Planting zucchini seeds in open ground and for seedlings, timing and planting scheme, proper care. Video: growing zucchini seedlings without soil

To use fresh vegetables straight from the garden from mid-summer to late autumn, breeders have brought out new productive varieties zucchini and hybrids different periods maturation. These varieties are perfect for use on the territory middle zone Russia and Siberia: zucchini can be grown both in the Moscow region and in the Urals - the climate is wonderfully suitable for this.

Early ripening

White Swan, Golda F1, Tsukesha, Anchor, Odesskie 52, Sote 38, Anna, Aeronaut, White bush, Waterfall, Gribovskie 37, Zebra, Zolotinka, , Caserta, Roller, Skvorushka, Helena and others.


Pasta, Jade, Black handsome.

Late ripening

Nutty, Long-fruited

Varieties of zucchini squash

The main varieties of this species are Aeronaut, Tsukesha, Zebra. They can be classified as early ripening. Already on the 47th day after the seeds of the Aeronaut variety emerge, the harvest can be harvested. Zucchini fruits have an elongated cylindrical shape, the surface dark green, smooth. Average weight zucchini squash is 1.1-1.4 kilograms.

Self-pollinating varieties

Belogor, Aeronaut, Astoria, Apollo, Beloplodny Zucchini, White Swan, White, Black Zucchini and others.

Planting zucchini seedlings

When to plant zucchini seedlings?

Seeds can be planted from mid-March to mid-May. Seedlings are planted in open ground 25-30 days after planting the seeds, this is on average the end of May - the beginning of June. But it all depends on the specific region of residence; here it is impossible to give universal exact landing dates.

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Features of landing

Vegetables are grown both through seedlings and by sowing seeds in open ground. When growing seedlings, it is better to use a separate container for each plant ( peat pots, paper cups, milk cartons, etc.) measuring about 10x10 cm.

Before sowing, zucchini seeds are prepared in the same way as when growing other vegetable crops, and are sown in April - early May. The soil mixture for seedlings is prepared from peat, humus, turf soil and sawdust in a ratio of 6:2:2:1. To enrich with microelements, you can add 0.5 cups of ash, 5-6 g, to a bucket of mixture ammonium nitrate or 7-8 g of urea, 10 g of potassium sulfate, 15-20 g of superphosphate. Or you can use a ready-made soil mixture, for example “Exo”, from a specialized store.

Filled pots are spilled hot water or 0.5% solution of potassium permanganate and sow the seeds to a depth of 2-3 cm, flat, so that the sprouted root “looks” down. Until the first shoots appear, we maintain the ambient temperature within 18-25°C, and then reduce it to 15-20°C. Remember that seedlings need a lot of light, otherwise the plants will be weak and begin to stretch out greatly.

Features of growing zucchini (video)


Watering is carried out as needed to prevent the top layer of soil from drying out, with water at room temperature. The first feeding of plants is carried out 7-10 days after the sprouts appear. To do this, use: mullein solution (1:10) 50 mg per plant, urea solution (0.5 tsp per 1 liter of water) 0.5 cups per pot, solution of the drug “Bud” (2 g per 1 liter of water ) 1 glass for 1-2 pots or a solution of any specialized growth stimulator.

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After another 10 days, a second feeding is carried out with a solution of mullein with the addition of 20 g of superphosphate, 10 g of ammonium nitrate and 15 g of potassium sulfate per bucket of solution. Or dilute 1 tsp in 1 liter of water. nitrophoska. Use 1 glass of solution per plant.

Preparing the bed

Plants are transplanted into the ground when they have 2-3 leaves and are 25-30 days old.

Site selection

Choose a site for growing that is sunny and protected from the wind. The best predecessors for zucchini are green and legumes, potatoes, early cabbage and cauliflower, onion garlic. You cannot plant a vegetable in an area where cucumbers, squash, and pumpkin previously grew. Zucchini is returned to its original place after 3-4 years.

Preparing the land for planting

In the fall, after harvesting the predecessor, the soil is harrowed with a rake and dug up two weeks later. When digging, add rotted manure or compost - a bucket for 1 sq.m., 30-35 g of superphosphate and 15-20 g potash fertilizers per 1 sq.m.

In early spring, the soil is loosened with a rake, and before planting the seedlings, they dig up and add 15-20 g of ammonium nitrate per 1 sq.m. On sandy soils additionally (per 1 sq.m.) it is necessary to add 1-2 buckets of crushed dry clay and 3 kg sawdust. If the soils are heavy, clayey, then per 1 sq.m. add a bucket river sand and 2-3 kg of peat, sawdust, humus. To peat soils per 1 sq.m. add a bucket of turf soil and 2 kg of compost or manure humus.

Soil Fertility: Determining and Improving Levels

Features of planting zucchini

Since the plant is quite large, the distance between the rows should be at least 1-1.5 m, and between the holes - at least 1 m. Before planting, 1 tbsp must be added to each hole. organic fertilizer, for example "Effecton" and mix well with the soil. Then each hole is watered with a solution of Agricola-5 fertilizer (1 tablespoon per bucket of water) - 1 liter in each.

Seedlings are planted early in the morning or in cloudy, warm weather along with a lump of earth from a pot. Bury down to the cotyledon leaves. If there is a threat of frost, then metal arcs are installed over the bed and covered with film. Or you can cover each plant plastic bottle. The next day after planting, it is necessary to loosen the soil around the seedlings.

Zucchini care


After the young plants have 4-5 leaves, light hilling is carried out. Water the zucchini only at the roots, warm water based on 5 liters of water per plant before flowering and 10 liters during fruiting. For getting bountiful harvest every week the zucchini is fed with Mittleider mixture No. 2 (6 kg of nitrophoska, 1 kg of urea, 1 kg of potassium sulfate, 1 kg of magnesium sulfate, 15 g boric acid, 15 g molybdic acid).

If this is not possible, then the first fertilizing is done before flowering. 40-50 g of superphosphate, 20-30 g of potassium nitrate and 25 g of ammonium sulfate are diluted in 10 liters of water. Apply 1 liter of solution to each plant.

The second feeding is carried out before fruiting begins. 40-50 g of superphosphate and potassium nitrate are diluted in 10 liters of water. The consumption rate per plant is 1.5 liters. For feeding, you can also use a solution of mullein (1:10) or bird droppings (1:20) at the rate of 2 liters per plant for the first feeding and 4 liters for the second.

The famous Parisian gherkin cucumber

Supporters organic farming They can grow zucchini in compost beds, which are made from dry plant residues (potato tops are best) and half-rotted last year’s compost. No feeding in in this case not required.

Pest Control

To combat pests and diseases, zucchini is sprinkled with wood ash and treated with non-toxic preparations (Narcissus, Zircon, Amulet and others). And to attract pollinators during the flowering period, every morning the plants are sprayed with a weak solution of honey.

To collect good harvest it is also important to break off in a timely manner large leaves and remove ripe fruits. If this is not done, the formation of new ovaries will slow down.

Zucchini harvest

First harvest juicy fruits can be removed within 35-45 days after planting young plants in the ground. Vegetables are used to prepare side dishes, vegetable stew, salads, various preparations for the winter from zucchini. For storage, the fruits are removed from the bush along with the stalk and wrapped in plastic bag, make small holes in it and store it on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator or basement.

Have a good harvest and an abundance of fresh vitamins on the table!

Reviews and comments

(4 ratings, average: 4,38 out of 5)

Marina 07/02/2014

I have zucchini growing in my garden different varieties. It seems to me that this is the most unpretentious vegetable. I plant seeds directly into the ground in the spring, they germinate well. And then all that remains is to weed and water. The zucchini harvest is always very large. I prepare a variety of dishes from them, even make jam. Children are always bad at eating vegetables, but they love zucchini pancakes.

Olga 02/12/2016

I always plant zucchini - they really help out at the beginning of summer: when there are no cucumbers yet, you can make wonderful salads with herbs and radishes from zucchini. I plant cucumbers and zucchini in open ground on the same day, but zucchini always begins to bear fruit earlier. In early August, zucchini is attacked powdery mildew, but, to be honest, I don’t fight it: usually by this time we’ve already eaten enough zucchini.

Marina 06/20/2016

I have very large zucchini leaves. What can I do with them?

Marina 06/20/2016

I agree about the climate. But I probably don’t agree about the black soil... I always add sand to the black soil, then the plant feels as close as possible to its natural condition and it looks just wonderful, and also, juniper can be trimmed, even creating entire compositions. 😳

Yuri 03/15/2017

“Before sowing, zucchini seeds are prepared in the same way as when growing other vegetable crops”
Wonderful, and most importantly, detailed and intelligible! Thank you!

Alena 04/08/2017

I accidentally got from a discarded seed on compost heap beautiful zucchini grew. Since then, every year I specifically throw zucchini seeds into compost pit. I catch two birds with one stone: there is no need to set aside a special place for this crop and the zucchini grows very well.

Natalia 10/04/2017

In my dacha, the zucchini grows very poorly. There was no harvest all summer. Only at the end of September there were 2 zucchini.
Tomatoes and peppers grow well and produce large yields, but zucchini does not. And so it has been for three seasons. I have the impression that zucchini is very difficult to grow.

NatashaPetrova 07.10.2017

I think it's just a bad choice of seeds or variety. This happened to me with several varieties (for example, Beloplodny). In the same summer, under the same conditions, some grow, others do not. And the plants themselves are somehow dead, and there is no harvest. I do well with zebra zucchini. True, for several years now from my own seeds. Therefore, I don’t know whether the variety is exactly to blame, or whether the seeds of that Beloplodny one were bad. Try changing both varieties and seed producers.

Mari28 10/08/2017

Most likely your zucchini is fattening. Eliminate nitrogen fertilizers after flowering, during the ovary period. From my own experience, I noticed that zucchini seeds, the seeds of which are sown and grow on a compost heap, do not “fatten” despite the fact that they grow practically on nitrogen. But the zucchini in the garden reacts sharply to feeding nitrogen fertilizers, if it is carried out once and abundantly.

Mari28 10/08/2017

Preparing zucchini seeds is not a difficult matter; it involves disinfection. Inspect the seeds for quality, discard any with defects and stains. Afterwards, soak the selected seeds in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 2-3 hours before sowing. That's all the preparation.

Mari28 10/08/2017

There may be several reasons for poor fruiting. I will list:
1. You may have used seeds from the previous year hybrid variety. Such seeds tend to have a reduced yield in the next year of planting.
2. The reason may be improper storage. Zucchini seeds are stored in a warm and dry place. High humidity And low temperatures sharply reduce productivity.
3. Choose a place to plant in partial shade, as pollinating insects do not like to fly in the shade. For this reason, the ovary on female flowers dies.
4. If the summer is cloudy or rainy, this affects insects. They do not pollinate flowers with raw pollen. Carry out hand pollination.
5. Perhaps the reason is an excess of fertilizing and watering. An excessive dose of nitrogen leads to an increase in green mass, the plant “forgets” about bearing fruit. Abundant watering leads to rotting of the root collar. In addition, the roots stop receiving oxygen.

Elena 10.10.2017

If you cannot easily grow a rich harvest of zucchini, then you must follow following rules upon disembarkation and further cultivation. Despite the fact that many zucchini seeds are planted directly in open ground, these pumpkin seeds still love to be grown as seedlings. It is necessary to cut out the bottom of a glass or seedling box so that it does not damage it during further planting. root system. The seedlings should be no more than thirty days old. After planting zucchini in open ground, it is important not to overfeed them with fertilizers. It’s better to prepare fertile soil in advance by mixing it with humus and adding a little superphosphate. As the zucchini grows, it is no longer necessary to feed them.

Nikita 09/10/2018

I love zucchini, I plant a lot of them, then I make caviar from them, with peppers, tomatoes, and I love them stuffed anyway. Zucchini requires a lot of space, so in the spring I immediately leave a large square of land for it, then I make large holes, fill it with humus and plant it directly with seeds. And then the main thing - proper watering, I always water the zucchini from a watering can and carefully so as not to blur the holes, not to wet the leaves and at the same time so that there is a lot of water.

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Is there at least one summer cottage or vegetable garden where zucchini does not grow? There are many things skillful housewives do with them: stew, fry, pickle. Few would argue that the most delicious and healthy dishes are obtained from fruits freshly picked from our own garden beds. That is why we dedicate this page of our website to growing such valuable vegetables as zucchini - planting and caring for open ground will be brought to your attention taking into account the recommendations of leading agronomists.

A few words about zucchini

The homeland of this variety of pumpkin is Mexico. From the 16th to the 18th centuries, the crop was grown in Europe as rare plant, mainly in greenhouses. But over time, Europeans began to realize that this was not at all ornamental plant, but quite edible. So zucchini dishes, tasty and healthy, began to appear on their tables. Zucchini is really very useful. It improves the condition digestive system, kidneys, blood vessels and heart, removes toxins and salts from the body that settle in the joints.

Those gardeners who have planted zucchini in open ground in the past know that this vegetable has nice feature- even with minimal care gives high yield. It has a well-developed root system - 1.5 m in diameter, but the main part of the roots is no deeper than 40 cm. Both male and female roots develop on one plant. female flowers. It is impossible to plant several varieties of crops side by side due to possible cross-pollination. Zucchini has a short growing season.

Features of planting zucchini

Experienced agronomists know that there are two ways to grow zucchini, like many other crops:

1) through seedlings;
2) directly into open ground.

The first method, naturally, will make it possible to get the harvest earlier. The problem is that zucchini grown this way is not suitable for long storage. If you do not plan to immediately eat or process the entire harvest, it is better to choose the second planting method for yourself - with seeds directly to the plot.

Preparing zucchini seeds for planting

It doesn’t matter whether you sow zucchini in seedling pots or directly in open ground, the seeds should be treated. How? You can do one of the following:

1. Dilute a spoonful of ash or a suitable complex of microelements in a liter of warm water and soak the seeds in this composition for a day or two.
2. Soak overnight in warm water, and then wrap in a damp cloth for 3-4 days at a temperature of 22-25 C.
3. Warm the seeds in the sun or near a heating device for a week.
4. Harden the seeds by placing them in the bottom of the refrigerator for 14 hours and room conditions- at 10 o'clock. So for several days. Zucchini seeds need to be prepared before planting

Growing seedlings

If you have chosen the seedling method of growing zucchini, take note of some tips:

  • Zucchini seedlings that are a month old (maybe a little less) should be planted in open ground.
  • For seedlings, it is better to use swollen and germinated seeds.
  • Half of the substrate composition should be peat, a quarter should be humus, another quarter should be turf soil, and you can also add a little sawdust. Can be purchased ready soil for seedlings. It is best to plant zucchini in peat tablets or pots - the culture does not tolerate picking.
  • When planting, the seeds are buried 2 cm.
  • Until the sprouts appear, you need to make a shelter of glass or polyethylene.
  • After the zucchini sprouts appear, the temperature in the room where they are located should be reduced by several degrees for a week.
  • Seedlings need a lot of light, regular watering and feeding.

Good seedlings zucchini can only be grown with proper care

Planting in open ground

The main condition for sowing zucchini is well-warmed soil. Because of this, the event is often postponed to the end of spring, and in some regions to the beginning of summer. In advance (in autumn) you need to dig up the area and simultaneously apply organic fertilizers, superphosphate and ash. This should be a sunny area in which pumpkins have not grown for at least three years.

To plant zucchini, make no more than three holes per square meter. You can add a little humus and ash to the bottom of the hole and mix it all with the soil. Seeds in light soil should be at a depth of 5-8 cm, and in heavy soil - 3-5 cm. Of the several sprouts that appear in each hole, only the strongest one should be left. The seedlings are buried down to the cotyledon leaves. The soil around the sprouts should be loosened the next day. If there is a threat of frost, the beds should be covered with covering material stretched over arches.

Zucchini care

As already mentioned, zucchini will bear fruit well even with minimal effort from the farmer. However, if you plan to get the maximum yield from the bush, then you should familiarize yourself with the basic points of caring for the crop.

Watering. To water zucchini, you should use settled water. The event is best done in the evening. You need to pour water at the root.

Feeding. Regular zucchini care includes several feedings. It is best to use organic matter for this purpose. For example, “green” fertilizer, which is prepared by infusing grass clipped from the area, has proven to work well. You can also use slurry diluted ten times for this purpose. It will be beneficial for zucchini to add small quantity superphosphate and ash. Remember, fertilizing should be done after watering.

Soil treatment. Loosening and weeding should be done in a timely manner, as when caring for other crops.

Be sure to plant zucchini on your site - planting and care in open ground are described above. This is very healthy vegetable and also completely unpretentious. Just think how many delicious and varied dishes you can prepare from it! Zucchini is low in calories, so it is perfect for the diet of those who limit themselves in calories. They reduce blood pressure and normalize the functioning of blood vessels and the digestive system. Zucchini should definitely appear in your beds!

Rules for planting zucchini - important point in caring for planting material. In order for zucchini to produce a good harvest, you need to provide the vegetable with proper care.

Depends on correct landing future harvest zucchini

How to plant zucchini?

Zucchini is an easy-to-care plant that responds responsively to the presence of light and heat. Zucchini can also grow in the shady area of ​​your plot, but the amount of harvest will be significantly less. You can plant seeds in open ground with seeds or grow the plant in seedlings. The time for sowing seeds on a site is regulated depending on climatic conditions, since the plant reacts to heat only after rising temperature regime above twelve degrees, zucchini can be planted on the site.

A good time for planting is after the twentieth of May, when there are no severe frosts at night. Just in case, you should plant the seeds in open ground, covering the area with film. In order to maintain the planting condition, it is better to plant zucchini without transplanting. If the seeds are grown by seedlings, it is better to sow them in peat cups, since you will transplant the zucchini together with them.

To plant zucchini in open ground:

  • set aside a lighted area for zucchini;
  • you cannot plant zucchini in a place where cucumbers or a related crop previously grew;
  • before planting, the soil is fed with compost and humus;
  • plant at a distance of seventy centimeters.

Planting zucchini from seeds involves initially soaking the planting material before planting on the site. Soaking allows the zucchini seeds to germinate. They need to be placed in damp gauze and left for several days to swell. Also, preparation for planting seeds involves soaking in saline solution in order to identify empty seeds, and treatment with a manganese solution for disinfection.

Planting of seeds is carried out in moist soil, three centimeters deep. Each hole is allocated five seeds. After the sprouts appear, remove all but two strong ones.

For zucchini you need to select the most illuminated place on the site

Growing by seedlings

Planting seedlings in open ground is carried out at the same time as seeds. Thanks to seedling method cultivation, the zucchini harvest can be obtained in more early dates. When the seedlings are already transplanted into open ground, they are provided with shade. Planting should be done in the evening or in cloudy weather. Watering the transplanted vegetable should be done every two days. You should reduce the frequency of watering if climatic conditions arid.

Sowing seeds for growing seedlings begins in April. Seeds should be planted in fertile soil, either homemade or store-bought.

To properly grow seeds for seedlings, they are placed in a lighted place, where they will not stretch. Soil moisture should be average; zucchini should not be overwatered. It is important to water in infused room temperature water.

Zucchini seedlings should be in a well-lit place

Seven days before transferring the seedlings to the site, they are hardened off for a couple of days. To obtain a good yield of zucchini, the plant should be stored at a temperature of twenty-five degrees. Zucchini in open ground should be watered once every seven days if it was decided to plant them on sandy loam soil.

One and a half years after the zucchini enters the flowering stage, you can expect the zucchini harvest. Then you will get a young harvest of a plant with soft skin. Plant a plant on open area not difficult, growing zucchini is easy if basic care conditions are met: correct landing, watering and fertilizing.

Many domestic gardeners practice growing zucchini in open ground without shelter. Immediately after planting, it is possible to protect the seedlings and holes with film so as not to ruin the plantings at critical temperatures. The option of seedling planting bushes on the site is quite common. Since this approach reduces the growing season with constant growth. So that growing zucchini in open ground in the Moscow region demonstrates best results, use varieties - Skvorushka, Helena, Gribovsky 37, Zolotinka, Tsukesha, etc.

Zucchini is not as demanding on care as it is on the main growth factors - heat and light. It is quite possible to plant zucchini in open ground on the shady side, but here the yield of the bushes will be reduced many times over. Landing is carried out by seed method or seedlings. However, the planting dates when planting zucchini in open ground are considered the most suitable and are selected according to the climatic characteristics of each area. But one rule of agricultural technology will be appropriate here in any area: since the plant needs warmth, it is advisable to plant it outside after the temperature reaches above 12 degrees. You can find out when to sow eggplant seedlings.

Selecting a site and preparing the soil

Since it is possible to grow zucchini in open ground with minimal effort, a number of important prerequisites are provided for this from the very beginning. In particular, this concerns the selection of a suitable zone and the preparation of ridges. What conditions should there be for successful growth of zucchini? For zucchini, look for an area with sufficient illumination, not waterlogged, and protected from constant drafts. Best soils- loamy, humus. Less suitable soils are heavy, low-moving sandstones, clayey, with a large inclusion of salts.

When preparing land for zucchini - planting and caring for it in open ground - it is recommended to avoid the accumulation of nitrates. Why, when digging in the fall, manure is fertilized in a moderate amount, avoiding excessive application. It is generally recommended to replace manure with green manure or humus. When the soil is highly acidic, liming is done.
To avoid nitrogen deficiency, sprinkle lime on the already dug soil layer.

The soil from the previous crop is dug up to a depth of 30 cm, while adding additives (per 2 meter) - potassium salt up to 20 g, humus - up to 6 kg, superphosphate - 25 g.

When deciding on a place to plant squash bushes, it is necessary to take into account the predecessor crops.

For example, it is not recommended to grow zucchini where cucumbers and related species- squash, pumpkins, etc. Recommended predecessors are garlic, onions, tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants, legumes, perennial herbs.

Preparing seeds for outdoor sowing

To make growing zucchini as efficient as possible, planting material before sowing activities, prepare accordingly. A procedure such as planting zucchini seeds in open ground includes a multi-stage technology for preparing the material:

Growing zucchini seedlings

To obtain seedlings, individual containers are stocked for each seed.

In this regard, peat pots, food cups, carton boxes from fermented milk products.

Seed preparation is carried out by analogy with other crops. To obtain seedlings, seeds are placed in the ground at the end of April, in May. You can find out more about how to prepare eggplant seeds for sowing seedlings.

The cups are filled either with a store-bought soil mixture or with a soil mixture prepared by yourself from turf soil, compost, peat, sawdust (2/2/6/1). Additives per bucket of soil composition - 20 g of superphosphate, half a glass of ash, 6 g of ammonium nitrate, 10 g of potassium sulfate. The seeds are placed in the depressions at a distance of 2-3 cm from the surface with the root down.

A row for zucchini - growing and caring for it in open ground or in a greenhouse, which is supposed to be harvested in the fall. Upon the arrival of stable warm days in the spring of the next season, the seedlings are planted. In this case, the steps between the holes are 90-100 cm, the row spacing is maintained in increments of a meter.

When planting seedlings, Effecton fertilizer (1 tablespoon) is added to each hole, and after planting, the holes are spilled with warm water. Planting is done in the morning or evening, mainly in cloudy weather. If there is a risk of frost, the plant is covered with spunbond or polyethylene, which covers the frame of installed arcs.

To avoid crusting on soil layer it is protected by mulch, using peat or humus. Seeds sprout already at +8-+9 degrees. The optimal temperature for cultivating crops is +20 degrees.

How to grow zucchini on summer cottage In winter, you can only constantly take care of the seedlings; they will have to be watered, fertilized, loosened, and weeded.

For many gardeners, zucchini is a favorite vegetable in the garden that does not require much attention. Zucchini is usually grown in open ground, by planting seedlings or sowing seeds.

Seed germination lasts up to 8 years. Therefore, if you have zucchini seeds that are not fresh, it is better to check their quality in advance. To do this, 1-2 months before sowing, try to germinate them and at the same time see how quickly they take root.

The best predecessors of zucchini are potatoes, cauliflower, and garlic. Avoid areas with cucumbers, pumpkins, etc. Zucchini can be returned to its original place only after 3-4 years.

Place and soil

Choose a sunny site; the quality of the harvest depends on the amount of light and heat. The soil is loose, loamy.

In the fall, 5 kg of humus is added for deep digging, double superphosphate with potassium sulfate 25 g. In the spring, dig up the soil, level it with a pitchfork, treat it with a solution of potassium permanganate and for each square meter add 20 g of ammonium nitrate.

Growing zucchini from seeds, sowing in open ground

Around mid-May to early June, when the soil temperature reaches 14-16°C, zucchini seeds can be sown directly into open ground. This good alternative for those gardeners who do not have the space or time to grow zucchini seedlings. However, it is better to germinate the seeds first. To do this, place them in damp gauze for 1-2 days. It is not recommended to use fabric, as the roots may grow into it. If the seeds have not sprouted, but are swollen, then cool them to 0°C and leave for a day to harden.

  • Sow zucchini seeds in moist soil.
  • Make holes every 70-80 cm, 5-6 cm deep for light soil and 3-4 cm for heavy, the distance between rows is 1-1.5 m.
  • Add a little humus and a pinch of ash to each hole, making sure to mix it with the soil so that the root system does not get burned.
  • Place 2 seeds in each hole, cover with soil and mulch with peat.

A week after sowing the seeds, the first shoots appear. When the young plants grow a little, select the strongest of the two seedlings and remove the weakest. Active development and growth occurs at a temperature of 20-25°C. 40 days after germination, the first harvest of zucchini can be harvested. Perhaps the fruits will still be small, then wait a couple more days.

For late growing Zucchini seeds are sown in open ground in mid-June.

Growing zucchini seedlings

Zucchini seeds are sown for seedlings 25-30 days before planting in open ground, approximately in mid-April. To do this, pour a mixture of humus and peat into the pots, moisten and deepen the seeds by 2-3 cm. To grow zucchini seedlings, a temperature of 20°C is sufficient. Every 7-10 days, water the seedlings with warm water (½ cup per pot). When seedlings appear, after 5-6 days add fertilizer “Bud” or a solution (dilute ½ tsp of urea and 1 tsp of superphosphate in 1 liter of water), after 10 days repeat the fertilizing with the solution (dilute 1 tsp in 1 liter of water tsp nitrophoska and wood ash). Apply 1 tbsp of fertilizer to each plant.

Having planted zucchini seedlings (up to the cotyledon leaves) in open ground at a distance of 70-90 cm from each other, cover with film, since return night frosts can destroy the plants. The film can be removed only after the onset of stable warm weather, around mid-June.

Zucchini care

Zucchini loves water, so water them generously in the evenings with warm water (10 liters per 1 sq.m.) once a week. If after watering the soil begins to expose the root system of the zucchini, immediately mulch the plants with a mixture of peat and humus. A week before harvest, reduce watering or stop altogether to prevent fruit rotting.

Remove weeds by weeding between rows until the leaves close. Loosening, especially loamy soil, will give good throughput light and warmth.

Pinch the main stem, then they will begin to grow side shoots, and when their length is 40 cm, fruiting will begin.

Swipe organic fertilizer. Dilute 1 kg of mullein in a bucket of water and use 1 liter of infusion per plant.

When fruiting begins, harvest 2-3 times a week, cutting the zucchini with a knife. Then you too will receive quality harvest, and overgrown fruits will not inhibit the appearance of new ovaries.

After harvesting, harrow the soil and dig it up, adding a bucket of compost, 30 g of superphosphate and 15 g of potassium fertilizer per 1 sq.m.

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