What grass is considered the best for lawns? Calculation of the number of seeds

First of all, you need to decide on the location of the lawn - this could be the backyard or, conversely, the area in front of the entrance to the house. In addition, you need to clearly understand what you will use it for, because the application various types grasses results in completely different lawns, photos of which are published in the article.

Lawn grasses photos and names. Herb seeds

Regardless of what kind of lawn you choose for your site, when choosing seeds you should pay attention to several points:

  1. They must not be expired, and also have obvious signs damage by fungus or mold.
  2. Their quality must be confirmed by international certificates.

In addition, grass seeds for lawns must have the following characteristics:

You can choose to sow a monoculture or a seed mixture.

Monoculture is the grass seeds of one type; it is used infrequently due to its high cost, fastidiousness in care and growing conditions. However, these shortcomings are fully compensated by the quality of the coverage they provide. Monocultures are most often used to make sports fields or English lawns, the photo of which you see.

An herb blend is a combination of seeds best suited to a particular region. Thanks to the combination best qualities individual species, a lawn made from grass mixture is decorative and not so demanding to care for.

When purchasing, it is also important to study the seeding rate for a monoculture or mixture. Most often it depends on individual characteristics cereal or mixture. If there are no clear instructions on the bag of seeds, then the norm is considered to be 50 grams per 1 square meter. when sowing using a Hamilton automatic seeder, drum type. If you do this manually, then you need to add 10% to the figure.

Types of lawn grass with photos

Lawn grass, of which there are numerous types, is classified according to several criteria:

  • development of the root system;
  • shoot height;
  • life time.

By type of root system

There are four types of lawn grasses:


The root is not very deep, but it grows quickly, forming many nodes that give rise to above-ground shoots. Thanks to this, the grass stand is preserved for many years. These herbs include:

  • bluegrass;
  • white bentgrass;
  • meadow foxtail.

Loose bushes

Unlike the first type, the root forms only one underground node. The lushness of the plant is created by shoots from the above-ground bush. These include:

  • timothy grass;
  • perennial ryegrass.

Dense bush

You need to be very careful with this type of grass, as they can form dense tussocks, which does not look very aesthetically pleasing on the lawn. This feature is explained by the fact that new shoots released by the above-ground bush quickly grow together with the old ones. This type includes:

  • red oatmeal;
  • white-haired

Tap root plants

Very unpretentious appearance with a lush, beautiful bush. The main tap root goes deep into the ground, and young shoots form on it. Taproots include:

  • sainfoin;
  • horned frog.

By shoot height

This criterion determines in which tier of the vegetation cover the lawn grass in the photo you see will be located. It is customary to distinguish the following tiers:


It is formed by more light-loving plants, the stems of which can reach more than 1 meter in height. Representatives:

  • sainfoin;
  • boneless fire.


It is formed from semi-upland grasses with a stem length from 50 cm to a meter. They bush well after shearing, forming a beautiful cover. Among them:

  • hybrid clover;
  • yellow alfalfa;
  • timothy grass


Typically these are herbs that tolerate slight shade well, with thin stems up to 70 cm in height. These include:

According to the lifespan of plants

  • annuals;
  • two-year-olds;
  • perennial.

Lawn grasses photos and names

The varieties of herbs listed below have long proven themselves to be excellent ingredients for beautiful lawn. Photos of lawns with characteristics will help you choose varieties for your site.

Meadow bluegrass

Meadow bluegrass and its varieties - the most popular types lawn grass. This is beautiful perennial, which is valued for its rich color, excellent tolerance to temperature changes and resistance to damage. After mowing, it forms a smooth, elastic cover.

Oak grove bluegrass

Has a weak root system, which is why it is completely unsuitable for trampling. Valued for its resistance to lack of light. Perfect for decorating areas under trees or shrubs.

Clover white

Perfectly complements grass mixtures for lawns. It's special hybrid species, which is ideal for low mowing. Valued for bright color sprouts

Red fescue

A plant with very useful quality: due to the peculiarities of the root system, fescue is able to displace weeds from the grass stand. It tolerates slight darkening well, is frost-resistant, and grows even on poor soils. Keeps sprouts green for a long time, even with a lack of moisture.

Timothy grass small-leaved

Ornamental grass, which is famous for its hardiness and ability to grow in almost any conditions and on any soil. Cold, darkening, high humidity This variety is not scary.

Sheep fescue

bush plant, tolerates drought well, grows slowly, but good coverage forms only a year after sowing. It is best used in a mixture with red fescue.

Perennial ryegrass

Forms a decorative carpet, the leaves are different rich color and shine. The greatest growth occurs during the first year after planting, so it is best used for temporary plantings.


Perennial with long shoots of fresh light green color. It grows and bushes very intensively, and already in the first year it will delight you with a bright cover, which is clearly visible in the photo of a lawn with this grass.

Dog bentgrass

It can be used provided that the lawn is purely decorative. He won't survive being trampled. Despite the shortcomings, this lawn grass, the photo of which is presented below, is in demand due to its high decorative characteristics. Even from a distance, a carpet made from this cereal looks great.


It is usually used in mixtures, since by itself it forms a not very even cover with bald spots and bumps. It has the ability to crowd out weeds and grows in almost any conditions. It grows well on slopes, strengthening them due to its developed root system.

Common comb

It has very dense, short shoots, which is important for the lawn. Even during frosts it is able to retain the greenness of the leaves and tolerates both drought and excess moisture. Excellent for low mowing.


The right choice Grass varieties are half the success in arranging a lawn. Taking into account the advice and recommendations of experts when choosing seeds, you can enjoy the beautiful look of a green lawn on your site. And the types of lawn grass described above will help you with your choice.

Dachas and personal plots can serve not only for planting potatoes and constant labor. At the dacha you can simply relax from the bustle of the city. And a beautiful lawn planted with your own hands will help to decorate this unforgettable vacation.

A little about lawns

A green lawn at the dacha will certainly please the eye. But the idea that you plant a lawn once and forget it is wrong. It also needs to be looked after and monitored, and this is not easy work. You need to be able to understand a lot of things. But if for some reason or due to your own laziness there is no opportunity to care for the grass, it doesn’t matter. There is salvation for the lazy.

Dwarf lawn

A good advantage of such a lawn is its unpretentiousness. You don't need to look after him that much. The basis for it is low-growing. They do not require careful care, weekly haircuts and leveling. Such a lawn grows on its own, waiting for the owner to have time to visit it. Low-growing lawn grasses, as the name suggests, do not grow particularly upward. They have all the necessary qualities.

In order for the lawn to be rich and beautiful, it is important to choose the right varietal composition of grass. The future green cover depends on what kind of grass is included in the seeds. It is best to purchase in specialized stores for florists and landscape designers. It is there that you can ask the consultant to select lawn grass seeds that would be more suitable for the conditions of the required green flooring.

What should lawn grass be like?

Lawn grasses have been selected by generations of florists. The bred plants have all the required qualities: bright and rich color, softness, and so on. First of all, low-growing lawn grasses should form a so-called dense carpet. Indeed, if you look at the lawn, it seems as if it’s just green carpet. It is this quality that is very important. Because without this you won’t get a full-fledged lawn. It will look like a carpet with holes in it. So, it is important that lawn grass covers the entire area of ​​the summer cottage.

Resistance to physical damage and trampling. If you plan to organize all kinds of picnics and parties, then the grass must be resistant to this kind of damage. Even to just walk around your site and not harm its appearance, it is important to know that the planted grass is resistant to trampling.

Drought resistance is a major factor in grass longevity. Those low-growing lawn grasses that are not naturally resistant to high temperatures and long drought, are theoretically not suitable for planting on summer cottage. Such plants will dry out quickly, and all the work will pass in vain.

Lawn grass seeds usually do not require special care. But if you want to quickly see the fruits of your labor, then you can add special fertilizers, which accelerate the process of seed germination. And so they can easily grow on their own.

In addition to various aesthetic qualities, plants must be resistant to disease, otherwise some epidemic will mow them down no worse than a lawn mower. This principle implies that the grass should be replaced every two or three years. After several years, the lawn becomes more vulnerable to disease. To avoid this, you need to pull out the old grass and sow new grass every few years.

Perennial or annual

There are different types: single- and perennial grasses are best suited for the lawn. Since after winter they will be pleasing to the eye for another year or two. They also grow much slower than their annual counterparts, and this is precisely the quality that should be present in low growing grasses. Having made a choice to the side perennial herbs, you can provide yourself with a lawn for another couple of years.

Lawn grass: price

It is very important to buy good seed material. The future of the lawn depends on it. Lawn grass, the price of which depends on the composition and proportions of the seeds of various grasses, can range from six hundred to three thousand rubles. Depending on the variety, weight and quality of the seeds.

Grass vs weeds

Lawn grass that kills weeds is not a fiction. It is very unpleasant when some weeds grow in the middle of a beautiful green carpet. Most best way weed control - frequent mowing. You can also pull them out by hand. If you don’t have time to resist such a scourge on your own, then you should give nature a chance to fight it.

Lawn grass that kills weeds should consist of a mixture certain plants. Such a set should contain one that copes with its task very well. It requires frequent moisture for fast and normal growth, so it is best to plant it in moist and shady places. Meadow bluegrass and these cereals look great in overall composition. Planting such a mixture - great way forget about weeds on your site.

Lawn in spring time

Spring is the period of flowering and plant growth. By all measures this is best time year to plant a new lawn. Before planting, you should decide what kind of grass you need to sow. You also need to purchase seeds, and if this is the first lawn in your life, then some equipment.

The next step is to prepare the ground. If planting a lawn has been planned for a long time, it is better if the ground is prepared in the fall. This way, during a short period of time, weeds that survived the winter will sprout and can be easily removed. Before sowing a new lawn, care must be taken to ensure that the ground is as level as possible. After all, the future appearance of the dacha plot depends on this.

Lawn grass in spring is planted in the second half of April - the most the right time. It is at this moment that the soil can be prepared after winter, and it itself will be saturated with water from the melted snow.

By summer there will already be mature green shoots on the site. Then you can evaluate your work.

How to properly sow lawn grass

Before this, as already mentioned, it is necessary to prepare the ground: level and remove all weeds. Before planting, you can optionally apply fertilizer to speed up plant growth. So, everything is ready, all that remains is to sow the seeds.

The easiest way is to divide the site into sectors. Having sowed one sector, you can proceed to another. You need to sow so that the ground is evenly covered with seeds. Then you need to sprinkle them with earth and fill them with water.

How long does it take for lawn grass to grow?

Having sowed grass, you can already wonder how long it will take for the grass to sprout. In order for the lawn to sprout in the first two weeks, you need to take good care of it: water it at least every other day. Yes, it’s worth the trouble, but with regular watering, the grass will sprout in one and a half to two weeks (depending on the variety).

A site with a beautiful renovated house will seem unfinished if there is an unkempt area with thickets of grass around it. And the same house will look completely different, but with a lawn in place of these thickets. And even though he needs to devote a lot of effort and attention, the result of the work will be amazing. Flower arrangements will sparkle with completely different colors, various sculptures and tall trees will stand out more against the background of silky green grass.

  1. Sports turf
  2. English lawn
  3. Lawn "for the lazy"

Anyone can choose a suitable lawn for themselves. After all, each of these types has different characteristics and requires a variety of care.

Features of different types of lawn grasses

We can say that this type of lawn is the most spectacular. It is a flat, short-cropped, neat clearing. They place it on their site only as decorative element. Ideal places For this purpose, there are areas located along the alleys, in front of the facade of the house or near the fountain. They look great against his background various flowers and trees.

The ground lawn only grows in sunny areas, he does not like darkening and excess moisture. Before planting this lawn, it is necessary to prepare the ground: pull out all the weeds, level the surface, otherwise in the future all the slightest irregularities will be visible.

Regular and sports lawns

The ordinary lawn is the most common. It is great for relaxing with the whole family. You can safely walk on it, ride a bike, it is very stable. It doesn’t look much worse than a parterre lawn, but at the same time it requires a lot of maintenance less effort and time.

Sports turf is used in areas that are susceptible to intense load. Most often it is used on sports grounds, racetracks or stadiums. But its cultivation technology is quite complex; the slightest mistakes can lead to a complete replacement of the lawn, which will lead to a large financial loss.

This type the lawn is very impressive, it has another name - beautifully blooming. Its floral patterns change over time, which is bound to attract attention. IN Moorish lawn more than a dozen different varieties of herbs and flowers are combined.

English lawn and lawn “for the lazy”

The English lawn is a subspecies of the parterre lawn. It also looks amazing, but there are some differences: softness, certain humidity, grass stand of several centimeters. They use English lawn in the same way as parterre lawn as a decorative element for their site. At the same time, it must be ensured careful care, not forgetting to cut his hair several times a week.

Nowadays, the lawn for the “lazy” has become widespread. It looks like a wild one flowering field. But at the same time, if you devote a little time to him, he can acquire a fairly well-groomed appearance.

This type of lawn is rapidly becoming popular in Russia, but it has been used abroad for a long time. Under roll lawn refers to the turf on which already grown grass is located. Its main advantage over other types is saving effort and time, which can be spent on growing ready-made grass.

Rolled lawn is sold and transported in the form of a layer rolled into a roll. You should know that the longer the layer is wrapped, the longer it will take for the turf to take root. Therefore, after purchasing this lawn, it is recommended to lay it as soon as possible.

Comparison of the cost of arranging a lawn with different grasses

The cost of arranging various types of lawns varies within fairly wide limits. Approximate average cost of work is:

  • Ordinary lawn, 250 - 450 rubles per sq. meter.
  • Moorish lawn, 550 rubles per sq. m. meter.
  • Parterre lawn, 700 rubles per sq.m. meter.
  • Sports turf, 400 rubles per sq. meter.
  • Rolled lawn, 300 - 550 rubles per sq. m. meter.

What should you consider when choosing lawn grasses?

Whatever type of lawn is preferred, without proper care, lawn grass will either die or turn into an unattractive, unkempt lawn. Timely watering, fertilizing, mowing, and treatment will turn the lawn into a source of pride for its owners, which will charm all neighbors and passers-by.

There’s a lot of hassle with your lawn: does the grass look less decorative than on the package of seeds, does it freeze in places, turns yellow, thins out and is overgrown with weeds? Perhaps you have chosen the wrong varieties for our climatic conditions. What grass for the lawn would be better suited We’ll tell you exactly what varieties to choose today.

Rules for choosing seeds for a lawn

The grass on the lawn should be perennial, frost-resistant and fast-growing. This important conditions an ideal lawn, but not the most important ones. We list the main factors for purchasing seeds for sowing on the lawn, which are best chosen in the store:

  • Adaptation to certain climate conditions;
  • Good development of the root system;
  • Saturation of greenery and uniformity of seedlings;
  • Ability for vegetative propagation;
  • Good haircut tolerance.

Don't neglect general rules choosing lawn grass: shelf life of the material, pre-treatment seeds, manufacturer's guarantees, etc.

A short video about lawn grass

Types of grasses and lawn mixtures

It is best to use grasses for the lawn. They have good system roots, produce uniform green shoots, help remove weeds and have an excellent decorative appearance after cutting. The most commonly sown varieties of grass are meadow bluegrass, bentgrass, ryegrass, fescue and others. Various grass mixtures are also popular.

Ryegrass is one of the elite varieties of grass. It looks very beautiful in any place free from planting. This variety is sensitive to watering and loves mineral fertilizing.

Herbal mixtures

  • Universal mixture. The herbs in this mixture have rapid germination and resistance to external conditions, remove weeds and are inexpensive. The only negative is that such a lawn requires frequent mowing.
  • Sports varieties. This is a type of cereal mixture for playgrounds, stadiums and places for active recreation.
  • Mixtures for specific climates. It is important to choose grass varieties for the lawn not only by appearance, but also by climatic characteristics. Eat special mixtures for areas that are under scorching sun. If you want to sow shady areas, you should pay attention to shade-tolerant varieties of grass.
  • Mixtures of flowers and herbs. Such compositions are sown to create a meadow-type lawn. You can choose ready-made mixtures forbs or create a mix of flowers and grasses that can bloom all summer in turn. For a neat, bright meadow lawn, low-growing greenery is suitable, and decorating the area in rural style possible with the help of tall grasses and flowers.
  • Elite composition for lawn. Although the mixture of elite herbs is capricious and sensitive to external conditions, its appearance justifies all means. Such herbs look very decorative and can decorate any unplanted areas.

The best varieties of lawn grasses for the Russian climate

1. Meadow bluegrass. This perennial variety- one of the earliest cereals. IN pure form it is practically not sown, since the roots of this grass take root slowly. Bluegrass is an excellent base for a grass mixture. It produces soft and juicy greens, crowds out weeds and grows well with other grains.

Bluegrass - best foundation for a mixture of lawn grasses. The variety is unpretentious, produces vigorous shoots and can grow on poor soils

Meadow bluegrass - fast growing grass, the shoots of which you will see earlier than other crops. It looks bright and very decorative

2. Polevitsa. The dark, rich green of fine bentgrass looks good in any lawn. This grass can withstand frequent mowing, cold winters, and will remove weeds over time.

Thin bentgrass grows densely, without bald spots. It withstands frequent haircuts, practically does not freeze and has a rich green color.

3. Ryegrass. This grass can be found in grass mixtures for lawns. She has excellent decorative qualities, but does not tolerate Russian winters well. Therefore, in its pure form it can be sown only in the southern regions of our country, or used as an annual lawn.

Ryegrass has leaves of medium width. This variety grows very quickly, so some gardeners prefer not to cut it. You can often find ryegrass as part of elite grass mixtures

4. Fescue. Fescue - perfect grass for the lawn, which does not require special care, both in mono form and as part of a herb. Within a month, the fescue sprouts thickly and is ready for shearing.

Fescue is an excellent grass for the lawn, both in its pure form and as part of a forb. Its succulent shoots appear quickly and fill the lawn with thick greenery

The most common questions about lawn grasses

Our specialists will answer the most frequently asked questions of novice gardeners:

1. Why is ordinary grass not suitable for a lawn?

Lawn grass does not deplete the soil, as ordinary weeds do, has small roots and looks much more decorative. The sown grass will grow evenly and improve its decorative appearance after each new cutting.

2. How long does lawn grass take to grow?

Lawn grasses are perennial. Decorative look The seedlings will appear within 1-2 months after sowing. If you properly care for your green lawn, mow it on time, feed it and water it regularly, your lawn will delight you for many years.

Green ryegrass shoots will decorate any lawn. This grass is very thermophilic, so a lawn made of pure ryegrass can only be annual

3. What is the difference between a grass mixture and a single variety of seed?

You can choose a monoculture (one variety of grass) or a mixture of several species. Sowing of one variety is carried out for elite plots, playgrounds and decorative lawns. Such grass, although it produces a lush decorative carpet of greenery, is more expensive and sensitive to care and external conditions. Herb mixtures are more sustainable, produce uniform greens and require less maintenance.

4. How to get uniform shoots?

It is necessary to prepare the soil well, level it, removing debris and weeds. It will help to sow cereal seeds evenly on the lawn. hand seeder. If you don’t have one, mix the seeds in half with sand and sow them in the ground. After the first year of life, the grass may develop bald patches that need to be sown with new seeds in the spring.

Fescue does not require special care and tolerates sun, partial shade and harsh Russian winters well.

Ready-made grass in a roll - very convenient option fast lawn. You just need to lay the rolls correctly, and the lawn is ready. The only disadvantage of such a lawn is the high price

A seeded lawn is a great way to remove weeds and decorate your yard profitably. A green lawn refreshes the yard and pleases the eye. Now all that remains is to decide what kind of lawn grass will grow on your site.

None classic landscape design the plot cannot do without: after all, against its background, both compositions and tapeworm plantings. A soft green lawn can also play a functional role: be a playground or a pleasant place for a picnic.

However, in order for the lawn to please, it requires care, in particular constant care. A classic lawn needs to be mowed at least once a week. Not all land owners have so much extra time or desire to do this. But there is a solution to this problem - a lawn for the lazy!

What is it?

A dwarf lawn is a lawn that does not require frequent mowing. That is, it is a mix of specially selected slow-growing and low-growing varieties(for example, the Lilliput mixture).

How to sow?

A low-growing lawn is sown in the same way as an ordinary lawn. In order for the green carpet to please the eye for a long time, it is necessary to carry out the following preparatory work several months before sowing (for example, in the fall):

  1. Clear the area of ​​debris. At this stage, it is necessary to remove stones, stumps, and also decide the fate of existing plantings.
  2. If necessary, cut off the turf. Dig up the site. Remove weeds, for example using herbicides.
  3. Level the surface and organize drainage.
  4. Make sure that the layer of fertile soil is at least 15 cm and compact it.

Sowing seeds can be done manually or using a seeder. To achieve uniform seedlings, you need to sow half of the seeds, passing along the site, and half - across.

It is advisable to leave some seeds in reserve. They can be used later if bald spots appear.

Which herbs to choose?

A lazy person's lawn consists of grasses that grow slowly and therefore do not require frequent mowing. The breeders did their best for you and brought out many suitable varieties. Let's look at the grasses that are most often used to create a dwarf lawn.

  • Red fescue. Has excellent grass density. Strong underground shoots. It grows quickly, covering the “holes”. Relatively heat tolerant. Short. The varieties Rossinante and Maxima 1 have proven themselves well.
  • Modified red fescue. It forms a dense turf, produces many above-ground shoots, and takes root quickly. Drought resistant. Does not tolerate low mowing.
  • Red fescue. Adapts well to different conditions: relatively shade-tolerant, drought-resistant. It is especially worth noting its resistance to salinity, thanks to which it can be planted on roadsides. Dense grass.
  • Meadow bluegrass. Strong underground shoots. Resistant to trampling and low mowing. Tolerates heat well. Resistant to diseases.
  • Bentgrass shoots. Beautiful dense thin-leaved grass stand. Good winter hardiness. It grows back slowly. Rich green color.
  • Sheep fescue. It has high disease resistance, is drought-resistant, winter-hardy, and tolerates salinity. Grows in all types of soil and tolerates shade well. It has a dense standing density.

In what ratio should all these herbs be combined? Of course, if you wish, you can independently develop a lawn mixture taking into account the characteristics of various grasses. But there is absolutely no need for this, because knowledgeable people We have already collected various mixes for you. You can find them on store shelves. For example, consider the composition of the Lilliput grass mixture:

  • Red fescue ‘Rossinante’ 25%
  • Meadow bluegrass ‘Oxford’ 25%
  • Modified red fescue ‘Mariza’ 20%
  • Red fescue ‘Maxima’ 1 15%
  • Red fescue ‘Greenlight’ 15%

Lawn mixture "Liliput"

Another popular mix is ​​the low-growing Mini-Green lawn:

  • Red fescue ‘Reverent’ 55%
  • Modified red fescue ‘Aida’ 25%
  • Meadow bluegrass ‘Balin’ 15%
  • Sheep fescue ‘Spartan’ 5%

How to care?

A low-growing lawn will require the same care as a regular lawn, with the exception of the frequency of mowing.

In early spring, you need to ensure that no puddles form on your future lawn. For this reason, it is advisable not to walk on the area where there will be a green lawn during the snow melting period. If a hole does form somewhere, you need to pierce the ground to drain the water. Otherwise, rotting processes may begin. lawn should be carried out after the onset of warm weather. Like other plants, lawn grasses need nitrogen and phosphorus during the early growing season. These elements contribute to the growth of green mass and roots.

In areas with arid climates, the lawn needs a layer of fertile soil to reduce the amount of evaporated moisture. The lawn also needs aeration after winter, as the soil has become compacted. Using a simple fork or special aerator rake, the turf is pierced evenly. And of course, you need to carry out general cleaning(scarification): fan rake rake away moss and felt.

In summer, a lawn is necessary. The amount of watering depends greatly on specific weather conditions.

In addition, in summer the lawn needs fertilizing every 2-3 weeks.

Autumn lawn care activities are approximately the same as in spring: fertilizing, aeration, combing.

As for cutting, it must be carried out depending on the growth rate of the grass. It is necessary to maintain the grass height at 4-7 cm. This is where the main advantage of a low-growing lawn comes into play, because it will only need to be mowed a few times a year.

How much does it cost?

The seeds in grass mixtures are not the cheapest, so the price of a lawn for the lazy is higher than the price of an ordinary lawn. The cost of 1 kg of universal classic grass mixture varies from 150 to 300 rubles per kg. And the same “Liliput” costs about 500 rubles per kg (prices for summer 2017).


The only grass for a lawn that does not require cutting at all, as well as any other care, is artificial grass. Whether to use such a solution on the site is up to you. At the same time, a lawn for the lazy, although it does not free you from all the hassle, significantly reduces it.

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