Will persimmon grow at home? How to grow persimmons at home from seeds - creating comfortable conditions

Persimmon, despite its obvious southern origin, has never been for us exotic fruit. Even in an era of severe shortages, it regularly appeared on sale along with other familiar southerners - oranges, tangerines. But to find a persimmon growing in a plot in a zone with temperate climate, almost impossible. In this respect, she is as exotic as . But what doesn't grow in open ground, can be successfully grown as indoor plant, at home. Many amateurs successfully grow not only persimmons from seeds, but also the same bananas, not to mention the usual lemons or. This does not require a greenhouse at all, you don’t even need it, it’s enough to follow a series of rules: simple rules preparing and planting persimmon seeds, and creating simple conditions for their germination.

Selecting persimmon seeds for planting

Unlike lemons or dates, not every persimmon fruit has seeds. But even those that exist are not guaranteed to sprout. Therefore, you will have to act using the “scientific poke” method. To increase the chances of success, you need to take seeds not from one persimmon fruit, but from several. It's even better if they are different varieties. At the same time, these fruits should not be frozen or damaged. Persimmons should be well-ripened and soft. At the same time, overripe fruit is also not entirely suitable. It is better to take slightly unripe persimmons and let them ripen at home. How many persimmon seeds are needed to guarantee viable seedlings? As practice has shown, no less than four or five, and better yet all ten. Even if most of them sprout, there is no firm certainty that all of them will be viable. Therefore, it is advisable to plant more persimmon seeds, get shoots from them, and then select the strongest ones from them.

How to grow persimmons from seeds at home

Conventionally, the entire process of growing persimmons can be divided into three main stages: preparing the seed for planting, planting, and caring for the seedlings.

Preparing persimmon seeds for planting

It includes two agrotechnical techniques -. I’ll tell you what they are in relation to persimmon seeds and clearly show them in the photo.

Stratification– keeping seeds in the cold before planting. This in simple words. In our case, this process is quite lengthy and will take at least a month. In my case, the process of stratification of persimmon seeds took all of one and a half months - from mid-winter to early spring. To enhance the effect of the bone, it is advisable to treat it with a stimulant. You can use epin, but treating persimmon seeds with aloe juice gives no worse (or even better) results. To do this, just wet a paper napkin with it and wrap the bones in it. Then they are placed in the refrigerator, in the coolest zone ( but not in the freezer!).

At the end of the stratification period, you can begin the second part of preparing persimmon seeds for planting - scarification. What it is? Scarification This is a violation (destruction) of the hard surface of the bone to facilitate and accelerate germination. This operation is delicate and requires care. If you are not sure that you can do it correctly, then it is better to skip it. Scarification of persimmon seeds is desirable, but not required. The simplest and safe way– sand the persimmon seeds with fine sandpaper. Moreover, there is no need to treat the entire surface. It is enough to process the side surfaces, as in the photo.

For those who have grown plants from seeds or, this will not be the slightest difficulty. And for those who have already grown or, the process will seem completely familiar.

The earthen mixture for germinating persimmon seeds should be light and freely permeable to water and air. Any peat-based soil, diluted by a third or , will do. How to place persimmon seeds on the surface of the soil is shown in the photo. After this, they are sprinkled with a thin (up to one centimeter) layer of the same soil.

After planting, the container with the planted persimmon seeds should be placed in a warm place for germination. dark place. First cover the container with a piece of glass, transparent plastic or regular plastic film. As practice shows, a good place for germinating persimmon seeds - on the floor near a heating radiator or on the lower pipe of the same radiator (if it is not very hot!). This place is warm and quite dark. The entire process of germination of persimmon seeds can take up to a month, but during this entire time it is necessary to periodically check their condition, ventilate, remove condensation from the cover, and moisten the soil if necessary.

Caring for persimmon seedlings

As soon as the first sprouts hatch and it becomes possible to remove the remnants of the hard stone coating from them, remove them and place the container with the sprouts in a bright place.

During the growth process, persimmon sprouts should be periodically sprayed, maintain moderate soil moisture and feed weekly with fertilizer with a high nitrogen content.

When the seedlings have developed sufficiently and strong permanent leaves appear on them (as in the photo), they can be planted individual pots. To begin with, take a small pot, 7–9 centimeters in diameter, and as it grows, transfer it to a larger pot.

Growing persimmons from seeds at home is not at all difficult, although it is a rather lengthy process. Subject to all rules and recommendations, it takes about four to four and a half months. Next begins caring for persimmons as a houseplant.

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Many amateur gardeners, through numerous experiments, have made growing persimmon trees in their dachas their favorite activity. According to them, good results are obtained only when the persimmon seed for cultivation is taken from a fruit that has ripened in their region from other gardeners. Persimmons bought in a store, as a rule, do not live up to expectations and do not produce a decent harvest.

To obtain the seed needed for germination, take a ripe persimmon fruit grown in your region and place it in the sun for several days until its flesh becomes very soft and begins to spoil. Experienced gardeners It is advised to take a Virginia persimmon seed for germination, since it is not very demanding and has good resistance to frost.

A carefully removed pit from a sun-ripened fruit should be thoroughly washed and dried. I would like to note that Virginia persimmon seeds do not require additional stratification. Before planting, the seed should be soaked in water. room temperature for a few hours - this will speed up its germination. Well, it is better to take fertile, and preferably neutral, soil for planting seeds.

When choosing a location for planting young persimmons, it is important to remember that the tree loves space and good lighting, but it is better to avoid direct exposure to the sun!

Persimmon loves moisture very much, so it needs to be watered often and in sufficient volume so that the water completely saturates the soil at its roots. But you shouldn’t overdo it in this process either, otherwise the delicate roots of the plant will begin to rot, and the tree may die. To ensure that the seedling takes root well and its trunk does not dry out on hot days, it should also be sprayed with water daily.

How to fertilize persimmons grown from seeds?

A young persimmon tree needs to be fertilized throughout its growing season. WITH early spring before the onset of autumn it is fed once every 14 days and organic fertilizers one by one. It is better to take nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus from spring mineral fertilizers. But at the time of increased persimmon growth, it is recommended to use mineral fertilizers with a small amount nitrogen. And finally, gardeners advise not to use manure while the tree is fruiting.

For many of our compatriots, persimmon remains an exotic fruit from the south, which can only be bought at the market or in a store. However, the most enterprising gardeners have long developed a way to grow such a plant even from an ordinary seed, without buying anything other than the fruits. Although persimmons are still a curiosity, it’s not too late to be original and enjoy delicious and useful fruits from your own tree.

Features of culture

Persimmon is a very loose concept, since this name is inherent in about a thousand varieties of such a plant, which looks like a shrub or small tree, can be evergreen or deciduous. Tree-like species have a voluminous crown, shaped like a ball, and their life expectancy can reach several hundred years. The picture is complemented by leaves of a characteristic oval shape and a pronounced green color.

IN natural conditions persimmons begin to bloom in May, and the fruits can be collected in late autumn - usually not earlier than the end of October. The result of the gardener's labors are familiar to everyone large fruits, distinguished by expressive orange. The outside of the persimmon fruit is covered with a thick skin; as for the pulp, it is fleshy and very juicy. In our area, persimmon is usually considered tart, but this taste indicates the immaturity of the berry - when ripe, it loses its astringent notes and becomes sweet.

If we consider the benefits and harms of such a berry, then, of course, there are more of the former. Even the abundance of sugar does not make persimmon high in calories, but it is, as it should be tropical fruit, contains a lot of different vitamins and minerals necessary to maintain good health. This fruit is recommended for those who have a lack of iodine in the body; it is also good as an anti-aging agent and prevents cancer.

Unlike many other products, persimmon is allowed and even recommended for consumption by pregnant women, and it is recommended to introduce it into children's diets from the age of three.

Of course, there are no completely harmless food products, and although for healthy person There will be no harm from eating persimmon; there are diseases that are a contraindication for including this berry in the diet. Such diagnoses include diabetes and obesity, as well as pathologies of the pancreas. It is also not recommended to abuse this fruit, since it provokes constipation, and in especially severe cases, intestinal obstruction.

For our region, such a plant still remains atypical, but in general its distribution area is very extensive - it grows throughout the subtropical and tropical zones on any continent except Antarctica. For normal growth, appropriate conditions are needed, namely plenty of heat and sun, as well as regular watering. At the same time, persimmon makes virtually no demands on the soil, and if in all other respects the necessary conditions are met, the result can be up to one hundred kilograms of fruit from one plant.

How to prepare seeds?

At home, it is best to grow Caucasian varieties of persimmon, since they are a little more adapted to the conditions middle zone. However, berries are often brought from there, so there will be no problems with the choice of fruits. Each specimen contains up to ten grains, but for potential planting you need to choose a ripe persimmon, characterized by clean, blemish-free skin and soft flesh.

The fruit must be carefully disassembled, removing the grains from it. The latter must be thoroughly washed and then dried to avoid potential rotting at any stage. Dried seeds are disinfected by soaking them for 24 hours in a solution of potassium permanganate, while seeds suitable for growing will necessarily sink, and what floats can be thrown away immediately.

The germination process of persimmon is quite complicated, so stratification is indispensable. Experts recommend specially grinding off the hardest edges of the seeds before using fine-grained sandpaper, since they can prevent the plant from hatching. After this, the grains are impregnated with growth stimulants. As such, you can use both chemicals like epin and natural aloe juice.

The processed material should be wrapped in damp gauze and stored for about 6-7 weeks at a temperature of 4-5 degrees above zero - a refrigerator is best suited for such purposes.

How to plant?

Since the plant is a heat-loving plant, there can be no question of immediately planting it outside in the middle zone. Stratified seeds begin to be planted in pots approximately at the end of February or at the beginning of March. For growing persimmon seedlings, medium-sized containers are optimal.

Although the plant is supposedly unpretentious to the composition of the soil, it is most often recommended to use a sand-peat mixture. It is recommended to add vermiculite to the bottom of the pot to ensure proper drainage.

What’s interesting is that you need to bury the grain in the ground not only but by placing it on its edge - this way the likelihood of a sprout sprouting from the seed increases significantly. The depth should usually be equal to the length of such a grain - usually we are talking about about two centimeters.

The pot with the planted seed must be covered with film to ensure that the future tree optimal microclimate. The soil temperature should ideally be about 22 degrees Celsius, which is quite normal for a home, but the room temperature can be further secured by placing the pot next to a radiator.

The potential plant needs to be watered regularly even before it hatches, but it is important not to overdo it, which is why the soil is often only sprayed superficially. A pronounced Greenhouse effect, which carries a certain danger for persimmons, therefore condensation must be removed regularly, and the soil must be allowed to ventilate occasionally.

If all conditions are met, the future tree should germinate within a month. By the time the sprout begins to rest against the covering film, the hard seed coat is usually shed, but if young plant cannot cope with this task, he needs help, otherwise problems will arise with the growth of the root system. For such a delicate operation, tweezers are usually used.

When the plant has emerged, the container with it is placed in a well-lit place, but it is advisable that falling Sun rays were not straight, otherwise they could dry out the shoot.

As is the case with most cultivated plants, you can contribute to more rapid development of seedlings if you use appropriate fertilizers. In the early stages, nitrogen-containing mixtures will be most appropriate, which must be applied strictly in the amount indicated on the package.

Sprouted seedlings must be actively looked after, otherwise the fact that they sprout may be the last success in persimmon cultivation. If the initial cultivation allows for planting a significant number of seeds in one pot, then later the stronger specimens must be replanted so that each one grows in a separate container. It usually takes about a week and a half for young shoots to develop, after which they can be planted.

The growing conditions for each individual, strong specimen are quite similar to those required for germination, only instead of film, for obvious reasons, a voluminous glass cap is used.

It is impossible to grow persimmon without regular watering, but this plant does not like swampy conditions. The soil in the pot must be constantly kept moist, but the accumulation of water in its thickness is unacceptable. To avoid such negative phenomena, it is recommended to use sawdust mulch. In this case, for irrigation you need to use water strictly at room temperature.

Fertilizers should be used to speed up growth. You can feed young persimmons as if they were purchased. mineral fertilizers, and homemade natural ones - for example, you can use egg decoction or aloe juice diluted with boiled water. If we talk about mineral remedies, the most important thing is to give the tree phosphorus and potassium - these minerals are necessary for full fruiting. It is also appropriate to use special mineral complexes produced for fertilizing flowering plants.

Regardless of the age of the plant, fertilizing is carried out only in the warm season and no more than once every two weeks, while fertilizer is always applied to pre-moistened soil.

Although persimmon loves the sun very much, at first it is completely unacceptable to expose it to the full sun. If the plant is planned to be planted one day in the country, first it should be accustomed to an abundance of light - for this, on a cloudy day, the seedlings are taken out onto the balcony, starting from several hours a day and gradually increasing the duration of such periods. If all the windows of the apartment face sunny side, seedlings can only be placed on a windowsill if the window is shaded using a special film.

In winter, the plant needs bright light much less - diffused light is sufficient, but if the light period in this region is too short, it is worth holding two-hour sessions in the mornings and evenings artificial lighting for seedlings.

As for temperature, the most whimsical are seedlings, which require a temperature above 20 degrees Celsius, but mature plant turns out to be more resilient - even 15 degrees is enough for him to function normally. At the same time, drafts are deadly for persimmons.

IN winter time the vital activity of the plant freezes, due to which it does not die even at 5 degrees of heat, but it is desirable that the temperature does not fall below this level. For this purpose, the surface of the soil around the trunk is usually sprinkled with sawdust.

The formation of a persimmon crown must begin quite early - already when it reaches a height of half a meter. Pinching is a mandatory procedure, since the crown must be branched and voluminous, and newly formed shoots, in turn, are also pinched when they reach 20-40 cm in length. Thanks to this procedure, persimmons can bloom in the third year, otherwise you will have to wait longer.

A one and a half meter tree is pruned so that its crown acquires spherical shape- this way all branches receive enough light and heat. It is necessary to thin out the crown regularly, otherwise the branches will grow too thick and begin to interfere with each other.

Without grafting, persimmons may never begin to bear fruit. The most simple circuit it is done quite simply - a ring of bark is cut off at the base of a healthy shoot, which is then grafted onto the same place, but reverse side. The cut is isolated with a thick layer of food-grade waterproof film to protect the wound from loss of moisture and bacteria. Thanks to this procedure, shoot growth slows down, in contrast to which all forces are directed to the formation of the fruit.

A tree grown from seed begins to bear fruit in about its seventh year of life, but grafting a cutting from a tree that is already bearing fruit can speed up the harvest.

If your region has a relatively favorable climate, you can try to transplant the plant into open ground in May. To do this, dig a hole measuring half a meter by half a meter or a little more in a place protected from drafts.

If you are planning an entire persimmon plantation, you must maintain a distance between plants of at least a meter, and preferably two.

In most of Russia, planting persimmons in open ground still looks inappropriate, so it is recommended to cultivate the plant as a pot culture. At the same time, on summer period it is recommended to take the plant out to Fresh air, and in some cases you can even plant the tree in the ground along with a pot so that you can take it back into the house for the winter.

Moreover, even in the process home growth Persimmon will have to be replanted several times. The fact is that root system The plant is quite branched, but “packing” the roots into a tighter frame usually does not harm growth. In the first years of life, persimmons are transplanted into a new container annually, increasing its diameter by a few centimeters, but plants older than five years are already transplanted only once every two years.

Diseases and pests

When grown at home in a pot, persimmons rarely get sick from anything, but in open ground they can encounter various troubles. Most often such problems are gray and root rot, powdery mildew and black spotting, as well bacterial cancer and scab.

At home, all these problems are unlikely, provided proper care, since the typical environment for the development of these diseases is, first of all, excessive humidity, which would probably be monitored more carefully on the windowsill. In open ground, specific weather conditions can lead to excess moisture, and the spread of pathogens of these diseases is carried out with the help of birds and insects, which garden conditions have full access to persimmons.

The cause of infection may actually even be strong wind and close proximity to the diseased tree. Fungal diseases are also a common response to failure to thin the crown and overuse of nitrogen fertilizers.

It is best to combat the described ailments preventive measures, which include regular pruning, ventilation, properly calculated lighting and watering. You can also spray the plant with 1% Bordeaux mixture or any other preparation containing copper - this procedure must be carried out before and after flowering.

If the plant does become ill, persimmon treatment must be carried out using drugs divided into two main groups. “Topaz” and “Chorus” are used if the tree has not yet bloomed, but if flowers have already appeared on it, “Aktofit” or “Impact”, “Fitosporin”, “Bikol” or “Topsin” will cope with the task better. At the same time, those branches whose damage to the disease is too obvious are usually not attempted to be saved - they must be burned to avoid further spread of the infection.

If we talk about pests, the most typical uninvited guests are scale insects and spider mite, which will get to the persimmon even in an apartment. You can even solve the problem with improvised means - to do this, rinse the leaves soap solution, and the next day the whole plant is washed in the shower, having previously covered the soil with a waterproof film. This procedure brings results if you perform it weekly for a month. From chemicals“Aktara” is considered highly productive, the treatment of which gives a positive result lasting two months.

There is no way to speed up the first flowering, and there is no particular point in this, but the appearance of the first harvest can be accelerated thanks to grafting, the procedure of which was described above. Fruits will appear even earlier if you graft onto a young tree a twig of an older plant that has already produced fruits before.

It should be understood that you should not rush into this too much, because in the first years of its life the persimmon grows and develops. Fruiting takes a lot of energy from the plant, therefore it is excessively early start useful activity of the tree will result in too small growth and small, not always delicious fruits

, and this situation may never improve. Traditionally, the persimmon harvest occurs in November, but it all depends on climatic and weather conditions

You can try to partially solve the problem using artificial lighting and heating, but if you suspect that due to unsuitable conditions You will have to feast on unripe fruits; it is often better to completely abandon the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bgrowing persimmons for fruit production.

To learn how to grow persimmons from seeds, watch the following video.

How to grow persimmons at home? How whimsical is she? What secrets will help you get a beautiful fruit-bearing tree?

This plant has become very popular due to its juicy fruits. They are rich in iron, vitamin C, citric and malic acids, and also contain important minerals such as copper, calcium, and manganese.

Is it possible to grow persimmons at home?

Growing persimmons from seeds will be successful if you strictly follow all the requirements. Not all varieties are suitable for home use. In most species (and there are about 200 of them), the root system is very powerful and grows deeply. These varieties cannot be grown at home in a pot. For home grown It’s better to take these: Gosho, Iza, Korolek. These species are not dwarf, but are smaller in size. Then it is quite possible that in three years you will have real homemade persimmon.

Stages of growing persimmons at home

Let us immediately warn you that for this tree it is extremely important to provide comfortable microclimate. Persimmon grows well when high humidity And good lighting. In summer she needs warmth and plenty of sunlight, A the best place for her wintering - a cellar or a glazed balcony. Frost and heat are destructive for her. If the tree grows on summer cottage, during the first frost, do not forget to bring it into the house.

Anyone who is interested in floriculture and likes to experiment should simply try growing persimmons from seeds. We offer you detailed instructions.

Step 1. Seed preparation

Ideally, take seeds from overripe fruits that remain on the tree until late autumn. But most often the seeds are the seeds from the eaten fruit. Then you should choose the most ripe fruit. Whether the seeds will grow into a healthy, strong plant largely depends on how correctly the seeds are prepared for planting.

  1. Take several seeds at once, because not all can sprout. They should be thoroughly washed with water at room temperature, and then dried in natural conditions, not in the sun.
  2. The seeds may contain bacteria and fungus, so before planting they should lie in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for two days.

Step 2. Choosing soil

Have to take light soil. It will allow moisture to pass through well. If the soil is heavy, water will stagnate in it and the seed may rot. It is better to mix peat and garden soil in half. Such soil will have optimal drainage properties.

Step 3. Landing

Landing is one of the most important stages. We will tell you in detail how to plant persimmons correctly.

Tip: if you carefully rub the dry seed on the sides and top with sandpaper before planting, it will germinate much faster.

  1. We pour the soil into small pot(diameter up to 10 cm). We lower the dried bone into the ground to a shallow depth (no more than 2 cm). It is important that the seeds are not planted too deep. But they shouldn’t lie on the surface either. It is at a depth of 2 cm that sufficient air access will be ensured, and young roots will receive enough moisture.
  2. To prevent water from evaporating from the pot, it must be covered. A regular one will do. cling film. You need to cut a piece slightly larger than the diameter of the pot and secure it firmly with an elastic band. Make sure that there are no holes, because through them the life-giving moisture will very quickly leave the small pot.
  3. Now all that remains is to place the container in the warmest possible place. Of course, you shouldn’t place pots with seeds right next to the radiator. You should choose a place where the temperature is high enough, but not hot.

Step 4. Germination process

Now the most important thing is to be patient. In just a couple of weeks, the first green shoots should appear. Do not forget to ventilate the pots every 2-3 days. The cellophane will need to be removed for 30-60 minutes. Otherwise, the surface of the earth may become covered with fungus. If the soil requires it, it should be watered a little. But don’t overdo it, because seeds won’t germinate in a swamp either.

As soon as you see sprouts appear, feel free to remove the film. When they have three leaves, we transplant them into new soil. Be sure to remove any remaining seed flaps from the sheets. If you can't do it with your hands, use nail scissors or a needle.

The second option for germination is in cotton wool. Each bone is separately wrapped in a layer of damp cotton wool and placed in plastic bag. Place the packages in a warm place. Once every 2-3 days they should be opened to ventilate. It is important to regularly moisten the cotton with water to prevent it from drying out.

Step 5. Transfer

Transplantation is extremely important for proper development plants. The plant grows quickly, so it should be transplanted several times into a larger pot. The transplant is done once a year. It's better to replant the tree in early spring until it began to grow rapidly.

Step 6. Growing the plant correctly

It is important to know the conditions for growing persimmon well and strictly follow them.

  • In the summer, the future tree should be placed in a well-lit area on the balcony or in the yard. Accustom it to the sun gradually, otherwise the leaves may burn.
  • In summer, persimmons feel best in the garden. If you live in an apartment, find a well-lit place on the balcony without drafts.
  • Remember about feeding. During the growing season, nitrogen-free fertilizers should be applied twice a month.
  • The plant loves good watering, spraying. But do not over-moisten the soil, as the root system may rot.
  • Protect the tree from drafts. If you take into account these simple care features, you are guaranteed a successful result.

So, the list of basic conditions for keeping persimmons is as follows:

  1. water generously, but do not overwater;
  2. spray to create sufficient humidity;
  3. Fertilize in the summer twice a month with nitrogen-free fertilizer;
  4. for a permanent place, choose a lighted area;
  5. during wintering, the temperature should not fall below +10;
  6. Replant the plant in a larger pot every spring.

Step 7. Wintering

When will they start autumn cold, persimmons are transferred to a cold room. Even frost-resistant seedlings are best protected from low temperatures. The temperature for wintering should be low, but not lower than 10 degrees. It's best if it's a cellar. Place wet sawdust on the ground.

Step 8. Spring transshipment and pinching

  1. In mid-February - early March, transfer the plant from the old pot and expose it to the light. Don't forget to pinch at a distance of 0.3-0.5 m. This will help the tree to form correctly and send out branches.
  2. Leave 3 apical shoots. When they grow 30 cm, they also need to be pinched. This is how the branches of the second row are formed.

Expected Result

If everything is done correctly, you can grow a tree up to 1.5 m in height with a well-formed crown. It bears fruit already in the third year in the summer. Blooming persimmon is an amazingly beautiful sight.

Healing properties of persimmon

  • Persimmons have a lot of magnesium. It is useful for everyone who suffers from hypertension, as it stabilizes blood pressure.
  • Vitamin PP will help with depression and strengthen the immune system.
  • Carotene promotes visual acuity, strengthens the cardiovascular system, and improves skin condition.
  • This is a good antioxidant. It is even believed that it can prevent cancer.
  • Potassium will help your brain and muscles function properly. It stabilizes everyone's activities internal organs and systems.
  • Sugar and glucose will strengthen the muscles of the heart, and vitamin C will support blood vessels.

It is important that persimmon has a low degree of acidity. It is indicated even for those who suffer from gastrointestinal diseases. This fruit will also help with diseases of the liver, gastrointestinal tract, varicose veins, and bleeding gums. The fruits are useful for preventing colds.

Video: American persimmon - rules for caring for a frost-resistant specimen

The idea of ​​growing an exotic or familiar to Russian fruit from a seed has probably visited talented gardeners or beginners in the field of agriculture more than once. Not only do you get the opportunity to enjoy your favorite plant-based treat for free, but the growing process itself is also interesting. Unfortunately, not all attempts are successful, but only a few, carried out in accordance with important rules. In this material we will tell you how to properly grow persimmons from seeds at home.

Let's look at the steps of the instructions one by one, revealing the rules that we mentioned in the introduction to this article.

Step No. 1 - determine the number of seeds to be harvested

It often happens that after planting one persimmon seed, gardeners conducting an experiment in modest home conditions do not even receive seedlings. This is because not every plant seed has the potential to grow. To be sure of the result, you must:

  • prepare several persimmon seeds;
  • It is advisable to take material from different fruits, for example, three or four.

By using this trick, you will increase the likelihood that a particular seed will germinate several times.

Step No. 2 – choose the right “mother” fruits

Unfortunately, even the preparation large quantity seeds may not save you from gardening failure, since, for example, frozen persimmons sold in winter, as a rule, have lifeless, frozen seeds. Sick persimmons have the same seeds, green persimmons have not fully ripened seeds, etc.

According to statistics, if you choose the right seeds, then approximately 8 out of ten seeds will definitely sprout, which subsequently turns into slender trees that bear fruit. Here are the parameters of the purchased “mother” fruit that need to be monitored so that the seeds inside it turn out to be of good quality:

  • overripe fruit is a bad fruit, with the same insufficiently strong biological material for planting, refuse to use them;
  • frozen persimmons, which are often sold on the market, are also unlikely to produce even weak sprouts;
  • damaged fruits are unsuitable material for cultivation;
  • Green persimmons are not only tasteless, but also cannot produce strong enough shoots.

So which fruit should you buy? Walking around the store, you should find not green, but slightly unripe persimmons, which will reach the condition of the house in a warm place. Then the fruit will be ready not only for eating, but also for collecting seeds.

Step No. 3 - take out the seeds

You can only remove seeds from those fruits that taste ripe and when pressed do not fall apart, but softly separate. Carefully, without damaging the surface of the seeds, squeeze them out of the persimmon flesh and peel. Then you need to:

  • rinse the collected material under warm running water;
  • dry on a towel, paper or regular.

After extraction, you need to leave the seeds to sit for a while.

Step No. 4 - disinfect the seeds

In order for the grains to germinate for sure, and the stems that emerge from the ground to be strong and withstand adversity, it is necessary to carry out preliminary disinfection of the extracted seeds. For this:

  • the seeds are placed in a solution of manganese, barely pink;
  • keep in the diluted solution for several hours.

Provided that the seed is not suitable for germination, it will float to the surface of the solution.

Note: if you don’t have manganese or the patience to go buy it, then you can at least soak the seeds in warm water. This way you will nourish them and give them strength.

Step No. 5 - seed stratification

The term stratification means imitation natural phenomena, affecting the growth of a particular plant, in our case persimmon.

1. The first stage of this activity involves treating the seeds with Epin solution, an adaptogen that has a pronounced anti-stress effect.

This bioregulator is sold in specialized garden stores, but if for some reason you cannot purchase it, use the juice of the most common aloe:

  • squeeze the mucous part of the flower onto a napkin;
  • Place the seeds on the resulting mass;
  • make a kind of bag out of a napkin, wrapping the seeds in aloe juice.

The wet bag is placed in the refrigerator and remains there for a month and a half. During the entire specified time, it is necessary to periodically moisten the napkin, ensuring that it never dries out at all. This way the seeds will be hardened and ready for anything.

2. The second stage of the procedure involves the destruction of the covering layer of the seeds, which must be carried out as carefully as possible so as not to damage the structure of the material, in particular, not to touch the core. The easiest way to carry out damage is to use sandpaper with which to rub the seed:

  • On the sides;
  • from the top side.

Note: Stratification is not a mandatory process, but it is still advisable to carry it out so that our persimmons germinate more actively and are healthy.

Step No. 6 - prepare the soil for planting

In the sixth step, we will prepare the ground in which our seedlings will hatch. So, it should be:

  • light;
  • instantly absorbs water;
  • well permeable to air.

A universal soil may well be suitable, which is sold today not only in garden stores, but also in large shopping centers. If desired, you can add vermiculite to it, and be sure to first place expanded clay at the bottom of the pot before filling it, which will help drain the soil.

Step No. 7 - planting seeds

At this stage, when we have everything we need ready, we plant the seeds that have been collected and processed in advance. This is done like this:

  • the material is placed on the surface of the earth poured into the pot;
  • dry soil is poured to a height of one centimeter so that the seeds are hidden under it;
  • then the ground is watered, not abundantly, but enough so that its top layer is saturated with moisture.

After planting is completed, the pot or container given for seedlings is placed in a dark place, creating conditions similar to a greenhouse, and its surface is covered:

  • plastic cover;
  • plastic bag;
  • glass, etc.

Done, this completes the procedure for planting the seed.

Important nuances about growing persimmons at home

For your gardening venture to be successful, it must be carried out with a variety of various nuances. We will consider which ones in the table below.

Table 1. Nuances of planting persimmons that must be taken into account when growing them at home

Considering the time of year suitable for plantingPlant persimmon seeds in the ground with the onset of early spring, since it is not just that they appear on the shelves with the onset of cold weather. The fact is that the fruit we are interested in is winter.
Creating a comfortable temperature regimeIn order for the seed to germinate without problems, it is necessary to provide it with all the required favorable conditions, in particular, comfortable temperature regime. So, it is the bottom of the container in which the persimmon grows that should be heated. It would be best to install the pot next to a radiator or other type of heater, which, however, will not be able to overheat the contents of the container with soil.
BlackoutThe pot should be watered, leaving it in a dark place, as this is necessary for the germination of the fruit.
Constant soil moistureIt is necessary to constantly keep the soil in which our bones are moist so that they receive the vital energy necessary for growth. However, do not forget that their container imitates a greenhouse, and promptly remove condensation from the covering material so that the seeds do not rot.
VentilationTo prevent mold from developing on the surface of your improvised greenhouse, do not forget to ventilate the soil by removing the bag, lid, glass, or other protection you have come up with.
However, be careful: persimmon is a delicate plant, and even in the seed state it does not like drafts.

It takes approximately 30 days for the plant to germinate. You need to carefully monitor the stages of development of the persimmon, and remove the film at the moment when the sprouts appear on the surface, so that they do not rest against the film.

When the sprouts appear, they will need to be freed from the shell remaining from the bone, which is located directly on the emerging greenery. Unfortunately, as we have already told you, not all the seeds you plant will germinate, but only the most viable ones. If during the specified period not a single sprout emerges, you should repeat the procedure again.

Caring for sprouted persimmons

After the first shoots of the planted persimmon appear, caring for the plant will become completely easy. Here's what you'll need to do.

  1. First of all, move the pot with the plant from darkness to light, just keep in mind that direct sunlight should not fall on it.
  2. Double-check that you have removed the pit skin from all the sprouts. If not, carefully, using a knife or tweezers, this procedure again. Provided that the remaining seeds do not want to be removed easily, spray them warm water and wrap it in a bag for a while, this should definitely help.
  3. Water the sprouts as needed when the soil dries out, but do not over-water them, as there is a risk of rotting.
  4. Feed the plant using a commercial nitrogen-based gardening product. Unfortunately, without this feeding your persimmon is unlikely to survive, even if you managed to grow strong shoots.
  5. Persimmon seedlings will emerge quickly and develop rapidly. So, if you already have several strong small plants, make sure to plant them in separate pots, preferably spacious ones at once, so that you don’t have to replant them again later.
  6. After all the seedlings have developed even more clearly, and their root system has become stronger, and permanent leaves have appeared, you will need to transplant them into a container that will become permanent place"living" a fruit tree. It will be enough to stock up on pots whose height is approximately 10-15 centimeters.

A container that is too large will cause the soil to constantly oxidize, causing the plant's roots to rot from the roots down. It is also important to purchase flowerware made from high-quality, non-toxic materials.

Caring for indoor persimmon

During cold weather, when the temperature in the apartment decreases due to insufficient heating, there may be a danger of hypothermia in the persimmon. At this time, you can cover the small trees with jars at night. Of course, when they finally grow up, this will no longer be necessary.

From time to time, plants need to be sprayed with a spray bottle and ventilated by placing them on the balcony in the warm season. However, sometimes it is necessary to “stress” the plant by leaving it in mild conditions coolness for a short time. In this way, you will harden the persimmon and force it to get used to environmental conditions.

Persimmon is unpretentious in care, and paying attention to it is a pleasure

Let's sum it up

Taking into account all the nuances regarding growing delicious fruit, beloved by all Russians, you can easily grow seedlings, which will gradually turn into a small, fruit-bearing tree. After about 4 months, the seed will turn into a full-fledged plant that will delight not only you, but also your family, friends and all guests. Having gained such valuable gardening experience, you will be able to conduct similar experiments with other fruits, already knowing what nuances you need to take into account to create an atmosphere comfortable for the flower.

Video - How to grow persimmons at home

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