Kirkazon Manchurian is a medicinal plant. Kirkazon - giant leaves and amazing flowers

Kirkazon – lignified or herbaceous vine with large beautiful leaves. It is often used for strict landscaping of vertical structures. The healing properties of Kirkazon are also known. In the descriptions you can find the same plant under the names “Aristolochia”, “Laborum”, “Camphora” or “Fever Grass”. It belongs to the Kirkozonaceae family. The genus of plants is so ancient that it existed even before the division of the land into continents. Therefore, individual varieties are found throughout the territory globe. Most often, kirkazons live in tropical and subtropical zones of Africa, Australia, Asia and Latin America.

Description of the plant

Kirkazon is a herbaceous perennial. It has a branched rhizome, which is located shallow from the surface of the earth. Weakly branched shoots grow 8-14 m in height. In the lower part, woody stems grow vertically. When young, they are covered with green-brown smooth bark, which gradually turns brown and cracks. Top part the vines are more flexible and covered with pile.

Kirkazon leaves are very decorative. The large heart-shaped, palmate or arrow-shaped leaf blade is colored light green or bright green color. The underside of the leaf is covered with short hairs. The length of the leaf blade is 5-30 cm. The leaves have long arched petioles and are arranged alternately. They form a continuous green cover, receiving maximum light during the day.

The flowering period for Kirkazon occurs in May-October, depending on the species. It lasts up to 20 days. Axillary flowers grow singly or in groups of up to 8 buds. They have a very unusual shape. Curved tubes resemble jugs, saxophones or gramophones. Insects get into them. Since Kirkazon is pollinated mainly by flies, its flowers exude bad smell rotting. The color of the petals can be red, reddish-brown or yellow. Flowering begins after 5 years of age.

After pollination, the hanging ones ripen seed pods round or oblong shape. Under the thin skin there are many seeds. The ripe capsule opens on its own, and the trihedral seeds spill out of it or are carried by the wind.

Types of Kirkazon

There are almost 200 species of Aristolochia in the world. Only 7 of them grow in the vastness of Russia. The most common:

Kirkazon ordinary (clematis). A large vine with herbaceous shoots up to 15 m long, it is distinguished by large ovoid leaves with a matte, rough surface. The foliage ends with a blunt edge. At the end of May, small pitchers of yellow flowers appear on the plant. In July, the fruits ripen in the form of elegant spherical boxes, similar to miniature pumpkins or watermelons.

The plant is a vine. The young bark on it is smooth, swamp green. Over the years, it cracks and acquires a light brown tint. The heart-shaped, bright green leaves grow up to 30 cm in diameter. On one shoot, the leaves may differ in shade, giving the vine a mosaic color. In autumn, while remaining green, the leaves fall off. Flowering begins in June; yellow-green tubular flowers, similar to small jugs, bloom in the axils of the leaves. After pollination, oblong seed pods ripen. However, fruiting almost never occurs due to the lack of natural pollinators.

A deciduous woody vine covered with large dark green leaves. On the leaf blades there are glands that emit a camphor aroma. The width of the leaves reaches 30 cm. Flowering occurs from the beginning of May, when creamy-brown axillary flowers bloom on the vines. In autumn, yellowed leaves fall off.

Deciduous climbing plant grows up to 10 m in height. Its young shoots and leaves are densely covered with felt pile. The foliage is a dull light green color. Spectacular ovoid leaves grow 16 cm in length. Wrinkled leaves bloom in early June yellow flowers about 3.5 cm long.

The liana with beautiful heart-shaped leaves is distinguished by larger flowers. The buds are located singly or in numbers of 4-6 pieces in the leaf axils. The length of the wrinkled curved tube is more than 10 cm, and the width is about 8 cm. The outside of the corolla is cream-colored, and the inside is covered with a network of red-brown veins. The variety blooms in July and pleases with unusual corollas until September.


Although Kirkazon is absolutely easy to care for, its reproduction requires effort. Kirkazon is propagated by seed and vegetative methods (layering, cuttings, dividing the bush). The most convenient method for an amateur gardener is the method of rooting layering. It is enough to dig a part of the vine into the ground and press it down. In this case, the surface of the bark must be slightly scratched. Roots are guaranteed to form, but the process will take a lot of time. Only two-year-old layerings are capable of separation and independent development.

In the southern regions, the method of rooting cuttings is effectively used. In the spring, before the buds open, the shoots are cut off and rooted in open ground. Autumn cuttings are also practiced. It is recommended to treat the lower cut with Kornevin. Rooting is done in wet sand or loose nutritious soil. It needs to be moisturized regularly. For the first month, the cuttings are kept under a transparent cap and covered especially carefully for the winter. The soil is mulched with a thick layer of peat. Next spring You can transplant young kirkazons to permanent place.

Some types of vines form many basal shoots. In the spring they can be dug up and replanted separately. Care basal shoots no different.

To grow kirkazon from seeds, sowing is done in the fall in open ground. Fresh, mature seeds are distributed into holes up to 3 cm deep. They are sprinkled with soil and mulched with compost. Shoots appear in April-May; in the first year the plant grows only 20-50 cm, but the rhizome actively develops. Transplantation of seedlings to a permanent place is planned at the age of 2-3 years.

Planting a plant

Kirkazon seedlings prefer loose, fertile soils. On depleted or heavy soils, dig a deeper hole (50-60 cm). A drainage layer is laid at the bottom, and the free space is filled with compost, humus, sand, peat and turf soil. Kirkazon does not develop well on acidic soils, therefore, coniferous lumber cannot be used for loosening. For the same reason, compost is made from waste from broad-leaved trees.

It is important to maintain distance between plants. Since Kirkazon very actively forms shoots, the distance between seedlings should be at least 0.8-1 m. In order for the vine to better tolerate the procedure, when transplanting, the roots are shortened by 20-30%.

Rules of care

Aristolochia prefers open areas without drafts. Plants develop best in partial shade. Under straight lines sun rays they bloom worse, and the leaves more often lose turgor. It is recommended to plant Kirkazon near water bodies and along river banks. The plant loves water and high humidity. When watering, water is poured both into the soil and onto the crown. In conditions high humidity the bush develops better. Periodic bathing and sprinkling will only benefit the plant.

You can get rid of weeds by weeding and loosening the soil. This way you can destroy the crust after watering and facilitate the penetration of air to the roots. You don’t need to put in a lot of effort; just loosen the top 5-8 cm of soil.

In the summer, once a month, Kirkazon is fed organic fertilizers. The solution is applied to the soil at the roots, and then a portion is poured clean water. This way the fertilizers will not burn the shoots.

In spring and summer, the daily growth of shoots reaches 25 cm, so the vines will have to be pruned regularly. In early spring remove dried shoots and excess shoots, otherwise the support may not be able to cope with the heavy weight. Before wintering, heat-loving and young kirkazons need careful shelter. The soil is covered with fallen leaves and spruce branches. The plant is completely removed from the support or covered vertically with non-woven material.

Kirkazon in landscape design

A dense vine forms a continuous green cascade, under which any unsightly outbuilding or fence is hidden. Using Kirkazon with large leaves, they create arches, corridors, and also decorate gazebos. The plant is able to form dense shade in which you can spend time pleasantly on a hot day. Kirkazon lives for at least 30 years, gradually increasing in size, decorating the area and purifying the air near the house.

Medicinal properties

All parts of kirkazon, and especially leaves and shoots, are rich in acids, resins and essential oils. Preparations based on the plant have anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic, disinfecting, analgesic and wound-healing properties. IN folk medicine decoctions and infusions with Kirkazon are used to reduce blood pressure, improving kidney function, combating infectious diseases. Compresses with plant juice help cope with boils, itchy skin, heal purulent wounds and alleviate mastitis.

In front of everyone positive properties Kirkazone can be dangerous. Overdose or unreasonable regular use leads to the formation of a tumor in the kidneys and the development of liver failure. Severe allergies may occur as a result of contact with the plant. For these reasons, treatment with kirkazone is practiced only after detailed consultation with a doctor.

Kirkazon Manchurian

Kirkazon is quite new and rare, ornamental plant which is ideal for vertical options decorating the space. It is worth knowing that the Manchurian kirkazon is listed in the Red Book of Russia, so it cannot be touched in nature, but it is not only possible, but also necessary to propagate and grow on your own plot.

As for other countries, for example, in Korea and China, Manchurian kirkazon is not assigned to rare species, there it is quite widespread and is a very strong, actively growing liana, which sometimes occupies large areas of mixed mountainous forests, as well as the banks of rivers and streams. On loose, nutritious and moisture-rich soil, the vine can reach gigantic sizes, stretching 12-14 meters. In nature, any trees located nearby act as a support. However, you should not think that kirkazon grows only near trees; this is not true at all. It can live in a completely open area, and instead of trees, use fences, gazebos, poles, etc.

In general, you need to plant Manchurian kirkazon on your site; its leaf blades seem to be painted a rich green color, they have a pleasant-looking rounded heart-shaped shape and a size that sometimes reaches three tens of centimeters. The leaves bloom towards the end of April, and active leaf fall is observed in early or mid-October. But I would like to talk separately about the flowers of this plant; they definitely will not leave indifferent glances. The flowers have a tubular shape, but not straight, but curved like a saxophone. The perianth most often has a yellowish-greenish color, less often pale brown. If you look inside the flower, you will see burgundy or dark brown dots and stripes. Kirkazon usually blooms in the middle of the last month of spring and until the beginning of summer you can see its fancy flowers. In the first month of autumn, fruits of interesting appearance and shape ripen, similar to a small cucumber without pimples, about 11 centimeters long.

In addition to the flowers, the stems of the vines can also attract attention; their bark has a relief pattern with rather deeply recessed grooves. If you decide to try the bark to the touch, it will resemble that of the famous cork tree. The stems, even in an adult vine, are not very thick, reaching about four centimeters in diameter, sometimes a couple of centimeters more. The stems sometimes wrap around themselves several times, eventually resembling twine, but this is exactly how they rise upward along any support. If several plants are planted on a site, they will grow and resemble the impenetrable jungle of the southern regions of the planet. Kirkazon is not at all afraid of the cold, he spends the winter in the center of Russia with virtually no shelter and does not get sick, and the only maintenance work he requires is the presence of moisture in the soil.

To plant a kirkazon, you need to choose the most well-lit places on the site, however, it will heroically withstand light shade. If the shadow is dense, the shoots will stretch out greatly, the distance between the nodes will become larger and the stem will be exposed, this can spoil the overall decorative look. In an open area, pretty soon the vine will form a dense wall of bright foliage. It is noteworthy that you can build a gazebo exclusively from Kirkazon. To do this, you need to drive in four pillars, creating a square, plant a brick wall on one side (preferably the south) and fasten the pillars on the planting side with wire in several rows; you need to make the roof of the gazebo from several rows of wire. As the Kirkazon grows, it will braid the wire and spread to the roof; the dense foliage will not allow light to pass through, creating a shadow, and will protect even from moderate rain.

It is better to plant two or three year old seedlings, leaving about a meter between them. bury root system It is recommended no more than half a meter, and the roots, if they are very long, should be shortened by a third before planting. Upon landing root collar must be placed flush with the soil. Speaking of soil, if it is heavy in the area, then drainage is needed (brick, crushed stone with sand in a layer of 14-18 cm). When planting in a hole, you can add 5-6 kg of organic matter, 45-55 g mineral fertilizers, and install a pole or other high support next to the hole.

Further care consists of annual feeding with mullein diluted ten times with water. A bush needs at least five liters of this solution. Kirkazon needs regular watering, at least a bucket of water for each plant, and if the summer is very dry and hot, then sprinkling in the morning and evening.

Kirkazon does not like dense soil and crusts on its surface, so you need to constantly loosen the soil, and to prevent it from compacting, lay a layer of mulch on its surface, about 4-6 cm thick. Do not forget about removing weeds, especially when the vines are young, in later, as it grows, the weeds will disappear on their own.

Inspect the vine periodically; if you notice that some shoots have dried out, cut them off, and if the tips of the vine begin to exceed the height of the support, then they can also be cut off.

Around mid-to-late October, the plants need to be prepared for wintering - remove the shoots from the support, lay them on the ground and cover them with a layer of dry leaves of 5-7 cm.

N. V. Khromov , Candidate of Biological Sciences

(Newspaper "Gardener")

Kirkazon - Manchurian and large-leaved

Beautiful and decorative varieties there are quite a lot of herbaceous annuals, biennials and even perennials. There are a lot of decorative ones, beautiful flowering bushes and trees. But there are very few similar vines, just a few species. Therefore, every new vine included in ornamental gardening is a great achievement. These are precisely the bricklayers that have just begun to be widely introduced into landscape design. There are about 180 species, most of which are tropical plants. However, several species are also found in the temperate zone and can therefore be grown as decorative vines and with us. Some are even considered cultivated, although they are still undeservedly rarely grown. Appearance theirs is quite unusual. Flowers are distinguished not so much by their beauty as by their whimsicality and originality. But their very large leaves are especially decorative. Of the kirkazons, they are most suitable for growing in Middle lane and in the North-West of our country there are two species - Manchurian and large-leaved.

Kirkazon Manchurian or Aristolochia Manchurian (Aristolochia manshuriensis Kom.) is a rare liana listed in the Red Book of our country, growing in the south of the Primorsky Territory of Russia; and abroad - in China and Korea. It grows along rivers and streams, entwining tree trunks, rising into the crown and oppressing them. It is poisonous, but at the same time healing; due to the rarity of the species, it is used so far only in folk medicine. Its trunk is woody, ribbed, reaching 15 m in length and 5 cm in diameter in adult plants. The bark is soft, corky, gray. Young shoots are green, woody shoots turn brown. The leaves are large, up to 30 cm in diameter, light green, turn yellow in autumn, and have a specific camphor odor. The flowers are peculiarly pitcher-shaped, curved-tube-shaped, up to 6 cm long, with a ribbed perianth tube sharply curved upward; greenish outside, purple-mottled inside. The bend of the tube is three-lobed, brown-yellow in color. The fruit is a hexagonal elongated cylindrical capsule, up to 10 cm long. The seeds are flat, triangular in shape, 7 mm in diameter. Kirkazon Manchurian breeds stem layering, green and semi-lignified cuttings, in greenhouses; as well as sowing stratified seeds. It is demanding on soil fertility and moisture, resistant to smoke and gas, and can be cultivated in cities.

Moderately shade-tolerant, tolerates partial shade. Quite winter-hardy in the Middle Zone and in the North-West of our country, it grows and bears fruit successfully, but young lower leaves suffer from spring ground frosts. And the ends of the shoots that do not have time to become woody in the fall may freeze slightly in winter. However, this does not affect the growth and development of plants; they should simply be lightly pruned in the spring. The view is very decorative, therefore it is very valuable for vertical gardening. Unfortunately, it is undeservedly rarely grown.

Large-leaved kirkazon (Aristolochia macrophylla Lam.) is a tree-like vine up to 10 m long. Homeland - North America. In the culture of our country, it is cultivated somewhat more widely than Manchurian Kirkazon, from Leningrad region and further south. The leaves are large, heart-shaped, up to 25 cm in diameter. It blooms in June and bears fruit well. It is quite difficult to accurately determine the true size of the flowers, they are so intricately curved. The perianth limb is 2.5 cm, located at the end of a long curved floral tube; it is elaborately decorative, yellow-green in color, with brown veins. The fruit is a long cylindrical capsule. Reproduces this type similar to Kirkazon Manchurian, but takes cuttings somewhat worse. Moderately shade-tolerant, but more light-loving than Manchurian. It likes nutritious, loose, deeply cultivated, moist soil. At a young age, 2-3 years, after leaf fall, the stem must be removed from its supports for the winter, bent to the ground and covered with a dry leaf and spruce branches. In mature plants it becomes quite winter-hardy. Large-leaved Kirkazon, like Manchurian, is poisonous and medicinal. All parts of the plant, especially the bark and roots, contain alkaloids that lower blood pressure.

Very decorative, can be used to decorate walls and balconies; perfectly camouflages fences, outbuildings, gazebos, etc. small architectural forms. Easily and quickly climbs the supports, beautifully braiding them and creating green wall. It can, with appropriate care, form an umbrella-shaped crown.

The described types of kirkazons grow quickly, prefer fertile soil and light partial shade, although they can also grow in the sun. No special pruning is required; only dead, as well as unnecessary, improperly growing shoots should be removed. Abundant large leaves and original shaped flowers of kirkazons can decorate or, if necessary, hide any vertical surfaces. Their widespread introduction into floriculture will further expand the use of vines in landscape design.

Vladimir Starostin , candidate of agriculture. sciences, dendrologist



Other publications by Starostin V.A. look at his personal page

Among plants for vertical gardening, Manchurian kirkazon is not called only because it is very rare plant. It is listed in the Red Book of Russia and is cultivated mainly in botanical gardens. IN natural conditions this powerful woody vine grows in Primorye, China, Korea in mixed mountain forests, along the banks of mountain rivers. It can reach a height of 10-15 m. The support is provided by neighboring trees, under whose crowns moist, loose soil rich in humus is preserved. This is an ideal environment for the development of Kirkazon. But, as practice has shown, he lives well on open areas, on the walls of the gazebo or veranda.

Manchurian Kirkazon (Aristolochia manshuriensis) in nature reproduces mainly vegetatively. Its seed productivity is low and seed germination is poor. The reduction in numbers was facilitated by the harvesting of young shoots as raw materials for use in folk medicine. They were used for cardiac and renal edema, as well as to reduce temperature.

As one of the ways to support the endangered species, it is proposed to introduce Manchurian kirkazon more widely into culture. In decorative terms, this is a very colorful plant. The leaves are bright green, large, rounded-heart-shaped, from 10 to 30 cm in size. The leaves begin to bloom in the second half of April, mass leaf fall occurs in mid-October. Kirkazon flowers are unique: tubular, irregular shape, similar to a steeply curved tube. The color of the perianth is greenish-yellow or light brown. Brown or maroon speckles and stripes are visible inside the tube. Flowering - mid-May - June. The fruits are large, 7-10 cm long, reminiscent of a smooth cucumber. They ripen at the end of September.

The unusual stems of the vine also attract attention. The texture of the bark is raised, with deep longitudinal grooves. Interestingly, the bark is soft, like a cork tree. The diameter of the stems of an adult vine is 5-6 cm. They wrap around each other many times, climbing upward along the support. In combination with large leaves, the impression of a tropical jungle appears, although in central Russia, Manchurian kirkazon does not require shelter for the winter and does not suffer from diseases either. Care consists only of watering.

Kirkazon Manchurian will be grateful for sunny place or partial shade. In the deep shade, the internodes on the stems stretch out, exposing the wrinkled stem. In the sun the vines form solid wall from leaves. It's dry underneath even when it rains. In autumn the leaves turn light yellow, adding warm color to the garden. The winter hardiness of Manchurian Kirkazon is high (downy Kirkazon is less resistant).

The easiest way to propagate a vine is by layering. But you can also try cuttings. Best term Preparation of cuttings - June 15. Using heteroauxin, they are planted in sand with humus. Rooting duration is 45 days. Seeds are sown without stratification at the end of October or in April. When sown in spring, germination rates range from 20 to 40%. It is advisable to plant three-year-old seedlings in a permanent place. Until this moment, it is better to keep them in a greenhouse or in a damp bed in partial shade.

Once the vine adapts, it grows very quickly. This makes it ideal for vertical gardening.

Kirkazon Manchurian is a unique long-lived liana. If you are lucky enough to get planting material, don’t miss the opportunity to plant it in your garden. There are some difficulties with propagation, but then there are no problems with the plant. Long years you will be proud to have a Red Book plant in your garden.

You can find this article in the magazine " Magic garden"2008 No. 4.

Where does it grow? . Southeast and south-central United States, usually grows along streams and in moist forests.

Description.The genus "Aristolochia" or "Kirkazon" contains about 120 species from the tropics and subtropics, most of which are woody vines or herbaceous perennials with heart-shaped leaves. This slender perennial climbing plant deserves very close attention, it has very unusual flowers and beautiful bright green leaves 7 cm long and 5 cm wide, they grow close to each other and create a dense green mass. The leaf blade is linear - oblong, back - ovate - oblong, sharply or gradually tapering towards the tip. The shoots gracefully curl around the supports, raising themselves to a height of 3 - 4 m. In some species, the leaves, young stems and flowers are tomentose. In summer the vine produces big flowers about 7 cm in diameter, located in small axillary inflorescences scattered among the leaves. The flowers are greenish-white, burgundy-violet with white dots, yellow, curved, tubular in shape, which resembles smoking pipe, as a rule, hidden by foliage.

The inside of the flower is covered with a purple-brown pattern that resembles the pattern on chintz fabric. The flowers open at dawn and emit a foul odor that attracts pollinators, mainly flies and hornets. The main species is striking with a rare stench, but the cultivated varieties do not have any odor. The flowers close at dusk; in tropical aristolochia they are huge, South America we saw children wearing them instead of hats.

After flowering, ribbed, tubular oblong or spherical-oblong seed capsules (up to 7 cm long) are formed, which, when ripe in September, acquire a grayish-brown tint.


Manchurian Kirkazon - Aristolochia manshuriensis

A large vine with thin shoots and soft, light green, heart-shaped leaves. Leaf blades have sparse white pubescence. Flowers appear in summer in the axils of leaves, singly or in pairs. Distributed in Korea, China and Eastern Siberia.

Common or clematis - Aristolochia clematis

Unlike its relatives, it is not a liana and has an erect stem 70 - 90 cm high. Common kirkazon blooms in June - July, the flowers are light green and small.

Large-leaved Kirkazon - Aristolochia macrophylla

A species often used in landscape design. Quickly and easily weaves around any supports - trellises, gazebos and fences. The large leaves of this plant form a dense wall - shelter from the sun's rays.

Height. Creeper up to 20 m long.

Kirkazon care

Growing Kirkazon - temperature. Place the Kirkazon in a warm place (greenhouse, winter garden).

Lighting. Direct sun with some shade on a hot summer day, can grow in partial shade.

Care. Attach the plant to a support, a frame, which will soon be hidden under long shoots.

Substrate. Prefers light sandy soils, sometimes even poor ones with good drainage.

Top dressing. Fertilize weekly in summer.

Purpose. Forms large thickets of luxurious, dense, very attractive foliage. Looks great in hanging baskets.

Flowering time. May June.

Air humidity. No special requirements, spray periodically if the air in the room is very dry.

Soil moisture. Medium intensity watering, without drying out earthen coma. Water soft water, and in winter keep it almost completely dry.

Kirkazon or aristolochia is a charming liana with large, wide leaves in the form of symmetrical hearts, capable of climbing to considerable heights. Kirkazon flowers have a special charm - elongated gramophones hanging on a long stem. The flowers vaguely resemble a tobacco pipe. The stems on which they are held are so thin that it seems as if delicate flowers floating in the air. Kirkazon is excellent for vertical gardening in natural and romantic style, Aristolochium will give a unique look to the classical garden.

Types of Kirkazon

From various types of Kirkazon you can make interesting compositions in the garden, using it for vertical gardening: fluffy, tubular, graceful, clematis, Manchurian. At the same time, do not forget to take into account the winter hardiness of a particular species and provide the vine with appropriate care.

Kirkazon fluffy

Fluffy kirkazon is distinguished by large, slightly rounded leaves, tapering downwards. The value of the species is the yellow elongated flowers, slightly pubescent on the outside with a bright red spot around the tube. The length of the flower stem is about 7 cm. When fluffy kirkazon blooms, it feels as if a flock of bright butterflies is hovering around the vine. In the conditions of the Moscow region, you need to cover the root zone in the form of fallen leaves.

Kirkazon tubular

Tubular kirkazon is valued for its huge, regular heart-shaped leaves, for which it is also called large-leaved kirkazon. The flowers of this species are the most inconspicuous, dark in color. The species is winter-hardy, but for the first 2 years a light cover of the seedling will not hurt.

Kirkazon clematis (common)

The most winter-hardy in the Moscow region is clematis or common. The liana is distinguished by not the most rapid growth of up to two meters and small yellow flowers. The leaves are beautiful, they are not as large as those of Aristolochia tubularis, but keep the same heart-shaped shape.

Kirkazon graceful

Kirkazon graceful fully lives up to its name. He has the most spectacular flowers, each of them reaches 12 cm in length. The flowers are covered on the inside with symmetrical brown speckles, and the pharynx is light green in color, which creates an impressive contrast. Unfortunately, the liana is not able to withstand the harsh winter of the Moscow region.

To preserve the plant, it is cut in August into separate containers and placed in the cellar. This type of vine has a weak root system and moderate growth, so sometimes it is grown in tubs, which are also stored in the cellar for the winter.

Kirkazon Manchurian

Kirkazon Manchurian has the fastest growth, capable of braiding a support 15 m in height. The heart-shaped leaves are also beautiful, located so close to each other that they create a dense cascade, completely masking the support. The flowers of the vine are large, combining yellow and brown tone. The fruits are also interesting: they resemble cucumbers up to 10 cm long. Manchurian Kirkazon demonstrates excellent winter hardiness in the conditions of the Moscow region, provided that there is no flooding with meltwater in the spring.

Planting Kirkazon

When planting Kirkazon you need to choose good place and properly prepare the soil. The main thing is that there is a support along which the vine will curl freely. Such plants are very successfully used to camouflage unsightly buildings. Or, conversely, to create shadows and romantic setting in the gazebo. An arch or pergola in the garden, entwined with kirkazon, will attract well-deserved attention and become bright accent in site design.

Planting dates for Kirkazon

The most suitable month for planting Kirkazon is May. When planted in autumn, the vine will not have time to take root properly.

Place for planting Kirkazon

The liana prefers loose soil with the addition of sand; it would also be useful to add compost. If groundwater close, to the bottom landing pit put in drainage. The place is chosen in the shade or in light partial shade next to a suitable support.

An unusual vine needs high support; two-meter arches will be small for it. Kirkazon looks most impressive on tall columns or trees with tall and even trunks. When you need to cover up the boring trunks of centuries-old pine trees, Kirkazon is the ideal solution. Its shoots will quickly entwine the trunk, completely decorating it, and large heart-shaped leaves will create a dreamy mood.

Lianas are often used for vertical gardening in landscape design:

Kirkazon can be used along with other vines and for decorating hedges:

Kirkazon care

In the first weeks after planting, the plant needs to be shaded and watered regularly.

In the conditions of the Moscow region, Kirkazon can freeze slightly. The part of the vine that is above the snow level suffers. This is not scary for an adult plant; literally within a month the vine recovers and gains its previous height.

Kirkazon shelter for the winter

In the first 2 years after planting, the Kirkazon needs to be covered. In October, if possible, shoots are removed from the support and placed in a ring, covered with non-fabric on top. If it is difficult to remove the shoots, the root zone is covered with a bucket of dry soil and covered with fallen leaves.

In the spring, the cover is removed in mid-April, the soil is raked away, and the stems are raised onto a support after the threat of frost has passed.

Reproduction of Kirkazon

Like other plants, kirkazon can be propagated in several ways: seeds, cuttings, layering. Seed propagation is considered the most labor-intensive and time-consuming. And the success of this enterprise will depend on many factors. The most reliable method is propagation by layering. It's not difficult, and the result is decent.

Growing aristolochia from seeds

Due to the structure of the peduncles, insects fly around the plant without risking getting into the deep tube of the flower, so Aristolochia rarely sets viable seeds. In addition, Kirkazon seeds do not have very good germination. You need to sow the seeds in the year they were collected; the next season they will completely lose their ability to germinate.

In the conditions of the Moscow region, Kirkazon seeds are sown before winter. Natural stratification – Better conditions for their germination. Seedlings are transplanted to a permanent place only in the third year. Kirkazon does not favor transplantation, so the plants must be properly strengthened in order to endure the relocation painlessly.

Kirkazon, grown from seeds in the Moscow region, blooms in the eighth year.

Propagation of kirkazona by cuttings

Aristolochia propagates well from cuttings. Cuttings are carried out in early May. For cuttings, you need woody stems from last year, on which the buds have not yet bloomed. I make the lower cut along an oblique line, the upper cut in a straight line.

For cuttings, you need parts of the stem about 10-12 cm with one pair of leaves. The leaf plates are shortened by half so that valuable moisture does not evaporate.

  • A separate bed is prepared for planting cuttings.
  • The soil should be loose, the top layer should be sand about 5-7 cm.
  • The bed is watered, the cuttings are placed at an angle so that the leaf plates are at soil level, and the top is covered with halves of plastic bottles.
  • To protect from the sun, you can place arcs over bottles with cuttings and cover them with non-fabric.

Rooted cuttings are transplanted no earlier than after two years. In the first two winters, cover with dry leaves.

Reproduction of Kirkazon by layering

Most effective method Kirkazon is propagated by layering. IN favorable conditions The vine produces a large number of shoots, which are dug up with a clod of earth and replanted.

The best time for propagation by layering is May.

Read more about the technique of green cuttings and propagation by layering in the article:

How to get rid of Kirkazon

If you create the necessary conditions and prepare nutritious soil Before planting, the kirkazon may like it so much that it will begin to produce abundant growth. Usually it is mowed several times a season with a lawn mower.

For more information on ways to destroy unnecessary growth on a site, read the article:

If you need to get rid of the vine completely, the plant is cut off at soil level and watered with a weed killer, without diluting, trying to get it on the cut stems. To remove Kirkazon completely from the site, the planting site is covered with plywood or roofing felt for the summer to block access of light to the plant.

Svetlana Samoilova, amateur gardener, collector of rare plants

Read about the cultivation and use of other liana-like plants in garden design:

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