We transplant Zamioculcas at home. Timing of culture transplantation

When gardeners are faced with the question of how to propagate Zamioculcas, the first thing to consider is the size of the existing plant. If the mother plant is mature and large, you can divide it into several daughter plants; if it is very young, it would be optimal to use separate leaf blades; if the plant is of medium size, not enough to be divided into a bush, but already has several shoots, the propagation method will be optimal dollar tree cuttings

This method has a number of advantages. Firstly, the cutting, or more simply put, the shoot, contains more nutrients to support the necessary vital functions of an unrooted plant, which gives a greater chance of successful rooting than when propagated by leaves. Secondly, compared to dividing a bush, cuttings are possible even if there are two or three cutting branches. The only downside is that the mother plant will become less lush by the size of the cut branch. However, the larger the cutting, the more likely it is to turn into a full-fledged healthy plant for more short term than when propagated by leaves.

Let's tell you in more detail how to propagate zamioculcas from cuttings. First of all, look at the existing plant. It is advisable to choose a strong, mature cutting, not forgetting that its size is directly proportional to the rate of rooting and the positive dynamics of this process. The selected shoot must be carefully separated from the mother plant using a sharp knife, scalpel or blade. Let us remember that a cutting is a part of a stem with at least one bud. Thus, a large cutting can, in turn, be divided into several, but in this case, rooting will be more difficult. Then the cutting is placed in water with activated or charcoal and leave it on the window, making sure that the cutting does not rot, periodically adding fresh water until roots appear. After which the dollar tree, which has taken root, is planted in the prepared soil.

Another way of cutting Zamioculcas is that a cut of the cutting immediately after separation from the mother plant is treated with crushed activated carbon or cinnamon (however, carbon gives the best result), and left for several hours to close the sap-conducting tubules and form a cork layer on the cut, which prevents rotting of the plant. After which the cutting is placed in prepared light, nutritious, moist soil (don’t forget to put drainage at the bottom of the pot) to such a depth that the lower part of the bud is in the ground and the upper part is on the surface. For achievement best results the planted cuttings are placed under a transparent greenhouse cap (you can use glass jar, Plastic container or plastic bag). You should water the cuttings little by little carefully around the perimeter of the pot, trying not to get on the bud. From time to time the cap must be removed to ventilate the soil. The fact that the plant has begun to grow is indicated by the appearance of the first curled leaf covered with a reddish film.

For those who decide to breed Zamioculcas, propagation by cuttings will be the best option, since it gives more chances for successful rooting and requires less time than in the case of a leaf or leaf blades, and does not require such a large initial plant as when dividing a bush. Don't forget that a positive attitude and patience are important when working with plants. Plants will definitely appreciate your care, attention and perseverance and will thank you with all their sincerity. lush greenery, rapid growth and beauty!

May 22, 2016 Zamioculcas

Interesting things have recently appeared in stores and garden centers. ornamental plant with glossy leaves of unusual shape, bearing exotic name Zamioculcas.

The propagation and maintenance of this tropical succulent is now quite accessible not only to gardening specialists, but also to amateur gardeners.

Features of the plant

Zamioculcas - evergreen herbaceous plant, whose homeland is considered to be tropical Africa. Dense glossy leaves dark green They have the shape of a long feather, assembled from individual leaf blades on a dense base.

The leaves are gathered together in a dense rosette and form a lush fan about 60 cm high.

The underground part consists of tubers and thick, fleshy roots.

Zamioculcas rarely blooms even with ideal conditions content, the appearance of the inflorescences is not very expressive.

The flowers have an unusual shape, which brought it the fame of the muzhegon plant. Because of this, the harmless succulent is popularly called the flower of celibacy.

But much more often it's called the dollar tree which attracts money luck and improves the well-being of its owner. Zamioculcas can often be found in the interior of offices and bank branches.

CAREFULLY! In Zamioculcas poisonous juice which can cause a burning sensation and allergic reactions in case of contact with mucous membranes and skin. It is advisable to use gloves when trimming leaves or dividing tubers. It is necessary to limit the access of small children and pets to this plant.

Most likely, the real reason for the popularity of Zamioculcas is that it is surprisingly unpretentious. It is very easy to follow. The flower prefers a bright place, protected from direct sunlight.

But it easily tolerates partial darkening in combination with dry air, which makes it ideal for keeping in city apartments. You need to water the succulent rarely and moderately, making sure that there is no stagnation of water in the pot.

IMPORTANT! The plant is sensitive to high humidity soil, when water stagnates, the roots easily rot. It is necessary to ensure good drainage and always remove excess water from the pan after watering.

Reproduction methods

Having learned how Zamioculcas reproduces, you can choose one of the methods or apply several options at the same time. When growing a flower from a cutting, you will have to be patient.

This tropical exotic is distinguished by the fact that Its leaf germination occurs extremely slowly.

It takes 2 to 3 months for a young specimen to form roots and tubers. The appearance of the first leaves occurs after the development of the root system, that is, after 3 - 6 months.

From the video you will learn how to do it correctly:


This is the most popular method of propagating Zamioculcas. For rooting you only need healthy leaf adult plant and substrate.

Will fit the following types soil:

  • steamed substrate that does not contain humus;
  • clean fine sand;
  • sphagnum moss;
  • coconut fiber substrate.

First you need to prepare pots with soil. Can be used disposable plastic cups or small pots for seedlings. Definitely do it in them drainage holes for removing excess water.

Then prepare the planting material:

  1. Cutting off whole sheet at the base sharp knife or a scalpel, divide it into short cuttings. The cuts are made at the internodes so that each cutting has 1 or 2 leaves and a leaf node.
  2. All sections are treated with activated carbon and left for 2 hours to dry.
  3. The cuttings are planted in a slightly moistened substrate so that the lower part of the leaf node is in the ground and the upper part is in the air.
  4. Do not water for the first 2 days, and then moisten moderately (as needed).
  5. Simultaneously with watering, the cuttings are sprayed with water until the leaf plates are lightly wetted.
  6. Rooting time is from 2 to 3 months. The plants are then transplanted into suitable sized pots.

You can also root cuttings or branches in water.
The advantage of this method is that the entire process is visible and easy to control.

  1. The cutting is cut about 8 cm in size, from the top of the whole leaf. The stem is cleared of the lower leaf blades, leaving only 2 - 3 upper leaves.
  2. Immerse the cutting in a container of water to about half the length of the stem.
  3. Water needs to be added periodically or changed completely.
  4. The rooting process will take 2 - 3 months. After this, zamioculcas is planted in a pot with soil.

How to grow Zamioculcas from a leaf

Large, well-developed leaf blades from an adult plant are suitable for rooting. Young and weak leaves take root much worse, because the necessary supply of nutrients to ensure the growth of a new flower has not yet accumulated in them.

To propagate Zamioculcas by leaf you need:

  1. cut off the leaf blade, dry the cut for 2 hours;
  2. treat the cut with activated carbon or Kornevin (heteroauxin);
  3. place the leaf in moistened soil so that the lower third is in the substrate;
  4. water as needed, avoiding stagnation of water;
  5. The period of formation of the root system is about 2 months.

By dividing the tuber

Since young zamioculcas develops for quite a long time, the tuber propagation method can be called the most effective. It is only suitable for mature, fully formed specimens with several growth points clearly visible on the soil surface.

For that, to successfully divide a plant into two or three parts, necessary:

  1. Carefully remove the roots of the zamioculcas from the container where it previously grew.
  2. Shake off the soil from the roots and inspect them carefully.
  3. Determine which parts of the plant are ready for separation, that is, they have their own tuber, part of the roots and a rosette with one or more leaves.
  4. Separate parts of the root system using a knife or scalpel, trying to cause as little damage as possible.
  5. Treat the sections with activated carbon and leave to dry outdoors for 2 - 3 hours.
  6. Plant the separated parts of the flower in new containers with soil prepared according to all the rules, and water moderately.

Caring for a young plant

In order for the little Zamioculcas to grow well in an apartment, it needs to be provided with favorable conditions. Until the root system develops, beautiful leaves the flower will not appear. Therefore, caring for an adult plant differs from caring for a seedling.

ADVICE: Pick up small pot. First, the roots fill the entire volume of soil, and only then the above-ground parts grow. If the container is large, you will have to wait longer than usual for the leaves to appear.

While the root system of Zamioculcas is actively developing, the maternal leaf blade or the cuttings gradually turn yellow and wither. This happens because everything nutrients of which are used for the development of new shoots.

By the time the first green leaves appear, the old parts of the plant have completely died off. The stages of this process can be seen in the photo.

When a plant develops a rosette of the first 2-3 leaves, it needs to be replanted in a medium-sized pot, which will allow the root system to grow, which will provide an opportunity for the development of full-fledged green mass.

From this moment on, the flower is considered an adult.

Conditions of its content:

  • light nutrient substrate, a special soil mixture for cacti is ideal;
  • the recommended soil composition is a mixture of turf, leaf soil and sand in equal parts;
  • moderate watering, which winter period must be reduced to a minimum;
  • good drainage, which should occupy up to ¼ of the volume of the pot;
  • air temperature 18 - 26 °C, humidity 30 - 60%;
  • in winter the temperature can be lowered to 17 - 18 °C, but not lower than 15 °C;
  • average illumination, no drafts;
  • replant once every 2 - 3 years into a larger pot.

Zamioculcas began to be cultivated as house plant only at the end of the twentieth century. Advantages such as ease of care, unpretentiousness and spectacular appearance have already brought it well-deserved popularity among gardeners.

After studying materials on how to propagate Zamioculcas, visitors to our resource will be able It's easy to grow an exotic dollar tree at home.

And the tips in the video below will help you with this:

Potted plants are always a decoration for any home, testifying to the skill and homeliness of the housewife. One of the most beautiful and unpretentious flowers is Zamioculcas. However, despite all its unpretentiousness, this plant requires care and attention.

General characteristics of the plant

Zamioculcas is a representative of the Araceae family, which was originally brought to Europe from the African tropics. This plant has massive leaves and a thick rhizome. It belongs to succulents, that is, a species that is able to survive significant droughts due to its ability to accumulate moisture in its fleshy tissues.

Based on this, it should be remembered that the flower has a number of features:

    does not tolerate excessive watering;

    requires a lot of sunlight.

Important! Zamioculcas is poisonous, so it can be dangerous for children and pets. When caring, replanting and watering, it is recommended to use gloves made of impermeable material.

Ways to propagate flowers at home

Many experienced and novice flower growers are interested in how Zamioculcas propagates at home. There are a number of ways to propagate this plant at home, which are very simple and do not require excessive effort.

Zamioculcas propagation occurs in the following ways:

    vegetative, that is, a method of propagation using parts of a plant, such as leaves, cuttings, shoots, and so on;

    generative, that is, propagation by seeds.

Each of these methods has a number of advantages and disadvantages, and also requires compliance special rules. But still, to propagate zamioculcas, as a rule, they use the vegetative method.

Video: methods of propagation of Zamioculcas.

Vegetative methods

To propagate zamioculcas at home using these methods, you do not need much time or effort; the methods are usually simple.

Reproduction by branch

In the case of Zamioculcas, the branch is a leaf of this plant. Its leaves grow from the very base. Professional gardeners call a zamioculcas branch a frond. The branch for Zamioculcas propagation and for planting should be hard and rough at the bottom, young and succulent at the top. There are several ways to root fronds.

Planting fronds directly into the soil

In order to apply this simple method of propagating zamioculcas with a branch for rooting, you must:

    Dry the rhizome of the frond for 24 hours, while wrapping the top in foil so that it does not dry out.

    Before planting, lightly treat the base of the frond with root fertilizer, for example, kornevin.

    Carefully root a branch into slightly moist soil to about the thickness of a phalanx.

Important! This method requires some experience and is not recommended for novice gardeners, since the roots are less likely to develop under such conditions.

Rooting in water

Rooting in water has certain advantages, including the ability to control root development. To root a zamioculcas branch, you need to do the following actions:

    let the tap water stand for 24 hours;

    add an activated carbon tablet to a glass of water;

    put the vayu in a glass;

    wait for small roots to appear;

    root the branch in semi-dry soil to approximately the depth of the phalanx;

    Do not moisten the soil for two to three days.

By the way! Since when this method During rooting, the zamioculcas branch absorbs a lot of water; watering the frond rooted in the ground must be done very sparingly, otherwise the plant will rot.

Propagation by cuttings

A cutting is a part of a branch with paired leaves. To propagate Zamioculcas from cuttings, you must select healthy cuttings without damage, with fresh green, no stains. Cuttings that are too old or immature are less likely to survive because they require a lot of nutrients to root.

Stages of work using this rooting method:

    trim the shoot with a sharp, disinfected razor;

    dry the cuttings for 24 hours;

    treat the base with the preparation “Kornevin”;

    root in a cup with a drainage hole;

    At night, cover the young flower with a jar or film to create a greenhouse.

Important! The greenhouse should not be left in the open sun, as the resulting condensation will contribute to rotting planting material.

The most favorable place for development young plant There will be a fairly bright corner where there is no darkness and direct sunlight.

Note! Rooting of cuttings can be done in spring or autumn, when the plant is in its growing season.

Video: propagation of Zamioculcas by cuttings.

Growing from a leaf

The advantages of propagating Zamioculcas by leaf include accessibility and simplicity. Planting material is chosen to be young fresh leaf no stains or damage. In this case, the soil should be light and contain a little sand for lightness and looseness. Suitable soil for succulents or a vermiculite-sand mixture.

How to grow Zamioculcas from a leaf? To do this, you need to root the leaf as follows:

    The leaf is kept in the air for about two hours to dry the base;

    applied to the base Activated carbon in powder;

    deepen the zamioculcas leaf into a cup with soil at a phalanx distance.

Important! The planting material does not need to be watered for the first week. It should be lightly sprayed every other day.

Growing zamioculcas from a leaf is a simple, accessible and convenient process. But this method has a significant disadvantage. The fact is that cuttings of zamioculcas with leaves is a long process, that is, the development of a new plant is too long.

Video: propagation of Zamioculcas by leaf.

Reproduction by stem

This is a very rare method, since you need to know exactly how many leaves to remove from the base of the stem. They must be removed because they can rot if they come into contact with the ground. If too many leaves are removed, the new plant will not be able to develop.

To root zamioculcas with a stem, you must complete the following steps:

    remove the leaves from the base of the stem so as to free the stem by about ten centimeters;

    leave the stem for a day to dry;

    powder the base with activated carbon;

    lightly cut the base of the stem;

    lay the stem in the substrate at an angle of about twenty degrees;

    lightly sprinkle the base with soil.

Note! All cuts and cutting parts of the plant must be made exclusively with a disinfected knife, otherwise infection and disease of the planting material may occur.

Propagation by tubers

Reproduction of Zamioculcas by a tuber has the advantage that it allows you to grow very strong and strong plant, which very soon will look like an adult flower.

In order to separate the tubers, you need to take an adult zamioculcas that is at least a year old. The procedure should be carried out in the warm season.

Important! If you divide the tuber carelessly, there is a very high chance of losing both the donor and the new plant.

Reproduction of Zamioculcas by tuber includes the following steps:

    carefully remove the root from the container (it is important not to damage the roots);

    tuber washing;

    separation of roots by unraveling;

    treating all damage caused to tubers with a weak solution of potassium permanganate;

    drying the tuber for one to two days;

    planting tubers.

With this rooting method, the choice of substrate is important. The ideal substrate for rooting tubers includes:

    leaf soil;

  • peat crumb;

    a small amount of humus.

At the same time, it is necessary to remember about drainage, which will not allow moisture to stagnate in the soil.

Video: reproduction of Zamioculcas by tuber.

Generative method of reproduction

This method It is quite complex and is more suitable for professional flower growers, since it involves extracting seeds from a ripe flower.

Propagation by seeds

Propagating Zamioculcas by seeds at home is a very troublesome and almost impossible task at home. The problem is that flowering of this plant in a city apartment occurs quite rarely. Those who have seen a Zamioculcas flower, as a rule, remain disappointed - it is inconspicuous and resembles an ear of corn.

Worth knowing! The flowering of this plant means that it is life cycle is coming to an end, and he will most likely die soon.

Since there are a number of simple vegetative methods, professional flower growers prefer them.

Propagation of Zamioculcas by seeds at home is usually carried out for scientific purposes, following the steps presented below:

    the flower is pollinated with a brush at intervals of about two hours;

    after the formation of the ovary, watering is stopped;

    after the capsule has formed and opened, it is cut off and left to dry for two days;

    the seeds are removed from the box by gently tapping it with your fingers;

    the seeds are mixed with sand and sown in a vermiculite-sand mixture.

In such conditions, an artificial support system is necessary required level temperature and humidity. At favorable conditions The seeds grow into seedlings, which are divided after the small plants form two or three leaves.

Possible problems

Reproduction of Zamioculcas, as a rule, is unsuccessful in a number of cases when gardeners make typical mistakes.

    Unsterile incisions, neglect of disinfection. Since this plant is a succulent, a lot of moisture accumulates in its tissues, which, in turn, creates a favorable environment for the development of pathogenic microflora. It is necessary to use sterile cutting tools and new containers for seedlings.

    Damage to planting material. This mistake is typical when dividing a tuber, when instead of untangling the roots, they are cut.

If you strictly follow the instructions and exclude possible errors, almost anyone, even a non-professional gardener, is able to grow zamioculcas on their own.

In contact with

This indoor plant, like Zamioculcas, is popularly known as the “dollar tree.” It is quite easy to grow and care for, which is why it is very popular among novice gardeners. The only difficulty you may encounter is replanting it. The plant has a voluminous root system, so when replanting it you need to be extremely careful not to damage it.

In order for Zamioculcas to take root at home, this process must follow all the rules and at a certain time. Great importance has the composition of the soil, as well as a properly selected pot.

When is it necessary to replant Zamioculcas?

Replanting after purchase

This exotic plant comes to us from other countries and the containers in which it is transported are filled with a special transport substrate intended for temporary “residence”. If the flower is not replanted in time after purchase, it may die. Therefore, once in new fertilized soil, the plant will delight with its presence for a long time.

Regular transplant

When else is Zamioculcas transplant required? At home, it grows very slowly, so young plants undergo this procedure every year as the roots grow. More mature flowers replanted every 2–4 years. If the root system has grown very much, this must be done immediately.

Secrets of successful Zamioculcas transplantation

To make Zamioculcas transplantation at home less traumatic for it, you should adhere to certain rules:

How to choose the right pot?

Choosing an exotic plant new pot, it must be remembered that its dimensions should not be much larger than the root system of the flower. Ground part Zamioculcas will not develop until the roots completely fill the soil. Therefore the new capacity should be 10 - 15% more than the previous one and be sure to have drainage holes.

What material to choose a pot from is up to the owner of the exotic flower to decide. In clay soils, the soil dries out much faster, which has a beneficial effect on root system, and plastic conveyors make it easier to determine when a plant needs to be replanted. In addition, it is much easier to remove it from such a container.

Let's take a closer look at the process of transplanting a plant at home.

Transplanting Zamioculcas

The plant should be moved to a new location at the most favorable time of the year, which is April. At first, after such a procedure at home, the flower will not grow, but this is considered normal, because it gets used to the new soil, which should be rich in humus. To prepare it, take forest and garden soil in equal proportions and add a little sand and humus to it.

Must be in a pot there must be drainage, which is used to drain excess water and improve aeration. Fill about a quarter of the container with it.

The following is used as drainage:

  • expanded clay;
  • gravel;
  • vermiculite

The latter is capable of not only absorbing moisture, but also certain moment return it to the root system.

Once all the materials are prepared, begin replanting the plant into a new pot. First, the zamioculcas is carefully removed from the pot. To ensure that the roots remain in their original form, the transshipment method is used.

Drainage is placed in a pre-prepared pot and poured on top. soil mixture, after which the plant is placed in it. The remaining space is filled with soil. It is necessary to replant Zamioculcas to the same depth as in the old pot. After completing the procedure, the flower is removed to partial shade.

Since the plant contains poisonous juice, when manipulating it it is necessary to use latex gloves. At home, it should be kept as far as possible from children and adults.

Caring for the plant after transplantation

After this procedure, the zamioculcas must be left alone for some time so that it takes root in the new soil and adapts to it. After this, he is cared for, which consists of the following:

  • regular watering;
  • comfortable temperature;
  • implementation of fertilizing.

Zamioculcas belongs to a type of plant that do not like excessive moisture . It should be watered moderately in spring and summer, and in winter this process is minimized. It is important to ensure that the earthen ball dries out completely between waterings. Since moisture evaporates rather slowly at home, excess water begins to stagnate in the pot, causing the appearance of various diseases.

This exotic plant feels comfortable at temperatures from +15 to +24 degrees. The main thing is to avoid sudden temperature changes.

The soil must be enriched with fertilizers. They should be applied from spring to autumn, i.e. during the growing season. In winter the flower rests, so he doesn't need feeding.

Thus, we have analyzed when and under what conditions such an exotic plant as zamioculcas should be replanted. This is necessary for its normal growth and development. He doesn't require any special care, grows well with room temperature, delighting the owner with its beautiful appearance.

The transplant is playing important role in the life of Zamioculcas. It happens that this unpretentious plant dies only because it was transplanted incorrectly.

Therefore, in order for a plant to live long and delight its owners with intense and lush greenery, you need to familiarize yourself with its features.

In this article you will learn in detail how to transplant zamioculcas at home.

When to replant zamioculcas

Zamioculcas grows quite slowly at home, so in frequent transfers he doesn't feel the need. It is recommended to replant young specimens annually, adults - once every 3-5 years. Optimal time for the procedure - spring, when the flower is actively developing and growing. It is best to transplant a dollar tree in March or the first half of April.

The signal for replanting will be the complete filling of the old pot with the root system of the plant.. When carrying out the procedure, it is important to take into account that the roots extending from the tubers are very fragile. Therefore, you should replant the flower very carefully so as not to damage them.

Immediately after purchasing a dollar tree, you should not rush to replant it. It is necessary to give the plant 10-15 days to adapt to new conditions. However, if Zamioculcas was brought from another country or city, it is better to replant it immediately.

This is explained by the fact that plants that tolerate long journeys are fed with various chemicals to preserve their decorative properties. appearance. Therefore, without transplantation immediately after purchase, they may simply die.

Selection of capacity

Before replanting zamioculcas at home, you first need to select a the right size and shapes. Do not plant a flower in a cramped pot, as its rhizome grows quickly and will fill it. But you should also not choose a container that is too spacious.

Zamioculcas grows very slowly in a large pot. The intensity of its growth increases only when the rhizome begins to rest against the walls of the pot.

Therefore, for a plant, the container should be slightly more sizes root

Shape is also important for this flower. It is better to take a low and wide pot, from which the flower at next transplant will be easy to remove. At the same time, its roots will suffer less.

Choose for Zamioculcas plastic pots . In ceramics, through which water evaporates, the plant feels bad, experiencing a lack of moisture and a decrease in temperature during the evaporation process.

In addition, it is important not only what kind of pot is needed for zamioculcas, but also what kind of soil.

Land for transplanting zamioculcas

Depleted, water-permeable soil is suitable for replanting zamioculcas. Zamioculcas grows well in soil mixture for succulents. To prevent the soil for zamioculcas from caking over time, you need to add baking powder to it.. Very fine expanded clay loosens the soil perfectly. It is added in an amount of no more than ¼ of the total volume of the mixture.

IN natural environment Zamioculcas grows on rocky-sandy soils, which provide good access to the roots of moisture and air. In view of this, for replanting at home, the plant is suitable for light, loose soil that allows water and air to pass through well.

To prepare your own soil mixture, you need to take sand, turf, peat and leaf humus in equal parts. To improve the nutritional quality of the substrate, you can add a little ordinary humus.

If you buy ready soil for zamioculcas in the store, then the choice can be made on a substrate for cacti and succulents. Another option is a universal soil mixture.

In this case, it is necessary to add a third of the volume of fine-grained expanded clay, sand and perlite. Otherwise, the substrate will be very heavy for zamioculcas and will retain water for a long time, which will harm the roots.

The pot should have holes to drain excess water. A layer of drainage (occupying ¼ of the pot) should be laid at the bottom, for which you can use pebbles, expanded clay, clay shards, and polystyrene foam. This will help avoid stagnation of moisture in the pot and, accordingly, rotting of the root system.

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Features of plant transplantation

Transplant procedure

In a new pot, the drainage hole is covered with a shard, and a drainage layer of fine expanded clay is poured onto its bottom. The plant is very carefully removed from the old pot so that the lump of earth remains intact.

To do this, you can water the plant in advance to keep the soil moist. After this, 2-3 cm of fresh soil is poured onto the bottom of the new pot on top of the expanded clay.

The plant is placed in a new pot, the gaps between the old earthen ball and the walls of the pot are filled with fresh soil. New soil is laid on top and pressed down. Then the plant is watered.

If the soil has settled significantly after watering, it needs to be replenished so that the soil level is 1-1.5 cm below the edge of the pot.

During the transplantation process, you can separate part of the plant for propagation; you can read more about this.

Transplanting Zamioculcas at home after purchase

Like any other plant after purchase, zamioculcas needs to be replanted. This procedure is necessary because most plants are imported from other countries, and the pots are filled with a special transport substrate that is unsuitable for long-term growth and development of the plant.

In such soil it is very easy to either underfill or overwater a flower. In addition, there is no drainage in shipping containers, and its role is played by large drainage holes in the bottom of the pot. The roots of the dollar tree easily penetrate through these holes, which creates difficulties in care and future replanting, and also negatively affects the well-being of the plant.

Transplantation is usually carried out 2-3 weeks after purchasing the flower.
. During this time, Zamioculcas masters and acclimatizes to new conditions.

Since transplantation is severe stress for a plant, it is usually not carried out during flowering. However, this rule does not apply to recently purchased copies. When replanting a flowering zamioculcas, you need to be prepared for the fact that it may drop its flowers. Thanks to this, adaptation and getting used to new conditions will be less painful.

Caring for Zamioculcas after transplantation

After transplantation, the plant spends a lot of energy adapting and taking root in the new pot. Therefore, in order for Zamioculcas to quickly take root and begin to grow, it needs to be given careful care.

You should not water the flower immediately after transplanting.. The soil can be moistened only two days after the procedure. In the future, watering the plant should be regular, but moderate. The dollar tree tolerates drought better than stagnant moisture, which can cause root rot. It is better to moisten the soil again only after it has slightly dried out. earthen coma. Watering is carried out with warm, settled water.

After transplantation, the zamioculcas must be placed in a semi-shaded place and left alone for several days.

After they have passed, the pot with the plant is moved to a well-lit place, but so that it is not exposed to scorching heat. Sun rays. It is optimal to choose a western or eastern window sill for this purpose.

In order for a dollar tree to grow quickly, it needs to create suitable temperature regime– 19-24 degrees.

When the leaves of the plant are covered with a layer of dust, you can wipe them with a damp cloth or give the flower a warm shower.

Immediately after transplantation, zamioculcas cannot be fed. You can start fertilizing only when the plant is well rooted and begins to grow.

For this purpose, use universal or fertilizers for succulents, diluted in half concentration. Regularity in the spring-summer period - once every 2 weeks. Once every 2 months you can fertilize the leaves with a solution of complex fertilizer.

Now you know everything about transplanting zamioculcas at home and care after it.

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