A detailed list of reasons why hibiscus may drop its unopened buds. How to save beauty? The buds fall off and the leaves of the Chinese rose fall off: why this happens and what to do about it

Hibiscus rosa-sinensis is a shrub that is currently popular in greenhouse and home growing. The plant, originally from southern China, is very thermophilic, so the harsh climate of Russia is not suitable for its propagation in outdoor conditions.

But indoor privileges allow the plant to feel great and delight with beautiful buds from March to October.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to admire the numerous buds Chinese rose, since they may fall off before flowering. Many gardeners wonder why this happens, how to maintain the viability of all flowers, and what to do.

Why do hibiscus buds fall off?

There are not many reasons for a plant to shed buds. The main ones are:

  • non-compliance with rose care rules;
  • lack of proper fertilization of the plant;
  • damage to shrubs by insect pests;
  • unfavorable place for growing.

Failure to meet the basic needs of the Chinese rose

Any indoor plant, hibiscus is no exception to the rule, requires special care behind you.

The following are always important to him:

  • air temperature and humidity in the room;
  • lighting;
  • regularity and intensity of watering;
  • preparation for the winter period;
  • soil quality.

Temperature and humidity levels

The air temperature in the room where hibiscus is grown should not exceed +23°C in summer period and +18°C in winter. In the development of Chinese rose buds, the following pattern is observed: at low temperatures, the buds do not ripen, and at too high temperatures, they wither and fall off.

Hibiscus is a permanent plant and does not tolerate too much sharp changes temperature.

The air humidity in the room should reach 70%. To maintain it at the proper level, you need to install an air humidifier or ordinary containers with water near the hibiscus so that evaporation occurs.
Chinese rose loves frequent spraying of foliage from a spray bottle. When the environment is properly moistened, the foliage indoor plant has a bright green color.

Lighting and watering

Hibiscus loves light very much. He needs solar lighting at least five hours a day. To provide the flower with optimal light conditions, you need to grow it on southern windowsills.
In partial shade, a flower may produce few buds, which may fall off without blooming, or may not bloom at all. Therefore, if the hibiscus buds are weak and wither, you should move the plant to more illuminated areas of the room without drafts.

Most of all, the Chinese rose requires moisture during the active growth phase - from March to October. You need to water the flower once a day with settled water. room temperature However, you should not leave water in the pan of the pot.

If you do not observe moderation in watering, the roots of the rose will rot, it will not have enough strength to form buds and bloom, so they may wither.

IN winter period Watering the plant should be halved. The resting phase can be determined by the rose's shedding of foliage.


Before the dormant phase, hibiscus should be pruned. Strong and large inflorescences are formed only on fully formed shoots. The Chinese rose is given the shape of a tree. Weak shoots must be pruned.
After pruning, the hibiscus is provided optimal mode lighting and cool temperature conditions not lower than +15°C. Favorable conditions wintering allows the plant to prepare for abundant flowering without falling buds.

Soil quality

Falling of buds is observed in cases where hibiscus is planted in unsuitable soil.

Often indoor flower buy in stores and do not replant it in new pot. The plant is exhausted, in which the rose does not have the strength to bloom large buds, the plant gets rid of them in order to preserve the shoots and root system.
For hibiscus, soil containing humus, turf, sand and leaf soil in a ratio of 2/1/1/1 is suitable.

Pest Control

One of the reasons why Chinese hibiscus drops numerous formed buds, the rose is damaged by pests - aphids or spider mite. The fight against them consists of treating the plant with special chemicals, soap solution, as well as soil replacement.
Transplantation into clean, fertile soil should only be done if the Chinese rose has a fully formed root system.

Formed hibiscus flowers may fall off when insufficient quantity nutrients in the soil, which are necessary for the plant to maintain the necessary balance of forces for the development of foliage and buds.

During the period of active growth and bud formation, the soil should be fertilized with potassium, nitrogen and magnesium.

But it’s better not to experiment with phosphorus; it has a detrimental effect on roses.

Choosing a pot

Hibiscus is a flowering free-growing shrub. If the rose is planted in a small flower pot, then it develops slowly, there is not enough space for the root system. This may be one of the reasons for the formation of weak buds.
So that the Chinese rose does not shed its buds before flowering and has the strength to bloom them, you should select large capacity. You can change the container either as the plant grows, or plant it immediately in a large pot.

Hibiscus is not a whimsical plant, so you can always make it delight you with numerous blooms. It is enough just to regularly follow the rules of caring for it. The main thing when growing it is bright lighting, sufficiently humid air, regular watering, timely fertilizing, replanting and pruning.

Care and cultivation of gibbeum Representatives of the genus are not often found in culture, which is explained by a pronounced dormant period and the need to create for them special conditions contents different from ordinary indoor plants. The main requirement for the soil substrate for growing all living stones is good water permeability. And gibbeum is no exception. Considering that in wildlife it most often grows on rocky soil, purchased soil, for example, for succulents it can be diluted by a third or even half with coarse sand and brick chips. You can also cook it yourself soil mixture from sand, turf and leaf soil in a ratio of 2:2:1. It is better to take a ceramic pot, deep (at least 10 cm high), with several holes and a drainage layer of at least 2–3 cm. Good lighting is also an indispensable condition. In winter and in cloudy weather, plants need to be illuminated, and in the warm season, they can be safely placed outside. open air under straight lines Sun rays. These plants are no strangers to heat, and the permissible lower limit of the optimal temperature range for them is +15 degrees. It is especially important to avoid drafts and critical drops in air temperature in winter, since this is the time when the most active phase of growth and development occurs. In summer, during all three months, the gibbeum is in a state of rest. At this time, it is kept under the most intense lighting, but is not fed or watered. Only occasionally, so that the roots do not dry out, are lightly sprayed. Watering begins when the plants are apparently ready for further growth, but some species do not show such readiness and have to be “awakened” in a similar way. With some patience, gradually large-leaved species can be transferred to the summer growing season, but with small ones this is hardly possible. Even during the period of growth and flowering, water the succulent very moderately, focusing on appearance plants. With excessive moisture, rotting and cracking of leaves can occur; plants of species with completely fused leaves should be moistened with extreme caution. Sometimes, instead of one watering, several sprayings are enough. All gibbeums are accustomed to growing in dry air conditions, and its high humidity in combination with high temperatures may even be destructive. During the growing season, plants can be fed once or twice. mineral fertilizers for cacti in half concentration. They are rarely replanted as they grow and fill the container. In the first two weeks after transplantation, the plants are not watered.

Hibiscus is not a tree large sizes or shrub belonging to the Malvaceae family. During flowering, large, funnel-shaped, colorful flowers are formed. Hibiscus blooms for a long time. The plants are quite capricious, so gardeners often wonder why unopened buds of hibiscus fall off.

Description and characteristics of the plant

The birthplace of the culture is Indonesia and southern China. In regions with subtropical and tropical climates, it actively grows in the wild, as for places with less favorable climatic conditions, then the plant is grown there as a greenhouse or indoor plant. There are many varieties of culture; today there are approximately 300 species.


Perhaps the most popular representatives are:

  • Chinese rose.
  • Dissected-petalled.
  • Syrian.
  • Hybrid.
  • Trifoliate.

The leaf blades of the plant have a rich dark green color, petiolate and notched. Hibiscus can reach a height of up to 4.5 m, the diameter of the inflorescences is approximately 16 cm. The seeds are formed in five-leaf boxes.

Important! If all agrotechnical rules are followed, the plant can bloom all year round.

Hibiscus buds fall off: reason

Hibiscus drops buds, what should I do? Before answering this question, it is necessary to consider the main reasons why hibiscus buds fall off.

By nature, he is very demanding and often demonstrates his whims to the grower.

Why does hibiscus drop buds:

  • Low room temperature and drafts.
  • Regular movement between rooms.
  • Failure to comply with watering rules.
  • Lack of lighting.
  • Deficiency of nutrients and fertilizers.

Hibiscus buds fall

Control methods and prevention

Unopened buds may fall off for one of the reasons listed above; to prevent this, you need to familiarize yourself with the measures that should be taken.

Hibiscus prefers sedentism and peace. The plant should have a special place in the room; you should not move it from one to another.

The most common reason for the loss of buds is non-compliance with watering rules. A lack of moisture leads to the fact that the buds will not only fail to bloom, but will also fall off, and the crop will begin to wither. This is due to the fact that the rhizome begins to dry out quickly; in order to survive, the culture sheds as many fragments as possible from the above-ground part. In this case, it is necessary to reconsider the approach to watering; perhaps, spraying should be added.

Important! The water must be settled; cold water must not be used.

Lack of lighting can also cause buds to drop. The plant should not be exposed to direct sunlight, diffused light is sufficient. The Chinese rose feels most comfortable on windowsills located on the western side.

Hibiscus feels best on windowsills located on the west side

During flowering, large inflorescences are formed, the formation of which takes a lot of effort. This is why the Chinese rose needs regular feeding. It is recommended to use universal mineral complexes. The composition must contain potassium and nitrogen. You should refrain from using fertilizers that contain phosphorus. The plant, oversaturated with it chemical element, begins to hurt and waste away.

Important! Hibiscus - heat-loving plant, admissible minimum temperature+15 degrees. In warm seasons, the optimal temperature is +22-24 degrees. Does not tolerate drafts well, you should pay attention to this.

Hibiscus is incredibly attractive, but at the same time capricious plant. For its successful cultivation, you must first familiarize yourself with all the rules of agricultural technology.

Hibiscus is a fairly hardy plant and can forgive some mistakes in care. But, despite this, agricultural technology when growing “Chinese rose” is very important and failure to comply with it leads to pest infestation and disease development.

Chlorosis – this is a disease in which the green parts of the plant change their color to yellow, lemon or whitish due to a decrease in the amount of chlorophyll. This disease can be non-infectious and infectious.

  • Non-infectious chlorosis appears when there are disturbances in the plant’s nutrition: lack or excess of nitrogen, magnesium, potassium, iron. Potassium and magnesium are competing elements in nature. An excess of one leads to a deficiency of the second. Potassium is essential for flowering plants. If it is deficient, the plant does not bloom, or the flowers are poorly colored and the branches are thin. A lack of magnesium leads to chlorosis. Iron deficiency also causes leaves to turn yellow and fall off. In order to prevent this, water for watering the plant must be settled and iron chelate added to it.
  • Infectious chlorosis caused by viruses, fungal microorganisms and pests. Cleaning from dust, timely application of fertilizers, replanting and pest control will help avoid these diseases.

Sunburn. Direct sunlight, falling on a plant that has not yet adapted, partially destroys the chloroform in it, as a result of which the leaves become covered with white burn spots. This temporary phenomenon is observed if the flower is moved from a greenhouse or a place with insufficient light to bright sun. The hibiscus quickly gets used to changes in light, and new leaves will grow normally. To avoid loss of decorativeness and not to injure the plant, it must be accustomed to changes by exposing it to the sun for an hour a day, gradually increasing the duration of stay.

Diseases caused by pests

Greenhouse and tobacco whiteflies. When a plant is damaged, its leaves turn yellow and become covered with sticky secretions. On bottom surface leaves you can see pale yellow larvae or adult white-winged insects. To combat and prevent the disease, the plant is treated with solutions of potassium soap or with the preparations Biotlin, Fufanon, Aktara, etc.

Spider mite (web on hibiscus). The leaves of the affected plant become dull and become covered with yellowish specks. Subsequently, large dry areas appear on them. The underside of the leaves is covered with cobwebs in which the pest lives. To combat and prevent the disease, it is necessary to wash the leaves with soap or mineral oil, and also treat them with Molniya, Fitoverm, Akarin, etc.

Aphid. Aphids are attracted to young leaves and buds of the plant. When damaged, they become deformed and become sticky. To prevent and combat the disease, the plant is treated with soap solution, tobacco dust, Biotlin, Akarin, Decis, etc.

Scale insects. White, waxy discharge appears on the petioles and in the axils of the leaves. To combat the disease, the plant is sprayed with Actofit or treated with mineral oils.

Scale insects and false scale insects. Brownish or pale brown tubercles appear on the stems of the plant. If there is little damage to the plant, the pests are removed mechanically, and the affected areas of the plant are wiped with kerosene or mineral oil. At severe defeat, it is better to treat the plant with an insecticide.

Bacterial spotting. The edges of the leaves of the affected plant are covered with rotting yellow spots. To prevent and treat the disease, the plant is systematically inspected and treated with Fundazol, Cumulus, Euparen, etc.

Brown rot. Most often it affects young plants and seedlings. The affected plant's stems turn brown and thin at the very base. To prevent the disease, cuttings and seedlings are treated with Rovral. Seedlings should be planted shallowly, spraying thoroughly after planting.

Vascular withering. Caused by fungi. The affected plant's branches and trunk quickly dry out, sometimes without having time to lose foliage. To treat the disease, the damaged parts of the affected plant are cut out and treated with an antifungal drug.

Midge gall midge. In affected plants, the buds turn yellow and fall off without even blooming. Midge midges lay eggs in tiny hibiscus buds, so To prevent the disease, yellowed buds are collected, not allowing them to fall, and the soil under the flower is treated with a preparation against soil pests.

Symptoms of diseases

Hibiscus leaves are turning yellow. Most probable reasons diseases - damage by pests (aphids, spider mites), diseases of the root system, insufficient humidity air or leaf chlorosis. The causes of chlorosis are an excess of chlorine and calcium in irrigation water with a lack of nitrogen and iron. Water for watering the plant should be settled and iron chelate added.

Hibiscus leaves are falling. Stress, insufficient humidity. It is necessary to create rest for the plant and spray it.

Indoor hibiscus - leaves turn yellow and fall off. Stress, insufficient humidity, draft, waterlogging of roots in winter time. It is necessary to create rest for the plant, spray it, making sure that the bud does not turn into a liquid mess.

Why do hibiscus leaves curl?. The plant is affected by aphids. Needs to be treated for pests.

The tips of the hibiscus leaves are wilting. Lack of nutrients. It is necessary to feed the plant with nitrogen and phosphorus preparations.

The hibiscus is withering. The plant is too hot. It is necessary to reduce the temperature in the room, shade, spray.

Why does a hibiscus drop its buds? The plant is too hot. The soil lacks potash fertilizers. The buds are affected by the gall midge.

What to do if he dies?

If your Chinese rose is sick, do not despair, it may be possible to revive it. Hibiscus is unpretentious and can be treated at home.

At the moment, many drugs have been developed for pest control; they can be purchased in specialized stores or used traditional methods, treating the plant with a solution of soap, tincture of tobacco or pepper.

Folk remedies for hibiscus pest control

Pepper tincture (against aphids, mites) – Dry pepper is poured with water in a ratio of 1:2 and boiled for an hour, then infused and filtered. To spray a plant, 10 g of the drug is diluted in one liter of water and soap. Soap should be about 5g per liter.

Tobacco tincture (against aphids, thrips, mites) – 1 kg tobacco dust or tobacco is boiled in 10 liters of water for two hours. Leave for two days and filter. Before use, the concentrate is diluted in 10 liters of water with 50 g of soap.
Soap solution. To prepare the drug, 200 g of potassium soap is diluted in 10 liters of water.
Mustard tincture (for ticks, aphids) – Boil 50g of mustard in a liter of water and infuse. Before use, the concentrate is diluted in 20 liters of water.

Agricultural technology is of great importance when maintaining hibiscus: soil acidity, heat and light conditions, air and soil humidity. Create comfort for the flower: do not move it, treat it for pests, loosen the soil and water it once a week, and gradually the hibiscus will grow new leaves.


See more photos on the topic below:

In case of inappropriate temperature conditions hibiscus is actively shedding its unopened buds. The optimal temperature for the plant is 23 degrees in summer and 18 in winter. If the room is colder than the permissible minimum, the buds may fall off even at the formation stage. If the thermometer readings, on the contrary, are too high, the buds will begin to dry out and die.

It is very important that the plant is not exposed to a draft, either in winter or summer.

Direct sunlight

For healthy development, hibiscus requires bright, but diffuse light. Direct sunlight burns the plant and causes the buds to fall off.

Watering too often

If the buds turn yellow and wither, and a visual inspection does not reveal the presence of pests, then the plant is suffering from excessive watering. These symptoms manifest themselves as rotting of the root system.

To save a hibiscus, you need to remove it from the pot, remove damaged roots, sprinkle the cut areas charcoal and transplant into a new container.

IN further care you need to avoid overflowing, but make sure that the soil is moistened at all times. The stems after the fallen buds need to be trimmed a little so that new strong shoots begin to develop in these places.

Soil chlorosis

Poor drainage and incorrect soil composition lead to the fact that hibiscus leaves fade and turn yellow at the edge or along the entire leaf blade, and the buds fall off.

You can help the plant by transplanting it into a new pot. with a balanced soil composition and well-organized drainage.

Wrong wintering

Wintering of hibiscus should take place at a temperature of at least 15 degrees. Only in this case will the plant be able to develop strong ovaries that are not susceptible to falling.

Lack of feeding

A lack of nutrients in the soil is stressful for hibiscus. During flowering, the plant needs extra food. For these purposes it is best suited complex fertilizer containing nitrogen, potassium and trace elements.

Important! Store-bought fertilizers are not suitable for hibiscus. flowering plants, due to the high phosphorus content in their composition. For hibiscus, this element is intolerable and can cause the buds to drop.

Frequent plant movements

Hibiscus should absolutely not be touched during flowering, twist the pot or move it around the room. The plant is sensitive to this kind of stress and responds by intensively dropping buds. It is recommended to provide him with peace and protection throughout the entire flowering period.



You can fight scale insects with insecticides purchased in specialized stores, or prepare a decoction of 50 grams of mustard and a liter of water, dilute the resulting composition in twenty liters of water and thoroughly rinse the entire plant with it.


If the buds turned yellow, began to wither and fall off, and upon inspection, white larvae were found on the plant, slowly moving along the leaves and stems, we can confidently say that the hibiscus is infected with white aphids.

To bring the plant back to life, you need:

  1. Treat it with insecticidal preparations, and, after some time, rinse it under a warm shower.
  2. After the plant dries, all shoots with sluggish buds must be trimmed.

This will help not only cure hibiscus from aphids, but also stimulate the formation of new strong inflorescences.

We invite you to watch a video on how to get rid of aphids on hibiscus:

Spider mite

If you follow all the conditions for growing hibiscus, then problems in the form of falling buds can be avoided. Healthy plant, responding gratefully to care, is able to delight its owner with abundant and long flowering.

Video on the topic

We invite you to watch a video about why hibiscus buds fall off:

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