DIY panels in various styles. Ideas, options, materials, useful tips

Original and interesting interior consists of beautiful finishes and decor, of which the panel is a part. Decoration walls brings comfort to the home, emphasizes belonging to the chosen style, becomes a highlight, attracting all the attention to a certain area of ​​the room. How to make a wall panel with your own hands will be discussed in the article.

What is a panel

There are many ways to decorate walls so that the interior does not seem boring. Panels are often used by designers when decorating residential and commercial spaces. This is a design that contains a semantic picture or original ornament, matching the style and color to finishing materials and the environment.

The sizes and shapes of the panels can be different, as well as Consumables, from which amazing decor is created. You can make it yourself literally from whatever comes to hand.

Base for decoration

The panel is a structure consisting of a base and decorative elements. When choosing a base, you need to ensure that its material is combined with other details. Give preference better options natural origin.

They always look harmonious in the room, create the right atmosphere, and easily fit into any decoration. Many artificial preparations are not inferior in aesthetic qualities to natural raw materials. Thanks to modern technologies produced, their surface can skillfully imitate wood, leather, and stone.

Requirements for base material:

High density, this ensures reliable retention of all structural elements;

Flexibility, elasticity (it is important that the workpiece does not crumble or crack during operation);

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The presence of smooth surface areas on which panel parts could be attached;

Flexibility to processing (cutting, sawing, etc.).



Drywall, etc.

Selection of equipment

Many techniques are used to make panels. Each deserves attention, but a novice designer should first familiarize himself with basic methods. They are accessible and easy to implement; you can add own ideas and developments.

Quilling is a technique that involves twisting intricate patterns from paper strips cut to the same width. The principle of creating a pattern is based on twisting paper into a tube, followed by fixing the coil with other blanks, which ultimately forms a beautiful pattern or complex ornament. Decorative elements are fixed both to the frame and to each other.

Decoupage– a technique that involves placing an image on a base and then decorating the picture with three-dimensional details. To work in this technique, beads, shells, satin ribbon and other decor.

Thanks to wild imagination, an ordinary image printed on a printer turns into a real work of art.

Mosaic– the name of the technique speaks for itself. To work in this direction, glass shards, pieces of plastic, fragments of wine corks, buttons and other interesting things that make interesting pictures of real artistic value.

However, when choosing this option, it is worth considering that laying out even simple patterns requires a certain skill, a solid base and an adhesive product with high adhesion.

Patchworkmodern technology, developed on the basis of ancient patchwork. Fragments of fabrics are laid out according to the mosaic principle. The shapes and sizes of the flaps used are different, as is the type of fabric. The following materials are ideal for making panels: leather, brocade, silk, tweed, satin, etc. The flaps are fastened together with threads, buttons, paper clips or yarn. Wood and gypsum are used as the base.

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You can also make a panel from a single piece of fabric, which is used in furniture upholstery or other textiles present in the interior. The assembly technology is simple, it is done in two versions.

The selected fabric is stretched over the base, after which the edges of the textile are folded over and fixed with glue. Finally, the base is framed.

A padding polyester is glued to the plywood base on the front side, after which the fabric is laid. The edges are turned to the wrong side and secured with glue (or staples). Next, using a stapler, a three-dimensional pattern is created on the front side. The locations and number of punctures are determined depending on the pattern on the textile.

Another one interesting idea Creating a fabric panel involves fixing beautiful textiles to a foam base. This can be done using double-sided tape. The folded edges of the fabric are also secured with tape. This design is installed on the wall using gypsum putty.

The sequence of making panels from photographs

Another type of panel is a design made from photographs. This option allows you to demonstrate your skill, as well as focus the attention of relatives and guests on happy moments in the life of the family, significant events and unforgettable meetings.

It’s not difficult to make a panel from a photo; even a teenager can do it. To do this you will need to purchase a photo frame with glass surface big size. Having chosen interesting pictures, you need to place them inside the frame. You can dilute the background with landscapes and photos of pets.

All people are looking for any ways to decorate their home and make it more comfortable and attractive. Beautiful DIY panels will fit perfectly into the interior. Before you start creating, you need to know what a panel is.

A panel is a painting designed to fill sections of walls or ceilings. The owners of their homes will be able to use available materials to create it. In this article you will learn how and from what you can create a panel with your own hands.

We offer you original ideas on what kind of panel you can make at home. You don’t have to be an artist or designer to realize your ideas. If you have the desire and good fantasy, then you can easily decorate your home with personal, modern pieces.

Panel for the kitchen

Now we will conduct a master class on how to make a panel with your own hands for the kitchen. Together we will try to create a picture from everything that is in the kitchen. It can be pasta, cereals, bottle caps, broken dishes, unnecessary forks, spoons or cups.

You can also use nuts, spices, coffee beans, dried fruits and even salty dough. Artificial fruits and vegetables are also ideal as material.

To create a product you need to prepare:

  • universal glue;
  • frame;
  • hard cardboard;
  • a piece of burlap.

First you need to prepare the base and you can get to work. If you don’t know what exactly to depict in your painting, look on the Internet for photos of how to make a panel.

Photopanel for the bedroom

The wall of the room in which you spend half of your time can be decorated with family photographs, creating a collage of them. Let's start studying the instructions on how to properly make a panel for the bedroom.

For the product, it would be appropriate to use photographs with which you have good memories. Or take your own the best photos, made throughout your life and paste them on the wall in chronological order.

To create a collage, you need to prepare:

  • several frames for images of the same or different sizes;
  • universal glue;
  • photos.

Inserting images into photo frames is not difficult, anyone can do it. Next you need to glue the frames to the wall and the panel is ready. You can add mementos, inscriptions, ribbons or handprints to your product.

A collage of photographs can decorate not only the bedroom wall, but also the living room. Moreover, to create it it is not necessary to prepare the same frames. They can be round or square, with completely different sizes and shapes.

Wallpaper panel

After renovations, there are always pieces of wallpaper left in the house. Housewives are accustomed to not throwing them away in order to use them in the future. This day has come, wallpaper will be useful for creating panels. They can be glued to the entire wall on top of other wallpaper and used as a base if they are plain and without a pattern. On top of them, the owners will be able to dream up, draw some kind of abstraction, or simply make multi-colored stripes.

Wallpaper with patterns can be placed in a large frame, thus making original painting. If you have a huge number of different pieces of wallpaper, cut out small identical squares from them and glue them to the wall in the nursery or any other room.

Button panel

There is also another great option for creating an original wall decoration. For it we need to find:

  • buttons;
  • frame;
  • cardboard or a piece of wallpaper without a pattern;
  • pencil;
  • glue.

First you need to make a drawing, and then the base of the product. We take a pencil and draw something. For example, an animal or a tree. If you don't know how to draw, use stencils. You can also print the drawing on a printer.

We attach the cardboard or wallpaper with the image to the frame using glue. Next, glue the buttons on top of the drawing and original decoration ready for the wall.

Panel made of threads and nails

Using threads and nails you can make a beautiful and unique painting that will decorate any wall in your home. To create this product, you should prepare:

  • wooden board for the base;
  • multi-colored threads;
  • small nails;
  • stencil drawing (drawn yourself or printed from the Internet);
  • scissors;
  • hammer.

Cut out the stencil and attach it to the base with tape. We will remove it when the last nail is driven in. Next, we drive nails along the contour of the picture. We tie a thread to one of them and wind it. You can wind it in zigzags, lines, or create your own pattern. The main thing is that in the end the thread is wound evenly everywhere.

We introduced you to the basic ideas of creating original and modern decoration on the wall. After reading the information and learning what a panel is, you can make your own product from everything you have at hand.

DIY photo panel

The monotonous bare walls of a house evoke melancholy, so many people try to decorate them with something. Panel is great way make the apartment environment more comfortable and attractive. In addition, you can make it yourself, from what you have in the house.

And it doesn’t matter that you are not an artist or designer, the most important thing is the desire to create beauty. And then you can make truly magnificent things that will decorate your home and delight others. And knowing how to make a wall panel with your own hands will help in decorating your apartment; use any master class that you find on the Internet.

The panel can be made from almost any material - leather, cardboard, fabric, colored paper, photographs, shells. Some even use pasta, cereals, bottle caps, matches, seeds and other items for this purpose. We present to your attention several original ideas, which will tell you in which direction to move.

Panel "Shine"

Perhaps you have an old painting in your house. Feel free to take it and remake it. First, take the painting out of the frame and upgrade the frame. Paint it silver, let the inside of the frame be white, for this you can use white paint. You don't need the painting itself, but you can create your own painting on the back.

Try sticking glitter patterns inside, decorating with silver braid or strips of paper. Your painting will create a wonderful impression with its extraordinary silvery shine and decorate the room. In this way you can do something different, show your imagination and create.

Fabric panel

People have long made drawings from fabric and decorated their homes with them. Although now completely different technologies have come to our aid, things made with our own hands from fabric remain a priority. They look cute and give our home a special charm and coziness.

Surely, in your home there is some kind of fabric: chintz, satin, burlap, felt, silk, etc. Even a few multi-colored scraps will do, from them you can really create beautiful drawing.

Take the base for your wall panel, it should be a thick sheet of cardboard or foam. You can simply stick the fabric onto the base and tape it at the back and then hang it on the wall. Take pieces of fabric of different colors and make panels from them, it will look great.

But a wall panel made from scraps of fabric will look much more beautiful. To make it, you need to draw a picture on cardboard and indicate where and what flaps will be located. Next, following this drawing, make shreds and attach them.

In order for the work to look neat, it is better to bend the scraps and sew them in such a way that the cut parts are not visible. Only the folds of the fabric should show off on the base.

Felt can be used to create cute and fun designs that are then placed in a frame. Such paintings will decorate a child’s room and fill it with cheerful mood. Cut out animal figures or cartoon characters from felt using a stencil. Ready-made drawings can be found on the Internet and made by analogy with them. Then you can stick them onto a base - a thick sheet of cardboard or other material.

Burlap - excellent material, which will serve as the background for the panel. To do this, it will need to be pulled onto the frame. To make the base look more attractive, it is better to trim the borders of the frame with bright braid. You choose the design inside according to your own wishes.

You can make various designs from burlap or make flowers from them and decorate a frame. Everyone expresses their imagination as they wish.

Panel from photographs

This great idea, especially if you have a lot of pictures in your albums. Hang them on the wall in your living room or in another room to indulge pleasant memories looking at them. A photo collage can be made in any shape, but it is better to make it in the shape of a heart.

To make a panel from photographs, take a piece of cardboard or plywood and make a background on it. Think about where and what photos you will place on it. Then cut out the photos to fit. Fill out inner space your panel with glue.

Marine panel

Many people bring back a lot of shells from their seaside vacations. This is an excellent material for decorating your home, which will remind you of warm, carefree days and warm your soul.

For the base you can use an old one vinyl record. To get an even background, you will need to paint over the white middle with a black marker or paint.

Seashells are best attached using liquid nails. Collect all your shells, pebbles from the seashore, fragments of shells and other things, try to make an attractive composition out of them. Use your imagination to the fullest. When the panel is ready, you will need to varnish it. This will make the picture stronger and more durable.

Handicraft techniques for creating panels

  • Decoupage. This technique is easy to master and does not require any special artistic skills. A beautiful decorative panel can be created by gluing napkins or special cards. Some people prefer to create images on the computer in a graphic designer. You can create an attractive panel for the kitchen by decorating a cutting board with drawings.

  • Beadwork. Although you will have to tinker a lot with beads, the result will be simply excellent. Beads can be glued to panels using glue, or they can be embroidered on fabric. The weaving technique requires special skill. But what a variety of drawings you can make!

Create your own design from beads different colors, but if your imagination doesn’t work enough, then it’s better to turn to an Internet search.

  • Embroidery. Beautiful pictures can be created using thread and a needle. To do this you need to master the technique of cross stitching. And every beginning needlewoman can do this.

  • Weaving. Attractive things can be done using simple newspaper tubes. There will always be material for this. You just need to cut old newspapers and wind thin sticks. Next, interesting images are formed from such sticks. To make it more attractive, you can paint the tubes with paint. Finished work It’s better to varnish it so that it pleases you for a long time.

Weaving on nails is also a popular activity among needlewomen. The design is formed by attaching nails to the panel and weaving multi-colored threads into them.

Volumetric panels

Such a panel always looks great and is worthy of admiration. Three-dimensional paintings formed from puff pastry, porcelain, polymer clay.

Some people prefer to use ready-made preparations, such as decorative fruits and vegetables, decorative flowers.

Although many materials at hand can be used to create three-dimensional images, such as porcelain cups, watches, plastic dishes, corks, buttons, etc.

Master class on creating puff pastry panels

Puff pastry is made from water, vegetable oil, flour and a little salt. For 125 ml of water, take two glasses of flour, one tablespoon of vegetable oil and a pinch of salt. The dough should be quite elastic and should not stick to your hands.

If you want to get multi-colored material, then you need to add dyes to the dough. Various spices will add aroma to the material.

Once your dough is ready, you can roll it out and form a picture directly onto the dough sheet. Another way is to sculpt various parts and decorate panels with them. You choose the details for the painting yourself, as well as the plot of the painting itself.

Once the pieces are ready, you will need to keep them in the oven for a while to secure the structure. In this case, the temperature in the oven must be controlled; it should not exceed eighty degrees.

If you are willing to wait, you can dry the dough naturally by placing it on the battery. After 5 days it will be ready and can be glued to the panel.

To make a three-dimensional panel more attractive, puff pastry figures can be painted in various colors. A layer of varnish and panels will be strong enough to decorate the spaces of your apartment for a long time.

If you try to decorate your apartment with panels self-made, then it will look better. And you don’t need to invite fashion designers to your home and pay them huge sums of money. Everything you need is near you and costs a penny, and the beauty you get is extraordinary.

Get creative and decorate your home with attractive things homemade. In addition, this activity will give you moments of peace and relaxation. Connect your household members, especially children, to it as well. This will surely keep them engaged.

I really want the interior of the house to be cozy and attractive, to have a unique decor. It’s great if your warmth and personality are felt in this. Original panels made from scrap materials will decorate a bedroom, children's room, or kitchen. Making them won’t be difficult if you arm yourself with decorating ideas and master the technology.

How to make a panel with your own hands from scrap materials

Those who want to make their apartment unique should make wall panels with their own hands. You will get a lot of pleasure from the process, and the result will exceed your expectations. An exclusive decoration will delight not only family members, but will also arouse the admiration of friends and acquaintances. To realize your fantasies in the creative process, the following will be useful:

  • tree;
  • photos;
  • paper napkins;
  • wallpaper;
  • threads;
  • shells;
  • natural stones;
  • plastic;
  • bottle caps;
  • scraps of fabric, leather;
  • gypsum putty;
  • beads.

Use all your imagination by making panels on the walls of your apartment with your own hands. The following materials will help you with this:

  • pasta different shapes– kitchen decoration;
  • artificial flowers and fruits - voluminous compositions;
  • polymer clay– everyday scenes, bouquets;
  • matches - mosaic canvases;
  • plant seeds – kitchen panels;
  • coins;
  • sackcloth.

Photopanel on the wall

You don't have to wonder how to decorate a wall in a room with your own hands if you have a lot of photos in your family album. Travel reports will come in handy. They can decorate the living room, children's room, corridor. A panel made like a photo collage in the shape of a heart will look original in the bedroom. For it you will need:

  • a piece of white thick cardboard;
  • pencil;
  • PVA glue;
  • stationery knife;
  • set of photographs.

A simple manufacturing method will help you create a unique panel reminiscent of the wonderful moments of life. To do it:

  • take a piece of cardboard;
  • draw the outline of the future collage;
  • cut;
  • Pre-arrange the photos in the desired order;
  • First glue the elements along the contour with a slight overlap;
  • fill the interior space of the panel with photographs.

Decorative panel on the wall

Original design It’s easy to make walls with your own hands using newspapers. You need a little patience to make the tubes - the basis for making the panels. Decide in advance how many circles and what diameter you will need, select color scheme. Materials and tools you will need:

  • stationery knife;
  • ruler;
  • PVA glue;
  • strong twine;
  • acrylic paints.

We begin to make panels in the following sequence:

  • take a newspaper;
  • cut into 4 parts according to height;
  • apply glue diagonally to the sheet;
  • twist each strip into a tube;
  • fix the end with glue;
  • paint the tubes in required color;
  • twist tightly in a spiral from the center, coating well with glue;
  • We alternate colors according to your imagination;
  • make circles of the required size, required quantity;
  • We fasten them together with twine.

You can make a very beautiful and original triptych with your own hands from a piece of elegant fabric. It will decorate the wall of the living room or bedroom, creating an atmosphere of comfort and peace. You will need 3 stretchers of different shapes and a piece of fabric. The material should be cut so that it is general composition. It is necessary to stretch the fabric over each element of the panel and secure it with reverse side.

Kitchen - special place in an apartment where a cozy atmosphere is especially valuable. A decoration made with your own hands from what the hostess has in her closets will help create it. An exclusive composition will decorate the wall and delight the household. Take it to make it wooden frame. Decorate the base with colored paper or burlap. Stick it using your imagination:

  • cookie;
  • Bay leaf;
  • dried fruits;
  • seeds;
  • pasta different types;
  • cereals;
  • used corks;
  • coffee beans;
  • whatever is in the boxes.

After repairs, small pieces of wallpaper often remain. Housewives put them aside just in case, which never comes. Meanwhile, beautiful bright pieces can form the basis of a wall panel. Made with your own hands, it will add a unique flavor to the room. To complete this you will need:

  • foam baguette;
  • stationery knife;
  • glue for foam plastic and wallpaper;
  • acrylic paint;
  • ruler;
  • pencil;
  • level;
  • plumb line

Determine the location, and then, using a level and plumb line, draw the outline of the future panel on the wall according to the dimensions. Produce in this order:

  • cut the length of the baguette pieces for the frame with a knife;
  • make a 45 degree angle along the edges for joining;
  • paint the baguette;
  • carefully stick to the wall according to the markings;
  • measure a piece of wallpaper along the inner contour of the frame;
  • stick.

Panel made of nails and threads

A heart-shaped panel can decorate a young girl’s room. You can make it using nails and threads. The base can be made of cork, wood, plywood or foam. To make a wall panel with your own hands, you will need:

  • thin nails or pins with a beautiful head;
  • hammer;
  • pliers;
  • acrylic paint;
  • glue;
  • threads (any quality - wool, floss, iris);
  • pencil;
  • scissors;
  • paper.

The process begins with choosing a base and determining the size of the future panel. The plane is covered with paint, lighter than the tone of the threads. The following actions:

  • on a piece of paper, draw the outline of a heart in proportion to the size of the picture;
  • cut out;
  • attach the template to the base, circle;
  • hammer the nails evenly along the contour - the smaller the step, the better;
  • tie a thread to one knot;
  • stretch it to the nail from the opposite side;
  • circle around it;
  • continue wrapping in any order;
  • glue beads and decorative elements onto the base.

Made of wood

To make an original panel on the wall with your own hands from wood, you don’t need a base. The openwork structure is secured with driven nails; its dimensions are approximately half a meter per meter. To implement the idea you must have:

  • hacksaw;
  • cardboard;
  • hot glue gun;
  • skin;
  • wooden rods with a diameter of 0.6 cm, a total length of 5 meters;
  • gold paint;
  • skewers 30 cm long – 100 pieces;
  • matte black spray paint;

When making panels, follow the following sequence:

  • decide on the dimensions of the product;
  • cut rods of arbitrary length;
  • sand the ends;
  • glue the rods together - the more joints, the stronger the structure;
  • cut out circles with a diameter of 3 cm (flower blanks) from cardboard, one at a time on a wooden end;
  • cut the skewers different lengths 20 pieces per flower, trim the ends;
  • stick on cardboard;
  • fix the flowers on the rods using a heat gun;
  • paint the entire structure black;
  • After drying, highlight the centers of the flowers with gold.

From photographs

Original compositions can be created from framed photographs. When creating such panels, it is necessary to take into account important points:

  • use only high quality photos;
  • place large frames in the center of the composition;
  • apply different sizes photo;
  • frames must match the style of photographs in shape and color;
  • the design material must be the same.

To create a panel from photographs with your own hands you need:

  • determine the location and dimensions of the design;
  • think over the composition;
  • select photographs;
  • buy frames;
  • make preliminary markings on a piece of old wallpaper;
  • cut out the outlines of the frames on them;
  • attach the wallpaper to the wall, fix it masking tape;
  • move the frame position markings;
  • hang a photo.

There are so many things you can do using photographs. various options wall decoration. For the base, it is good to use boards or plastic panels. You can hang framed photographs using ropes, original devices. To make such a panel you will need to secure:

  • a metal tube on the wall;
  • photographs framed with fixing elements;
  • the entire composition onto the tube.

Video tutorials on making panels with your own hands

Watch the video tutorials to make an original wall panel with your own hands. They show and describe in detail the ideas for decorating an apartment and the process of their implementation. With video instructions you:

  • understand the sequence of operations;
  • get acquainted with the intricacies of technology;
  • you will see how to do the work correctly;
  • learn the features of the decoupage technique, see the materials necessary for this;
  • master making three-dimensional panels in Provence style;
  • find out the technology of using shells and paper;
  • learn to work with gypsum plaster.

Master class on making using decoupage technique

Volumetric panel for a kitchen in country or Provence style

Wall panel made of shells

Decorative wall panel with a clock made of plaster putty

From paper

Each of us wants to live in a comfortable, cozy home that would not be annoying or overload with its appearance. Often, a new worthy renovation is already boring, making updates is not possible, but you want to breathe a new breath of air into your home.

It is in these cases that a decorative panel placed on the wall surface, without special troubles and alterations will be able to decorate and refresh the interior.

The panel can be placed in any room from the hallway to the bathroom. Each specific room has its own selection criteria and features of such wall decorations.

There are several characteristics that distinguish wall products from each other:

  • the material from which the item is made. It can be a product made of wood, plastic, mirror surface, cardboard and others. Such paintings are decorated with buttons, dry plants, small mosaics, etc.;
  • manufacturing technique - it can be in the form of knitting, weaving, embroidery, carving, inlay, etc.;
  • form - here production is not limited by any boundaries. Products can have completely different sizes and shapes. These include ovals and polygons, and models consisting of several elements stand out;
  • 3D effects are at the peak of popularity today. The effect of volume is then created by voluminous paper applications and protrusions. Such products imitate carved and bas-relief surfaces.

Wall products have two functions. The first and most important thing is decorative effect use. The panel is a complete independent element of room decoration.

The second equally important function is to hide existing imperfections in the form of unevenness or cracks. It is also possible to hide a safe under the panel.

Types of wall panels

There are several types of panels that can be made from the most different materials and in various techniques.

Textile products - this type is made from fabric using embroidery technique. Wooden canvas is most often used as a basis. Embroidery can take the form of picture compositions, ornaments, and appliqués. As a rule, such panels are made on an industrial scale, but there are also handmade examples, the cost of which is much higher.

Wooden products (carving, burning), the cost of which is high, and appearance Quite premium.

Panels made from wallpaper fragments look very original. In addition, it is possible to make such a panel with your own hands.

Freesize type, the main difference of which is their free dimensions and the ability to supplement the composition with other elements. An example is modular compositions with various images.

Mirror panels, for the creation of which they are used as standard mirror surfaces, as well as elements of unusual shapes, wavy and uneven mirrors.

Panel placement locations

In any living space there is a lot wall surfaces, on which it is possible to place decorative panels. The main condition is that the product is in harmony with the functionality of the room and its style.


It is from the hallway that any apartment begins. Therefore, it is advisable to place a pleasant wall composition here that will greet everyone who comes. Choosing suitable product, you should consider the size of the room.

For small rooms it is better to choose small panels with a non-aggressive image in calm tones. Best options There will be images of flowers, natural paintings.

corridor passage

If the corridor is not equipped with lighting sources, then you can choose a brighter panel, complementing it wall lamp. If the corridor is small, then several compositions on the wall will be enough.

But a spacious room should be equipped with a whole series of panels. Great option there will be a composition related to one theme, for example, four products that reflect the change of seasons.

Kitchen area

The kitchen is often decorated in light colors warm colors, but the panel should be bright, attracting all attention. A composition with a still life or products made from coffee beans that fit the theme will fit perfectly into the setting.

Living room

The main purpose of the living room is rest and relaxation. Based on this, decorative panels on the walls also have a calming appearance. Color palette products are calm, images in the form of landscapes.

In spacious living rooms, it is recommended to place the composition along the entire length of the wall surface; it can consist of several elements connected by a single plot. An excellent option would be big ship, plowing the surface of the sea, which is embroidered on fabric.

Another composition is a world map painted on a wooden base consisting of several blocks. It is worth adding lighting to such a composition, and then the illuminated wood panel will become the main accent of the entire interior.

Sleeping area

The bedroom is the room where one goes to sleep and wakes up. Decorative panels here they should serve as a means of peace in the evening and a source of awakening in the morning.

It is better to place images of nature opposite the bed, as in the photo of the panel in the bedroom on the wall. Pictures with space views look quite original.

You can create a wall decor composition for your children's bedroom yourself, involving the children themselves in joint creativity.


When decorating a panel in the bathroom, you should pay attention not only to external characteristics composition, but also on its performance. Wood products are immediately eliminated, because due to high humidity they will quickly become unusable.

The most suitable option is products made from marble elements. Attached to a special solution, such compositions are not afraid of moisture and temperature changes. Thanks to large selection select wall decor compositions suitable option possible for any room and style direction.

Photo panel on the wall

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