The catchment is poisonous or not. How to get early flowering aquilegia

Aquilegia, dove, eagle, elf slippers, columbine - all these are names of the same plant, which is ready to delight you every day with minimal care and supervision. But, unfortunately, in our area it is possible to grow only hybrid varieties, although they also look very dignified, sometimes even prettier than their wild relatives.

Aquilegia varieties

Today, among all the variety of flower varieties and hybrids We can highlight the following, which take root most well in our climate:

  • aquilegia hybrid,
  • terry;
  • Winky,
  • white;
  • nora Barlow,
  • catchment;
  • blue,
  • yellow;
  • Biedermeier,
  • fan-shaped;
  • barlow christa,
  • eagle;
  • crimson old,
  • terry white
  • pink Barlow,
  • indoor;
  • short,
  • blue ice.

Growing a flower


Aquilegia in the garden feels best in partial shade, but this does not mean that planting it is impossible in well-lit places. Only in in this case you should know that the plant will not look as luxurious as in partial shade, the flowers will become a little smaller, and the plant itself may look sluggish.

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The soil in this case is not the most important factor good growth, since the flower is neutral about its quality and fertility, although it prefers loose, light and moderately moist soils. Therefore, when creating a decorative planting, try to add a little compost or humus, carefully digging up the substrate to about the size of a spade.


Caring for aquilegia consists of consistent weeding and loosening of the soil. Don’t forget about watering, although the plant is not particularly demanding of moisture, as it tolerates even drought well. Feeding several times a day won’t hurt either. warm season. You can add a solution of organic or complete soil to the soil. mineral fertilizer. It is also recommended to annually add fertile soil to each bush.

Experienced gardeners and summer residents do not recommend growing aquilegia for more than five years in one place - this can lead to unauthorized hybridization and a decrease in the decorativeness of the plant. To prevent this from happening, after flowering all flower stalks must be cut off, and collected seeds plant away from main plants.

Pests and diseases

Like any other ornamental plant, aquilegia is susceptible to some diseases and pests. She may be amazed leaf miners, cutworms, spider mites, aphids, nematodes, various spots, gray mold, rust and powdery mildew which is the most common disease of this plant. At the first signs of the disease, namely with a white coating and brown color of the leaves, aquilegia should be sprayed with preparations containing sulfur. Buy them and also special compounds from other diseases and pests, you can in specialized flower shops your region.

Flowering period

Most varieties of aquilegia have long spurs various shapes on flowers painted in a wide variety of colors. Two-color catchments look the most exotic. Single flower plants wilt a week after blooming, but due to large quantity flower stalks flowering period separate landing lasts more than a week.

The beginning of flowering different varieties is a little different, but for most of them it starts in early June. If you remove the faded part of the planting in a timely manner, the plant will bloom until late autumn.

Aquilegia propagation

Growing from seeds

The seeds of the plant are sown immediately after collection, in autumn period, or already in the spring. You can use special boxes for this or sow directly into the ground. Autumn sowing will show more vibrant and friendly seedlings, while spring sowing is recommended to be done with slightly frozen seeds.

The period of emergence of seedlings is 25–30 days. Most suitable temperature for germination – no more than +18 °C. When several true leaves appear, the seedlings from the boxes can be planted.

Aquilegia from seedlings

In principle, this is the same as growing aquilegia from seeds, but it will take a little more time, but the result will be really strong and beautiful plants. To do this, you will need to plant aquilegia seeds in a special substrate consisting of equal parts of sand, turf soil and leaf humus.

Initially, it should be loosened, leveled, then watered and compacted a little, and the seeds should simply be scattered over the surface and literally sprinkled with a little light soil, preferably through a sieve. The entire process should be carried out in March, then wait for germination for up to 14 days, at a temperature of +16–19 °C. At first, avoid overmoistening the substrate, which can cause some diseases. About a month after the formation of the first true leaves, the seedlings can be transplanted into other boxes or containers, and after another month - into the ground. Plants may go to flower beds this year, or next spring.

Reproduction by dividing the bush

This method It is used quite rarely due to the fragility of the plant and the inconvenience of working with a deep root system. But if it is necessary to replant the plant by division, then do it at the end of summer or early spring.

The plant is dug up, almost all leaves, except for a few of the youngest and strongest, are cut off with pruning shears, and the root system is thoroughly washed. Next, leaving cuttings about 7 cm long, the tap root is cut lengthwise into several parts, leaving on each of them a few small roots and a few buds. Each plot is planted in nutritious and loose soil, and a constant watering regime must be observed. Once the plant is accepted, care continues as for an adult plant.

Aquilegia by cuttings

Aquilegia can also be taken from cuttings, which is applicable for varietal and ornamental plants. The cuttings are broken off from mother bush and are planted for rooting in clean river sand. It is advisable to create a small greenhouse or simply cover future plants with film. Aquilegia should be provided with a shaded place and regular spraying. clean water. Planting of aquilegia should be preceded by treatment with a growth stimulator.

Known in the recent past for the minimum number of varieties of flowers of the catchment area ( eagle, doves, boots, elf slipper, aquilegia) now sparkle in our gardens long-term diversity. They attract gardeners with their special beauty and unpretentiousness. Large specimens reach a height of up to a meter. Medium-sized multi-membered flowers surprise with the grace of their lines against the background of light green foliage.

Planting and propagation of aquilegia

Planting aquilegia is possible at any time. She has adapted perfectly to our climate.

Planting aquilegia seeds in open ground

Sowing aquilegia possible in autumn and spring. Stratification should not be neglected - its absence can negatively affect seed germination. For stratification the seeds are kept in damp sand, moss or cotton wool at low temperature(from 0 to +4°С). This process lasts 2-4 months. Then the seeds are transferred to a warm place.

The technology is simple: The seeds, soaked in water for a day, are sprinkled in a slightly deepened bed with a mixture of sand and soil, and a well-permeable fabric is placed on top. It is slowly watered and removed after sprouts appear (after about a month). The hatched seeds are planted in open ground.

In open ground, in any case, they will sprout less than home seedlings, but they will survive the winter well.

Did you know? In the second spring, the seedlings may already bloom.

Planting aquilegia for seedlings

Seedling method it is preferable to use if the number of seeds is limited, or in case of planting rare varieties. The latter are immediately placed in a deep container so that the long but weak roots are not damaged during transplantation.

In other cases, they use boxes with a special substrate (leaf humus, turf soil and sand in equal proportions), into which the seeds can even be simply pressed. It is enough to cover the top with regular newspaper. In 3 weeks, shoots will appear, and by the end of May (if you start in March) you can plant them in open ground.

Important! Plants are planted 20 cm apart.

Dividing the bush

At the beginning of spring or at the end of summer, it is possible to plant aquilegia in the garden in this rare way for its propagation.

To do this, you need to dig up a healthy, well-developed bush, being careful not to damage the roots. After digging, you need to leave a few new leaves on the stem and wash the roots. Then divide the main root lengthwise.

Plant each of the resulting parts (necessarily with small roots and buds) in fertilized and loosened soil and water as usual.


Cuttings should be done in early spring, when the leaves have not yet unfurled on the shoots.

In order for the cultivation of aquilegia after planting by cuttings to be successful, the cuttings obtained from the original bush must be planted in river sand. They will take root well there if you also create for them greenhouse effect. To do this, the planted cuttings must be covered with film or a cut plastic bottle, placed in a warm place and watered with warm water.

When the cuttings develop strong roots, they can be transplanted to a permanent place.

Did you know? Optimal fit: up to 12 bushes per sq. m.

Where is the best place to plant aquilegia in the garden?

The main feature of choosing a place for proper care behind the aquilegia there is penumbra. You can plant a flower in a lighted place, but then it will not be so lush and bright.

You need to take care to avoid stagnation of moisture in the soil, dug up to 0.2 m. Aquilegia is undemanding to the soil, but prefers light, loose soils. Therefore, you can add compost or humus to the soil.

Combination of aquilegia with other plants

There are no contraindications for this, but there are some traditions. IN mixed plantings Aquilegia is placed in the foreground. Good for aesthetic effect alpine coaster, where low varieties of aquilegia will go well with other low-growing perennials: cloves, grains, gentians and saxifrage.

In designs with tall varieties of aquilegia, it is better to use bluebells, poppies, ferns, irises and grasses. For experimenters in floriculture, aquilegia in landscape design seems to be an ideal background for non-flowering conifers and cereals. And in the flowerbed it will not lose its beauty and fertility.

Caring for the “elf slipper” in the open ground

Aquilegia is very unpretentious, so caring for it is easy.

Watering and weeding the soil

Abundant watering is necessary for aquilegia during active growth and in drought. Then the roots will be able to attract moisture from the soil; you just need to make sure that the soil does not dry out.

For young animals, weeding is important in order to get rid of competitors in the struggle for food, and regular loosening of the soil, which increases its ability to breathe. You just need to be careful not to damage it. root system plants.

Fertilizer and feeding of aquilegia

Feeding of aquilegia is carried out 2 times a season:

Support garter

Some varieties of aquilegia reach a height of up to 80 cm, so they need a garter for support. There are many ways - you can make your own sticks from natural materials(wood, reeds), you can buy ready-made bamboo.

For gartering, twine is used so as not to damage the stem of the plant. For lovers of beauty and exotic plantings, you can also use plant vines.

Important! The location of the aquilegia should be changed every 4-5 years.

Flowering and flower care after it

The flowering period of aquilegia lasts about a month. Consecutive removal of faded flowers (up to new ovary) will promote the appearance of fresh buds until autumn. Faded flower stalks are simply cut off if there is no need for seeds.

Stems that have lost their decorative value are cut back to a rosette of leaves. Parts healthy plants can be placed in compost pit, and sick ones should be taken outside the site and burned so as not to infect other plants.

How to collect aquilegia seeds

Even during ripening, the seed pods should not fully open to prevent disordered sowing. You can dry them at home. Store in a cool place for no more than 5 years, remembering that germination decreases over time.

Important! Aquilegia seeds are poisonous.

How to get early flowering aquilegia

To get early shoots of aquilegia, forcing of plants is required: in the fall, the rhizome, transplanted into a box or pot, is installed in a dark place before the cold weather.

Despite the fact that among the people this graceful perennial called a catchment area, it withstands dry periods. Therefore, summer residents who rarely visit their suburban areas, perfect for decorating flower beds would be better suited aquilegia. Planting and caring for a flower does not require frequent presence - the perennial continues to delight its owners with its bright blooms with minimal effort on the part of humans.

Aquilegia: varieties and varieties

Aquilegia has a fairly large family - it has more than a hundred varieties. The unusual shape and bright color of the flowers inspired the most original names for these plants: eagle, elf's slipper, dove.

Aquilegia alpine

Let's get to know each other better popular varieties for propagation on a personal plot:

  • Alpine Aquilegia – low-growing variety. Possesses large flowers blue color. The flowering period occurs in the first half of summer.
  • Golden-flowered aquilegia - distinctive feature varieties - long spurs of bright yellow flowers.
  • Canadian aquilegia - this variety is notable for the fact that its flowers have two-color petals of red and yellow.

Planting aquilegia

The best corner of the garden for planting aquilegia will be an area in partial shade, protected from direct sunlight. sun rays during the hottest hours of the day. Perennial propagation will be more successful on soil with a moderately loose and breathable structure. Before planting, it is recommended to dig and add compost and humus.

Aquilegia is easy to grow from seeds. Pre-sowing preparation lies in stratification seed material. To do this, they are mixed with wet sand and kept in the refrigerator for a month.

Aquilegia goldenflower

Sowing in open ground is carried out in April-May under film. The shelter is removed when the sprouts hatch. Caring for plantings consists of watering and weeding.

Advice. For 1 sq.m. The flowerbed area should contain no more than 10 flowers. But given that not all seeds can germinate, the sowing density is increased. Later, excess plants can be transplanted to another location.

Plant care

For those who place the perennial aquilegia in their flowerbed, growing and caring for a flower garden does not cause much trouble. The main concerns will be infrequent loosening of the beds, watering and weeding.

Advice. After watering, it is useful to mulch the soil with straw or dried grass clippings.

A perennial can remain in one place without dividing or transplanting for at least five years. To renew the soil under the bushes, it is enough to sprinkle a little nutrient substrate under them from time to time.

Fertilizer and feeding of aquilegia

Perennial flowers in open ground, when grown for a long time in one place, gradually deplete the soil. Therefore, aquilegia for successful growth And bright flowering fertilizer should be applied. Feed the plant three times per season:

  1. First feeding organic fertilizers carried out in May - before the start of the flowering period.
  2. In June, when the buds have already opened their petals, a solution of nitrophoska or urea is added to the soil.
  3. When the perennial fades, the flowerbed is fed with fertilizers containing potassium.

Plant propagation

In addition to growing from seeds, they use by vegetative means reproduction of aquilegia. When the plant is dormant, you can begin propagation by dividing the rhizome. To do this in early spring or late autumn perennials are dug out of the soil and the root is cut lengthwise.

Aquilegia canadensis

The incision is made in such a way that a kidney is preserved on each division. Disembarkation takes place on the same day. Caring for them consists of regular watering.

Important. If diseased, rotten areas are noticeable on the rhizome, they must be cut off and treated with crushed charcoal.

Aquilegia propagates well using green cuttings. This procedure is carried out in the spring, when the plant has entered the growing season. The cutting site for propagation should be treated with a root formation stimulator. Chemicals will successfully replace aloe leaf juice. The cuttings are rooted in a vessel with damp sand under a glass jar.

Diseases and pests

In order to protect aquilegia as much as possible from damage by diseases and pests, it is necessary to follow the rules of planting and care in the open ground. Mistakes in which they grow these perennial flowers in an insufficiently lit place or carry out overwatering, lead to the appearance of symptoms of powdery mildew on the leaves. Such plants will require frequent treatments with a sulfur solution.

Group plantings of aquilegia

You can drive aphids away from the flowerbed by spraying water boiled with ash. In addition to pest control, these procedures are an excellent fertilizer for the flower garden.

Aquilegia: combination with other plants

Aquilegia is very friendly to neighbors, and choosing a combination for it with other plants is not at all difficult. Photos of these flowers are replete with different colors, so when drawing up a diagram decorative flower bed There should be no difficult questions about which perennial plants to place nearby so that their juxtaposition in the open ground is harmonious.

Aquilegia surrounded by decorative deciduous crops

Most organically in landscape design, aquilegia is combined with flowers that are as graceful in appearance as itself. It can be paired with bells, poppies, carnations, swimmers, and saxifrage.

Advice. At the same time, the delicate structure of the flower will be emphasized by coarser and more massive plants such as bergenia, hosta, and fern.

To play on the contrast, next to the spreading cap of aquilegia flowers they are growing slender tall lupine candles. Interesting solution in landscape design it will be to choose varieties of these perennials of the same color for decoration garden paths and discounts.

Aquilegia in landscape design

The use of aquilegia in landscape design is very wide:

  • low-growing varieties are perfect for decorating alpine slides;
  • low specimens as border plants will perfectly decorate the edge of a flower bed; growing such varieties is suitable for decorating garden paths;
  • My world

    Family: buttercups (Ranunculaceae).


    IN natural environment Aquilegia grows in the zone temperate climate Europe, Asia and America.

    Form: perennial herbaceous plant.


    Aquilegia, or columbine, is a perennial herbaceous plant. Height up to 1 m. The root is thick, highly branched, can go into the ground to a depth of more than half a meter. Aquilegia leaves form a basal rosette that looks like a lush, spreading bush. Flowering stems with cauline leaves grow from the center of the rosette in late spring and early summer. The leaves of the basal rosette constitute one of the decorative values ​​of the plant. They grow on long petioles, have an exquisite openwork shape - twice or thrice pinnately dissected - and a bluish bloom, and remain decorative until autumn. The stem leaves of the catchment are trifoliate and sessile. One peduncle bears 8-12 flowers. Aquilegia flowers, solitary or collected in a loose panicle, drooping, smooth, semi-double or double, have correct form and a wide variety of colors. The columbine flower can reach a diameter of 10 cm. The corolla of the flower consists of five pointed sepals and five separate petals in the form of an oblique funnel, which turn into curved or straight spurs.

    Aquilegia (catchment) is classified according to the type of spurs:

    Aquilegia blooms in May-June for a month, some varieties bloom until late autumn. Five leaf fruits ripen in July. Aquilegia seeds are small, black, shiny and poisonous. Aquilegia is characterized by abundant self-seeding.

    More than 100 species of aquilegia are known, of which about 30 grow in Russia. Garden cultivation of aquilegia has been carried out since the 14th century. A lot of varieties of aquilegia have been bred.

    Aquilegia vulgaris , or common catchment (A. vulgaris). Distributed in Western Europe(up to the subalpine mountain belt) and in the middle zone of the European part of Russia. The most frost-resistant type of aquilegia, can withstand temperatures down to -35C. Height 40-80 cm. The leaves of the basal rosette are twice pinnately dissected with wedge-ovate blunt leaves, dark green shiny above, gray-green pubescent below. The stem leaves are simple and smaller in size. The stem is branched and erect. Sepals are purple with greenish tips. Petals are long-spurred. The color of the common columbine flower depends on the variety. The diameter of the flower is 5 cm. The common columbine blooms from May to July.

    Aquilegia hybrid (A. hybrida). Distributed in central Russia. A lot of varieties of this type of aquilegia have been bred. Height 50-100 cm. The leaves of the basal rosette, stem leaves and stem of the hybrid aquilegia are the same as those of the common aquilegia. The flowers are large (up to 9 cm in diameter), long-spurred. The color of hybrid aquilegia flowers depends on the variety. Aquilegia hybrid serves as material for the constant breeding of new varieties.

    (A. alpina). In its natural environment it grows in meadows and on rocks of the alpine belt of the mountains of Western and Central Europe. Dwarf species: bush height 30 cm. Flowers are large (up to 8 cm in diameter), with a short spur. Alpine aquilegia flowers are painted in blue-blue-lilac tones. The plant blooms in June-July.

    Aquilegia Bertoloni (A. bertolonii). Homeland - Southern Alps. Dwarf species: bush height up to 15 cm. Flowers are large, with a short spur, blue. Blooms in April-May.

    , or Aquilegia Akita (A. flabellata or A. akitensis). Extended to Far East and in northern Japan. Winter-hardy species. Height 40-60 cm. Leaves of the basal rosette are three times pinnately dissected. The flowers are medium in size (5-6 cm in diameter), with long spurs, strongly curved at the end. At good care the plant increases the number of flowers and the size of leaves. The flower is lilac-blue, whitish at the edges. Blooms from mid-May.

    Aquilegia blue (A. coerulea). Homeland - North America. Height 40-80 cm. Flowers are medium in size (up to 6 cm in diameter), with a thin long spur. The color is bluish-lilac-white. Blooms in late May - June.

    Aquilegia bicolor (A. discolor). Homeland - Pyrenees. Dwarf species, plant height 10-15 cm. Light blue flowers. Blooms in May-June.

    (A. glandulosa). In its natural environment it grows in the alpine zone of the Altai, Sayan and Tien Shan mountains. Height up to 65 cm. Flowers are large (6-10 cm in diameter). The color of the flower is intense blue and white. Blooms from mid-May.

    (A. viridiflora or A. atropurpurea). Homeland - rocky mountains of Eastern Siberia, Mongolia, Northern and Central China. Winter-hardy species. Height 25-60 cm. The flowers are small, up to 2.5 cm in diameter, muted green in color with a chocolate-brown tint.

    Aquilegia goldenflower , or golden aquilegia (A. chrysantra). Homeland - North America. Height 60 -100 cm. Flowers are medium in size, up to 4.5 cm in diameter, with a long spur. The color is golden yellow. Blooms in June-July.

    (A. canadensis). Homeland - mountain forests of the eastern regions of the United States up to an altitude of 1500 m above sea level. Height up to 60 cm. Winter-hardy. Flowers with a thin long spur. The color is two-color, red and yellow. Blooms in May-June.

    Aquilegia parviflora (A. parviflora). In its natural environment it grows in the Far East, Northeast China, and Northern Mongolia. Height 40-50 cm. The flowers are small (up to 3 cm in diameter), with short spurs, violet-blue. There are up to 25 flowers in an inflorescence. Blooms in June-July.

    Aquilegia olympic (A. olympica). Homeland - subalpine belt of the Caucasus Mountains, Asia Minor, Iran. Plant height is 30-60 cm. The stem is densely hairy and pubescent. The flowers are large (up to 10 cm in diameter), with a long spur. The color of the flower is light blue. Blooms from mid-May to mid-June.

    (A. oxysepala). In its natural environment it grows in Eastern Siberia, the Far East, Northeast China and the north of the Korean Peninsula. Height 70-100 cm. The flowers are small (2.5-3.5 cm in diameter), with short curved spurs. The color is white and purple. Blooms in May-June.

    (A. sibirica). Distributed in Western and eastern Siberia. Height 30-70 cm. The leaves of the basal rosette are trifoliate, reddish-green in color. The flowers are medium in size (up to 5 cm in diameter), with a short thin spur. The color of the flower is lilac-blue, occasionally white. Blooms from late May.

    Skinner's Aquilegia (A. skinneri). Homeland - south North America. Height 60-70 cm. The species is not winter-hardy and requires shelter for the winter. The flowers are medium-sized (3-4 cm in diameter), with a long spur, red-yellow. Blooms in August.

    (A. atrata, or A. atrovilacea). In its natural environment it grows in the subalpine and alpine zones of the Alps and Apennines. Height 30-60 cm. Flowers are medium in size (3-4 cm in diameter), with curved shortened spurs. The color is purple-violet, lilac or bluish. Blooms from late May.

    Aquilegia Einselian (A. einseleana). Homeland - subalpine belt of the Austrian Alps. Stunted look(height up to 25 cm, less often up to 40 cm). The flowers are small, up to 3.5 cm in diameter, with short straight or curved pubescent spurs, blue-violet color. Blooms in June-July.

    Aquilegia ekalkarata (A. ecalcarata). Homeland - Western China and Japan. Dwarf species (height 15-20 cm). The flowers are small, without a spur, cherry-colored. Blooms in July-August.

    Growing conditions

    The columbine is a flower that is undemanding to the composition of the soil. However, it is best suited to light, fertile soil, dug to a depth of 20 cm, so that the aquilegia root receives enough oxygen and moisture. Aquilegia prefers moist soil, but can get by with moderate moisture.

    Many species of aquilegia grow well among rocks.

    Columbine - flowers that equally like both illuminated areas and partial shade. But when planting, you should still observe moderation in lighting: in the bright sun, aquilegia tends to stretch out greatly, and in the deep shade it easily gets sick.


    Traditionally, the aquilegia is placed on garden plot depending on the growth of the plant.

    Tall and medium-sized varieties are planted in mixed and shady places. But for group planting, the catchment is a plant that is best placed at the edge, since this flower is lost in the depths of the composition.

    Low-growing aquilegias are suitable for and. Some types of columbine, which grow naturally on rocks, can be planted on a sunny slope. Also, low-growing catchments are well suited for planting in pots.

    Watershed flowers are used in floristry to create dry bouquets. In folk medicine, aquilegia is known as a medicine.


    Aquilegia is a very unpretentious plant. Growing aquilegia does not require special labor. She needs the most common routine procedures: moderate watering without stagnant water, weeding, annual fertilizing. Once a year it is worth adding fertile soil under the bush. Aquilegia does not require any special care.

    To keep the flowers of the catchment area pleasing to the eye for as long as possible, it is recommended to remove wilted flowers, preventing them from forming a seed pod.

    After the columbine flower has faded, the stems can be cut back at the height of the basal leaves. Aquilegia is replanted every 4-6 years.

    Aquilegia is a flower most often frost-resistant, in Middle lane Russia winters without shelter.


    Aquilegia propagates from seeds and by dividing the bush. Aquilegia seeds are sown in autumn, spring and immediately after harvest. In the spring, the seeds are sown in boxes and transplanted into open ground in May-June. The most important thing here is the depth of the boxes so that the plant rhizomes develop normally. In autumn, planting of aquilegia seeds occurs immediately in open ground. Young aquilegia blooms in the second year.

    The catchment plant also allows propagation by dividing the bush. It can be carried out in the fourth or fifth year of life. This procedure requires great care due to the structural features of the aquilegia root system.

    Diseases and pests

    If aquilegia is planted in too much shade, it can develop powdery mildew, white rot, and rust. As a health measure, aquilegia is transplanted into best conditions and treated with special preparations so as not to infect other plants.

    Aquilegia flowers and its leaves are susceptible to the following pests: caterpillars, which can destroy young shoots and buds of the plant in a few days, aphids, spider mite. To prevent pest attacks, it is necessary to regularly inspect the catchment flower and the bush itself.

    Popular varieties

    Varieties of Aquilegia vulgaris

      ‘Flore Pleno Black’- double flowers are dark red, almost black.

    Varieties of Aquilegia fan-shaped

      ‘Alba’ (‘Alba’)- flowers are smooth white.

      ‘Nana Alba’ (‘Nana Alba’)- low-grade variety with smooth white flowers.

      'Ministar' ('Ministar')- flowers are smooth blue-white.

    Varieties of hybrid aquilegia

      'Barlow'- Aquilegia with smooth pink-violet flowers.

      'Nora Barlow' ('Yellow Queen')- Aquilegia with double lilac-pink flowers.

    Variety of Aquilegia alatiflora 'Yellow Queen'- graceful yellow aquilegia with openwork leaves.

    A catchment, or aquilegia, is perennial, which belongs to the ranunculaceae family. People in the old fashioned way call this plant orlik. This flower can often be seen in front gardens and on summer cottages. But flora lovers should know that this vegetation is very toxic and especially the flowers, which can be white, pink, purple, red and blue. People improve their flower beds and personal plots, without even knowing whether the columbine flower is poisonous or not, which is why cases of poisoning occur.

    Plant characteristics

    Aquilegia is quite widespread and is found both in wild and decorative forms. It grows in deciduous forests, has an erect stem that can reach 40 cm. The leaves are attractive oval in shape, somewhat reminiscent of a card cross. The flowers are quite large, five-leaved, with spurs extending beyond the flower, similar to bells. Orlik blooms for a short time from May to the end of June.

    Causes of poisoning

    Get poisoned poisonous grass This is possible mainly due to negligence, most often this happens to children younger age. The causes of poisoning can be distinguished as follows:

    • Children collect bouquets of flowers and then put their hands in their mouths.
    • Young children pick and eat the attractive flowers.
    • Adults unknowingly tear the leaves of the plant and prepare vitamin salads.

    Intoxication can also occur in the case of treatment with tinctures and decoctions of aquilegia. Alternative medicine is replete with recipes that contain this ingredient, but people do not always adhere to the dosage, counting on quick results.

    It is not recommended to self-medicate, relying only on prescriptions traditional medicine. Before starting any treatment folk remedies You should consult a qualified physician to avoid dangerous consequences.

    Signs of poisoning

    The watershed is considered a very poisonous plant and, when it enters the human body, causes severe forms of intoxication, which are manifested by the following symptoms:

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    • severe weakness in muscles and joints;
    • nausea, which often turns into vomiting;
    • persistent dizziness;
    • tingling sensation in the tongue;
    • darkening of the eyes and sharp dilation of the pupils;
    • convulsions;
    • inability to distinguish colors;
    • disruptions in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

    In particularly severe cases, paralysis may occur respiratory organs which will lead to death.

    Emergency care for poisoning

    If poisoned by this poisonous plant, the victim must immediately provide first aid, which will minimize the risk of possible complications. The procedure should be as follows:

    1. Rinse the stomach with a weak solution of tannin. If you don’t have such a drug on hand, you can take crushed activated carbon tablets, prepare a suspension and rinse the stomach cavity.
    2. The patient is given well-beaten raw egg white. If there are no eggs of adequate quality, you can give the patient jelly, butter or full fat milk. All these products envelop the mucous membrane.
    3. They give sorbents - atoxil, enterosgel or polysorb.
    4. The patient is placed in bed and covered with hot heating pads.
    5. Give strong sweet tea or coffee to drink.

    Arriving doctors need to be told which plant caused the poisoning. If the patient’s condition is not serious, treatment can be carried out at home, otherwise the victim is hospitalized in a hospital.

    Children under 3 years of age, pregnant women and the elderly who are poisoned by vegetation are treated only in a hospital setting. This is due to the peculiarities of the immune system and high probability complications.

    Healing properties of aquilegia

    Industrial pharmacology does not use aquilegia as a component for the manufacture medicines, but in folk medicine it is poisonous plant has found widespread use. It is indicated for the treatment of:

    • hepatitis of various origins;
    • stomach colic;
    • pneumonia;
    • severe cough;
    • dropsy;
    • painful menstruation;
    • mastopathy.

    In addition, the water collection has good diuretic and laxative properties. The decoction is used for a number of skin diseases. For this purpose, medicinal baths and compresses are made.

    The raw materials are harvested during the flowering period, the stems are cut, not reaching about 10 cm to the ground, and then dried in a well-ventilated area. To prepare the decoction, take a teaspoon of plant material, pour a glass of boiling water and leave for about an hour. Then filter and drink a tablespoon 3 times a day, 15 minutes before meals.

    The watershed is very toxic plant, so you need to use it with great caution and only under the supervision of a doctor!


    The following groups of people are strictly prohibited from using traditional medicine recipes:

    • pregnant and lactating women;
    • children under 14 years of age;
    • people who are prone to allergies;
    • people who have a number of chronic diseases.

    In any case, catchment treatment can only be carried out after weighing all the risks.

    Common columbine is a decoration for any flower bed, but do not forget that the plant is extremely poisonous and should not be touched with your hands. If there are small children in the house, then it is better not to plant such flowers on the site in order to avoid trouble.

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