What to do if Chinese cabbage blooms. Why Chinese cabbage started to bloom and what to do

Although Chinese cabbage has long taken pride of place on the table, the cultivation of this crop is not yet so widespread in Russia and Ukraine. Many gardeners are just beginning to master the cabbage farming technology that came to us from China. But in vain - after all, it has many advantages - a short growing season, high yield, excellent taste. However, the lack of experience in growing Pekinka among most summer residents leads to troubles - in some cases, the crop shoots. In this regard, the question arises - why does Chinese cabbage bloom and what to do with it? “Popular about health” will share the secrets of agricultural technology of this crop.

Why does cabbage begin to bloom??

What are the reasons for the bolting of this crop? Those who have already gained some experience in growing it know that the Peking tree is quite simple and unpretentious in caring for it. It develops quickly, produces good yields, and tolerates cold well. So what's the deal? Why can she shoot an arrow?

To find the answer to this question, you need to become more familiar with the characteristics of the culture. Indeed, Chinese cabbage is well adapted to the cold, but when it forms a head, cold temperatures can become an enemy - at this time the thermometer should not fall below +12 degrees. In such weather, cabbage will not react in the best way - it will release a flower stalk. In this case, there is no point in waiting for the harvest.

Long daylight hours are another reason for the flowering of Pekinka. If the sun is active for 12 hours, there is a high probability that the crop will produce a flower stalk. With long daylight hours and temperatures above 23 degrees, they fold favorable conditions for flowering.

Cabbage variety also affects bolting. Hybrids less resistant to cold are more likely to bloom if it gets cold outside at the time of head formation. So, we looked at the main reasons why Pekinka blooms:

1. Decrease in air temperature during the formation of heads of cabbage.

2. The weather is too warm (more than 25 degrees) and long daylight hours (over 12 hours).

3. Influence of crop variety.

Knowing the reasons for shooting, you can take some actions to avoid this trouble. But this will be discussed a little later. If the crop is already beginning to bloom, is there anything that can be done?

What to do with Chinese cabbage that has bloomed?

If the flowering of Pekinka has begun, then nothing can be done. Experienced gardeners It is recommended to immediately, as soon as there is a hint of forcing the peduncle, pull out the cabbage from the garden bed so that it does not take up space, since it is unsuitable for food. Instead, you can still have time to plant other vegetables that will yield a harvest. In order not to encounter such a problem in the future, it is important to figure out how to prevent the development of the peduncle.

How to prevent Chinese cabbage from blooming?

We have figured out the reasons for the flowering of Pekinka, which means that in order to prevent this trouble, it is important to observe the appropriate temperature regime when growing crops and length daylight hours. How to do it?

Firstly, considering climatic features zone where you live, you should choose the right time for planting. It is best to plant Pekinka early, in April, when the soil has warmed up sufficiently and the air temperature does not drop below 10 degrees. In such conditions, the rosette will be well accepted and develop. By that time, it will become much warmer outside, and the risk of a cold snap will decrease. However, you should always be prepared for nature's surprises. Just in case, keep agrofibre on hand so that if something happens, you can cover your cabbage plantings during the formation of heads of cabbage. This will protect it from the cold, which means that flower stalks will not appear.

Second, plant the Peking plant in a place where the sun in the afternoon hides behind the crowns of trees or buildings. This will artificially shorten the length of daylight hours. Don't plant this crop too late. Optimal timing planting - mid-spring and late summer. This will avoid protrusion of the peduncle, since daylight hours at this time are shorter than in mid-summer.

Heat is also detrimental to Chinese cabbage. If the weather is hot (over 25 degrees) during head formation, there is a high risk of bolting. In this case, it is unlikely that anything can be done. The same advice applies here - it is better to plant cabbage in mid-April or August, when there is no extreme heat.

To prevent Chinese cabbage from going to waste, choose varieties that are highly resistant to cold weather.

What does not affect the flowering of a crop??

Some gardeners are mistaken when they believe that low soil fertility and lack of moisture increase the risk of Peking flowering. These indicators are not relevant to this problem. Only the size of the head of cabbage depends on them.

And if the Pekingweed blooms, what should you do? We figured out that in this case there is no need to take measures to save the crop, nothing will come of it. Such cabbage needs to be pulled out, and in its place planted something more promising, for example, ordinary white cabbage or red cabbage. Having gained bitter experience, perhaps next time you will take into account all the characteristics and preferences of this culture and be able to prevent its bolting. Now you know exactly how to do this.

Growing Chinese cabbage is considered accessible to every gardener, be it a “green” beginner or seasoned gardener with experience. This unpretentious vegetable grows well and quickly, it is easy to get two harvests per season, it is stored perfectly, it is tasty and extremely useful, but it has three troubles: bolting, cruciferous flea beetle and slugs.

Why does Chinese cabbage bloom and not form a head? How to get rid of cruciferous flea beetle? What will help fight a slug? Let's finally understand the features of growing Chinese cabbage so that we can always have a harvest of this “Asian beauty”. Everything you need to know about Chinese cabbage is in today's article.

Timing for planting Chinese cabbage: how to avoid bolting

The first and most important secret a good harvest of Chinese cabbage: you need to plant it on time! Chinese cabbage blooms and produces seeds only with long daylight hours (just like radishes or daikon). This suggests an obvious conclusion: to avoid flowering, Chinese cabbage should be planted either in early spring or in mid-summer, when daylight hours are shorter.

Therefore, Chinese cabbage is planted twice:

In addition, do not forget that there are special varieties of Chinese cabbage that are resistant to flowering. Dutch hybrids have proven themselves very well.

Although all Chinese cabbage is an early ripening crop, it has varieties that differ in terms of ripening. Early varieties are ready for harvesting in 40-55 days, medium varieties in 55-60, and late varieties in 60-80.

Growing Chinese cabbage: basic agricultural technology

Beijing cabbage is grown in seedlings and in seedless ways. The advantage of seedlings is undeniable - accelerated growth and shortened ripening period.

Growing Chinese cabbage through seedlings

For getting early harvest Chinese cabbage seeds are planted for seedlings at the end of March, and for winter consumption- at the end of June.

The optimal way to grow seedlings is in individual pots or peat tablets, because Chinese cabbage does not tolerate picking well and takes root in a permanent place for quite a long time.

Chinese cabbage loves loose soil, so a mixture of humus and coconut substrate 1:2. You can also use a mixture of turf soil and peat in equal proportions. The seeds are planted to a depth of 0.5-1 centimeter and the pots are left in a dark, warm place until germination, which usually does not take long to appear and appears after 2-3 days.

Now the Chinese cabbage seedlings must be brought into the light. It is advisable to water the seedlings not too often, as the top layer of soil dries out. Watering is stopped 3-4 days before planting.

When the seedlings have 4-5 true leaves (after about 25-30 days), they are ready to be planted in the garden.

Growing Chinese cabbage without seedlings

To plant Chinese cabbage, it is recommended to choose a well-lit area where garlic, onions, cucumbers, potatoes or carrots had previously grown - best predecessors this culture.

First you need to prepare the holes at a distance of 25-30 centimeters from each other (the same distance should be between the rows in the garden bed). Add a half-liter jar of humus or compost + 2 tablespoons of ash to each hole and spill it generously. Now you can plant seedlings or seeds.

The seeds are planted to a depth of 1-2 centimeters, sprinkled with ash on top and covered with covering material or film. After 4-7 days, the first shoots should appear.

Care, watering, feeding of Chinese cabbage

Chinese cabbage loves light, moisture and coolness. The optimal temperature for growing it is 15-20°C. At temperatures below 13°C and above 25°C at good harvest you can't count on it. One of the indispensable agricultural practices when growing Chinese cabbage is covering it with non-woven fabric.

Firstly, the shelter protects young seedlings from frosts and temperature changes (unlike adult plants, Beijing seedlings do not tolerate cold weather).

Secondly, the covering material shades Chinese cabbage from direct sunlight on hot days, preventing overheating.

Thirdly, it protects plantings from excess moisture V rainy summer(if there is too much water, Chinese cabbage can rot).

Finally, the cruciferous flea beetle - an insatiable pest of Chinese cabbage - is much less likely to find the plant under cover than without it.

Two weeks after planting in the ground, mulch the bed with Chinese cabbage. Mulch will help retain more moisture in the soil and deter weeds.

Once a week, Chinese cabbage is watered generously. warm water. The culture responds well to fertilizing. Two weeks after landing on permanent place you can feed it:

— mullein infusion (1:10);

- infusion of chicken manure (1:20);

- herbal infusion (1:9).

1 liter of fertilizer is poured under each plant. At spring planting This feeding is carried out three times, and in summer - twice. To make the heads of cabbage set better, you can spray the cabbage with a solution boric acid- dissolve 2 grams in 1 liter hot water and add 9 liters of cold.

How to get rid of cruciferous flea beetle and slugs on Chinese cabbage

Diseases in Chinese cabbage are rare; it grows so quickly that it simply does not have time to become infected.

But pests love Beijing. The most avid cabbage lovers are cruciferous flea beetles and slugs.

The cruciferous flea beetle is very difficult to defeat; although it is small, it will wear you down in no time. That's why best fight with it comes prevention. You need to try to make sure that this little scoundrel bypasses your beds.

Measures to combat cruciferous flea beetle:

- Compliance with planting deadlines. In early spring and late summer, cruciferous flea beetles are still/no longer present in nature.

- Covering the plantings with non-woven fabric. As mentioned above, it is more difficult for fleas to get under cover.

- Dust the beds with ash before germination. This pest does not favor ash.

- Correct crop rotation. You should not plant Chinese cabbage in beds where other cruciferous crops (radish, daikon, mustard or any cabbage) grew. The larvae of the cruciferous flea beetle overwinter in the soil, and the pest will definitely appear.

- Mixed plantings. Most The best way to overcome a flea is to deceive it. To confuse the scoundrel, plant Chinese cabbage along with tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes, garlic, onions or petunias.

If, despite all efforts, the cruciferous flea flea has reached the bed with Chinese cabbage, you can spray it with biological preparations “Fitoverm” or “Bitoxibacillin”, dust it with a mixture of ash and tobacco dust(1:1). And if the pest is especially rampant, you cannot do without the use of chemicals - Actellica, Aktara, Iskra or Inta-Vira. However, they can be used no later than a month before harvesting.

Another problem with Beijing is slugs. In a cloudy, rainy summer, they can easily eat Chinese cabbage for us. How to treat Chinese cabbage against slugs?

Let's be honest, getting rid of slugs is very difficult. And you have to try everything: sprinkle cabbage special mixture(0.5 liters of ash + 2 tbsp. salt + 1 tbsp. dry mustard + 2 tbsp. ground hot red pepper, spread burdock leaves over the garden bed (slugs love burdock and will certainly get under the leaves), spill beds with brilliant green (a bottle on a bucket of water), place boards between the beds (slugs gather under them), and then destroy the pests manually.

Storing Chinese cabbage

Mature Chinese cabbage plants are notable for their resistance to frost. The culture can withstand cold temperatures down to -4°C. Therefore, do not rush to cut off unripe small heads; Chinese cabbage can be safely left in the garden until mid-October.

When a head of Chinese cabbage becomes dense, it is ready for harvesting. Vegetables planted in early spring for long-term storage are not suitable, they are planted specifically for summer consumption. But Chinese cabbage planted in July can be perfectly stored until the new year and beyond.

Store Chinese cabbage at a temperature of 5-7°C, wrapping each head in cling film either wrapped in newspaper and then in plastic bag. Only newspapers need to be changed from time to time to avoid rotting.

We wish you success and great harvests!

, let's talk about growing it. Agricultural technology of this plant, the requirements for growing conditions will shed light on the reason for the lack of a dense head and our disappointment.

Chinese cabbage interests us because it has a vitamin C and protein content that is twice as high as white cabbage. It can serve as an excellent source of vitamins and mineral salts in winter time. After all, there are people who do not like sauerkraut or salted cabbage. But the salad will be served from fresh Beijing on cold winter days. It also contains a source of longevity and our vigor - the amino acid lysine. Vigor is exactly what is missing at the junction of winter and spring. You can also stew, boil, fry, salt and marinate it.

Like other types, Chinese cabbage is cold-resistant when grown. Already at +4˚С the seeds will germinate, and will grow at +15˚С. Can withstand short-term frosts down to -4˚C. It is optimal to increase the temperature to +22˚С. But he doesn’t like heat. Tolerant of slight shading, although it is a light-loving plant. Often affected by clubroot acidic soils. Therefore, such areas require preliminary cultivation. Grows well in fertile, well-moistened areas.

But the most important requirements are regarding light, day length, and heat.

So why does Chinese cabbage bloom?

A high yield is produced with a short day and warm weather. If the daylight hours are long, it will go into arrows, that is, it will bloom. The plant differs from others in its precociousness. Therefore, when sowing early in the spring, it may be subject to a long drop in temperature. But the daylight hours will already be long. As a result, the result will be disastrous - the head will not form. Therefore, we create conditions for growth and select varieties with a long growth stage. And just if you are late with cutting, you can get flowers instead of a crispy head or a rosette of leaves. When sowing in summer, it also bolts prematurely. That's why very early varieties you can sow early only in closed ground, so as not to expose low temperatures. There is no possibility of covering, take the Champion and Khibinskaya varieties. And leave the early ripening ones for a warmer period.

Predecessors and intermediate crops - Chinese cabbage is grown after zucchini, legumes, tomato, cucumber, and onion. But after cabbage and plants affected by clubroot, you will have to wait up to 3-4 years. If you harvest early, you can then plant many more types of vegetables with a quick ripening period. It can be greens, and even cucumbers. You will have time to enjoy the harvest. And the place will not be free to walk. As a last resort, sow green manure after it - it’s an excellent fertilizer.

It does not tolerate transplantation very well, so grow seedlings either in cups or immediately sow them in a permanent place. As a last resort, when replanting, keep a large earthen lump and don’t delay deadlines.

The planting pattern for growing Chinese cabbage is denser than white cabbage. Maintain 30 cm between rows, and 15-20 cm between plants in a row. closed ground cabbage varieties are planted according to a 20 by 20 pattern, leaf varieties are 10 by 10 cm. Seedlings are usually transplanted in the phase of 4 true leaves. You can also use this plant as a compactor, planting it between rows.

If you notice a developmental delay, then feed nitrogen fertilizer based on 10 liters 20 grams. But only on early stages. Actually, it's better to do without it. After all, the culture is fast-growing. What to do, pay attention to preparing the bed in the fall, add compost or mineral fertilizers. Even better is to sow green manure and dig it up in the fall. And by spring the fertility of the bed will be increased. If you haven’t done any of this in advance, then use liquid compost. Excellent fertilizer and no material costs.

Chinese cabbage can be called a moisture-loving plant. But if over-watered, rotting is possible. But with a lack of moisture, it forms rough, fibrous leaves. In hot weather, it is better to water not from above, but into furrows made along the row.

Refers to vegetables capable of accumulating nitrates in concentrations hazardous to health. Therefore, do not neglect the recommendations for applying fertilizers. To reduce the amount of nitrates by 20%, soaking in cold water in an hour.

Broccoli contains more carotene, ascorbic and nicotinic acids, vitamins and microelements than cauliflower. White cabbage also contains less useful substances. Broccoli contains components that prevent the occurrence of cancer. It is useful to eat it fresh or slightly boiled.

There are 2 types of broccoli: calabrese (forms a strong head on a powerful stem), asparagus broccoli - they eat stems that taste similar to asparagus.

Early varieties

Emperor F1 - 75–80 days pass from the growth of the first sprouts to harvest.

Comanche - the heads are cut off 3 months after planting the seeds. The bushes tolerate low and high temperatures well.

Laser F1 - broccoli heads, dense and emerald green, are removed after 75 days.

Samme King is a variety that can easily withstand heat. Collect high yield, regardless of the timing of planting.

Tone - from the appearance of sprouts to the growth of heads, 75–90 days pass. The harvest ripens together. The head of cabbage is dark green, medium density, weight 0.15 - 0.25 kg, has an excellent taste. If the weather is too cool or hot, it may have a brownish-brown color.

Mid-season varieties

Arcadia F1 is a medium-ripening hybrid that produces big harvest, growing season 110 days. The culture is strong and high. The head is large, phthalocyanine green, weighing up to 400 g. Cabbage can be eaten fresh or processed.

Genoa - perfect for dense planting.

Greenbelt - growing season 105 days. The heads of cabbage are medium-sized, excellent quality, with medium-sized flowers.

Calabrese - from the first sprouts to technical ripeness 90 days pass. The heads are average in density. The weight of the central head of cabbage is up to 400 g, after which 6 - 7 heads grow on the side weighing up to 100 g.

Konpakta - 100 days pass from sowing the seeds to harvesting the heads of cabbage. The crop grows very compactly and can be planted in heaps. The head is dome-shaped, large, with small flower buds.

Monton F1 - has average term ripening and raised rosette of foliage. The heads are large, weighing up to 800 g, greenish-gray, medium density, good taste.

Senshi - growing season 110 days. The head of cabbage is large, dome-shaped, with medium-sized flower buds; the cabbage lies for a long time after harvesting.

Fortuna - the variety has an average ripening period and a raised rosette of foliage. The head of cabbage is greenish-gray, medium density, weight up to 150 g, good taste.

Caesar - has large, hard, greenish-purple heads.

Late varieties

Lucky F1 - has late date maturation. The heads are large, strong, their weight is 300 – 500 g.

Marathon F1 - has a raised rosette of foliage. The head of cabbage is large, weighing up to 700 g, green, strong, but with a delicate texture, and tastes good.

How to choose the right site and prepare seeds

How to plant broccoli correctly so that the heads start to form?

Plant broccoli in the area where mustard, carrots, beans, potatoes, phacelia, oats, onions, lupines, beans, peas, wheat, and cucumbers previously grew.

You should not plant in the same bed where cabbage, tomatoes, beets, radishes, turnips, and radishes grew.

Dry seeds are poured into water at a temperature of +50 ° C for a quarter of an hour, then washed in water. Place on a damp cotton cloth and refrigerate for 24 hours. Then the seeds are dried and sown.

Sowing seeds

How to sow seeds correctly so that when transplanted into the ground, cabbage heads immediately begin to set?

The substrate is made by mixing equal parts of turf, peat soil and sand. After sowing, water the plantings with a spray bottle. Place in a warm place with an air temperature of +20 °C. When the first shoots appear, set the air temperature to +10 °C for 7 days. Then increase the temperature to +14 – 16 °C, at night - +9 °C. If the room is too warm, above +20 °C, this will contribute to the accelerated formation of the head.

2 weeks after sowing, the seedlings are planted. After this, the air temperature should be +21 °C, and then it is reduced to +17 °C during the day and +9 °C at night.

2 weeks before transplanting to a summer cottage, the seedlings are hardened by taking them out onto the balcony: first for a quarter of an hour, then for a longer time.

Planting seedlings on the site

The seedlings are transplanted to the site when 5–6 true leaves have grown, at the age of 35–45 days. This is done several times from May 1 until the end of June, then it will be possible to harvest cabbage from July 15 and almost until frost.

You can sow seeds on your summer cottage in early May. When planting seeds, dig holes, pour ash, pour out water and sprinkle seeds. Dusting with ash protects against insect attacks.


Broccoli prefers well-moistened soil that has neutral characteristics - this can be achieved by mulching the soil.

It is recommended to plant broccoli together with beets, dill, peas, cucumbers, carrots, celery, spinach, tomatoes, and marigolds. It is not recommended to plant broccoli together with watercress and onions.

Why does broccoli fade? To prevent the cabbage from blooming, monitor the weight of the head, look at the inscription on the bag of seeds: if the recommended weight of the head is 0.4 kg, then do not expect a large head, cut it off when it weighs 0.35 kg, then the cabbage will not bloom. Cut the head of cabbage with a knife, do not touch the side foliage. Fertilize the crop, and after a while side shoots will grow.

Why are the heads not forming? If the heads do not set, then you need to remember that they grow at air temperatures up to +18 ° C. That is, late-ripening broccoli varieties should be sown so that the heads form when the air temperature is not too high. In September, with fairly cool nights, the head of cabbage develops more slowly, but as a result grows larger.

Remember that cabbage loves water, and drought will have a bad effect on the development of the head. The crop is especially demanding when it comes to watering when a rosette of foliage forms and a head of cabbage forms.

What to do if the broccoli head does not set? Heads of cabbage may not set due to fertilizing done late or too abundantly. If you feed the plant too intensively, the heads will not set.

The last reason is too hot. Cabbage does not like heat, because of this, when purchasing seeds, read on the package whether they advise planting this variety in a specific area. In the South, broccoli is planted in the fall and harvested in the spring.

Broccoli is fed three times: 14 days after planting the seedlings, then after another 2 weeks and when heads form. It is better to use vermicompost solution and herbal tea for fertilizer.

What can be done to make knotted heads grow well? Mulch the plantings with peat and dust the peat with ash. In order for the heads to be tight, it is necessary that straight lines do not fall on them. Sun rays. That is, when tying a head of cabbage, break a rosette of leaves or tie the leaves above the head.

Remember that it is better to plant broccoli seedlings on garden plot later, and in the greenhouse - in April or May.

Domestic agronomists learned about Chinese cabbage not so long ago, since the birthplace of the crop is China. The plant belongs to the Cruciferous family. In the product high concentration nutrients, which have a beneficial effect on human body, while it is classified as dietary. Growing Chinese cabbage summer cottage not difficult, but you need to know all the features of its development. Many beginners and experienced agronomists wondering why Beijing cabbage is coming in color, what to do in these cases.

Basic information about the culture

An alternative name for Chinese cabbage is cabbage. It began to be cultivated in China, as evidenced by written references dating back to the 5th-6th centuries AD. Further, cabbage culture spread to Korea, Japan and India. At the end of the 20th century, few people knew about Chinese cabbage in the USA and Europe, but recently the situation has changed dramatically. Today it is one of the most popular garden crops in the world, in Russia too. Domestic gardeners are increasingly growing it in their garden plots.

Chinese cabbage is more like lettuce leaves. During the development of the plant, tender leaves with excellent taste are formed, there are no hard veins, the flesh is tender and juicy. In cooking from this garden crops prepare everything from ordinary varieties cabbage

Chinese cabbage

Main varieties:

  • Bilko F1 is a hybrid of Dutch selection, intended for cultivation in open soil and film tunnels. The ripening period is late, intended for cultivation in autumn (67 days). The weight of each leafy head, subject to the rules of agricultural technology, varies from 1.2 to 1.8 kg. The variety is highly productive, therefore it is in great demand in the domestic market. It has good transportability and excellent keeping quality. Has good resistance to diseases.
  • Manoko F1 is a hybrid variety, adapted for Russian climatic conditions. Designed for cultivation in open soil or under shelters throughout the summer season. Refers to early varieties, the duration of the growing season is 45-48 days. The weight of each head of cabbage reaches 800 g - 1 kg, they are compact and have a cylindrical shape. In demand due to its productivity. Root system heat-resistant, can be transported over long distances. It has excellent taste. Good disease resistance.
  • Taranko F1 is a late-ripening hybrid of Dutch selection. After disembarkation planting material If all rules of agricultural technology are observed, the harvest can be harvested after 72 days. The weight of the head of cabbage can vary from 1.2 kg to 2 kg. Excellent taste qualities. High resistance to fusarium is noted. Recommended for use in fresh, not intended for long-term storage.

Reasons why Chinese cabbage blooms

Beijing cabbage is coming into color

It happens that a crop goes into flower (begins to shoot). Why Chinese cabbage goes into color - the most common reasons:

  • All varieties of cabbage - heat-loving plants. Perhaps the seeds were sown a week or two earlier, before the onset of optimal temperatures. As a result, during the formation of fruits there were unfavorable climatic conditions.
  • Injury to the root system during transplantation, if the plant is planted as seedlings. The rhizome can also be damaged when caring for plants, for example, during loosening. Having lost part of the root system, lettuce to finish faster life cycle, begins to actively form flowers and fruits.
  • Salad cabbage can go into color if you do not focus on climatic conditions when choosing planting material. Adapted for the Russian climate - Dutch seeds Taranko, Manokolo and Bilko. To purchase quality seed material you need to visit specialized stores.
  • The plant may begin to bloom due to long daylight hours. In order to prevent the capricious crop from blooming, it is necessary to sow the seeds in early spring and/or late summer (daylight hours are not so high).
  • A lack of moisture can also cause flowering. All varieties of cabbage - moisture-loving plants. It is necessary to carefully ensure that the soil is adequately moistened.
  • Chinese cabbage can also bloom when there are significant temperature changes. The optimal temperature for the formation of heads of cabbage is +23-27 degrees. When the temperature drops below +22, flowering flowers may form. In unstable weather, it is recommended to use agrofibre - it warms and controls the flow of moisture.
  • The “Peking” can go into color if its predecessor on the dacha plot was any representative of the Cruciferous family. It is recommended to plant the plant in areas where tomatoes grew last year, legumes, cucumbers and onions.
  • The crop is capable of flowering due to the fact that in the soil an insufficient amount nutrients. Therefore, before sowing seeds, it is recommended to add organic and/or mineral fertilizers to the ground. Chinese cabbage reacts sharply to soil shortages minerals: potassium, phosphorus and calcium. It is effective to use egg tincture as a fertilizer: infuse 30 g in 5 liters of hot water. eggshells. Potassium and phosphorus in the soil play an important role in the formation of heads of cabbage. If there is a deficiency of these substances, the heads of cabbage will form slowly, but the flowers will show good growth.
  • A garden crop may bloom or disappear altogether if hybrid varieties, which are characterized by low cold resistance, were planted in the soil.
  • Delayed harvesting may cause problems. Dense heads of Chinese cabbage must be cut off on time, otherwise they will inevitably fade into color. The crop bears fruit abundantly in warm climates and short daylight hours.

Prevention measures

If the crop has faded during the previous planting, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the above reasons and, if possible, eliminate them in the future. To avoid encountering such a problem, you must follow the recommendations:

  • It is recommended to plant cabbage near buildings or fences; they provide the shade that the plant needs for full growth and development. If there are no such places at your dacha, you can plant them in open areas, but in the afternoon the crop must be covered with covering material.
  • It is recommended to sow the plant in early spring or late summer. To protect against cold weather, it is recommended to use covering material; it does not need to be removed from the beds at all, thanks to this it will be possible to maintain the temperature regime.
  • When growing kale in the Russian climate, it is better to give preference to Dutch ones. hybrid varieties. The most frost-resistant of them are Bilko, Taranko and Manoco.
  • It is recommended to sow the seed immediately in open ground or peat cups. When processing beds, the penetration depth should not exceed 2-3 cm. Such measures will preserve the delicate roots of plants.
  • A month before the expected sowing date, it is recommended to apply mineral fertilizers - potassium sulfate or superphosphate - to the ground. During the growing season, special mineral complexes intended for cabbage must be regularly added to the soil.

By strictly following all the recommendations, you will be able to avoid situations where the heads of cabbage have not yet formed, but the cabbage has already begun to bloom. If you follow the agrotechnical rules for growing Chinese cabbage, the plant will not shoot arrows.

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