When to plant virgin grape seeds. Video: summer pruning of girlish grapes

This decorative vine has neither delicious fruits, nor any luxurious flowers - its main advantage, which can be used to decorate your dacha, is the ability to use it to decorate unsightly places on the site, create shade, plant trees on a fence or hedge, or simply protect a veranda or attic from rain. In autumn, girlish grapes turn into beautiful red tones, reminiscent of rowan leaves before leaf fall. It will remain in this form until the winter, therefore, when preparing your dacha for the winter period, you will enjoy this beauty before the snow falls, which will allow you to at least to some extent minimize the consequences of autumn depression.

The main disadvantage of this plant is also its main advantage - its reproduction can truly take on catastrophic proportions with improper care and lack of timely pruning. Therefore, if you big garden on the site and you are experiencing difficulties in cleaning up fallen leaves, think carefully before planting it - the work will increase significantly. Otherwise, girlish grapes are very unpretentious in care.

Most plants of the Vine family are tendril-bearing vines, the tendrils of which are modified inflorescences and play the role of suckers that help the plant climb walls and other vertical supports.

Along with the decorative effect of foliage and berries, which is especially evident in autumn, grapevines have a positive effect on the microclimate and air condition, performing the function of noise, dust and gas protection and having phytoncidal properties. For example, five-leafed maiden grape suppresses the development of pathogenic coccal microorganisms. Also, this grape significantly protects buildings from summer overheating and helps reduce indoor dampness.

Maiden grapes - planting and care.

Most types of tree vines do not require particularly fertile soils, but they do not like very dry and depleted soils and tolerate slight salinity. Vigorous plants are planted in holes measuring 50x50x50 cm filled with fertile, well-drained soil. It is best to plant seedlings in early spring at a distance of 50-70 centimeters.

Caring for girlish grapes involves installing supports, gartering and feeding. These are drought- and frost-resistant vines, but during prolonged drought, watering is required, as the plants lose their decorative properties.

To improve growth, fertilizing should be carried out 2 times during the season - in spring or early summer, 40-50 g of nitroammophoska are added per 1 m2, and during active growth– 100-200 grams of the drug “Kemira Universal”. In addition, the plant needs periodic loosening, removal of weeds, as well as pruning, which involves removing dry and excess branches. If necessary, virgin grapes should be trimmed to limit their volume.

Species of the genus Maiden grape are of interest for vertical gardening of high walls of gazebos, pergolas, fences, etc. They form a beautiful mosaic of leaves that turn red before the onset of winter.

Varieties and types of virgin grapes

Maiden grapes tripointed (Parthenocissus tricuspidata Siebold).

Homeland - Korea, Japan, Primorsky Territory. This vine is able to climb smooth walls thanks to strong branched tendrils that expand into disks and serve as suction cups. The leaves are very decorative, with a glossy surface, capable of creating a dense green carpet. The plant loves light, it is recommended to grow on walls with southern exposure. It is propagated mainly by seeds, which are sown in the fall, since long-term stratification is necessary.

In culture, the form "Vich" ("Veitchii") is often found, differing from the main species by simple, coarse, large leaves. This plant is widely used in vertical gardening. European countries. In autumn, grape leaves take on delightful hues. bright red. Propagated by woody and green cuttings. It is not recommended to propagate by seeds, as splitting occurs. Planted young plants grow slowly in the first year and require watering and fertilizing, but subsequently the growth per year reaches 2-2.5 m.

Five-leafed maiden grape (Parthenocissus qyinqiefolia).

Homeland - North America, Mexico. A climbing woody vine that climbs onto supports with tendrils. The lashes reach a length of 20 meters. The leaves are palmately compound (of five leaflets), dark green, shiny, with a pointed apex and a wedge-shaped base. The most decorative form of five-leaf girlish grape is “Engelmanii”. This plant has tendrils with 8-12 short branches and well-defined suckers. The leaves consist of 5 broadly lanceolate dark green leaflets up to 12 cm long and up to 3 cm wide. Leaf petioles are reddish, up to 15 cm long. Autumn color is carmine-violet. Grows quickly, annual growth is 0.5-1 m.


The most simple ways propagation of virgin grapes - cuttings and layering.

If you want to create an original green screen in your garden, decorate a gazebo or summer veranda girlish grapes, you need to get planting material.

Cuttings in soil

Grapes can be propagated girlish cuttings, placing them to root in the soil. The cuttings are planted in loose soil at an angle and watered regularly. Rooting usually takes 1-2 months.

Cuttings in water

Sometimes in spring or summer it is enough to cut off a few branches with a couple of well-ripened leaves and simply put them in a glass of water at room temperature. In this case, the cut of the cutting is carried out 2-3 cm below the leaf. After some time, the cuttings will give life to the still tiny young roots. If you fail, you should not despair and will have to repeat everything from the very beginning. It is useful to regularly spray the leaves of not yet rooted or weak plants with a spray bottle.

Propagation of virgin grapes by layering

Maiden grapes also reproduce well by layering. To do this, in the spring, one- and two-year-old plant branches are bent to the soil surface and fixed by pinning the plant nodes more rigidly, for example, with steel wire with a diameter of 3 mm and sprinkling a little soil. It is only necessary to water the cuttings from time to time. The next year, early in the spring, the plants are divided, and the roots of the new plant are carefully dug up and planted in a new place.


Do not use cuttings with upper dormant buds for propagation.

Autumn care

All preparation for the harsh winter period comes down to collecting fruits, if necessary for additional sowing of new plants. In autumn, after the first frosts, with large plants all the foliage falls off. It must be raked and removed in a timely manner, otherwise dampness will remain under the walls, which is undesirable.

Winter shelter for maiden grapes

From year to year, when growing plants, their winter hardiness increases. However, in the first winter, young plants, especially those propagated by cuttings, should be covered with snow or some other available materials. In the future, the maiden grapes will endure the winter period more steadfastly and special shelters will not be required.

If you decide to decorate your garden, choose girlish grapes. It does not produce edible fruits; its purpose is to decorate the garden with early spring and up to late autumn. Maiden grapes are especially impressive in late autumn. When other trees and shrubs lose their leaves, the vine delights the eye with the bright purple shades of its leaves.

Description of the plant

In nature, girlish grapes can be found in the Himalayas, East Asia, North America. The Latin name of the vine is Parthenocissus. It is believed that it came from two Greek words, the Russian sound of one of them is virgin, the other is ivy. The virgin theme is clear. The plant is capable of setting fruit in the absence of pollination.

Liana - the girl's grape is distinguished by its power. Individual lashes can grow up to 20 m. The average length of shoots is 10 m and above. The shoots are woody, covered with bark.

The liana can easily climb any vertical surface. Tendrils and suckers located on the stems hold it firmly in an upright position. In the absence of formative pruning, the lashes creep not only upward, but also along the bottom. Young shoots sprout roots and take root.

Leaves are the main decoration of girlish grapes.

Each species, and there are about 19 of them, has its own complex shape and size. Length from 4 cm to 13. Usually these leaf plates are finger-shaped, elliptical or obovate.

There are three-lobed ones - ivy-shaped and five-leafed. Their petioles are long. The leaves are graceful with a serrated edge and pointed tips. The color changes throughout the season. In spring and early summer it is emerald green, at the top of summer and early autumn it is dark green, and in late autumn it is purple.

The liana blooms from June to August. The inflorescences are inconspicuous, inconspicuous against the background of the leaves. By September, small, up to 6 mm in diameter, inedible dark purple fruits are produced.

Of the 19 types of maiden grapes, five are widely known: “Five-leafed”, “Tri-edged”, “Attached”, “Dalzielium”, “Henry”. Three of them have found application in landscape design:

  1. Five-leafed.
  2. Tripointed.
  3. Attached.

Virginia grapes

Another name for the species is Virginia grape. His homeland is North America. There the liana is found in wildlife, can climb to a height of 30 m. Clings to support with branched antennae.

The leaf blade consists of five dark green petiolate leaves, oblong or ovoid in shape. The edges of the leaves are jagged, the tips are pointed. The lower part is light green with a bluish tint.

Virginia grapes are loved by gardeners for their shade tolerance and frost resistance. In the conditions of the Leningrad region, it winters without shelter. The most popular varieties:

Variety Yellow Wall

For twenty years the garden will be decorated with girlish grapes of the Yellow Wall variety. Its lashes reach 10 m in adulthood. The foliage changes color in late autumn. In summer it is green, and with the onset of cold weather it turns bright yellow.

Variety Don Juan

Frost-resistant, long-climbing (20 m) variety that retains its decorative properties for 20 years. Prefers humus-rich soils. In autumn the leaves turn purple.

Variety Serenade

Fast growing variety. Shoot length is from 15 to 20 m. Leaves big size, purple in autumn, bright green in summer and spring. It blooms with small flowers collected in inflorescences. Loves sunny places, but can also grow in partial shade. Tolerates drought and frost well.

This type of grape came to us from Japan. Ivy-shaped is its second name. IN natural conditions it can be found here in the Far East (Primorye). It grows on the Korean Peninsula and in China.

For your information. The frost resistance of triacid grapes is inferior to virgin grapes. It does not tolerate frosts below -10°C.

The peculiarity of this species is the leaves different shapes. Even on one shoot, three-lobed and unlobed leaves of different geometries can be found: round, triangular, heart-shaped. The most popular varieties of this type of vines:

  1. The purple variety is covered with foliage in all shades of purple in autumn.
  2. Vicha is the most popular variety; it produces an annual growth of shoots of up to 4 m; in the fall it decorates the garden with orange foliage.
  3. The golden variety has leaves of an original color - green with yellow specks.

Tri-pointed grapes perfectly purify the air from dust and harmful gases. It is difficult to grow in middle zone conditions due to low winter hardiness.

This type of vine is common in North America. The length of the lashes is relatively small - 4 m. Young shoots are covered with green bark, while adults are covered with gray bark with a yellow tint.

The leaves are palmately compound. There are both 3-lobed and 5-lobed ones. In St. Petersburg and in the north of the Leningrad region, the vine may freeze. This species is worth growing in the southern regions of Russia.

Maiden grapes are an aggressive crop. Its shoots can entwine other plants and attach to buildings. You need to take this into account when choosing a place for the vine. Before planting grapes near the fence, check with your neighbors. As it grows, the vine can climb into someone else's territory, which not everyone likes.

In relation to parts of the world the best place southern or eastern part of the garden. In sunny areas the leaves are larger and turn purple in autumn.

Lianas growing in shade (partial shade) have smaller leaves and are green until winter.

The soil can be any. Before planting, dig up the area. Remove weeds and plant roots. To improve the fertility and structure of the soil, you will need a bucket of compost or humus, a bucket of sand, ash (a liter jar), superphosphate (300 g).

When planting a rooted cutting, prepare landing hole size 50*50 cm. Place a layer of crushed stone or broken brick at the bottom of the pit. Next to the hole there should be a powerful support (trellis, pergola, gazebo), along which the growing vine will crawl. For the first time, you can drive a wooden stake and tie a young plant to it.

For vertical gardening, planting holes are located a meter apart from each other. Maintain an interval of 0.6 m when forming a ground cover.

Spring is a good time to plant cuttings. If you didn’t have time to plant in the spring, it doesn’t matter. Plant cuttings in a container, nursery or on permanent place possible until mid-June and even in autumn.

Cuttings planted in early September will also have time to take root and grow. In the southern regions, girlish grapes can be planted in early October. According to many experienced gardeners, autumn planting more effective.

Maiden grapes require the first years regular care spring, summer and autumn. An adult plant requires less attention. A powerful root system will provide the vine with everything it needs.

In early spring, add fertilizer to the thawed soil. Sprinkle 50 g of nitroammophoska per 1 square meter. m of tree trunk circle, loosen the soil. After the first leaves appear, add complex fertilizer"Kemira all-rounder." 100-200 g per plant.

Carry out sanitary pruning. In winter, some of the shoots may suffer from bad weather: break, freeze, dry out. They need to be cut out. Remove shoots growing in the wrong direction.

Summer is a period of active growth of vines. She especially needs care at this time. It lies in the following types works:

  • watering;
  • weeding;
  • loosening;
  • hilling;
  • restraining or formative pruning;
  • garter to the support.

Water the girl's grapes according to the weather. They are not needed if the weather is rainy, but during drought they should be carried out at least once a week. Loosen the soil after each rain or watering. Remove weeds as they appear.

The lashes are fixed on a support, directed in the desired direction. A tapener, a tool for tying up vines, is used for fixation. Excess shoots are removed without sparing.

To avoid ugly stumps, you need to cut the branch 0.5 cm above the bud.

Hilling is necessary to ensure that the roots do not protrude above the surface of the earth. It needs to be done several times over the summer. Hill up carefully so as not to damage root system.

In autumn, cut out all damaged and dry branches. Rake fallen leaves and take them to compost. Feed the plant with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers or ash. Tree trunk circle mulch with humus, hay or straw. Cover the young plant non-woven material or a rag. An adult vine does not need shelter.


The liana can be propagated by seeds, vegetatively using cuttings and layering. All three methods give good results. Each gardener chooses his own option.

When cuttings, all parental characteristics of the variety are preserved. For propagation, lignified shoots from last year are needed; they take root better. The optimal shoot diameter for cutting cuttings is 5 mm. The length of the cutting is determined by the number of buds; there must be at least four of them. Recommended length 15 cm.

You can root the cuttings in a container of water or in soil. Best time for propagation by cuttings - spring. In cuttings cut during active sap flow, roots form faster.

Important. A cutting placed in water (soil) must have at least 2 buds above the surface of the water (soil), and 2 under water (ground).

The cuttings are planted in a permanent place or in a nursery as soon as its roots grow. After replanting, you need to monitor the soil moisture. In extreme heat, protect from direct sunlight.

You can plant the cuttings in a container with a diameter of 15 cm filled with fertile soil. Many gardeners believe that it is better to plant an annual seedling in a permanent place.

It is very easy to propagate by layering if there is an adult vine in the garden. Maiden grapes do not only shoot upwards. Some of them grow practically on the ground.

In the spring, during formative pruning, some of the low-growing shoots can be left, pinned to the ground and sprinkled with garden soil. 3 year old shoots are suitable for this purpose. Already next spring layers can be cut off from mother bush and plant it in the garden in a permanent place.

Reproduction of virgin grapes by layering: video

In our climate, only Virginia grape seeds ripen. But they do not guarantee germination if more than a year has passed since collection. A prerequisite for seed propagation is stratification. It can be carried out in natural conditions. At the end of autumn, dig into the ground. In this case, shoots will appear in the spring.

You can stratify seeds at home. In February, fill a small container with wet sand and sow virgin grape seeds to a depth of 2 cm. Wrap the box in cling film and place it in the bottom compartment of the refrigerator. In a month, shoots should appear. After they grow up, they can be planted in the garden.

The shoots and leaves of virgin grapes are practically not susceptible to disease and extremely rarely suffer from pest attacks. In the first years, aphids may attack. You need to fight it using old-fashioned methods without using insecticides.

Take a little laundry soap, grate it and dilute it in warm water. Wash the leaves and stems with an infused soap solution if the vine is small. It is good to spray larger bushes from all sides. For processing, choose clear weather without rain or wind. The best time of the day is evening.

Every gardener finds his own use for virgin grapes in landscape design. Even a small courtyard can be decorated with maiden grapes by planting them at the entrance to the house. A trellis installed next to the house will help avoid the destruction of the wall.

Traditionally, the vine is planted next to a hedge. Over the years, the overgrown grapes will become an ideal protection against street dust and noise. This is especially true for country houses located near busy highways.

Architectural structures are used as support for vines:

  • pergolas;
  • terraces;
  • gazebos;
  • arches;
  • vertical geometric structures in the form of pyramids.

Decorated with dense foliage of vines, they become a decoration of any garden. You can relax in the gazebos and on the terraces on a hot afternoon; in bad weather, a thick green canopy will protect you from rain and wind.

In landscape design, girlish grapes are usually combined with coniferous species. Ideal partners creepers:

  • juniper.

Colorful compositions are obtained by combining clematis and virgin grapes. Clematis montana, blooming snow-white flowers, is not inferior to Virginia grapes in frost resistance and unpretentiousness. Clematis and maiden grapes will turn any garden into a romantic corner.

The liana will also help in solving everyday problems. With its help they decorate outbuildings (sheds, utility rooms), cesspools and compost heaps.

Maiden grapes can be used to strengthen slopes in areas located in hilly or mountainous areas. Liana is recommended to be used as ground cover plant. It makes an excellent living carpet.

Girlish grapes are healthy and beautiful: video

ideas for landscape design a bunch of. To sell them you need to purchase healthy seedling, root it. The grown plant will become a supplier of planting material (cuttings, layering). Not only your garden, but also the gardens of relatives and friends can be decorated with their help.

Sometimes, walking around the city, you can see buildings completely entwined with luxurious vines of girlish grapes. Dense green foliage, which decorates the facades of houses in the summer, with the arrival of autumn changes its color to bright red, thereby becoming even more beautiful. Even an inexperienced gardener can acquire this unpretentious plant on his site, since it takes root well in any conditions and does not require careful care. In this article we will tell you about planting virgin grapes and caring for them.

Maiden grapes are perennial of the grape family, performing mainly a decorative function. The culture has about 10 various types and is widespread in North America and East Asia. Maiden grapes have special tendrils that are able to cling to rough surfaces and various supports - in this way the vines grow upward and cover vertical planes. The leaves of the plant are palmate and placed on long petioles. The grape has corymbose inflorescences and bears small dark blue berries, unsuitable for food.

Given ornamental plant does not produce magnificent buds, and its fruits are unsightly and completely inedible. Meanwhile, the main decoration of girlish grapes is its luxurious foliage. The vines of the plant, growing rapidly, are able to cover large areas - this feature is often used to disguise unsightly places on a personal plot. An unplastered wall of a building, an old shed or any other unsightly structure will look much neater under an almost impenetrable dense carpet of greenery.

With the help of maiden grapes, you can create good shade in a gazebo, decorate a fence, protect a veranda, balcony or attic from wind and rain. The plant retains its decorative functions until winter. Leaves painted red dilute the grayness of the surrounding autumn landscape and thereby lift your spirits.

This culture grows very quickly, which can be considered both a plus and a minus. This property is good because it helps in short time fill a vast space with green foliage. At the same time, if you don’t take care of the grapes and trim off excess shoots, they will cover everything they can reach. In addition, before planting this crop, keep in mind that every spring you will have to clear the area of large quantity fallen leaves.

In addition to its decorative function, virgin grapes also have other beneficial properties. It improves the surrounding microclimate, suppressing the development of certain pathogens. By entwining a building or gazebo, the plant prevents dust, gases and noise from penetrating inside. In hot summers, a dense carpet of green foliage can protect the house from overheating.

Description of common varieties of virgin grapes

Among known varieties There are two varieties of culture that are most common among gardeners in our country. Each of these varieties is quite unpretentious, resistant to disease, takes root well in any soil and feels good both in the shade and in the sun. Below we will look at these varieties in more detail.

Five-leaf variety of virgin grapes

This variety of crop is also called Virginia grape. It is capable of climbing vertical surfaces to a height of at least 15 m. In the summer season, the plant produces bright green foliage, which turns into a rich red hue with the arrival of autumn. The leaves of this crop have an oblong, pointed shape, slightly reminiscent in appearance of chestnut foliage. The leaves are located on long petioles.

Around mid-summer, the plant produces small white inflorescences, from which small blue berries. Five-leaf grapes are not capricious, grow well in shaded areas and tolerate replanting well in a new location. Culture loves fertile soil, but also feels quite comfortable on poor soils. Every year, grape shoots grow by about 2.5 m. As for pests, five-leaf grapes are almost not susceptible to their attacks. Occasionally, slugs may appear on the foliage of the plant.

Tripointed maiden grapes

This plant variety has a second name - ivy grapes. This culture is widespread in China, Japan and Korea. The foliage of the plant is shaped like ivy foliage, which is how the grape variety got its name. Belongs to frost-resistant species, with the arrival of autumn it changes green color to different shades of red. In turn, triacid grapes are divided into several subtypes. The purple type has dark burgundy foliage, the golden type grapes have green leaves with yellow spots, but the most popular is the Vicha maiden grape. It has small leaves with a smooth glossy surface, which turn deep orange in autumn. In a good climate, this species can grow 4 m per year.

Tripointed Vicha grapes are grown not only on vertical surfaces, but also on the ground. Due to the fact that the plant does not have very deep rhizomes, it is first planted in pots, and after a while is transferred to open ground. This variety They are not afraid of exhaust gases and smoke, thanks to which this plant takes root well even near highways.

Planting girlish grapes

Place for growing crops

Before planting girlish grapes, you should decide on the place where it will grow. This culture, as mentioned earlier, is absolutely unpretentious and feels great not only in the sun, but also in a shaded place. The only thing that is affected by the level of light is the color of the leaves. If the vines entwine south side buildings and are well illuminated by sunlight, then by autumn the grapes will change their shade from green to red, orange, burgundy, etc. In the case when the crop is planted on the north side of buildings, the foliage can remain green until it flies off in winter. It should be added that in illuminated areas, grapes develop faster, vines grow well, and the foliage turns out to be larger.

Planting time for girlish grapes and soil composition for the plant

This crop will take root well in a new place, regardless of whether it is planted in spring or autumn. Nevertheless, experienced gardeners It is recommended to plant in the first half of autumn - in September or October.

As for the soil, this plant is as undemanding in its composition as in everything else. The grapes feel comfortable in any cultivated soil. The process of planting a plant consists of several simple steps:

  1. 7-8 days before planting the seedlings, the soil must be dug up and all weeds removed.
  2. At the planting site, you need to dig a hole about 50 cm deep and lay drainage on the bottom. It can be made from broken bricks, small stones, pebbles, etc.
  3. Approximately 20 cm of sand should be poured over the drainage layer.
  4. The next step is to prepare the soil mixture. To do this, 2 parts of garden soil are mixed with 2 parts of compost and 1 part of sand.
  5. The hole is filled with the resulting composition and a grape seedling is dug in.

Features of germination of seedlings

In order for the plant to develop faster, it must be fertilized. It is customary to fertilize several times a season; the plant is fertilized for the first time in the spring. To do this, 1 m³ is mixed with 50 g of nitroammophoska.

When the crop begins to actively grow, 100-200 g of Kemira Universal fertilizer is added to the soil. With the arrival of autumn, the soil is additionally saturated with potassium fertilizers; ordinary wood ash or potassium magnesium is suitable for this.

If you want the shoots to develop quickly, feed the grapes with “Aquamarine” at the rate of 50 g of the substance per 1 m² of soil. Do not forget to at least occasionally loosen the soil around the stems and remove weeds.

Propagation of virgin grapes

Reproduction by cuttings

One of the ways to propagate this crop is cuttings. To do this, take a cutting and divide it into several fragments. On each such part there should be at least 4-5 buds, from which a new sprout will subsequently develop. When planting a cutting in the soil, do it so that 2 buds remain above the surface of the ground, and the remaining buds are dug into the ground. When the planting process is completed, water the sprouts and cover them with a light cloth to protect them from aggressive solar radiation. Periodically moisten the soil near the sprouts.

Crop propagation by layering

One of the easiest ways is considered to be propagation by layering. This is done very simply. With the onset of spring, branches that are at least 2-3 years old are selected from the grapes. Then these branches are bent to the ground and fixed, for example, using a fairly strong and thick steel wire. The places where the vines attach to the ground are sprinkled with soil and watered periodically. A year later, at the beginning of spring, the branch is cut off from the mother plant, the roots of the grapes are carefully dug out and transferred to a new place.

Planting virgin grapes with seeds

The method of seed propagation is considered not the most popular due to its labor intensity. Few people do it, since the whole procedure requires quite a lot of time, and besides, grapes germinate slowly.

Seeds of virgin grapes are usually sown in spring or autumn period. If you plan to carry out the procedure in the spring, then the seeds need to be stratified before sowing. This is done approximately 1.5 months before the expected planting date. To make stratification, take a suitable container and fill it with sand. Then the sand is moistened and grains are planted in it. The container with the seeds is placed in a cool place, for example, in the refrigerator. The constant temperature in the refrigerator should be maintained at +5°C. After stratification and spring planting the grapes produce the first shoots within a month, and if you plant the seeds in the fall, the sprouts will not appear until next summer. Seeds of the crop can be stored at room temperature about 1 year.

Maiden grapes: care features

Caring for this plant is not difficult. First of all, having chosen a place to plant a crop, arrange good support for vines Since grapes grow quite quickly, an unreliable support may not support the weight of the plant and will simply collapse.

So that the vines have something to cling to as they grow, you can attach a trellis or chain-link to the wall of the building. While the plant is quite young, its shoots should be directed in the right direction. After a few years, you will be able to correct the bush by cutting off excess branches.

Maiden grapes reproduce well by self-sowing. If you do not need new shoots on the site, try to remove fruit clusters from the plant whenever possible. Of course, grapes can serve as a kind of decoration, but after they wither they do not look very attractive.

You need to water girlish grapes only when they are young. Adult crops feel great without additional moisture. As a rule, virgin grapes are not susceptible to diseases, pests and fungal infections.

With the arrival of autumn, if there are fruits left on the grapes and you want to use them for propagation, collect the berries for storage. After frost, most of the leaves fall off - they must be removed immediately, otherwise the soil under the plant will be too damp.

Adult crops do not require any insulation for the winter, but young shoots are better protected from frost and covered plastic film. In snowy winters, you can use ordinary snow for insulation.

When growing virgin grapes, you need to take into account some subtleties:

  1. Maiden grapes very intensively increase their green mass, and therefore their weight is constantly increasing. Unreliable supports and flimsy structures may not support the weight of the plant. That is why planting crops near plastered walls is not recommended. If there is also a heat-insulating layer under the plaster, then after a few years the coating may simply fall off under the weight of the grapes. It is best to decorate brick, concrete or wooden surfaces with this plant.
  2. It is not recommended to allow virgin grapes to grow on tiled roofs. Insufficiently reliable masonry can be damaged.
  3. The same goes for slate roofs. If the structure has even a slight slope, then the slate sheets may slide down under the weight of the plant. However, flat roofs there is no such danger.
  4. When growing maiden grapes near the walls of a residential building, it is important to take into account the fact that vines can block ventilation holes, weave around antennas, satellite dishes and gutters. To avoid problems, direct the growth of branches in the right direction and simply remove unnecessary shoots.
  5. Maiden grapes cling to rough surfaces with the help of special tendrils that can grow quite deeply into the coating. For wooden walls This is not scary at all, but it is destructive for plaster.

Girlish grapes in the design of the site

Very often, this crop is used to disguise unsightly areas of the garden. Growing in a short time, girl's grapes in just a few years are able to cover an old shed, outbuilding, or peeling wall of a house. But not only nondescript places on the site are decorated with this plant; grapes are often used to decorate pergolas, gazebos, verandas, and building facades. As for gazebos and verandas, in in this case grapes not only serve as a beautiful design element, but also create the necessary shade. An attic entwined with green vines is the best place where you can hide from the heat on a summer day.

If a translucent fence is installed in your garden, and you want to hide from prying eyes, then virgin grapes will help create an almost impenetrable barrier through which nothing will be visible.

This crop can be used not only to decorate vertical surfaces, but also for growing on slopes. In such a case, the girl’s grapes grow over the ground in a dense green carpet.

This plant is very popular in gardens decorated in southern style. The fact is that not all vine plants can exist normally in our climate, but virgin grapes tolerate cold and frost well. Therefore, such a culture helps to create southern design in a northern climate.

Sometimes girlish grapes are combined with other types of climbing plants. This culture looks very harmonious with ivy. A particularly beautiful effect is achieved in the fall, when the grapes take on a red tint while the ivy remains green. The composition of girlish grapes and climbing roses looks no less impressive. Rose uses grapevine as its own support and these two cultures grow upward together. A magnificent effect can be achieved by planting girlish grapes next to mountain clematis. White, lilac or soft pink buds combined with carved green leaves look simply excellent.

How to properly arrange grapes

After planting a crop near a support, watch where the young branches go. If the shoots do not grow in the direction you want, redirect them and fix them on a support. But if even after this the vines direct their growth in the wrong direction, just cut them off.

Adult plants do not need to be tied to a support, but preventive pruning of shoots should be carried out at certain intervals. During this pruning process, weak or damaged branches are removed from the plant. It is important to remember that you need to cut off the lash directly above a healthy kidney.

If you haven't taken care of the plant long time, and the branches have become too long, you must first shorten them to the required length, and then remove the intertwined, weak and thickened shoots.

Maiden's grapes. Video

Maiden grape is an ornamental vine with dense grape leaves and curly tendrils that cling to fences, frames, and ledges on walls due to sticky pads at the ends. The plant reaches a height of up to 15 meters and will serve as a real decoration in the summer at the dacha as decor for a gazebo, terrace, or veranda.

The most famous are 2 grape varieties: five-leaved and tripointed.

  1. Five-leaf or Virginia grape is a vine that reaches a height of up to 20 m with bright green, pointed leaves and long petioles. Closer to July, this variety begins to bloom, and by autumn small fruits appear. The grown shoots begin to cling with their tendrils to any surface. The plant prefers loose, fertile soils, is hardy and unpretentious to replanting.
  2. Resistant to diseases, only slugs can harm. Tripointed ivy-shaped grapes are attractive for decoration purposes and are quite frost-resistant. The leaves can be bright red, dark burgundy with yellow splashes, and by autumn - bright orange. The “Vicha” variety is adapted for growing on any soil, forms a carpet on the ground when growing, but loves warmth, and has taken root only in the south of Russia. Grow a plant seedling method, in containers because the roots are shallow. Nevertheless, the plant is unpretentious, resistant to exhaust gases, and does well when planted near roads. Special care

It doesn’t require anything, you just need to cover it in winter, otherwise it will freeze.

How to properly plant grapes in open ground Grapes grow well in the south or north of the area. In the sun, the color of the leaves will be juicy orange, purple, in the north - green. In the sun, of course, the greens will be juicier, and the leaves will be large and lush. Liana is not picky about the weather. Can be planted in spring, summer and before winter for hardening and better growth

next year.

  1. Dig up the soil, lay drainage made of expanded clay or red brick to a depth of 60 cm, then sprinkle with a layer of sand 20 cm high.
  2. Fill the hole with a mixture of compost, sand and leaf soil. Wild grape varieties do not like overly fertilized soil. From an overabundance of fertilizer, the soil will quickly become salty, and the grapes will simply die. Root collar when planting, it should be located no lower than the soil level; seedlings should be planted at a distance of at least 50 cm from each other.

1. Select landing time

The time for planting is April-May, or September-October.

2. Site selection and soil preparation

The place for planting girlish grapes can be almost anywhere. Usually this is a hedge, a fence, a fence, a gazebo. You can plant it on any side, wherever it is convenient: northern, western, eastern, southern. The growth of grapes in the sun, of course, will be more intense. To achieve a more picturesque coloring of the plant and accelerated growth, it is better to plant it in light areas, on the south side.

There are also no special requirements for the soil. Before planting, you just need to dig it thoroughly.

3. Soil treatment and preparation. The process of planting in open ground.

It is better to plant vines in open ground using cuttings. In spring, shoots from last year are cut with 3 nodes on each. It is advisable to have 2 dormant buds and 1 large one. The lower bud of the cutting is immersed with an inclination towards the future support.

To plant young shoots, a ditch is dug next to the adult plant, a whip is laid, and layering is done.

When the roots have sprouted, the cuttings of the vine can be cut and planted in separate prepared places, but sufficiently lit. The distance between planted cuttings should be at least 1 meter.

Dug holes up to 70 cm in height are filled with drainage, plants are planted, and the root collar should not be visible above the soil. In order for the grapes to take root faster and begin to grow, you need to immediately water well. When planting in the fall with the onset of frost, cover with non-woven fabric.


  1. Produced: Seeds are sown in early spring or autumn in loose soil to a depth of 1 cm.
  2. Before sowing the seeds, they are soaked in cold water for 5-7 hours, then hardened by keeping them in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. Cut small sprouts with three leaves are placed in a container with water until new roots appear, then they are transplanted into the ground, periodically moistening the leaves with a spray bottle. Cuttings or shoots can be planted directly into the ground on a slope; the main thing is that 2-3 buds remain on the sprout above the ground; they also need to be protected from the heat until the plant takes root.
  3. By layering. The plant's vine should have several buds. Layers need to be laid out on the ground, dug in, secured with pins and watered. The plant will sprout a new one in a couple of weeks.

Grape care

Maiden grapes are easy to care for. When growing, it is enough to trim off excess shoots, secure them and direct the lashes in the right direction. In spring, usually dried out, rotten shoots are cut off and the soil is prepared nitrogen fertilizer. In summer, you periodically need to loosen the soil to prevent compaction. If the roots of the grapes are exposed, spud them up by sprinkling them with earth.

If the summer is hot, then you need to water more often, but not less than 3-4 times per season. The grapes are frost-resistant and do not require special shelter for the winter. Even when individual trunks freeze in the spring, dormant buds are restored and begin to grow again.

The grapes do not need support. Due to its whiskers, it climbs independently onto any, even smooth, surface, but under the weight of its weight it can fall if it grows strongly. Therefore, it is better to install a support for it so that it does not end up spreading like a carpet on the ground.

1. Watering

Grapes are undemanding when it comes to watering. In case of severe drought, watering should be done no more than 3-4 times a year. In regions with regular rainfall, there is no particular need for watering grapes.

2. Soil for grapes and fertilizers

The wild-growing vine is characterized by rapid growth, is not picky about soil and moisture, grows quite well on any soil, the main thing is that the soil is not too saturated with water, otherwise the roots of the plant will simply begin to rot.

3. Feeding

In spring, nitrogen fertilizer is usually applied to each plant. It will not be superfluous to feed the vine with nitroammophos (50 grams per square meter of area) or Kemira-universal (150 grams per 1 square meter of area). Plants need to be fed frequently, at least once a week during the period of active growth, the growing season, which lasts 158 days from May to October.

The grapes begin to bloom in mid-June. At this time, there is no need to fertilize the soil, just water as needed, not allowing the soil to dry out.

Young shoots during summer season you need to weed and loosen the soil. Frost-resistant types of grapes tolerate winters well: triacid and five-leafed. Annuals can freeze slightly, but with the onset of spring, new shoots grow, and the plant begins to grow vigorously.

4. Diseases and pests

The grapes are not susceptible to fungal diseases and eating by insects. Only a slug can harm grapes.

But gardeners know plenty of means of protection against such pests:

  1. Use lemon zest as a slug trap. Cut the fruit in half, separate the pulp from the peel, cut a hole in it, and place it next to the plant. Slugs will be attracted to the aroma of grapefruit and, once they get inside the hole under the peel, they will enjoy the taste, and you can collect them.
  2. Pour in tin can bury beer in the ground, leaving 2-3 cm of the top of the can on a hill so that slugs can easily climb inside. After a week, a decent amount of slugs will have collected inside the container. Throw them away, pour some fresh beer, the drink will attract the next batch of grape pests.

5. Transplant

It is not recommended to replant grapes during the period of active branching and vine production. You can think about replanting only 2-3 years after its initial planting, when the vines have already grown greatly or the fence needs to be moved to another place.

Having torn this strange plant from its support, you will not be able to see the new entwining of a hedge or fence soon, and it is difficult to replant 2-meter seedlings. Although their survival rate is good, the old buds of the seedlings quickly begin to grow, and the grapes begin to grow. Transplantation is not terrible for grapes.

The main thing you need to know is that the support is prepared in advance if you do not intend to frequently replant the grapes and have chosen a permanent place for their residence.

To transplant in a new place, you also need to dig holes for seedlings, fill the bottom with drainage, top with a layer of humus, lower seedlings or cuttings into the holes, sprinkle with earth, and lightly compact the soil.

Seasonal care

This plant is considered to be durable. Its main purpose in the garden is decorative, so care consists of maintaining its shape and attractive appearance, without allowing it to grow, which means it needs to be trimmed in a timely manner and old dry branches removed. In dry summers, you need to water abundantly and more often. Sufficiently matured grapes should be fed in May, early June, then in July, when the plant begins to grow vigorously. Also, during its growth, you can trim and shape it using garden pruners.

When the lashes grow, you need to install supports for the formation. Weed the area, remove weeds, and loosen the soil as necessary. To maintain shape, it is worth carrying out sanitary pruning once a season, removing all weak and damaged, gnarled shoots, and in the spring making cuts above healthy buds.

Do not be afraid to cut off the lashes when thickening or weaving, giving them the desired length, as befits a living and neat hedge.

Over time, dormant buds will begin to actively grow. The grapes will constantly delight you with decor and smooth out unsightly areas and places in the garden, especially in the summer. Maiden grapes are the best vertical gardening

for a house, veranda, attic, also creating shade or shelter from the rain, for example, on a gazebo, terrace, extension to the house. You can decorate unsightly places by planting grapes next to them; fortunately, they grow quickly and are completely unpretentious in care.

Questions - answers

Is it possible to regulate its growth when planting grapes?

Yes, of course, the plant reproduces by branches, so it should not be allowed to spread on the ground, otherwise new roots will grow. To adjust the length of the vine, it is enough to direct the branches downward, in the other direction, so that the hedge is surrounded by a completely uniform cover.

Can you grow a five-leaf variety at home in a pot? Grapes like cool temperatures of 10-12 degrees. If you can create such conditions for it and place it in the east or west on a window, then you can grow grapes at home. In summer, take the plant outside more often Fresh air

, in hot weather, spray the leaves. Prune as it grows to keep the vine in shape.

When is it better to replant grapes, autumn or spring?

In spring it is better, in winter conditions are not always favorable for the plant, and the seedlings will be able to overwinter in the cellar. Although cuttings planted before winter will be stronger and more resilient. But the plant is so unpretentious that it grows like a weed and will be accepted and grow under any conditions.

Why do fathoms of grapes wither?

It's difficult to answer. Such vines are stable and even take root in arid areas, even in semi-deserts. Maybe they overloaded them with stimulants or supplements. Pay attention to seedlings when purchasing. There should not be an unhealthy, sick appearance. Maiden grapes - climbing plant , which adorns many parks and. It is planted to decorate fences, open verandas and walls. Maiden grapes are not difficult to grow; gardeners propagate them by cuttings, layering, pieces of root (root suckers) and seeds.

In nature, there are 10 wild species of this plant, but in gardens and vegetable gardens you can find three varieties:

  • attached;
  • five-leaved (virginian);
  • ivy-shaped trifoliate (triacute).

Breeders have developed dozens of cultivated varieties of this plant; seeds can be purchased in gardening departments and online stores. Nowadays, virgin grapes are grown in many regions of Russia and the CIS countries.

On a note! Pruning does not harm the plant; in abandoned gardens its vines grow up to 30 m or more in length. Maiden grapes have the unique ability to climb vertical walls using antennae, the tips of which have sticky round pads.

Selected varieties of virgin grapes are very decorative. The leaves of the vine are large, their edges are jagged. In summer the foliage is bright green, in autumn the leaves of plants planted on sunny side, blush. If the grapes do not have enough sunlight, the leaves simply darken or remain green. In autumn, the foliage of some varieties turns not only purple, but also yellow. The length of the leaves reaches 10 cm.

Maiden grapes have a powerful root system that grows strongly to the sides and in depth. Large leaves and powerful long stems need water and roots, like pumps, “pump out” it from the soil. This vine, being planted near the walls, will take away excess moisture from under the house and foundation, there will be no mold on the walls of the building, and the air humidity inside will decrease. Can the maiden grapes creeping up the walls destroy them? There is no such data, but active use This plant for decorating old buildings in France, Germany and Spain suggests that virgin grapes do not penetrate into stone walls and cannot destroy the stone foundation.

The plant tolerates pruning and shaping perfectly, which allows you to realize the most original ideas landscape designers and owners of garden plots. Shaping, pruning and tying are done throughout the summer season.

Table. Popular varieties girl's grapes.

Variety nameLeaf color in autumnLeaf color in summerLiana lengthHow many years does a liana live?Characteristics of the variety
Orange-red, red, crimsonGreenUp to 15 m16-18 years oldTripointed (ivy-shaped)
YellowGreen10-15 m20 yearsFive-leaf
Crimson, purpleGreen15-20 m18-20 years oldFive-leaf
PurpleGreenup to 20 m15-20 yearsFive-leaf
Bronze redLight green, green8-12 m12-16 years oldTripointed (ivy-shaped)

All varieties described in the table can be planted with seeds.

The fruits of the plant are berries with seeds. The berries have a spherical or ellipsoidal shape, the diameter of the grapes is 5-8 mm. The peel of the fruit is dense and elastic. It can be dark red, blue, burgundy or purple. As the grapes ripen, they become almost black in color. There is a bluish or gray coating on the surface of the berries.

The grapes taste sour or sour-bitter, they contain a lot of oxalic acid and are inedible, although they are used in folk medicine. Poisoning can be caused by eating large quantities of berries. The pulp of grapes has a strong astringent effect. In winter, the fruits of the grapes are eaten by birds.

The berries of the virgin grapes ripen on branched clusters; dozens of fruits grow on one sour plant. Each fruit contains 3-4 seeds, which can be used to plant girlish grapes with seeds.

Collecting virgin grape seeds

The fruits ripen in early autumn or late August. It depends on the plant variety and weather conditions region. If in the south of Russia and in the CIS countries grapes can be harvested already in mid-August, then in middle lane the fruits in the grapes will not ripen until mid-September. If you cut grape clusters with unripe berries, the seeds will be unsuitable for planting.

To obtain seeds, ripe berries need to be kept at home for 2-3 weeks, after which the skin of the berry is cut and the seeds are removed. The bones need to be washed and dried. After this, the seed material is placed in paper bags and placed in a dry room with moderate temperature and average humidity. Under such conditions, the seeds remain viable until spring.

Preparing seeds for spring planting

The seeds of many cultivated plants need storage conditions close to natural, otherwise they germinate poorly and grow slowly. The seed preparation process takes different time For different varieties grapes In the instructions planting material Usually there is data on how long the process of preparing for planting takes. Stratification (cooling of wet grape seeds) begins a month or two in advance (depending on the plant variety). In a city apartment and rural house Seed stratification is carried out in the refrigerator, since it maintains a constant temperature. To work, you need plastic bags with a sealed clasp or containers. We'll talk about this in more detail a little later.

On a note! Instead of cotton pads and napkins, you can use wet sand or sphagnum moss, but in dark material the seeds can be “lost” and it will not be easy to find them. Vermiculite or perlite is also used for stratification.

If you plan to plant virgin grape seeds in the fall, then no special preparation is needed. They are planted directly into the ground in mid-October or in the last ten days of the month. The weather should not be warm, otherwise the seeds will sprout and die from the cold.

Choosing a landing site

On the bags in which the seeds are sold, manufacturers indicate where it is best to plant a particular variety of vines. Some varieties of maiden grapes like sunny areas, others prefer shade or partial shade.

Breeders and gardeners know that if the foliage of virgin grapes is poorly illuminated by the sun (vines grow on the north side of the house, veranda), then in the fall it does not change color and remains green. If the plant is exposed to the sun most of the day, its leaves will turn red or purple in September.

Important! When choosing places to plant seeds and cuttings, you need to take into account that this creeping plant can climb not only walls - it climbs the trunks and branches of trees. Grapes can completely cover fruit tree and even break it. Therefore, in the garden, girlish grapes require constant attention and pruning.

This crop tolerates winter well, the roots sprout, and virgin grapes can turn into a weed, which will require a lot of time to fight. Therefore, when planting grapes with seeds, you need to immediately plan how they will grow and form.

Preparing the soil for virgin grapes

This plant is unpretentious to the composition of the soil, but the seeds should be planted in well-dug and fertilized soil. Young sprouts are weak and do not do well with a lack of nutrients.

The beds for planting girlish grapes consist of two layers. The bottom layer is drainage. It may be granular or detrital natural material or rock that filter water well (sand, pebbles, crushed stone), or artificial materials with a non-aggressive composition (brick). The top (soil) layer should contain a moderate amount of nutrient organic matter and coarse sand. Drainage is necessary for good filtration of moisture and air flow to the roots of the plant. If the water stagnates, the maiden grapes will grow poorly and may die.

Caring for virgin grapes

The plant loves moderately fertilized soil, but in soil oversaturated with organic matter, grapes do poorly. Before planting seeds in the garden bed, you do not need to add any synthetic mineral fertilizers. If necessary, nitrogen and phosphate fertilizers They are introduced during the period of rapid growth, in mid-summer. It can be saltpeter or nitroammophoska.

Maiden grapes require constant attention; they need to be trimmed, tied up, strengthened on trellises and supports almost every week. As a result, the gardener will receive beautiful garden forms, which will delight the eye until late autumn and leaf fall. In order for the vines to curl evenly and beautifully, trellises and nets are installed for them.

On a note! Maiden grapes will not grow well if the area is overgrown with weeds. Weeding should be carried out as necessary several times a season. This plant is not susceptible to fungal diseases, it is not touched by insect pests, but if the ground is covered with weeds and the weather is rainy, mold may appear in the soil layer and in the root system.

If there is no rain, plants with a developed root system need to be well watered once a week. Maiden grapes planted with seeds cannot form a strong root system in the first year of life. It needs to be watered more often as the soil in the beds dries out.

How to grow virgin grapes from seeds

You can start planting seeds as soon as the ground thaws and warms up. IN different regions In Russia and the CIS countries, planting times vary. In the middle zone this can be done in mid-April, in the southern regions - in mid-March.

Important! You need to buy virgin grape seeds in advance, taking into account the fact that they need to be hardened and prepared before planting. Unprepared seeds may not sprout.

Step 1. Seed stratification. It is carried out for 1 or 2 months (the duration of certification must be clarified for each variety). In February, the seeds are placed in a humid environment, using a material that can retain moisture, placed in plastic bag or container and place in the refrigerator.

Step 2. 2-3 days before planting in open ground, the seeds are removed from the refrigerator and soaked in water at room temperature. It is convenient to do this in a deep saucer with a cloth napkin.

Step 3. Preparing the beds. At the selected location of the garden plot, dig a pit (trench) 55-60 cm deep. The soil layer is piled next to the trench.

Step 4. Drainage is poured into the leveled pit in an even layer. This can be coarse river sand, pebbles, crushed stone, crushed red brick or expanded clay. You can prepare a mixture of these materials. The drainage thickness must be at least 20 cm.

Step 5. Enriched soil is poured over the drainage layer. The composition of the soil layer for virgin grapes includes:

  • 2 parts of medium-fertilized garden soil (you can add rotted autumn leaves to it);
  • 2 parts humus or herbal compost;
  • 1 part sand.

The soil is leveled with shovels and rakes. After this, you can plant the seeds in the garden bed.

Step 6. Planting seeds. Make small holes in the soil, 0.7-1.2 cm deep. Place 1 seed in each hole and carefully cover it with soil. The distance between the holes depends on the grape variety and ranges from 50 cm to 1 m. In order not to injure the root system of plants, structures that will serve as support for vines are installed not during the period of rapid growth, but when planting seeds. In a few weeks, the soil will become compacted from watering, and therefore it will be difficult to place supports for the vines.

Step 7 Water the bed, making sure that the seeds do not end up on the surface.

Step 8 Top dressing organic fertilizers during the period of growth. When the seeds sprout and the fast growth stems, the vine can be fertilized with nitroammophoska (45 g of fertilizer per 1 square meter). In order for the vines to grow faster, they should be fed with a preparation to stimulate the growth of green mass (you can take the product “Kemira Universal” or any other).

Fertilizers are applied early in the morning or in the evening, after sunset. Solid and liquid preparations dilute in 10 liters of water and water the ground around the stems. The soil must be loosened before applying synthetic fertilizers.

On a note! Currently, breeders in Western Europe and America have developed dozens of varieties of virgin grapes, which differ in size, leaf shape, vine length, soil requirements and frost resistance. Among them there are varieties that like the sun and varieties that tolerate shade well.

The color of the autumn leaves of the new varieties is very beautiful. Among them you can see very rich orange, burgundy, red, bronze, striped, bright golden yellow leaves. All new varieties can be planted not only by cuttings and layering, but also by seeds. It must be remembered that when planting hybrids with seeds, the quality will begin to be lost after a few years.

Video - Tripointed maiden grape. How to grow from seeds?

Planting virgin grapes is not too labor-intensive; propagation of this plant by layering and cuttings does not take much time and leads to a guaranteed positive result. But if a gardener wants to grow a new unusual variety, then it is better to plant seeds.

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