Viola from seeds at home. How to grow viola seedlings from seeds: sowing time, picking, instructions with photos

Viola is not only a very beautiful flower, but also a universal decoration, because with its help you can improve not only the balcony, but also garden plot. Aesthetic value is not the only advantage of the plant. Another obvious advantage is the low cost of viola seeds. Combining all of the above, we get the following result: a beautiful, well-groomed and bright balcony (site) for almost nothing.

General information

Viola belongs to the Violet family, the main habitats of which are concentrated in mountainous regions, as well as in those places characterized by a temperate climate.

Today, experts identify from 400 to 700 species of the Violet family. If you think that you don’t know a plant called “viola,” then you are very mistaken, because each of us, if not grown this flower at home, then, in any case, saw and smelled it. And all because the second, common name for viola sounds like pansies.

The charming simplicity and discreet attractiveness of the flower have attracted connoisseurs of beauty for a long time - two and a half thousand years ago, ancient European peoples used the plant to weave festive garlands and wreaths, as well as to decorate rooms where celebrations were traditionally held. The categorical popularity of the viola has survived to this day: now the garden viola is one of the most sought-after plants among lovers of green “decorations”. The variety of varieties allows you not to limit your imagination.

Viola is a plant whose “life” ranges from one year to many years prosperity. Viola has a fibrous root system and erect shoots. The leaves of the plant are equipped with stipules and can either be collected in a basal rosette or grow alternately along the stem. Viola flowers are amazing, striking in their diversity: they can be single-colored, two-colored, tricolored, double, wavy. The diameter of single flowers reaches 7 centimeters.

Viola Vitrocca "ROCOCO"

Growing conditions

Gardeners and summer residents love viola for its abundant and frequent flowering. If a person’s choice falls on a plant hybrid, then it will please the eye bright colors during three summer months or twice a season. The flowering time depends on when the viola was planted: either from March to the last month of spring, or from August until the first frost.

A characteristic feature of the viola is its resistance to cold, as well as shade tolerance, that is, the conditions in which it can exist can be quite harsh. The only thing that viola lovers need to remember is that in the shade the plant will not produce as many flowers as when exposed to direct sun rays. Loamy, moist soil is ideal for viola growth. Dry sandy soil is also suitable, but in such conditions the size of the flowers will decrease.

Viola Vitrocca "Inspire White Visa Red Block"

By and large, this is all the information that anyone who is going to plant viola should arm themselves with. Since ready-made seedlings can empty your wallet, it makes sense to grow them yourself, especially since it is not at all difficult.

Preparing seedlings

So, you bought several packets of pansy seeds. The most common mistake made by inexperienced gardeners is sowing viola in the spring with the expectation that in the summer the plant will delight the eye with lush flowering. But it's not like that, because it's biennial flower. In fact, pansy seedlings should be planted in the summer, in July.

First, you should treat the seeds with fertilizer that accelerates growth. The finished seeds are placed in a half-centimeter groove and sprinkled with earth. The next step is to water the seedlings. The soil must be poured completely, but very carefully to prevent the soil from being washed away.

Experts advise mulching the planting with small sawdust to maintain soil moisture.

Ten to fifteen days will pass, and small sprouts will appear, which should be slightly hidden from the sun's rays using a dark film, and after fifteen days, remove it. Around August, pansies will be ready to be planted on " permanent place residence."

If you do everything according to this scheme, bushes with lush, rich and long flowering. This cannot be achieved with pansies planted using the simple seedling method, because this is how we give the sprouts a strong and confident start.

Viola planted in the ground needs to be covered for the winter with straw or spruce branches. Such an air cushion will keep your plant safe and sound during the winter and save the roots from freezing. When spring comes, the flowers need to be fed complex fertilizer twice - even before the formation of buds and at the very start of flowering.

Growing viola from seeds

In regions with cold climates, growing pansies is quite possible, but only in one way - seedlings in containers at home. In this case, growing a beautiful plant will not be very difficult, but there are three factors that directly affect the successful emergence of a flower: lighting, temperature and soil. And in this situation it will be necessary to take this quite seriously.

To get seedlings, you need to sow viola in February-March at home, in small cups. To begin with, the seeds should be soaked in a growth-accelerating solution. It could be Epin, Zircon or EM-1. You can buy these substances at any specialized store. This fertilizer will greatly simplify cultivation: the germination process will speed up and resistance to diseases and fungi will increase.

It is advisable to select the soil for seedlings very carefully. The best option would be peat with an approximate acidity of 5.5. It is too early to apply fertilizer; fertilizing will be done just during the phase of formation of full leaves. Fertilizers are applied for the first time at approximately three weeks of age.

The main thing is to prevent stagnation of water in containers. This may cause various diseases, the plant will begin to rot and die. To avoid this, you need to buy cups with holes in the bottom, or install drainage. As a last resort, you can make holes in the bottom with your own hands.

When the soil is ready and the seeds are saturated with a growth accelerator, you can begin to sow. To do this, viola seeds are laid on top of the soil, sprinkled with a thin layer of vermiculite. Before the sprouts emerge, the container with the planting must be covered with polyethylene, glass or any transparent material. Such a “greenhouse” will give our seeds an impetus to grow. But we must not forget to periodically remove the “cape” to ventilate the soil. This will prevent the formation of fungi and prevent the soil from withering away.

For best results, several seeds should be planted in each glass. When they sprout, you can remove excess sprouts, except for the “healthiest” ones.

With this method of breeding viola, you need to pick the plants twice. By the formation of two full-fledged leaves, pansies are sorted and planted for the first time. The next picking will occur only at five weeks of age, already in enlarged containers, with a diameter of no more than ten centimeters.

If you decide to plant viola in large boxes, you must comply minimum distance between plants - five centimeters. At this age, pansies will grow quietly in a greenhouse on your summer cottage, even in an unheated one.

For good growth in a greenhouse, it is necessary to water the plants with mineral fertilizers, right at the root. Feeding should be repeated approximately once a month. During the flowering period - twice a month. When watering pansies, you should be very careful and direct the stream of water under the stem, without getting on the leaves. In the first months of spring, there is a real danger of return frosts, so there is no need to experiment with planting. Plant seedlings in open ground possible only in mid-May.

The soil should first be drained - pour a handful of sand into a hole, the depth of which should be about five centimeters. In order for the viola to take root, you need to plant a plant with a lump of earth in the hole. The optimal distance between planted flowers is ten to fifteen centimeters; if the plants are large, then it should be increased to twenty centimeters.

At the time of planting, the seedlings are watered generously - thanks to the sand, the water will quickly go into the soil without stagnating in it. This simple method will help prevent the development of blackleg, a common disease among plants. The plant also needs to be shaded for several days.

The nuances of growing viola in containers

The first thing that novice gardeners should remember is the need to supplement the seedlings with phytolamps or ordinary lamps daylight, which are sold in any store. Pansies are very light-loving: ideally, the daylight hours for a flower should be from fourteen to sixteen hours.

To prevent seedlings from stretching in a container to unimaginable proportions, it is necessary to use a growth regulator Alar.


It is very important to choose the right temperature for seed germination. Ideally, it will be from 18 to 30 degrees. Even minor deviations from the norm can cause seeds to germinate much more slowly. However, already at the moment the sprouts appear above the soil, you can reduce the temperature to 15 degrees, since the grown seedlings can easily tolerate cold (but not frost). If you do everything correctly, you will soon be pleased with tender, beautiful bloom pansies.

Video - How to grow viola from seeds

The duration and abundance of viola flowering, along with the extraordinary color of the flower, is attracting the interest of more and more people when decorating a loggia and landscaping local area. Grow and propagate these amazing flowers can be done in several ways, among which the greatest preference is given to growing viola with seeds.

Viola is herbaceous plant one-, two-, or multi-year nature. Due to the viola belonging to the violet class, the plant is often called Wittrock's violet. At the same time, the original coloring of the flower, reminiscent of the cheerful face of a baby, gave rise to another common name for viola - pansy.

Depending on the variety, the height of the viola is 15-30 cm, and the flowers reach a diameter of 5-10 cm. Every year, new varieties of viola appear, striking with their grace and non-trivial coloring. To the number distinctive features of a particular plant variety include the tone of the petals, the shape and size of the bush, as well as the duration of flowering. Widespread We obtained both varieties with completely monochromatic petal colors and those containing small inclusions of a different shade. However, tricolor violas are no less popular.

Deserves special attention hybrid varieties violas labeled F1, which are distinguished by the large size of the flowers, reaching a diameter of 10 cm, as well as by the preservation decorative properties With early spring up to late autumn. The latest achievement of ongoing breeding work is ampelous viola, characterized by abundant flowering and a spherical bush shape. Thanks to these characteristics, ampelous viola is ideal for decorating balconies by planting them in hanging flowerpots or for decoration alpine slides, flower bed

The only disadvantage of a viola obtained by interspecific crossing is its cost. However, collecting ripened seeds from hybrid violas to re-grow a plant with the same characteristics is a waste of time, since varietal characteristics are not preserved in the next generation. But wild varieties(for example, viola tricolor, horned), having a medium flower size and blooming from late spring to early autumn, reproduce well by self-sowing.

Despite the high cost of seeds, hybrid varieties of viola are still in greatest demand. Depending on when it is necessary to obtain flowering, seeds purchased or collected independently are planted in different terms seedling or non-seedling method.

Planting seeds for seedlings

Get flowering plant per year, planting seeds is quite possible if you sow them in boxes or a greenhouse, and then plant ready-made plant seedlings in the place reserved for flowers. Start growing viola with seeds at the end of January or beginning of February.

Preparing the container

The container with soil must begin to be prepared a week before the upcoming planting as follows:

  • rinse the container thoroughly with a weak manganese solution for disinfection;
  • Add a layer of small pebbles to the bottom of the container, which will prevent the soil from acidifying;
  • on top of the pebbles we pour self-prepared soil consisting of sand, humus and earth in a ratio of 1: 2: 2, although you can purchase ready-made soil labeled “Violet”.

The soil must be kept in the cold for 24 hours to kill all kinds of microbes.

Sowing seeds

Since viola has very small seeds, to control the distance between seeds it is better to resort to the following trick:

  • lightly compact the soil in the box;
  • pour a layer of snow on top of the ground and level it so that it covers the entire ground;
  • distribute the seeds evenly throughout the planting container;
  • sprinkle with soil to a height of 0.5 cm and lightly moisten with a spray bottle;
  • cover the container with cellophane or glass to prevent the soil from drying out;
  • We remove the container before the first shoots appear in a cool, dark place where the air temperature does not exceed 17-19°C.

The first shoots hatch in 1-2 weeks. After the size of the sprouts reaches 1 cm, it is necessary to begin to accustom them to fresh air, gradually moving the glass and increasing the hardening time daily. The glass is completely removed after the sprouts have 2-3 leaves.

Instead of boxes with soil, viola seeds germinate well in peat tablets, containing the necessary supply of nutrients, as well as retaining heat well and preventing the rapid evaporation of moisture, which has a positive effect on the survival of seedlings.

Planting seeds in peat tablets works like this:

  • Soak the tablets in water and wait until they swell;
  • put 2-3 seeds on a tablet;
  • sprinkle with a light layer of soil;
  • place the tablets on a tray, cover it with cellophane, creating greenhouse effect, and put it in a cool, dark place until sprouts form.

Seedlings need to be fertilized periodically minerals. In this case, watering the sprouts is carried out strictly at the root. Fertilizing is carried out monthly before planting the plants in the ground, starting from the 3-week age of the sprouts. In this case, the appearance of 2 leaves on a plant indicates the need to transplant or thin out the seedlings.

Picking seedlings

Despite the fragile stems of the sprouts, future plants must be planted in a timely manner, preventing the stems from stretching.

Plant picking is carried out 2-3 days after the cellophane or glass is completely removed from the box. The sprouts are either transplanted into another container or simply thinned out without replanting.

The main thing is that the distance between plants is 5-6 cm and does not interfere with the normal development of seedlings.

Landing in the ground

Plants are planted in a permanent place in mid-May, when night frosts have passed and top layer the earth will warm up enough.

When planting seedlings, the following work is performed:

  • under each bush we dig a hole to a depth of 5-7 cm;
  • the distance between the holes should be at least 10-20 cm, since the viola grows quite quickly;
  • we place several pebbles at the bottom of the hole and lower the plant along with a lump of earth;
  • Without compacting, we fill it with soil and water the plant abundantly at the root.

In order for the plant to grow better, we shade it for several days by building a small canopy or simply sticking tree branches next to the hole.

After a week, the shadow barriers can be removed.

Planting seeds in open ground

To obtain two- or perennial viola, cultivation from seeds begins in July by planting the seeds directly into the ground. In this case, the plant will delight you with flowering only next year.

Selecting a location

The best option for growing viola is considered to be loamy and moderately moist soil. Violet prefers sunny areas with slight midday shading, delighting with bright and large flowers. Violets, which are in the shade most of the time, are distinguished by the pale color of the petals and the small diameter of the flowers. However, the flowering time of a viola growing in the shade is 2 times longer than that of a viola placed in an open sunny area.

Soil preparation

Since the plant does not tolerate stagnation of water, it is necessary to build a drainage system, placing several pieces of broken brick or pebbles on the bottom of each hole. On top of the stones, it is necessary to pour and level a layer of sand 2-3 cm thick, and then fill the hole with soil prepared in advance, including a mixture of garden soil and humus in a 1:1 ratio.

If the seeds are planted several days after preparing the site, the soil will have to be loosened again.

Sowing seeds

The process of planting seeds into the soil is as follows:

  • make grooves at a distance of 10 cm from each other and evenly place the seeds along them;
  • sprinkle 0.5 cm of soil;
  • moisten the soil, being careful not to wash the seeds;
  • fill the furrows with a small layer of sawdust to maintain soil moisture.

After 7-14 days, the first sprouts will appear, which must be shaded from too bright sun with a dark film or tree branches installed next to the beds.

2 weeks after germination, the film is removed. At the end of August or beginning of September, the seedlings, when 3 leaves appear, are planted in a permanent place.

Despite the possibility of losing some viola bushes due to severe freezing of the soil in severe winter, the splendor and duration of flowering of plants planted directly into the ground is somewhat higher than that of viola obtained from seedlings. However, the abundance of flowering largely depends on the conditions of care for the permanently planted viola.

Features of viola care

Many novice gardeners or just amateurs beautiful plants Quite often people are interested in the question of not only how to grow viola from seeds, but also how to make flowering as abundant as possible.

Despite the unpretentiousness of the viola, it still requires certain care, which consists of:

  • in daily but moderate watering, especially on sunny days;
  • in periodic feeding of plants with mineral fertilizers (once every 3 weeks);
  • in the timely removal of weeds that interfere with the normal growth of viola and draw out the supply of nutrients from the soil;
  • in loosening the soil;
  • insulation for the winter with straw, spruce branches, dry branches, which will ensure the preservation of the plant’s root system during winter frosts;
  • in the second year after planting, it is necessary to prune, leaving stems only about 5 cm high from the soil level, bushes that have grown too large and have lost their decorative qualities.

In addition, removing dried flowers throughout the season will promote long-lasting and abundant flowering violas.

Thus, growing pansies from seeds is quite labor-intensive work, requiring not only an impressive amount of time, but also patience in the process of planting, growing and caring for such fragile flowers. However, the efforts made will delight the owner during the flowering period, resulting in a luxurious carpet of flowers of a wide variety of shades.

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​Don't forget to remove dried flowers. This will allow the plant to bloom longer and more abundantly.

How to grow from seeds, where to start

​Feeding with mineral fertilizers every 2-3 weeks;​

​Wittrock violet loves loamy soil, well fed and constantly moist. The plant does not tolerate:

​Viola fragrant​

​Little Red Riding Hood ( bright red flowers with darkening of the middle).​

There are early flowering and late flowering plants. There are species that bloom throughout the summer - horned violet and tricolor violet. Spring flower stalks include Altai viola, capillary viola, and Labrador viola. Late-flowering plants include graceful viola.​

​Viola prefers loose, fertile, moist soil. It is very important to regularly loosen the soil and water the plants. Since the roots of viola are buried no more than 20 cm into the soil, these measures, together with the removal of faded flowers and weeding, stimulate lush, long-term flowering. Viola is known to most as pansies. Even though it's quite unpretentious plant, however, in order for variegated flowers to please the eye throughout the season, planting viola seedlings must obey certain rules.​

Growing in open ground

​The care procedures remain the same: do not over-moisten the soil, use complex mineral fertilizers, loosen and weed the soil. Viola's most favorite fertilizers are ammonium nitrate(20 g per 1 m²) and superphosphate. Feed throughout the summer every 2-2.5 weeks. Remember that pansies cannot be fed with fresh manure. It can cause harm.​

​Viola is a mysterious flower! The scientific name is Wittrock's violet, and popularly it is called pansy. Exists ancient legend Why did people give it such a name? The girl Anyuta fell in love with a rich young guy who promised to marry her, but did not fulfill his promise. And Anyuta died of grief, and at the site of her grave flowers grew, which became known as “pansies.” However, every nation has its own legends. In Northern France, for example, the viol is a symbol of death. And in Germany they call her stepmother, explaining that the flower resembles the face of an evil woman.​

​Pansies planted in summer should be covered with straw, dry branches or spruce branches for the winter. This will protect the delicate roots of the flowers from freezing.​

Viola - growing from seeds

​The end of February - the beginning of March is the time of the sacrament of growing viola seedlings. Certainly, ideal place When planting seeds, there will be a greenhouse or hotbed with a certain microclimate. But it will not be difficult to grow viola seedlings at home. You just need to follow some rules for caring for seedlings.​


​stagnation of moisture;​

​. Varieties:​

​Viola horned​ ​Flower Trimardo (Wittrock's viola)​

​This miniature beauty thrives in fertile, moderately moist and well-drained soils. It will also not wither on poor soils, but it will not delight with lush flowering.​

Planting viola seedlings. How to grow viola

​Since viola is a biennial plant, planting it as seedlings is necessary to obtain rainbow flowers in the first year of cultivation. Planting begins in February and is done with certain nuances. Before planting, viola seeds are soaked for a day in a solution of Epin, Zircon, and EM-1.

With the arrival of the first cold weather, caring owners cover the plants with sawdust, spruce branches or straw. It would also be good to bury the flowers in snow if possible. In some regions of Russia there are quite severe frosts. In this case, it is better not to take risks, but to immediately dig up the viola and hide it in a greenhouse, shed, garage or basement. And in the near future, thanks to such care, she will delight you with luxurious flowers for another season. It only takes a little bit of patience, kindness and love for these beautiful plants so that they decorate your flower beds, paths or flowerpots.​

Planting seedlings

​Viola seeds germinate better in dark place.​

​A little patience, warmth of hands and love will give you the lush beauty of multi-colored pansies that will decorate borders and paths, rock gardens and balconies, flower beds and garden vases.​

Pansy seeds are carefully placed on loose, moist, well-drained soil. They are sprinkled with a small layer of earth on top and moistened again with a spray bottle. The boxes with seedlings are covered with glass or film and placed in a warm place. Moisture, loose soil, warmth - these are the basis for success in growing viola seedlings. Ten days later, friendly shoots appear. When the plant has two true leaves, it’s time to dive.

Covering for the winter with sawdust and spruce branches.

​lack of sun;​


Planting in open ground

​has varieties:​

Within species, subspecies and varieties of Wittrock's viola are distinguished based on the predominant shades, flower size, and shape. The most popular variety groups are:​

​Viola seedlings must be fertilized at least once a decade with a solution that contains complex mineral fertilizers. As for adult plants, they need to be fertilized monthly. Ammonium nitrate or superphosphate is suitable for this. Calculation necessary fertilizer should be calculated according to the ratio of 30 g per square meter. meter of soil.​

​The swollen viola seeds are laid out on the surface of a slightly damp and compacted substrate, lightly sprinkling the seeds with it, sprayed and covered with glass.​

Landing in the second year

Many amateur gardeners grow viola from seeds. These flowers are popularly called “Pansies”. Viola is easy to care for if you plant it strong seedlings, grown in advance. Viola seedlings grown from seeds will bloom much faster than plants obtained from sowing them in open ground. In order to achieve success in this matter, you need to know several subtleties associated with growing this beautiful flower.​

Plant care

Since ancient times, flowers have mysterious stories. For example, there is a belief that pansies have the ability to bewitch love. They believe that if you sprinkle the juice of a flower on the eyelids of a sleeping person, when he wakes up he will fall in love with the first person he sees. But despite the superstitions of European peoples, growing Vittroki Violets is of great interest to gardeners. Growing is quite simple and the plant is unpretentious. It can easily decorate an area no worse than other flowers. It’s worth knowing just a few simple secrets, thanks to which the viola will delight you with its fabulous blooms from early spring to late autumn.​

​Viola seedlings can be grown not only using the classic two-year technology, when pansies are sown in the summer and left to winter in the open ground, but also using the one-year technology. This method requires high costs, but sometimes it is the only possible one when growing large-flowered varieties violas, which in the middle zone do not tolerate wintering in open ground.

Seedlings are planted at a distance of 5 cm from each other. Caring for seedlings is simple: the same warmth, humidity and loose soil. It is very important to maintain a balance of these components and not allow excess sunlight or watering. Active sun can burn tender leaves, so it is recommended to slightly shade the seedlings with foil or cardboard. It is also very important that the water does not stagnate: the fragile roots of the seedlings begin to rot, and a “black leg” is formed.

​Wittrock violet - this scientific name wears viola. It is very loved by summer residents and gardeners for its long flowering, varied colors and ease of care. People lovingly call the viola Pansy. Sometimes novice flower growers complain that viola is capricious and does not always live up to their hopes for lush flowering, or even does not want to bloom at all.​

Growing Viola from seeds at home, when to plant seedlings (photo and video instructions)

Legends around the viola

​fresh organic fertilizer.​

​(purple color),​

What are the types and varieties of viola?



  • It is important to promptly remove harmful weeds, and also to ensure that the soil does not dry out, but at the same time not to allow water to stagnate. To preserve the viola for the second year, cover it with fallen leaves in the fall. These simple rules will allow you to get healthy plants that will delight you and your guests.​
  • It is better to grow seedlings in a special soil substrate for violets.
  • ​General information​

Viola belongs to the violet family. It is a herbaceous bush with a height of 15 to 30 cm. Its cultivation is widespread in Europe. It has taken root quite well in Russia as well. Growing a flower can be annual or perennial. Many gardeners prefer to grow viola as a biennial plant. The diameter of the flower reaches an average of 5-7 cm. And in terms of the number of colors, viola is in the forefront. The flower can be red, yellow, blue, purple and variegated. The flowers are quite frost-resistant, but in our latitudes it would be a good idea to insulate the bushes with at least a layer of snow.​

​When growing viola in annual crop, pansy seeds are sown from December to February. Peat with a pH of 5.5-5.8 can be used as soil; it is better not to fill the peat with fertilizers, but to use fertilizing with each watering, starting from the appearance of the first true leaves. Viola seeds are sprinkled with a thin layer of vermiculite or peat, the boxes should be covered with film and excessive waterlogging should be avoided.

At the end of May, beginning of June, viola seedlings are planted in open ground.

  1. ​Wittrock's violet - this is the scientific name of viola. It is very loved by summer residents and gardeners for its long flowering, varied colors and ease of care. People lovingly call the viola Pansy. Sometimes novice flower growers complain that viola is capricious and does not always live up to their hopes for lush flowering, or even does not want to bloom at all. In fact, pansies, like every flower, require an approach and knowledge of some simple secrets that allow you to admire their beauty from early spring until late autumn.​ A substrate made of loamy soil with the addition of mature humus is suitable for the flower. The soil for planting is drained, loosened, without adding humus, fertilized with ammonium nitrate or superphosphate.
  2. ​Red Charm​

    ​(beige color),​​. Includes varieties: Adonis ( turquoise flowers), Lord Beaconsfield (blue-violet color with white upper petals), Cardinal (dark red flowers with darkening in the middle), Morenkönig (black).​

  3. There are many legends and superstitions around the viola. The French consider the flower a symbol of death, and the Germans associate it with an evil stepmother. The Slavs believe in a legend according to which a poor girl Anyuta fell in love with a guy from a rich family, and he abandoned her before the wedding. Anyuta died without ever coming to terms with the loss, and beautiful flowers grew on her grave, which were popularly called pansies. Despite the sad stories, growing this flower is practiced by gardeners all over the world.​ From time to time it is advisable to ventilate the plantings. You can place a container with crops in cellophane bag. The first shoots appear after two weeks. At the stage of 1-2 true leaves, viola sprouts must be picked. Picking should be done twice: a week after planting, then another couple of weeks. When picking, plants should be planted, maintaining 6 cm between them in each direction.

    ​To better understand what this plant requires, let's take a look at its growing conditions in natural environment. This plant is accustomed to well-fertilized soil, which allows water to pass freely without retaining it at the roots. This flower is very demanding when it comes to watering. On hot days it should be watered several times. At the same time, it is very important not to wet the leaves, because this may cause sunburn. To plant viola seeds, we will make a substrate with our own hands. To do this, we need one third of the forest topsoil, one part of coarse sand with an admixture of vermiculite, and we also need to add part of the garden soil to this mixture. The components of the resulting substrate should be mixed, loosened and scattered into peat cups. It is better to sow viola seeds in cups, because this way the seedlings will tolerate transplantation much better.​

    ​Sowing pansy seeds can be done in different terms, depending on when you need to get flowering. The earliest date is February. In this case, sowing occurs in closed ground. So, for this sowing ritual you will need: containers, soil, fertilizer, water and lots of tiny viola seeds.​

  4. ​The best temperature for seed germination is 18-20ºС; at temperatures above 23ºС, viola seeds may go into “rest” (not germinate for a long time). The germination period of viola seeds is from 5 to 14 days.​Where to plant viola.​ What are pansies? The latest development of breeders is growing seedlings at home on peat tablets. Peat is ideal for viola, as it does not retain moisture, retains heat, and contains nutrients. Growing violets in peat tablets ensures a high level of seedling survival, drainage, nutrients and soil moisture. To grow garden beauty in peat pots from seeds, you need to soak the tablets in water. When the peat swells, place the seeds on top and lightly cover with soil. (see video)​ ​(scarlet shade),​​Anderland​ ​Hemalis flower (Wittrock's viola)​​Viola is a decoration for a dacha, garden, balcony, with many colors, shapes and sizes.​ Viola is planted in open ground in May-June (about two months after planting seedlings), after spring frosts, leaving a distance of 10-15 cm between plants. To allow the plant to spread out a little, you can leave 20 cm between the bushes.​Sowing and growing seedlings​
  5. The containers are filled with soil that has been fertilized in advance with superphosphate or ammonium nitrate and moderately moistened.​When growing viola seedlings, it is necessary to maintain the substrate humidity in the range of 40-70%; higher humidity prevents the penetration of oxygen to the roots of the plant, which leads to stretching of pansy seedlings.​ Most varieties of pansies are light-loving plants, so they are most often planted where there is a lot of sun. But viola also tolerates partial shade well, although the flowers in this case may be a little smaller.​ The plant belongs to the violet family. It is widespread in both Asia and Europe. These flowers have also taken root in Russia. Viola is a perennial. This can be seen from its biological characteristics. But gardeners prefer to grow Pansies as biennial plant. Viola flower is a herbaceous bush with a height of 15 to 30 cm. ​At home, seed germination is carried out in a dark place, covered with polyethylene to create a greenhouse effect.​​Triumph​ ​(purple hue),​​"Hemalis"​

​Decorating a flower bed with viola flowers

Viola can be planted not only with seedlings, but also with seeds. Seeds are sown directly in open ground in the month of May, preferably in the middle. About fifty seeds are sown per meter of furrow. Another sowing option is to sow in holes that are located at a distance of at least 5 cm. 2-3 seeds are sown in each hole. To ensure active seedlings of plants, it is recommended to soak the seeds in a solution of Epin or Zircon for a day.​

The best time to plant viola seeds is the end of February - beginning of March. To do this, pour a small handful of soil from each cup, place 2-3 seeds directly on top of the substrate, sprinkle them with water and sprinkle the sprinkled soil on top. After planting the viola seeds, moisten the top layer of soil, place the cups on the windowsill and cover with film or glass. Thanks to the “sauna” effect, the germination time of seeds becomes shorter by 7-8 days. After the shoots appear, remove the film from the cup. If several seeds have sprouted, then only one plant should be left. Choose the strongest and tallest specimen, and the rest can simply be trimmed to the spine. Three weeks after germination, you can add any mineral water soluble fertilizers under the root of the plant. Feeding should be repeated every month. Don't forget that a viola flower grown from seed will not carry the characteristics of the parent plant if it was a hybrid. If you do everything as we advise in this material, then you can grow viola seedlings from seeds without special troubles. When growing seedlings, you should be careful with watering. You need to water frequently, but do not flood the plant from above, but pour a little water under the root. In mid-May, young plants can begin to be prepared for “moving” to the site. If you listened to the advice and grew flowers in peat containers, then replanting will seem easy to you. After all, to do this you just need to dig a hole, the depth of which is five centimeters greater than the height of the glass, and add a handful of sand. This

What soil to prepare for seedlings

​Viola seeds are evenly spread on the ground and moistened with a spray bottle, then tightly covered with cellophane or glass and placed in a cool place (usually up to 22º C) for 7-9 days.​

  • ​To receive strong plants viola, the temperature for growing seedlings should be no more than 20ºС (growing at high temperature may be the reason that the flower size will be smaller than stated by the originator of the variety), pansies tolerate temperatures well down to +5ºС. Viola is difficult to grow in the same room where heat-loving flowers are grown.​
  • ​Soil requirements: looseness, moisture, good ventilation.​
  • Breeders divide varieties into short, medium and tall. Violas also differ in inflorescences. The smallest flowers are only 4 cm in diameter, the largest ones are up to 6 cm, and individual varieties give gorgeous flowers up to 10 cm in diameter! Timing for planting viola.​

​Cultivation of delicate violets begins in January-February, depending on the variety. To grow viola from seeds, it will take several months of painstaking daily care for fragile seedlings. Seeds are harvested from August. After flowering, small capsules are formed, which dry out as the seeds ripen. You should hurry so that the boxes do not crack. A sign of ripe seeds is that the capsule turns upward. The collected grains are cleaned, dried and stored in the refrigerator.​

​(large flowers of different colors).​


How to plant viola seeds

​winter varieties: Helios ( lemon color), Himelskenigin (sky blue shade), Jupiter (red-violet flowers with white upper petals), Mars (blue shade with darkening of the middle), Nardpol (white).​

​Among the variety of varieties of Wittrock violets, the most popular are plants that meet the following requirements:​

​The seeds need to be buried 0.5 cm and the grooves should be covered with soil, rubbing it with your fingers. After this, water the soil in moderation and mulch it lightly with sawdust to maintain moisture. Within a week the first shoots will hatch; they should be shaded by stretching a dark film over the plants. After a couple of weeks, the film can be removed.​

Planting seedlings and care

​will allow water to be freely drained deep into the soil, which will significantly reduce the risk of young seedlings being affected by the “black leg”. As you can see, it is important not only to plant viola seeds correctly, but also to grow it correctly. Plants should be fed with mineral fertilizers constantly, preferably at regular intervals. In this case, the plant will respond to feeding faster.​

  • ​Since sowing is superficial, the seeds are evenly spread on the ground and moistened with a spray bottle. Then you need to give the seedlings from the seeds a greenhouse effect. To do this, the containers are tightly covered with cellophane or glass and placed in a cool place (usually up to 22º C) for 7-9 days.​
  • ​Good development of pansies is possible only with high level lighting, fluorescent lamps as for petunia will not help, you need to use Dnat lamps (which shine so that it is impossible to work with them next to them).​
  • ​How to care for pansies​
  • Viola can be planted at different times. It all depends on what time of year you want to get flowering. It may be the end of winter: at this time pansies are planted as seedlings. It could also be summer, when the seeds are sown directly into the ground.​

Viola (pansy): growing by seedlings

​Seeds are sown in the ground in February-March in a greenhouse or containers for seedlings. When is the best time to plant viola depends on the variety and its flowering time. For example, early flowering varieties should be sown in February in order to plant seedlings in open ground in April. The grains are sown in the soil and lightly moistened with a spray bottle. Sprinkle the top with sand, peat, or light soil.​
​Flower viola hornata
​(dark blue flower),​
​Large-flowered "Swiss"​
​have spectacular colors;​
​When planting seeds directly into the ground, you should add crushed coal in a ratio of 0.2 coal and bird droppings to 1 part of the soil. Viola does not like hardened soil, and coal works well against this problem. If coal seems extravagant or inappropriate to you, then use in the classic way planting - add soil substrate that is ideal for violets: turf, manure, sand and peat in a ratio of 2:2:1:2.​
​It’s so difficult and at the same time very simple to grow “Pansies” on your own plot. If you combine planting seedlings of this flower with sowing in open ground, the result will be continuous flowering of viola until deep frost!
​Viola has features that are worth considering when growing from seeds - its seeds germinate better in a dark place.​
​N:P:K ratio on initial stage feeding ratio is 14:1:4, increasing to 14:4:14. It is imperative to fertilize with microelements. The concentration of fertilizers for nitrogen is at the beginning 75 ppm for nitrogen, gradually increasing to 100 ppm.​

​Planting in open ground takes place in June-July. Seeds are sown in loose, moist beds. Shoots appear in approximately two weeks. In August, the plants are planted in a permanent place. The violas are strengthening and gaining strength. Viola will bloom only next spring, But experienced gardeners they say that in terms of splendor and duration of flowering, biennial pansies are superior to their counterparts grown from seedlings.​
​When shoots appear, the plants dive. Young shoots are planted quickly to prevent the stem from thinning and stretching. The picking distance is maintained at 20x20 cm. It is often practiced to plant seeds directly into separate pots. With the onset of summer, pots of seedlings are placed on a balcony or flowerbed and cared for as usual.
​Flower viola fragrant​
- flower diameter up to 8 cm. Includes varieties: Rococo (terry viola of various shades),
​adapted to the climate;​
​As for the elite varieties of viola, they can be propagated by cuttings and layering, however, this option is more applicable in greenhouse conditions than in garden plots.​

​Charming viola blooms large flowers, while the flower can have a completely different color. Today, varieties have also been bred that have a corrugated edge of the petals.​
Of course, while waiting, you need to monitor the soil moisture and carefully loosen it without damaging the sprouts. After 9 days, shoots should appear from the seeds. And when the first leaves appear, it’s time to dive. There is nothing complicated in this procedure either. The main thing is to maintain a distance of 5-6 cm from each other. And all the same care: moisture, loosening the soil, nitrogen-containing fertilizer, coolness and shade. At this stage, it is important to avoid stagnant water, as the roots may rot. As a result, a “black leg” is formed and all cultivation is in vain.

​Viola is planted at the age of 5-9 weeks in pots with a diameter of 10 cm. The concentration of fertilizers can be increased to 100-150 ppm. Watering is moderate, the temperature is not high, even an unheated greenhouse with a double film and additional agrofibre covering on the arches will do.
​Violas constantly need moisture. Without watering, plants do not bloom. However, overmoistening and stagnation of water leads to the fact that the plant may die or develop blackleg. Therefore, do not be lazy to loosen the soil, give oxygen access to the roots of these amazing flowers.​
​However, and seedling method is very popular, so let’s look at it in more detail.​
In April-May, viola seedlings are planted in open ground. Flowers love partial shade, but can be planted in sunny places. In the sun, the flowers grow large, but fade 2 times faster. The flowers of the plant are cross-pollinated, so varieties should be planted at a distance from each other. Basic care:​

​The latest achievement of selection was the ampelous viola. The plant is intended for growing in hanging planters, on the balcony, as it forms a voluminous ball with many colors. The ampelous violet tolerates cold well, is unpretentious, and after planting the seeds in the ground, it begins to bloom in 14-15 weeks. Growing this species is practically no different from propagating the Wittrock flower. Ampel violet is suitable for decorating flower beds, alpine slides, flowerpots and hanging pots(see photo).​
​(the characteristic difference is the presence macular spot with highlighted veins, see photo).​
​Flower Viola Vittraka Swissa​
​Disease resistant.​
To get abundant viola color in the second year, it should be sown in open ground in mid-summer. For the winter, mulch the plants, and then with the onset spring warmth Viola will begin to delight you with its colorful flowers.​
In cultivation, viola is unpretentious, it is winter-hardy and can easily tolerate transplantation even during flowering. This plant grows relatively quickly, the primrose appears already in May, and until late autumn the viola enchants everyone with its beautiful appearance.​
At the end of spring - beginning of summer, pansy seedlings are planted in open ground. On fresh air Viola can also be planted in sunny places. In this case, the flowers will be bright, rich and large. But some varieties still prefer partial shade. The partial shade option also has an advantage. Here pansies bloom 2 times longer than in the sun, only the diameter of the flowers is slightly smaller.​
​If viola seedlings are elongated, then you can use a growth regulator Alar 2500-3000 ppm, one or two treatments.​
The plant is also responsive to complex mineral fertilizers. They like superphosphate and ammonium nitrate (20 g per 1 square meter). For the plant to bloom magnificently, it is enough to carry out two feedings. One - before the release of buds, and the second - during the beginning of flowering. Fertilizing is carried out at the root. Remember: viola does not like fresh manure! He is destructive for her.​
How to grow viola seedlings

​daily watering;​

One of the advantages of the flower is its ease of care, and for this reason most gardeners use it as a decoration for an apartment or cottage. People also call it pansy.

The number of varieties of viola is huge: two-color, three-color, spotted and so on. But modern gardeners increasingly prefer hanging viola. Reviews about this flower mostly positive, flower growers note such qualities of the plant as cold resistance, undemandingness and, of course, bright, abundant flowering.

About the ampelous shape of the viola

Ampel viola is annual flower, belonging to the violet family. The bush of the plant has spherical shape, and its height reaches twenty centimeters. The diameter of the flowers is about five centimeters. Color – plain or multi-colored. Ampelous viola begins to bloom in early spring, and this process lasts until the first frost.

The leaves of the plant are not wide and have an oval shape. At the beginning of its development, the viola stretches upward. But as soon as the flowering stage begins, the shoots begin to slowly fall down.

To grow these flowers you need to follow certain rules. The most important thing is to create the required living conditions ampelous viola:

  • access to light;
  • correct temperature;
  • high quality soil.

If you follow these principles, then many problems when growing ampelous viola will bypass you.

Viola Wonderfall F1 Misty Waters

Varieties of ampelous viola

On the market you can find the most ampelous viola various types, For example:

Growing from seeds

There is only one way to grow this plant in our difficult climate - sow seeds for seedlings in early spring. And in open ground it can be planted in autumn or summer period.

Autumn sowing implies the appearance of ampelous viola flowers by next spring. We need to start sowing by the end of summer. During the autumn, the plant manages to germinate, and as soon as winter begins, small viola bushes hide under the snow. After the end of the cold weather in April, the bush begins to bloom.

If a gardener wants to enjoy the flowering of viola in the summer, then experts recommend sowing seeds for seedlings in early spring. For a flower to develop without problems, you cannot do without additional lighting. Flowering will not take long to arrive: the result will be in 60 days. A similar method is used for further planting seedlings in hanging containers or soil.

If you sow viola in June, then it will begin to bloom towards the end of summer. In winter it will go under the snow, and in the spring it will bloom again.

The process of growing ampelous viola seeds

Growing a plant at home is not difficult. A variety of boxes or pots will be an excellent basis for seedlings. You can even use yogurt containers.

Pay attention! For proper care for seeds, before sowing it is necessary to loosen the soil and fertilize it with minerals.

You can resort to using a peat mixture: it does not require constant fertilization. Soil mixture will consist of garden soil, peat and humus. Earth and peat should be taken in equal volumes, and humus should be taken in half the amount. After mixing all three components, you need to fill them with containers for seedlings. Now we adhere to the following action plan:

  1. We moisten the soil and plant the seeds. To do this, we make holes 5 millimeters deep. The distance between the recesses is 2 centimeters.
  2. Then we sprinkle the holes with earth and close the container with transparent film or glass. Leave in a warm place.
  3. We ventilate the soil for ten minutes every day in the mornings and evenings., removing the transparent cover.
  4. If the first two leaves appear, we begin to feed the seedlings with mineral fertilizers. We will do this in the future monthly.
  5. Don't forget about picking: in a month you need to plant the future viola in separate boxes with a diameter of no more than ten centimeters.
  6. We use lighting for early shoots. Lighting should last at least 14 hours a day.

Now comes the stage of planting the plant in open ground or a hanging basket. For each bush, dig a five-centimeter hole. Distance between them about ten centimeters. We lower the seedlings together with a lump of earth into the recess, having previously placed two pebbles on the bottom. We fill it all up and water it with water. In the first days we keep the plant under the shade. So we have sorted out the difficult question of how to grow viola!

Remember that high-quality flowering of ampelous viola depends not only on early care of seedlings, but also on the further actions of the grower!

Further care

After planting an ampelous viola, the gardener may face the problem of correct further care for flowers. In order for the viola to bloom as efficiently as possible, you should do the following:

  • the plant must be watered daily in moderation;
  • We must not forget about periodically feeding the viola with mineral fertilizer (at least once a month);
  • it is necessary to promptly remove weeds that interfere with the normal development of flowers;
  • the soil needs to be loosened periodically;
  • V winter period It is worth taking care of insulating the plant; for this you can use straw or small dry twigs that will protect root system from the cold;
  • and finally, we note that it is periodically necessary to trim off the dried ends of the plant.

Video consultation

One of the most popular videos about growing viola from seeds, picking it and caring for young seedlings.

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