How to plant root celery seedlings. Technology for growing seedlings at home

Celery - spicy aromatic vegetable plant. Its leaves and petioles are consumed fresh, its roots - fresh and cooked.

All parts of celery can be used as a seasoning when canning vegetables. To taste and appearance Celery is similar to parsley, but has a sharp and distinct flavor.

Celery has become cultivated plant in ancient times. It was used not only as edible, but also as treatment plant. ethnoscience recommends taking with sugar as a cough medicine.

Celery helps protect against gout, rheumatism and other inflammations of muscles and joints. The vegetable, saturated with spicy essential oils, increases urine excretion by the kidneys, cleanses the blood, stimulates appetite, increases heart rate and improves metabolism.

Types of celery for planting

Three types of celery are cultivated:

  • petiole;
  • sheet;
  • root.

Root celery is most widespread in gardens. This happened due to the fact that the root crops of the plant can be stored in the cellar for a long time, because growing root celery is more difficult than petiole and leaf celery. It has a long growing season, so in the south of the country root celery is grown as seedlings.

In most regions the variety is zoned celery root Apple. It is early ripening, high-yielding, with delicate white flesh. The root vegetable is round in shape and small in size - about the size of a chicken egg.

Celery is part of the umbelliferous family. The closest relatives are parsley and carrots. Like these vegetables, celery is a biennial plant. In the first year you can get root vegetables and herbs from it, in the second - seeds.

How to prepare a place for planting celery

Good root celery is obtained on highly fertile and cultivated garden soils with abundant watering. The growing season of root celery is up to 190 days, so it will not be possible to obtain the crop without growing seedlings. can tolerate partial darkening, but in strong shade the plants are damaged by fungal diseases.

The best predecessor to root celery will be vegetables that have been supplemented with increased doses of organic matter, for example, cabbage or cucumbers. Even if in the previous year a lot of manure or humus was applied to the plot, when planting celery, you can add a little organic matter, since when planting root celery in the garden bed is completed, there will be no need to add manure - it will lead to an outbreak of diseases.

Planting scheme

Planting celery seedlings in open ground carried out from the beginning of May, as it can tolerate a short drop in temperature. The scheme for planting celery in open ground is 15 cm in a row and 40 cm between rows. When planting seedlings, make sure that the central part of the bush is not covered with soil.

Otherwise, planting of petiole and leaf celery takes place. Growing petiole and leaf celery is not difficult. Even a novice gardener can grow plants so that they are rich in aroma and have excellent taste.

Celery varieties whose leaves and petioles will be eaten are planted according to a 20x30 cm pattern. It is impossible to add compost, and especially manure in the spring, before planting seedlings in the garden, as this will lead to the accumulation of nitrates in the greens.

If you want to grow root celery seeds for sowing yourself, you need to plant the root crop that has overwintered in the cellar in the spring. Young leaves will quickly grow from it, and after this the root crop will throw up a straight, tall stem, at the end of which an umbrella inflorescence will open. Celery will bloom in mid-July. The seeds will ripen in early August, after which the plant will die.

Buy varieties of different ripening periods - this will allow you to have fresh greens all over warm season. Before sowing, soak the seeds for three days, then sow in boxes or individual cups. Do this in March, hoping that by the time the seedlings are planted, the root and petiole celery She was 60 days old in the ground. Fill the containers with a loose mixture, which includes leaf humus, peat and sand.

To evenly introduce small seeds into the boxes, mix them with sand. Plant the seeds at a depth of 1 cm and sprinkle with a layer of peat. Celery germinates at a temperature of 20 degrees.

Shoots will appear no earlier than in a week, since the seeds contain a lot of esters that interfere with germination. Stale seeds may take 2 weeks to germinate. Do not allow the soil to dry out, otherwise the seeds will not sprout.

Containers are watered warm water, directing the stream through a small sieve so as not to wash away upper layer soil. After emergence, the temperature is reduced to 15 degrees to protect the seedlings from stretching.

Further care will consist of keeping the soil in the boxes moist and ventilating the seedlings to prevent the appearance of blackleg and other diseases. When the first leaves appear, the seedlings are removed from the soil and planted one plant at a time in cups, trying not to damage the central part of the rosette, from which new leaves will appear.

Transplanted seedlings are placed on a bright windowsill so that new leaves appear on them faster. Before planting, the seedlings are hardened by placing them on the balcony for several hours every day.

Celery care

During the first stage of growth, plants grow slowly and need good care, weeding, since fast-growing weeds can choke out young plants that are just taking root and are weak.

The most commonplace and common mistakes when growing celery root seedlings.

Sowing time

Celery seeds are sown in regions middle zone in February. The sowing deadline is mid-March. When sowing late, large root crops do not have time to grow.

Seed treatment before planting

Celery seeds take a long time to germinate. The reason for this is the oily shell structure that covers the seeds. And proven methods such as soaking and bubbling will be beneficial and speed up germination. These methods are relevant when sowing is late in March.

The soil

Celery grows well in non-acidic, rich humus soils. The soil must be loose and moisture-absorbing.

Sowing seeds

Celery seeds germinate only in the light, without covering them with soil. High temperatures this culture doesn't like it. Seeds germinate in 7-10 days, but sometimes you have to wait up to three weeks for germination. Be sure to remove weak and shading plants. Thickened crops are weakened seedlings.

Seedling care

High temperature in the room and lack of lighting lead to stretching of seedlings. Therefore, the first thing to do is put them in a bright place. Seedlings will feel normal at moderate temperatures and insufficient lighting.

Celery is a slow-growing crop. During the seedling period, the soil should not be over-moistened or dried out. Water the “babies” only when the soil dries out. The temperature for seedlings from 17 to 20°C will be the most comfortable.

Picking seedlings

The seedlings are transplanted when the first or second true leaf appears, pinching the main root by 1/3.
The transplant is done at the level of the heart. Small pots are used, 3x4, 4x4, 3x5 cm in size. If the plants develop poorly, they are fed with liquid complex fertilizers.

Grown celery plants are planted in the beds no earlier than May 10, otherwise they may bolt.

Celery has been gaining more and more popularity lately. Due to its nutrient-rich composition, it becomes a consumable product in the diet of many people. For this reason, many summer residents begin to grow it on their plots. Planting celery seedlings using seeds - the first and necessary stage in growing useful root crops.

Celery is usually grown by sowing seeds to grow seedlings from them. Often cultivation is carried out in greenhouses or greenhouses, sometimes on balconies and terraces. For these purposes, seed boxes and containers are used. And with a competent approach, you can get early, juicy, fragrant greens, juicy, elastic petioles and voluminous root vegetables.

Because of biological feature, which consists in long period During the first year of vegetation, up to 180 days, celery is usually grown in seedlings. Preparation of celery seeds for seedlings occurs in mid-March.

Since the seeds of this crop are small, dry and slowly awakening, they contain a high content of essential oils that prevent swelling in the soil. Very often they do not have time to germinate even in three weeks, and with a lack of moisture they produce very insignificant shoots.

With the most common, simple, but less effective way, preparing planting seeds for planting in the ground is done by soaking them in water for a couple of days. After which, the planting material is dried and sown in boxes or special containers.

To speed up the process of shoot germination, it is recommended to germinate the seeds. The germination procedure is carried out in this way: required amount seeds for planting are placed in a fabric bag and immersed in a well warm water for 20 minutes, then sharply lowered into cold water also for 20 minutes.

Then the planting material is spread in a thin layer on a damp cloth and left to germinate in a warm place. When the first shoots hatch, they are mixed with dry sand 1:1 and sown in the soil.

Along with these methods, there are methods for planting seeds of root and petiole celery using an oxygen solution and growth stimulants.

Bubbling the seeds for 24 hours in water with oxygen, which is produced by a microcompressor for aquariums. After that, they are etched with a 1% manganese solution for 1 hour, soaked for 20 hours in an epin solution (2 drops per 100 ml of water), then sown.

Compliance with this scheme and its sequence is an integral key to a successful harvest.

Video “Preparing seeds”

From the video you will learn how to properly prepare seeds.

Let's start landing

Since celery is resistant to light spring frosts, its seedlings are grown in a greenhouse. But before planting it as seedlings, seed tanks are prepared and a thin layer of fine straw is placed on the bottom, which will maintain the optimal temperature in the root layer and absorb excess moisture.

The next layer in the container will be a crumbly cocktail consisting of peat (3 parts), turf soil (1 part) and humus with sand (one part each). Also, for one bucket of soil, add 150 grams wood ash and a little bit of urea.

Seeds with a few sprouts are dried, mixed with sand and sown in boxes with wet soil. Planted in rows, deepening into the soil by 0.5-1 cm with a distance between rows of 7-8 cm.

An effective way of sowing is to lay the planting material on top of the soil in rows, then sprinkle it with a thin layer of fine sand, this will ensure free access of oxygen and successful germination.

The box is placed in a warm place, covered with transparent polyethylene. The period of time from sowing to the appearance of the first shoots takes up to two weeks. Watering is carried out using a hand sprayer with warm water, while abundant watering cold water will cause blackleg.

Whatever method of growing seedlings you choose, until the first sprouts peck, they are kept in light and warm rooms. When the sunrises are visible, the film is removed and the container is moved to a well-lit, cozy place. At this time, plants need to be treated with drugs that inhibit the occurrence of plant diseases.

It happens that the sprouts have sprouted too densely, in which case they need to be thinned out, since in this form they will interfere with each other’s development and intensive growth, and will be frail and lethargic. In the container where the crop grows, moderately moist soil is constantly needed.

For the first month and a half, planted in a special container, celery does not grow quickly. A month after sowing, the seedlings are thinned out, making 5 cm gaps between plants in a row, or planted in peat cups, seed boxes, or in the soil of a greenhouse or greenhouse.

During picking, seedlings are planted deep into the soil, covering the roots. When transplanting seedlings into a greenhouse or greenhouse, they are planted with an interval of 5-6 cm from each other, and the row spacing is 5-6 cm. Since after planting, numerous lateral roots are formed in the root system of celery.

When performing a dive, you must not damage the main root, as this will lead to deformation of the formation of the root crop in the future.

The next step after planting is watering. The plants are watered, then covered with damp paper for two days. If a light green color of the leaves on the shoots is observed, you should fertilize with urea (1 teaspoon per bucket of water). Best Temperature for growth - 14-17 degrees during the day, and 10-12 degrees at night. This temperature is very important for the formation of root crops; at a lower temperature, plants can form flower stalks, which will sharply reduce the quality and yield of root celery.

Subsequent care of seedlings consists of loosening the soil between the rows, irrigation, ventilation, and fertilizing.

Two or three days before planting seedlings in open ground, they must be hardened by taking them out of the greenhouse for the first time during the day and leaving them for the whole day, hiding them at night, and then overnight, so that adaptation to the climate occurs. The plots are planted when the seedlings have grown to the 4-5 leaf stage, after about one and a half to two months. Two hours before moving the shoots to the site, they are moistened abundantly.

Planting seedlings in the garden

Planting celery begins with preparing the site where it will grow. This crop needs light, fluffy, airy, enriched, fertile soils.

A garden bed located in an open, well-lit place is considered ideal. It is also necessary to take into account the history of this site, in terms of what crops grew in this place in past seasons. Beans, peas, asparagus, all types of cabbage, and cucumbers are considered favorable, but after potatoes, carrots and almost all greens, celery is not recommended to be planted.

The site for planting is prepared in the fall: the soil is dug up, fertilized with humus or compost. In the spring, the soil at the planting site is loosened and mineral fertilizers at the rate of 40 g per square meter.

Before planting, add a handful of humus and ash to each hole, mixing with the soil. Then each sprout is deepened, compacting the soil around the shoots and watering the planting site. After this, the shoots are protected from the scorching sun.

The best time for planting seedlings in the soil is mid-May, and when early spring possible earlier. It is important to consider that plants planted earlier will provide high and quality harvest root celery versus late planting.

Plants 12-15 cm high, with 4-5 leaves and developed roots are considered good celery seedlings. If the seedlings were weak or overgrown, the harvest is unlikely to be of high quality.

Seedlings are planted on the site, taking into account the required distance of 40-50 cm in a row. For the stem and leaf varieties of this crop, place it at intervals of 15-20 cm, while maintaining a distance between rows of 30 cm.

Celery will go well with garlic, potatoes, and onions.

Caring for root crops

Caring for celery is a little different depending on what type of plant you want to grow - root or leaf.

In order to avoid evaporation of moisture so valuable for young seedling The area near the landing is mulched.

Celery needs moisture constantly; watering is carried out at the rate of 20-25 liters of water per 1 m² per week. It is unacceptable for the soil to dry out on the site. During drought, water daily. The soil under celery should always be moist.

Until the foliage above the bed closes, you should regularly loosen the rows.

This crop also needs fertilizing, which will ensure a generous harvest.

Feeding is carried out four times per season.

The first one is during the seedling period. The second one a week after planting (watered with herbal infusions). The third, after two weeks, is fed with a liquid infusion of mullein. Fourth, at the end of July, superphosphate is added to the site, 30 g per m².

A month before harvesting celery, you need to do a high hilling, which will whiten the petioles, reduce their bitterness and the concentration of aromatic substances.

To obtain the root product, release the top part plants from the soil and cut off the lateral roots, pressing the leaves to the ground. This action will ensure the formation of a rounded root crop and increase its weight.

When harvesting, you can leave leaf celery and use it for growing in winter: dig up the plants with a piece of soil before frost and plant them in a suitable container.

When harvesting fruits, keep in mind that their peel is thin and delicate, try not to damage it.

Next year, in the area after celery it will be favorable to grow onions, garlic, potatoes, tomatoes, beans, peas, and asparagus.

Video “Planting Seeds”

From the video you will learn how to properly plant seeds in open ground.

Celery root, despite its current popularity, is quite long time was deprived of the attention of gardeners. And now it is difficult to find a person who does not know about such a culture. Although, not everyone is familiar with the points on which root celery should be planted and cared for.
Today, root celery is considered a fairly common vegetable to grow on your own plot. This is explained by the fact that such a root vegetable, in addition to being rich in beneficial features composition, will add a special piquancy and pleasant aroma to almost any dish.
Fresh celery root vegetables cannot always be found on sale, and home-grown vegetables are always tastier and healthier than store-bought ones. Therefore, if you have your own plot, set aside one bed for celery, so that in the winter months you can prepare vitamin salads or soups with homemade root celery for your loved ones.

Selection of planting material

Unfortunately, many refuse self-cultivation celery due to the fact that this plant is considered very capricious. However, having studied the features vegetable crop and the cultivation itself, planting it will certainly give good results and will delight you with a rich harvest.
To begin with, it is worth noting that the pledge successful landing and excellent yield is the choice of root crop variety. When choosing planting material worth considering:

  • climatic conditions of the region;
  • ripening times of vegetables;
  • size of ripe fruits.

Also, don't overlook taste qualities celery and your preferences. And in order not to be disappointed in the end when it’s time to harvest, you should carefully select seeds before purchasing them. Namely:

  • you should buy “fresh” seeds (the shelf life of such seeds should expire in at least a year);
  • It is worth choosing seeds of varieties whose ripened fruits weigh 0.5 kg or more;
  • give preference early ripening varieties so that planting and ripening period ensure full-fledged fruits;
  • choose among domestic producers- only verified ones. Seeds bred by foreign breeders are considered higher quality planting material.

Preparing Celery Root Seeds

Celery seeds (as well as its closest relatives - carrots and parsley) are very capricious. Firstly, they quickly lose their viability. Therefore, we recommend purchasing only fresh seeds or collecting your own every year. Secondly, their surface is impregnated with essential oils, which protect the seed from unfavorable conditions, but make it difficult to germinate. In this regard, before planting, the seeds should be soaked in water for two days, or even better, germinate them in dark place on a plate with a damp cloth or paper. It is important to periodically (3 times a day) change the water in which the seeds are soaked or ensure that the cloth in the saucer is always damp. When the seeds sprout, it’s time to sow them for seedlings.

Growing root celery seedlings

Sowing seeds for seedlings can be done from February 5 to March 15. The best soil for growing celery, a mixture of six parts peat, two parts humus, part turf soil and part mullein is considered.
You can also mix vermicompost with sand in equal shares. Typically, celery is sown in a box in rows according to a 2x2 centimeter pattern. A good helper You will need a match or a toothpick: first, use it to make shallow holes in the ground, and then place the seeds in them. Cover the top with half a centimeter of soil, cover with film and place in a warm, dark place.
As the soil dries, moisten it with a sprayer. A week later, friendly shoots appear. With the emergence of seedlings, the box with seedlings is placed on a bright, cool windowsill. Optimal temperature for seedlings now - +16°C.

At first, celery seedlings resemble thin, fragile blades of grass, so they are not watered, but sprayed and, if possible, taken out to the balcony in the sun. The air temperature on the balcony should be at least +8°C; celery seedlings cannot be frozen, otherwise the plant will produce a flowering shoot instead of a juicy root crop.
When the seedlings have two true leaves, you can pick each one separate pot, pinching the main root by a third when transplanting. Seedlings are buried down to the cotyledons, without covering the growing point. We wrote in detail about what picking is and whether it is worth the candle in this article. Before planting young plants in the ground, you can feed the seedlings a couple of times with organic or mineral fertilizers.
Spraying with a pink solution of potassium permanganate, fertilizing with an infusion of bird droppings, a solution of humate or complex fertilizer have proven themselves to be very effective.

Planting root celery for seedlings

Sowing celery seedlings:

  • for seedlings, prepare boxes with loose garden soil mixed with sand and humus, or purchased soil mixture;
  • a couple of days before sowing, spill boiling water with potassium permanganate on the soil;
  • immediately before sowing, moisten the soil well and make furrows one centimeter deep;
  • sow the seeds at intervals of up to five centimeters;
  • You can sprinkle a very thin layer of earth on top or leave the seeds uncovered - this way they will germinate faster;
  • then moisten the soil with a spray bottle and cover the box with glass or film to create the effect of a mini-greenhouse;
  • before the celery shoots appear, the temperature should be at +25 degrees, and after five days the temperature should be lowered to +16 degrees, otherwise the seedlings will stretch out;
  • dense shoots will need to be thinned out.

In February, celery seedlings do not receive enough natural light, which can cause the seedlings to stretch out and fall over on their side. Therefore, it is recommended to additionally illuminate the seedlings.

Process growing celery root from seeds happens in stages. The most important thing is sowing and proper care for seedlings. Anyone, even a novice gardener, can do this at home.

The soil must be prepared in advance. In the fall, you need to properly dig up the soil and add humus (leaves, turf), and also fertilize it with phosphorus and nitrogen.

You cannot add manure to the soil before sowing, otherwise the plants may get sick from oversaturation.

If suddenly you were unable to dig up a bed for seedlings in the fall, dig it up in the spring using a Fokin flat cutter.

Soil acid should not exceed pH 7. Anything grows poorly on acidic, watery soil. garden culture, and clay soil simply needs good drainage.

Celery seeds


Choose your seeds responsibly, this directly affects the yield.

Oddly enough, imported seed suppliers provide the highest quality products. If you take Russian seeds, take “Aelita” and “Russian size”. You will not regret.

For the harsh Russian climate, it is advisable to plant early varieties, ripening in 3–4 months.

The most famous varieties celery root– this is “Gribovsky”, “Esaul”, “Diamand”, “Maxim”.

There are early, mid-ripe and late varieties. When choosing a package of seeds, carefully look at the ripening period.

This variety of celery grows for a long time, from 120 to 200 days. This is why early varieties are preferable to others. In addition, when choosing a variety, the climate and size of ripe fruits are taken into account. There is no need to give up taste qualities.

Root celery can also be grown without seedlings, but this is only suitable for the southern regions.

Northern areas should be chosen exclusively seedling method. When celery freezes, it loses its viability, so either purchase fresh seeds every year or collect them from your garden.

Those who add celery to their food should take a closer look at varieties with large root vegetables.
Be sure to check the expiration date of the seeds!

Preparing seeds for sowing

Consider the presence of essential oils in seeds, because they negatively affect the growth of crops.

They need to be processed before sowing. Place them in a cloth bag and place them in a glass of water. Change the water every 5–6 hours. This will speed up seed germination by a week.

Seeds that are encrusted are not subject to such treatment.


When to plant celery? You ask.

We answer: root celery takes a long time to ripen, so Already in February (at most in March) you need to plant seedlings.

To make the seeds grow faster, soak them in water. room temperature them for 2 days, then dry them a little, and you can already sow. Prepare a box for seedlings and soil. The ground should consist of turf, sand and humus, make grooves through 5 cm while slightly compacting the soil.

Eat good way sowing: put snow in the grooves, scatter seeds on top, when the snow melts, the snow itself will “plant” to the required depth. No need to put a lot of snow - put it in Plastic container snow on top of the ground 2 cm.

No need to sprinkle soil. After this, we cover the future seedlings with film and place them in a warm place where the temperature is at least + 20 degrees.

Celery seedlings

Which container is best for seedlings?

Any, the main thing is ease of replanting. At the initial stage, plastic containers are very good.

The soil is poured into pots or boxes; a little sand is added for drainage and the necessary looseness. A few days before sowing, the soil is disinfected with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Seedling care

As soon as the shoots appear, reduce the temperature to +16 degrees. To prevent the sprouts from stretching, use phytolamps. Ventilate the crops every day by removing the film and spraying with a spray bottle. Thanks to such a home “greenhouse”, the seedlings will become healthy.

Thin out the sowing from time to time, focusing on the density and growth of the plants, removing frail specimens and allowing more succulent stems to grow more freely.

Picking is done after the first leaves appear.

When replanting celery into another container, do not inadvertently fill the center of the celery, but only deepen it to the base of the leaves.

This way you will know if the seeds are fresh. Fresh ones will sprout in a week, slightly stale ones will germinate in a month.

In general, they can be stored for more than 4 years, but the yield may decrease every year. IN All care is just timely watering and daily ventilation. Don't let the soil dry out, but don't overload it with water either.

There is another, simpler way of growing - “on paper”. Line a plastic container with napkins, pour water and add an average amount of seeds. No need to pour them in with a generous hand.

After this, close the container with a lid and place it in a warm and well-lit place. In a week you can already expect the first shoots.

Now start replanting: to do this, separate each sprout from the napkin using a toothpick, then plant each of them in a separate hole. It is better to continue growing seedlings in a greenhouse because... in a room at a temperature of 20 - 25 ° C, the sprouts may stretch, and this is wrong.

Plant seedlings with two leaves in separate pots. Remove the root in the center by a third. Deepen the young growth to the point where the leaves branch.

Allow the seedlings to acclimatize for a day and then place them in the sun. Before global transplantation, feed it with liquid complex fertilizer.

Try to keep the soil moist.

Caring for celery in open ground

Photo: Celery bush in open ground

You can start transplanting plants into the ground as early as May, when the weather is dry and cloudless. It’s better not to take risks and wait for a stable temperature.

Although root celery is not afraid of autumn frosts, although it periodically blooms from hypothermia, which takes away the strength of the root crop.

Therefore, it is prudent to provide shelter for the plant from the cold. Now it is important to prevent the root from growing tightly into the soil.

Otherwise, the bush will not grow lush, large and even.

How to treat a celery bush

It is impossible to “thin out” celery leaves from a growing bush. This will take away the strength of the root vegetable. Only individual outer leaves can be removed. A celery bush cannot be hilled, otherwise;

provoke the growth of lateral roots, leading to unsightly flattening of the tuber;

From time to time, pour soil from the tops and try not to damage the lateral roots with a knife, cutting them off for symmetry. It is necessary to constantly maintain proper humidity, the taste and aroma of the plant depends on it.

The bush needs to be watered until October, during the entire growth period.

When watering, do not touch the leaves.

Sometimes it is necessary to loosen the soil immediately after watering.
Sometimes you need to feed with a solution of herbs: cow grass or Azofoska.

In summer, it is enough to add nitrogen fertilizers 3 times. You can't resort to nitrogen fertilizers often, because . can provoke infection with scab or septoria.

Feeding celery during cultivation

Proportions for preparing feeding solutions:

Prepare a herbal solution from mullein at a ratio of 1:10, i.e. 1 liter of infusion and 9 parts of water.

As soon as the root crop begins to set, make a solution boric acid: 2 gr. per 10 liters of water, boron should dissolve completely in hot water, and then you need to let the solution cool.

Why can’t you plant celery directly in open ground?

If the acidity in the soil is exceeded, then open ground will harm the plant, and you cannot fertilize it with manure. Otherwise, the root vegetables will be spotty.

To increase productivity, you need to dig up the soil in the fall and also add humus.

Celery will never grow on acidic soil. If the soil is clayey, provide drainage.

When you start harvesting, take into account the features.

By mid-August useful material concentrated in the root crop, leaving the leaves. This occurs due to photosynthesis. Therefore, do not cut them throughout the summer, otherwise the root crop will not absorb the power of the leaves.

Celery root crops are harvested later than others, in October. Root crops are not afraid of frost; they can even withstand temperatures as low as -5 °C.

How to use celery?

This herb has a tart, bitter taste; it is used both fresh and dried as a seasoning. They season soups, main courses, pates, and even drinks. All its parts are used: leaves, roots, stems and seeds.

Celery leaves can be frozen. It is also good for home canning - petioles and leaves are suitable for this.

Even celery seeds are used to make salt more flavorful.

Celery is ground, dried, and then used in all sorts of spicy spices.

Useful properties of celery

How is celery useful for the site?

1. Celery is planted in the countryside to attract earthworms. They love being in its roots. Worms help loosen the soil, create favorable conditions for crops. Attract them to your site. It is best for this purpose to plant celery in a circle or surround part of the garden bed with it.

2. You can plant celery in a cabbage bed and you will see how the number of white flea beetles and flea beetles decreases. All because of its specific smell. A celery bush will take root well next to tomatoes, beans and leeks.

How is celery beneficial to humans?

Useful properties of celery, vitamins

This is a storehouse of vitamins for our body: provitamin A; B1, B2, B6, C, E, K, PP; iron, magnesium, sodium, calcium, potassium, manganese, phosphorus, zinc. Besides, the plant contains amino acids, as well as fiber and essential oils. It even contains coumarin, a substance used to prevent cancer.

In addition, celery is a powerful aphrodisiac.

Who should not eat celery?

Despite the fact that celery carries great benefit for our body, it should not be consumed by pregnant or nursing mothers, because . it may reduce your milk supply. Those suffering from urolithiasis, arthritis and varicose veins should use it with caution. If you have a stomach ulcer, eating celery is not recommended.

Pests and diseases

Attention, pests and diseases of celery!

During the entire growth period, the plant is exposed to pest attacks. Correctly chosen prevention will help get rid of harmful insects and diseases.

The list of diseases of this crop is quite large: spotting, white rot, heart rot, black leg. The main thing is to follow the rule of timely watering, but do not over-moisten the soil, thin out the planting in time, and also weed the bed from weeds.

Insects and other pests can also spread infection. Carrot fly larvae, slugs and snails can be easily eliminated by regular spraying. You can confuse insects by chaotic planting - several types of vegetables or plants in one bed.

By autumn, celery will produce a large root crop. To further enhance its growth ability, press its leaves to the ground, the petioles crack during this, this is beneficial for the growth of the root crop.

Harvest occurs in October. To store root vegetables, you can use both the refrigerator and the basement, just clean the celery tubers from the soil. You can store them in the basement without powders or anything else.

Now every season you only have to monitor the condition of the soil and the plant itself. If everything was done correctly, celery will delight you for several years.

As you understand, to grow celery from seeds you need timely watering and ventilation!

Be sure to watch this useful video about planting celery with your own hands! A lot of important points that are not mentioned in the article:

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