Do-it-yourself fence for a garden bed. Fences for raised beds made of boards

Many summer residents suffer due to the fact that on the site groundwater are too high. Excessive soil moisture is not suitable for all plants; many develop poorly or even die. You can solve the problem by making high beds. With this arrangement of plantings, it is possible to control the degree of humidity. And a pleasant bonus to such a decision will be more early date ripening and a much larger harvest.

Advantages and disadvantages

In addition to solving problems with waterlogging, high beds in the garden allow you to sow or plant plants 2-3 weeks earlier: raised above the ground, they warm up more actively due to the fact that the sun warms the walls. This is also facilitated by the decomposition processes occurring in plant waste, which make up a significant part of the backfill. That is why such beds are also called warm. If you place arcs on such a bed and cover them with spunbond or other similar material, then the harvest can be harvested even earlier.

The device is more problematic in regions with hot climates. The task in this case is not to better heat the earth, but to keep it from overheating. But this can also be solved: use it for fencing raised beds materials with poor thermal conductivity, such as wood. For better effect you can make double walls, between which you can fill, for example, sawdust, lay polystyrene foam, or you can leave an air gap - better thermal insulation. In hot climates, it is better to paint the outer wall with white paint or whitewash it. It is known that light-colored surfaces heat up less. In this case, it will be possible to keep the root system from overheating: in the south the earth sometimes gets very hot and the higher the plant is, the cooler it will be. You can also stretch the same covering material over the beds. It not only retains heat, but also protects against overheating.

Raised beds can also be a good option on infertile lands. It is more convenient to lay out the imported soil in beds rather than distribute it over the entire site. The compost layer, which is located under the soil layer, contributes to maintaining fertility.

The problem of arid regions is also being solved. In this case, the fence for the high bed is coated from the inside bitumen mastic or covered with film, placed on the bottom (on a grid) rolled waterproofing material(roofing material will rot quickly, so it’s better to use something from modern type hydroisol). It will not be possible to achieve complete waterproofing, but it will be possible to retain moisture inside in sufficient quantities - yes.

Carrots - one to one. The best one is in a high bed, although the same variety was planted in a regular bed

As you can see, with a balanced approach, almost any problem can be solved. Raised beds have few disadvantages, but they are not without them:

  • In most cases, you have to make a fence, and this costs money.
  • The complexity of the process. Again, it takes time to make fences, and there is also a fair amount of earth and plant debris to move around, which is hard work.
  • Mole crickets and other similar animals thrive in rotting leaves, branches, and bark. We have to fight them.
  • Fertility has to be maintained by updating or completely replacing the “filling”.

That's all the shortcomings. If you decide to arrange raised beds, be prepared for a considerable amount of work. But the harvest will be many times greater. You can make one or two beds for testing. And then decide whether you need them or not.


On one site there are very high beds and not very...

So, the dimensions of the raised beds are:

  • Height - from 20 cm to 50-60 cm. Here you can see how it turns out not an easy task. The higher the bed is raised, the easier it is to process - less bending. But more land and all the other “fillings” will be required. One more point: if a small bed may be covered with snow and will be covered from severe frosts, then a tall one will freeze through: the sides will also be open. For those beds where annuals are sown, this does not play any role, but for perennial strawberries, let’s say, this is a problem. Therefore, the height is chosen based on these considerations. According to the experience of many gardeners for strawberries optimal height- 20 cm. Then we can hope that it will not freeze.
  • Width - from 60 cm to 1.2 m. Choose a distance so that it is convenient for you to cultivate the bed. A distance of 60-70 cm is chosen if the approach to the bed is only from one side. If you can reach it from both sides, you can make it a meter or more. It is important that the middle is processed without much stress.
  • Length. Here everyone chooses based on the configuration of the site or their desire. There are no recommendations at all.

To prevent the bed from being too high, part of it can be buried: bury it 20-30 cm, and then put walls on top. The removed soil will be used for backfilling (there is often simply not enough soil), and the substrate from the lower coarse layers can be made thicker. And to minimize the cost of maintaining such a bed, you can.

How can you fence high beds?

You can use anything that can hold the soil. The most durable curbs are made from brick, stone and concrete.

But brick costs a lot, and it takes a long time to work with concrete. A concrete fence is made according to all the rules: first, formwork in which the reinforcement is laid, then it is poured with concrete and they wait until it sets. But the service life is impressive - decades.

Concrete garden bed fences are the most durable and will never “float”

Brick and stone fencing is also built according to all the rules: with mortar and bandaging. To reduce brick consumption, the walls are laid in half a brick. And so that the earth does not move it, the rows are reinforced with mesh.

But even in this option, you will need to install a meter support pillars. If your soil is viscous, heavy, and often waterlogged, such walls can be squeezed out. Therefore, install wooden or metal supports that will fix the long walls or make small beds, as for

Fence for high beds made of expanded clay concrete blocks

They also make fences for high beds from galvanized metal and slate. You can use used slate, you can buy new, wave or smooth - it doesn’t matter. Cut the sheets into strips of the required width. There is no need to fear that it is harmful. Slate contains asbestos in bound state, but it does not dissolve in water. It is harmful when it is sawed: dust rises and through Airways enters the body. To reduce the risk, wear a respirator and wet the incision area.

They make fences for the garden beds from plastic. Have you changed the siding? Use it. There are old plastic panels - they are used. But plastic requires a rigid base. It is made from a metal mesh made of thick wire.

The grids can become the basis for pebbles or pellets. Only in this case will it be necessary double frame, inside of which stones or some other material are poured. This technique is called “gabion” and it is used to make not only fences for garden beds and gardens, but also fences. But to prevent water from seeping through the walls from the gabion beds, the inside of the box is lined with a thick film.

The most popular fencing is made of wood. You can use boards, timber, logs. Wood is good for everything, except that it rots.

And since all the conditions have been created in high beds to activate this process, destruction occurs quite quickly. You can slow down the process somewhat by painting the boards or impregnating them with a bioprotective composition. But there is still no guarantee against destruction.

But you can use cheap, and sometimes even waste, material: leftovers from construction, slabs, old logs, pallets, etc. If desired, you can even make a fence from branches. It is only advisable to remove the bark: it is under it that there are many larvae and woodworms. Although...they will also process the wood debris that you place at the bottom of the backfill. But you don’t need too many of them either, so it’s probably better to remove the bark.

From the same branches, only freshly cut, you can make a wicker fence. And it will also need to be lined with film from the inside: to keep water and earth inside.

You can even use straw. It is tied into small bundles, which are connected to each other using wire. It simply couldn’t be cheaper, and it holds water and temperature well. The only disadvantage of this option is that such a fence will last for a maximum of two seasons, but rather one. But it can then be used as one of the layers.

There are high beds without a fence: the so-called bulk beds. The soil in them is poured in the form of hills.

To improve drainage, branches are placed inside such a ridge. To reduce the height of the bed (for example, for tomatoes), it is deepened a little, throwing the soil to the side. After laying the branches, it is filled on top; there is often a need for additionally imported soil. If you cannot choose row spacing deeply.

The disadvantage of this type of garden: when watering and during rains upper layer soil is washed away. That’s why they started making boxes - to avoid washing out the soil.

Layers of raised beds

Framing is only a small part of the job. The resulting box still needs to be filled. It must be said right away that the thickness of the layers depends on the height of the bed that you have chosen, so if any values ​​are given, then they are purely approximate. In addition to the size of the bed, the thickness of the layer, for example, fertile, is influenced by the choice of plants: for some, 5 cm is enough, but for others, much more is needed.

So, what to pour into a high bed - layers from bottom to top:

  1. Stacked on the bottom metal grid with fine mesh or layer. You can put cardboard. Mesh and geotextiles - protection against rodents and moles. Cardboard plays approximately the same role, but it is less effective.
  2. Large woody debris: thick branches, twigs, even logs and bars. This layer serves, firstly, for drainage, and secondly, moisture accumulates in the wood. The drier the climate in your region, the more wood you need. Moreover, the following wood layers too.
  3. Chopped small branches, bark. Other coarse plant debris will work: corn stalks, straw. Their task is also twofold. They store water and, when decomposed, release heat and nutritional elements. But when using corn trunks and straw, keep in mind that the bed will soon sink: these remains will rot quickly, but the yield will be high, and you can add fertile soil on top.
  4. Paper, thin cardboard. It is usually lined with a thin layer. Packaging cardboard is more often used, because glossy paper is not suitable, just like newspapers: lead paint is not at all what you need to fertilize plants with. If you have old unnecessary burlap (natural), you can lay it down.
  5. Layer of plant residues: foliage, grass, semi-decomposed sawdust. Be careful with sawdust: they strongly acidify the soil. So sprinkle them under plants that like acidic soil, or neutralize the acidity by sprinkling them good layer ash.
  6. Fertile land.

You can add a good portion of mature compost to the last two layers, as well as sprinkle it into the deeper layers. This will speed up the “readiness” of the raised bed for planting.

When is the best time to do it and what to plant?

It is better to fill a high bed in the fall. During this period, there will be enough “material” and over the winter the processes inside will gain momentum. In this case, you can plant plants in the spring and hope for high yield. It can be done in the spring, but there are unlikely to be any significant differences in yield: the processes have just begun and will not have a noticeable effect on the fertility of the backfill. Although you will definitely feel the difference in the amount of water for irrigation: much less water is required.

One of the options for a high bed: metal mesh and reinforced polyethylene film

Plant rotation

In the year a high bed is installed, plants that require high fertility can be planted on it: cucumbers, zucchini, zucchini, pumpkin, any type of cabbage, eggplant, tomatoes, Bell pepper. The next year you can plant greens - spicy-aromatic and leafy. Root vegetables feel good in the second year.

After the second harvest, fertility must be restored. If the contents of the bed have sagged, in the fall they add good soil mixed with mature compost. If there is nowhere to add more, remove part of the top layer (on compost heap or into another box as part of the backfill) and replace it with fresh soil with fertilizers.

High bed for strawberries

It differs only in that covering material is spread over the finished “pie”. Holes are made in it into which plants are planted. This option leads to the fact that moisture evaporates in minimal quantities, and weeds do not grow in the aisles. The second option - mulching the soil also works well, but evaporation is more intense.

The peculiarity of strawberries is that their roots are located mainly on the surface. Therefore, the fertile layer may be small. But this same feature leads to the fact that in severe frosts it can die. Although a decomposition process is taking place inside the high bed, warming the soil, if the bed is without snow and not covered for the winter, it may root system may freeze.

High bed for cucumbers and tomatoes

In terms of its structure, it is no different. Is it just because poles and crossbars or stretched wire are needed at the edges so that you can tie up tomato bushes or cucumber vines.

DIY raised beds

Most often, questions arise not when laying layers in high beds, but when making the box. Since women are often involved in gardening, including making fences for garden beds, many aspects may not be clear to them. To clarify the most difficult ones, we present photo reports of making boxes from boards and slate - the most common fencing.

From boards

Several options for how to make high beds from boards were in the photo above. The main problem is usually the connection in the corners. The easiest way is to overlap them: just put one to the other at 90° and nail them all the way through. But there are aesthetes who strive to do everything right. The correct way is to cut two boards at an angle of 45° and connect them that way. This is exactly the option that will be demonstrated in the photo.

To make it convenient to fix the fence on the ground, vertical bars or pieces of board are nailed in increments of 1.2-1.5 m, the length of which is approximately 20 cm greater than the selected height of the bed.

The lower end of the block or board needs to be sharpened - this will make it easier to hammer the fence into the ground. Then take a miter box or circular saw, and cut the edges at an angle of 45°. Putting two boards together we get perfect angle 90°.

For a strong connection with inside We install a block at the corner, to which we nail the boards.

This is what happened. It just lies with its “burdens” up. They are driven into the ground

It doesn’t take long to make a fence for high beds made of wood, but it’s even easier to connect the boards end-to-end and nail them down for strength. metal corners(pictured below).

From logs

It is no more difficult to make a similar box from hewn logs. For example, this option: two long sides are made of logs, and short sides are made of pieces of boards.

Whitewash the finished fence: both protection from pests and a more attractive appearance.

From slate

When making beds from flat or wave slate, questions also arise about how to secure it. The easiest way is to dig it in. But this is not economical: you will have to make the stripes at least 10 cm wider and there is still no guarantee that the slate will not “float” in the spring. In the muddy ground it will simply be squeezed out en masse. It can be fixed, but it will take extra time and effort.

Therefore, most often, corners or pipes are driven in on one or both sides of the sheet, which clamp the slate and prevent it from deviating much. In the photo, the corners are driven in only from the outside: from the inside there will be pressure from the mass of layers of the high bed, so that the fence will not fall inward.

The junction of two sheets is secured with a special welded plate. For reliability, they can be bolted to a wooden block attached to that side.

A piece of reinforcement with a welded plate - to insure the joint of two sheets of flat slate

Another option is to make a frame. Attach a beam or corner to similar racks with welded plates - whichever is cheaper. And attach slate cut into strips to this frame (it holds well with nails, but it’s easier with self-tapping screws).

Frame made of timber in a fence for a high bed

Using the same principle - with guides - they make beds from plastic panels and other similar materials. As you understand, there is no need for particularly virtuoso skill here. The main thing is that it holds up well.

Fencing for garden beds is not only an element of landscape design. This decoration is very practical, and sometimes necessary, for example, if a vegetable garden with raised beds is planted on loose soils, or the “warm beds” technology is used.

Plastic fencing

A plastic border is convenient for framing beds of unconventional shapes - round, winding, curvilinear. It is also ideal for multi-tiered beds. Such a fence is very easy to install - you don’t need to dig ditches or holes to secure it, just drive special pins or just stick it into the ground. Plastic borders are resistant to moisture and solar radiation. The influence of temperature changes also does not cause them much harm. Another advantage is that the fence can be removed and rearranged if necessary.

Typically, plastic garden tape is used if there is no need to draw attention to the fence, but sometimes you can find a fence bright colors. Such a border does not heat up to high temperatures, so the plants will not suffer from burns.

garden border“labyrinth” is well suited if turf grasses or grasses are used to cover the paths between the beds ground cover plants. Thanks to the presence of a protrusion along its edge, you can use a lawn mower to process the paths - there will be no unmown grass left. Such a border will prevent unwanted grass growth on the paths. This fence looks like a stone curb.

Border “Labyrinth” for beds

Decorative plastic fencing for garden beds will to some extent protect them from falling apart, but their main function is to decorate the garden. They are produced in both natural and bright colors.

Metal borders for garden beds

Sometimes to create high beds, greenhouse beds and multi-tiered structures they use metal fencing With polymer coating. Installing them is as simple as installing plastic borders. They will perfectly highlight the design of unusually shaped beds. In sunny beds, such a border should be installed with caution - it gets quite hot in the sun and can damage the plants.

Wooden borders for garden beds

Most traditional version bed frames - various designs made of wood. For the vegetable garden rustic style A border of stumps or a low fence would be great. You can decorate the garden bed by installing wood cuts along its perimeter.

Fencing for beds - “wattle fence”

The simplest wooden fence is boards laid around the perimeter of the bed. Such a fence is quite functional - with correct installation the soil is practically not washed away. Although this type of curb is not durable, it is easy to repair. Using various types of boards to fasten boards and connect them decorative elements, you can give your garden a very unusual and sophisticated look.

Borders for beds made of wooden boards- simple and practical: photo

Fences made of decking boards. However, the cost of such a border for a garden bed is quite high. Interesting view The beds can be enhanced with fencing made from wooden slats.

It is advisable to treat wooden fences with antiseptics or paint them, then they will last longer and retain an attractive appearance.

Fences for garden beds made from scrap materials

Very beautiful borders for garden beds can be made from what many consider garbage - leftover building materials, glass or plastic bottles, cans. Not long ago, slate fencing was in vogue. They look beautiful in the landscape and are easy to install, but their safety is questionable.

The variety of plastic containers gives room for imagination in its use in landscape design. To make bottle fences stronger and more durable, it is advisable to fill them with earth or sand.

Borders made of transparent materials can be illuminated using LEDs or fiber optics so that the beds look beautiful even in the evening.

When setting up a vegetable garden, do not neglect the borders. Fences for garden beds play important role in the aesthetics of the garden, and are indispensable for the convenience of its processing.

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How to make beds from boards at the dacha in order to get not only a well-groomed, neat garden, but also practical benefits? Design garden plantings The easiest way to do it yourself is to use wooden borders.

This is what homemade beds from boards look like

Advantages and disadvantages of wooden beds

The disadvantage of wood is rapid deterioration, especially with constant contact with water and soil. However, if you treat the material with protective antiseptics, you can extend its service life by 10 years or more.

What wood to choose for boards

Any boards for fencing beds can be used: slab, timber, edged material, clapboard

Step-by-step instructions for making beds from boards

The choice depends only on how much the buyer is willing to spend on decorating the beds.
  1. Oak and ash. High strength and durable material, with excellent rot resistance. However, they are also expensive.
  2. Larch. An excellent choice - larch has high strength and resistance to humid environments.
  3. Cedar. Wood coniferous species most best option For wooden bed in the country. Good balance between affordable cost and high quality.
  4. Pine. Pine boards are inexpensive, but do not have a long service life.
  5. Acacia. Enough durable boards made of acacia can be used for arranging beds.

Wood processing and protection

To extend the life of a wooden bed, you should treat the boards with protective compounds:

Dimensions of board beds

Everyone chooses the shape and size of the beds according to their own taste and the space available in the greenhouse or plot. Eat general recommendations according to the size of the fence, at which garden bed will be most effective:

  • width from 90 to 120 cm;
  • height from 15 to 50 cm.

The length of the fence can be any, however, if it is long, it is advisable to provide the bed with additional supports. Bed width the most important parameter. It is best to organize the area so that there are no more than two rows of crops in the garden bed. Firstly, with such planting, all seedlings will receive enough sunlight and air. Secondly, a bed that is too wide is difficult to care for and water.
The height of the bed is chosen arbitrarily, as long as caring for it is not difficult.

Scheme with dimensions of beds made of boards

Depending on the type of soil and type of crop, the following advice is given on the height of the fence for plants:
  1. If the soil at the dacha is fertile, the bed can be low - 15-20 cm. If the soil is rocky or unsuitable for planting - from 30 cm. Some gardeners make the height of the beds to waist level so as not to bend over when working.
  2. The height of warm compost beds should be at least 50 cm. High beds with compost will reliably protect plant roots from unexpected frosts in the spring.
  3. For early ripening crops, radishes, lettuce, and onions, it is better to use beds higher than 20 cm for their rapid ripening.
  4. If you plan to grow potatoes in the beds, their height should be at least 40 cm.

Installation of a simple box made of boards

The design of the fence for the beds is quite simple and can easily be done with your own hands. To work you will need simple equipment and materials:

Instructions for making a box for a garden bed

  • boards – 2 short ones of the same length and width, 2 long ones;
  • wooden posts made of timber, pointed on one side - 6 pieces;
  • drill and screwdriver;
  • wood screws or nails;
  • shovel;
  • hacksaw;
  • hammer;
  • roulette and level.

Work order:

A wooden garden bed of simple design is ready. You can fill it with soil and plant fruits and vegetables.

Do-it-yourself raised or raised bed

Raised beds have many advantages over traditional beds:

Raised beds, with all their undeniable advantages, also have disadvantages:

  1. You will need some basic carpentry skills and knowledge to build a raised bed with your own hands.
  2. High beds dry out faster than classic ones, so if your dacha has problems with sufficient water for irrigation, such beds can become a problem.

And beds with which you can provide an original aesthetic effect. Today there is a wide range of different borders on sale, in addition, you can make them yourself.

Purpose of fences

Garden fences for flower beds and beds have several purposes, and the main thing is to separate the plantings from the general area, which allows you to protect against contamination by earth mounds, as well as visually highlight the beds themselves in the common area. Another purpose of fencing is. They are a peculiar feature that emphasizes the overall composition.

In addition, fencing is used to prevent the flowerbed from growing, which can spoil general form compositions. Specially installed barriers allow you to block the roots of plants, preventing them from spreading beyond a certain area.

Depending on the purpose of use and the functions performed, fences are divided into decorative (up to 7 cm in height) and functional (from 10 cm). The first type is used exclusively to divide the site into certain zones.

Advice! INThe height of the fence depends on its purpose, as well as the type of plants. It should perform its protective functions well and at the same time provide an overview of the fenced off flowers.

Types of garden fencing

Before installing a fence for a flower bed, you need to decide on the purpose of the beds. There may be located vegetable crops, annual or perennial flowers, as well as any bush plantings. It is also worth deciding on the structure of the flower bed. It can be at the same level as the general topography of the site or be slightly elevated. If we are talking about raised beds, then they rise to a considerable height above the ground level of the common area.

Depending on this, the type of fencing is chosen. They may differ in installation method:

  • removable - borders should be light, installed only while the flowerbed is in use, and, if necessary, can be used in another place;
  • stationary ones are installed in places of long-term use of the flowerbed and are made of durable frost-resistant materials, since they are at the destination not only during the use of the flowerbed, but also in the off-season.

The most common fencing materials for flower beds

If you want to buy garden fencing for flower beds and beds, then you should decide which of those on the market will suit you best. Today, the range of borders for garden beds is quite large, and all of them can be found both in hardware stores and in specialized and online stores. The most common ones on the market are the following:

  • plastic fences for flower beds and beds, consisting of sections that are assembled into a single one, have a small height, differ in shape and color, and have special legs for installation on the ground;
  • can have different heights, suitable for fencing flower beds and the entire front garden;
  • reinforced concrete border is used for fencing stationary flower beds, it is low, and its feature is resistance to temperature changes. Has different shapes;
  • You can also buy plastic fencing for flower beds and beds in the form of a tape, which is intended for low plantings. It is buried deep into the ground and allows you to create a barrier for the growth of flowers from the root. The flexible shape allows you to fence flower beds regardless of their shape;
  • wooden fences can have an attractive appearance and shape, vary in color and height. This classic version fencing.

You can decide for yourself which fences for beds and flower beds to buy, taking into account their features, quality and advantages. If for some reason you are unable to make a purchase, you can make them yourself.

Advice! If the fence should not perform protective functions, but is intended only to delimit the area, then you can use plants for this purpose, creating a small hedge. For this purpose, it is best to choose low-growing annual and perennial plants. bush plants with bright flowers.

Do-it-yourself fencing of flower beds

Do you want your garden arrangements to look unique without high costs funds for decorations? Decorate your garden yourself. There are many options and techniques with which you can make fencing for flower beds and beds with your own hands. Let's look at the most common of them.

Just as in the case of purchased borders, you should initially determine the level of the ground in the flowerbed in order to select the height of the fence. Next, we select the material for making the fence. You should choose what is available to you. This could be wood, brick, natural stone or scrap materials.

Wooden fences differ according to the type of original wood:

  • planks;
  • logs and beams;
  • edged board;
  • rods.

Advice! DIn order for fences made from the above materials to serve you longer, they must be treated with anti-corrosion agents, which will make the fence more resistant to moisture, temperature changes, and also prevent the premature appearance of fungus.

From the planks you can make a picket fence of the required height. It can have any original shape, which can be obtained using, for example, planks different lengths or various methods board connections. Such a border can be installed on the surface of the ground, made collapsible if necessary and removed in the off-season.

A so-called palisade is created from logs and beams. True, unlike its large-sized counterpart, the tops on logs for small structures are best left blunt. Sharpen in in this case the bottom of the workpiece is better. This will allow you to easily drive them deep into the ground, creating not only an external fence, which is great for flower beds located above ground level, but also an underground barrier for the root systems of plants.

The edged board is also excellent material for fencing. With its help you can create flower beds of various shapes. Particularly popular today is the creation of pyramidal compositions of three or more tiers. Board structures perfectly hold soil in flower beds, which allows you to create high beds. To build a pyramid, several flower beds of the same shape are made, but different sizes, and are placed one on top of the other so that there is space between them for plants.

The use of rods for fencing was known several centuries ago. Weaving fits perfectly today into landscape design of modern plots. You can create a wicker border for a flower bed yourself. To do this, you will need thin pegs and even vine or willow branches. The branches of these plants are quite strong and bend very well, which simplifies the work. To give more flexibility to the branches, they need to be soaked in hot water and work with them before the workpieces dry.

Brick flower beds have different designs, height and characteristics. To fence the beds, the height of which coincides with the ground level, a small border is erected. In this case, for decorative design one layer of brick is used, which can be installed by any in a convenient way: vertically, horizontally, and also at an angle, which allows you to create a shaped frame for a flowerbed.

If it is necessary to fence high flower bed, then the brick is laid in several layers. For raised beds, it is used to form a wall without gaps. When constructing large fences with a height of 30 cm or more, a shallow foundation is poured under the brickwork. This will allow the constructed wall to hold tighter and create an additional barrier for the root system.

You can decorate flower beds made of bricks using various techniques. To do this, you need to prepare the surface by plastering it cement mortar. Next, you can make patterns using leftover tiles and other materials using mosaic technique. You can also create a natural effect sea ​​stone. To do this, it is necessary to apply a thick layer of plaster and, until it hardens, make a corresponding relief pattern.

Natural stone looks great in . Therefore, it can also be used to create fences. Using natural stone you can create various shapes. If it is necessary to lay several layers of material, it is necessary to fasten the elements together with cement mortar or special glue.

If the above materials are not found on the farm, then you can make a fence for flower beds and beds with your own hands from improvised materials.

Fencing for flower beds and beds made of alternative materials

Creating compositions from scrap materials has a lot of positive aspects. First of all, this is, of course, cost savings, because you can create a fence without spending a penny. At the right approach such structures will look impressive and original. At the same time, you make your special contribution to protecting the environment by not sending used household items to a landfill.

Most of us have our own small plot of land near our house. In order for it not to be empty, it is necessary to plant it with grass or lawn. However, the most enterprising people try to grow on such beautiful beds useful crops eg vegetables. Especially at the dacha - growing crops here is favorite hobby many summer residents. It is much more pleasant to eat greens, cucumbers or tomatoes that are grown with your own hands in your own beds. The fact is that today vegetables and fruits bought in stores are grown with nitrates, as well as other fertilizers, which then negatively affect human health. Today we'll talk about fences and borders for garden beds.

Upon landing various plants We don’t always think about what the beds will look like. We protect them with what we have at hand. Wherein appearance The beds turn out to be quite simple. The most important thing is cleanliness and grooming. To prevent weeds from growing and the garden bed to have a beautiful appearance, you need to use small borders.

So, we have determined that separated beds allow you to create a neat appearance for the entire garden. It is very convenient when all cultures are separated. In addition, after it has rained, even the heaviest, the beds will not be washed away. The same can be said when watering the garden. Basically, materials left over from construction are used for fencing.

We use wood

Most often in vegetable gardens you can find beautiful wooden fencing. Depending on the owner’s capabilities, they can be launched different kinds wood Even branches that have been cut from trees are suitable for making borders.

Of course, for some time such a fence will have an unsurpassed appearance. But when watering, from rain, the tree will begin to become damp and covered with fungus. This means that it will disappear quickly. It is also inappropriate to whitewash the sides, as water will wash away the whitewash. Neither paint nor special coatings will solve the problem, and besides, it is unprofitable. Sooner or later the boards will have to be replaced.

Bricks for fencing

Brick was once very popular for fencing. This is how many city flower beds were fenced off. For example, bricks were installed with “teeth”. It has beautiful view. In addition, the bricks can be painted or whitewashed.

However, the material itself is expensive. Old brick should not be used, as it is not aesthetically pleasing.

Fencing the garden bed with slate

Basic roofing material- this is slate. But it is not always used for its intended purpose. For example, if after roofing works If there are any pieces of slate left, they can be used to fence the beds.

In order for the fence to look neat and beautiful, you need to drive slate into the ground so that its pieces stick out at the same height. Paint will add elegance. However, slate is not always stable.

Stone fences

Natural stone is sometimes used to enclose beds. Of course, this is not a brick, but it will still look neat. But in these works you need to show patience and diligence. Natural stone will need to be selected according to size. Then we fasten them together in the garden with a solution. This type of fencing will last a very long time. But over time, the sides may sink into the ground, so it’s worth taking this into account.

All of the listed materials are traditional, which are used very often by all summer residents. But recently some new products have appeared, which we will consider today.

So, you can choose plastic for the fence, which does not deteriorate from moisture, and the sun does not affect it very much. If your beds are not large, you can use plastic. However for large beds such material is unprofitable. But the sides can be made of any shape and color.

In some cases, gardeners use materials that imitate natural wood. There are continuous and sectional fencing. They have special fastenings, with which you can easily install a fence in the ground. Very rarely, special fasteners are used to install a fence on garden beds.

A budget option is curb tape. You can buy green or brown border tape. The advantages here are obvious. For example, installation is quite simple. The border can be given any shape, without resorting to cutting the material. An aesthetic appearance is provided to the entire garden.

To install a fence from border tape, you must have a stapler, tape measure and knife. The whole job doesn't take much time. Using a ladle, we make a trench around the entire perimeter of the bed. After the fence is completed, it is necessary to fasten the edges with paper clips. Finally, it is necessary to compact the earth around the fences.

If the bed is very large, then you need to use special pegs, with the help of which fasteners will be installed at a certain distance.

We use rubber

The rubber curb is mounted in a similar way. However, if your bed is high, then this option is inappropriate - the tape does not have much height.

If you made a greenhouse and there is polycarbonate left, then it can also be used to fence the beds. Polycarbonate is not purchased specifically for fencing, as it is not cheap.

So, if you use plastic to fence your beds, the costs will be high and not always justified. And here improvised means, for example, plastic bottles, come to the rescue.

Each of us often throws away plastic containers. But it is worth noting that it can be collected and then used to fence beds. It is best to choose bottles that are the same size and color. After this, plastic bottles are filled with sand and dug upside down into the prepared trench. Alternatively, you can paint the bottles with water-based paint.

Metal fences

Summer residents often use metal plates to fence their garden beds. So, you can use metal plates up to one millimeter thick. The garden bed fencing turns out quickly and beautifully. However, you need to understand that thin metal you can easily cut yourself. In addition, metal in the soil is susceptible to corrosion, which means it can quickly be damaged. If the metal surface shines Sun rays, then this can negatively affect the plants in the garden.

If you decide to use metal, you can use galvanized steel. Using lightweight metal plates, you can easily and quickly form a bed. However, the disadvantage of the material is its price. The use of metal plates is considered unprofitable.

Photo beautiful fencing and fences for garden beds:

Ready-made fences that you can buy for garden beds

Beautiful vegetable gardens

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