How to plant variegated turf. Shrub plant variegated derain: planting and care

Most owners suburban areas They grow fruits and vegetables on their plots, but many try to plant not only vegetables, but also to make the dacha special, beautiful and unique.

Often, on the lawn near the house or in a specially designated recreation area, you can see coniferous or ornamental shrubs with unusual foliage.

They attract attention with their unusual coloring and add their own flavor to the design, and their use in landscape design makes the site unique, incomparable with others. Derain is one of these shrubs.

Varieties of shrubs

This ornamental shrub is well adapted to growing in the southern and middle latitudes of Russia, the Far East, and Siberia.

Belongs to the dogwood family, it includes several dozen varieties of different species.

Take note: The derain is distinguished by its beautiful unusual leaf color.

Description of some of the most popular:

All other species are not particularly worthy of attention, since they have not won their place on suburban areas and are grown only in Botanical Gardens or experimental plots. These are offspring derain, Bayle derain, and many East Asian species.

For those who are interested in this ornamental shrub and its varieties and species, you can find a video or look at photos on the Internet.


Variegated dogwood propagates well by cuttings. If possible, it is better to purchase a bush ready for planting from a trusted nursery.

Looks great against the background fruit trees. It can be planted as a natural barrier to protect the recreation area from the fruit plantings of the garden.

Often common types of derain are grown as decorative hedges. In this case, they are planted in a checkerboard pattern along the border of the site.

Note: When choosing a place to plant dena, it is worth remembering that it grows well on any fertile soil with good drainage, but does not like proximity to conifers.

For better survival, planting is done in spring or early autumn so that the plant can take root and take root, which contributes to better wintering.

When transplanting to a new one permanent place you should adhere to the necessary rules:

  • dig a hole slightly larger than the lump of earth with which the shoot was purchased. The depth should be such that the root system does not remain above the soil level;
  • the fertile layer is set aside and mixed with mineral fertilizers, compost, humus, sand;
  • pour a small layer of the resulting fertile mixture into the prepared hole, water generously and mix;
  • if the bush is quite tall, then install a support for the garter;
  • the bush is placed in a hole, trying not to damage the roots, carefully covered with fertile soil and the soil is lightly compacted;
  • sprinkle the rest of the soil, water and mulch again;
  • thin branches must be tied to a support so that the bush is not blown over by the wind, and it has a neat appearance, since thin shoots young seedling not yet able to keep in shape. If desired, branches that are too protruding and disproportionately long can be trimmed with pruning shears.

Note: if planting material was purchased at a nursery, it is usually sold either in a container or with a lump of earth. In this case, for better survival, the soil should be watered with “Kornevin”, or the shoot along with the lump should be placed in a container with a solution. The remaining liquid is poured into trunk circle planted plant.

Pinnate leaf turf can also be propagated by seeds, cuttings and layering.

Seeds are sown in spring, after stratification. Such seeds are 100% capable of germinating. Collected in own garden in the fall, they will germinate well in the spring.

The easiest and cheapest type of tree propagation is by cuttings, while all the features and decorative properties of the mother bush are preserved.

Cuttings intended for further cultivation, should have 7-8 living buds. Cut in early spring, they are buried in the greenhouse. By autumn, they grow roots and can be transplanted to a permanent location.

It is not difficult for a summer resident to propagate turf by layering. Having bent one of the branches, pin it to the ground with a metal bracket and sprinkle it with soil. Layers that have produced roots can be replanted like an ordinary bush. The main thing is to carefully separate it from the mother bush.

How to care

The shrub does not require much care. Grows on any acidified soil, tolerates slight shade.

All species common in Russia are winter-hardy, but some varieties can freeze, so the bush can be mulched in the fall.

Expert advice: caring for the plant consists of one or two feedings per season and pruning to form a beautiful crown.

At the beginning of the season, nitrogen fertilizing is applied, and at the end of August, phosphate fertilizer is applied. This contributes to the growth of decorative leaf mass, and, thanks to phosphates, preparation for winter.

It is worth noting: For decorative purposes and to maintain the shape of the bush, it must be pruned a couple of times a season. All dried or weak shoots that thicken the bush are cut out.

Pruning and shaping of the bush should begin at the age of three. It is best to cut off an old, spreading bush completely in the spring and begin the formation of new growth by pinching out growing shoots. This way the derain will look neat and well-groomed.

Watch the video in which the gardener talks about caring for one of the most unpretentious and spectacular shrubs for summer cottage- derene:

Not only flower beds give the garden an individual and unique look. Ornamental shrubs play an important role in creating landscape design. They are most often attracted by the shape of the crown or the color of the foliage. There are a great many types of such plants. It is important for a gardener that his green pet not only has visual appeal, but is also easy to care for. These characteristics correspond to variegated turf, which is unpretentious.

Description of the plant

The shrub belongs to the Derenny family; it can reach a height of three meters, is spectacular and beautiful. Its thin and flexible branches are red-brown or coral in color. The leaves are gray-green, decorated with a creamy-white border, stripes and spots. In autumn they turn purple-red. The flowers of the bush are white, about five centimeters in diameter. The flowering period is from May to June. In autumn it appears inedible berries bluish white.

Shrub care

Variegated turf tolerates frost and heat equally well. Derain is not picky about the composition of the soil. But still, loamy, loose and moist soil is recommended for its cultivation. Since this ornamental plant tolerates the urban environment well, it is used in landscaping parks and gardens.

Variegated dogwood in landscape design

The photo clearly demonstrates how attractive variegated turf is. It becomes an organic part of compositions from other shrubs and flowers. Looks great next to coniferous plants, Japanese spirea, barberry, roses, weigela, juniper, viburnum Buldenezh. It is also good in single plantings and is used for hedges. Thanks to the bright colors of the branches, the shrub looks spectacular even in winter.

Shrub pruning

It can grow in the shade, but it is better to plant variegated turf in well-lit areas. To give the bush beautiful shape, it is recommended to trim it. If this operation is not carried out, it will become bare below and lose its attractiveness. Old bushes need lower pruning in the spring.

Planting a plant

In order for variegated turf to develop safely, the following is required for planting and caring for it. Plants are used for propagation vegetative method. Cuttings or shoots of bushes are cut in April. It is recommended to plant seedlings as early as possible and not to keep them in a greenhouse for a long time. The turf develops and grows very quickly. Annual growth can range from 0.3 to 0.4 centimeters.

Types and varieties

There are several types of ornamental shrubs. They have external differences. The Elegantissima variety has bluish concave leaves, along the edges of which there is a white edge. Sibirica Variegata is very popular. This variety of shrub has bright red branches, and the leaves are flat and beautiful, with a white edge. It has variegated turf and compact varieties that reach a height of one and a half meters with greenish-yellow branches. The massive Gouchaultii bush is decorated with leaves with a wide, yellow border; in the sun, young plants acquire a pinkish tint. The Cream Cracker variety is elegant and attractive; thanks to the shape of the crown, it points upward, and its foliage has a cream edging.

The most widespread species in culture is white derain, also sometimes called white sedine. In nature, it lives among bushes in the north and east of the Russian European part, along the banks of streams and rivers of the Far East and Eastern Siberia. This shrub reaches 3 m in height, has many branches, and has thin, erect red-brown and coral-red shoots. The young bark has a bluish coating and bright color. The leaves on the branches are arranged oppositely, have a dark green color, are slightly bluish-white below and are covered with hairs on both sides. The leaves of the shrub are elliptical or broadly ovate. At first glance, they appear a little wrinkled due to the raised veining. Flowering of the bush and fruiting occurs in the 3-4th year of the tree's life and begins in May-June. Its yellow-white flowers are collected in corymbose inflorescences. The shrub is especially decorative in autumn period at a time when its leaves become violet-red or purplish-red in color. The shrub grows very quickly for the first 13-15 years, and after that the growth slows down and fades. The bush becomes darker at this time, and the red color remains exclusively on young shoots.

This species is also widespread due to its winter hardiness and frost resistance, it is not picky about shade, and perfectly adapts to city conditions. It grows remarkably well in any post, although it is more favorable in moist sandy loam. During prolonged drought, the leaves wither, but as soon as the humidity increases, they are restored. It is its unpretentiousness and unique decorative properties that have contributed to the use of shrubs in landscaping since 1741. It is ideal for large, loose groups and hedges. Propagate white dogwood by layering, cuttings, root suckers, and seeds. Sometimes it can be slightly damaged by aphids, but can be easily pruned.

Derain blood red

Somewhat less common in landscape design is blood-red turf (blood-red turf). Natural habitat - European part Russia, Carpathians, Scandinavia, Caucasus. Prefers forest edges, wet places near lakes and rivers. In such conditions, the shrub reaches 3-4 m, has flexible green shoots, but with age they acquire a reddish tint. It also has bright, green, egg-shaped leaves that are covered with hairs. At the end of the month of May, corymbose inflorescences bloom. Flowering occurs every year, starting at age seven, and lasts two weeks. Sometimes a second flowering occurs in August.

The fruits ripen in the fall, and the leaves actually take on a bloody red hue.

This shrub is also well adapted to urban conditions, winter-hardy, tolerates drought and shade well, but prefers moist sandy loam or fresh loose loam. Recovers very quickly after a haircut. Shrubs are also used for other purposes: baskets and hoops are woven from its shoots, and the wood is used to make carpentry. The oil present in the seeds is used in technical purposes. The shrub is a good soil fixer because it has many root suckers. Therefore, it is often planted in hedges and on slopes.

Other types of derain

Good indicators of resistance to winter conditions even in Central Russia there is Derain alternate-leaved, otherwise called Svidina alternate-leaved. In Moscow, the height of the bush reaches one and a half meters; initially its shoots are green. Afterwards they change color to red-brown.

Equally unpretentious to winter conditions is the North American species of turf, which lives in thickets of bushes along ponds and rivers, as well as in humid forests. In appearance it is similar to white turf. The shrub blooms in 4-5 years of life with milky-white flowers, its fruits are bluish-reddish. The shrub reproduces by root shoots, cuttings, seeds, and layering.

Other North American species have no less good winter hardiness: Bayle's derain, fragrant derain, oblique derain, racemose derain.

Much less winter-hardy are species such as Couse derain, Canadian derain and flowering derain.

Flowering dogwood, otherwise known as flowering bentamidia, grows in the eastern part North America. This shrub loves warmth, natural conditions grows up to 6 m. The leaves have an elliptical shape, small flowers are collected in an inflorescence, which is surrounded by large bracts. Bentamidia Coase has 4 large white bracts and small yellow-green flowers. The leaves of the shrub are elliptical in shape, dark green, but are slightly bluish-green below, and in the fall they become bright yellow color. The fruits of Bentamidia Cousa are juicy, scarlet fruits, edible and have a tart taste. Bentamidia canadensis lives not only in Canada, but also in China, the Far East, Russia, and Japan. This view in Moscow winter period survives thanks to snow cover. If the winter is snowless, the bush can be severely damaged by frost.

Many East Asian species, most often from China (medicinal turf, Walther turf) are not frost-resistant. And even if you shelter them in winter, they still die, surviving only in botanical gardens Moscow State University.

Reproduction of derain

Any type of tree propagates vegetatively. Its cuttings are rooted in greenhouses under glass in washed sand, which is poured in a 3-5 centimeter layer on a substrate made of turf mixture, or, alternatively, sand with humus soil. Before planting the shrub, the soil must be well watered. The cuttings are planted at an angle of 45 degrees at a depth of 5 cm into the ground. During rooting in the greenhouse, it is necessary to maintain a temperature of +20-25 degrees Celsius. We also must not forget about the high humidity, which is maintained by spraying with water and using a fogging unit. By autumn, plants have formed strong and strong roots, which allows them to be planted in the ground. But in the first winter, the turf should be covered with spruce branches and leaves.

Red derain (video)

Use of derain in the landscape

Many varieties of wood are used as material for creating hedges. To do this, they are planted next to each other and, growing, create a high and dense wall. Thanks to it, the air is filled with freshness and a pleasant aroma, and protection from dust and wind is formed. A very impressive and decorative hedge is formed from white wood, the special beauty of which is given to it variegated varieties with bright shoots. They are easily and well pruned and grow back very quickly.

If you are selecting shrubs for your site, then Special attention consideration should be given to the possibility of combining this plant and other decorative species: flowering time, decorative properties, appearance, tolerance of certain conditions, size.

- A wonderful ornamental shrub that gives a beautiful look to the garden at any time of the year. It decorates the area with numerous light inflorescences, and after flowering the bush is covered with white or white-blue berries.

In autumn, its leaves turn purple, and in winter, its red branches look stunning against the white snow. Therefore, it is often used to form a hedge on the site.

Landing Features

It is believed that derain is an unpretentious plant. It is easy to plant and care for, and even a novice gardener can handle it.

Landing dates

The most common practice is to plant turf in the fall. It is advisable to do this before the onset of cold weather, so that the plant has time to strengthen and get comfortable in the new soil. After overwintering, such seedlings begin to grow faster in the spring, since they have already passed the adaptation period in the fall.

However, you can plant shrubs in the spring. In this case, it is immersed in the ground with a lump of earth on the root system. This will protect the roots from damage and help the plant take root in a new place.

Although gardeners believe: it does not matter when the turf was planted, in spring or autumn, this does not affect the development of the shrub.

Selection and preparation of planting material

Having decided to buy turf seedlings, just contact a specialized store or garden center. But you need to be careful when choosing planting material in order to purchase exactly the white turf variety.

Did you know? Derain belongs to the dogwood family. There are many varieties of this shrub, but not all are suitable for growing in our climate in open ground. White dogwood is a large shrub with brownish-red or simply brown, red flexible branches. Also has names: redwood, white dogwood, white pigtail.

Today we sell a huge number different varieties turf You may be offered stunningly beautiful bushes with amazingly colored leaves, but they are unlikely to survive our winter. If you are looking unpretentious perennial, take only the white variety, because it is winter-hardy.

Among the most popular and proven varieties of white turf are:

  • - has elongated leaves with a light border, small cream inflorescences, dark red branches.
  • Deren white variety Siberia- has spotted leaves, bright red branches, cream flowers that give way to white berries; by autumn the leaves turn red.
  • - characterized by white berries and yellow leaves.
  • - cream inflorescences are replaced by white berries, in winter the branches are bright red, the leaves are spotted yellow-green.
  • - considered the most winter-hardy. It is distinguished by dark red branches, reddish leaves and white berries.

Before purchasing, carefully inspect each seedling from root to top to take healthy plant free from diseases and pests.

Selection and preparation of a landing site

Having decided to plant this plant, you need to decide where to plant the turf. It grows well in both shade and partial shade - to sunlight not very demanding.

Therefore, they are most often used to decorate fences, blank walls, and large trees. In particular, a bush with spotted leaves looks beautiful against the background coniferous trees. But still, you shouldn’t get carried away and plant it in strong shade - it may lose its decorative effect.

The turf is also undemanding to the soil. If it has normal acidity, the composition of the soil does not matter much. It takes root well in both light sandstone and heavy loam, and also grows well in rocky, calcareous soil.

But if you want beautiful foliage and lush shoots, you should add complex mineral fertilizer or humus to the holes before planting. It is also worth feeding periodically. Thanks to mineral fertilizers Healthy shoots and beautiful foliage develop on the bush. But even without fertilizing, the shrub is quite decorative.

Deren likes to live in damp areas: on the banks of lakes and rivers. Accordingly, on your site, also choose a place closer to the water or where there are nearby groundwater. It is worth planting nearby those plants that you love. abundant watering. In summer it is watered at least once a week. The rest of the time you don’t need to do any special watering.

Step-by-step procedure for planting seedlings

So, you have decided where to plant the shrub. How to properly plant turf seedlings?

At autumn planting no further manipulations are required. At spring landing the hole must be mulched. This will help retain moisture. During the summer, the ground around the bush is periodically weeded and loosened. When the turf grows, it will cope with weeds on its own.

White turf care

Very little maintenance is required, but if you want to get a beautiful and lush bush, we must adhere to the basic rules of its cultivation. How quickly white turf grows depends on the selected plant variety.

Watering and loosening the soil

If you plant turf in right place, that is, in partial shade in fairly moist soil, it does not require special watering. In spring and autumn, natural precipitation is sufficient for it. In summer, during extreme heat, it can be watered once a week so that the soil under the bush does not dry out. In this case, no more than two buckets of water are poured under each adult bush.

A young bush requires periodic loosening of the soil and mulching with peat or humus. Chips or small tree bark are also used.

Fertilizer and feeding of bushes

Intensive feeding of the turf is not required. As already mentioned, it feels good on any soil. But if you want to get beautiful bush, it is advisable to periodically feed it with mineral complex fertilizers once in the spring.

This will be enough for the plant to recover after wintering and receive everything it needs for intensive development. In summer, you can additionally fertilize with compost or peat - approximately 150 g for each bush.

Important! The plant has two flowering peaks during the season. The first is in May–June, and the second is August–September. During flowering, the bush is covered with corymbose inflorescences of cream or white color. During the inter-peak period, individual inflorescences may also appear.

Trimming and trimming turf bushes

Some varieties of turf can stretch 50-60 cm over a season, which will not look very attractive. Therefore, it is recommended to cut and trim the white turf. They prune it in the spring, removing old shoots so that they do not interfere with the growth of young ones. It is recommended to leave 15-20 cm of the old shoot above ground level.

Do not forget to treat the cuts with ash or crushed activated carbon so that infection does not enter the plant through them and the healing process proceeds faster. Some gardeners recommend cutting the turf in the fall so as not to disturb the bush in the spring.

But the plant is kept in the garden for the beautiful branches that decorate the garden in winter. After autumn pruning there will be nothing to please the eye.

As for cutting, it is carried out two or three times per season, with the shoots being shortened for the last time at the end of July. Until this time, the bush develops very intensively, but grows chaotically. If you want aesthetics in your garden, you can give it the desired shape.

Preparing young white turf seedlings for winter

If you have white turf growing on your site, you won’t need any special manipulations to prepare it for wintering. This variety tolerates frost well. If a harsh winter is expected, you can lightly cover the roots with any covering material. The rest of the time it is enough to compact a snow cushion around them.

If turf is grown in a very harsh climate or you decide to cultivate a plant with low frost resistance, it is advisable to remove young shoots for the winter. To do this, they are carefully dug up, lowered into the basement and stored there until early spring. As soon as it gets warmer, the seedlings are returned to their original place.

Did you know? Derain in the Latin version has the name Cornus, which means “horn”. The name is not at all accidental, since its heavy and durable wood it really resembles horn in density.

Methods for propagating white turf

There are several ways to propagate white turf. Both seeds and cuttings are suitable for planting, but you can also use branches from the bush.

Cuttings, that is, young shoots of turf, can be removed every year. But not every branch cut from it will be good planting material. For this you need to choose shoots with 7–9 strong and healthy buds. Another important question: when to cut white dogwood. The best time For this purpose spring and autumn are considered.

It is recommended to first treat cuttings cut in spring with a weak solution. succinic acid, which will improve their current condition and development in the future. They are then placed in a container with a nutrient mixture and installed in a greenhouse or greenhouse.

During the summer, the development of the cuttings is monitored: all the buds on them should open and give new leaves. During summer season cuttings are regularly watered and fed with mineral complexes or organic fertilizers. By autumn the cuttings should grow healthy seedlings with a strong root system.

Seedlings You can remove them from the bush in the spring by cutting them from the roots. This is done around the end of April or beginning of May. The bush is dug up completely or part of it is exposed.

Then they select the rhizome on which young shoots have formed - the old ones are not suitable for propagation. The rhizome is freed from the ground and the desired part is cut off with a sharp, disinfected instrument.

Separated seedlings are placed in pre-prepared holes dug at a distance of 25 cm from each other. Each of them should contain a nutrient mixture and organic fertilizers that will help the plant take root in a new place and grow new stems and roots.

If the right shoots were chosen, the plant will take root and take root very quickly.

By layering

Since the bush has a spreading and dense crown, the branches of which easily bend to the ground, it can be propagated by layering. Although the bush is not able to divide on its own.

Layers are formed in the spring, when a young long branch is selected, bends down to the ground and buries itself in it. Since it will not stay in the ground on its own, it is recommended to secure it with iron brackets.

The place where the branch was buried is mulched, which will allow it to concentrate greatest number nutrients. All summer it needs to be watered and periodically fed.

By spring or fall next year, the branch will already have enough roots for it to heal. independent life. It must be carefully separated from the mother bush and transplanted into Right place. Although the method is relatively simple, it is rarely used by gardeners.


After flowering, in early summer, white or purple seed balls form in place of the turf flowers. During the summer sunny days the seeds ripen and are suitable for collection only in the fall. To do this, you need to collect the balls, remove the seed material from them and dry them.

The quality and germination of seeds depends on proper care behind the bush during the summer. If it was not sick, was not attacked by pests, was watered and fed on time, they will have 100% germination.

Sowing turf seeds in open ground It is held in the fall immediately after the harvest, around October. At this time, the air is not so warm, and the ground periodically freezes at night. Such conditions will help harden the seeds by spring. If you decide to sow them in the spring, first keep them at a temperature below 5°C.

White dogwood in landscape design

White derain is very readily used to decorate gardens and personal plots. It looks especially good on slopes, as a hedge, in composition with other shrubs or in mixed flower beds. When planting turf in the garden as an ornamental plant, keep in mind that its berries are very attractive to different birds.

Resistance to pests and diseases

An adult, strong bush is resistant to most diseases. This is why they love to grow white dogwood. But while it grows, it may appear on young shoots powdery mildew - fungal disease, which affects almost all garden plants.

The infection period is spring. At this time, spores are released from the remains of the fungus that have overwintered in the soil and settle on the lower parts of the plant. Powdery mildew begins to spread from lower leaves escape, gradually approaching their tops.

The leaves become covered with a whitish coating, on which liquid subsequently appears, and brownish balls begin to form on the branches. The mushroom itself feeds on the juices of the plant, so over time it stops blooming, fades, dries out and dies.

Optimal conditions for emergence powdery mildew - sudden changes temperatures during long dry periods and too much watering nitrogen fertilizers. Pruning at the root also weakens the plant, making it vulnerable to various diseases.

That's why, to prevent powdery mildew, the bushes should be planted far enough from each other so that the roots have room to develop. Spring and autumn root system thin out slightly.

When watering, water is poured directly under the root so that water does not fall on the plant itself. In the fall, all remnants of leaves and grass must be removed from under the flowerbed so that the mushrooms cannot overwinter there.

If the first signs of the disease are detected, the affected branches should be cut off and burned. The bush must be sprayed with any disinfecting solution or decoction. For example, soap solution soda ash or horsetail decoction.

A good way is to spray with garlic broth. To do this, three tablespoons of crushed cloves are brewed in a bucket of water, cooled and the resulting decoction is sprayed on the plant.

Turf pests are no less dangerous. Most common comma scale insect. This insect loves to nibble the leaves of the plant. The female measures up to 1.5 mm, and the male - 0.5 mm. Females are covered with a shield, under which they store eggs during wintering on the trunks of bushes.

At temperatures below -30 °C, the eggs die. If they have not died, then in April the larvae begin to emerge, which attach to the trunks and leaves, becoming densely covered with white threads.

After two months, females emerge from them, and within a month they eat the entire bush, increasing in size by 2.5 times. Having laid eggs under the shell, they die. In order for the eggs to be fertilized, males are needed, which are born quite rarely, and the eggs themselves become food for ticks, bedbugs, and spiders.

Get rid of from this pest you can, treating the bushes with insecticides (Decis, Kinmiks, Karbofos) when the larvae emerge from under the scutes.

Another common turf pest is aphid. It usually settles on the underside of leaves, flower buds, and sometimes on stems. Has an oblong body up to 2 mm, long legs and sometimes wings.

After fertilization, females lay up to 150 larvae, and can do this several times. Ants often “graze” aphid colonies, collecting from them a sweet liquid that the aphids produce by absorbing plant sap. From aphidsspraying with brown solutions helps laundry soap, celandine, garlic, pine branches, tobacco or onions.

Although deren may be attacked various pests and diseases, complete extinction of the bush rarely occurs. Usually, the very first emergency measures produce results, and with proper prevention, their use will not be necessary at all. In general, white turf is an excellent plant for the garden, which is suitable even for those who cannot devote much time to caring for the site.

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Among the plants used to create hedges, variegated turf occupies a special place. This ornamental shrub is loved by many gardeners because of its lush and variegated vegetation, as well as unusual looking bark. And thanks to its unpretentiousness in planting and care, variegated turf is very often found in city parks and gardens. Today from our article you will learn everything about growing this ornamental plant in your own area.


Variegated dogwood is a plant created artificially. Its main feature is considered original coloring leaves and shoots. Derain is a deciduous ornamental bush with a large and spreading crown. The height and diameter of such a plant reaches from one and a half to five meters. The green leaves of the bush have an edge different shades- from snow-white to brown-red. The main flowering period takes place in May and June. At this time, the bush is covered with white flowers, collected in small inflorescences with a diameter of about 5 centimeters. In the fall, inedible fruits ripen in the form of light blue berries. Due to its frost resistance, the crop is often used to decorate areas in northern regions.


There are several varieties of variegated dogwood. Each one is different external qualities, their cultivation methods are almost the same.

  • Derain Elegantissima. This variety is distinguished by concave leaves of a bluish color, with a snow-white edge along the edges. The height of the bush can reach three meters, and the crown diameter can reach five. Most often, Elegantissima turf is used to create a hedge, since this variety grows quite quickly.
  • "Gauhaulta". A winter-hardy shrub that grows one and a half to two meters in height. Leaves of this variety have a yellow border and pinkish spots.
  • Derain red. Another variety of deciduous shrub that reaches four meters in height. The branched crown consists of shoots different colors- from soft green to juicy purple. Rounded leaves in summer time have green color, which changes to bright red with the arrival of autumn. It is because of this color of the leaves that red derain got its name.

Landing Features

In fact, variegated turf can be grown in almost any conditions. However, the absence (or presence) of fertile soil, sufficient lighting and moisture can greatly affect the decorative qualities of the bush. To grow this plant, it is advisable to use soil rich in nutrients, as well as provide sufficient lighting and moderate watering.

In order for the bush to get stronger before the arrival of winter, planting must be done in spring time. Despite the average frost resistance, spring planting allows the derain to gain strength. It is preferable to plant dera seedlings in partial shade, in an area with acidified soil. The bush should not be planted next to coniferous trees.

If groundwater is close to your site, be sure to take care of preparing drainage in the holes for planting seedlings. Compost and humus are also added to the prepared holes. Planting is carried out strictly at the level of the root collar, since with a deeper depth the plant may die, and with a more superficial one, excessive formation of weak shoots occurs. After planting, the plant is well watered, upper layer The soil is slightly loosened and mulched.

Watering and fertilizing

Variegated dogwood is quite unpretentious in planting and care. It is enough to monitor the moisture of its soil and periodically apply fertilizer.

In more frequent watering Young seedlings need it, but an adult plant needs 2-3 waterings per month. In this case, one bush requires no more than two buckets of water. Watering becomes more frequent only during dry summer periods.

In general, fertilizing variegated dogwood is a completely optional process. But to reveal all its decorative qualities, it is worth applying fertilizer once or twice a year. The procedure is carried out in the spring using mineral supplements and in the summer, when organic fertilizers (for example compost or humus) are applied to each bush.

More important stage care is pruning variegated tree. If you decide to do without pruning, then be prepared for the fact that instead of a hedge, a sloppy plant with protruding branches will appear on your site. different sides branches.

In order to give shape, pruning is carried out in the spring. When growing free-standing bushes, crown formation begins no earlier than three years after planting. In this case, no more than a third of all branches are removed. Only dry and damaged shoots are completely removed. Healthy branches are partially pruned, depending on the shape you want to give the bush.

To create a hedge of variegated turf, pruning is carried out twice: at the beginning of July and at the end of August. Trim the bush after new shoots begin to emerge from general form crowns The more often the pruning procedure is carried out, the neater the appearance of the bush will be.

Shelter for the winter

Additional protection Only young trees are required. Mature bushes have enough strength to withstand frost. Seedlings planted in spring grow greatly over the summer and autumn, and therefore especially need shelter. The lower part of the bush (and in the first year of cultivation - the entire bush) is covered with spruce branches or agrofibre. In addition, before covering, all dried or diseased shoots are removed, which can cause plant diseases in winter, when it is especially weakened.

Diseases and pests

A pleasant bonus when growing variegated deer is the taste of its leaves, which is quite unpleasant for many harmful insects. The only pest that can infect shrubs is aphids. She can not only ruin decorative qualities plants, but also completely destroy it. There are two ways to fight it: mechanical and chemical. The first method is to wash off the insects from the bush with water pressure from a hose. But this method does not save for long, so it is considered ineffective. The second method is preferable, which involves treating the plant with a soap solution or a chemical.

Of the diseases that threaten the tree, only fungal infections can be named. It is quite easy to prevent them - it is important to monitor the condition of the soil, preventing it from becoming waterlogged. In case of late blight infection, the bush is treated with Fundazol.


Like many other plants, variegated dogwood has several methods of propagation. In this section we will share the most effective ones.

Seed propagation of variegated dogwood has 100% success, however, this method is quite labor-intensive and time-consuming. Seeds are collected from a plant that has reached three years of age. Sowing is carried out late autumn until the soil freezes completely. Before planting, the seeds must undergo long-term hardening. They are planted in a multilayer substrate consisting of sand, sawdust and moss. For the first two months, seedlings are kept at a temperature of 5 °C. When propagated by seeds standard sizes bushes are achieved no earlier than after 5-7 years.

Cuttings are the most recommended propagation method, which preserves all the characteristics of the mother bush. Planting material prepared during spring pruning. The strongest shoots are selected for cutting cuttings. A cutting with 7-9 buds is placed in a container with fertile soil and goes to the greenhouse. Throughout the summer, the plantings are fed with mineral and organic fertilizers and are also regularly watered. By the onset of autumn, the seedlings will have taken root sufficiently and will be ready to be transplanted to a permanent location.

Quite often, turf is propagated by dividing the bush. To do this, choose a strong and healthy mother bush and free it from the ground. After this it is divided into several parts sharp knife or a shovel. The resulting parts are planted in prepared holes with fertile and fertilized soil. Further care care of the plant is carried out according to the same scheme as for the mother bush.

Another fairly simple method of propagation is layering. With the onset of spring, young shoots are pinned to the ground with metal staples, and then covered with earth. By next spring, the shoots have taken root sufficiently and are completely ready for planting.

Variegated dogwood in landscape design

This plant looks great both as a single bush and in composition with other trees, shrubs and flowers. Due to the ability to change the color of leaves, turf is often used to create bright accent. Low ornamental bushes look great against the backdrop of tall trees. Nice compositions are made from wood with roses and juniper, as well as barberry and viburnum.

But most often, variegated turf is grown to create a hedge, which requires constant pruning and shaping. However, due to the rapid growth of greenery, turfs with insufficient care turn into sloppy thickets.

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