 5 kg of tomatoes, 30 kg of cucumbers, 4 kg of root vegetables (carrots, beets, etc.), 2 kg of radishes, radishes and onions, 6 kg of potatoes, 2.5 kg of peppers , eggplants, pumpkins, zucchini, 2-3 kg of peas and beans, 1.5 kg of lettuce and dill.

Divide your garden into sections

Depending on the quantity and type of vegetable crops, the garden is divided into 4-5 parts. Plantings are moved along these parts to different years. You can replant the same crop in one place after 3-4 years. Take this into account and combine your plantings.

Table of distances between plants

It is necessary to maintain certain distances between plants - for each crop it is different. You can find out the planting distances for each species from the table below.

Plant compatibility table

In order to use land more efficiently, they practice mixed plantings. In order to take advantage of this principle and save land, you need to follow the rules of compatibility of vegetable crops. You can check the compatibility of vegetables in the garden using the table below.

vegetable compatibility

Video on planning a vegetable garden and a new plot

In conclusion, we suggest you look at the engineer’s advice landscape design concerning the planning of a new summer cottage.

We purchased a summer cottage in the fall. There is a small vegetable garden on it that has not been used for its intended purpose for a long time. We have tidied it up a bit and want to plant it in the spring. Tell me how to plan a vegetable garden for small area?

Dimensions land plots there are different ones. Residents of rural areas are the most fortunate in this matter - up to 20 acres are often allocated for plantings alone. But the closer to the city, the less free land there is. Summer cottages sometimes they are of the most modest sizes. It would seem that you can grow on an area of ​​6 acres, including buildings? How to plan a vegetable garden on a small plot in order to get at least a small harvest?

With the right approach, in a limited space you can plant not only parsley and dill, but even potatoes, tomatoes and garden berries. When planning to set up a vegetable garden, you should initially pay attention to the following factors that directly affect the future harvest:

  • location of the site and beds;
  • soil quality;
  • presence of shaded areas.

Site location

Plots of land with a completely flat surface are a rare occurrence. Much more often, many of them have their own disadvantages, which must be taken into account when setting up a vegetable garden. So, if they are in a low-lying area, this can lead to high humidity soil. In this case, you will need to build drainage outlets, and also add soil to the beds from time to time.

If the site is located on a slope, the beds should be made not along it, but across it.

Areas in elevated areas are exposed to winds, so to create a barrier to drafts, they need to be planted with tall plantings (trees, shrubs) around the perimeter.

Soil quality and shady areas

Without human intervention, only nutritious, loose soil bears fruit abundantly. Poor sandy soil requires preliminary application of minerals, and heavy soil requires.

You should not plant crops in places where there is shadow from buildings. But under the trees you can place bulbous plants.

To use it correctly small space, you can use the following “tricky” techniques:

Types of beds for a small vegetable garden

For optimal use small area you can do the following.

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