Growing salad mustard on the windowsill. Mustard greens

Leaf mustard: description and cultivation on the site

Leaf mustard - spicy plant, belonging to the cruciferous family. The first mention of mustard was recorded in Chinese chronicles.


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Leaf mustard - a spicy addition to meat and fish dishes

Botanical description of the species:

  • The height of the plant reaches 30 cm, and Japanese mustard grows up to 60 cm.
  • Tap root.
  • The leaves are large, covered with thin fibers, varieties have been bred with wavy edge. Color green or burgundy-violet.
  • The flowers are bright yellow, with a pleasant aroma, forming a raceme-like inflorescence.
  • The seeds are round, dark brown in color.
  • Salad mustard is also used to improve health. It contains vitamins A, C, E, K, folic acid, antioxidants and unsaturated omega-3 acids are found.

    Mustard plasters are also made from the plant, which are used for colds. Remembering the benefits of this spice, we must not forget about contraindications - it is not recommended to use mustard for people with diseased kidneys and gall bladder.


    It is not difficult to grow this kind of mustard; it is easy to care for. The main thing is to provide suitable soil, in which the main indicator will be looseness. Plant the plant in the ground where it used to grow legumes, as well as onions, potatoes, cucumbers or tomatoes.

    Mustard is propagated using seeds. To do this, plant the seedlings in mini-containers and transplant them into open ground in the spring. If you don’t want to bother with seedlings, immediately place the seeds in the ground in the spring or late autumn to a depth of 1.5 cm and add water. Then cover the landing site plastic film to create greenhouse conditions. The first shoots will appear in 3–4 days.

    In order not to buy seeds for the next sowing of mustard, collect them from a mature plant and store them in a glass container until the next season.

    Caring for mustard consists of regular watering, weeding, and fertilizing. Despite the fact that the plant is drought-resistant, this quality should not be abused. Regular watering will increase its yield. Once the seeds are ripe, the mustard is ready for harvest.

Hot mustard greens, also known as mustard greens, is one of the most nutritious green leafy vegetables. It contains more vitamins A and K, carotenes and flavonoid antioxidants than regular vegetables and fruits. The plant belongs to the Brassica family, which also includes cabbage, Brussels sprouts and broccoli. His scientific name- Brassica juncea. It originates from the plains in the Himalayan foothills of the Indian subcontinent and is cultivated by humans, valued for its leaves and oil-containing seeds. Between November and March, mustard leaves are at their most fragrant.

On the pages of the Nutrition And You resource, a lot of interesting things have been written about useful properties ah mustard greens. There are several cultivated varieties of this plant. The leaves are harvested when the mustard plant reaches approximately 60 centimeters in height. If left undisturbed, it can reach 1.5 meters in height. Golden-yellow flowers will bloom at the top of the plant, which contain the seeds.

For fresh leaves mustard is characterized by deep green. Usually the leaves are flat. They may have scalloped, frilly, or "lace" edges depending on the variety. Mustard seeds are a common spice.

Health Benefits of Mustard

Like spinach, mustard greens are a treasure trove of health-promoting and disease-preventing phytonutrients.

Mustard leaves are incredibly low in calories (27 kilocalories per 100 grams of raw mustard leaves). It is also low in fat. Dark green mustard leaves contain phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals in sufficient quantities. In addition, they contain significant amounts of dietary fiber, which helps control cholesterol levels by preventing its absorption in the intestines. Eating adequate amounts of dietary fiber normalizes the elimination of waste from the body and thus provides protection against hemorrhoids, constipation and colon cancer.

Mustard greens are very good source vitamin K. 100 grams of fresh mustard leaves contains approximately 257.5 micrograms of vitamin K-1 (phylloquinone), which is approximately 215% of the recommended value daily value its consumption. Vitamin K is hypothesized to play a role in bone formation by increasing osteotropic activity in bones. It has also been found to limit the damage done to neurons in the brain in Alzheimer's disease.

Mustard greens are also a rich source of antioxidants, which include flavonoids, indole, sulforaphane, carotenes, lutein and zeaxanthin. Indoles, primarily diindolylmethane (DIM) and sulforaphane, have established effects against breast, colon, and ovarian cancers by inhibiting cancer cell growth and exerting a cytotoxic effect on cancer cells.

Fresh mustard leaves are also a moderate source of B complex vitamins, which include folic acid, pyridoxine, thiamine, riboflavin and other vitamins. 100 grams of fresh mustard leaves contain approximately 12 micrograms (about 3% of the recommended daily intake) of folic acid. This water-soluble vitamin plays important role in DNA synthesis and cell division. Taking this vitamin during pregnancy may help prevent children from developing neural tube defects.

Fresh mustard leaves are an excellent source of vitamin C. Vitamin C ( ascorbic acid) is a powerful natural antioxidant that provides protection against free radical damage and influenza and similar viral infections.

Mustard leaves are also an excellent source of vitamin A (3024 international units per 100 grams, which is 101% of the recommended daily intake of this vitamin). Vitamin A is nutrient necessary to maintain healthy mucous membranes and skin. It is also necessary for good vision. Eating natural fruits rich in flavonoids helps provide protection against lung and oral cancers.

Fresh mustard greens are also an excellent source of several minerals, including calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, zinc, selenium and manganese.

It is known that regular consumption of mustard greens helps prevent arthritis, osteoporosis, and iron deficiency anemia. This green is also believed to provide protection against cardiovascular diseases, asthma, and colon and prostate cancers.


As with spinach, reheating mustard greens can also convert nitrates into nitrites and nitrosamines. This happens under the influence of a certain bacterium, for which food rich in nitrates is a favorable environment. The resulting compounds may be harmful to health.

Because these greens are high in vitamin K, patients taking anticoagulants should avoid eating them as they increase blood levels of vitamin K, which these medications often seek to lower.

Mustard contains oxalic acid, a natural compound that is present in some vegetables. In some people, it may crystallize in the urinary tract into oxalate stones. Therefore, those people who are aware of oxalate stones in their urinary tract are advised to avoid eating Brassica vegetables.

Mustard greens may also contain goitrogens, which interfere with hormonal production. thyroid gland. This can lead to a deficiency of the hormone thyroxine in people with thyroid dysfunction.

Nutritional value of mustard greens

The percentage of daily intake is given in parentheses. Nutritional value is given per 100 grams of fresh raw greens mustard according to information from the Ministry agriculture USA, listed on the pages of the Nutrition And You resource.

General information:
energy value- 27 kilocalories (1%);
carbohydrates - 4.67 grams (3.6%);
protein - 2.86 grams (5%);
fats - 0.42 grams (2%);
fiber included in the food - 3.20 grams (9%).

folic acid (vitamin B9) - 12 micrograms (3%);
niacin (vitamin B3) - 0.800 milligrams (5%);
pantothenic acid - 0.210 milligrams (5%);
pyridoxine (vitamin B6) - 0.180 milligrams (14%);
riboflavin (vitamin B2) - 0.110 milligrams (8%);
thiamine (vitamin B1) - 0.080 milligrams (7%);
vitamin A, which is very abundant in dandelion - 3024 international units (IU, IU) - 101%;
vitamin C - 70 milligrams (117%);
vitamin E - 0 milligrams (0%);
Vitamin K, an incredibly rich source of which is sage - 257.5 micrograms (215%).

sodium - 20 milligrams (1.3%);
potassium - 384 milligrams (8%).

calcium - 115 milligrams (11.5%);
copper - 0.165 milligrams (18%);
iron - 1.64 milligrams (20%);
magnesium - 32 milligrams (8%);
manganese - 0.480 milligrams (21%);
selenium - 0.9 micrograms (1.5%);
zinc - 0.25 milligrams (2%).

beta-carotene (ß-carotene), which carrots are rich in - 1790 micrograms;
beta-cryptoxanthin (ß-cryptoxanthin) - 40 micrograms;
lutein-zeaxanthin - 3730 micrograms.

Vitamin greens can be grown on the windowsill all year round— it can replace expensive vitamin complexes. Tender leaves salad mustard have a spicy taste - they are recommended for use in salads and side dishes.

Useful information

There are different types mustard:

Gray (Russian, Sarepta);
black (French);
white (English).

It makes sense to grow salad mustard on the windowsill, which has the most delicate leaves that do not become rough for a long time.

The time required to achieve technical maturity is about 30 days. The rosette of the plant has a diameter of 28-37 cm. The slightly wavy leaves are raised upward. They are narrower at the base than at the top. The edges are slightly jagged. The dark green leaves, covered with a light waxy coating, have a red-violet “tan.” Taste characteristics good - there is a slight tartness and pungency.

Deadline to reach technical ripeness— 26-27 days. Plants are light-loving, productive - from each square meter you can collect up to 3 kg of greens. The leaves are colored green. They are tender, juicy, and piquant in taste.

Salad mustard Ant

This variety has earned great recognition thanks to high yield- from a square meter of planting you can collect 4-4.5 kg of useful greenery. The diameter of the rosette of leaves is on average 25 cm. The elongated leaves are egg-shaped. Leaf blades covered with a thin waxy coating. The taste of greens is pleasant, piquant and spicy.

What are the benefits of salad mustard? Greens bring significant benefits to the body, as they contain a large amount of vitamins (A, C, P, B1) and minerals(calcium, potassium, sulfur, iron, zinc, etc.). The leaves contain vegetable protein, carbohydrates, and fats. Sprouts are recommended for use for eczema and other skin diseases, as well as for intestinal problems, cough, vitamin deficiency and neuralgia.

Mustard on the windowsill: growing rules

To plant mustard, purchase seeds from a specialty store. Soak them in a pink solution of potassium permanganate for 20 minutes. Rinse the container in which you plan to sow the seeds with the same solution. If you want to speed up the process of seed germination, wrap them in a moistened cloth (gauze). Maintain moisture by periodically spraying with a spray bottle. The resulting sprouts can be planted in the ground or immediately added to the salad. To get a constant supply of green leaves, plant a new batch of seeds 2 weeks after the first sowing (then repeat sowings, not forgetting to disinfect the planting containers).

Mustard prefers nutritious soil, acidity should be neutral or slightly alkaline. You can take soil from the garden (best of all - from the beds after growing tomatoes or potatoes). Add vermicompost and coconut fiber. Be sure to bake the earth in the oven. If you want to make the task easier, purchase ready-made soil mixture for vegetable seedlings— it has the composition necessary for plant development.

For containers, use disposable cups, pots, boxes - whatever you find convenient (the container must have holes for water drainage). Fill one third landing capacity expanded clay or other drainage material, pour soil, sow seeds (immersion depth - about 0.5 cm). Water, cover with film. Leave in a cool place until germination, and then move it to the sun (but not to direct rays). When growing mustard for greens, it makes no sense to thin out the planting much - when thickened, the leaves remain juicy longer.

You can grow greens without soil - at the bottom glass jars put foam rubber, moisten it, place seeds on top. Moisten the sponge periodically. Once the seedlings reach a height of about 5 cm, you can cut them and use them.

Caring for salad mustard on the windowsill

Homemade mustard does not need fertilizing; you just need to water and spray it on time (this is especially important in winter, when the heating is on). In cloudy weather and in the cold season it is worth organizing additional lighting. Greens can be cut as needed. In summer, it is advisable to find the coolest place in the apartment - if the temperature exceeds 20...24 degrees, bolting begins.

Lettuce can grow on your windowsill both in winter and summer. Plants don't need special care. They sprout quickly and short terms reach technical maturity.

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The benefits and harms of mustard leaves

We are all accustomed to thinking of mustard as a brown mass known for its pungent taste. But, some of us also know about mustard leaf, which is a very healthy product. Yes, she has large leaves, the edges of which have a jagged surface, and these leaves taste very warm and aromatic, naturally with a spicy aftertaste. More interestingly, leaf mustard can and simply must be consumed in fresh along with salads, adding to other dishes and so on.

Mustard leaves have many beneficial properties and medicinal applications, which you will read about in this material. You will also find out what the harm and danger of this product may be.

Nutritional properties and calorie content of mustard leaves

So, surprisingly, the leafy vegetable has unusual constituent components. Thus, mustard leaves contain proteins that, as a rule, are absent in greens. In addition, mustard contains many vitamins, in particular vitamins A and E, vitamin C and vitamin K, B vitamins B6 and B9. The beneficial composition of the product does not end there, because mustard contains useful minerals, such as:

- and iron and phosphorus;

- To alcium and copper;

- m argan and potassium;

- ts inc and more than 37 microelements.

As for the caloric content, then, alas, it is low - only 26 calories per 100 grams of product. However, given that mustard leaves contain a large amount of fiber, they are an excellent dietary product.

Useful properties of mustard leaves

Mustard leaves are credited with a large number of beneficial properties. Some of them are fiction, others are still true. Let's look at the properties that mustard leaves have 100%, so as not to mislead you.

Well, the first undeniable property of mustard leaves is the protection of the cardiovascular system as a whole. People suffering from cardiovascular diseases should not only pay attention to mustard leaves, but also create a whole schedule for consuming this product. Thus, it will reduce the risk of diseases, sudden or protracted, and reduce the activity of chronic heart diseases. Interestingly, mustard leaves help get rid of strokes, and in some cases, save older people from heart attacks. Also, mustard helps reduce blood cholesterol levels, and this is also important in the prevention or treatment of such ailments. And all this is due to the presence of unique substances in mustard leaves, large quantities, namely folic acid. It is mustard that is one of the largest sources of this substance, while second only to turnips in first place.

Leaf mustard also has, no matter how funny it may seem, an anti-inflammatory effect. Thus, the fresh leaves of the product contain vitamin K, fatty amino acids and omega-3, which, due to their properties, significantly reduce inflammation of cells and tissues, respectively, organs and the surface of the skin.

One of the key beneficial properties of mustard leaves is considered effective fight with cancer. The vegetable acts as a protective agent, helping to rid the body of spontaneous inflammation and the action of malignant cells. Antioxidants included in the product have antitumor properties, and specifically in leaf mustard, these antioxidants have a 23% greater effect than any other vegetable or fruit (along with Brussels sprouts). Among other things, mustard leaf is used to fight cancer not only in its pure, fresh form, but it is also included in medicines, which are used in oncology. Therefore, expensive medicines often contain enzymes from mustard leaves.

In addition, mustard leaves have a significant effect on the outer surface of the skin and human organs - it promotes rejuvenation, helps with joint and bone pain, reduces body fatigue and increases reaction time.

Harmful properties of mustard leaves

Unfortunately, mustard leaves do not always have a positive effect on the digestive organs. It can cause inflammation and heaviness in the stomach, and increase the concentration of salt in the genitourinary organs. Also, it does not always have the best effect on the functioning of the gallbladder. Therefore, if there are any problems with these organs, it is necessary to significantly reduce or completely stop using mustard leaves.

In addition, it may cause allergic reactions, therefore, if you do not fully know the behavior of your body, consult your doctor about how to use mustard leaf correctly and whether it is worth it.

More about healthy products:


Greetings, friends, to the site, advice for gardeners. Mustard greens belong to the cruciferous family. This annual herbaceous crop is attractive for its early maturity and cold resistance.

In Russia, leaf mustard is grown everywhere. It was brought from China, the homeland of leaf mustard, where it is still found in the wild. This mustard is also called salad, Russian, Sarepta, Indian.

Mustard leaves contain a complex of vitamins necessary for the human body; they contain organic acids, macro- and microelements in sufficient quantities, essential oil, phytosterols.

It improves appetite and increases the secretion of gastric juice. Its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect has been proven.

All this indicates that the plant is very beneficial for human health. Therefore, growing mustard leaves on garden plot desirable.

Use of mustard and medicinal properties

This crop is grown both in greenhouses and in open ground. A month after sowing the seeds, a large rosette of leaves forms. The taste of young juicy salad mustard leaves is slightly spicy and at the same time delicate, reminiscent of mustard.

Appetizing, with a slight bitterness, they are used to prepare the first green salads and as a side dish for meat and fish.

IN food industry Mustard powder is widely used as an emulsifier in the production of various sauces and mayonnaises.
Leaf mustard is prepared for future use by salting and preserving its vigorous stems.

Mustard seeds have long been used in folk medicine. They are crushed and diluted warm water until it becomes a thick paste. This mixture is used as compresses and rubs for various ailments.

Compresses help with bronchitis, pneumonia, rheumatism, sciatica. Rubbing is used for rheumatic pain. Baths using mustard powder, which help improve blood circulation and facilitate sputum discharge during pneumonia.

For aching joints, mustard baths relieve pain. They help foot baths for colds, runny nose, sore throat. The pharmaceutical industry uses the seeds of the plant to make mustard plasters.

Features of growing mustard

There are no special soil requirements for growing salad mustard. It grows on any land, but it is better better harvest It is obtained on loose, sufficiently moist, fertile neutral soils. Mustard does not grow in wetlands.

Mustard beds are prepared in the fall: organic matter (4 kg/m2), superphosphate (25 g/m2), and potassium salt (12 g/m2) are added. The best predecessors considered peas, tomatoes, cucumber, onions, potatoes. Mustard can be returned to its original place after 4 years.

Mustard seeds are sown early, in April, or before winter in rows, the distance between which is 45 cm. The sowing depth is 1.5 cm. To constantly obtain greenery, the seeds are sown repeatedly, with an interval of two weeks.

After sowing, the bed is mulched with organic matter. Before emergence, crops can be covered with film. Growing mustard leaves in greenhouses makes it possible to get an earlier harvest.

When two full-fledged leaves appear, the seedlings must be thinned out, leaving 5 cm between the seedlings, and during the second thinning (the appearance of the fourth true fox) - 15 cm. To obtain seeds, sowing must be done as early as possible.

Mustard care and harvesting

During the entire growth of the plant (25-30 days), the crops must be carefully monitored, since high temperature and lack of moisture, flower stalks quickly appear, the leaves become coarser, and their taste deteriorates.

The beds with the plant should be systematically loosened, watered, fed and weeded out in a timely manner.

Harvest mustard before a stem forms, when the plant is about 10 cm high, pulling out the plant completely. Store in plastic bags in the refrigerator in the vegetable compartment.

The seed plants are harvested when the seeds are fully ripe. The cut plants are ripened under a canopy and then threshed. Store seeds in a cool place, in tightly closed jars.

Mustard pests

Plants are damaged in hot and dry weather cruciferous flea beetle, rapeseed flower beetle and the eastern mustard leaf beetle.

The use of pesticides on salad mustard crops is unacceptable; traditional methods: plant lettuce or lettuce next to it; water the plant with tobacco infusion; pollinate tobacco dust and dry wood ash; destroy weeds in a timely manner.

If necessary, pollinate plants with a mixture of hexachlorane and TMTD fungicide (1:1). In case of prolonged cold weather the plant is affected by white rust.

The only way to combat it is to burn the remains of the plant to destroy all the fungal spores.

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