Grapes: leaf diseases and treatment with various means and methods.

Tubercles appeared on the leaves of the grapes; underneath they were yellowish and brown. What to do?

What this year not as usual, we all felt it for ourselves. In Crimea, an absolute record for exceeding average daily temperatures over the past 90 years was recorded - more than 6.8 degrees in July. That's a lot. Scientists around the world are sounding alarm bells global warming— the average annual temperature of the atmosphere on Earth increased by 0.4 degrees. As we see, our regions make a significant contribution to this figure.

In addition to the unbearable heat, not a drop of rain has fallen in almost all places since the end of March. It’s not just hot, but also indescribably dry when relative humidity air, instead of the usual 60-75%, slightly reaches 25-30%. Scorching heat. Such conditions are ideal for the development of the mite, because even in places where it has never caused problems, this season it easily destroys plants.

The most common ones we have are web and felt. grape mites. With severe infection, some of the shoots are suppressed, numerous tubercles are formed on top of the leaves, the lower, depressed part of which is covered with felt pubescence. These are the places where ticks are infested. To combat it, special drugs are used - acaricides. Actellik, Keltan, Neoron, etc. are represented on the Ukrainian market.

On my site, a real disaster was the invasion of thin, long, speckled worms - they

The vineyard attracts the attention of many dozens of pests. Around the world, about 800 species of insects have been recorded that can harm the harvest of this crop. Moreover, not only berries suffer, but also roots, perennial and green shoots, inflorescences and leaves.

Without a well-built plant protection system, preventive and therapeutic treatment of grapes from diseases and pests, there is a risk of losing 30 to 50% of the crop, and some enemies of this crop can completely destroy the plantation.

Grape mites and methods of combating them

The most common pests of grapes throughout the world are numerous types of mites, which, feeding on the juices of the green parts of the plant, weaken the vineyard. In case of general harmfulness, insects are isolated that cause greatest damage buds and leaves of grapes.

If you do not stop the reproduction of insects in time and do not start using methods to combat grape mites, their vital activity negatively affects the ripening of shoots, the quality and quantity of berries, and colonies of bacteria and fungi can develop on the affected parts of the plant, including the causative agents of such serious diseases as mildew and.

Female mites overwintering on weeds or inside buds in the spring, already at a temperature of about 7–8 ° C, begin to feed and lay eggs. As a result, the rudiments of inflorescences and shoots are damaged, the resulting clusters turn out to be smaller than before the mite attack, and the growth is weaker. If the mite infects the buds, they turn red, become dense and crumble.

The damage from the insect, which produces from 6 to 11 generations per season, increases in the summer months, when the grape itch is fed by the juices of the green part of the bush.

Traces of the presence of a pest look like deformation outside the leaf plate, the appearance of noticeable tubercles on it, which correspond to small depressions covered with a pile similar to felt or cobwebs.

The stronger the damage to the leaf, the weaker it is in its tissues. metabolic processes. If urgent measures are not taken to combat grape itch, the felt spots on the back of the leaves merge, the leaf blade curls up, practically falling out of the process of photosynthesis. The leaf weakens and dries up. Sometimes ripening brushes are found under the felt cover.

If at the beginning of the season the mite settles on the lower tier of the vine, then without proper control it can spread to younger shoots. The spread of the mite is facilitated by dry, hot weather, gusty winds; insects fall from diseased parts of the plant to healthy parts during pruning, planting or grafting. To minimize the risk of crop loss from grape mites, methods of combating this pest should include agronomic practices and spraying with modern insecticides and acaricides.

Shoots that are weakened or frozen in winter must be removed. In autumn or in early spring, when the grape buds have not yet begun to grow, the vine and potential places where grape itch accumulates are treated with a two percent DNOC solution. A 3% solution of nitrafen will be effective against wintering female ticks. Since insects are often hidden by the felt covering that forms, Special attention When treating grapes against diseases and pests, the back side of the leaves is applied.

A long-tested measure to combat grape itch is considered to be double treatment of plantings with sulfur preparations. It is important that the air temperature is above 20 °C, and there are 10–14 days between procedures.

When plants are attacked by mites, remedies chemical treatment, including Fufanon, Neoron and Aktara, or Tevit Jet, are chosen not only taking into account their effectiveness, but also safety in relation to bees and humans.

Grape aphid or phylloxera

An extremely dangerous pest for rootstock and European grape varieties is the grape aphid, which causes damage to plantings in all existing forms, whether larvae, nymphs, winged and soil insects.

Appearing in Europe in the mid-19th century, this pest caused devastating damage to the most famous vineyards, calling into question the cultivation of this crop in France.

During the season, aphids give 7–8 generations, as a result, plants infected with the root form of phylloxera noticeably weaken, their root system turns out to be underdeveloped, and without treating the grapes from diseases and pests, the vine dies within a few years. This form can only be dealt with by completely removing the affected bushes. The leaf form, characterized by the appearance of galls containing aphid eggs on the back of the leaves, is usually detected in the second year.

Since this dangerous pest is a quarantine species, then control measures include preventing the spread of aphids, as well as using phylloxera-resistant rootstocks. Actelik, Dilor, Confidor Maxi and Etafos are used against the leaf form. The first treatment is carried out when the buds bloom en masse, and the second at the stage when the shoots already have 9–12 leaves.

Leaf rollers and other green grape pests

To protect the crop from leaf rollers and cutworms, treatment of grapes against diseases and pests with insecticides is carried out during the period when butterflies emerge.

If eggs and caterpillars are found on the grapes, it is important to carefully remove the damaged parts of the plant, preventing the pests from spreading. You can protect the crop through three successive treatments with Fozalon, Ambush, Sumicidin or modern biological products.

Thrips: description of a grape pest, photos and methods of treatment

On thrips-affected leaves, browned areas appear, first along the edges and then throughout the entire blade; the surface becomes deformed and gradually curls.

Similar damage can be seen on young shoots, tendrils, and later on berries. As in the case of grape mites, methods of controlling these insects involve the use of Phosfamide or BI-58, Carbamyl and Methomyl.

Scale insects and mealybugs

Grape shoots attract many pests. Small scale insects and mealybugs, leading a sedentary lifestyle, settle on the vine and suck out the juices. Which leads to weakening of the affected parts of the plant, their drying out and reduced yield. The presence of scale insects is indicated by glossy spots of honeydew secreted by these insects. However, damage to the plant from this type of pest is not limited to the weakening of shoots and foliage; fungi soon develop in the habitats of scale insects and scale insects, and outbreaks that are dangerous to grapes appear. Where do these grape pests shown in the photo live, and how to treat the bush affected by them?

In autumn, young scale insects concentrate at the base of one-year-old shoots, attach themselves and overwinter. In the spring, mature insects give birth to a new generation, which emerges from under the scutes of dead females.

Mealybugs with a whitish, loose, waxy mass as a coating can cause serious damage to grapes. Overwintering as larvae under the bark of adult shoots and even on trellis supports, with the onset of warm weather the pests move to the green parts of the plant, to shoots and leaves, where they become adults. WITH mealybugs And various types Scale insects are fought by treating all above-ground parts of the bush, as well as parts of the trellis. Spraying is carried out in early spring, before the buds open and, necessarily, under high pressure so that the drug penetrates into the layers of the bark.

Weevils or weevils

Vineyards are damaged by several species of weevils, which gnaw out the buds and leaf blades young foliage, and their larvae can seriously damage the root system.

Adult beetles and larvae of this pest overwinter in the ground at a depth of 15 to 30 cm. Insect activity begins with the arrival of spring, when the air warms up above 10 °C. Treatment of grapes from diseases and pests, including weevils, is carried out using insecticides in the period from April to May, when the beetles are actively feeding, and also in June, when young individuals emerge from the soil. The vineyard is sprayed twice with an interval of 10 days, using chlorophos and fozalon, the soil between the rows is loosened to a depth of at least 15 cm.

Protecting grapes from wasps

If for most of the summer a colony of wasps actively increases their numbers and looks for protein food to feed their offspring, then in August the insects begin to prepare for winter and their diet changes radically. The harvest of many crops is suffering from wasps, now exclusively interested in sweets. garden crops, including grapes. Moreover, due to the thin skin of grape berries, these pests can seriously reduce yields and negatively affect the quality of grapes.

Therefore, protecting the vineyard from wasps is a task of paramount importance for the gardener.

Coping with wasps is not easy because when the berries ripen, the use of insecticides becomes dangerous.

The best result can be achieved if you start pest control in advance and use all existing methods. It is best to destroy wasp nests in the evening, when insects gather for the night. When planning to perform such a task, be sure to take all personal safety measures. The area where the pests are concentrated is treated with a fast-acting insecticide that is active against wasps.

The use of industrially manufactured and homemade traps will not help get rid of insects, but with a systematic approach it will significantly reduce their numbers. At the beginning of summer, the trap is equipped with meat or fish bait, and in August and September the vessel is filled with syrup or other sweet product. As the device is filled, it is cleaned and hung near the vineyard.

When the clusters begin to ripen, to protect the grapes from wasps, other insects and birds, they are covered with covers made of mesh or nonwoven material. Such a shelter should be loose enough so as not to interfere with the filling of berries and to prevent condensation from appearing inside and the development of rot.

Video about diseases and pests of grapes


Diseases of grapes (photo) and their treatment in private farming

How to identify grape diseases from photos and how to treat them is a difficult task for beginning gardeners. But the process of growing grapevines is not as simple as it seems at first glance. AND the main problem The resulting diseases are diseases that can seriously damage the vines. Let's find out what diseases these bushes are susceptible to, and how to deal with them in private farming.

Grape diseases (with photos) and how to treat infections

Often gardeners are faced with the fact that spots appear on the foliage of grapes, as well as on the shoots, the leaves turn yellow, curl, and fall off. All these symptoms indicate that the grape bush is “sick.” Why is this happening? Most often, the cause of the disease lies in improper care behind the vines of this plant. Gardeners don't timely pruning excess shoots, watering is too frequent and abundant, not carried out preventative treatment grape vines from possible diseases. Sometimes the weather “helps” the emergence and development of certain diseases - too rainy and cold summers, frequent temperature fluctuations are a factor that helps the development of many fungal diseases.

What types of diseases are most common on grapevines?

All diseases of these perennials are conventionally divided into two categories:

  • for fungal;
  • into viral and bacterial.

The first diseases are quite well known to winegrowers, as they appear on the bushes too often. Various fungicides are usually effective in controlling them. But this is usually a rather “harsh” chemistry, and for an effective “fight” it is necessary to maintain not only the dosage, but also the timing repeated treatments. In addition, for subsequent sprayings it is necessary to change the group of the drug. In private households this is almost impossible. Therefore, in the project “ECOgarden for everyone” we only briefly mention pesticides, focusing more on traditional methods and biological products.

But viral and bacterial diseases even more serious. Most often, infected vines have to be removed. In places where diseased bushes grew, sometimes plants cannot be planted for several years, and other quarantine measures also have to be carried out.

Fungal diseases of the vineyard


This disease is most common on grapevines. False powdery mildew is very dangerous for these perennials and almost always requires constant use chemicals. In wet rainy seasons, because of it, a significant part of the crop on the bushes dies, and if the fight against this type of powdery mildew is carried out incorrectly, then it is possible not to harvest the crop from diseased bushes at all.

The disease came to Europe from the United States along with new grape varieties. Mildew was first discovered in vineyards in France in 1878. In our country, this disease was first discovered in Bessarabia vineyards in 1885. Then the disease spread to grape bushes growing in the Caucasus, Crimea and Krasnodar region. Subsequently, mildew spread to other regions of Russia and the CIS. Previously, this disease was practically never encountered in Central Asia, since it is too hot and dry there, which did not contribute to the development of fungal diseases. But the fungus has mutated and now this region is quite susceptible to the aggression of the phytopathogen.

The causative agent of mildew is Plasmopara viticola Berl. et de Toni are microscopic fungi that infect all above-ground parts of grape bushes. Small yellow spots appear on the foliage, which can be visible in the light. They look like traces of oil. WITH reverse side foliage simultaneously appears plaque white, which is easy to erase with your finger. But soon it appears again - the spores of the fungus are maturing. Over time, the spots change color from yellow to brown, then begin to dry.

If the disease has severely affected the shoots and foliage, then the diseased bush may be left completely without foliage in the middle of the season. Moreover, the fungus penetrates inside the shoots and leaves, in this case it is no longer possible to cope with it and you have to uproot the diseased plant.

  • At the onset of the disease, it is customary to use strong chemicals(Zineb, Kuproxat, Polychom, Khomecin), pick off diseased leaves and trim diseased shoots - in this case, you can try to save the vine. It is preferable to burn all diseased parts of the plant immediately.
  • To prevent moisture from entering the bush, polycarbonate canopies are built, and the plant almost always survives until harvest, and the vine ripens well for wintering.
  • A folk remedy is iodine with milk. For 10 liters of water take 1 liter of skim milk and 20 drops of iodine. Spray regularly with an interval of 10 days.


Powdery mildew (Uncinula necator Burril), in its anamorphic stage known as Tucker's mildew (Oidium tuckeri berk.), affects the vineyard almost as often as mildew. The fungus also came to our continent from America in the 19th century. Any above-ground parts of the plant can be affected. If plaque appears on the foliage gray- this is oidium. Moreover, this attack appears at any time of the season.

Favorable conditions for the development of fungi – hot time (up to +25 degrees Celsius). But heavy torrential rains are able to wash away the plaque from the foliage and shoots, thereby stopping the further development of the disease.

If ripening fruits are affected, then their skin (even quite dense) cracks; clusters with such fruits cannot be eaten. The fight against this disease should be started in a timely manner, otherwise you may lose the harvest this season, and in the future you may be left without grape bushes at all.

  • From biological products good results gives spraying of bushes with Stimix, 3-4 treatments per season.
  • A folk remedy for oidium is food or biosoda. For 4 liters of water take 3 tbsp. spoons of powder and 1 tbsp. spoon liquid soap. The grapes are sprayed immediately. Well, don’t forget to prepare and use an infusion of rotted hay for powdery mildew - this is the safest folk remedy, which contributes not only to treatment, but also to feeding of grapes.

Gray rot

Gray plaque– main symptom of this disease, and it appears on all parts grapevine. Caused by the fungus Botrytis cinerea. First, brown spots form on the berries, then the skin cracks and the bunch becomes covered with a gray fluffy coating.

Berries affected by gray rot are not suitable for food. Moreover, if one berry in a bunch is affected, then after a while the disease affects all the berries.

For preventive purposes, it is necessary to carry out green operations on the bushes in a timely manner (cutting off and tying up shoots, thinning), as well as spraying with a tank mixture of biological products Fitosporin-M + Alirin-B + Gamair, or Stimix.

Black rot

This form of fungal disease, which is caused by the fungus Guingnardia bidwellii, causes small depressed spots to appear on foliage and fruit. violet shade, which gradually increase. Affected leaves and fruits dry out and fall off.

To avoid infection, regular spraying is carried out with a tank mixture of biological products Fitosporin-M + Alirin-B + Gamair, or Stimix.

Alternaria blight

The main symptom of this disease is spots (silver or brown) that appear on any above-ground parts of plants. Favorable conditions for the development of this disease, caused by the fungus Alternaria vitis Cavara, are too long a spring.

For treatment during the period when the air temperature rises above +15°, Trichodermin is used. Carry out 5-6 treatments with an interval of 3 weeks.


This disease is characterized by rapid wilting of the stems. If the disease occurs in an acute form, the foliage quickly turns yellow and falls off. This is a wound infection - the fungus enters the shoots through broken twigs or from the soil.

Wilt clogs the vessels of the plant, so we see its signs when the plant is already dying, it is too late to treat it. In the soil, the fungus Verticillium dahliae can remain viable for up to 5 years, therefore, after removing the vine, new seedlings should not be planted in the infected area earlier than after this period of time.


The main symptom of the disease, the causative agent of which is Armillariella mellea, is wilting of foliage and damage to the root system. The roots change their color to brown and begin to rot. This disease manifests itself in spring period, and after summer, inedible mushrooms begin to grow on the vine. The toxins of the fungus are extremely poisonous and cause the death of the plant.

When a disease is detected, it is usually too late to carry out treatment; they resort to uprooting the bushes.

Bacterial cancer (grape bacteriosis)

The multiple appearance of tuberous protrusions on the vines indicates that it is too late to treat the grapes. Until now, drugs have not yet been invented that could defeat this disease. Therefore, the only means of combating bacterial cancer– digging up and destroying the entire bush. Such a crop cannot be grown in this place for 3–4 seasons.

However, many summer residents cut out the tumor down to living tissue and use the following drugs for antibacterial therapy:

  • Fitolavin. A preparation containing a complex of soil antibiotics;
  • Gamair. This is a bacterium that has a positive effect on root development;
  • Phytoplasmin. Combination different types natural antibiotics.

Apoplexy (Esca)

This disease affects grape bushes, leading to their rapid death. Together with the tinder fungus, pathogenic cultures (a complex of fungi including Fomitiporia punctata, Fomitiporia mediterranea, Phaeomoniella chlamydospora, Phellinus igniarius, Phaeoacremonium aleophilum, Phellinus punctatus, Stereum hirsutum) penetrate into the plant, which release toxic substances. As a result, the conducting system of the grapevine is destroyed, and perennial wood dies. Apoplexy most often affects weakened plants.

It is, of course, too late to treat apoplexy. But in order to prevent the appearance of Eski, it is necessary to achieve good growth vines So to speak, so that even in the presence of tinder fungus, new tissues have time to grow well. This will help good food without excess nitrogen: compost, constant mulching with organic residues and regular fertilizing with wood ash. Also excellent results give treatment with Stimix.

Viral diseases of grapevine

These grape diseases have not yet been fully studied. These diseases are known to be caused by a group of viruses that are spread by soil nematodes. Basic viral diseases grape bushes:

  • infectious chlorosis or yellow mosaic;
  • rezuha mosaic, etc.

The main symptoms of these diseases:

  • the vines are not developing fast enough;
  • the ovaries die;
  • foliage is deformed;
  • leaves acquire an uncharacteristic color;
  • the wood of the shoots begins to crack.

There are no drugs that could save grapes from these diseases. Therefore, damaged plants must be dug up and destroyed. Ash after burning diseased plants is unsuitable as fertilizer. In the place where diseased bushes grew, new grape seedlings should not be grown for at least 5 seasons.

Finally, a short video where our colleague shows signs of diseases on grape bushes:

For today, this is all I wanted to tell you about grape diseases (with photos) and how to treat the main diseases that affect the vineyard. Each of them is serious, and should be dealt with immediately when signs of infection are detected. Otherwise, one diseased bush can become a source of infection for the entire vineyard.

Quite often, at the height of the growing season, walking around their properties, winegrowers note with satisfaction the active development of shoots, watching how tender juicy green leaves literally open up and increase in size before our eyes, inflorescences have already appeared somewhere, and some shoots hastened to throw out the tendril, warning the vinedresser, that they would not bear a harvest. A familiar picture that pleases the winegrower’s heart, and suddenly - wait, on a tender, newly opened leaf, dark red spots are clearly visible. It may well be that in this way he indicated his presence in the vineyard grape itch starting the meal. For now these are only barely noticeable spots, then they will turn into distinct bulges on outside leaf.
Seeing grape leaves completely covered with such peculiar “blisters” for the first time, an especially inexperienced winegrower who encounters such a picture for the first time may panic. He once read somewhere that a similar picture is observed when grape bushes are affected by the leaf form of phylloxera. For some reason, when the picture is not very clear, it always seems to us that the worst has happened. It's time to calm down, although grape itch is an extremely unpleasant guest in the vineyard, it is very, very far from the harmfulness of phylloxera.
On grape plant Up to 70 species of mites can parasitize, but perhaps the most common of all these species is grape itch. It is almost impossible to distinguish it with the naked eye. It has an elongated, narrow, whitish or straw-colored body. yellow color only 0.167 mm long.
Female mites overwinter in cracks of the vine, under exfoliated bark, under bud scales. In the spring, when the eyes open, the mites become active, crawl onto the opening leaves and attach themselves to them from the underside. Under the influence of enzymes secreted by the itch, leaf tissues grow and concave galls are formed - erineums. On the underside of the leaf, the growing cells form a thick felt layer, under which the itch feeds and develops. During mass reproduction, it affects and disfigures a significant part of the leaves of the bush, which become red-brown. The growth and development of leaves is disrupted, photosynthesis is reduced, some leaves dry out and die, and the development of the grape bush as a whole is inhibited. During the growing season, itching gives 5 - 7 generations and if you do not fight it, it can become a serious problem in the vineyard.
You can often come across statements that if the vineyard is well-groomed and regularly treated against diseases, then there are practically no ticks there. This can be considered fair when sulfur preparations, which also act on ticks, are used to combat oidium. The concept of a “well-groomed vineyard” also means the absence of weeds on it, and given that some ticks overwinter on plant residues, and then in the spring they use the weeds as an “intermediate springboard” for “occupying” the grape bushes, when removing weeds in the vineyard, the ticks there remains less chance for the implementation of “aggressive plans”.
If single mite nests are found on 1-2 leaves, these leaves can be torn off and taken outside the vineyard. At severe defeat large quantity leaves cannot be avoided without targeted pest control; there is no point in taking the risk of tearing off all the affected leaves, as this will cause much more harm to the bush than mites cause to it.
Inexperienced winegrowers are trying to fight mites with “ universal remedy" - Bordeaux mixture, but the effectiveness of such a measure is zero, because Bordeaux mixture it is a fungicide and it copes well with a number of grape diseases, and mites are representatives of the arachnid order, i.e. Here we are not dealing with diseases, but with pests. To combat ticks, acaricides are used. During the growing season you can use: phosphamide, fozalon, pliktran, omaite, talstar, mitac, apollo, ortus, etc.
Spraying during the growing season is recommended when the number of ticks exceeds the threshold, i.e. if there are more than 5 individuals per 1 sheet.
When processing grape leaves, one nuance must be taken into account. The drug should be applied to the leaves from below, i.e. We place the spray nozzle at the very surface of the earth and gradually lifting it up, we process inner surface affected leaves. Only in this way can we get to the tick in its “felt ambush.” Treating leaves from above is ineffective.
Finally, the last thing, how can you find out whether the tick was destroyed as a result of treatment with appropriate preparations? Of course, expecting that the affected leaves will suddenly magically free themselves from their “blisters” and become completely healthy is, to say the least, naive. The mite did its job - it disfigured the leaves, and even if it died after treatment, they will remain deformed.
The effectiveness of treatment is judged by the absence of lesions on new leaves. If the tick makes no attempts to explore “new territories”, then we have worked effectively. Sometimes one treatment is enough, but more often 2 - 3 are required to finally deal with the mites.

When growing grapes to obtain a harvest, protecting plants from pests and diseases becomes important. We offer the most effective methods.

1. Mildew

Downy mildew - the most common and dangerous fungal disease grapes It affects leaves, shoots, inflorescences, berries, tendrils. Pale green or yellow oily spots of varying sizes and shapes appear on young leaves. In wet weather, spots on the underside of the leaves become covered with a white, easily erasable fluffy coating. The affected leaf tissues become yellow-brown, dry out and crumble.

Downy mildew is especially dangerous in years with increased rainfall, fog, heavy dew and high temperature. The disease overwinters in plant debris. During the growing season, at temperatures above +8 °C and the soil is moistened for more than 24 hours, mildew spores germinate. Young leaves (more than 2-3 cm) become infected in the presence of droplet-liquid moisture for more than 4 hours and at temperatures above +12 °C. The length of the incubation period depends on the temperature and humidity: at +20-26 °C it is 4 days, at +13 °C - 10 days.

When mildew is infected, a white fluffy coating appears on the leaves.

2. Anthracnose

Grape pox often develops on mildew-resistant varieties that are not sprayed with fungicides. Anthracnose affects leaves, shoots, inflorescences and berries. Soon after the leaves form, light colors appear on them. gray spots with a reddish or dark brown rim. Then the affected tissue falls out, the leaf becomes as if perforated. On young shoots, small brownish spots gradually press in, merge and form deep longitudinal ulcers. If the shoots are severely damaged, they acquire a charred appearance, become deformed, become brittle and break easily. On ripening berries, depressed brown spots with a dark purple border are formed, similar to those found on the shoots.

Actacnose develops most actively at the beginning of the plant's growing season. Depending on the degree of damage, the plant loses some or all of its leaves, the ripening of the crop and vine worsens, and the plant may die. The grapes go into winter weakened, their frost resistance deteriorates. In this case, you cannot count on a full harvest next year.

How to fight?

Agricultural technology. First of all, it is necessary to improve the ventilation of the vineyards, promptly tie up the bushes, break off excess shoots, pruning, caulking and systematically control weeds. In this case, conditions unfavorable for the development of diseases are not created. To reduce infection, the affected leaves and remains of the vine when carrying out operations with the green parts of the bush should be immediately collected in bags and burned; this is also done in the fall, after pruning. Digging row spacing also helps.

Selection of varieties. Unfortunately, the majority of complex-resistant varieties of very early and early ripening, suitable for cultivation in the northern regions, having increased resistance to mildew, are not resistant to anthracnose.

Chemical processing.

1. Treatment with fungicides begins immediately after the onset of conditions favorable for the development of the disease (warmth, rain, dew, fog). During the growing season, a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture or its substitutes and copper-containing preparations are used to combat mildew and anthracnose. Keep in mind that these drugs only protect the part of the plant they hit. The disease develops on the underside of the leaf, so you need to carefully (without skipping) spray this part of the plant. For processing, use a sprayer with a fine spray, preventing liquid from dripping from the leaf. To avoid burns on hot days, treat with 1% Bordeaux mixture carried out in the morning in the evening in the absence of dew.

The first spraying against mildew is done before flowering, the second after flowering, the third after 15-20 days, depending on the weather conditions and the drugs used. The last treatment is carried out on August 5-10. For anthracnose The bushes are treated for the first time when the shoots are 8-15 cm long, the second time - when the shoots are 25-30 cm long, and the subsequent ones coincide with spraying against mildew.

2. In years that are especially favorable for the development of the disease (warm weather, frequent rains, dew, fog), it is difficult to protect European varieties from mildew with contact action fungicides. In this case apply highly effective drugs systemic action(see table).

3. If the vineyard is severely affected by mildew, anthracnose and oidium in the previous year in the fall after pruning the vine or in the spring before buds open (at an average daily temperature above +4-5 ° C), eradicative spraying is carried out against the wintering stage of mildew, anthracnose, oidium, black spot, mites 1 .3% Nitrafen solution (60% paste) or 2.2% Dnok solution (40%). Against anthracnose in the spring before the buds open, a 10% solution of iron sulfate is used.

Oidium. By harmfulness grapevine powdery mildew is in second place, but due to the fact that it appeared much later (Kiev region - in 2004), its danger was not immediately appreciated. Oidium damages all green parts of the vine. An easily erasable ash-gray coating appears on shoots, inflorescences, clusters and leaves, which has the smell of mold or rotten herring. Affected inflorescences dry out, and berry growth stops after flowering. A gray coating appears on the crest of the bunch, and gray spots appear on individual berries. The skin of the berries becomes hard and cracks, exposing the seeds. The disease develops at a temperature of +25-35 ° C, and also if the grapes grow in shaded and unventilated areas. Rains and dew, which are favorable for the development of mildew, inhibit the development of oidium.

With anthracnose, depressed brown spots with a border appear on the berries, and the leaves look like they are perforated.

When infected with oidium, an ash-gray coating appears on the leaves and berries.

Plant development phases

When 4-5 leaves appear

Before flowering

After flowering

In 15-20 days

Diseases and pests

For black spot and anthracnose

Kuproxat, Horus, 1% liquid of Bordeaux

From mildew, anthracnose, black spot

Antrakol, Acrobat, Ridomil Gold,

Antrakol, Acrobat, Ridomil Gold, Topaz, Vectra




Topaz, Vectra, Tilt 250, Topsin M

Tilt 250, Topsin M

From all diseases

systemic drugs: Quadris, Cabriotop, Flint, Strobi, Horus

Convertible, Flint, Strobe, Chorus

From ticks

Omite, Neoron, Bi 58 New, Nurel D (at the stage of 9-12 leaves)

ThiovitJet, colloidal sulfur



How to fight?

Grapes should be processed only after signs of the disease appear. IN northern regions the first time it is done before flowering with the following preparations: “Flint”, “Strobi”, “Topaz”, “Vectra”, “Quadris”, as well as colloidal sulfur 1-1.5% (you can add it to the anti-mildew solution). The second time - after flowering: “Topaz” or “Tilt 250” (1 tsp per 20 liters of water). The third time - after 15-20 days. If the weather is rainier - “Quadris”, if dry - “Flint”. The fourth treatment is needed on very early and early date ripening August 5-10.


Grape itch (mite).

When leaves are damaged, tubercles form on their upper side. Each tubercle on the underside of the leaf corresponds to a saucer-shaped depression, densely covered with white or pink hairs.. In case of severe infection during the plant's dormant period, eradication sprays are necessary.
“Dnokom” (2%) or “Nitrafen” (3%). When the mite appears before flowering, the grapes are treated with one of the preparations: “Omite” (30% s.e.), solution 0.15-0.2%, “Neoron” (50% s.e.), 0.1-0 ,15%, “Bi 58 new”, “Nurel D”. After flowering, you can treat with Tiovit Jet, colloidal sulfur (1% solution) or pollinate the bushes with sulfur powder. Sulfur preparations are effective at a temperature of +25 °C; at a temperature of +30 °C burns are possible. During the ripening period of berries, you can only use colloidal sulfur and potassium permanganate.


The most dangerous quarantine pest of grapes. The leaf form of phylloxera damages the leaves; in these places, galls are formed with the convexity of the leaf downward, similar to warts (with grape itch, the tubercles are convex upward). In the root form, “beak” nodules form on the roots, and swellings and nodules form on the conducting roots, causing rotting of the root system.

When leaves are damaged, tubercles form on their upper side. Each tubercle on the underside of the leaf corresponds to a saucer-shaped depression, densely covered with white or pink hairs.. Effective measures Not yet against phylloxera. It is important not to introduce a pest with the planting
material from zones of partial and continuous distribution of phylloxera. In places where phylloxera is widespread (the entire south of Ukraine, Crimea, industrial vineyards), it is possible to grow grapes only on phylloxera-resistant rootstocks or phylloxera-resistant varieties.

Leaf form of phylloxera.

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