Draw what flowers grow in the flowerbed. Annual low-growing flowers decorating the garden all summer

As experts advise, when organizing a flower bed in a dacha, it is recommended to use perennial flowers. Such a choice seems beneficial for the following reasons: the owner will be spared the need to plant plants every year, spend time searching for seedlings, and clean up old plants that can no longer produce new shoots. Today, summer residents have the opportunity to choose a wide variety of perennials, given that they are presented in large quantities.

Therefore, it is not difficult to find plants that will delight you with their color and pleasant aroma throughout the entire summer season.

With a skillful approach to selection, perennial flowers can be a successful addition. ornamental shrubs. In addition to this, any place can be allocated for flower beds, regardless of the height of the location.

By acting in such a non-standard way, you can easily create spectacular and original design of a flower bed, as a result of which such flower beds will be able to summer season arouse interest.

Flowerbed design is a special technique that provides certain nuances. If you know them, then it will not be difficult for the owner of a summer cottage to make a real masterpiece from his flower garden, which will be represented by the widest palette of colors.

Types of flowers for flower beds and their properties

Although perennials exist a large number of, most often in gardens you can find the following varieties of flowers and plants:

There are other types of flowers that are very popular for decorating flower beds. Geranium is magnificent. Every gardener has probably seen this plant. Among its features, one should highlight the presence large inflorescences And bright leaves, as well as a pleasant smell. This flower is interesting because it does not require special care.

To grow it, both ordinary flower beds and mixborders can be used. It will begin to please the gardener with its color in the spring and will continue throughout the beginning of summer.

Oriental poppy. By including this plant in a flowerbed, the owner will, without a doubt, make it more attractive, since the flower has large flowers with very bright colors. It's a good idea to set aside space for several poppy varieties that bloom in different time. This will give the owner the opportunity to admire the bright buds throughout the summer.

Daffodil flowers. These plants differ from others by having different colors. The bulbs of this flower can be left in the ground, as they can easily tolerate any negative temperatures. With the onset of spring, the first shoots will appear from the bulb, which after weeks will turn into beautiful buds.

Many summer residents have repeatedly observed crocuses with large buds of white or yellow color. Most often you can find Dutch crocus hybrids, however, if the summer resident has a desire to prolong flowering, then he can include in the flowerbed different kinds this plant.

Lily flowers They begin to delight with their appearance in mid-summer. But you need to immediately prepare for the fact that you will have to devote a lot of time to them, since these plants are not cold-resistant and are not able to resist diseases.

But if you add them to a flowerbed, they will make it more aesthetically pleasing. Therefore, if you have such an opportunity, then do not miss the chance to plant them right next to your home.

Listed above are only some of the plants that can form the basis of your flower bed. The list of perennials is quite wide; it can include plants such as roses, tulips, peonies, pansies, phloxes, gladioli, irises, etc.

However, it is not enough to choose the right plants for your flower garden. In addition to everything, you need to choose for them right place so that your garden acquires a zest in the form of a flower bed, which will become a source of pride for the owner.

Types of flower beds for garden plots

When organizing a flower bed, you need to keep in mind that the final result largely depends on the artistic taste of the owner. Therefore, in this regard, this process is reminiscent of drawing. The main thing is to know when to stop and not add too many shades to your flowerbed. Here, as in any other matter, it is important to maintain a balance.

Today, the owner of a summer cottage has the opportunity to choose one of the following types flower beds:

  • Monoclumbs. This type of flower bed is characterized by maximum simplicity and is based on planting flowers of one type. Such monoflowers can occupy the entire area of ​​the site or be presented in the form of several lines.
  • Regular flower beds. They differ in that the flowers form regular geometric figures or lines. In this case, the flower bed can be given any shape, however, it is not recommended to make it too large, as this will create certain difficulties with caring for the flower garden.
  • Raised flower beds. They are usually arranged in a multi-level version, where individual steps serve as a place to place plants a certain color or combinations thereof. It is necessary to take into account such a parameter as sensitivity to light, since vertical flower beds have uneven lighting.
  • Irregular flower beds. This type of flower garden will be of interest to those summer residents who want to create something original, so a wide variety of plants can be presented in such flower beds. They can be created in the form of combinations and a wide variety of color compositions and differ in the color of the buds and the flowering period.

Sometimes in similar flower beds vegetables may also be included, say, pumpkin. This makes such flower beds even more spectacular: when the fruits finally ripen in the fall, the flower bed will look brighter and more contrasting.

Although for each of the listed options you can use the most various plants, but still need to be taken into account features and requirements to the growing conditions of flowers. When choosing plants for aesthetic reasons, you must not forget about practicality, because otherwise the plants will die due to illness, and this will make your flower garden ugly.

In order for the flower garden to be arranged according to all the rules, the gardener must take into account a number of mandatory requirements:

Arrangement and care of perennial plants

Considering that perennials are designed to delight the owner with their color for several years, they have their own nuances regarding the choice of place for them.

First of all, it is necessary to consider at what distance it should be placed perennials from each other: usually, when the sprouts first appear, they seem to be too far apart, which is why there is a desire to plant them as closely as possible.

But here you need to remember that as they grow they will become larger and as a result they required more space . And if planted tightly, at a certain period they will become cramped.

For example, if you decide to add Echinops to your flowerbed, then it is recommended to stick to the scheme of 1-2 plants per square meter flower garden This arrangement will be optimal for them. For medium-sized plants, the recommended planting scheme is 4-5 pieces per square meter.

In the first year, the flowerbed may seem quite empty, so in such cases free place can be filled in annual plants. They will bloom only one year, and the next year perennial plants will grow in their place.

The main thing is that you need keep distance between plants, then you will not have to waste time and effort on thinning the plantings, as well as removing weak and dead flowers.

However, the gardener’s worries do not end with planting perennial flowers for flower beds. He'll have to provide regular care throughout the season to maintain the beauty of the flower garden. Quite often, flower growers are forced to observe this unpleasant phenomenon, like the rapid flowering of certain plants.

Already in the middle of summer, the petals of flowers such as lilies, lupins, bells and others may begin to fly off, and after a fairly short period of time they remain completely bare.

To prevent this from happening, you need carry out a complete pruning dry branches and flower stalks. This will start the mechanism for their restoration and after some time the flowerbed will begin to bloom again.

The same should be done when it is necessary to increase the flowering period of the rose. After waiting for the flower to fully bloom, it is cut off and As a result, the plant will not expend energy on growing the seed pod and ripening it. Such an operation will lead to the fact that in two weeks new flowers will begin to form on the branches.

When the owner of a summer cottage decides to decorate his territory with a flowerbed, one of the first questions that he needs to solve is how to choose the right flowers for the flowerbed. You should not make a decision based only on the beauty of the flowers.

If you want your flower garden to delight you throughout the entire summer season, you need take into account many nuances, starting from the flowering period and ending with resistance to adverse environmental factors.

This approach guarantees that you can maintain your flowerbed in appropriate condition with minimal effort, and it will bring you aesthetic pleasure every season, decorating your site original appearance and a colorful palette of colors.

There are many advantages to growing low-growing flowers in the garden. Firstly, they look cute and neat. Secondly, with their help you can create the most different compositions. Thirdly, caring for them is not difficult.

For those who prefer low-growing flowers, I want them to decorate the garden all summer, and not show off their charms only in a certain season. And there are quite a few such plants!

Each flower requires a certain approach, but there is general recommendations for those who want to create luxurious flower beds using low-growing flowers.

One of the main problems that gardeners with little experience face when growing them is stretching. A long stem spoils the composition, and the leaves, which hide the rest of the flowers from the sun, negatively affect their growth.

Problem number two - fast growth leaves covering the flowers. With this development of events, the colorful flowerbed turns into a green bulge with small multi-colored spots.

These problems can be easily prevented by following a few rules:

  1. Do not “overfeed” plants with fertilizers containing nitrogen. Nitrogen fertilizing They perfectly stimulate growth, but they are unlikely to increase the size of flowers and their number.
  2. Apply special fertilizers for flowering plants. They have not been a new product for a long time, so purchasing flower food is not difficult.
  3. Place seedlings or seeds at a distance into the soil. Excessive density will cause the stem to lengthen, as the plants will simply be cramped.
  4. Do not plant plants that cannot tolerate shade in the shade. This provokes stretching of the stem.
  5. Perform pruning if the plant requires it. Some low-growing flowers need to trim off leaves and wilted tops to prevent the bottom from growing.

Annual low-growing flowers decorating the garden all summer

Despite the fact that these plants can only live for one season, during this time they will perfectly perform a decorative function. Their flowering is continuous, so it’s worth taking a closer look at the low-growing annuals creative people. With the help of their flowers you can create original flower beds every year.

Given that proper care low-growing annuals will delight you with flowers all summer, but the treasured buds can appear at different times.

Annual flowers can be divided into two groups when taking into account the beginning of flowering:

  1. Spring. Buds and petals appear in spring. These include begonia and petunia.
  2. Summer. Flowers appear only in early summer. This list includes marigolds, zinnias and cornflowers.

There is a third group, and this includes low-growing annuals that bloom until frost. It includes dwarf asters and snapdragons.

Here is a list of attractive annual flowers:

  1. Pansies. A flower with extraordinary colors yellow center. The colors of the petals can be very different, because it all depends on the variety.

  2. Snapdragon. The perfect solution for those looking for a miniature version of gladiolus, that is, a plant with vertical flowering. Peculiarity snapdragon– a wide range of warm colors. You can choose a yellow, orange or red variety.

  3. A worthy option for contrasting flower beds. White “clouds” of flowers will ideally highlight the beauty of the bright petals of other plants.

  4. Daisies. Small cute flowers with thin petals. You can choose the color to your taste.

  5. Nemophila. These flowers are suitable for creating extraordinary flower beds. Interior The flower has a snow-white hue, and the edges are painted by nature in the most delicate heavenly color.

  6. Petunia. Look for the big ones unpretentious flowers snow white, hot pink, dark purple or lilac color? Give preference to petunias!

  7. Marigold. This flower is worth planting in your garden for connoisseurs warm shades and soft textures. One flower can contain all shades from dark red to bright yellow. It seems as if it was created from velvet.

  8. Ageratum. Another interesting solution for connoisseurs of soft textures. The flowers resemble balls of fabric, which is intended for making fluffy sweaters. The color scheme is cool (lilac, blue and pink shades).

    Ageratum - wonderful plant native to the tropics of Central America

  9. Lobelia. The advantage of the plant is the huge number of flowers, due to which the soil and leaves are almost invisible. It is ideal for creating dense areas in a flower bed.

Perennial low-growing plants that bloom all summer

Perennial flowering plants of small stature are what suit conservatives. If you have already decided on a design country landscape and you categorically do not want to modify the flower beds, prefer these representatives of the flora.

Here are a few interesting low-growing perennials that can act as bright spots in the landscape throughout the summer:

  1. Blue-blue flowers, reminiscent of bindweeds, are a good option for decorating the soil.

  2. Phlox. Lush balls of flowers are suitable for creating shaped, voluminous flower beds. The color range ranges from delicate snow-white to rich purple.

  3. Aubrieta. Small bushes of this plant will captivate you with the beauty of its purple flowers.

  4. I would like to create a beautiful living border of rich blue color? Buy seeds of this flower.

  5. Aquilegia. The unusualness of the plant's flower lies in its unusual structure. Inside there is a yellow core, it is surrounded by oval petals, and behind them there are several pointed petals. Shades can be very different.

  6. The plant is suitable for decorating flower beds in pink tones. Each flower has five expressive petals.

  7. Dwarf aster. Good decision for those who dream of the beauty of the landscape even in autumn period. Standard colors: lilac, purple, dark pink, soft pink and snow white. The flower does not differ from an ordinary aster in practically anything except its size.

Asters are abundant flowering plant with large double flowers

What flower beds are best created from annual flowers?

The advantage of annual flowers is the opportunity to experiment every year. Use your imagination and create carpets and original flower beds in the form of figures.

A simplified version is the heart. It is very easy to make as there are no very clear boundaries.

If the size of the plot allows you to place a composition of impressive size on it, give preference to such a carpet flower bed.

Interesting flower beds of low-growing perennials

Perennials are suitable for forming flower beds. These compositions do not have specific contours, so you can plant your chosen flowers and for a long time don't worry about the condition of the flowerbed. Here is a version of a bright flowerbed-island, created from flowers of different shades.

How to combine flowers in flower beds

Almost everyone can combine colors. It is more difficult to select flowers for a specific flower bed. The tables indicate the ideas for curly flower arrangements and plants that can be used.

And in this table you can choose optimal combinations for a border flower bed that will decorate the area near a path or fence.

Do you want to diversify your landscape with a bright flowerbed-island? Take into account the examples from the table!

Video - Design of flower beds and planting flowers with your own hands

Studying the “World around us” is impossible without contact with natural objects. And excursion lessons help you get to know them.

A lesson held outside the classroom not only increases the cognitive activity of students, but also forms in them specific ideas and impressions about the world around them.

The word “excursion”, which came into the Russian language in the 19th century, originally meant “running out, military raid”. Later it acquired a slightly different semantic connotation- “outing, trip.”

This meaning of the word is still relevant for us now.

Today, a well-prepared and conducted excursion has great educational and educational value. During excursions, children learn to observe natural objects, on the basis of which the educational topic. They receive the necessary information, master the skills of analysis and comparison, and their horizons develop.

Each excursion is developed taking into account its significance in the system of work for a specific section and in accordance with the age characteristics of the children. A. Pleshakov’s program “The World Around Us” suggests conducting such non-traditional lessons from the child’s first days at school. The first excursion is “Getting to know the school.” There, children learn the history of the school, its traditions, and meet school employees.

You should not plan long trips to museums for first-graders. A large amount of information and a huge number of exhibits will make the excursion useless. For six-year-old children, whose imaginative thinking still predominates, it is better to offer an excursion where they will meet familiar objects, but see them from a different, scientific side. It is important that children learn to see the amazing nearby.

For example, an excursion to the school flower garden, which they pass by every day on the way to school, can be a real discovery for them.

Goals and objectives of the lesson: to introduce students to common ornamental flowerbed plants, to teach them to recognize plants, to observe them, to develop the ability to compare, to develop students’ interest in nature, their horizons, to instill a love for the subject, for the beauty of nature.


With the help of parents, an exhibition “Gifts of the Flower Garden” was prepared in the class - lotions, soaps, shampoos, creams with the addition of rose oil, calendula extract; rose petal jam,

calendula tincture, rosehip syrup, canned nasturtium seeds, pie decorated with physalis, bouquets of dried plants.

The teacher has a gladiolus bulb, rose hips, a piece of velvet fabric, a potato tuber, and dahlia root. The students have the atlas-determinant “From Earth to Heaven.”

Excursion progress:

Plants decorate people's lives, delight them with their colors, aroma and beauty. City dwellers, whose houses are located far from parks and forest areas, do not want to deprive themselves of communication with nature. They plant flower beds on the streets of the city, take care of them, and watch the growth and flowering of plants.

Today we will visit the school flower garden and get acquainted with decorative (bed) plants.

Our flowerbed is a sight to behold!
Admire her!
Cheers up
To everyone who comes near her.
How many colors fit?
You just can’t take your eyes off it!
It's like a rainbow has descended
Come and paint flowers for us. (E. Nikolaeva)

Some of the flowers in our flowerbed are familiar to you, but today we will take a closer look at them and you will learn a lot of new and interesting things about them.

Find the most bright flower. This is a rose. She is called the queen of the flower bed. The rose is a favorite flower of many peoples, known since ancient times. There are hundreds of varieties of roses with different petal colors. Blue and even black varieties have already been bred. Many roses have a surprisingly strong aroma, so its petals are used to make flower oils and perfumes. They also make jam from rose petals. This plant can warn of impending bad weather. Before the rain, the rose tightly squeezes its petals.

Rose flowers are very beautiful, but she will not allow herself to be offended. It will be difficult to pick this flower. Can you guess why? Look at the sharp growths on the stem; these are thorns. One of the types wild roses, that's what it's called - rosehip. You're probably familiar with it. Its fruits (the teacher shows rose hips) contain a large amount of vitamin C, which is beneficial for us, much more than is found in lemons and oranges.

Many of you came to school on September 1 with bouquets of these tall, noble flowers. The name of which is gladioli. I just can’t believe that from such a small onion-like bulb onions such a large beautiful flower grows. (The teacher shows a gladiolus bulb.) There are many colors of these flowers. Sometimes gladiolus is called swordweed. Why do you think? Examine the leaves of the plant. What are they like? On sharp swords or rapiers. Students find a gladiolus in the atlas-determinant “From Earth to Sky” and compare it with a plant in a flowerbed.

Large bushes were decorated with terry balls of flowers. These are chrysanthemums. This flower will decorate the flowerbed until frost, when all the flowers have already faded. This plant is especially loved in Japan. There they not only admire it, but also make salads, sweet desserts, and medicines from it. The Order of the Chrysanthemum is the highest award in Japan. Students look at the plant not only in the flower garden, but also in the identification atlas. One of the guys who can read well reads out a description of the plant from the book.

How beautiful multi-colored asters look in an autumn flower bed. There are 250 types of them, all colors and shades. But they differ not only in color. There are double asters with a huge number of petals sticking out in all directions. All petals are narrow, but some are even, straight, others are wavy, curved inward, and others are pointed - needle-shaped. There is an old legend about the appearance of an aster on Earth. A speck of dust fell on our planet from a distant star and turned into a charming flower. The word “aster” comes from the Greek word for “star”. The needle aster is especially similar to a star: the center is large, warm yellow, and rays-petals of the flower extend from it. Some people believe that if you stand among the asters at night, you can hear them talking to their sister stars. Let's imagine: what can they talk about?

(About life on Earth, about other flowers in the flowerbed, about the approaching winter...)

Cheerful orange, burgundy marigolds are usually framed garden paths, grow along the edges of flower beds. Fluffy bushes with carved leaves decorate the flowerbed all summer long. late autumn. I have in my hands a piece of fabric called velvet. The plant got its name from the name of the fabric. Why do you think? The petals of the plant have a velvety shine and feel as soft and fluffy as velvet.

Marigolds or calendula look like orange daisies. This plant not only decorates the flowerbed, it is very useful for humans. Medicinal tinctures are made from it and added to shampoos and soaps. Used for wound healing. Find a plant in your flowerbed that already has seeds. What do the seeds look like? On the claws and nails of magical creatures. Hence the name marigold plant. This flower can be seen not only in the flowerbed, but also in the garden. It helps gardeners get rid of insect pests that are afraid of the strong smell of calendula. Students find the plant in the identification atlas.

Thin vine-stems of nasturtium stretch across the entire flowerbed. Bright orange or red flowers stand out among the rounded leaves. Due to the pointed shape of the flower, which resembles the hood of a capuchin monk, they are sometimes called capuchins. This plant has medicinal properties. In cookbooks you can find recipes using nasturtium.

Salads, marinades, soups, hodgepodges are prepared from it, and added to purees and minced meats. Fresh leaves, hard ones, are used for food. flower buds and unripe seeds. But not all nasturtium varieties are edible. We will admire this plant in the flowerbed.

Multi-colored daisies on tall green openwork bushes are cosmos. Sometimes they are called space. But they have nothing to do with space. Translated from Greek, cosmea means “decoration.” It really is the decoration of our flowerbed. Pink, white, burgundy and red cosmos sway in the wind, forming colorful waves. Gardeners often call this flower “beauty”.

The most tall plants There are dahlias in our flower garden. Large, bright flowers. Some of them appear to be made of crepe paper. They are so lush and elegant. The root of this plant is similar to a potato tuber. The teacher shows potatoes and dahlia root. Dahlias are distant relatives of asters.

Blooming physalis is easy to find in a flower bed. Its flowers look like orange lanterns. The flashlight protects the fruit - a small berry similar to a cherry. The teacher opens the orange box of physalis and shows the fruit. Some varieties of physalis are edible. Physalis translated into Russian means “bubble”. This plant is used to make winter bouquets. There are snowdrifts outside the window, and these flowers will remind us of warm summer and golden autumn for a long time. Students work with an atlas-identifier.

Today we learned a lot of new things about plants that are familiar to us. What benefits do they bring?

people ornamental plants? (They decorate our streets; some flowerbed plants are medicinal and used for food.) How should we treat plants that bring us so much joy and pleasant impressions? One of the students reads a poem:

We won't pick flowers
And we hasten to tell others:
Let them bring joy to people
Everyone - both the little ones and the big ones!

Summing up the excursion:

Quiz “Guess the plant”. Students remember the names of ornamental plants they saw during the excursion.

Orange flashlight
On a green leg
He grew up in a flowerbed
Near the path. (Physalis.)

A star fell on the flowerbed
And she became a beautiful flower. (Aster.)

Multi-colored daisies
All the guys admire them.
They wave leaves at us together,
They want to fly into space. (Cosmea.)

That flower is fragrant
But a thorny stem. (Rose.)

Passed through the earth
I found an orange marigold. (Calendula.)

Melon stems
Thin, long.
And under the green shield
Flowers like satin
Yellow and red. (Nasturtium.)

There are flags on the pole.
Under the pole are swords. (Gladiolus.)

Along the edge of the flowerbed
Lined up in a row
We dressed today
Velvet outfit. (Marigold.)

In the flowerbed by the window
Potatoes are planted.
Her flowers are huge
Both light and dark. (Dahlia.)

The flower bed is amazingly beautiful in autumn. We will come here in the spring and see what plants will appear in the flower garden. Students return to class, where the exhibition “Gifts of the Flower Garden” has been prepared for them.

To avoid allergic reaction, you should not allow children to touch and smell plants during the excursion. If there is no flower garden near the school, you can take a correspondence trip using a multimedia projector.

Every gardener - professional or amateur - wants to have a flowerbed on his plot, which is not a sin to show off to friends and relatives. You can use the services professional designer. However, with imagination and theoretical knowledge, everyone can create a masterpiece with a minimum of effort.

First you need to decide on the type of plants that you want to see in your flowerbed. You can study the catalog of companies specializing in the sale of plants, collect information about what flowers grow in the flowerbeds of celebrities.

What's growing in the flowerbed? The photos presented in the article show the diversity of plants for It is also necessary to take into account their types, depending on the needs for lighting and moisture.

Plant classification

Plants are:
- shade-loving. These plants can be used to decorate a flower bed behind the house or in the shade of a tree. These can be bushes of fern, comfrey or periwinkle;
- shade-tolerant - do not require significant lighting. Suitable in lowlands and places where they do not penetrate Sun rays: lilies of the valley, daisies, nasturtium;
- light-loving - need well-lit areas, heat-loving. The light-loving type that grows in the flowerbed includes petunias, forget-me-nots, and dahlias;
- moisture-loving. To maintain viability they require abundant watering. Plants such as peonies, bathing suit, rudbeckia are best planted in partial shade, where the soil will not dry out;
- drought-resistant - suitable for planting on dry areas of land or for summer residents who cannot spend a lot of time on watering. Such plants include phlox, sedum, verbena.

Color shades...

To determine the color scheme, it is better to make a sketch on a piece of paper. This way it will be clear where and what grows. In the flowerbed there are pronounced color accents red, yellow, orange are emphasized by a background of warmer, moderate tones of purple, blue, green - this is a classic landscape design.

For creation and proportionality, it also matters what flowers grow in the flower beds: monochrome or varied in appearance and the same in shade.

…the shape and life cycle of plants

It is important to harmonize the flower bed according to the shape of the plants. Large-leaved plants and flowers with small buds, shrubs with round and elongated, thin leaves get along well in the neighborhood. Red polygonum and purple phlox are a great combination. It is important to remember: plants, flowers, shrubs and everything that grows in a flowerbed must be in harmony, complement and be complete picture, and not be a heap of diverse fauna.

Regular flower beds provide for the simultaneous opening of buds and flowering. In irregular flower beds, it is important to combine flowers that bloom one after another. Such flower beds will delight their owners with a riot of colors with early spring until late autumn.

Flowerbed on the windowsill

Many people, lacking a summer cottage, want to have a mini-front garden or mini-flower garden in their apartment, which, with careful care, can delight its owners with beauty and freshness all year round. The idea of ​​a flower garden on a windowsill is not new.
Among all types of house flowers, the dwarf rose that grows on the windowsill is especially popular. And in the flowerbed in the summer you can see these beautiful flowers.

Features of creating a home flower bed using a dwarf rose:
. in the fall, dig up flowers that are dormant and move them into the house, save earthen lump in integrity;
. transplant flowers into pots or boxes;
. Dried buds cannot be cut off. This will be a sign for the flower to begin a new cycle;
. treat the plant with fungicides and insecticides to kill harmful insects;
. the use of lamps will make plants resistant to disease and increase the flowering rate.

Lighting, ventilation and successive periods of darkness and light will allow you to grow a flower garden on your windowsill that is as good as a professionally created rose garden.

Recently, among lovers of flower beds on the windowsill, the combination of house plants and dwarf trees. In such compositions they are shaded with small-leaved plants such as ivy, tradescantia, chlorophytum.

In conclusion, novice gardeners can be advised to select unpretentious and simple plants, A color scheme dilute the buds with greenery, which will allow you to keep the flowerbed in proper shape before the flowers bloom.

Selection of plants for a future flower garden is a complex process, but very interesting, because here you will act as an artist, creating not on paper, but on your own summer cottage, in your garden. Flowers are selected according to shape, size, and flowering time, however, first of all, you need to choose the varieties and types of plants that you want to plant in the flowerbed.

Types of flowers:

  • Shade-loving, perfectly tolerant of shade. It is thanks to these plants that you can decorate a flower bed or front garden behind the house, where only a part of the flowers reaches sunlight. These include fern, periwinkle, and comfrey.
  • , developing quite normally in places with slight shade. These are daisies, aconite, lily of the valley, nasturtium.
  • Light-loving, preferring well-lit and heated areas. This includes dahlias, rudbeckias, gladioli, petunias, sylvias, and forget-me-nots. And under no circumstances should these flowers be planted where it is dark, as they will constantly “seek” the sun. This will lead to poor flowering and rapid death of plants.
  • Moisture-loving flowers for flower beds prefer soil with enough high level humidity, and with infrequent watering they will simply die. This is a swimsuit, peony, rudbeckia. It is worth noting that it is better to plant them in partial shade, otherwise you will have to water the soil every day so that it does not dry out.
  • Drought-resistant flowers - great option for planting in dry areas. They are most often planted by those gardeners who cannot spend a lot of time watering and caring for plants. By the way, you can use them in rockeries and rock gardens, about retaining walls and when forming other elements of landscape design. The most famous of this series are verbena, phlox, sedum and thyme.

Now you roughly understand what plants to plant in the flowerbed, which means we can move on to another important issue– color and shape.

Naturally, before you decide what flowers to plant in the flowerbed, you need to choose what you would like to see it like: bright and colorful, or more calm, inducing relaxation. So, for example, nasturtiums and marigolds can create a sunny flowerbed, but white lilies - The best decision for an exquisite flower garden. A monochrome flower garden should be created from monochromatic flowers. That is why you need to remember how shades and colors affect human perception.

For example, yellow and orange or red attract attention, but blue, green and purple tones, calming, are more often used when creating a background. With the help of white flowers you can smooth out the contrasts in the flower garden. However, the following color combinations are considered the most advantageous:

  • Yellow and purple;
  • Red and yellow;
  • Blue and orange;
  • Red and blue.

Naturally, you need to try to maintain proportions and not clutter the flowerbed various shades. A flower garden with monochrome flowers will look much more beautiful and impressive than a chaotically formed flower bed.

Once you've decided what colors you'll use in your flowerbed, it's time to decide on the shape of the plants. For example, red polygonums and purple phloxes go well together. Small-flowered and large-flowered varieties plants, flowers with oval and narrow leaves. Such combinations include astilbes adjacent to the same flower bed.

Also, do not forget about the flowering time of plants. For example, if we are talking about a regular flowerbed, then these dates must coincide, but if you decide to design an irregular flowerbed, it is important to combine plants that bloom one after another. Thus, daffodils, crocuses and violas (bulb varieties) are the first to begin to grow; closer to summer, forget-me-nots, violets and daisies open their buds ( biennial species), in July, calendula and petunias (annuals) are pleasing to the eye.

When determining which flowers grow in a flowerbed together, and whether they interfere with each other, remember - your flower garden should not “gape” with empty holes.

Therefore, consider how they bloom, how long they live, and whether they can coexist with each other. It would also be good if the plants you choose have the same requirements for soil, fertilizing and moisture. Most flowers require a non-oxidized form, and can be used as a top dressing. wood ash or peat. When caring, keep in mind that bulbous varieties need nitrogen fertilizers, and here

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