How to plant dill in the spring. Bush dill: growing features

Dill– popular, useful, aromatic greens, which can change the taste of any dishes you prepare. Dill contains: useful substances so necessary for our body.

Dill is grown everywhere, observing certain growing conditions; the harvest of aromatic greens can be harvested from early spring until the onset of cold weather.

Let's consider secrets of growing dill in open ground from sowing seeds to harvest, care during growth, watering.

Sowing dill seeds is carried out from early spring to late autumn. Prepare the area for sowing in advance. Dig up the soil in the fall with organic fertilizers(3-4 kg of rotted manure or compost per 1 m2) to a depth of 20-25 cm. Apply 100-200 g in spring wood ash per 1 m 2.

For growing dill sufficiently fertile soil, timely watering and sunlight. An open sunny area is required; dill does not grow well in the shade.

Good predecessors of dill– cucumbers, peas, early cabbage, tomatoes, it is unacceptable to plant dill after carrots and dill itself.

Dill It grows very well together with other crops; it is often sown with cucumbers, cabbage, tomatoes, zucchini and others. When planted in this way, dill should not grow in close proximity to the stems vegetable plants so as not to take away moisture and nutrients in plants.

Sowing time

For quick germination, dill seeds can be pre-prepared. Place gauze bags with seeds in hot water(50 degrees) for 15-20 minutes, preferably in a thermos, then cool sharply in a cold one. Afterwards, dry the seeds so that it is convenient to sow.

Attention – germination of dill seeds is 2-3 years.

As soon as the snow melts, you can sow dill seeds in moist soil; they can germinate at a temperature of +3 degrees (April-May depending on the climate in your region). Since dill is a cold-resistant crop, it tolerates frosts down to -6 degrees.

The optimal temperature for sprouting and growing dill is +12-18 degrees.

By sowing dill on the site at intervals of 2 weeks, you will have young, fragrant greens throughout the entire summer period. As the main crop, dill can be sown twice, the second sowing is carried out in the first ten days of July.

Make furrows 2 cm deep in the area, sow seeds evenly and sprinkle with moist soil. If there is a threat of severe frost, cover with covering material overnight. The sowing distance between plants is 5-7 cm, between rows 15-20 cm.

Dill sprouts at the optimal temperature will appear in 2 weeks.

You can throw snow on top of the sown area with dill, in a layer of up to 20 cm, it will create a short-term hibernation, stratify the seeds, and then awaken the seeds to grow in soil soaked in melt water.

Before winter, dill is sown in open ground at temperatures below +3 degrees, so that the seeds do not germinate in the fall. Autumn planting mulch the dill, this will prevent the formation of a crust in the winter, which prevents the seeds from germinating in the spring.

Many gardeners believe that planting dill in the fall produces a much better harvest than planting in the spring. Dill is less susceptible to disease because the seeds are stratified in the soil.

Video - Sow dill in open ground

Dill propagation

Dill propagates very well by seeds, there may be other ways, but they do not make sense.

Growing dill is very easy, it's unpretentious plant. To obtain large yields of aromatic greens, you need to water 1-2 times a week, loosen the soil periodically, remove emerging weeds, thin out dense plantings, and harvest the crop for storage on time.

Young dill can be eaten immediately. For harvesting for the winter and storage, collect dill after the inflorescences form. The height of the plants is at least 30 cm. It is better to harvest dill early in the morning, after the dew has disappeared. During the day, the plants may wilt a little.

You can store dill in in different forms. To store dried, wash the collected parts of the dill and dry in the shade, turning the dill periodically. Then we put it in fabric bags and store it in a dark place.

If you store plants with umbrellas, they are tied in bunches and stored in a suspended state in winter.

Young, juicy greens can be frozen for the winter. To do this, wash the cut parts, dry, chop finely and store in plastic bags with zip-lock in the freezer. This is very convenient when adding dill to dishes in winter.

Video - How and when to sow dill

Popular varieties of dill

As dill varieties mature, they are divided into early, mid and late ripening.

Grenadierunpretentious variety, with juicy, aromatic greens. Early ripening variety, a month after germination, you can harvest the first harvest. After 1.5 months, dill produces arrows; after 2 months, stems and seeds can be collected.

– a mid-season variety that consistently produces greens, even after the formation of inflorescences and ripening of the seeds.

Kibray– a late-ripening variety with wide, beautiful and fragrant leaves.

By following the tips when growing dill in open ground, you will get a harvest of aromatic and healthy greens.

What kind of housewife can do without dill in her garden beds? This greenery is good for everyone: and in fresh salads, both canned and dried for soups! And what a power of vitamins and microelements lies in these thin, elegant thread-like leaves! Not to mention the benefits of essential oil, the aroma of which we can feel by breaking a twig or rubbing the seeds. One disappointment is that this aromatic herb is used too quickly! But in the garden you can create a real green container for dill propagation or sow it in beds that have already been cleared of other crops. Moreover, now is just the time for this the right time!

Dill is good both fresh and in preparations

In July, dill lovers have something to enjoy! After all, you can spend a whole month sowing this spice plant for fresh green consumption. In addition, now is a great time to cut dill at the beginning of flowering. IN fresh harvested immediately used for pickling cucumbers.

But if you can’t use it all, you need to spread the stems in a thin layer on a cloth in a dry, warm room to let it dry thoroughly. Such dried herbs are stored in glass jars or fabric bags. In autumn and winter it will be an excellent seasoning for soups, boiled potatoes and other dishes. Just throw a couple of dried sticks into the hot brew and it will immediately develop a truly summery aroma.

For those who like spicier food, you can prepare a fresh summer-style dressing for soups and borscht. To do this, dill is crushed with garlic and stored in a hermetically sealed container with salt.

Selection and preparation of a site for summer sowings

For summer dill crops, fertile, weed-free and sufficiently provided with moisture are required. land plots. It's not worth the wait good harvest on poor sandy or clay soils. For such soils, a mandatory preliminary measure will be the application of manure.

Dill sowing technology

Sowing dill is done in an ordinary way. The seeds are planted to a depth of about 3 cm. Row spacing is maintained at a distance of at least 10 cm, and an interval of about 2 cm is left between plants. With this technology, an area of ​​1 sq. m. you will need about 2 g of seeds.

Dill can serve as a beacon crop or a sealant. This is more profitable than setting aside separate beds for it. With this sowing method, the plants will coexist well with potatoes, carrots, cucumbers, and lettuce. But they do this at a time so that the dill does not end up in the shade, otherwise it will have a pale appearance and the bunches will grow small.

Caring for dill beds

Caring for dill involves abundant watering and loosening the beds. Make sure that the soil does not dry out and become covered with a hard crust. To prevent dill from being delayed in growth, shoots that are too dense are thinned out. Fertilizing with ammonium nitrate and potassium salt will help speed up development. It is performed 1-2 times during the entire growing season according to this recipe:
3 g ammonium nitrate;
3 g potassium salt;
1 liter of water.

This volume fertilizes a sowing area of ​​about 0.3 square meters.

Dill has the greatest nutritional value when it reaches a height of about 12 cm. It is best to harvest in morning hours. They are removed from the beds along with the roots. In this form, in a place protected from direct sun rays, greens will remain fresh longer.

Why sow dill in the fall?

Dill can be sown not only throughout spring and summer, but also in autumn months. Such crops are carried out in order to obtain fresh greens as early as possible next year. Optimal timing For pre-winter sowing of dill, the last ten days of October - the first half of November will be.

Everyone knows the spicy aroma of dill. It's hard to imagine a plate of boiled new potatoes, seasoned butter, and not crushed by this fragrant grass. This plant will not cause difficulties even for novice gardeners. Dill is resistant to cold, does not suffer from lack of moisture, and can even withstand a slight drought. Even planting in a shaded area cannot interfere with the growth of this plant. Dill grows best in soil fertilized with organic fertilizers. Experienced gardeners know that dill sowings done in winter germinate best. And many even grow dill in winter. After reading this material, you will be able to timely sow dill before winter and get an excellent harvest.

Landing rules

So, when and how to sow dill before winter in order to get a good harvest, and perhaps more than one. Experienced gardeners They manage to harvest dill three times a year! Planting dill before winter to guarantee a good harvest in early spring requires soil preparation. Decide on the number of beds for sowing dill, and add organic fertilizers to them in advance. Sowing is done a week or two before the first frost. If you already have experience spring sowing of this crop, take into account the 25% increased consumption of seeds of any variety (for example, alligator, frost, Amazon) when planting dill before winter.

When sowing dill beds for the winter, do not forget that the seeds need to be covered with a half-thicker layer of soil. To better preserve the seeds, you can cover future beds with mulch, this will give more confidence in the success of the event.

In spring, the seeds will begin to germinate when the soil is warmed by the spring sun to five degrees. Short-term frosts will not destroy dill crops. This plant can withstand temperatures down to -10 degrees. The ideal conditions for the most harmonious development of the plant are considered to be a temperature of 20 degrees.

Features of care

We figured out how to plant dill before winter. Now you can move on to tips for caring for it.

  1. Try to feed the plants at least 2 times per 40 days of plant growth. Many people use mullein as a fertilizer. The recipe is simple: 6 parts water, 1 part manure. Stir and go!
  2. An option is possible, but in this case the proportion of the solution will be 1:20.
  3. Mineral fertilizers are also added, diluting a tablespoon of the drug in a bucket of water.
  4. Try to weed the dill beds whenever possible; if the weeds do not interfere, the bushes will come out much more lush. The weeding procedure should be carried out weekly - this will ensure clean beds no mature weeds.

Dill harvesting and storage

Dill ripens in 40 days. If you plant for the winter and then replant, you will be able to have them on the farm until severe frosts. fresh dill, harvesting two crops at a time without effort. Prepare for Young bushes, just over five centimeters high, are worth eating. You can harvest dill either selectively, picking off the largest bushes, or all in one fell swoop, if you need to sow the next crop.

It should be noted that storing dill frozen allows you to better preserve the spicy aroma of the seasoning. Frozen dill is much more aromatic than dried dill - that’s a fact.

Derived from of this material knowledge of how to plant dill before winter is quite enough for you to get a rich harvest in the first year. Surprise your family with early March dill (weather permitting). The vitamins and microminerals contained in dill will be very useful after winter vitamin deficiency.

Dill and parsley are the most popular and favorite greens on our tables at any time of the year. During the winter, many housewives adapt to growing dill on the windowsill. As the scale approaches, many begin to think about when is the best time to plant seasonal dill.
When wondering when to sow dill in 2018, you need to remember that dill is a cold-resistant plant. This means that it can germinate even at zero temperatures! Knowledge of this fact, namely, tolerance to frost, allows you to make maximum use of spring moisture reserves for growing this greenery. But this same fact is alarming, because growing moisture-loving dill in drought is practically impossible.

Therefore, answering the question of when to sow dill in open ground, we should mention early spring And late autumn. Early varieties You can also plant in stages at intervals of every two weeks. Rainy summer days are ideal for planting them.
When to sow dill in 2018 is important, but it is also important to pay attention to the characteristics of the seeds of this greenery. They rise slowly and very quickly lose their viability. This is due to the high content of essential oils: it is they that inhibit the faster germination of this greenery.
Therefore, in spring and summer, seeds must be sown after additional processing, the purpose of which is to wash out the essential oils. If you do not carry out such treatment first, then you can wait for the first sunrises only after four weeks. This is despite the fact that the beds will be constantly watered and the slightest drying of the soil will not occur. To treat the seeds, it is enough to soak them in water for six hours. Then all that remains is to dry them and sow them.
Estimated disembarkation dates different cultures can be viewed in .
Before determining when to sow dill for the winter (and this can be done almost at any time), you need to know something else. These greens belong to plants have a long day. This means that long daylight hours lead to quick care green in the arrow. If you plant dill in winter, then you can count on greens. It turns out that summer crops must either be cut off immediately while still young, or cut off during flowering in order to obtain umbrellas.

How to plant dill correctly
The first warm spring days are the time when you can sow dill and parsley in open ground. This is done in rows, retreating a distance of 20 cm. The interval in the row between plants must be kept at three centimeters. Early spring And late autumn Do not plant dill and parsley seeds deeper than one centimeter. In summer, they should be sown to a depth of three centimeters. The top layer of soil in summer period will dry out quickly, therefore, without planting the plant at the required depth, you may simply not wait for its sunrise. Best result plants will show you if you know them.
Optimal results for growing dill will be if the gardener knows the characteristics of this greenery:
Loves sunlight and long daylight hours;
Relates well to moisture and prefers the soil to be constantly moist;
Dill is resistant to cold and tolerates frost well;
The plant will not grow well in poor soils;
Fresh seeds will not germinate well if they are not soaked first, because they contain a high percentage of essential oils;

When to sow dill in 2018 to get an early harvest. This can be done with the first crops that are planted. Dill seeds are also grown on a windowsill for thirty-five days. After this period, they are ready to be transplanted into open ground. With this method of planting dill seeds, the gardener will have more trouble. But there is a high probability of growing high-quality thick greens.
Dill can withstand frosts down to minus four degrees Celsius. Therefore, seeds can be planted in open ground already in mid-spring, as soon as the first snow has completely melted. personal plots. At a temperature of plus three degrees Celsius, the gardener can count on successful seed germination. Greens will grow best at a temperature of 15-20 degrees Celsius.
For early harvest dill seeds can already be planted in open ground in the first ten days of April, observing all other necessary conditions, described above. At the same time, new seeds can be planted every 10-15 days to ensure that there is always fresh greenery on the table.
This is important! Considering the conditions of the Russian climate, it is most profitable to plant dill seeds in the soil in the twentieth of April. But you need to focus on the weather in each specific year.
In addition to knowing when to sow dill in 2018, note that it will grow well in neutral and loose soil. In heavy soils, dill germinates and develops quite difficult. There is no need to water the ground immediately after planting, otherwise the seeds, along with moisture, may go to the depths and simply not germinate.
Of course, it is usually not difficult to choose seeds for dill, but choosing other vegetables can sometimes be difficult. Read more about.

Information on growing dill in winter
The bed must be prepared in the fall, the soil must be filled with organic and mineral fertilizers. Before the ground freezes, you need to sow dill to a depth of one and a half centimeters, and increase the seeding rate by 25%. Cover the bed to prevent a crust from forming on the surface of the soil.
If dill is planted in open ground at a time when snow has already fallen, then you just need to clear the bed of snow and scatter the seeds on it. Sprinkle a layer of humus on top. When the snow begins to melt in the spring, the seeds will be drawn into the ground along with moisture and will soon germinate. As you can see, if you know when and how to sow dill correctly, then you can practically pamper yourself with its fresh herbs. all year round.

For some, this plant grows like a weed, appearing every now and then in beds occupied by other crops, while others are racking their brains on how to plant dill so that the plants are not so weak and lifeless. Although this crop is considered to be unpretentious and quite simple to grow, not every gardener produces it as lush and fragrant as they would like.

Dill is unpretentious garden culture, which grows well in any soil and does not require careful care. It is characterized by the following features:

Considering the listed features, it becomes clearer how to plant dill, what place on the site to allocate for it, and what to pay attention to when growing it.

Video: proper cultivation of dill

Pre-sowing seed treatment is the key to successful germination

It is known that seeds overwintered in open ground germinate better and faster than those sown in the spring. This is due to essential oils, which make it difficult for seeds to germinate. Therefore, before sowing dill, it is necessary to prepare the seeds properly.

Place the seeds in a gauze bag and soak for three days in water at a temperature of about +50 degrees. The settled water will need to be drained up to five times a day. This technique will help disinfect the seeds and speed up the emergence of sprouts.

After processing hot water place the seeds on the same gauze bags, cover with pieces of damp cloth or steamed sawdust and leave for four days at a temperature of +20 degrees, until sprouts appear on some of the seeds. Before sowing, the seeds are slightly dried for half an hour and sown in well-watered soil.

Additionally, you can carry out hydrothermal aeration of the seeds, as well as bubbling for 24 hours in water saturated with oxygen. At home, a compressor from an aquarium is suitable for these purposes.

Before sowing, dill seeds are slightly dried for half an hour and sown in well-watered soil.

If it is important for you to get an early harvest of dill, you can grow seedlings on a windowsill and transplant them into open ground 35 days after planting. There will be more hassle, but you will be able to save seeds and grow much more high-quality, dense greens.

Growing on a windowsill is a simple matter, since it does not require special effort from a person. The main thing is to wisely choose a variety and arrange a place on the windowsill so that the plant can receive a sufficient amount of heat and light. For more information on how to grow dill at home step by step, read our article:

Dill - how to plant correctly, and in what time frame?

Due to the fact that the plant can tolerate frosts down to -4 degrees, its seeds can be sown in mid-spring, as soon as the snow melts from the garden. Seed germination is possible at a temperature of +3 degrees, and optimal temperature for growing greenery +15+20 degrees.

For an early harvest, planting dill can begin in the first ten days of April at suitable temperature, reseeding the seeds every two weeks to ensure a constant supply of fresh greens. Most often, in the Russian climate, gardeners sow the plant around the twentieth of April.

For an early harvest, planting dill can begin in the first ten days of April.

Dill grows best on neutral, loose soil; it is not advisable to grow it on heavy soil. Prepare the bed in the fall so that you can sow the seeds early in the spring. Digging the ground to a depth of 20 cm, add humus and mineral fertilizers. In the spring, all that remains is to carefully level the surface of the earth, make grooves 2 cm deep on it, leaving 20 cm between the rows, moisten the soil and sow the seeds. Sprinkle the seeds on top with loose soil, slightly compacting the soil. There is no need to water the crops, otherwise the seeds and water will go deeper than necessary.

How to choose sowing time

Considering the ability of seeds to withstand frosts down to -5 0 C, their sowing begins immediately after the snow melts in the garden. For middle zone In Russia this corresponds to the middle - end of April. The upcoming frosts are not scary, because seedlings will begin to germinate only after a stable temperature has been established above 3 degrees. Winter sowing in open ground has proven itself well. To do this, prepare the soil 1-2 weeks before the onset of frost: dig it, apply fertilizer, remove weeds. Seeds are planted at the end of October - beginning of November at a depth of 1.5-2 centimeters and a distance between rows of 20 cm, and top layer do not compact. In spring, the seedlings themselves will stretch to the required depth and sprout immediately after the snow cover melts. This method allows you to get the earliest fresh dill with open ground.
Summer sowing fresh seeds gives noticeably worse results without preliminary preparation. Summer heat has a bad effect on the growth of dill - the plants require constant intensive watering. It is most often used for growing fresh herbs for the table, and spring dill is used for harvesting for the winter.

Choice of garden neighbors

Dill plants love correct location in the garden and are sensitive to the choice of neighbors. Planting next to potatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, onions and garlic goes well. Proximity with cumin, parsley, and carrots is not recommended.

Pre-sowing seed preparation

It is used for summer planting and growing seedlings on the windowsill of the house. It's all about essential oils, making it difficult for the seed coat to open. Overwintered seeds do not have problems with this.
Cooking planting material So:
  1. Place the seeds in a gauze bag and soak warm water(about 50 degrees), change the water several times a day for 3 days. This technique will help get rid of the oily film on the surface of the seeds.
  2. We take it out of the water and lay it out on damp gauze, cover it with cloth or sawdust. We keep them for 4 days, periodically moisturizing. The first shoots should appear.
  3. Dry the seeds for half an hour and sow them in the ground. The first shoots will appear in 14 days.
Plants in open ground are very easy to care for. Firstly, it is best to provide high-quality watering drip type. Secondly, do not overwhelm the garden bed with weeds and loosen the soil. Third, make regular payments nitrogen fertilizers, for example, fermented grass, humus.
The greens are cut off when they reach 15-20 cm, and the flowering shoots are immediately removed. These measures allow you to get up to 2 harvests from one root.

Greenhouse cultivation of dill

In protected soil you can get fresh greens all year round. It is enough to provide a temperature of 15-20 degrees and additional lighting V winter period. Sodium or LED-based phytolamps are used as additional illumination lamps. These light sources provide the most correct spectrum of radiation and contribute to best growth. And dill is a light-loving plant.
Advice! To enable artificial lighting use a timer that will illuminate for 2-3 hours in the morning and 3-4 hours in the evening. This is enough for rapid growth.
Pros greenhouse cultivation dill:
  • Year-round production of fresh herbs that can be used for sale;
  • Frost protection;
  • Convenient collection and sowing, independence from weather conditions;
  • Yield per one square meter higher than in open ground.
In greenhouses without heating, the first sowings can be done as early as March, when there is still snow in the garden. Then fresh and fragrant greens will ripen for the May holidays. For year-round cultivation we will need prepared dill seeds or seedlings. This will reduce the time it takes for plants to ripen.
Growing dill in greenhouse conditions begins with soil preparation and application mineral fertilizers. It is more convenient to fertilize the soil in between plantings. The distance between the grooves is no more than 20 cm, and the seeds are planted rarely and thinned out after germination. Caring for plants is no different from open ground: abundant watering, weeding, cutting off overgrown stems. For closed ground It is best to use varieties that allow repeated cutting. Every two weeks on new bed we sow small quantity new seeds to constantly provide fresh herbs. Popular varieties– Gribovsky, Borey, Salyut, Umbrella and others.

Winter and pre-winter sowing

To ensure that fresh greens appear on your table as early as possible, the seeds are sown before winter. To do this, the bed is prepared in the fall, filled with mineral and organic fertilizers. Before the ground freezes, dill is sown, increasing the seeding rate by 25% and the seeding depth by one and a half centimeters. The bed is covered with mulch to protect it from the formation of a crust, which will prevent the emergence of seedlings. Compact the soil when winter sowing no greenery needed.

Video about growing a plant

It is also possible to plant dill in winter:

  • the bed prepared in advance is cleared of snow;
  • seeds are scattered over its surface;
  • the crops are covered with a layer of humus or soil mixed with humus;
  • During the spring melting of snow, the seeds are drawn into the ground along with the melt water and soon germinate.

During winter and winter landing It is advisable to throw covering material over the crops in the spring, securing it around the edges. Compared to spring planting Dill sown in winter or autumn can be cut a week or two earlier.

Article updated 01/30/2018

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