Growing greens in a greenhouse - useful tips for a large harvest. Growing greens in a greenhouse as a business: instructions

Greenery in a greenhouse can be a good idea for creating a personal business, on the one hand, on the other hand, the structure can be used to grow unusual green crops for yourself and your family. Before starting a high-budget event, look at what a modern factory for growing greens all year round looks like, think and calculate the payback of the future enterprise: will you be able to compete on prices with similar farms?

What to consider at the initial stage

On the Internet you can find cost calculations, calculations of profits and payback periods. The event looks quite tempting. The only thing that these business plans do not describe is the organization of a product sales system. It is planned that your product will be purchased continuously and the entire harvest; all calculations are based on this fact. But first you need to find buyers, find out which positions are relevant, what types are in demand, and when they are in demand. First, you should still try to grow crops little by little, test ideas, and study technologies.

Cilantro, parsley, and lettuce are considered “long-term” crops (the growing season is 50-70 days), growing them in a winter greenhouse is not the most profitable activity; profitability increases in spring, summer and autumn. Dill, onions, basil and mint produce a harvest 30-40 days after germination, so growing them in winter is more economically feasible.

What should a greenhouse be like for greenery?

For cultivation early greens An ordinary greenhouse with a polycarbonate coating is suitable. The size at the initial stage can be small: 3 meters wide, 10-12 meters long. By mid-April, a suitable microclimate has been established, suitable for sowing. For year-round cultivation, the greenhouse must be additionally equipped with:

  • artificial lighting;
  • heating system;
  • installation for irrigation or drip irrigation.

Most plants require twelve hours of daylight for development; in winter, additional lighting is required. When growing for sale, you need speed: with slow growth, the economic component decreases; if it is not marketable, your products simply will not be accepted. For additional illumination, ordinary lamps are not suitable, since their radiation spectrum is far from solar, so fluorescent or special phytolamps are used, as well as various types energy saving.

The design of the irrigation system depends on the technology chosen. Some farms successfully use hydroponics (growing without soil mixture; plants receive nutrition from water in which the necessary substances are dissolved). Automatic and semi-automatic watering systems are also used.

The greenhouse must be equipped with an irrigation system: hanging sprayers are used

It is advisable to use the entire volume of the greenhouse for planting. For this purpose, shelving is installed. The shelves should be high enough on top of each other to allow light to reach each plant. Heating is either centralized (water) or used infrared heaters.

If you plan to grow for sale, then it is better to forget about homemade products. By the way, equipment manufacturers produce not only large industrial systems, but mini-versions that are quite affordable.

Tip: Lighting equipment is selected so that per 1 sq. meter of area accounted for 6000-10000 lux. The effective distance from the lamp to the plant is calculated based on the power of the lamps and the standard illumination.

It is better to use pendant lighting; the closer to the plants, the more efficiently electricity is used

What greens are grown in greenhouses: selection of varieties

General rules when choosing seeds:

  1. The key to success is high-quality planting material (shelf life, storage conditions). Pay attention to professional series and large packages. Such products are intended for commercial use; purchasing in bulk is cheaper than retail.
  2. Give preference to varieties with short growing seasons, but pay attention to taste.


Select varieties of dill that are tolerant to light, always of the bush type. For example, Iney, Almaz, Kutuzovsky, Sevastopolsky tolerate lack of light quite well, they can be grown on the lower tier of the greenhouse. The Aurora variety also performs well.

Dill and parsley varieties are chosen to be early ripening, the plants should have good dense bushes so that presentation was the best


Parsley is planted mainly as leaf parsley. It is necessary to pay attention to the period of wilting, so if there is no information on the packaging, contact the manufacturers. There are varieties that wilt literally an hour after picking; they are grown only for personal consumption. Also, you should not breed curly parsley; its greens are tough and are used mainly for decoration.


Lettuce is a vegetable crop, used as greens. There are leaf and cabbage varieties. The best-selling (and most expensive) cabbage variety is Iceberg (weight from 300 g, light green color). Batavia is a hybrid leaf variety that is in high demand.

The Batavia variety type includes many varieties, both domestic and foreign selection: Grand, Rapid, Fanly, Bohemia, Dachny

You can try growing root or field lettuce, which are small dark green leaves gathered into peculiar rosettes. This type of salad, along with the Frize variety, is widely used in restaurants. Lollo Rossa is a good variety of red leaf lettuce. You can select varieties that will be unique, then there will be no problems with sales.

How to grow plants all year round

Seeds edible grass very small and slowly germinate, to speed up the process, before sowing they are soaked in hot water(60 °C). When it cools down, the procedure is repeated. The sprouted seeds are sown in ditches or special cassettes. You can use the usual method: pots, then picking, after the seedlings have developed, replanting again. Cassettes with small cells (up to 2.5 cm in depth, length and width) are more convenient, seed consumption during sowing is less, the root system is not injured once again, and labor costs are significantly reduced.

Working with cassettes is convenient - each plant is quickly removed with a lump of earth

For soil, you can use a purchased universal substrate (loose, without lumps), or a mixture of garden soil with peat and vermiculite. During all periods of germination, seedlings must be well moistened, otherwise the plants, especially parsley, will grow more slowly. Most species are watered by irrigation, except for lettuce (it does not like moisture getting on the leaves). You can immediately add it to water mineral fertilizers. It is more affordable to use EM technology (with effective microorganisms), instead of using expensive mineral compositions.

Tip: Greens do not like overdose of fertilizers; the concentration is calculated so that the solution contains no more than 750 milligrams of salts per liter of clean water.

A kind of conveyor is organized in the greenhouse: seedlings are grown in some containers, and plants for sale are grown in beds and containers. Every two weeks, the crop is harvested, seedlings are planted in the vacant space, and the next batch of seeds is immediately sown.

Growing dill and parsley in a greenhouse

The sowing depth of the seeds is about 10 mm, the top is crushed with soil, immediately watered with a sprayer, and fertilizers are added to the water. The crops are not demanding on the composition of the soil. If cassettes are not used for seedlings, the distance between sprouts should be 2 cm (after germination, the planting is thinned out). When they develop to a height of ten centimeters, they need to be thinned out. Removed specimens are not thrown away, but planted in another place. They are planted in the ground in rows at a distance of 5-7 cm from each other. Dill ripens in 30-50 days, parsley takes longer - an average of 60 days (depending on the variety). Productivity 1-2 kg/m2.

To reduce moisture evaporation, plantings are mulched or covered with sand.

The air temperature must be at least 15 °C. The soil is kept constantly moist by watering with warm water. Twelve hours of daylight are provided. The greens are fed during watering with fertilizers dissolved in water. You can do it differently: use ammonium nitrate or peat twice a month. Another way is to water the soil before planting seeds with EM preparations such as “Baikal” or “Siyanie”.

The salad is considered an unpretentious species and quite in demand. When breeding, it is very convenient that each outlet is one commercial unit, which is packaged in cellophane.

Lettuce cultivation is the most profitable home business

The temperature should be strictly within 16-20 °C. If it is higher, the leaves will become coarse; if it is lower, the plants will be stunted in growth. Lettuce ripens quickly: 40-60 days (depending on the variety). The substrate must be loose. Watering is carried out under the plant; water should not get on the leaves. The soil can be covered non-woven material. Lettuce loves to be fed with compost. It can grow without additional lighting all year round, except for November, December and January, when daylight hours are too short. Leaves and heads of cabbage are cut off before the stem forms, as after this they become bitter.

Growing lettuce in a greenhouse: video tips, soil selection, cassette growing method


Greens can be grown for sale in your own greenhouse. To seriously engage in this type of business, you need to try out different varieties, decide on priorities, and find places to sell your products. Greens can be sold by small chain stores; lettuce and specific herbs such as mint can be offered to restaurants. In addition to the usual crops, cilantro, mint, lemon balm, basil, all kinds of onions, leaf celery, and sorrel are grown. New items are coming into fashion, for example, arugula, purslane, pak choy, chicory, wild garlic, tarragon, chard, oregano, and lemongrass. All these types are widely used in Chinese, Japanese and Mediterranean cuisines, dishes using them are increasingly being prepared in culinary programs, so perhaps it is worth occupying the still free “niche”.

Advice: before starting the event, it is useful to consult with the local agricultural institute; the information received from specialists is unlikely to be superfluous.

You retired, lost your job due to downsizing, your business collapsed. In short, do you have a lot of free time, some money and a passionate desire to start a profitable business? There's only one thing left to do - choose promising business so that it tastes good, is profitable, and does not spoil your health. There are commercial risks in industry, trade, and transportation. But why not go into farming? The business idea of ​​growing greens looks very attractive.

Is farming profitable?

After many years recession and devastation in agriculture Russian Federation It is actively developing, saturating the domestic market with products and generating good profits. The whole world felt this, eating bread made from Russian wheat, and looking with grief at the growth of crops and livestock numbers. Inside the country, you don’t even have to look at media materials - just look at the store shelves.

And how many businessmen, from oligarchs to provincial small business representatives, invest their funds in the agricultural sector. Agriculture Currently it is a very profitable business. For example, growing greens in a greenhouse (as a business) all year round is a very good thing in the context of sanctions and counter-sanctions. Because politics is politics, and a person always wants to eat, especially fresh and beautiful greens.

Greens aren't just about dollar speculation

The future belongs to domestic agricultural products. And now growing greens is especially promising. Growing greens in a greenhouse for sale is a profitable business. Green onions, parsley, dill, radishes, etc. are very popular. They have a large number vitamins, microelements, essential substances, improve the taste of any dish, maintain health and energy. Greens are not threatened by competition from abroad - such a product quickly deteriorates and lengthy logistics even from close Turkey, and even more so from European and Asian countries, leads to the fact that imported agricultural products are inferior to domestic ones and, moreover, are crammed with chemicals. And finally, the state, concerned about the problem of the agricultural sector, allocates many financial and tax preferences.

Much more. The business of growing greens in a greenhouse all year round nowadays is a very popular and profitable business. There is competition, but you shouldn't be seriously afraid of it.


A business plan for growing greens in a greenhouse, like any theoretical part of the plan, requires some attention. Greens are small plants, and in this regard they can be grown in small containers in the window, in open ground and in greenhouses.

Growing at home has its own promise. If your task is just to provide your farm with greens, this is best option. However, such a pocket agricultural sector produces too little effect to hope for commercial returns.

Open ground allows you to “stretch” the scale to the entire personal plot, and this is already several hundred square meters of land. It can be calculated that with a three-fold harvest, up to 2 tons of greenery can be collected from one hundred square meters. With the cost of one kilogram being approximately 100-150 rubles. the cost of harvest from one hundred square meters will be more than 200 thousand rubles. Impressive, isn't it?

In addition, open ground requires small allocations, which allows even small farmers to successfully commercially grow greens.

The disadvantage of this option is high weather requirements. The climate should be warm and moderately rainy. Basically, the southern part of Russia fits these parameters. The rest of the country has short, fairly cool summers, which limits the amount of greenery available. In addition, harvesting greens at the same time on all farms leads to a decline in demand and a decrease in cost.

Bottom line: the business of growing greens in open ground will become profitable under two conditions. Good weather and the ability to trade in big city. For other producers, the greenhouse remains the best option.


With the arrival late autumn and during the frosty winter, the vegetation in the beds froze, and fresh agricultural products began to come only from the greenhouse. Greens from specialized premises are now in good demand in restaurants, canteens, and snack bars. It is sold in markets, department stores and specialty stores. Growing greens in a greenhouse in winter for sale in our country with a short summer can be a profitable activity.

The most effective option for growing greens is to build a thermos greenhouse. Double protection of the structure makes it possible not to carry out additional heating to maintain the temperature required for plants.

Start preparing for summer season needed already from the middle of the last winter month. First, you need to remove the accumulated snow near the greenhouse and put down black film or roofing felt. The same material is placed inside the greenhouse to utilize heat. sun rays. Ruberoid or black film is quite effective, and as a result, various types of greenery can be sown already in early spring. The earth will thaw by at least 15 cm, this result will be quite enough. Growing greens in a greenhouse as a business has already proven its worth.

Greenery - all year round!

You can increase the growing season useful plants. Year-round cultivation of greens in a greenhouse is not uncommon in our country.

Many gardeners keep summer cottages ordinary greenhouses made of white glass and standard polycarbonate. In such a structure you can get beautiful greenery, just like in open ground. In addition, greenhouse fresh greens are often even tastier than garden greens, because they are not affected by chemicals, she does not have to fear acid rain and industrial pollution. Growing greens in the cold winter is economically profitable.

Greenhouse onions can be obtained in: They are rich in vitamins and strengthen the human body’s immunity in cold weather. winter period. To get good green onions, you need to choose the right variety. For example, varieties of winter varieties suitable for planting are Troitsky and Spassky. It is better to choose medium bulbs - with a diameter of 3-5 cm. When planting such onions in a greenhouse, you can get a fairly good harvest.

Greenhouse dill is planted as a compactor or as a separate crop. Before planting, the seeds used must be soaked for 3-4 days, and the water must be changed every day. After this, the seeds must be dried. Dill as a compactor receives its commercial form in 50 days, and as a separate crop - in 60 days. Sprouted ones should be planted in March or autumn.

Technologies for growing greens in a greenhouse are simple. To ensure greens grow regularly, you can sow dill seeds every month. This is an undemanding crop, and therefore it needs to be sown in continuous strips every 30-40 cm. Leave the seeds at a depth of 2 cm. When the greens begin to sprout, the soil should be a little damp.

Parsley contains enough vitamin C, which is very necessary for a person in winter. For a good harvest, it is better to take light and rich nutrients land. Parsley is resistant to cold weather and can be planted at the end of August. We make holes in the soil, water them generously and place the plant in them to the depth of the root. The temperature in the greenhouse should be maintained at 15-28 degrees. Parsley is watered by drip using a regular watering can.


To make more profit in a shorter period of time, a hydroponic greenhouse business plan is needed. Growing greens different types, carried out all year round, will make you a successful businessman.

Hydroponics is a specialized agricultural system that allows you to produce vegetables and other crops without land. As a rule, nutrient liquids are used for hydroponics, and the systems are placed in ordinary greenhouses.

The hydroponic business is gaining popularity among budding growers. The fact is that this method of growing vegetables reduces the risk of production work and does not require special physical activity compared to traditional farming.

True, more equipment, and therefore more expenses, is needed. To create a business you need the following equipment:

  1. Frames for vertical placement of plants in a greenhouse.
  2. Water heating systems.
  3. Filters for purification of industrial water.
  4. Backup and main power generator.
  5. Containers for cleaning the resulting products and their packaging.
  6. Refrigerator or cold room with metal racks for storing vegetables.
  7. Consumable raw materials include substrate, seeds for cultivation and packaging for transportation and sale.

When choosing types of greens to harvest hydroponically, you need to rely mainly on familiar and popular crops. Growing greens in a greenhouse as a business based on those species that are pleasant and easy for the entrepreneur personally to obtain will become more effective. Poor awareness or lack of experience in growing a particular crop can be a serious reason for bad luck in the agricultural business.

Growing onions

Green onions have so many beneficial qualities and are so popular that when growing greens in winter greenhouses you cannot do without them. The needs for it are always unusually great.

There are three types of onions:

  • spicy;
  • semi-sharp;
  • sweet.

When comparing onions, gardeners take into account that sharp onions acquire a marketable appearance the fastest, but their feather volume is insignificant. Sweet onions have the largest volume of feathers, but they grow very slowly. Therefore, in the spring, breeders settle on semi-sharp varieties, as an intermediate option.

At the end of winter, planting onions with seeds is initially done in boxes. At the beginning of spring, they are picked and planted in a greenhouse. The gap between the bulbs should be kept to 5 cm.

After planting the onions, it is recommended to plant a second portion for new seedlings in boxes with soil. By the time the first harvest ripens (in three weeks), the seeds will hatch, and it will be time to plant them. In the greenhouse, before you begin to pull out the onions, the beds must be watered heavily. After 6 hours, the onions need to be collected together with the heads. After this, you can organize the supply of green goods to retail and catering chains.

Growing dill

The most popular and popular herb is, of course, dill. Growing greens in a greenhouse as a business should start with growing dill. Based on this, about half of the harvest should be harvested from this plant. The varieties are always used early.

It should be taken into account that these varieties need to be updated at equal periods of time, once every few years. Before planting, the seeds are kept in water, but not germinated. Sowing takes place on strips of land stretching from north to south. It is necessary to water in time with warm water and weed the bed from weeds. It is necessary to leave gaps between planting dill of about 10 cm.

Shortly before harvesting, the soil of the beds must be heavily irrigated with water. After this, the dill is torn out from the softened soil, the roots are thoroughly cleaned of dirt and dried. Then the greens must be collected in special waterproof containers. The dill leaves should be at the top. Water with various minerals and an aspirin tablet will help extend the shelf life of products. Then the dill will be fresh for 7 days.

There is no point in cultivating dill in winter: even in a greenhouse it will not have enough light, and, therefore, the product will not be very good with an unattractive shape.

Other types of greens

Nowadays, greens are mainly sold fresh onions and dill. But this does not mean that you should not get other types of tasty and healthy greens. Growing greens in a greenhouse as a business can also be done with other plants. In greenhouses, for example, you can get lettuce. It contains many vitamins and useful microelements, which will be especially valuable after the New Year.

In February and March there is significant demand early radish, obtained in a greenhouse. You can look at other greenhouse crops.

That is, gardeners have a certain ability to maneuver. But before this, it is necessary to foresee the expected demand in the market. Undoubtedly, the variety of types of greens obtained will make it possible to attract customers, but keep in mind that if you receive unclaimed types of greens, you may find yourself without money.

Subtleties of trading

Production of products means their obligatory sale. The business (growing greens in a greenhouse all year round) is very profitable, but it needs to be developed. Therefore, having received the product, go sell it. You need to know that greens are often used in various dishes in restaurants, canteens and other catering establishments. In addition, greens are sold in markets, regular and specialized stores.

Retail trade requires special documents. However, at the market it is enough to show a certificate stating that you have a household plot. But with the increase in the scale of trade, bureaucratic turnover will increase noticeably.

Greens must be separated by size. So, a bow with a long, large feather is placed separately, with a short, weak feather, and accordingly, it is laid out in another batch.

The price of a product very often depends on what it has appearance. Yellow, dried out, stale greens are thrown away. Another marketing ploy - try to slightly reduce the price compared to the prices of other sellers. Profits may even increase due to increased turnover. Everything is quite easy and simple.

To increase your prosperity you will need a winter greenhouse, various seeds greenery to receive goods and a little later - a retail outlet where you will sell the harvest.

Cash turnover

The business of growing fresh herbs in a greenhouse, like any business in principle, requires certain expenses, especially at the beginning of the process. But after this, the income will be much higher than the investment. If you develop a business from scratch, the bulk of the funds will be invested in the greenhouse. In particular, a thermos greenhouse will require more than thirty thousand rubles.

Otherwise, it should be borne in mind that growing greenhouse greens does not require large expenses and quickly pays for itself, especially in winter. Fresh herbs on New Year's table, on the holiday of all men (February 23) and women (March 8) will always be popular and will bring great profits. If you create a greenhouse (growing greens), the profitability of the business is ensured.

Growing greens in a greenhouse as a business is an economically viable, profitable and profitable activity. The initial investment in it is low, but the profit from sales of the product is considerable, especially in the cold season. To organize your own enterprise for growing greens, you should draw up a business plan, calculate costs, decide on the sales market and the varieties to be grown.

Growing greens in a greenhouse is a profitable business

Before you start growing greens on an industrial scale, you should decide on options for selling your products. Main sales options:

Second stage - official registration entrepreneurship. This procedure takes up to a month, after which you can legally grow greens. You should register with the Tax Office as individual entrepreneur and choose a simplified tax calculation system - Unified Agricultural Tax (deductions are calculated depending on the profit received and amount to 6% of it).

Then they install greenhouses, equipment, fertilizers, plant seeds and begin growing greens.

Growing greens - income all year round

Options and features of growing greens

If a novice entrepreneur has a plot of land, then growing greens all year round will not be a problem. But, the enterprise will be most profitable if the plot is located in the south of the country, otherwise the costs of lighting, heating and other means necessary for growing greens will exceed what can be earned by selling the crop.

There are several ways to grow greens yourself:

  • sowing seeds is the classic, most inexpensive option;

  • extended cultivation - if greens grow in beds, before the onset of cold weather they are dug out of the ground and transferred indoors;

  • from seedlings - the disadvantage of this method is that you have to grow it yourself or buy it, which will be more expensive than purchasing seeds;

  • forcing - the most convenient way, since the sown material is already ready to grow.

Choosing the variety of greens to grow

Before you start growing greens, you should study the needs of the market and decide on varieties.


  • unpretentious;
  • seeds germinate in a couple of weeks;
  • the harvest can be realized in 45-50 days;
  • the optimal temperature for crop growth is only 17 degrees;
  • not susceptible to pests and diseases;
  • disadvantages of dill - it requires additional lighting in cold weather and has a short shelf life.


  • for growing crops, it is preferable to use black soil and the soil must be regularly moistened;
  • easily tolerates cold weather;
  • Plants need to be fed after each cut;
  • the harvest is harvested within a month after sowing;
  • the optimal temperature for growth is 20 degrees;
  • For good plant growth, they are planted in large containers and provided with constant lighting.


  • in cloudy weather and in winter, it needs illumination with phytolamps, turned on daily for 4 hours;
  • the crop grows in a month;
  • if the crop was planted with seeds, it will take more than a year to produce a harvest;
  • needs abundant and regular watering and fertilizing;
  • grows well at 20 degrees Celsius.


  • more demanding to grow than dill or onions;
  • cold resistant;
  • The downside is that the seeds take a very long time to germinate.

Growing celery in a greenhouse

  • unpretentious;
  • produces up to 4-5 harvests per year;
  • spicy onions ripen quickly, but the feathers have little mass;
  • sweet varieties of crops ripen longer, but their weight is greater;
  • Plants are planted in February, in boxes, and in March they are transplanted into a greenhouse;
  • After planting the first batch, you can immediately begin growing the second.

  • unpretentious;
  • harvesting is possible after 12 days;
  • grows in shaded areas;
  • After cutting, the plants need to be fed.


  • more demanding than watercress;
  • Regular, abundant watering is required;
  • does not tolerate heat.

Growing salads is the most profitable activity; the growing season for plants is a maximum of 25 days. In terms of demand among buyers, the undoubted leader is onions, with dill and parsley taking second and third places.

Soil selection

Suitable for growing greens the following types soil.

Selection of greenhouse and equipment

Greenhouses are:

The best option for growing greenery at any time of the year are polycarbonate greenhouses - they retain heat well and allow sunlight, heating them is not difficult. It should be noted that for uninterrupted cultivation of crops, at least 3 greenhouses will be required:

  • in 1 - seeds are sown;
  • in 2 - shoots rise;
  • at 3 - the harvest is harvested.

Main equipment

To grow greens, you need to purchase a certain set of equipment that provides comfort, convenience and an appropriate level of temperature and lighting.

  1. Heaters or heating - necessary to maintain the temperature level, regardless of weather conditions outside the greenhouse. In a moderately cold winter, a couple of heaters will be enough to maintain a temperature of 20 degrees for one greenhouse.

  2. Lighting devices, lamps - ideally install fluorescent light bulbs or phytolamps that provide necessary for plants lighting level. Each box of greens requires 1 lamp. Additionally, reflectors are installed.

  3. Hydroponics system. Growing greens on an industrial scale without this system is fraught with difficulties and difficulties - from rotting of the root system to damage to the crop by diseases.
  4. Shelving - containers with herbs will be installed on them.

  5. Thermometer - required to control the air temperature in the greenhouse.
  6. Foil - with it experienced gardeners It is recommended to wrap pots with plants to avoid overheating of the soil.
  7. Watering system (regular watering cans can be used).

  8. Containers - pallets, for plants, for settling water, boxes, bottles and others.

Harvesting and transportation

The disadvantage of greenhouse greens is that they require careful handling - the slightest wrong movement and the crop will be damaged, lose its presentation and will not be stored. For this reason, harvesting begins with a preliminary abundant watering plants 5.5-6 hours before they need to be pulled out of the ground.

After this time, each plant is carefully dug up at the roots with a spatula. If the harvest of feather onions is being harvested, then the feathers are collected together with the heads - the plant is held at the base of the growth of the feathers and is slowly pulled out of the ground. After removing the greens from the ground, it is necessary to wash the roots from excess soil, pack and transport them to customers.

Greens grown in winter - photo

It is recommended to store and transport greens in waterproof containers, and the bunches should be with their leaves facing up and tightly adjacent to each other. To keep plants fresh longer, water and special additives are added to the containers. A simple and inexpensive mixture has worked well - you need to dissolve an aspirin tablet in a liter of water.

Profit calculation

The business of growing greens in a greenhouse becomes most profitable in the winter - at this time the price of products reaches its maximum. At a price of 200 rubles per kilogram of greens and a yield of 1.5 kilos per square meter, and the crop ripening within a month, from a greenhouse of 6 acres you can get about a ton of products. Accordingly, the profit will be about 200,000 rubles.

Of the money received, approximately half will go to pay taxes, wages, transportation costs, purchase of materials, seeds and fertilizers. As a result, the net profit for the month will be about 100,000 - 120,000 rubles. And the total costs of organizing and starting a business will be a maximum of half a million rubles, this includes:

  • purchase and installation of greenhouses;
  • heating or installation of heaters;
  • lighting installation;
  • purchase of soil and fertilizers;
  • purchase of seeds and containers for planting and care;
  • business documentation and other costs.

At first, profits should be spent on expanding production in order to be able to grow greens on a larger scale. The demand for high-quality and fresh herbs is only growing, so investing your cash in this business is the right decision.

Video - Growing greens in a greenhouse in winter: secrets for beginners

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What conditions are necessary to grow dill in a greenhouse?

​Ordinary summer residents grow greens in two or three beds in the summer. Some people can’t even say where the dill came from in their dacha. As a businessman, you will have to make sure that the greens can grow in winter. To do this, she needs to create greenhouse conditions.​

  • Before closing the rows, we loosen the soil and destroy weeds. Fertilizing cannot be carried out.
  • ​If there is strong unwanted growth of greenery, the air temperature is reduced to +10..+12°C. At the same time, the growth and yield of bulbous greens is reduced.
  • ​Rack in a greenhouse for winter growing of greens. © thinmac​

​The main thing you will need to consider when cultivating dill for sale is that you do not try to sow the entire area of ​​the greenhouse beds with a continuous carpet in order to get maximum profit. When planted in furrows, dill will receive more light and will grow more lush.​

​maintain the air temperature at least 15°C.​ ​15-20 g of potassium salt.​

​The presence of a greenhouse on the site opens up wide opportunities for the gardener: in the spring you can grow seedlings of flowers and vegetables, in the summer - cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes and eggplants, and growing dill, parsley or any other greens in a greenhouse is possible almost all year round.​

​It is best to opt for a thermos greenhouse, which will provide better heat conservation due to its double coating. Or buy a polycarbonate greenhouse and conduct heat inside.​

​on the additional area created by shelving for placing boxes and other containers for greenery. This is the simplest and cheapest option, beneficial for beginners.​

Step-by-step guide on how to grow dill in a greenhouse

  • ​If the ground freezes in the greenhouse in winter, then you can use deep boxes that are placed higher, where more heat collects. A prerequisite for growing crops in boxes is that they have holes for water drainage.​
  • ​The soil is moistened, loosened, and ridges are made with a distance between rows of 15-20 cm. The seeds are sown bush dill, covering them 1-3 cm at a sowing rate of 4-6 g/m².​
  • ​For the next two weeks, water the soil daily with warm water from a spray bottle until small shoots appear. In the future, you can water only as needed to prevent the soil from drying out. Regularly remove weeds and loosen the soil so that dill grows better.​
  • ​Even in the harsh Siberian climate, you can get the first fresh greens in the greenhouse by the end of March, the main thing is to follow the basic rules:​
  • ​The heating system may be different. Currently, there are many ways to warm up a greenhouse. For example, placing heat-conducting cables under the soil, similar to a heated floor system. The simplest and cheapest option is biofuel. Complex but effective is water heating, when pipes with hot water. The infrared method is very economical to use. This is the most modern way to warm up a greenhouse.​

​Lettuce grown in a greenhouse, under covering material.​

​It is better to choose early-ripening varieties (for example, the most popular Gribovsky). To continuously obtain fresh herbs, do not forget to sow dill, focusing on the ripening time of each variety. So, if you plant dill in early March, the first greens can be obtained in mid-April, and if you sow seeds on April 20, the dill harvest will be ready by the end of May, etc.​


Agricultural technology and technology for growing dill in a greenhouse

​Dill seeds are best sown so that the distance between them is 20-30 cm. The sowing depth is insignificant and can vary from 1 to 3 cm.​

When the seedlings reach a height of ten centimeters, they need to be thinned out, pulling every second plant out of the ground. There is no need to throw them away - you can transplant the removed specimens into another container to achieve an even larger harvest.​

​keep the sowing depth to one and a half centimeters; Dill for sale can be cultivated as an independent crop or as a compactor. In the second case, it is sown at a distance of 30 cm, when about 25 seeds need to be placed per square meter.​

  • ​You may not even use the soil for sowing seeds, but instead of the traditional cultivation method, prefer
  • The soil must be kept moist. Water plants in winter only with warm water. Pre-soaking seeds and growing seedlings can significantly reduce the ripening time of dill from 2 to 1.5 months. and increase product turnover.​
  • ​Growing and caring for dill includes: weeding, loosening the soil after watering, fertilizing, thinning. Bush dill belongs to late-ripening varieties. It got its name from its ability to form side shoots in the leaf axils. Upon reaching technical ripeness the plant looks like a bush. Feature This variety has a slow stem formation. This variety requires a large feeding area.​

Preparing the seeds

​sow greens twice a month to ensure constant new shoots;​

​It is also worth noting that suitable conditions must be created for dill, especially in winter. The seeds will need about 50-60 days to grow, however, it will enrich you with a harvest. If all the conditions are created for him, then you can easily collect two kilograms from every square meter.​

​"Article from the site"​

How to prepare soil for planting bush dill in a greenhouse

​growing dill hydroponically​

Growing and care

​Dill, the cultivation of which is widespread, can bring good income. After all, this is one of the most popular seasonings - it is rare that a housewife does not use fragrant dill in the daily preparation of various dishes, from salads to hot dishes. And there is no need to explain how much brighter and more interesting the taste of pickles and marinades to which dill umbrellas with seeds have been added becomes. Crispy pickled cucumbers with a slight specific aroma of dill are invariably a success as a universal cold appetizer!​

The technology for growing dill requires that the gap between the rows and the plants in the row be at least 15 cm. When planted more densely, the plants are suppressed and do not form a crown, stem growth slows down, which negatively affects crop rotation. Proper cultivation of bush dill requires maintaining the following distances:

​When cultivating dill in a greenhouse, it should be fed once every two months with ammonium nitrate or peat, distributing it at the base of the bushes. You can easily tell that dill lacks nitrogen by the yellowed leaves.​

  • ​don’t forget to enrich the soil with essential microelements;​
  • ​One of the most beautiful qualities of dill, which makes it an excellent greens option for sale, is the yield from the plant, which can grow over time.​

​Growing greens in a greenhouse can become a profitable business or brighten up a winter table devoid of herbs and vegetables. Dill is the most popular fresh spice, which is added to many dishes and is part of folk medicinal and cosmetic products. Growing dill, subject to agrotechnical norms and rules, is quite simple; a person can cope with it even without experience. Good care of bush dill in a greenhouse allows you to get up to 5 kg per 1 m2.​

Fertilizing dill in the active growth phase

Temperature and lighting

​. This method involves cultivating vegetable (and any other) plants on a neutral substrate, into which a special solution is supplied with everything necessary for the plant. chemical elements. Dill does not waste energy extracting nutrients from the ground and does not develop a large root system. As a result, foliage grows faster and better, while remaining environmentally friendly and healthy. To grow dill using hydroponics, it is recommended to use perlite or vermiculite as a substrate and use the periodic flooding method.​

Harvesting and storage

​If you have been thinking about starting your own business for a long time, but do not have an impressive start-up capital for this purpose, growing dill for sale will be the best option for a small profitable business:​

​row spacing - 20-30 cm;​

​In the final stage of growth, dill bushes can reach one meter in height - this also needs to be taken into account when planning its cultivation in a greenhouse. Harvest greenery gradually, without pulling the plants entirely out of the ground, but simply tearing off their leaves.​

Be sure to loosen and water the soil;

General rules for growing dill in winter

​Before planting, dill seeds must be soaked, but there is no need to germinate.​

The seeds contain a lot of spices essential oils, this is the reason for their strong specific aroma. Oils oxidize during seed storage and this negatively affects the quality. seed material- its germination rate decreases. To sow dill, you should take fresh seeds, preferably last year's. Before planting, they are prepared in a special way - essential oils are removed. To do this, pour the seeds with warm water; after some time it will darken. Dirty water is drained and replaced with fresh and clean water. The water is changed until it stops darkening; a light yellow tint is allowed. On average, it takes about two days to soak the seeds. Place the soaked seeds on cheesecloth or a towel and allow the water to drain. After the seeds have dried a little, they can begin to be planted. This preparation stimulates simultaneous seed germination and improves yield. The first shoots of dill appear on days 9-11.​

  • ​When the dill greens are ready for sale, water the beds generously five hours before harvesting. This will make it more convenient to dig up the plants with a shovel and clear the dill roots from the soil. Rinse the plant's root system and place the dill, leaves side up, in a waterproof container, tightly filling all available space. To keep the greens fresh longer, you can pour water with fertilizers dissolved in it into the container and put an aspirin tablet. In such conditions, at a storage temperature no higher than +10 degrees, the dill will remain fresh and will not lose its presentation within a week.​
  • ​The distance between plants in a row is 15-20 cm.​

​Agricultural technology for growing dill in a greenhouse is determined by its biological characteristics.​

​Plant ready-made greenery seedlings in greenhouse soil, not seeds.​

​You need to sow in beds that go south from the north. But growing dill in winter may be questionable, because it loves light very much. Therefore, it is best to start preparing and planting in mid-February.

Growing dill for sale - can dill greens bring good income?

In order for dill to grow well and the harvest to be rich, it is necessary to prepare the soil. This grass has a strong root going down, so the soil layer should be at least half a meter. With a thinner layer of soil, the plant grows poorly and looks depressed. The soil needs to be fertile, nutritious, with a neutral reaction, and absorbs moisture well. Before sowing, 3 kg of humus, 20 g of urea, 25 g of superphosphate, 20 g of potassium salt are added per 1 m2. The earth is carefully dug up, loosened, and watered. The seeds are sown in prepared holes to a depth of 1.5-2.5 cm. An interval of 15-20 cm is made between the seeds in the row, 30 cm is left between the rows. With denser sowing, dill grows poorly, its stem is bent, and the crown is not formed.​

  • ​Video about growing dill in a film greenhouse​
  • ​this crop is unpretentious - to learn how to cultivate it, you don’t need to be experienced gardener, it is enough to follow the basic rules of planting and growing and provide dill with suitable conditions for active growth;
  • ​The technology for growing bush dill in the initial phase of development requires weeding and loosening the soil. When 3-4 leaves appear, when active growth of the stem begins, the cultivated plant is able to grow next to the weeds and form a thick carpet of green mass. But when harvesting, the plants have to be sorted manually, removing weeds in order to give the cut dill a marketable appearance.​

​Growing dill in a greenhouse is quite easy if you follow certain rules. From 1 sq. m green yield can be up to 2 kg.​

Features of growing dill for sale

​It's no secret that one of the top sellers is green onions. It is added to salads, soups, sandwiches and even eaten just like that. Therefore, we can say with confidence: growing green onions is risk-free.​

​Greens in the greenhouse​

  • ​When growing bush dill, the plants are not pulled out with their roots, but the required amount of greenery is carefully cut off, so that a little later you can harvest the remaining bushes again.​
  • ​Dill greens are in constant demand at any time of the year, and even in the summer months, because not everyone has the opportunity and desire to grow dill on their own for personal needs;​
  • ​You can thin out plants as their mass increases, removing overgrown plants and leaving oppressed stems to grow. With this technology, plants later form a peduncle, and for about 1.5 months. You can pick side branches from them for greenery.​
  • ​Dill - popular herb, which loves sunlit places and air temperatures up to 23°C. Moist soil and fertilized soil are the components of success for any farmer who takes up the cultivation of this spice. Dill is used everywhere in the preparation of various dishes, salads and folk medicine.​
  • ​If you comply the listed rules it's also possible successful cultivation dill in a greenhouse in winter, if in addition you take care of additional lighting, since such a light-loving crop as dill definitely needs a long daylight hours.​

The main varieties of onions are hot, semi-sharp and sweet. The earliest ripening type of variety is the spicy one, however, it is not large in weight. If a lot of weight is important to you, choose sweet ones. But in terms of popularity among consumers, semi-sharp onions come first.

Dill is a light-loving plant; it requires at least 12 hours of light. In poor or insufficient lighting, it stops growing. The spice also loves moderate heat; at temperatures above 22-24 degrees, the growth of dill slows down or stops completely. The optimal temperature for growing is considered to be 16-18 degrees.​

​For winter cultivation, crops are usually selected that are unpretentious to care and do not require special temperature and light mode. The short growing season allows several harvests to be harvested during the winter season. In order to obtain good, environmentally friendly products in a timely manner, it is necessary to strictly fulfill the agrotechnical requirements for cultivating the crop. Parsley has a very long pre-emergence period, which, depending on the variety and growing conditions, is about 45 days. To shorten the pre-emergence period, it is better to sow parsley with sprouted seeds. To do this, before sowing, the seeds are kept for 5 days in damp two-layer gauze. Covering material as additional protection from frost in the greenhouse. © mehaffeyfarm​

Harvesting and selling dill

​Dill greens can be sold by the kilogram or knitted into bunches from branches. The only disappointment is the low price of such a product; however, any produce from the garden is quite cheap. Therefore, to get a decent income, you need to look for wholesale buyers and buy in volume.​ ​investments in a business for cultivating dill are minimal - the main expenses may be required to build a greenhouse of a suitable size (if you decide to grow dill in large volumes all year round), but the purchase of seeds, soil and fertilizers will cost a relatively small amount, and in the future you can use the seeds , collected from grown dill;

​Agricultural technology for growing bush dill in a greenhouse, when used correctly, makes it possible to obtain a yield of 2-5 kg ​​per 1 m².​

​Video about the tricks of growing dill​

​It is best to start growing green onions for sale in February-March. Before sowing the bulbs, they must be heated at +40 degrees for about a day, then cut off the neck. The soil for onions must be fertilized and loosened. Plant onions tightly. The distance between the bulbs should be 2 - 3 cm, and between the rows about 10 cm. Immediately after the bulbs are in the soil, they need to be thoroughly watered with warm water. It is impossible to say that green onions are quite picky about heat. At night it can grow at a temperature of +12, and in the daytime at +20 degrees. If you fertilize it about twice a season, the crop will grow quite well.​

​Caring for dill is quite simple: it requires watering, loosening the soil, weeding, and fertilizing.​

​They form fragrant, juicy greenery within a month, which must be removed immediately, as the plants then begin flowering without interruption.​

  • ​the likelihood of losing the entire harvest is minimal, since dill is almost not susceptible to diseases and pests;​
  • During its growth, bush dill must be fed 1-2 times with mineral fertilizers: 20-25 g of urea and 15-20 g of potassium salt per 10 liters of water. This root feeding, which is introduced by irrigation. After feeding, dill is watered generously with warm water.
  • ​Dill is a long-maturing plant, and its cultivation in greenhouse conditions it may take more than two months, but as a result you can get two kilograms from each square meter lush greenery, and the taste of homemade dill will be much brighter than store-bought or dill grown on a windowsill.​

​The onion harvest can be harvested within a month, after its feathers reach a height of 20 cm. It is quite possible to grow green onions in winter. In the cold season, it can produce a good harvest - about 15 kg per square meter.​

​Irrigation causes the soil to begin to compact, which creates a crust on the ground and blocks the access of oxygen to the roots. Dill grows well in loose and breathable soil. After each watering, it is advisable to loosen the soil or do it a little less often, but regularly.​

​Rack in a greenhouse for winter growing of greens.​

Growing onions for feathers

Onions are the most popular crop in winter. The specific taste perfectly complements any dish, but also helps strengthen the immune system and contains a huge list of vitamins necessary for the body.​

Divide the prepared substrate into furrows every 10 cm, 2 cm deep. Evenly after 4-5 cm, place the seeds in the furrows and cover them with soil, smoothing them with your hand.

Preparatory work

Preparing and planting bulbs

  • ​This business option pays off quite quickly; the sale of dill brings especially good profits in early spring and before the New Year.​
  • ​The cultivation of dill slows down with a lack of nitrogen. This is indicated by the yellow-green color of the carpet of spicy greenery. 15-20 g of nitrogen fertilizer per 10 liters of water will help solve this problem. If dill is dark green in color, then you should not get carried away with adding nitrogen, because this herb tends to accumulate nitrates in its green mass.​
  • ​Every greenhouse owner has the opportunity to make a permanent profit from their production using proper cultivation and care of this unpretentious cold-resistant spice. Use of seeds different varieties bush dill increases the total yield by up to 50%. A feature of these varieties is the late formation of arrows and the formation of a voluminous bush, which is actively used in greenhouse farms. The only drawback to growing this herb in a greenhouse is its long ripening time.​
  • ​Like any other greens, dill is not demanding on the soil - ordinary soil, sandy or clay, suits it. But, if it is important for you to receive greens in large quantities, it is worth fertilizing the soil with humus in the fall, as well as applying mineral fertilizers before sowing. It is advisable to choose a soil that is neutral in acidity, since dill can often get sick on alkaline soil.
  • ​If you want to grow greens, then you should definitely think about a cold-tolerant crop. The parsley harvest will bring you good profits. It is especially worth noting the fact that its varieties do not require additional heating in the greenhouse until January. This plant, on the contrary, loves the cold. The most comfortable temperature is +12 degrees. But if the thermometer shows more than +20, then it will grow worse.​
Loosening the soil also helps to get rid of weeds, which grow just fine in fertile, moist soil. Dill can be difficult to notice in dense plantings weeds, this is often discovered at harvest. But weeds take a lot of food, and they can also get into bunches of collected greens. It is necessary to weed the ground at least once every 10-14 days so that foreign plants can be removed immediately after they appear. It is also sometimes justified to remove dill bushes if the plantings are dense and now interfere with each other.

Caring for onions in a greenhouse

​Dill is undemanding to the soil, therefore, as a compactor, it grows and develops normally in the substrate of the main crop. When growing separately, forced dill is sown in a separate container - a container or box. Mix the soil with peat, humus, vermicompost, sand, and any other baking powder to increase water and air permeability. In heavy, dense soils, dill roots begin to rot, the plant becomes sick with powdery mildew, and treatment with drugs is not recommended.​


​The following varieties can be recommended for growing in a greenhouse: Bessonovsky, Karatalsky, Arzamassky, Strigunovsky, Rostovsky onion (early ripening). For forcing, onions are used that do not have a rest period and after harvesting are ready to form new crops (multi-tiered, slime), as well as species with a very short rest period - chives and spring onions.​

Top dressing


​Greens grown in winter. © Lee A. Reich​

Of course, there are pitfalls here too. For example, cut greens have a short shelf life. But if you manage to establish constant sales of the grown dill, problems with selling wilted greens will not arise. Also, the disadvantages of the business include the difficulty of growing dill in winter - the plants require long daylight hours, which entails an increase in the cost of additional lighting.​

Lighting for onions in a greenhouse

​Dill is very demanding on lighting and temperature. It stops growing at temperatures above 23°C and sunlight for less than 12 hours. But when optimal temperatures 16-18°C and 12 hours of intense light pleases with its dense carpet of green leaves.​

​Growing dill in greenhouse conditions is carried out in several stages:​


​It is worth noting that dill can be planted directly in greenhouse soil in winter only if the soil does not freeze in the greenhouse. Most often, dill seeds are sown in deep boxes filled with soil. Just be sure to make sure that the drawers have holes for water drainage.​

Growing dill in a greenhouse

​In turn, in order for the parsley harvest to bring you income, you must create comfortable conditions for it.​

Preparing dill seeds

​Dill is fertilized once every 14 days with mineral fertilizers​

Dill varieties for the greenhouse

​Further preparation of the soil, as for onions. Add to the substrate per 1 sq. m area of ​​boxes of 20 g of urea and 15 g of potassium sulfate, can be replaced wood ash. Mix thoroughly with soil and water. The soil under dill should be constantly loose, for greater access to oxygen.​

  • ​So, a prefabricated plot has been prepared from boxes and other containers on racks, which is convenient because crops can always be transferred and placed next to the desired neighbor. For onions we prepare a simple soil mixture garden soil and peat or other loosening material. We spread the film on the bottom, puncture several holes (in case of waterlogging) and fill 2/3 with the prepared substrate.​

​You can grow greens in the autumn-winter period in 2 ways:​

​Video about growing dill​

Preparing the soil for dill

​Dill is harvested at technical maturity, when the stem and leaves are succulent and the plant is 15-20 cm high. Dill usually has this appearance for 20-25 days. after emergence. Before harvesting, dill is sprayed clean water 5 hours before cutting and cut with scissors at a level of 2 cm from the ground.​

​soil cultivation;​

Sowing dill


​For example, it is light-loving, which means it is necessary to create artificial lighting in winter. Create humidity 75%, warn sudden changes temperatures in the greenhouse. The soil should be soddy-podzolic.​

Top dressing

​. Take 15 g of urea and 15 g of potassium salt per bucket of water, this volume is enough for 1 m2, and 2-3 hours after fertilizing, water the dill thoroughly. With nutritious soil pre-fertilized with organic matter, dill usually has enough nitrogen. If there is a deficiency of this substance, then the dill begins to turn yellow and wither. Dark green color greenery indicates excess nitrogen, which is also bad, as it contributes to the accumulation of nitrates.​

​In the prepared moist soil, we make grooves 2 cm deep every 12-15 cm. We sow the seeds line by line and sprinkle them with a small layer of soil. Most often, a single-line sowing scheme is used, but you can sow using a belt method in 3-5 lines. In this case, the distance between the grooves in the tape is 8-12 cm, and between the tapes is 15-20 cm.​


​Scatter and mix nitrogen fertilizer with the top layer of soil substrate. Since the onion is harvested and the harvest is scheduled for short terms(modified distillation method), then the dose of mineral fertilizers should not exceed 10 g/sq. m of total area of ​​boxes. If the soil is depleted of nutrients, fertilize the prepared soil with 15-20 g of nitroammophoska per square meter. m. We water the soil warm solution trichodermin or planriz from fungal diseases and leave the soil to mature.​

Preparing parsley seeds

​using the main area. But this is not always desirable. Especially if the soil is already prepared for the main greenhouse crops;​

Sowing parsley

​Some gardeners may have a question: how to grow dill suitable for sale, if even for your own needs you have to use thin, stubby bushes? How to achieve truly curvy and fragrant greenery, which would have an attractive presentation? To do this, it is enough to follow several basic rules for cultivating dill, and it is advisable to grow dill for sale in a greenhouse - in such conditions the greens will be more beautiful, and it will be possible to harvest the harvest much longer. A thermos greenhouse will be especially effective, due to solar collector and double coating will save you from heating costs.​


Caring for parsley in a greenhouse

​introduction of necessary organic and chemical fertilizers;​

​In greenhouse conditions, growing dill in winter is possible at an air temperature of at least +15 degrees. The soil must always be kept moist and watered only with warm water. When there is a lack of moisture in the ground, dill begins to bloom, which reduces its bushiness.

To grow parsley for sale, you need to keep the seeds in damp gauze for 5 days. Parsley sprouts should be kept for another 10 days, but at a lower temperature of +1 degree. This way the seeds will grow faster and larger. This means there will be more profit.

You can start harvesting dill within 3 weeks after sowing

​For dill, constant soil moisture is optimal (without excess moisture, since the greens will be watery and may get sick). Before germination, the soil is moistened daily with a sprayer. With the emergence of seedlings, the seedlings are watered once every 5-7 days with a moderate amount of water when the top layer of soil dries.​

What's next?

We calibrate the bulbs left for winter forcing by size. It is advisable to occupy a separate box with one-size planting material. The most acceptable turnip is 3-5 cm in diameter.​

Before closing the rows, we loosen the soil and destroy weeds. Fertilizing cannot be carried out. In case of strong undesirable growth of greenery, the air temperature is reduced to +10..+12°C. At the same time, the growth and yield of bulbous greens is reduced.​ ​on the additional area created by shelving for placing boxes and other containers for greens. This is the simplest and cheapest option, beneficial for beginners.​

Growing greens in a greenhouse in winter

​The greenhouse for sowing dill will need to be prepared in February, clearing it of snow along the entire perimeter. Cover the area around the greenhouse, as well as greenhouse beds roofing felt or black film to attract heat and quickly warm the soil. So, by the beginning of March, the ground inside the greenhouse will thaw to a depth of fifteen centimeters, which is quite enough for such a cold-resistant crop as dill.​

​The roots of the dill are left in the ground and watered so that new greenery forms on them. The dill is sorted, cleared of weeds, and packaged in cling film 50-100 g each and sent for sale.​

​preparing seeds for planting, sowing them in the soil;​

Preparing to grow greens in a greenhouse

And of course, dill plantings must be supplemented with light, providing the plants with twelve hours of daylight. This is main secret How to grow dill in winter green, lush and fragrant.​

  • ​Sprouted seeds should be sown at about 2 g per square meter. After you have planted the seeds, they need to be thoroughly moistened. Do not forget that the parsley crop needs to be thinned out within a week after planting. It is impossible to say that this plant loves moisture very much. It should be watered as soon as the soil is completely dry.​
  • ​a. By this time, the bush should reach 15-20 cm in height and have developed side shoots.​

​Feeding is carried out twice before the first cutting: nitrophoska 15-20 g/sq.m. m area of ​​boxes or a solution of fertilizers used when sowing seeds. After large cuttings, the remaining 5-10 cm of “stumps” are fertilized with an ammonia solution of 10-15 g/10 l of water. If cutting is done selectively (for the family), then no more fertilizing is done until the final harvesting of the greens.​

  • ​We use pruning shears to trim the neck of the bulb, even if it is sprouted. The intake helps to interrupt the dormant period of this crop.​
  • ​For home use, the above-ground mass 10-12 cm high can be cut into greens.​
  • ​The onion grows and develops normally in the natural light of the greenhouse, but the leaves turn out to be pale green. Additional lighting increases the elasticity of the leaves and the intensity of their color. When growing on shelves, to save light energy, you can illuminate only the lower shelves with excessive shading. Phytolamps are usually used for lighting in greenhouses.​
  • ​Preparing for growing greens in greenhouses:​
  • ​Soak the dill seeds for three days before sowing, but do not germinate them, otherwise there will be difficulties with planting them in the soil, and the young shoots may be damaged.​

Packaged greens are stored at a temperature of 0-10°C and air humidity of 90-95% for no more than 10 days. As the temperature increases, the dill begins to burn and decompose.​

Features of growing green vegetables in winter

​caring for plants during growth;​

​The varieties of dill that grow best in a greenhouse are those that are sufficiently resistant to light deficiency: Kutuzovsky, Grenadier, Frost, Karusel, Anker, Sevastopolsky, Umbrella, Almaz. These domestic varieties capable of producing a large amount of greenery and do not bloom for a long time.​

Growing onions for feathers

​It is typical that when growing these greens for sale, you cannot fertilize them before the first cut, and only then can you fertilize them. You can cut parsley after three weeks, as soon as its shoots reach 20 cm.

​Sometimes you need to give an extra 2-5 days to grow. Before harvesting, 4-6 hours before harvest, dill is generously sprayed and cut almost to the root. Leave 2-3 centimeters - new shoots will come from this stump. You can grow dill in a greenhouse all year round.​

Preparatory work

​Dill is a fairly cold-resistant crop, so we maintain the air temperature in the greenhouse at 15..18°C without drafts. It can be placed closer to the doors. Dill is so unpretentious that it can tolerate cultivation in shaded areas. When growing in boxes on racks, we additionally illuminate only the lower racks with phytolamps, where the highest shading of plants is observed.​

​Pour the prepared onions into separate bags or bundles made of gauze or other thin material and lower them into water heated to +40..+45°C for 10-15 minutes. You can immediately use a 0.5% solution of potassium permanganate.​

Preparing and planting bulbs

  • ​After the first cutting, we feed the remaining parsley “stumps” with a solution of nitrogen-potassium fertilizers at the rate of 7-10 g/10 l of warm water. During the cold period in the greenhouse, you can harvest a 5-fold harvest of parsley, supplying your family with fortified greens all winter long.​
  • ​Lettuce grown in a greenhouse, under covering material. © mehaffeyfarm​
  • ​Knock down the racks (or 1 rack),​
  • ​In the photo, growing dill​
  • ​Dill in a greenhouse requires very good lighting. Most often, fluorescent lamps are used for this purpose, creating additional artificial light.​


Caring for onions in a greenhouse


​In winter, parsley can be harvested about seven times. But from autumn to the first winter month it will yield 2 crops. This is approximately 1.5 kg per square meter.​

Top dressing

​If you are looking for an original business idea, then here is an option for you - growing greens in a greenhouse. Many will disagree, because in Russia, where the summer is short, this business seems to be a very controversial idea. In fact, it's quite the opposite. The business of growing greens in a greenhouse is very simple, because parsley, onions, and dill grow remarkably well in greenhouse conditions even in winter.​


In order for the bushes to be leafy, dill needs sufficient area for nutrition. Therefore, at a height of 10 cm, we thin out the crop by carefully pulling out the plants by the roots or pinching them off at soil level. The plucked plants can be replanted or used for food.​

​The treated bulbs are immediately planted in prepared containers and placed on shelves or racks in the greenhouse.​

​For beginning gardeners, it will be good practice and help to grow 2-3 green crops in a greenhouse that do not require complex care. Experienced greenhouse growers can grow a larger list of early ripening crops with a short growing season in a greenhouse over the winter, using them as the main and compacting material: lettuces (leaf, cabbage, crass lettuce), radishes different varieties, rhubarb and other crops.​

Lighting for onions in a greenhouse

Onion feathers can be cut as needed when they reach 15-20 cm.

​Purchase boxes and other containers​


The technology for growing dill in greenhouse conditions is described in detail in the corresponding article on our website. You shouldn't have any particular difficulties:

Growing dill in a greenhouse

Dill can be grown in a greenhouse at any time of the year, if you follow the general rules of agricultural technology for this crop:

Preparing dill seeds

Dill varieties for the greenhouse

​Selecting suitable varieties and preparing fertile soil, you can start sowing dill:

  • ​You can grow any kind of greens in a greenhouse. Recently, the salad has only increased its popularity among Russians. Juicy, green lettuce leaves are a decoration for many dishes. In addition, it is very useful.​
  • ​When you think about a business, the first thing you need to know is what the profit will be, and whether there will be any at all. After all, any business is a risk. Therefore, it is very important to evaluate the profitability of the idea that has caught your attention.​
  • ​Greens in the greenhouse​

​We plant the turnips at a distance of 1-1.5 cm from each other. The distance between the rows of bulbs is at least 2-3 cm. The heads are buried 1/3 into the ground.​

Preparing the soil for dill

​To prolong the production of dill, its sowing on the allotted area is carried out in several stages with a gap of 10-12 days or used as a compactor for onions (by changing the planting pattern of the bulbs) lettuce, Chinese cabbage and other crops.​

​Prepare the soil mixture and fill the container, label for which crop,​

Sowing dill

Scatter the soaked seeds in rows, sprinkling a little soil on top;


​you need to sow to a depth of less than 1.5 cm;

Top dressing

​Dill seeds contain a lot of essential oils, and therefore the older they are, the worse they germinate. For friendly shoots, they are soaked in warm water for several days, changing the water several times a day as it darkens. This is done until the water stops turning yellow from the released essential oils.​

Temperature and light conditions

​place the seeds in water two days before sowing and change it every eight hours - the essential oils from the seeds will be eliminated and germination will be faster;​


​To grow it in greenhouse conditions for sale, greenhouse varieties are suitable because they ripen quickly. The big advantage of this product is the ability to grow it without seedlings, in a permanent place. Sowing will have to be done once every two weeks.​

​Income from greens grown on an industrial scale may vary. But the fact remains that it will definitely happen. The harvest of parsley, onions, and garlic is popular all year round - there is a great demand. To grow greens, all you need is a plot of land, a greenhouse and seeds. Next is a matter of technology and gaining additional knowledge.​

Growing parsley in a greenhouse

Preparing parsley seeds

Parsley has a very long pre-emergence period, which is about 45 days, depending on the variety and growing conditions. To shorten the pre-emergence period, it is better to sow parsley with sprouted seeds. To do this, before sowing, the seeds are kept for 5 days in damp two-layer gauze.​

​Covering material as additional protection against frost in a greenhouse.​

Sowing parsley

To quickly produce greens, dill is sown with sprouted seeds. To do this, 3-4 days before sowing, wrap the seeds in double gauze. Soak in water 40-50°C. This technique is necessary to remove essential oils from the surface of the seeds, which will accelerate the emergence of seedlings and more uniform growth of seedlings. During soaking, change the water once a day, and rinse the seeds thoroughly under running water. At the end of the 3rd day, spread the seeded seeds on a dry napkin to dry.​

Caring for parsley in a greenhouse

​Enter in the garden diary a list and agrotechnical requirements for the crop,​

​spray the plantings with warm water from a spray bottle, not allowing the soil to dry out completely;​

​seeding should be done once every 2 weeks so that the crop rotation is constant and the harvest does not stop;​

Then the seeds are thrown onto a cloth and the water is allowed to drain. When they become flowable, but still retain moisture, they are planted in prepared soil.​

Thoroughly moisten and loosen the soil in the boxes;

What's next?

​Growing greens in the form of salad is quite simple. The temperature should be about +20 degrees, loosening the soil and weeding is necessary. The only caveat is that you need to water it so that water does not fall on its leaves.​

​If you have a plot of 10 acres, the profit from this business can be about 90 thousand rubles per month. Currently, the cost of onions in supermarkets is 200 rubles per kilogram, mint costs about 300, dill - 190. Of course, the wholesale cost will be less, but on average - from 70 to 150 rubles per kilogram. Speaking about dill, we can say that its yield per square meter can be about 1.5 kg.​

Growing dill in a greenhouse in winter and summer | planting and care -

The sprouted seeds are transferred for 10 days to a room with a temperature of +1°C. When sowing, such seeds germinate on days 15-17 and form an above-ground mass 3 times faster than with conventional sowing.​

Preparing dill seeds before planting

​Caring for onions includes watering, fertilizing, regulating temperature and light conditions.​

Sowing dill

​It is most rational to grow early ripening varieties in a greenhouse for forcing for a family.​

​Purchase the necessary seeds.​


​Pull out emerging weeds in a timely manner;​

​Constantly enrich the soil with the necessary microelements;​

After this treatment, the dill seeds germinate on the 10th day.

​make grooves every fifteen centimeters;​ Lettuce bushes will be lush if the space between the greens is about 20 cm. The lettuce also needs to be thinned when three leaves appear, and then when five.

​If you allocate eight acres to dill, it will be 800 square meters. By making simple mathematical solutions, the profit from the sale of dill is about 80 thousand rubles. Divide the prepared substrate into furrows every 10 cm, 2 cm deep. Evenly after 4-5 cm, place the seeds in the furrows and cover them with soil, smoothing them with your hand.

During forcing, the onions are watered 2 times. After planting, fertilize until wet. The second - after 1.5-2.0 weeks, with a fine-mesh watering can with warm water room temperature. The watering rate is correlated with the condition of the soil (the more drying, the higher the watering rate). A week before mass cutting, the onions are watered for the last time. If onions are used gradually (if necessary), then the soil is kept moist (not wet).

Growing greens in a greenhouse as a business / Greens in a greenhouse all year round photo and video

​In a small dacha or a large backyard there is always room for a greenhouse, which can be used almost all year round, including the greenhouse off-season, for growing fresh herbs for the dinner table.​

Greens as a business

​Aurora (cut greenery on the 25th day from germination),​

That's probably all preparatory work. With purchase practical experience, you can introduce other crops, except dill, parsley, and onions. The result will be a rack-based crop rotation, and a compact one at that. Try it and you will definitely succeed.​

Carefully loosen the soil to avoid the formation of a crust on the surface, through which it will be difficult for shoots to break through;

Regularly loosen and water the soil;

Any soil with a neutral reaction is suitable for growing dill. This grass loves fertile soil that absorbs water well. Dill roots are long, so the soil layer should not be less than 0.5 m, otherwise the plants will be depressed, their growth and appearance will be far from commercial requirements. Before sowing seeds, humus must be added at the rate of 2-3 kg per 1 m² or mineral fertilizers:

Scatter the soaked dill seeds along the grooves;

Head lettuce is not afraid of frost, however, it requires constant lighting. Watercress doesn't even need fertile soil or special temperature conditions. It ripens quickly, however, it is not particularly popular among consumers.​

Greenhouse for a good harvest

​Such income can grow into something more and bring up to a million rubles per season. Experts say that if you choose the right varieties and properly plan the cultivation of greens, you can get about 2 tons per season.​

​After sowing, we moisten the soil through a sprayer so as not to wash the seeds out of the substrate. The air temperature is maintained within +12..+18°C and not higher. At +20°C, parsley leaves wither due to overheating.​

If the soil is sufficiently fertile, then it is not advisable to feed the crop. On depleted soils, fertilizing is carried out once with a solution of nitrophoska (10-15 g/10 l of water) or ammonium nitrate(15-20 g/10 l of water) 2 weeks after planting. For feeding, you can use a solution of a mixture of 20 g of water-soluble superphosphate and potassium sulfate per 10 liters of water. Mix the solutions thoroughly and pour them from a fine-mesh watering can. The fertilizer solution should always be washed off the leaf surface with clean water. You can sprinkle the soil with wood ash - a source of micro- and macroelements in an accessible form.​

Growing dill as a business

​In winter, in heated greenhouses in cold regions and unheated ones in the south, you can grow dill, parsley, salads, celery, and onions. Greens and onions, as a rule, are early ripening vegetable crops with a short growing season, which allows you to harvest several crops during the autumn-winter season and always have greens for the table.​

​Gribovsky (cutting greenery on the 30th day from germination),​

​For winter cultivation, crops that are usually unpretentious to care and do not require special temperature and light conditions are selected. The short growing season makes it possible to harvest several harvests during the winter season. In order to obtain good, environmentally friendly products in a timely manner, it is necessary to strictly comply with the agrotechnical requirements for cultivating the crop.​

​Thin out excess plants, providing sufficient space for stronger dill shoots.

​Plant green seedlings in the greenhouse, not seeds;​

Growing onions as a business

​15-20 g of urea;​

​cover the top with a thin layer of soil and lightly moisten it with a spray bottle;​

​It should be noted that you don’t have to stop at growing onions, parsley, dill and lettuce. After all, expensive restaurants often prepare dishes from rather rare greens. Among the sales of popular greens, you can try to sell more unusual types. For example, cilantro or basil. As an alternative to onions, you can grow garlic. In addition to greenery, try growing flowers, such as alstroemeria. The quality and quantity of sales can be increased not only by a good and abundant harvest, but also by its variety. Of course, you can start with one or two types of greens and see how the business goes.​

​So, growing greens as a business is quite a tempting activity. This is evidenced by inexpensive planting material, high profitability, existing demand, as well as small starting capital.​

Growing parsley for sale

If the seedlings are dense, we thin out, leaving a distance between seedlings of at least 5 cm.

​For closed ground it is very important to maintain the air temperature within +10..+15ºС.​

​Greens grown in winter.​

​Far (cut on the 38th day from germination).​

​The location of the crop plays an important role in winter growing. Thus, dill tolerates shading and therefore can be placed in a greenhouse in low-light areas, lettuce is so unpretentious that it grows in any conditions, and parsley requires lighting and a certain thermal regime.​

​Feed the dill with nitrogen fertilizer at least once during the growing season.​

​provide additional lighting - at least 12 hours of bright lighting;​

Growing lettuce for sale

​20-30 g of superphosphate;​

​When sowing seeds directly into greenhouse soil, you can simply distribute them over the surface of the ground, then covering them with a rake, but then thinning will be more of a hassle.​

​B this issue It is also important to find a place to sell. Because your income will depend, rather, on how many sales points you organize. You should try to sell your samples of onions, garlic, cilantro, and dill everywhere - to restaurants and catering, for wholesale sales, to chain stores. Although the latter are the hardest to get into. Especially if the network is very famous. However, if you sell a high-quality and attractive harvest, then you are guaranteed a profit from sales.​

​If you have land, consider yourself halfway done. All that remains is to install a greenhouse, add fertilizer to the soil and buy seeds.​

We water the parsley when the top layer dries out, since the plants do not tolerate high humidity well.

Different types of greens as a business

​If you fence off a separate compartment in the greenhouse and raise the daytime air temperature to +18..+20°C, and reduce the nighttime temperature to +12..+15°C, then you can get a green feather in 25-30 days.​

Growing peaches in a greenhouse

Sowing in greenhouses begins in early March. Growing greens can continue all year round if there are conditions to maintain the temperature.

The threshold for entering the business is very small; it does not require special investments. In a small greenhouse 20x5 meters with 2-tier shelves you can plant one hundred square meters of greenery. From this area you can get up to seven hundred dollars in net profit per month if you sell it at retail yourself.

In large stores, greens are purchased in bulk at a price not lower than half the retail price. With this option, the profit from such a greenhouse will be no less than five hundred dollars.

Spacious greenhouse for greenery

If there are problems with the clientele, sales volumes can be increased by expanding the range. You also need to decide on your priorities: which greens to place your main bet on, which ones to keep in the wings.

The greenhouse can be chosen with a metal frame. But only wood can provide better ecology and additional warmth. It is good to use a special frost-resistant film with an increased level of density in a greenhouse, which has an outer and inner layer. The outer layer is welded.

At the top of the greenhouse, special arcs are installed, covered with another layer of durable film, which will provide the greenhouse with constant solar lighting. We need to take care of ventilation.


Algorithm for growing onions

The maximum effect is obtained by growing onions in racks in 2 tiers. Each bulb can yield up to four harvests. If the owner of a greenhouse specializes in onions, the profit reaches one hundred percent.


Algorithm for growing dill


Parsley is a storehouse of vitamin C. In winter, the body needs this greenery.

The plant loves light, fertile soil. Not afraid of the cold. Tolerates light frosts. If the winter is warm, she will not need heating in the greenhouse until December. At twelve degrees, parsley is comfortable. At temperatures above twenty, its leaves begin to fade.

Parsley is very unpretentious and grows well in a greenhouse

The following conditions are created for parsley.

  • Artificial lighting during short days;
  • Humidity – up to 75 percent;
  • Periodic ventilation;
  • Avoid sudden temperature fluctuations;
  • The soil should be light loamy or soddy-podzolic (better); fertilizers should be applied very sparingly.

Parsley is grown in a greenhouse from seeds or root crops.

Algorithm for growing parsley from seeds

Algorithm for growing from root crops

Growing parsley from a root vegetable is somewhat more difficult.

This method is more labor-intensive. But it is economical: in one harvest, up to eight kilograms of greens are obtained in this way.

  1. For planting, healthy root crops are selected, having an upper bud, five to eight centimeters in length, weighing about seventy kilograms. A good variety is Harvest Sugar.
  2. We keep the root vegetables in sand at a temperature of about plus two degrees.
  3. Across the beds, every fifteen centimeters we make grooves with a depth of the entire length of the root. We wet them generously.
  4. We plant the root crops at an angle of 45° to the soil, leaving 5 centimeter intervals between them.
  5. Sprinkle with earth, sand or ash, two hundred grams per square.
  6. Lightly press down the soil and water again.
  7. After the first watering, it is necessary to water only after the soil has dried and to the very roots.
  8. When the leaves reach a height of 25 centimeters, they are cut off


Lettuce in a greenhouse

  • Leaf lettuce is rich in carotene, vitamins B and E. It grows at temperatures from plus five, optimal temperature for growth is twenty degrees. Cannot tolerate sudden temperature fluctuations. Blooms faster with excess moisture. Loves light.
  • Greenhouses are recommended for greenhouses mid-season varieties. For example, the Moscow greenhouse.
  • Lettuce can be planted immediately permanent place without seedling method. To obtain a constant harvest, it must be constantly sown. For example, every two weeks.
  • When watering lettuce leaves, water should not get on them. You should empirically choose the best irrigation technology for your conditions.
  • To grow lettuce, you can use natural soil if it does not freeze in the greenhouse in winter. You can plant it in boxes.
  • Throughout the growing period, the soil must be loosened, watered and weeded. Fertilize twice with a solution of ten grams of nitrogen-potassium fertilizers per five liters of water.

Algorithm for growing lettuce

Lettuce seeds

  1. We add fertilizers to the soil: 25 grams of nitrate, 30 grams of superphosphate, 15 grams of potassium chloride per cubic meter, four kilograms of compost. We loosen it.
  2. We select the largest seeds and sow them into the soil to a depth of 1 centimeter according to a 6x6 cm pattern; It is also possible in furrows in increments of ten centimeters. Seed consumption is half a gram per square.
  3. In winter, it feeds the soil twice at the rate of ten grams of fertilizer per five liters of water for the entire growth period.
  4. We thin out the crops twice, achieving an interval of twenty centimeters between plants, and at the same time loosen the soil around them.
  5. We water the seedlings first every other day, then weekly. We tear off the diseased (with white coating) leaves.
  6. In two weeks a white rosette will form. A week after this, the salad can be removed.

Head and watercress are also grown, Chinese cabbage. For a good harvest of head lettuce, there needs to be more light.

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