Planting a flower for women's happiness. Propagation of spathiphyllum and care of young plants

Indoor plants decorate our home and create a feeling of coziness and comfort. They are like any living particle globe, are filled with life, therefore they require attention, care, careful attitude. There are a lot of them, but each one remains unique and inimitable, and this is their charm. In this article we will talk about such a flower as spathiphyllum or, as people like to call it, “women’s happiness.”

There is a belief that this plant can bring happiness. They say that if it blooms in a house where a lonely girl lives, then she will certainly meet her other half. Well, it will bring strength, tranquility and reliability to a home with an established family.

Spathiphyllum tropical plant, is evergreen. There are 45 types in total; common indoor ones include 6 types: spoon-shaped, domino, wallis, profusely blooming, lovely, sensation . The flower is beautiful in appearance and will easily complement any interior. It blooms only a few times a year, and only under conditions proper care. I will reveal everything you need to know and what to follow for normal growth and development of the plant.

Spathiphyllum does not require unnecessary attention. It is enough to water and spray the plant on time, besides, the flower is very smart, it itself makes it clear when it needs water, lowering its leaves down. IN summer time you need to water it often, about every other day, winter period- few times a week. I recommend using filtered or settled water.

Since the plant is tropical, it loves warmth. But here it is important to determine the correct thermal and light conditions; the ideal temperature would be 18-25 degrees. The sun's rays have a detrimental effect, the leaves become dry and wither, and if the leaves, on the contrary, are pulled up, but flowering does not occur, more lighting is needed. With a lack of light, the foliage will become pale in color. It is advisable to spray every day, but at the same time, make sure that water does not get on the flowers! You can also clean it with a damp cloth to remove dust and other external contamination.

The flower propagates very simply: the usual division of the bush and root system. Flower growers use a method for propagation - with pieces of root, but beginners cannot cope with this, as they can damage the main plant by incorrectly dividing the mother root. The leaf is not able to reproduce!

The best time for propagation and transplantation is spring. First you need to prepare the soil: turf soil (2 parts), peat (1 part), humus (1 part) and sand (1 part). There must be good drainage at the bottom of the pot.

Spathiphyllum is transplanted once a year, in the spring, but if you just bought the plant, it needs an urgent transplant. In stores, as a rule, they sell it in plastic containers, for ease of transportation, but it will not be able to grow and reproduce in these conditions.

So, we start replanting a flower by purchasing a new pot. It should be slightly larger in diameter than the previous one. Make sure that the room temperature is not lower than 20 degrees. To make it easier to remove the plant from the pot, water it about an hour before replanting. Place the pot on its side and separate it from it using gentle tapping movements. root system, you can use a metal spatula or knife to make it easier, but proceed with extreme caution. Carefully remove rotted particles from the roots and shorten any that are too long. If you want to propagate, then separate parts of the roots along with the leaves.

Pre-prepare the pot: drainage hole cover with small particles of brick (broken), expanded clay or shards, then lay the substrate (prepared in advance) and sprinkle a thin layer of soil on top. We fix the flower in the pot, adding further portions of soil so that it fits snugly against the walls. We compact the soil with our fingers until it is level with the leaves.

At the end of the procedure, water the stapiphyllum generously and put it in a dark place for 7 days, but spray the leaves daily. After a week, we return the flower to the usual, bright part of the house.

Attention! The flower cannot be replanted during the flowering process!

Spathiphyllum diseases and treatment

The main cause of the disease of this plant are pests: mealybug, spider mite, aphid, sooty fungus, scale insect.


It appears when there is an increased level of dampness and hides between the leaves, so inspect the flower periodically. When identifying small amount insects, you can get rid of them by wiping the leaves with an alcohol solution or an infusion of citrus peels.

Spider mite

The greatest threat to spathiphyllum. The pest appears on the foliage and covers it with cobwebs. As a result, the plant gradually dries out. For treatment, it is enough to remove the cobwebs by treating the leaves with a non-concentrated soap solution. In more serious cases, you will need more effective means: insecticides, ground sulfur.


Aphids originate on the lower part of the foliage and feed on the juice of “female happiness.” If the plant is not treated, the leaves curl and dry out. Treatment: 1 gram of nicotine sulfate per 1 liter of water and generously spray the affected parts.

Sooty mushroom

Manifests itself in blackening of the upper part of the leaves. The disease must be eliminated quickly, since it blocks the plant’s breathing, which leads to its death. Treatment: frequent treatment with soapy water.


Shield aphids (scale insects) are dark-colored spots on leaves and stems. On initial stage the disease is invisible. It is treated by spraying the plant with a tobacco-soap solution mixed with kerosene or alcohol in a small amount.

Disease prevention is to frequently “bathe” the plant with a damp sponge. But the cause is not always pests! Indicators that the plant is sick:

  1. Doesn't grow well . Most likely, the light regime does not correspond to the norm or the humidity of the room and area near the flower is disturbed. It is enough to simply rearrange it to a more suitable place;
  2. Dried leaf tips, spots . Harmless spots of a yellow-brown hue, this may be the natural overflow of the plant;
  3. Flowers turn black . The reason is overfertilization or waterlogged soil. Treatment: spray the soil with a solution of foundationazole 2 grams per 1 liter of water;
  4. Yellow leaves. The reason is simple, either the plant is in contact with direct sunlight, or too much water is used when watering;
  5. Deformed leaves. Curved, elongated, narrow - the reason is the lack of light. Dark places- contraindicated;
  6. No flowering. Reasons: lack of feeding, insufficient humidity, the need for a transplant.

Spathiphyllum does not bloom, what should I do?

A woman's happiness blooms only if she experiences a complete sense of comfort. When he is comfortable, warm, everything external factors meet the standards.

Of course for a person - experienced florist planting or transplanting spathiphyllum does not cause absolutely any problems, moreover, they find this process quite easy. However, those who have just begun to get interested in indoor plants still have no idea how to plant a flower of female happiness, and therefore need a detailed explanation. We will correct this shortcoming and consider the entire process of planting spathiphyllum from the selection of tools to post-planting care.

To plant a plant you will need:

  • Universal earthen mixture or for aroids (sold in the store);
  • Drainage;
  • Pot;
  • Small scoop or tablespoon.
  • The soil in which you will plant “female happiness” should contain the following: turf and leaf soil, peat, humus, sand. This is a basic mixture in which any indoor plant grows well. You can also add charcoal, it helps to absorb excess liquid, and then, in the absence of moisture, give it back to the plant.

    Now let's look at how to plant. When transplanting and planting divisions: pour into new pot a small layer of expanded clay (for drainage), then add a layer earth mixture. Remove the flower rhizome from the old pot and place it in a new pot. Add soil to the top of the pot. Pay more attention to the flower and water it abundantly, but forget about fertilizing for several months.

    When planting seeds, planting occurs in soil made of peat and sand. The top of the pot is covered with a film, periodically it is necessary to ventilate the soil, and, of course, do not forget about watering.

    Many novice flower growers are interested in the question of how to plant a flower of female happiness. In fact, this process is not at all complicated, but for good growth flower, it is important when planting it not to damage the root system.

    Over the years, the spathiphyllum bush grows, becomes too heavy to lift, and cannot be painlessly replaced with soil. At this time they loosen and remove only upper layer. Meanwhile, the spathiphyllum flower ages and loses its decorative effect. Therefore, no matter how memorable the plant is for you, you need to prepare a replacement for it. The procedure will not seem difficult for those who annually transplant the flower into a larger container.

    Principles of propagation of spathiphyllum

    The biology of the flower is such that it has no stems, and the lanceolate leaves emerge directly from the ground, from the root from dormant buds. The resulting rosette of two or three leaves creates a vagina, from which emerges the stem of a flower, wrapped in a snow-white blanket, like a diaper. This is how the curtain grows, which makes it possible to disassemble the rhizomes into pieces, each of which contains or ready plant with roots, or a dormant bud.

    How does spathiphyllum propagate by others? by known methods? It happens:

    • obtaining a plant from dormant buds of a piece of rhizome;
    • receiving young plant from layerings or cuttings;
    • sowing seeds.

    When propagating spathiphyllum by any vegetative way at good care it can bloom in 8-10 months. The seed method does not involve the transfer of traits mother bush, flowering occurs after 3-4 years. In this case, there is a possibility of getting completely new variety.

    For vegetative propagation It is important to carry out the planned work in the spring, when the plant is just starting to grow after winter rest. However, in case of illness or for another reason, you can carefully replant the plant even during flowering.

    Soil requirements or how to prepare soil for spathiphyllum. The flower loves soil with slight acidity, composed of equal parts:

    • garden or turf land;
    • leaf humus;
    • sand

    Additionally, to give a similarity to the natural composition, a total of 1 part of fine bark is added coniferous species, charcoal, ground into a fine fraction and brick or ceramic chips. After disinfection by known methods, the soil is moistened with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

    Regardless of whether to sow seeds or root cuttings, work on propagating spathiphyllum is carried out at a room temperature of at least 21 degrees.

    After planting or sowing the seeds, everything possible is done to ensure rooting. To do this, create a mini-greenhouse, moisten the leaves and soil surface, create conditions for quick recovery root work.

    The choice of dishes is important for the vegetative propagation of spathiphyllum. The containers should not be spacious, or several sections should be planted in them at once. Until the container is filled with roots, the plant will not bloom.

    When planting, it is important to leave enough space at the top, have a good drainage layer of pebbles or expanded clay at the bottom, and not deepen root collar plants.

    How to plant spathiphyllum, which is cramped in a container

    To do this, you need to water the plant so that it easily slides out of the old pot. Since the task is to get maximum amount division, then the bush should be soaked in warm water in a large basin, so that the roots are freed from the ground. Place the plant on the table. In this case, the parts into which the bush needs to be cut when dividing will be clearly visible.

    Free each part from old brown dead roots. Leave the young ones light. Sprinkle the cut areas with crushed coal and prepare the containers. Pour 2 cm of soil over the drainage and arrange the roots of the division, spreading them slightly. While holding the plant suspended, carefully add little by little the prepared soil for spathiphyllum. Shake the glass slightly and compact the soil with your fingers. Having filled the roots, water the soil to compact it, after the soil settles, add it to the neck and rock the plant to see if it sits tightly.

    For the first week, you need to wet the leaves with a spray bottle and keep the plant under a hood with little ventilation. If the lump of earth dries out, moisten it a little so as not to provoke rotting of the diseased roots. A sign that the plant has taken root will be the appearance young leaf. After this, the plant is gradually freed from shelter, feeding begins after 3 months at half the dose.

    Propagation by divisions without roots and pieces of rhizome

    In this case, the cuttings should be germinated in water and then planted as described above. The rhizomes are laid out on wet sand or peat. In this case, until the roots sprout, the litter should be constantly moist. Cover the top with film, but ventilate. As a result, the fragment will send out roots, and then it can be planted in the ground.

    How does spathiphyllum propagate by seeds?

    The plant is cross-pollinated and has male and female flower stalks. They differ in terms of flowering and flower height. The male blooms 2-3 days earlier, the pollen disappears while it ripens. female flower. Therefore, seeds are obtained in greenhouses, where there are many flowers and they bloom in different time. The pollinated female flower eventually turns green and becomes plump with cones that turn into peas. Seeds ripen up to six months. Their viability is low, and they must be sown immediately after harvesting.

    When purchasing seeds, you should make sure that they are fresh. If the mother plant was a hybrid, then splitting of properties will be inevitable. Seedlings are grown in a closed bowl, occasionally opening it for ventilation. Shoots appear unevenly; several seedlings will appear from one pea. After germination, the plant needs to be accustomed to air gradually, opening the transparent film for a while.

    Such flowers develop much more slowly, but subsequently they are more resistant to the dry air of the apartment in winter. Can be seeded into a large container for decoration office space and young flowers will create original composition, blooming at the same time.

    Another way would be to grow the seedlings to 5-6 cm and plant them in separate cups, from which you can also make any composition, but later they are easier to replant.

    Video about transplanting spathiphyllum

    Spathiphyllum - perennial evergreen, which has many species, many of which are successfully grown at home and in greenhouses. They are very unpretentious in care and perfectly decorate the interior. Any beginner florist can cope with growing and propagating such a flower.

    The inflorescences of the plant resemble a young elongated ear of corn. They call it “women’s happiness” because beautiful shape inflorescence similar to a bride's dress.

    Common plant species

    Spathiphyllum grows naturally in the Philippines and the southern part of the USA. He has and beneficial features, namely absorbs harmful substances(xylene, carbon monoxide, benzene) from indoor air.

    Additionally, it moisturizes and saturates it with phytoncides and charged ions, which perfectly suppress the spread of mold fungi.

    You can easily grow in an apartment or house the following types this beautiful plant:

    1. Adorable - elongated leaves with elongated ends. Blooms profusely with greenish-whitish spathes.
    2. Heliconyleaf - a medium-growing variety with dark green foliage of a glossy sheen and wavy edges.
    3. Wallisa is a low flower up to 30 cm with oblong leaves of a dark green color. It is unpretentious to grow and blooms profusely.
    4. Cannofolia - similar to canna leaves, the flowers give off a subtle scent.
    5. Abundantly flowering - grows up to 45 cm tall. Has a white spathe on a cream-colored cob. With good care it blooms profusely and for a long time.
    6. Sensation - gigantic dutch flower with ribbed dark green leaves. Grows well in the shade.
    7. Picasso is unpretentious, reproduces freely, has bright color: white stripes on a dark green leaf.
    8. Domino stands out for its variegated foliage. Sometimes it grows up to 1.5 meters.

    For home floriculture different types Spathiphyllum are ideal. “Women’s Happiness” can be placed in a pot even in a darkened office.

    Caring for spathiphyllum plants at home

    It is very important to follow some care rules decorative flower. The following factors should be considered:

    • transfer;
    • soil quality;
    • fertilizer;
    • temperature and humidity;
    • reproduction;
    • lighting;
    • watering.

    It is necessary to know what to do so that the plant does not die if it starts to hurt. For example, its leaves turned black, changed color, and partially began to dry out. It should be alarming that “women’s happiness” long time does not produce inflorescences.

    In order for the plant to bloom on time, it is timely added to its substrate. useful fertilizers summer and spring. During the hot period, the leaves are generously sprayed with water and the roots are watered so that a hard earthen lump does not form and the soil is loose.

    Straight lines should not fall on spathiphyllum Sun rays especially in summer, and it is better for the plant not to stand in frequent drafts, otherwise the flower will begin to hurt and become vulnerable to all kinds of diseases and pests.

    Location and lighting

    Spathiphyllum is a fairly light-loving plant, but the lack of constant lighting will not affect its health in any way, although it may reduce its size and worsen the shape of its leaves. It is best to keep the flower on a plant stand on the north side near the window.

    It is not necessary to occupy the windowsill. Loves ornamental plant most diffuse light. It is better to shade the windows in the summer so that the flower is not affected by direct scorching rays of the sun.

    Humidity and temperature conditions

    Spathiphyllum feels great at a room temperature of 15-20 °C. IN summer season it tolerates heat up to 27 degrees. In winter it tolerates up to 13 degrees, but often it is better not to water the plant at this temperature.

    As for humidity, the optimal level in the room with the plant is 50-60%. But if you organize watering normally, then you don’t need to particularly monitor the humidity.

    During the heating period, you can spray the flower with plain water several times a week, wipe the leaves with a damp cloth, or keep a tray with wet pebbles nearby with the pot.

    It is necessary to defend in advance a simple soft water at least 10 hours. It is ideal to water the plant with rainwater. More often, watering is carried out during flowering, but bypassing the inflorescences. After watering, be sure to empty the water from the tray of the pot.

    Watering spathiphyllum with cold water is harmful. It is also dangerous to water a flower too often. Before the next moistening, the top layer of the soil substrate must dry.

    Top dressing and soil

    Before planting the plant, you need to prepare the substrate. It is enough to take humus, river sand, leaf soil, sphagnum peat. To ensure good drainage and optimal aeration, charcoal, brick chips or coniferous tree bark are added to the pot. The result will be a soft earth mixture, loose and fertile.

    Regarding feeding and fertilizer exotic plant spathiphyllum, they are carried out once a month in the fall. Fertilizing is not carried out in winter, and during the flowering period it is better to add fertilizer for home flowers several times a month.

    Mineral fertilizers are diluted in settled water for irrigation. You can alternate such fertilizers with organic ones.

    Reproduction and transplantation of spathiphyllum at home

    IN greenhouse conditions The flower is propagated by dividing the main bush. Before transplanting, several leaves with roots are separated from the general accumulation. It is desirable that they have 2-3 cm in length. The delenka is transferred to a spacious pot with loose soil mixture.

    Young flowers are replanted annually. For them, shallow and small pot. Before transplanting from an old pot, the plant is well watered.

    In order for the flower to grow well in a new place, it is better to remove small shoots from the sides, which consume the plant’s strength. To speed up rooting after transplantation, it is useful to spray the leaves in the evening with a solution containing Epine.

    The next day it is better not to water the flower, but only spray it with plain water. Soil moisture is resumed after 3-4 days.


    Sometimes spider mites or aphids settle on spathiphyllum leaves. To eliminate them, you can wipe the leaves soapy water and add nicotine sulfate to it.

    Before the procedure, it is better to cover the pot with soil with film so that the substrate does not get into the soil.

    A day later, the substrate is washed off the leaves and the procedure is repeated. Common insect pests include mealybug, and scale insects. Not only soapy water, but also tobacco infusion helps.

    Spathiphyllum diseases

    “Women’s happiness” sometimes gets sick:

    How long does spathiphyllum bloom at home?

    The flowering period of spathiphyllum usually falls in the spring and lasts several weeks. A young plant will not bloom in the first years. Flowers appear if the flower is planted in a little cramped potty. Flowering in a wide range deep pot you will have to wait longer until the roots grow throughout the earthen substrate.

    With a lack of humidity and nutrients the cobs also do not appear, and the spathiphyllum plant itself is depressed, with yellowish and small leaves and short length.

    Regulate flowering by adding potassium and phosphorus to the soil.

    Spathiphyllum, or otherwise “female happiness,” is one of the most beautiful, and at the same time unpretentious indoor plants family Araceae. Its homeland is the rainforests of tropical America, Venezuela, Brazil and Colombia. You can recognize a flower by its oval green leaves rich in color with a clearly visible midrib. The plant has no stem, and the leaves, growing from the soil, form a lush bunch.

    Spathiphyllum blooms picturesquely, producing numerous inflorescences on a long stalk. Its flowers resemble a cob, framed by a white “veil”. If this plant is created optimal conditions growth, it will bloom profusely almost all year round. In this article we will tell you how to properly care for the “feminine happiness” flower. According to folk superstition will definitely give its owner happiness, love and prosperity.

    How to care for the “female happiness” flower: choosing a place

    This plant loves soft, diffused light and does not tolerate direct scorching rays of the sun. Therefore, you can install a pot with spathiphyllum on any window, but you need to shade the plant with a tulle curtain. In principle, it can grow well in partial shade, so you can place spathiphyllum a little distance from the source, for example, not far from a south window.

    IN cold period There is no need to protect and shelter the “feminine happiness” flowers from the sun. How to care for them in winter? You should not place them next to running radiators. Hot, dry air is not for spathiphyllum. On the contrary, you should humidify the air by constantly spraying the leaves with a spray bottle or using a household humidifier. It is not recommended to expose the plant to drafts, or to place the pot on the balcony or veranda.

    How to care for the “female happiness” flower: and watering features

    An important condition for rapid growth and plant development is to maintain proper indoor climatic conditions. It is believed that 22 °C is the most comfortable temperature for spathiphyllum. Some deviation from this average value is also possible, the main thing is to avoid significant cooling (below 15 °C in winter and below 17 °C in summer). Remember, the “female happiness” flower (photo of it in front of you in the article) comes from the tropics, so temperatures below 10 °C can destroy the plant.

    Spathiphyllum loves regular and abundant watering, the soil in the pot should not dry out completely. In the warm season, the earth is moistened more often than in winter, and for this purpose only soft, non-cold, settled water is used. During flowering, it is not recommended to allow drops of water to fall on the inflorescences. In addition to watering, the plant must be sprayed, and the more often the better. Also, spathiphyllum leaves should be periodically wiped with a clean damp cloth, cleaning them from dust and dirt.

    How to care for the “female happiness” flower: feeding, replanting and propagation

    In order for the plant to bloom magnificently and abundantly, it is advisable to regularly fertilize it. It is produced once a week, using mineral and organic fertilizers. They are introduced only after abundant moistening of everything. earthen coma. IN winter time The plant is fed less frequently (once every 3 weeks).

    "Women's happiness" is replanted once a year in the spring. New landing capacity select a slightly larger diameter than the previous one. Soil mixture prepared from river sand, peat, humus, turf and deciduous soil in equal parts. Expanded clay or crushed stone must be placed at the bottom of the pot.

    If you follow these simple agricultural rules, your “female happiness” flower will definitely be strong, healthy and beautiful.

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