How to properly cut carrots for storage. Wooden or plastic boxes in the basement

Before cutting carrots for storage and for a long stay in the cellar, you need to first study the features of this process. Proper preparation of carrots for the winter is a guarantee not only that they will last until the next harvest, but also that they will retain maximum benefits and taste.

How to prepare carrots for long-term storage?

Tops are trimmed (the video below illustrates how to do this correctly) on the day of harvest. Root vegetables can be picked for food throughout the season, but stored in winter time carrots are harvested in the fall. For each variety, the ripening period is indicated on the bag of seeds; it is important to pay attention to this immediately so as not to start collecting ahead of time. Torn ahead of schedule carrots will not contain the required amount of nutrients, and late harvested vegetables have an increased content of amino acids and sugars, which attracts pests, rodents and carrot fly larvae.

Cut off the tops along with the top of the root crop - about 2 mm, unless you plan to plant carrots in the new season to get your seeds.

The tops are usually cut off at the same time as the top, approximately 2 mm from the edge. You can apply chalk to the cut for safety. For trimming, it is recommended to use a well-sharpened knife with a sharp blade so as not to leave petioles that can germinate and change the condition of the entire carrot.

Pruning is usually carried out after drying the crop and clearing it of earthen lumps in warm and sunny weather. Whole root vegetables are selected to be stored for the winter, and damaged ones are used during the season.

How to preserve the carrot harvest?

The most popular storage is in bags, in sand and in large sealed containers (barrels, tanks). The bulk method, that is, “in a heap” directly on the floor, is now rarely used: the crop in this state is susceptible to attack by rodents, and there may also be a lack of moisture or the threat of flooding with groundwater.

When filling carrots with bulk material, you need the following: sand (sawdust, dry pine needles), boxes, water. With this method, the evaporation of moisture from root crops is significantly reduced, protection against putrefactive infection is created, and a constant temperature is maintained. Before backfilling, the sand is moistened by adding 1 liter of water to 1 bucket of sand. Next, the moistened sand is placed on the bottom of the box 3-5 cm thick, a layer of carrots is placed (the root vegetables should not touch each other), sand is poured again so that it completely covers the vegetables, and a second layer of vegetables is laid. It is not necessary to moisten the sand, and instead of a box you can use a bucket.

However, when choosing this option, you should take into account the severity of the sand. It becomes difficult to carry buckets into the cellar, lift them in winter, and clean out the remaining material in the spring.

Many people claim that it is with this method of storage that carrots retain maximum taste.

When choosing to store carrots in bags, you need two types of bags with different volumes. It’s better to choose ones that won’t fit more than 1-1.5 kg of vegetables. The contents of the package in this quantity are easier to transport, save space in the refrigerator and are consumed before the first signs of spoilage appear on the root crops.

This method has a number of advantages:

  • not used heavy materials and containers;
  • no dirt;
  • fewer root vegetables will be spoiled or eaten by rodents;
  • You can place the packages anywhere in the cellar;
  • longer storage period.

All these advantages compensate for such a small drawback as the insignificant loss of the vegetable’s taste properties in comparison with covering it with sand.

The technology for packaging carrots in plastic bags involves simple steps. First, purchase two types of bags in rolls: one should be larger than the other. Then the capacity of a package of one type can be used to the maximum. If the bags are the same, then the vegetables are not completely placed in one of them, leaving a little space.

Selected carrots are washed in water.

The washed vegetables are laid out to dry in one layer. For uniform drying, it is advisable to lay a net (for example, from a discarded iron bed).
Drying carrots. Rice. 1

After the moisture has dried, the carrots are cut on both sides as seen in the photo.
Carrot trimming. Rice. 2

Ventilate the sections for about 5 minutes. After this, the blanks are laid out in bags with a smaller volume. Having tied it twice, put on the second bag. It is also tied securely.
Carrots in a bag. Rice. 3

Important: after some time, condensation will form inside the bags. The water droplets will later disappear the same way they appeared, it’s not scary.

Storing carrots in aluminum cans or large enamel pans is also a great way. Having collected fresh harvest, root vegetables are carefully prepared: the tops are cut off, washed, and dried in the sun. The containers are placed vertically and covered with a napkin and a lid. It makes sense to put vegetables in a container if the cellar is cool. Then this year's supplies will last well until the next harvest.

Some gardeners leave root vegetables to overwinter directly in the beds so that in the spring they can be dug up juicy and fresh.

In this case, it is necessary to cut off the carrot tops, and build a protection on the garden bed from several layers of wet coarse sand and cover it with film, again pour humus (peat, sawdust or fallen leaves) on top of it and cover it with film again.

How to properly store carrots - all storage methods - country tips

How to properly store carrots: all storage methods - dacha advice

There are two options for treating carrots with clay before storing them.

Option 1. Filling with clay

Take half a bucket of clay and fill it with water. A day later, the clay, swollen with water, is thoroughly mixed and filled with water again. For 3-4 days, the clay is in this state, under a layer of water of 2-3 cm. Before use, the clay must acquire the consistency of sour cream.

Then the bottom of the boxes is lined with film, a layer of carrots is placed (so that the fruits do not touch each other) and filled with liquid clay. When the layer of clay dries, the carrots are laid out again and also filled with clay, and then dried again. And so on until the very top of the box.

Option 2. Dipping in clay

With this method, unwashed carrots are dipped first in garlic and then in a clay mash and laid out to dry in a well-ventilated area (on the veranda, in the attic, under a canopy). Then the dried carrots in the “clay shell” are placed in wooden boxes or cardboard boxes.

Garlic mash is prepared as follows: grind 1 glass of garlic through a meat grinder, then dilute the “minced meat” in 2 liters of water.

To get a clay “mash,” you need to dilute the clay with water to the consistency of thick sour cream, so that it cannot then drain from the root vegetables.

Method No. 5 Storing carrots in moss

You will need: wooden or plastic boxes, sphagnum moss.

Unwashed and sun-dried carrots are first kept in a cool room for 24 hours, and then placed in boxes, alternating layers of carrots with layers of sphagnum moss.

Moss has unique preservative properties, retaining required amount carbon dioxide. In addition, unlike sand and clay, moss is a lightweight material that does not add additional heaviness to boxes of carrots.

Method number 6. Storing carrots in pans

You will need: large enamel pans.

After harvesting, carrots must be washed well, the tops and tails must be trimmed, and the roots must be dried in the sun.

Then the root vegetables are placed tightly vertically in the pan, a napkin is placed on top of them and the pan is covered with a lid. It is recommended to keep all pots with carrots in a cool cellar - then the carrots will last well until the new harvest.

Method No. 7. How to store carrots in onion skins

You will need: boxes, onion and garlic peels.

This method of storing carrots is based on the same principle as storing them in pine sawdust - essential oils from onion and garlic scales also prevent rotting of root vegetables.

Therefore, carrots do not spoil for a long time if they are laid in layers, first sprinkled with dry husks onions and garlic remaining after harvesting these crops and accumulated over the winter.

Method No. 8. Storing carrots in the garden

Some gardeners leave part of the carrot harvest to overwinter directly in the garden bed, then dig it up in the spring and eat it all summer until the new harvest.

The tops of carrots left for storage in the garden bed are completely cut off. Then the bed is covered with damp coarse sand and covered with film.

Sawdust, fallen leaves, peat or humus are poured on top of the film, and then the bed is covered with roofing felt or another layer of film. Carrots tolerate well under such shelter winter cold and remains fresh and tasty.

Several Yet original ways carrot storage

Pre-washed and trimmed carrots are wrapped in cling film, making sure that each carrot is completely wrapped in film and does not come into contact with its “neighbors”.

Root vegetables are stored well if they are first sprayed with an infusion of pine needles or onion peel. For 100 g of husk or pine needles, take a liter of water and infuse for 5 days. This infusion can not only be sprayed, you can immerse carrots in it for 10 minutes, dry it and store it.

Unusual folk way storing carrots in paraffin: clean and dried root vegetables are dipped in hot paraffin with the addition of a small amount of beeswax for elasticity. This treatment allows carrots to be stored for 4-5 months at a temperature of 0-2°C. It will remain tasty and fresh.

Carrots can be dusted with chalk at the rate of 150-200 grams of chalk per 10 kg. carrots, or immerse the root vegetables in a 30% chalk suspension and then dry well. The chalk layer creates a weak alkaline environment, thereby preventing root crops from rotting.

In addition, you can store carrots by wrapping each root vegetable separately in paper or newspaper.

Dry leaves of Saracen mint (kanufera) will help protect carrots stored in the cellar from rodents. It is enough to line the boxes with dry plant stems and rodents will not approach.

If your carrot harvest is small and you have a freezer, it makes sense to grind most of the carrots using a food processor and freeze them in regular plastic bags.

Whatever method of storing carrots you choose, it’s worth remembering:

Optimal humidity air when storing root vegetables is 90-95%. - the best temperature for storing carrots is 0-1 ° C.

A good harvest depends not only on the weather, soil fertility and seed quality, but also on the knowledge of the gardener! Carrots will delight you with even and large root crops every fall, if you understand:

Why carrots grow clumsy and how to avoid it; - how to grow carrots without chemicals; - how to deal with the main pests of carrots.

We wish you success and great harvests!

Source: Dachnye-sovety. ru

Beet collection, preparation and storage

Beetroot: collection, preparation and storage

For better preservation of the root crop, it is necessary to choose the right beet variety. In order to maximize the shelf life of beets, it is necessary to plant late varieties beets, such as Red Ball, Akela, Red Cloud F1, Two-Seed TSHA, etc. The harvest time for beets is October, when the weather is dry and cool. You cannot delay harvesting until the first frost; beets are a very delicate vegetable and you can lose most of the harvest. After harvesting, it is necessary to dry and clean the beets from dirt, and separate damaged and diseased root crops. Trim the tops with scissors, leaving 2-3 cm. Then the beets are placed in a well-ventilated, dry room for two weeks.

How to store beets in winter
How to store beets

Several methods are suitable for storing red beets in a cellar or special room:

    Storing beets in plastic bags. With this method, the bags are filled 2/3 with healthy root vegetables and left open to avoid the greenhouse effect. You can sprinkle the beets with straw or wood shavings to better preservation moisture.
    Storing beets in sand. With this method, the beets retain moisture better, and the sand also prevents the spread of pathogenic bacteria and mold.
    In wooden boxes. You can line the bottom of the boxes with polyethylene or sand and straw. Lay out the root vegetables and cover with shavings or straw on top.
Where and how to store beets if there is no cellar

If there is no specially equipped room on your site, then you can store beets in piles and trenches.

The pile method of storing beets is more suitable for areas with warmer climates and mild winters. There are several types of piles - buried, semi-buried and above ground. The depth of the pile largely depends on groundwater and climate. A ground pile is created on the surface, preferably on a hill. Its size should be at least 70 cm at the base and 35-45 cm along the ridge. Cover the stacked beet roots with straw, sawdust, dry leaves and tops; dry peat is also suitable for this. It is also necessary to install on the crest of the collar ventilation pipe. When frost begins, it is necessary to sprinkle the pile with earth. When the temperature drops to -4 C, the ventilation must be closed at night; when frost intensifies, it must be packed with straw and sawdust. When using semi-buried piles, dig a hole 20-30 centimeters deep. For buried ones, use a pit with a depth of 0.5 to 1 meter. The trench method of storing beets is more labor-intensive, but it guarantees better protection harvest from disease infection. Trenches are dug to a depth of about one meter; the length of the trench can reach 10-15 meters. The beet harvest is planted to the edge of the trenches. Thermal insulation should be the same as in the collars.

    Before planting a new crop in the underground or cellar, be sure to disinfect the room with a solution of formaldehyde or bleach; When placing beets in boxes or bags, small and medium-sized root vegetables are placed at the bottom, and large ones at the top, since large beets have a shorter shelf life; Be sure to check the beet harvest every two to three weeks and remove unhealthy root crops.

Source: Howtostore ru

How to cut carrot tops for storage how to cut carrots for storage garden and vegetable garden

How to trim the tops of carrots for storage 🚩 how to trim carrots for storage 🚩 garden and vegetable garden

To keep the carrots as long as possible for a long time, you need to start cleaning it on time. The fact is that closer to mid-autumn, rains become more frequent, it becomes cooler, which means water stagnates in the soil, which in turn negatively affects root crops. Stagnation of moisture leads to fungal diseases affecting vegetables. When harvesting carrots, damaged areas may be almost invisible, and if healthy fruits placed in storage together with “sick” ones, they will inevitably “get sick” and will be unfit for food. Therefore, if you live in Central Russia, then start harvesting carrots no later than the end of September.

First, carefully dig the root vegetables out of the garden bed, being careful not to damage them. Do not hit the dug carrots against each other to remove particles of soil, as this can lead to microcracks in the fruits and their shelf life will decrease significantly. If the carrots grow in sandy soil, then in this case it is enough to just shake it while holding it by the tops. For carrots growing in heavier soil, shaking will not be enough; here you cannot do without washing the fruits in warm water. After washing, it is very important to keep the crop hanging in a well-ventilated area for three days, after which you can begin trimming the tops.

You can trim the tops in different ways, for example, if the desired shelf life of the fruit does not exceed 3 months (or you are going to use carrots in the future to grow seeds), then in this case you can trim the green part a couple of centimeters above the head of the vegetable, if you want to enjoy delicious and fresh vegetables up to next summer, then you need to cut off the tops along with 2-3 mm of the head of the root vegetables themselves (if this is not done, then after 3-4 months the carrots will begin to sprout and become soft and tasteless). As for storing carrots, they are stored longest in sand at a temperature of 2-4 degrees Celsius.

Source: www. kakprosto. ru

Do they trim the tops of carrots and why is it necessary?

Thanks to the large amount of microelements and vitamins contained in carrots, they are deservedly popular with most farmers who grow their own vegetables. To ensure that the final product is safe for human health, it is advisable not to use strong chemicals to treat the area or feed plants. To do this, we will talk about some of the features of growing carrots on the site, how they are harvested, processed, and when carrot tops are cut.

Features of growing carrots

In general, carrots are a fairly unpretentious vegetable that is accepted almost everywhere. However, you should pay attention to a number of features. It is advisable to take them into account when growing this root crop, since only in this case will it be possible to achieve a good harvest.

First of all, you should pay attention to the quality of the soil in which you will plant carrots. Loamy and sandy loam soil is preferred.

If you have a clay type of soil, you will need to structure it. To do this, it is best to use sand and organic components (for example, compost, humus), which will need to be added to the soil. When you mix all the components in equal proportions you get good basis for growing carrots. There are other features that can significantly affect the volume of the harvest obtained.

Do not forget that it is advisable to plant vegetables on neutral soil or with a high alkali content. An acidity level higher than permissible will not allow obtaining quality product at the end of the season, and the root vegetables themselves will lose their taste.

If the soil on the site has a high level acidic substances, then neutralization must be done. Typically, chalk or lime is used for this purpose. In spring, it is better to do this using chalk at a rate of about 1 kilogram per 3-4 square meters.

When planting, you can use soil fertilizer. This is usually used wood ash. It is poured into the furrow, where carrot seeds are then thrown. The soil should also include organic amendments. To enrich the land with such components, farmers usually use herbivore manure, bird droppings, compost, and mulching.

In the future, it is necessary to water the soil in a timely manner, since carrots do not tolerate dry periods well. If you don’t water the crop enough, the root crops will gradually begin to crack. Also, before planting, carefully read the characteristics of the carrot variety. They will differ in taste, size of root crops, resistance to diseases and pests, as well as a number of other features.

For good growth and the development of the root crop will require sufficiently warm conditions and good lighting. It is not advisable to grow crops in shady areas. If conditions are favorable, the first shoots can appear within 3 weeks. To speed up the process, you can use polyethylene covering land plot to better warm the soil.

Insufficient care can lead to the fact that the fruits acquire some deviations - external defects, cracking, and weak plants simply die. Unpretentiousness vegetable crop does not mean that you can not devote any time to growing it.

To increase productivity, it is advisable to periodically loosen the soil so that water can better pass to the horse system.

Thinning of the seed may also be necessary, as carrots are sown unevenly. When seedlings appear, it will be possible to understand in which areas there are many entrances. This must be done so that the root crops do not interfere with each other’s growth.

IN further thinning may slow down the growth process, so it is advisable to do this in the early stages. The optimal distance between fruits can be considered about 5 centimeters.

Video “How to grow productive carrots in high beds”


Harvesting time usually depends on the carrot variety. Early-ripening varieties of vegetables are usually harvested at the end of July, mid-ripening and late-ripening in September. It is advisable to do everything before the onset of seasonal cold snaps or frosts (depending on the planting area).

It is best to carry out cleaning in dry weather. For digging, use a pitchfork or bayonet shovel. After digging, you will need to dry the root vegetables well in the shade. Before this, the carrot tops are cut off garden shears or pruning shears. It is necessary to trim the tops so that they do not pull out from the root crop nutrients, which accumulated during the growth process.

Be careful not to damage the carrot skin during harvesting. Otherwise, they will not be able to be stored in the cellar for a long time, but will begin to deteriorate. If this happens, then you can take away damaged fruits, using for food in the near future. The rest of the crop, after drying, will need to be transferred to a cool, dry place.

It is best to use wooden boxes for laying, sprinkling the carrots with layers of sand. This will protect the crop from sunlight and direct moisture. The use of sand for storing carrots has proven itself, and has already long time used by most farmers.


Carrot processing usually involves adding special means to protect the crop from various diseases, pathogenic microflora, as well as from harmful insects.

For control, it is customary to use ammonia-containing preparations, “Bazudin”, “Aktaru”, “Medvetox”, and special fungicides.

After identifying the cause that affects root crops, a special type of targeted agent is selected. It is advisable to carry out treatment immediately after detecting the first signs of disease or the appearance of insects (flies, mole crickets, leaf fleas and others).

Tops trimming

Many novice gardeners are interested in the question of whether it is possible to trim carrot tops during the last stage of ripening of the vegetable. The fact is that even at this time, saturation with useful microelements and vitamins continues.

For this, the vegetable requires the process of photosynthesis, and without green leaves and stems this is not possible. For this reason, the tops should not be trimmed until the carrots have finished growing. If you cut it earlier, the growth of carrots will stop. If you don’t dig it up right away, it will simply rot in the ground.

Carrot tops are trimmed only after digging up the root crops. This way they will be stored much longer.

Video “Here are the carrots! How to achieve a harvest"

The video details ways to achieve maximum yield when growing carrots.

How to properly harvest carrots - Good-Tips.Pro

Shafransky V.G. | 2017-05-03

Carrots are more beneficial the longer they remain in the garden, because it is on autumn days that they intensively accumulate nutrients and vitamins. But, at the same time, it should be remembered that with carrots, more than with other vegetables, the size, quality, and safety of root crops during winter storage depend on how correctly the harvesting time is chosen.

To solve this issue - it’s time to remove the carrots or leave them in the ground for another 10–15 days, you need to dig one or more root vegetables out of the ground. If the carrot is overgrown with small roots, then it’s time, otherwise the rodents will get to it before us.

Early ripe carrots

Early ripening carrots are usually harvested selectively as needed. In this case, larger root crops are pulled out first to improve growing conditions for neighboring plants. In this case, it is necessary to immediately fill all the voids left by the pulled out plant with soil in order to protect the “neighbors” in the garden bed from the carrot fly.

But many gardeners remove early-ripening carrots completely at once to make room for re-seeding other vegetables. After early carrots, bush beans, head lettuce, cauliflower, kohlrabi and broccoli.

Mid- and late-ripening varieties

Popular wisdom says: “On Cornelius (September 24), the root does not grow in the ground, but freezes.” One must act in accordance with this sign, i.e. harvest the main crop of medium- and late ripening varieties at the end of September, depending on weather conditions.

You already know that carrots are a cold-resistant crop and that it gives the most intensive increase in yield (up to 40–45%) at the end of August and September during the period of gradual decrease in average daily temperature. This is facilitated by the rapid outflow of nutrients from the leaves into the roots at a temperature of 7-8°C.

Biological ripeness of root crops occurs after the end of intensive growth when they reach the shape and color typical for a given variety. But when unfavorable conditions, at very high or low temperatures during the formation of root crops, the biological ripeness of carrots may not occur, and then the root crops have to be harvested at the stage technical ripeness.

By various reasons sometimes you even have to harvest carrots on your site in the first half of September. But, as you already understand, this leads to a large shortage of carrots and the production of small, not fully ripened root crops, which quickly wither and are poorly stored.

The most favorable time for cleaning

Most favorable timing The end of September should be considered for harvesting carrots on our plots. When harvesting at this time, you will get the maximum harvest of carrots, which will be stored well in winter.

Further prolonged delay in harvesting does not produce a positive effect, since if the daytime air temperature does not rise above 4-5°C, then the outflow of nutrients from the leaves to the roots practically stops and the carrots stop growing. Carrot roots in the soil tolerate a short-term decrease in temperature to −3...-5°C. But if you dig them out of the ground, they cannot tolerate even the mildest frosts.

Carrot harvesting technology

Carrots are harvested only in good weather. Varieties with short and semi-long root crops are easily pulled out of the ground by hand, but when harvesting long root crops, you cannot do without a fork or shovel.

At the same time, we must not forget that carrots are very sensitive to mechanical damage. Therefore, when harvesting carrots, transporting and storing them, you must carefully observe generally accepted rules: avoid blows, kinks, scratches and other mechanical damage to carrots, because Root crops do not heal well from such damage, through which pathogens of rot and disease penetrate into the root crops.

You cannot leave the tops uncut for a long time - the leaves, quickly evaporating moisture, will cause the root crops to wither, which will sharply reduce their resistance to diseases during storage. There is no need to completely clear the root crops from the soil. You should also not wash them, as this can accelerate the development of diseases. Harvested carrots cannot be kept in heaps in the garden for a long time, because... Root crops quickly wither and become unsuitable for winter storage.

How to remove tops

How to remove tops? Do not break it by twisting it with your hands. Just cut with a knife. If you leave small petioles, then closer to spring tops will begin to grow on the root crops, which will not only reduce the weight of the carrots, but will also sharply worsen its nutritional value. Therefore, cut the root vegetables with a knife along the line of the dormant eyes, i.e. cut off the top by 1-2 mm. In this case, the tops will not germinate during storage.

Completion of cleaning and storage

Immediately after cutting the tops, the root crops must be removed under a canopy and lightly ventilated before placing them in boxes. Then the root crops are sorted, removing diseased, damaged and soft ones. They are used immediately for food or for processing, without leaving them for winter storage. Then the carrots selected for winter storage must be kept in a dark and cool room for 5-6 days so that they are well cooled, and only then the already cooled carrots can be stored in the basement.

Harvesting carrot root crops must be completed before the onset of cold weather, since root crops damaged by frost lose resistance to pathogens. During temporary storage, root crops are covered with a layer of soil of 15–20 cm. They cannot be covered with straw or tops, since after harvesting they release a lot of moisture. Therefore, when straw and tops are moistened, conditions are created for the development of diseases.


  1. Removing carrots is also a science. - Ural gardener No. 12/2010

How to properly harvest and store carrots?

Vasily Denisovich, Ufa asks a question:

Please tell me how to harvest and store carrots so that the harvest lasts for a long time. We are beginner gardeners, and we don’t have a cellar yet. Perhaps someone knows how to do without it and preserve vegetables.

The expert answers:

Grow good harvest vegetables are half the battle. The main thing that a gardener should know is how to harvest and store carrots so that they last for a long time.

There is no need to rush to harvest. This is a cold-resistant crop that is not afraid of autumn coolness, but it cannot be left to the point of frost. Frozen vegetables will not last long. The best time to harvest is the beginning of October, when the root crops are fully ripe and the tops have begun to dry out a little on top. The day for harvesting should be chosen dry and sunny. You can't pull out carrots. The soil should be dug up a little and carefully pulled out by the tops. Greens must be cut immediately, otherwise the fruits will quickly wither. You should not cut right down to the tuber; you should leave a “stump” about 1.5 cm high.

There is no need to send carrots straight from the garden to the basement. The harvest must be sorted, damaged and small fruits must be selected. Party prepared for long-term storage, dried for 2 hours outdoors. Then it needs to be kept in a cool place for several days.

When it comes to storing, there are several ways to preserve your harvest for a long time. The best conditions for storage are a room where the temperature is 0 degrees and air humidity is 90-95%. When the temperature rises even by 2 degrees, the fruits will begin to germinate and become affected by diseases.

One of the best storage methods is to use shallow boxes and sand. The fruits are laid in rows and sprinkled with clean, damp sand. Sand will prevent the development of diseases and spoilage of fruits. Boxes can be stacked, but not more than 2 m in height. Sawdust can be used instead of sand.

Carrots will be stored very well if you “dress” them in clay. For this, a rare clay solution is prepared, into which all the fruits are dipped in turn. To dry, they need to be placed on grids or slats. After complete drying, the root vegetables can be sent to the basement. Such “clothes” will protect the fruits from diseases and pests, and also preserve the taste.

You can store carrots for several months even without a cellar. But first you need to carry out preparatory work. Each tuber is “shortened” by 2-3 cm on top and 1 cm on the bottom. This is done to prevent the carrots from sprouting and starting to rot. Then it needs to be washed and dried. Prepared fruits are stacked in rows of 10-15 pieces and wrapped in sheets thick paper. Newspapers should not be used. Horseradish root, previously washed and dried, is placed in each package.

To fold the packages, you need to prepare a plastic bag. First, holes with a diameter of no more than 1-1.5 cm are made in it at a distance of 25-30 cm from each other. Tie the bag and leave it in a cool place. If this is a balcony or loggia, then you need to make sure that the vegetables do not freeze when severe frosts arrive. Periodically, the packages need to be sprayed with a little water from a spray bottle. But do not over-moisten the paper so that the vegetables do not rot.

How to prepare carrots for winter storage

Carrots are one of the types of vegetables that require special attention during long-term storage. In order to have this tasty and healthy root vegetable on your table all year round, when growing, harvesting and storing, you should take into account the variety, follow the harvesting rules and storage conditions.

The best carrot varieties for storage

If early-ripening carrots grow on the site, then they are removed as they ripen, pulling out large fruits and making room for the growth of small ones. In this case, the holes must be filled to protect against the penetration of pests. These carrots are best stored frozen, grated and packaged in bags.

For long-term storage, the choice of mid-late and late-ripening varieties is justified:

Name Terms of technical ripeness, days. Productivity, kg/sq. m Root weight, g
Queen of Autumn 117 - 130 3,8 - 9 60 - 180
Incomparable 100 - 120 3,1 - 7,1 90 - 210
Shantane 2461 110 - 130 3,5 - 8,1 75 - 250
Nevis F I 110 - 130 8,9 110 - 165
Flaccoro 125 - 130 8,8 135 - 200

All these varieties are resistant to diseases, have good shelf life and excellent taste qualities. If you decide to grow mid-season varieties, then the best for the middle zone are considered to be Moskovskaya Winter, Losinoostrovskaya 13, Vitaminnaya 6.

When to Harvest Carrots

For late varieties, harvest time is middle lane occurs in the second half of September. The timing may vary depending on the variety, sowing time, and climatic conditions.

Harvesting carrots correct timing allows the root crop to gain the maximum possible weight without starting to deteriorate.

How to guess required deadline?

Experienced vegetable growers pull out one root crop and see if it has begun to grow small roots. If such growth appears, it’s time to clean up. In the case when carrots were sown in late dates and has not yet gained sufficient weight (namely, with a decrease in the average daily temperature, there is intensive growth of root crops - up to 45%), the harvest time is postponed by 10 - 14 days.

These dates also vary depending on the climate. Carrots can be preserved during short-term frosts (-3-5°C) without losing their nutritional qualities if they are kept in the ground. Some vegetable growers leave part of the harvest in the ground, covering the bed with manure (in severe winters) or straw and film.

If the mercury column does not rise above +5°C, then the flow of nutrients from the leaves to the roots stops, and the vegetable does not grow. Therefore, with the onset of stable cool weather, you should not delay, but choose a dry and slightly windy day and start cleaning.

How to harvest carrots

Harvesting of varieties with short and small root crops is carried out without any tools, since they are easily pulled out. If the carrots are long and large, then you can’t do without equipment.

Root crops are placed in small, well-ventilated heaps for several hours, after which they are transported under a shed, where the carrots are dried for several more days. You should not remove the remaining soil from root crops, much less wash it - this can become an impetus for the development of diseases during storage.

When carrying out work, the tops are removed immediately using sharp knife. Leave minimally short cuttings - 2-3 mm. With this treatment, carrots will not germinate by spring; this will retain nutrients and moisture in the fruits. It is practiced to cut the head completely by 0.5-1 cm, with an even and smooth cut.

Carrots are very vulnerable to diseases. Therefore, cleaning is carried out as carefully as possible, trying not to cause mechanical damage during transportation, drying and sorting.

Before storing root crops, they sort them out again, selecting damaged, wilted, irregular shape. They are processed and used for food.

Storing carrots in a basement or cellar

For long-term storage in a cellar or basement, first of all, conditions favorable for storing carrots are created: humidity 90 - 95% and temperature 0 + 2 ° C. If the cellar is warm and dry, provide additional ventilation.

The following methods are used:

Careful selection of healthy fruits and temperature conditions are important for preservation. Therefore, when planting, try to isolate the fruits from each other as much as possible to avoid possible infection.

Storage in piles and trenches

If there are a lot of carrots, or the basement is small, they are buried in the ground for winter storage until spring, leaving the required amount for the winter months.

To do this, dig a shallow trench (up to 60 cm) in a high place. The size of the trench depends on the number of carrots. If you are going to take carrots from here in winter, then it is better to make several beads so that when opening you can use all the carrots.

The trench is lined with a thick layer of dry wormwood, then the carrots are sprinkled with sand, laid in rows in a pyramid. Cover the top with a layer of wormwood and straw, cover with a layer of earth up to 10-15 cm (depending on the winter) and apply a sheet of slate or film. If the winter is harsh, you can add more soil and snow.

Wormwood in piles is a must - otherwise you risk unearthing only cores in the spring. Ledum, elderberry, and chamomile also have a repellent effect on rodents. Black elderberry is even planted near storage facilities; its roots produce hydrocyanic acid, and rodents leave the area.

Storage in the refrigerator and on the balcony

In urban conditions, long-term storage of carrots is more problematic, but here, too, people's ingenuity helps to find a way out:

Carrots often become limp and wrinkled after long-term storage. To give her back appearance and taste, cut off the top and place the cut side in a glass of water, let the water cover 1/3 of the root vegetable. After some time, the carrots will become fresh and juicy.

Other storage methods

Long-term preservation of carrots is achieved different methods and through various means. Here are some of them:

  • 100 g onion peels or pine needles infused in 1 liter of water for 5 days. Then the infusion is sprinkled on carrots or root vegetables are dipped in it and dried. The method is based on the bactericidal properties of the infusion;
  • Melt the paraffin by adding a little wax. Then the root vegetables are dipped into the hot mixture, and a protective film;
  • Roll root vegetables in chalk or sprinkle it on carrots in boxes or piles (100 g per 10 kg). The alkaline environment created by chalk prevents the development of diseases;
  • Saracen mint (kanufer), dried and placed in a cellar or basement, repels rodents.

Whatever method you choose, the requirements of temperature and humidity should come first; this will ensure safety under any storage method, even without aids.

Shelf life of carrots using different methods

Which method will provide the most long term subject to the above conditions? Approximate shelf life for various methods:

To protect root crops from diseases during storage, the storage facility is disinfected. 30 days before planting vegetables, the room is ventilated and dried. Then a 2% bleach solution is used to treat the walls, ceiling and floor.

Two weeks later, the walls are whitened with a solution of slaked lime and copper sulfate: take 2 kg of slaked lime and 250 g of sulfate per bucket of water. After this, the room is dried.

For successful long-term storage of carrots, consider several points: variety, terms and conditions of harvesting, temperature and humidity. This will help you have a valuable vegetable in your diet throughout the year.

So, you sowed carrots, took care of them all summer, and now the most important and interesting part awaits you - harvesting and storing the crop. Below we will tell you how to properly organize this process so that the root crops last safely until next spring, in which cases it is advisable to use a combine harvester for harvesting carrots, and what storage methods are recommended by experienced gardeners.

How to clean

First of all, you need to understand the timing of the harvest. Each variety has its own characteristics, but mid-season and mid-late varieties are more suitable for long-term storage. Therefore, cleaning must be planned for September - mid-October, but in any case before the onset of frost. Until this time, the vegetable will gain the desired sweetness and form a dense peel.

If the carrots are killed by frost, you should not hope for good keeping quality. The most important indicator of ripeness is the condition of the tops. If the leaves begin to turn yellow and wilt, then it’s time to dig up the roots. The weather plays a special role. It is important that 1-2 weeks before the planned harvest there is no rain and the soil is sufficiently dry. It is clear that additional watering is also out of the question. Otherwise, the carrots can quickly rot.

Harvesting carrots itself does not require special knowledge and skills. For convenience, use a garden fork or bayonet shovel. Handle them carefully, only slightly digging up the root crop so as not to damage it. Pulling carrots by hand from dry soil is not recommended. At this time, the tops are no longer so strong and there is a high probability that the leaves will remain in your hands, and the root crop will remain in the ground.

After harvesting, the entire harvest is carefully sorted and spoiled vegetables are thrown away. Then you need to remove the remaining tops. The stems are cut off at the root itself. Peeled carrots are dried for several hours in a shaded and well-ventilated place. To do this, spread the carrots in an even thin layer on burlap or oilcloth. There is no need to put carrots on the ground.

If you grow this crop on a commercial scale, then you will need a carrot harvester. There are two types. The first option is a lifting type machine. It grabs the vegetable by the tops, so there is no need to remove the stems first. The only thing you need to take care of is removing the weeds. Otherwise, automated equipment may go astray from the course of the bed.

Conventional harvesters can only work in areas where the tops have been cut. For short-fruited varieties that are used for industrial processing, potato harvesters with digging attachments are used. The productivity of such combines is greater, but the root crops are damaged. Carrots after such harvesting are not suitable for long-term storage.

Video “How to store correctly”

Proper storage

Carrots tolerate winter storage well if appropriate conditions are created for it. First of all, it is necessary to prepare a suitable room for the harvest. This culture loves cool and damp cellars. To prevent root vegetables from being attacked by fungi and bacteria, it is necessary to disinfect the room and storage containers with copper sulfate or lime. The temperature should not exceed +10°C, and air humidity should be at 95%.

Carrots are stored in open plastic bags, wooden or plastic boxes, cardboard boxes, and also in bulk. At the same time, there are several effective tricks that will help preserve the harvest in its original form until spring. Sprinkling layers of carrots is very popular different materials, for example, sand. To do this, prepare a box and pour a layer of damp loamy sand on its bottom. Place carrots on top so that individual root vegetables do not touch and sprinkle sand again. Repeat the manipulations until the very top of the box.

In the same way, you can layer root vegetables with dry sawdust, peat, and onion peels. Great way storing carrots in clay. Prepare liquid clay mortar and dip the root vegetables in it. As a result, an additional protective shell will be formed on top of the peel.

How to store garlic in a city apartment for the winter

How to properly store carrots: all storage methods - country tips

There are two options for treating carrots with clay before storing them.

Option 1. Filling with clay

Take half a bucket of clay and fill it with water. A day later, the clay, swollen with water, is thoroughly mixed and filled with water again. For 3-4 days, the clay is in this state, under a layer of water of 2-3 cm. Before use, the clay must acquire the consistency of sour cream.

Then the bottom of the boxes is lined with film, a layer of carrots is placed (so that the fruits do not touch each other) and filled with liquid clay. When the layer of clay dries, the carrots are laid out again and also filled with clay, and then dried again. And so on until the very top of the box.

Option 2. Dipping in clay

With this method, unwashed carrots are dipped first in garlic and then in a clay mash and laid out to dry in a well-ventilated area (on the veranda, in the attic, under a canopy). Then the dried carrots in the “clay shell” are placed in wooden boxes or cardboard boxes.

Garlic mash is prepared as follows: grind 1 glass of garlic through a meat grinder, then dilute the “minced meat” in 2 liters of water.

To get a clay “mash,” you need to dilute the clay with water to the consistency of thick sour cream, so that it cannot then drain from the root vegetables.

Method No. 5 Storing carrots in moss

You will need: wooden or plastic boxes, sphagnum moss.

Unwashed and sun-dried carrots are first kept in a cool room for 24 hours, and then placed in boxes, alternating layers of carrots with layers of sphagnum moss.

Moss has unique preservative properties and retains the required amount of carbon dioxide inside. In addition, unlike sand and clay, moss is a lightweight material that does not add additional heaviness to boxes of carrots.

Method number 6. Storing carrots in pans

You will need: large enamel pans.

After harvesting, carrots must be washed well, the tops and tails must be trimmed, and the roots must be dried in the sun.

Then the root vegetables are placed tightly vertically in the pan, a napkin is placed on top of them and the pan is covered with a lid. It is recommended to keep all pots with carrots in a cool cellar - then the carrots will last well until the new harvest.

Method No. 7. How to store carrots in onion skins

You will need: boxes, onion and garlic peels.

This method of storing carrots is based on the same principle as storing them in pine sawdust - essential oils from onion and garlic scales also prevent rotting of root vegetables.

Therefore, carrots do not spoil for a long time if they are laid in layers, having previously been sprinkled with dry peels of onions and garlic, remaining after harvesting these crops and accumulated over the winter.

Method No. 8. Storing carrots in the garden

Some gardeners leave part of the carrot harvest to overwinter directly in the garden bed, then dig it up in the spring and eat it all summer until the new harvest.

The tops of carrots left for storage in the garden bed are completely cut off. Then the bed is covered with damp coarse sand and covered with film.

Sawdust, fallen leaves, peat or humus are poured on top of the film, and then the bed is covered with roofing felt or another layer of film. Under such shelter, carrots tolerate winter cold well and remain fresh and tasty.

A few more original ways to store carrots

Pre-washed and trimmed carrots are wrapped in cling film, making sure that each carrot is completely wrapped in film and does not come into contact with its “neighbors”.

Root vegetables are stored well if they are first sprayed with an infusion of pine needles or onion peels. For 100 g of husk or pine needles, take a liter of water and infuse for 5 days. This infusion can not only be sprayed, you can immerse carrots in it for 10 minutes, dry it and store it.

The folk method of storing carrots in paraffin is unusual: clean and dried root vegetables are dipped in hot paraffin with the addition of a small amount of beeswax for elasticity. This treatment allows carrots to be stored for 4-5 months at a temperature of 0-2°C. It will remain tasty and fresh.

Carrots can be dusted with chalk at the rate of 150-200 grams of chalk per 10 kg. carrots, or immerse the root vegetables in a 30% chalk suspension and then dry well. The chalk layer creates a weak alkaline environment, thereby preventing root crops from rotting.

In addition, you can store carrots by wrapping each root vegetable separately in paper or newspaper.

Dry leaves of Saracen mint (kanufera) will help protect carrots stored in the cellar from rodents. It is enough to line the boxes with dry plant stems and rodents will not approach.

If your carrot harvest is small and you have a freezer, it makes sense to grind most of the carrots using a food processor and freeze them in regular plastic bags.

Whatever method of storing carrots you choose, it’s worth remembering:

The optimal air humidity when storing root crops is 90-95%.
- the best temperature for storing carrots is 0-1 °C.

A good harvest depends not only on the weather, soil fertility and seed quality, but also on the knowledge of the gardener! Carrots will delight you with even and large root crops every fall, if you understand:

Why carrots grow clumsy and how to avoid it;
- how to grow carrots without chemicals;
- how to deal with the main pests of carrots.

We wish you success and great harvests!

Beet collection, preparation and storage

Beetroot: collection, preparation and storage

For better preservation of the root crop, it is necessary to choose the right beet variety. In order to maximize the shelf life of beets, it is necessary to plant late varieties of beets, such as Red Ball, Akela, Red Cloud F1, Two-Seed TSHA, etc. The beet harvest time is October, when the weather is dry and cool. You cannot delay harvesting until the first frost; beets are a very delicate vegetable and you can lose most of the harvest. After harvesting, it is necessary to dry and clean the beets from dirt, and separate damaged and diseased root crops. Trim the tops with scissors, leaving 2-3 cm. Then the beets are placed in a well-ventilated, dry room for two weeks.

How to store beets in winter

How to store beets

Several methods are suitable for storing red beets in a cellar or special room:

    Storing beets in plastic bags. With this method, the bags are filled 2/3 with healthy root vegetables and left open to avoid the greenhouse effect. You can sprinkle the beets with straw or wood shavings to better retain moisture.
    Storing beets in sand. With this method, the beets retain moisture better, and the sand also prevents the spread of pathogenic bacteria and mold.
    In wooden boxes. You can line the bottom of the boxes with polyethylene or sand and straw. Lay out the root vegetables and cover with shavings or straw on top.
Where and how to store beets if there is no cellar

If there is no specially equipped room on your site, then you can store beets in piles and trenches.

Burtova The beet storage method is more suitable for areas with warmer climates and mild winters. There are several types of piles - buried, semi-buried and above ground. The depth of the pile largely depends on groundwater and climate. Ground the collar is created on the surface, preferably on a hill. Its size should be at least 70 cm at the base and 35-45 cm along the ridge. Cover the stacked beet roots with straw, sawdust, dry leaves and tops; dry peat is also suitable for this. It is also necessary to install a ventilation pipe on the crest of the collar. When frost begins, it is necessary to sprinkle the pile with earth. When the temperature drops Up to -4 C The ventilation must be closed at night, and when frost intensifies, it must be packed with straw and sawdust. When using semi-buried piles, dig a hole 20-30 centimeters deep. For buried ones, use a pit with a depth of 0.5 to 1 meter. Trench method of storing beets more labor-intensive, but it guarantees better protection of the crop from disease infection. Trenches are dug to a depth of about one meter; the length of the trench can reach 10-15 meters. The beet harvest is planted to the edge of the trenches. Thermal insulation should be the same as in the collars.

    Before planting a new crop in the underground or cellar, be sure to disinfect the room with a solution of formaldehyde or bleach; When placing beets in boxes or bags, small and medium-sized root vegetables are placed at the bottom, and large ones at the top, since large beets have a shorter shelf life; Be sure to check the beet harvest every two to three weeks and remove unhealthy root crops.

If there is a rich harvest, then the owner will definitely have a problem with how to preserve carrots for the winter. There are rules, if followed, storing carrots does not seem to be a difficult process. The main thing is to comply with all conditions and maintain them throughout the entire period until spring.

Preparing carrots for storage

  1. Remove root vegetables in a timely manner.
  2. Trim off all the tops.
  3. Dry and ventilate for 2-3 hours.
  4. Keep the root vegetables for a week at a temperature of 10–14 °C.

Immediately before storage, all carrots are carefully inspected and fruits with damage and stains are removed.

How to trim carrots for storage

If pruned incorrectly, carrots may sprout in winter. If the tops are not trimmed at all, the carrots will wither, since the greens will suck all the moisture out of them.

Proper pruning in preparation for storage involves two stages: first, the greens are cut before the roots begin. The second stage is cutting off the head to a thickness of half a centimeter. This will prevent the carrots from sprouting during winter storage and will preserve their appearance and quality for a long time.

Where to store carrots

Storing carrots in winter can be done not only in a cellar or basement, but also in a city apartment. The main thing is to create all the conditions so that the root crops do not sprout and rot. When the product withers, it loses all its juice, which contains most of the vitamins. If available, then a cold pantry is also suitable, but only if the temperature conditions correspond necessary conditions storage


There are several options for storing a rich harvest in an apartment. First of all, apartment owners do not have a basement, and therefore create the necessary temperature conditions There are two ways: a refrigerator or a balcony. You can store root vegetables in the refrigerator either in plastic bags or using the freezer. In the latter case, the carrots need to be grated.


A glazed but unheated balcony is suitable for this purpose. You can choose any method: peat, sawdust, sand. Important rule- root crops must be isolated from each other. In this case, there is no risk of rot occurring and spreading to all stored root crops. It will not be possible to preserve the crop on an open balcony, since it will freeze if the temperature changes.

A box that stands on the balcony with vegetables must be closed, and in severe frosts it is recommended to cover it with warm clothes or wrap it in another way. At above-zero temperatures, you should not wrap a container with root vegetables, as it can stop and the process of rotting will begin.


A cellar in a private house is the best option for proper storage carrots in winter. Here you can create best conditions. Including temperature and humidity. In the cellar, root vegetables are stored in any kind of bags, wooden and plastic boxes with filling. It can be sand, sawdust, or even soil with clay.

To preserve the harvest in the cellar, it is important to disinfect and disinfest the room in order to remove insects, rodents, and also destroy fungal spores. All this can interfere with the preservation of root crops, and you will lose the harvest.


The original storage method is a garden bed. It is important to understand that in this case the carrots remain until spring, since the bed cannot be opened. Thus, root vegetables are stored until spring warmth, and you can eat them until fresh greens appear.

Storage in the garden begins with cutting off all carrot tops to the very base. Then the bed is sprinkled with coarse wet sand. Then a film is stretched, onto which peat, sawdust or humus is poured. As a result, everything is covered with another film or roofing felt. In this form, the carrots will successfully overwinter until the moment of digging up and will not spoil. It is important that there is no close occurrence of groundwater.

How to properly store carrots for the winter

Proper storage for the winter depends on what exactly the root crop is stored in. Much depends on the filler, since each gardener chooses the best option for himself. But each method has its own nuances that need to be paid attention to.

In sand

The most common method. The main advantages of sand are that it allows you to maintain the temperature regime necessary for carrots and at the same time prevents the root crops from coming into contact with each other.

For storage you will need a box, sand and water. Use 1 liter of water per bucket of sand. This is enough to moisturize. Sand is laid out at the bottom of the box in a layer 5 cm thick. A layer of carrots on top so that the root vegetables do not touch each other. Sand on top, then another layer and repeat until the box is full. It is also acceptable to use dry sand. It makes sense to add ash or slaked lime to the sand.

In the sawdust

Sawdust should be exclusively coniferous, since such a filler prevents infection by fungus and kills pathogens. Carrots are also stored in layers in sawdust. In addition, phytoncides contained in sawdust will prevent germination during storage.

In the ground

Experts do not recommend storing the entire crop in the garden, since these root crops will only be available for consumption in the spring. This method is only suitable for those who have supplies for the winter. Vegetables in the garden will help you get enough vitamins in the spring and early summer.

In polyethylene

Plastic bags are great for storing root vegetables during the winter. If stored in the refrigerator, bags work great.

When putting root vegetables in bags, it is also recommended to use sawdust from coniferous trees to pour the root vegetables for preservation. This prevents the fruit from touching, kills pathogenic microbes, as well as fungus. You cannot tie a plastic bag, because the carrots must have access to air. The bag must be placed in a dark and cool place. If in winter there is a risk of a strong change in temperature, then the bag will need to be covered with warm clothes.

Important! When placed in polyethylene, carrots must be dried as much as possible, otherwise the rotting process will accelerate.

In a saucepan

A great way to preserve small amounts of vegetables. For this you will need enamel pan. You need to harvest, dry and trim each specimen, and then place it vertically in a pan. Cover the top with a newspaper or napkin and close the pan with a lid. Thus, you can store the crop in a cool place until spring.

In onion or garlic peel

Onion or garlic peels are suitable as a filler for boxes and bags for storing root vegetables. The effect of such bedding is the same as when using pine sawdust. The peels of onions and garlic contain special essential oils that will prevent rot from spreading and repel rodents and insects. This method is especially useful when storing in a cellar. You also need to lay it in layers. The first layer of husks in the box should be thicker, and then we simply pour all the layers of carrots, avoiding the root vegetables touching.

In a refrigerator

In the refrigerator, the root vegetable is stored on the bottom shelf, in plastic bag. IN in this case the carrots must be completely dry and the bag tightly closed to prevent the penetration of foreign odors from the refrigerator.

At small quantity For vegetables, there is a method in which you need to wrap each root vegetable in stretch film and then put it in the refrigerator.

In the freezer

The freezer is suitable for storing small amounts of product. First, the root vegetables must be washed and grated on a coarse grater. Then distribute the resulting mass into bags, close them tightly and put them in the freezer.

The amount of vegetables to be frozen in this case depends on the size of the freezer. If the owner has a large separate freezer, then you can save more healthy root vegetables.

How to store washed carrots

Washed carrots do not last as long as dirty ones. Therefore, for long-term storage, it is not recommended to wash root vegetables.

Washed root vegetables are only suitable for short-term storage in the refrigerator with immediate use or, alternatively, for freezing. In the latter case, it is necessary to wash the vegetable.

Important! If the harvest is large and you plan to save the fruits for the whole winter, then you just need to shake off the soil and clean the root crop with your hands. You won't be able to store washed carrots for long.

At what temperature should carrots be stored?

Storage conditions for carrots suggest high humidity and low temperature. Best option:

  1. Temperature 0–2 °C.
  2. Humidity 90–97%.

It is important to monitor humidity, since at elevated levels the crop will simply rot.

To control the temperature in the room where the root crop is stored, there must be a thermometer. During frosts, be sure to protect and cover the crop so that it does not freeze. Otherwise storage is useless.

Shelf life

The period depends on the chosen storage method. The maximum period during which the product retains its taste and nutritional qualities is 12 months. But this requires constant compliance with all storage conditions. The storage temperature of carrots should not fall below zero, since the root crop loses its taste and will no longer be able to be stored for a year.


Preserving carrots for the winter is easy. Subject to temperature regime and humidity, root vegetables will last through the winter and even longer. It is important to prepare them correctly. Experienced gardeners They know that ideally they also need to choose the right variety. The varieties that are optimal for storage are conical shape and medium size. It is also worth paying attention to the timing of harvest. The product, either unripe or overripe, cannot be stored for a long time. The right variety proper preparation, storage bookmark - three pillars on which long-term storage of root crops in winter rests.

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Closer to autumn, any summer resident asks the question of how to preserve the harvest grown with love. Carrots are considered one of the most common crops in garden beds. Storing root vegetables without meeting certain conditions for a long period is impossible. When choosing a method for preserving vegetables, it is especially recommended to take into account the location of the harvested crop.

Carrot varieties for long-term storage

The best varieties carrots that retain their beneficial properties over a long period of time are presented below.

Among late ripening types:

  • Nantes. A long root crop with a high yield.
  • Chanton. The main advantage is considered to be high fertility and high carotene content in the fruits.

Among mid-season types:

  • Vitamin variety, characterized by excellent resistance to negative temperatures.
  • Touchon. Carrots have very juicy pulp and can be stored in the basement until spring.
  • Boltex - graceful root vegetables, reminiscent of a cone shape, retain their beneficial properties until the end of winter.

Among early varieties:

  • Alyonka. Preservation useful properties perhaps until mid-winter.
  • Bangor. Stored until mid-spring.
  • Lagoon. Starts to deteriorate at the end of winter.

Important! Early varieties are still more intended for consumption (especially for making juices) than for storage.

Rules for collecting carrots for storage

  • Harvesting can only be done in warm and dry weather. If root vegetables are removed from damp soil, they must be thoroughly dried before being sent to the cellar.
  • The best harvest time is September. It is not recommended to keep carrots in the ground longer than the end of October.
  • When digging carrots, it is recommended to use pitchfork. Each of the root crops must be held by the tops.
  • Under no circumstances acceptable damage to vegetable skin during harvest. The integrity of the skin guarantees a long shelf life of the fruit.

Having carefully dug up the vegetable crop, you should place the collected root crops on an oilcloth under open air. Thorough drying will take about 5-6 hours. The fruits should be laid out in one layer. Root vegetables should not touch. If the crop is too wet, it is better to dry it in the sun for several days.

After drying, the following manipulations must be carried out:

  1. Clear the crop of earthen deposits.
  2. Select specimens with damaged skin, since when it is damaged, microbes very quickly penetrate into the carrots, which will soon lead to spoilage of the product.
  3. Re-sort fruits according to size characteristics.
  4. Use a sharp knife to remove the tops, or unscrew them by hand.

Following these simple rules will allow you to properly prepare carrots for storage for the winter.

Optimal storage conditions

The shelf life of vegetables is also influenced by the choice of containers where the root vegetables are located.

Temperature and humidity

When choosing a place to store carrots, you should look for rooms where the air temperature is within 0 +2 degrees C. For example, this could be a basement, subfloor or cellar, as well as the same refrigerator.

Air access must be limited. In this case, moderate ventilation will be required. Air humidity should not exceed 97%.

It is extremely important to consider that even minor temperature fluctuations can lead to premature rotting of vegetable fruits.

Storage containers

Before digging up root crops, care must be taken to prepare containers for placing the crop.

As a rule, the following containers are used for storing carrots:

  • plastic bags;
  • plastic boxes.

How to store carrots in an apartment and a private house

In the private sector To preserve carrots in winter, use a basement, subfloor or cellar. In such conditions, the red-haired beauty remains fresh for about 5-6 months.

And here for apartment residents there is no such possibility. As a rule, before frost, the carrot harvest is stored on the balcony or loggia, and after the onset of cold weather it is placed in the apartment. In the refrigerator, carrots are best stored in bags in chopped form. Shelf life is about 2-3 months.

By the way! With a small amount of harvest, it is more advisable to use a freezer for storage. To do this, chopped carrots are packaged in polyethylene and sent to the freezer.

Popular ways to preserve carrots for the winter

ABOUT in various ways How to keep carrots fresh at home will be discussed and shown below.

In plastic bags

This method will require polyethylene bags. Due to the high degree of air humidity in the burlap, carrots will not sprout and begin to rot. After placing root vegetables in polyethylene, it is necessary to leave it open, which will prevent the occurrence of fungal infection. If you seal it tightly with polyethylene, the vegetable will soon begin to rot. If desired, you can tie the bag and make it in a circle a large number of holes through which air will flow. At excessive humidity the bag will begin to fog up. In this case, experts recommend placing fluff lime near the bags, which will absorb excessive moisture. Carrots can be stored in bags both in the cellar or basement, and in the refrigerator.

In cling film

The method using cling film is quite simple. To use it, you will need to wrap a small amount of dried and thoroughly washed carrots in cling film. Send the harvest packed in this way to the basement.

In sand

Storing carrots in sand for the winter is very popular among residents of private houses with basements or cellars. Sand does an excellent job of reducing moisture and preventing the development of fungal infections. What kind of sand do you need? For this method, only clay sand is suitable. You will also need boxes and water. Pour slightly moistened sand into the prepared container. Lay out the vegetables in one layer and sprinkle with sand. Again a layer of root vegetables and moistened sand.

In the sawdust

Method with sawdust no less effective. Therefore, it is possible and necessary to store carrots in sawdust. This will require plastic containers and pine sawdust. Sawdust is poured into the bottom of the container, then carrots are laid out, which are sprinkled with sawdust on top. Phytoncides contained in sawdust prevent the growth of vegetables and counteract the development of fungal diseases.

In the moss

A very interesting storage method using moss. It is very important to properly prepare the raw materials in advance. In this case, washing carrots is not recommended. After digging, the fruits are sent for drying. Then the vegetables are sent to the refrigerator or basement for 24 hours. After this, moss is laid out in a plastic container, a layer of carrots and moss again. The plant does not weigh down the boxes and has preservative properties.

In clay

A very popular method of storing carrots is clay. To do this, you need to prepare in advance cling film, a plastic container, water and clay, which will successfully prevent the germination of root crops.

There are 2 ways to store vegetables in clay, namely:

  1. Layering clay in layers. Take an empty bucket, fill it halfway with clay and dilute it with water. After 24 hours the clay will swell. Stir the resulting substance thoroughly and add a little water. Place the bucket in a cool place for 24 hours. The finished clay should be thick enough to resemble the consistency of sour cream. After preparing the clay, cover the bottom surface plastic containers polyethylene and lay out the carrots in one layer. Fill the vegetable with clay and leave to dry. Subsequent layers can be laid only after the clay has dried.
  2. Dipping vegetables in clay. This storage technique is similar to the previous one. The only difference is the fact that the carrots are not filled with clay, but only dipped in it. In this case, the root crop cannot be washed. After drying the root vegetables, you need to roll them in a clay solution and lay them out to dry in a draft. Then the harvest is placed in a prepared cardboard box and sent for storage in a cool place. To prepare the solution you will need to combine the clay with water. The solution should resemble the consistency of sour cream. Under no circumstances should the clay drip from the carrot.

In the peels of garlic or onions

Method for storing carrots peelings from garlic or onions. It is similar to the method of storage in sawdust. To use it, you will need to prepare wooden boxes and the husk itself. Onion peelings contain essential oil, which prevents rapid spoilage of vegetables. Dried root vegetables are laid out in wooden boxes and covered with husks. A layer of cleaning is also poured onto the surface of the bottom of each box.

  • alternate crops when planting;
  • dig up the area deeply;
  • apply sufficient amounts of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers;
  • Harvest carefully, avoiding injury to the skin of the vegetable.

To prevent damage to carrots in the basement by rodents, it is recommended to use Saracen mint leaves. To do this, we place the stems of the plant around the boxes. The smell of the plant will repel rodents and preserve the harvest.

Typical storage mistakes

Vegetable growers most often make the following mistakes when harvesting and preparing carrots for storage:

  • they overdry and overexpose the crop, sending it to a cool place at the wrong time;
  • they dig up crops better in cold or rainy weather;
  • carelessly remove soil from a vegetable crop, damaging the skin;
  • do not monitor the temperature and humidity of the storage facility.

Thus, following simple tips and recommendations for preserving root vegetables at home, fresh carrots will delight you all winter and even spring.

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How to prepare carrots for winter storage? The carrots must be harvested on time, that is until the first frost. Weeding before harvesting is done if the bed is heavily overgrown with weeds. An unripe vegetable is not as healthy as fully ripe. And overexposure to it in the garden is fraught with excessive accumulation of sugars and it is also more often exposed to attacks by mice and insects.

Read about it on our website. When harvesting carrots sort by the size of root crops and their damage.

Looking around every carrot for rot and the presence of holes in it from the introduction of harmful insects.

Root crops are dug up with a shovel and carefully. Removing soil particles from them by hitting each other leads to cracking. How to properly trim carrots for winter storage?

The tops are cut to the head of the vegetable, and twice. The first time its leaves are removed, and the second time it is cut below the upper edge of the head. by 1 cm. This will prevent germination in winter and wilting.

How to trim carrots for storage - photo:

How to properly trim beets and carrots for storage? The carrots intended for seeds, the tops are left long up to 2 cm. You can wash the root crop only if its head is heavily contaminated with wet soil. When digging it out of sandy soil, just shake off the dirt. Read more on our website.

Is it possible to wash carrots for storage for the winter? Carrot washing is done on harvest day warm water without soap and other substances, then it is dried before storing for winter in the air under a canopy and then maintained at a temperature from 10 to 14 degrees Celsius heat. The carrots remain in this “quarantine” for 7 to 10 days, depending on air humidity. After it, it is again sorted by the presence of damage.

How to trim carrot tops for storage? An experienced gardener will share her method of preparing carrots for storage with you in this video:

Processing methods

How to process carrots for storage? Do I need to wash carrots before storing them? There are several ways to store carrots. Before this, the vegetable is processed potassium permanganate solution.

White rot, which affects fruits, spreads quickly when they are stored in one container, this differs from black rot, which is not transmitted from root crop to root crop.

Treatment of pure carrots with potassium permanganate is carried out in a large container (basin or bath). Getting ready dark purple solution and poured onto the vegetables placed there. The exposure lasts up to 2 hours, then the carrots are removed and dried on thick fabric or tarpaulin.

This method of treatment is only effective against damage to root crops by white rot and pests. Possibility of fruit spoilage black rot remains. The procedure for processing carrots before storing them for winter storage is as follows:

Tips for preparing root vegetables for storage in this video:

Storage rules

How to store carrots?

Carrots intended for long-term storage need a week before harvesting. active watering. This will give it more ripeness.

The most acceptable temperature for storing washed carrots in winter - from 0 to +1 degrees Celsius. Above this limit, germination begins. In the garden, vegetables are damaged even at minus 2 degrees Celsius. You can learn about opportunities in the garden from our article.

In a storage room (cellar, basement), you can place carrots in stacks (piles) without using containers, sprinkling the rows with sand. Define sand moisture Simply squeeze it in your palm, the lump should not crumble. There are carrots in stacks heads out. Read about it on our website.

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