Tamarix flower. Tamarix - a shrub with delicate flowering thickets

Tamarix: description, reproduction, features of planting and care

Tamarix, or comb, is a shrub of the Tamarix family, grows in deserts and steppe zones Europe, Africa and Asia. It is used as a sand-protecting plant, planted on steep sandy slopes, near fields, along river banks. Tamarix is ​​not demanding in care and planting, the plant is drought-resistant and does not suffer from lack of moisture.

Description of Tamarix

Woody branched shrub reaches 2–3 m in height. Thin and smooth twig-like shoots are covered with a waxy coating. Scale-like dark green leaves 2–8 mm long have no petioles.

Source: Depositphotos

Tamarix is ​​unpretentious in planting and care

Flowers 2–5 mm long are collected in racemose inflorescences. The pink, purple or white petals are smooth and form a tight rosette. Flowering begins in May and continues until June. The taproot rhizome goes 4–6 m deep into the soil.

The yellow-gray or white-brown wood is dense, with pronounced growth rings. Used for making crafts and fishing accessories.

The fruit is a multi-seeded tricuspid capsule pyramidal shape. The elongated seeds are covered with whitish fibers. Spread by wind.

Tamarix is ​​used as ornamental plant in group and single plantings. Planted to strengthen shifting sands in desert areas. Together with poplars it serves as a wind barrier for agricultural crops.

Planting and caring for tamarix

Tamarix is ​​not picky about soil, does not grow on stagnant clay soil groundwater. Prefers open sunny places. Planted in mid-April or late September.

Landing rules:

  • Place a layer of drainage - pebbles, expanded clay, ground brick - into a hole 55–65 cm deep. Fill with a mixture of peat and sand in a 2:1 ratio.
  • Place the seedling in the hole and straighten the rhizome. Pour 2-3 liters of warm water.
  • Fill the hole with fertile soil and compact the root layer of soil.
  • Shade the plant from direct sunlight.

For a week after planting, water the tamarix daily and loosen the soil near the seedling. Wrap young bushes for the winter with rags, fallen leaves or spruce branches.

Tamarix propagation by cuttings occurs in summer time. Grow the shoots in a shelter for 8–12 months. IN open ground they don't have time to become numb winter cold and freeze to death.

Cut cuttings 0.7–1 cm thick and 8–9 cm long. Place the shoots in water with the addition of a rooting agent. After 25–35 days, plant the plants in moist, fertile soil.

Tamarix will begin to bloom 2–3 years after planting.

Prune the bush annually to form a crown. Remove old, diseased and deformed shoots. Tie branches to strong supports.

The plant is frost-resistant, tolerates temperatures down to -25 °C. In winter, insulate the rhizome with a layer of loose snow or dry sawdust.

Tamarix is ​​an unpretentious ornamental plant that grows in southern regions with a warm climate. The shrub is drought-resistant, tolerates night frosts and cold dew.

Tamarix or comb is a shrub or small tree of amazing beauty and grace. It usually reaches a height of 3-4 meters, but some plants reach 5 m. Thin twig branches are covered with small bluish-green leaves that resemble scales. It looks especially unusual during the flowering period from early summer to October; its multiple pink or white flowers are collected in racemose inflorescences, and their unopened buds resemble small beads, which is why tamarix is ​​also popularly called beadweed. This perennial has more than 75 varieties, widespread from Europe to India itself. It is especially common in the East of Russia and Siberia.

Tamarix is ​​recommended for growing both in groups and individually; it is well suited for creating. Looks good in combination with other graceful shrubs - spirea, broom. You can plant plants nearby that bloom at the same time as the comb flower, or those that will “replace” it at the end of the flowering period. Spectacularly grown bushes will look against the backdrop of a variety of ground cover plants.

Tamarix - planting and care

The comber is one of the unpretentious plants. It is salt-tolerant, and the glands on its leaves secrete salt themselves. Tolerates city conditions well. Ideal place for planting it - well lit or slightly shaded. It is undemanding when it comes to soil; the only condition is that the soil must be well drained - the shrub categorically does not tolerate stagnant water. It grows well on dense and even clay soils, but in this case, when planting, humus and peat should be added to the hole.

The seedlings are planted in early spring. It is better to take young seedlings; adult plants take root much worse. To do this, place good drainage at the bottom of the planting hole, add wood ash, organic fertilizers. Immediately after planting, the plant needs abundant watering.

Water the plant moderately and then only during dry periods. IN normal conditions it can easily do without watering. Tamarix tolerates pruning well, which is done in the garden in order to give the shrub the necessary shape. In conditions high humidity and lack of wind sometimes appear on young shoots of bushes dark spots- This is mold that has a detrimental effect on the condition of the plant. Affected shoots should also be pruned and burned.

In general, the beaded plant is frost-resistant, can withstand temperatures down to -28⁰С, therefore, as a rule, it does not need winter shelter. But some of its species tolerate cold worse, so they should be prepared for the onset of cold weather - by wrapping them in cloth or polyethylene. If the branches are still frozen, they should be pruned in the spring. New ones will grow in their place very soon - the plant quickly recovers. Tamarix is ​​transplanted only if necessary - it can grow in one place for decades without losing its decorative properties.

Tamarix - propagation by cuttings

Reproduction of the comb is carried out using offspring, seeds, but most often through cuttings. Tamarix cuttings are best done in the fall. To do this, cut off the woody cuttings and place them in a container with water or immediately plant them in open ground to a depth of 20 cm, after which the seedling should be watered. Before planting, the soil should be prepared - loosen and add organic fertilizers. When rooting cuttings in water, it should be periodically added, and they can be planted immediately after the roots appear. For wintering, the planted cuttings need to be treated with sawdust or peat, and in the spring they can be transplanted to a permanent place.

Tamarix or comb, popularly called beadweed for its beady buds, is an example of one of the most graceful shrubs. Its thin, flexible branches are completely covered almost all summer and even part of autumn with many small, soft pink or white, fragrant flowers. Tamarix, planting and caring for which does not create any particular problems for gardeners, is widespread in gardens and parks. Western Europe to the eastern outskirts of Russia. To decorate your garden with this wonderful shrub, get acquainted with the features of its cultivation.

Tamarix. Landing

Bisernik belongs to the category of very undemanding ornamental shrubs that perfectly adapt to the gas pollution of large cities. It develops well with some lack of lighting, but feels better in open, sunny places.

Tamarix prefers well-drained soils, as it does not tolerate excessive moisture and immediately dies from rotting of the root system. Otherwise, it grows well on any, even quite dense, soils. The only condition when planting on clay soils is to add landing hole peat and humus, as well as installing a good drainage layer at the bottom.

Most often, the comb is grown from seedlings, since this method promotes rapid adaptation to new conditions and further active growth bush. Selected young planting material, which is planted in open ground at the very beginning of spring. It is not recommended to select adult specimens for planting, as they take root very poorly in a new location.

To create the most favorable conditions for the adaptation and subsequent development of the seedling, mineral and organic fertilizers (for example, wood ash and humus) must be added to the prepared pit. We must not forget about the drainage cushion at the bottom, which can be made of sand, gravel, crushed stone or expanded clay. Immediately after planting, the beaded plant requires abundant watering.

Branched tamarix - Tamarix ramosissima

Care during cultivation

Any plant grows better and pleases its owner abundant flowering and lush foliage, if provided proper care. Tamarix in this sense is also no exception, despite its unpretentiousness. Here are some tips for caring for it.

  • In hot and dry seasons, the shrub will be grateful to you for regular watering, especially if it is a young and not yet mature plant. But in the cool and rainy summer It is better not to water the tamarix at all, so as not to provoke waterlogging and the appearance of root rot.
  • For an elegant beadwork to look most advantageous, its crown requires regular pruning. In addition to adding decorativeness, this procedure also has sanitary purposes. The fact is that bushes that are too thick can suffer from mold, which negatively affects the well-being of the plant. When pruning, branches with darkened areas of bark should be ruthlessly removed and burned.
  • Despite the sufficient frost resistance of tamarix, with a forecast promising a drop in temperature to -28 ° C, it should be covered. The crown can be wrapped in burlap, plastic film, cardboard and others heat-insulating materials, A trunk circle cover with a thick layer of spruce branches or wood chips. If, after a harsh winter, you find damaged branches, then do not be afraid to remove them when spring pruning. The beaded plant recovers very quickly due to the appearance of young shoots.

Tamarix graceful - Tamarix gracilis

Reproduction of Tamarix

You can grow tamarix in your garden not only from a ready-made seedling purchased from a nursery. Try your hand at breeding it yourself.

Theoretically, the comb plant can be propagated from seeds or cuttings. But growing from seeds takes a lot of time and effort, and a positive result is not always guaranteed. It is much easier and more effective to give preference to cuttings.

To do this, in the fall it is necessary to prepare cuttings from already lignified branches. The area for planting must be prepared in advance by loosening the soil and adding humus. Cut cuttings must be buried immediately and watered abundantly.

There are more reliable way, in which the cuttings must be placed in water until roots form. To make the process more intense, you can dissolve any growth stimulant in water. When the root system has developed well enough, the cuttings can be buried in a prepared area of ​​open ground.

The soil at the planting site winter period Be sure to cover it with a layer of sawdust or peat mulch.

After wintering, young plants can be transplanted to a permanent place.

Tamarix loose - Tamarix laxa

Tamarix in landscape design

Beadwork is quite versatile for garden decoration. It is beautiful in single plantings, especially against the backdrop of ground cover plants. In groups, the shrub looks impressive in combination with the same graceful spirea or broom. You can choose neighbors that bloom at the same time as the comb flower, or those that will emphasize the delicacy of its flowers with a frame of green foliage, blooming earlier or later. Tamarix hedges look incredibly beautiful.

Tamarix tetranda - Tamarix tetranda

Tamarix is small bushy tree, the height of which sometimes reaches 5 meters, although it is often from 3 to 4 meters.

This plant is especially beautiful during the flowering period, which begins with the onset of summer and this process continues until mid-autumn. The peculiarity of this shrub is its scale-like flowering; the small leaves with which the branches are strewn are located close to each other and resemble fish scales in appearance.

Among the leaves you can see tiny flowers, the size of a small bead. Because of this, some people call the tree the Bisernik, as if it were strewn with beads. This shrub is also popularly known as comb shrub.

Meet something like this beautiful tree possible in Siberia, India, Europe and the Far East. The plant is quite common, this is not surprising; with its help you can adequately decorate a garden or personal plot.

Tamarix is ​​not whimsical and ongoing care does not require after landing.

Tamarix is ​​increasingly used in landscape design. Belongs to perennial plants that will delight you with their beauty and grace.

It is also interesting that there are so many species of this plant that choosing a tamarix for your garden that is different from your neighbor’s is incredibly easy.

Use in landscape design

Enough a long period The flowering and beauty of the plant allows you to decorate the area in an unusual way. Also attractive is the fact that the plant is perennial; it is enough to plant it once, and it will delight your eye for several years.

Designing a site is quite a difficult task; you need to think through everything down to the smallest detail in order to plant a tree and it will not interfere, but only bring pleasure.

If you want to decorate your garden with it, then you need to familiarize yourself with its features so that the shrub feels great in the place where you place it and does not interfere with you and the plants with which it is located next door.

Made ones are often more effective and impressive than purchased ones. Look ready-made options and manufacturing instructions can be found in our article.

Mountain pine - planting and caring for an ornamental shrub that will decorate any summer cottage. Why does the plant require reproduction?

Why is the plant attractive?

Beadweed is a very attractive plant that is often used in the design of a garden or plot.

It has gained popularity due to the fact that it has a lot of advantages, which we will look at below:

  • This is a perennial plant, there is no need to worry about it every year, although it requires care;
  • Very beautiful bush, will delight the eyes of the owner and passers-by, guests;
  • has healing properties;
  • unpretentious Tamarix is ​​a very diverse plant, there are many varieties;
  • The flowering period is very long;
  • frost resistance;
  • In addition to all the above advantages, the comb has the ability to adapt to various types soil.

Diversity of species is a distinctive feature of the plant

There are so many types of shrubs that it is impossible to list them all.

This happened thanks to the fact that this plant it is very easy and simple to cross, they coexist perfectly with each other, however original view Over time, the plant acquires the properties and color of its neighbor.

Therefore, it turns out that the existing 70 species of plants also interbreed with each other, and as a result we have a new species.

But, nevertheless, breeders give preference to some varieties of Tamarix, we list them below, and also consider some of their features:

  1. has a peculiarity - it is not resistant to severe frosts, but is restored, but is resistant to droughts. We bloom with pink or white flowers, emerald-colored leaves.
  2. Branched beaded plant It is also not particularly resistant to severe frosts; drought is not a problem for it. Often used as a hedge.
  3. Mayer's comb- this is a plant that has such a feature as the flowering of last year's shoots, and at the same time is not resistant to frost, so it must be properly covered for the winter in order for it to bloom.
  4. Tamarix graceful the rarest of all the listed plant species, although incredibly beautiful and has good frost resistance properties.

All these species are highly valued by breeders, and they can be found in landscape design, both in an ordinary garden and on the plots of wealthy people, on the territory of museums.

As for neighboring plants, they must be selected taking into account the characteristics of the tamarix - its height and flowering period. Goes well with shrubs different types.

In the photo there is a four-stamen comb

Tolerates very well in proximity to jasmine, yoshta, and almonds. These plants are similar in that they are all heat-loving and drought-resistant.

Planting the plant in open ground

The shrub is very drought-resistant, but loves moisture and cannot tolerate constant stagnation of water.

It is important for him to have sunny color during the day. There are several ways to plant shrubs:

  • seeds;
  • twigs;
  • cuttings.

Reproduction of Tamarix by cuttings and twigs is especially important, because seed propagation plants have a small percentage of germination and this process takes a long time.

It will take three to four months to understand how many plants will sprout and develop normally.

If you want to propagate comb grass with twigs, then you need to know that they need to be cut in the fall, one-year-old twigs that are placed in water are suitable and you need to monitor them and add them as needed.

Such plants must be planted in open ground in April; roots should form on the branches. They are planted in a shady place.

There is another propagation option that is suitable for you if you did not intend to propagate it in the fall.

To do this, cut a branch approximately 30 cm long and plant it in the ground, so that two buds are in the ground. Be sure to water; the plant will need to be replanted in the spring.

The video shows Tamarix planting in open ground.

Shrub care

In order for Tamarix to please its owner every year, it must be properly cared for.

The plant is not particularly whimsical, needs sunlight, but it does not need constant bright light, it loves moisture and does not tolerate stagnant water.

Watering should be done as often as possible, especially in hot weather, although the plant can easily tolerate dry weather.

It is quite possible to grow a shrub yourself; you need to take care in advance of what is required for this, and this, in turn, depends on the type of propagation chosen.

To give the plant the necessary beautiful shape It is recommended to prune it in the spring; it tolerates this process very well.

It is best to plant it in a slightly shaded or sunny place. If the soil is salty, then there is nothing wrong with it, he will tolerate it just fine.

If the winter temperature in the region does not reach below -28 degrees Celsius, but there is no need to cover it, it will tolerate this temperature well. Bisernik can be planted both in city parks and other gardens, and in suburban conditions.

Periodically, the plant needs to be pruned, and every five years it needs to be cut to the very root, it will recover, the new branches will be even more beautiful than the old ones. Young plant also needs care, the bush recovers very quickly.

What he fears and what he loves

An unpretentious plant that loves sunlight, moisture, tolerates proximity to shrubs well.

But it is important to understand that too scorching sun he doesn’t need it, and he also doesn’t like constant moisture and stagnant water. He is not afraid of pruning old branches; this must be done both for the purpose of giving shape and a well-groomed appearance, and for propagation.

Tamarix is ​​a fairly popular shrub, main feature which is not only beauty and elegance, but also endurance, it adapts perfectly to various types of soil, even if we are talking about clay soil, and tolerates frosts down to -28 degrees, and below, provided that it is covered for the winter period.

In the photo, Tamarix is ​​loose

Even if the comb gets frost, it can quickly recover over time. It also tolerates pruning well. As for the neighborhood, it tolerates very well the proximity to other varieties of shrubs in the garden. Very often used as a hedge.

When correct managed care Tamarix bush looks more like a small tree. Therefore, biologists cannot determine exactly whether a given crop belongs to one or another growth form. Before planting Tamarix, subsequent care and reproduction, you need to take into account everything characteristics of this culture. The article describes the intricacies of growing different species, but, in essence, they all come down to the same thing simple rules. The most important agrotechnical operation here is the sample for the purpose of forming correct form crowns Otherwise ornamental shrub simply turn into a thicket of something not entirely clear. There is another name for tamarix - comb, it is under this name that it is mentioned in many projects landscape design. Look at the tamarisk bush in the photo where it is presented in various options application on site. And let's continue getting to know him.

Description of the Tamarix tree (with photo)

Family Tamarix. There are about 100 species of tamarix tree known in the Mediterranean countries and Central Asia. In Ukraine, it grows wild in Crimea. In desert conditions, the comb grows up to 8 meters in height and 1 meter in diameter. The comb is found in steppes, semi-deserts, deserts in Africa, southern Europe and Asia.

Other names for this plant are “comb plant, bead plant.” The beaded plant got its name because in the spring, before flowering, its thin twig-like branches are literally hung with pink beads of round, bright pink small flower buds, and it is in spring that beadwork looks especially elegant.

Judging by the description of tamarix, these are shrubs or small trees with small, scaly leaves and thin graceful shoots. The leaves are arranged alternately, their length is 1-7 mm. The flowers are bisexual, up to 5 mm long, pink or purple, form large paniculate inflorescences. The comb flower blooms once a year: in spring, summer or autumn. It blooms profusely for two weeks and remains decorative all summer thanks to its elegant openwork foliage. The fruit of this plant is multi-seeded capsule, the seeds are small. The description of Tamarix presented on this page with a photo allows you to make right choice of this crop for landscaping the site.

The comb is a hardy tree, tenacious and not whimsical. Due to the branches being partially submerged in silt or covered with sand, the root system of the comb tree expands well. It prefers light, but also grows quite well in the shade.

This species is undemanding to soil and resistant to high temperatures and drought. It lends itself well to cutting and is used to create hedges.

Popular types of tamarisk

Tamarix graceful - Tamarix gracilis

It grows in the south of Ukraine, the European part of Russia, Siberia, Kazakhstan, China, and western Mongolia. It is the northernmost species of the genus. Shrub up to 4 m tall, with thick, tapering branches covered with gray-green or brownish-chestnut bark, with light fawn spots of cork in the leaf axils and along the shoots. The leaves of one-year-old branches are larger, lanceolate, fawn; and the green shoots - different lengths, pointed, arranged imbricately. Flower clusters appearing in spring on annual branches are simple, up to 5 cm long; in summer, flower racemes up to 7 cm long, in large paniculate inflorescences at the ends of growing shoots. The flowers are bright pink. Mature plants bloom in the spring and continue to bloom throughout the summer. Of interest as a beautifully flowering, original, most frost-resistant shrub in single and loose group planting.

Multi-branched Tamarix – Tamarix ramosissima

A low shrub with thin, bluish or greenish branches and reddish annual shoots. The leaves are narrow, subulate, up to 1.5 mm long, with ends curved towards the shoot. The flowers are pink, in dense, complex racemes, up to 5 cm long. Blooms from June to September.

Tamarix Odessa – Tamarix odessana

Naturally grows in Crimea and the southern regions, in the Black Sea region. Shrub with pink flowers in dense inflorescences, blooms from June to September.

Growing tamarix plants: planting and care in open ground

Caring for the tamarix plant when growing is simple because it is very unpretentious. It loves light, so an open place should be reserved for it. Tolerates any soil, even saline, preferring those rich in calcium. In terms of mechanical composition, it responds better to medium loams. Does not tolerate stagnation of water, as well as close groundwater. Will not grow on clay and clayey soils, needs open space And sunny place. For lush flowering Tamarix can be fertilized with organic matter. To increase frost resistance in the second half of summer, it is advisable to give mineral fertilizing from superphosphate (up to 40 g per bush) and potassium salt 20–25 g.

When planning to plant tamarisk and care for it in open ground, you need to expect that the shrub will be in the same place for many years. Developing a powerful root system, Tamarix does not need periodic watering, but watering is necessary with fertilizing. In autumn, the base of the bush should be covered with fallen leaves.

Propagation of tamarix by cuttings

Tamarix propagates by dividing the bush, seeds, cuttings, suckers, and at any time. The easiest way to propagate is by cuttings.

When propagating Tamarix by cuttings, rooting is almost one hundred percent. Lignified cuttings take root better in early spring. Normally developed last year's shoots, not very thin, are used for cuttings. They are cut into 2–4 internodes; when planted, one bud is left above the surface of the ground. Tamarix also reproduces well by green cuttings, which are cut in the first half of summer. IN favorable conditions The growth bush produces offspring that can be planted. The seeds have weak germination energy and quickly disappearing germination, therefore the seed propagation method is less popular.

Cuttings are usually grown for one year. In the second year, the shoot is pruned. After pruning, several strong shoots grow.

It should be planted in the spring, but it can also be planted in August in well-drained, any garden, fairly fertile soil. The plant is drought-resistant. The permissible acidity of the soil is from pH 5 to pH 6. Tamarix is ​​not susceptible to diseases, and pests practically do not attack, except for the bronze beetle, which feeds on flowers.

In conditions in the North-West, it can freeze slightly in severe winters with little snow due to the level of snow cover, so plant low-growing species in places where there is a large snowdrift in winter.

In single plantings, for example at lawn corners or path intersections, low-growing Japanese spirea suitable for rockeries (rocky hills).

Tamarix grows well in windy areas, and since some species can reach a height of 3 m, it serves as an excellent screen from cold winds for the more pampered inhabitants of the garden. Usually it is a low shrub up to 1.5 m tall.

See what tamarix looks like in the video, which shows agricultural techniques and application in landscape design:

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