Bush perennial flowers for Siberia. Bulbous flowers - photo gallery

The choice of ornamental plants for decorating a summer cottage is primarily influenced by climate. It is difficult for residents of the northern regions, Siberia, and the Urals to choose vegetation that can delight with colorful colors throughout the warm season.

This is explained by the fact that most vegetation is very demanding temperature conditions, and not everyone survives the cold perennials.

Sites located in northern latitudes are not so easy to arrange, because you want the flowering of ornamental plants to continue for as long as possible, but in harsh climatic conditions this is difficult to achieve. There is still a solution: there are several varieties of plants that are resistant to temperature changes and are also perennial. Naturally, they will require specific care.

All this suggests that the planning of such a design should begin with the study of ornamental plants that are suitable for northern latitudes.

In this article you can see photos and get acquainted with the names and characteristics of perennials suitable for regions of the Urals and Siberia with a cold climate.

Low-growing plants that bloom all summer

Usually on the first line landscape areas low plants are planted. Here is a list of perennial vegetation suitable for the Urals and Siberia, low-growing varieties:

Medium-sized plants

As a basis for designing a garden area in the Siberian region landscape designers It is recommended to use medium-sized perennial plants. They can grow up to 30 cm in height. Medium-sized vegetation can be classified into two types: beautiful flowers and presentable foliage.

Let's get acquainted in more detail with flowering perennial plants, which make it possible to add variety to the color palette of the natural landscape.

In summer cottages located in northern areas, you can plant early species bulbous plants, For example, simple varieties tulips or exquisite terry. In cold climates they bloom in late spring. But bulbous varieties of perennials require care: they need to be dug up and dried every year to preserve the bulbs.

Frost-resistant and low-maintenance iris species can reach 85 cm in height. For Siberia and the Urals you should choose Siberian variety iris, which blooms in blue tones. Also popular is the bearded variety of Iris, similar to tropical plants. Its flowering begins in June.

By combining different types of plants, you can create bright design garden area. Decorative vegetation will delight you throughout the warm season.

Important! There are varieties of irises that bloom twice per season. You can enjoy the beauty of their buds twice a year.

A plant with a name mountain cornflower also great for decorating a summer cottage in Siberia. This plant is unpretentious; its bright blue flowers diversify the green design of the garden.

Mountain cornflower does not require frequent irrigation and complex transplants, unlike most other types of vegetation. It can reach a height of 60 centimeters.

You can decorate your dacha area aesthetically curly lily. The leaves of this flower make it look like a turban. Almost all species are pink, but there are also orange variety. This flower is very popular among summer residents, because there are almost no difficulties in growing it.

Important! There are a large number hybrid species daylilies: you can consult with specialists landscape design and choose varieties that suit your aesthetic preferences and tolerate cold temperatures well climatic conditions.

If you are looking for vegetation that will be a highlight garden decor, we recommend planting Pennsylvania lilies. The lily continues to bloom throughout the summer. large flowers orange and rich red colors will definitely not go unnoticed.

Another good idea is to decorate your garden area. decorative bow . This plant belongs to the perennial order and has a bright appearance, and is also good for health. Low maintenance and resistant to low temperatures, it will survive the winter, and next year it will decorate your site again. You can use it for a long time decorative benefits of this plant.

During flowering, onions produce beautiful inflorescences with white, lilac and purple colors.

Also popular among gardeners in Siberia yarrow. Today there are a large number of varieties of this medicinal plant used in decorative purposes. Decorative species differ from ordinary yarrow in appearance and frequency of flowering.

To maintain a presentable appearance of yarrow, you do not have to constantly irrigate and replant it. With its help, you will decorate your site with voluminous inflorescences of different colors, including snow-white and scarlet.

The next variety of perennial vegetation, in addition to decorating garden areas, will also provide an opportunity to decorate unpresentable places.

climbing rose is familiar to many gardeners - this plant belongs to the perennial order, its flowering begins in June.

Buds of rich red, soft pink and white will serve as a magnificent decoration for hand-made hedges.

To create a background in garden areas Perennial plants with decorative foliage are used. When the flowering period of most vegetation ends, these species will continue to delight with their green foliage.

For example, you can plant in your dacha hosts with large voluminous foliage, bergenia with rounded elongated leaves and pinkish flowers or liatris with thin voluminous foliage and tall inflorescences in delicate colors.

Chrysanthemums blooming with luxurious buds, similar to yellow rudbeckia daisies and small doronicum bushes, will look great in the garden.

Actually a choice flowering plants, suitable for cold areas, are quite large, you just need to study their characteristics and choose the appropriate ones. When choosing vegetation for garden decoration, do not forget that the green elements should be combined with each other and not interfere with the growth of neighbors.

Perennial flowers for Siberia: photos and names

tall vegetation

Tall perennial plants, suitable for the harsh climatic conditions of the Urals and Siberia and undemanding in care, will help complete the garden composition. Plant in your dacha, for example, an unpretentious astilbe– the height of this flower can reach 1.5 meters. This plant is ornamental shrub, it is recommended to plant it in a well-lit area.

During flowering, astilbe expels voluminous inflorescences of a soft pink color, rushing upward. There are several types of astilbe, and they bloom in different summer months. You can plant several varieties in your garden at once to admire their blooms throughout the warm season.

It's a good idea to decorate yours personal plot echinacea. This plant is not only beautiful, but also has healing properties: It is used to treat various ailments. During flowering, Echinacea produces flowers that are lilac in color with a brown core.

Another advantage of echinacea is that it does not require special care, does not need replanting and blooms all summer.

Perennials in Siberia: photos and names

Another tall plant suitable for harsh climatic conditions, belonging to the perennial order - delphinium. When its flowers bloom, delphiniums look like bright candles with petals. Typically, summer residents plant several types of delphinium on their plots at the same time. Thanks to this plant, you will have the opportunity to contemplate an abundance of variegated colors throughout the summer.

The delphinium does not need replanting; it will bloom in well-lit areas and in half-shaded ones.

Delphinium attracts summer residents not only with its unpretentiousness, but also with its variety of colors: blue, soft pink, purple flowers captivated by its beauty. With the help of this plant you can create an original and memorable design in your garden. Delphinium goes well with other vegetation.

Perennial flowers for the Urals: photos and names

So, let us list once again the criteria that should be followed when choosing vegetation for decorating a summer cottage located in Siberia or the Urals:

  • plants must be resistant to low temperatures;
  • It is desirable that flowers and other ornamental plants are undemanding in care;
  • green decorative elements should be combined with each other and not interfere with each other’s growth.

Landscape design experts advise combining low, medium and tall vegetation in height. Using plants of different heights, you can create original compositions consisting of several levels. But when planting plants, you should take into account that they will grow, so it is necessary to leave free space so that in the future the plants do not interfere with each other.

It should also be taken into account that different species require different quantities moisture. Irrigation is an important point in growing plants.

Read about the most common varieties that will help you choose original design paths and spaces along the borders on the site.

The main options for using geogrids in a summer cottage are described.

View photo gallery with manufacturing ideas garden figurines DIY garden design can be found in the article at:

Plan in advance which of the described varieties of perennials are best planted in sunny areas and which in shady areas.

Prepare a seating plan and follow the diagram when decorating your summer cottage - this will make it easier for you to create a presentable garden decor.

From this article you learned the names of the most popular perennial plants suitable for decorating garden areas located in northern regions. Using photos and new information, you can create a fabulously picturesque design of a suburban area.

Frost-resistant and low-maintenance decorative perennial vegetation will retain its attractiveness for several seasons and will delight you with its beauty every year.


Watch a video about ornamental perennial plants that are resistant to negative temperatures and suitable for planting in mixborders when decorating garden areas:

Even in areas with a cold climate, you can, if desired, create a beautiful and original design of your dacha with ornamental vegetation.

Perennial flowers that bloom all summer are a great opportunity to beautifully decorate your garden area and not have to worry about growing crop seedlings every year. A flower meadow in a front garden or vegetable garden is always very beautiful. But not everyone can plant annual crops every year. After all, they require more care. At a minimum, you need to choose high-quality seedlings or planting material.

Annual renewal of the site is both a minus and a plus. On the one hand, you can implement your bold ideas every year. On the other hand, this is a big spring chore. Therefore, many gardeners prefer perennial flowers that bloom all summer, which are less demanding to care for. And when you get bored with the same landscape, you can simply plant a new plant by digging up the old one.

You can choose beautiful plants that bloom all summer for your dacha and garden using special catalogs. This article provides some names of perennial flowers that bloom all summer, and photos of crops in adulthood - this information will allow you to preliminary compile a list of varieties for future landing on the site in flower beds and flowerpots.

Advantages of choosing perennial flowers for gardeners

To convince readers that choosing perennial flowers that will bloom all summer is a plus, here are a few arguments. They are clearly a plus even for experienced gardeners. First of all, perennials do not require care. The plants are unpretentious, most of them are shade-tolerant. That's why, this group often used as a basis for perennial flower arrangements.

Such plants do not require annual renewal by planting. Perennial flowers that bloom all summer are suitable for those who want to create a beautiful landscape for several years. Unlike annuals, these plants do not need to be planted annually. They easily winter in open ground and withstand ground temperatures dropping to low levels. The most important procedure, especially if it is a shrub or semi-shrub, is renewal by pruning. It is carried out in spring and autumn, removing fading and withered branches.

Transplantation as a renewal procedure is necessary for perennial flower beds, but not more than once every two years. Also, when creating a composition, you need to decide on the scheme in advance. The fact is that perennials will delight you with their flowering all summer long. Therefore, an incorrectly designed flower bed, namely its appearance, can be greatly damaged when the perennial grows in open ground.

Perennial plants that bloom all summer can be grown in pots on outdoors in the summer, and in the winter arrange a period of rest for them. In such conditions, the flower will be as luxurious as any other annuals. When choosing a plant, it is important to decide on the variety. It should be liked and fit well into the overall picture of the garden. Also, pay attention to the special characteristics when purchasing planting material. If the area is in the shade, then the plant should be shade-tolerant. Likewise, moisture-loving perennials take root better in wetlands and problem areas.

Unpretentious shade-tolerant perennials that bloom all summer

It is unpretentious shade-tolerant crops that are very popular, as they can be used to decorate secret corners. Flowering perennials usually do not grow in such places and are mainly used as a background. ground cover species. But actually, shade-tolerant plants with long flowering throughout the summer, not so little. Some of them are very decorative; see this further by looking at the photo with a short description of the crops.

If there is rocky soil on the site, we recommend choosing astilbe. This perennial flower, blooming all summer, belongs to the Saxifraga family. It prefers to grow on light soils and takes root well if it is problematic in the garden. The shade-tolerant perennial blooms with luxurious fluffy inflorescences of various shades. But, more often there is a variety with violet or purple buds in dense apical clusters. Flowering time depends on the choice of hybrid. Some bloom for no more than a month and only in hot weather, others all summer long.

If you need a shade-tolerant perennial that blooms all summer, then pay attention to. The crop belongs to the Umbrella family and grows up to 150 cm in height. The most popular species is Astrantia Large. The plant blooms from late May until frost. The perennial is drought-resistant and easily tolerates shade. More spectacular and suitable for planting along tall buildings is Astrantia Maxima or Largest.

Short flowering period. From the end of June to August, it seems that the garden or vegetable garden is floating in the clouds. The shade-tolerant perennial can grow under the scorching sun. Huge pink and lilac inflorescences of small flowers are lush and incredibly beautiful. When choosing Basil as a decoration for shady areas of the garden, be careful - this plant does not tolerate proximity to other plants and does not respond well to transplants.

As a shade-tolerant perennial crop that will cover a large area with its small stems, it is best to choose periwinkle. This is a low plant, no more than 20 cm tall. It looks great as a background for large tall crops. Flowering is long and graceful - from spring to late summer. The plant also looks good as a border perennial. It blooms with small bell-shaped buds that form in the axils of the leaf blades. There are so many flowers that they densely cover the plant.

If the region has hot summers, then choose gypsophila. These perennial flowers, which bloom all summer, can be grown in the shade. The perennial belongs to the group of tall crops and looks great when planted along a fence or house. At favorable conditions, namely, in hot weather, gypsophila blooms all summer in small fluffy flowers, collected in apical paniculate inflorescences. There are varieties with white and pink buds. Some of them have a delicate aroma.

Tall perennials for creating flower beds that bloom all summer

A group of tall perennial plants is used to create flower beds and plant them as solo crops. Many varieties combine well with each other and do not conflict. Therefore, gardeners often create original flower beds with tall perennials that bloom all summer. Most plants are less demanding, but tall varieties may require additional care to renew, namely timely pruning inflorescences and tops before the winter dormancy period.

Fragrant oriental lilies are wildly popular among gardeners. This is a luxurious plant with long period flowering. This perennial is shade-tolerant and does not tolerate wind. It also requires protection from strong gusts of cold wind. The flowering period is long - from the beginning of July to the end of September. Oriental lily- This perfect solution for group plantings with other tall plants. There are large-flowering varieties, as well as with double and very fragrant buds.

Carnation grass looks beautiful as a ground cover plant in the garden. This perennial crop with a long flowering period. The culture blooms with small red flowers. The buds are similar to the inflorescences of wild carnations, as can be seen in the photo of the variety. The plant has a peculiarity: its stems take root in the ground throughout the summer. Thanks to this, the perennial grows quickly, covering a large area with its shoots. Flowering is long-lasting, beginning in July and ending at the end of September.

Numerous varieties of gentian allow gardeners to use it to create beautiful flower carpets. In a perennial small flowers with a tubular rim and a fringed limb. There are varieties with red, white, purple, pink or blue flowers. They may differ in shade, but the buds can be seen all summer long - from the beginning of June to the end of August.

Dwarf phlox species can also be used as a border perennial and for planting as a background flower. These plants are compact appearance and a variety of colors of flowers. Phlox cover a large area with creeping stems with numerous buds, painted in white, red, blue and other shades.

Dense flower cushions with snow-white buds form felt peg. This is an excellent plant for group plantings. It easily tolerates proximity to unpretentious perennials and annuals.

Arabis is a perennial plant that blooms all summer, forming dense cushions with small white flowers. It is also ideal for creating group flower beds. But, for the neighborhood with them, it is best to choose annuals or perennials, which are similar in care requirements. Growing Arabis requires light, breathable soil with plenty of nutrients. The perennial's inflorescences are large, white, and pillow-like.

Don't overlook the Indian duchesne. This perennial blooms sparingly, but summer period he constantly creates decorative fruits. Some gardeners grow this plant next to others, flourishing crops. Also, they call Duchesne - decorative strawberries. The fruits are very similar to strawberries, but unlike them they are not edible and are more colorful. There are other, no less spectacular perennial flowers that bloom all summer; choose them from specialized catalogs and conduct experiments on creating flower beds.

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Every gardener dreams of a flower garden that is decorative all season long. The best solution is perennials that bloom all summer. Their care is minimal, and seedlings will only have to be grown in the year of planting.

Plants for sunny places

The range of perennials for the garden is huge. Most of them grow normally in light shade. But there are plants that you like sunlight all day. Many of them are drought-resistant, which makes caring for your flower garden easier.

One of the first to start summer season peonies. There are many varieties of them, and color palette diverse. The plant is not too demanding to care for. Herbaceous species are quite frost-resistant and winter well in most regions of our country. They are particularly decorative tree peonies, but they are more capricious in care than their herbaceous counterparts.

Red daylilies or daylilies decorate the flower garden for several months. Simple and terry, of various colors and shades, they are great decoration flower garden The flower does not have many requirements; even a novice gardener can grow it.

Gypsophila. It has both annual and perennial species. It can be a soloist, planted singly, or an excellent background for plants blooming with bright and large flowers. Perennial species bloom for a long time, differ in different heights, white or pink color. The plant is completely unpretentious in care.

Phlox paniculata. It begins to bloom in July, some varieties even earlier, if the faded inflorescences are cut off, they can decorate the flower garden almost until frost. The color of the flowers is varied, as is the height of the plants. This perennial is easy to propagate by cuttings.

Irises. These majestic flowers differ in color, size and shape of the flower, height depending on the species and varieties. But they are all united by amazing unpretentiousness and vitality. Only a few southern sissies are afraid of frost. All the rest winter well in the open ground.

A flower garden in a sunny place cannot do without carnations, bluebells - Carpathian and Pozharsky, yarrow, echinacea, daisies, perennial asters, chrysanthemums.

Shade-loving plants

Few plants tolerate shade. Most of them cannot boast of bright and abundant flowering. Their decoration is decorative foliage.

  • These are the hosts that reach the peak of their decorativeness precisely in the shade;
  • peltiphyllum thyroid with small inconspicuous flowers and decorative large round leaves;
  • Kirkazon with original watermelon fruits;
  • the hardiest is the European hoofed grass, which can survive even in complete shade and remain decorative.

Among plants with beautiful flowers One can note many spring-flowering bulbous plants that are not shade-tolerant, but bloom when the newly blossoming leaves on the trees do not yet provide shade. Astilbe with flowers collected in panicles of white, pink and various shades of red, dicentra with original heart flowers and openwork foliage, and aquilegia with simple and double flowers decorated with spurs feel quite good in the shade. Lilies of the valley are also good in the shade, as well as primroses and periwinkles with blue, white and pink flowers.

Read more on the site: Hymenocallis: planting, growing and care at home and in the garden

Ground cover perennials

There are many of them, most of them are inhabitants alpine slides and rockeries.

Already at the end of spring, phlox awl-shaped blooms - a charming ground cover plant with creeping shoots. Fragrant flowers form a real cloud, covering the bushes in abundance. The plant is unpretentious and grows quickly, forming large clumps.

A little later, the spreading phlox blooms. Its flowers are larger, but the bushes are not as dense.

Carnation grass blooms most of the summer with medium-sized flowers of pink, white, and red colors. Flowering is abundant, and the plant itself is unpretentious. It is easy to propagate by dividing the bush.

Thyme is a spice and medicinal plants. It blooms profusely with small purple fragrant flowers and grows well.

Garden geranium does not grow higher than 25 cm, blooms all June with pink flowers, grows quickly, forming dense clumps. The plant is very fragrant.

Sedums. There are very low species that, as they grow, cover the soil with a mat only a few centimeters high. This is one of the most unpretentious plants.

Kotula is a plant with carved leaves and fragrant small yellow flowers, appearing all summer. Loves moist soils and grows well.

Gryzhniki cannot boast beautiful flowering located in the axils of the leaves of flowers, but quickly form cushions of small leaves, filling even the most infertile areas of the soil.

Bulbous flowers

Among bulbous plants, lilies are the leader. A huge number of varieties differ in height - from border plants to two-meter giants, flowering time and flower color. They are as varied as they are magnificent.

If the rose is the queen of flowers, then the king, without a doubt, is the gladiolus. There are a great many varieties of it. Their coloring is simply amazing. The only pity is that the flower arrow does not live too long.

Much less known is Japanese gladiolus or montrebia, which is often called crocosmia. The plant belongs to the iris family. Its flowers are smaller, and the color is only orange, red or yellow, but it blooms much more profusely. For the winter, Japanese gladiolus corms are dug up.

No less beautiful is the large family of decorative onions with fluffy spherical inflorescences. True, they bloom for a short time.

Galtonia is often called Cape hyacinth, but it blooms in the second half of summer, extending into September. Numerous bell-shaped white flowers are collected in racemes carried by a meter-long peduncle. The plant does not tolerate frosty winters; the bulbs will have to be dug up.

Tuberose. This flower captivates with the aroma of terry white, pink and purple flowers, collected in brushes. The smell is especially strong at night. For the winter, the corms need to be dug up.

Cannes. Their rhizomes look like bulbs and, like many bulbous plants, they need to be dug up for the winter. But these efforts pay off with the decorativeness of the flower. Large flowers have a variety of colors, sometimes covered with contrasting specks. The plant itself can be either short, only about half a meter, or a one and a half meter giant.

Read more on the site: Amaranth is a plant from the amaranth family: planting and care, herbaceous plants for open ground

Perennials that bloom all summer

This group of perennial flowers is more numerous than many people think. They differ not only in requirements for growing conditions, but also in height.


Many of them are ground cover plants and have taken root in rockeries and alpine slides. Some are used as borders in flower beds and flower beds.

Arabis reaches a height of only 15 cm. The form with white flowers collected in a brush pleases with flowering in June and July, and with burgundy and pink flowers - all summer.

Alpine aster variety White Alps can bloom from June to September. Cushion-shaped bushes only 30 cm high are completely covered with white flowers, similar to daisies.

At the end of June, perennial verbena blooms with red and purple flowers in lush umbrella inflorescences. Fragrant flowers appear on low bushes until frost. For the winter, verbena needs to be covered.

From June to August, low-growing bluebells, crowded Gnome and Flipper purple bloom. Compact bushes are covered with a large number of blue or purple flowers, each capitate inflorescence bears up to 20 of them. Plants are drought-resistant and unpretentious.

Soapwort blooms with pink flowers all summer, forming cushion-shaped bushes only 20 cm high.

Singles similar to Snapdragon Cymbalaria blooms with pink flowers from June to September. The height of the creeping shoots is only 10 cm.

Medium height

This is the largest group of plants.

Echinacea pleases with large daisy flowers from July to September. Terry forms with various colors have also been developed. Flower height – 75 cm.

From June to August, the scarlet daisies of the Scarlet Star variety of pyrethrum bloom. They are large - up to 12 cm, good not only in the flower garden, but also in cutting.

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