Technology for growing tomatoes (tomatoes) in bags. Step-by-step instructions for growing tomatoes in bags You can plant tomatoes in green construction bags

Most gardeners who grow vegetables on their plot of land, deals with tomatoes. Time passes and even a novice gardener gains experience and begins to try various methods to improve growing technologies. Modern agricultural techniques make it possible to grow tomatoes in bags to save money free space in the garden plot.

Thus, it is necessary to plant seedlings not in open ground, as everyone is used to doing, but in separate large plastic bags with soil, which can be purchased in specialized stores or prepared with my own hands.

Agrotechnical cultivation technology

Surely every gardener was wondering, how to do it in bags? Vegetable crop In such conditions, the tomato develops better than others, and replanting it is significantly easier. Tomatoes in bags can be moved to different places as needed without worrying about their root system. For example, you cannot do this with other vegetables.

The first step, when planting has not yet begun, is to prepare polyethylene bags. But it is best to use white sugar bags. They are distinguished by their strong density.

Now take a “container” and pour 2 buckets of compost soil into it. The main advantage of bags is the mobility of the “structure”. If frosts suddenly begin, you can easily transfer the crop you are growing to warm room.

And here it is necessary to point out the flaw in the “design”. It lies in the fact that there will be drainage holes at the bottom in the area of ​​which the bag can rupture when dragged. Such holes must be made without fail. Otherwise, the plant's root system may begin to rot.

Choose "containers" light color. They will not attract heat, and the plants will not suffer from overheating.

If you use a “sugar” bag, then you don’t have to worry about the holes. Using a special production technology, they have already been made before you. Also, you won’t have to worry about the safety and development of the root system thanks to white color. It will never overheat.

  1. Growing low growing variety tomatoes means filling a third of the volume with soil.
  2. If a tall variety is planted, the bag is filled exactly halfway.

To get rid of excess space it is not at all necessary to cut off the “container”. You can simply turn it out.

After completing all these steps, you can begin the maintenance process. Growing is exactly the same as the classical methods.

  1. It is necessary to carry out moderate watering, when too high temperature it needs to be made more frequent.
  2. The garter should be done at the very root.
  3. It is necessary to observe timely application of fertilizers and perform the procedure of pinching branches.

After collection autumn harvest The remaining tomato must be burned. But the “containers” must be preserved. We will use them next season. As a rule, you can grow tomatoes in the same bags for three seasons.

Thanks to this agrotechnical method of growing tomatoes in bags, you can provide them with protection from frost, diseases and pests, creating ideal conditions for full development. After harvesting, the soil must be loaded onto a compost heap.

Growing secrets from experienced gardeners

Often, gardeners are in no hurry to brag about their growing methods. But we tried to collect a few secrets for you that will definitely be useful to you:

  1. You can grow tomatoes in a white plastic bag, which needs to be cut lengthwise using a special technology.
  2. To get the maximum tomato yield, plant no more than 3 seedlings per 1 “container”.
  3. Drainage holes should be made on the sides, not on the bottom. They should be small in size.

So we got acquainted with all the agricultural techniques, learned secrets from experienced gardeners that will definitely help you properly grow tomatoes in bags.

This method is one of the best for getting strong and

healthy seedlings.

A very convenient way to grow tomato seedlings in bags,

Using this method, tomatoes can be grown on a windowsill.

This method of growing tomatoes in a bag has a lot of

advantages. You can take any packages used from under

cereals, pasta, dairy products, garbage bags. And

special bags for seedlings, they are quite durable and

voluminous, they contain about 2 liters of earth. Can you imagine

how large of seedlings can be grown in such quantity


What is the advantage of growing seedlings in this way?

The bags can be easily adjusted in height, added when

necessary soil, in such packages you also need to make

drainage hole. These bags are very strong and dense and

will serve you for more than one year. If it is not possible to buy ready-made

bags, use any bags you have in the house. Main thing

the requirement for the package is that it be tight and not unravel,

since the seedlings will grow in it before planting in the ground, but it is advisable

so that it contains at least 1 liter of soil, then the seedlings

she will really turn out strong and tall.

Now let's move on to the method itself.

We take the package and fold it so that it reaches the height of

10 centimeters. We pour soil into the bag, it may be ours

garden soil, but it must first be steamed in the oven

at a temperature of 180 degrees. After the earth has cooled, it

you can add coconut substrate, perlite, vermiculite, also

You can add vermicompost at your discretion. But all these

additives must be added after the soil has steamed in the oven

and cool down. The more loose and fertile soil you get,

all the better.

Then we will plant two to three week old seedlings into this bag.

It is very convenient to pick seedlings with a teaspoon, pry

carefully, trying not to damage the roots. Make it in a package

deepen, almost to the very bottom and plant seedlings in it.

When planting, immediately remove the cotyledon leaves and add

land to this level. This method of growing in a bag is very

suitable for tall and large-fruited tomatoes. Although I

I tried planting low-growing tomatoes, and they also turned out great.

For better survival, water the seedling well, the better

root system, the easier the seedlings will take root.

Now let's consider further steps for growing such

seedlings. For two or three weeks you can not touch the seedlings at all, earthen

lump will be filled with seedlings, roots will grow and

the seedlings will grow. When the seedlings grow, you will see when

the barrel will stretch out, unscrew the bag one turn and fill everything

space with earth. After another two to three weeks, again

Unscrew the bag one turn. We tear off the lower leaves,

Let's wait until the wound dries and add soil again. And so we will

repeat until the entire bag is filled with soil and the seedlings are


This method is very good for getting an early harvest. I think that

You will really like this method and you will be pleased with the result.

You can also grow seedlings in a bag without picking.

Take the bag, fold it up to a size of about 5 centimeters and

fill it with earth to a height of 3 - 4 centimeters, this will be enough

enough. And we will sow tomato seeds there, lay them out

5-6 of them carefully on the surface of the earth and sprinkle with earth

layer up to one centimeter. The top of the soil still needs to be watered.

Label the seed type and quantity on the bag so that

In the future, do not get confused and determine the germination capacity of the seeds.

Then place a plastic bag on top to create

greenhouse effect and put the bag in a warm place. Before

the seeds will germinate, they can be kept in both light and dark

place. The main thing is that the place is warm 25 - 28 degrees.

Good tomato seeds germinate in 5–6 days. As soon as

the first light loops will appear, transfer the bag to a light room

place. And the temperature must be reduced to 20 degrees, in order

so that the seedlings do not stretch. When the seeds sprout, it will be possible

select the strongest one. If the seedlings are all strong

they can be planted in other bags. If you have phyto in stock

lamps, then at the beginning it is better to grow seedlings under them, and then

Most people who have own plots To grow crops, they definitely focus on tomatoes. Of course, over time, even the most inexperienced gardener gains experience and tries various technologies in cultivation garden crops. And there are even situations when gardeners and gardeners, completely unexpectedly for themselves, can make a new discovery. IN in this case We are talking about growing tomatoes in bags, when the seedlings need to be planted not in open ground in your gardens and beds, but in bags with soil, which is offered in a large assortment in specialized stores.

Surely, everyone who is not yet familiar with this is interested in the “tomato in bags” technology. How it happens this procedure You can watch the video at the end of the recording. Tomatoes, like no other vegetables, develop best when grown in bags. Replanting plants this way is very easy. Tomatoes in bags can be absolutely safely moved from one place to another, without worrying that you will damage their root system or stems. This cannot be done with other vegetables, for example, peppers or cucumbers.

To begin with, they can be planted in ordinary polyethylene bags, thirty liters in volume. In the “container” you need to fill approximately two buckets of compost soil - one at a time. One of the advantages of growing tomatoes in bags, for example, is that when the next frost begins in May, you will have to drag the bag of plants to a warmer room. The disadvantage in this case is that it can tear, given the holes at the bottom of it. They are absolutely necessary – so that the tomatoes’ root systems do not begin to rot and, naturally, so that there is no stagnation of water. There is one more important nuance - it is advisable to choose a color that is not dark. Because black attracts light and heat, and this can cause tomatoes to overheat and set poorly, and in this case they will need to be watered much more often.

Practice has shown that it is better to use a white bag in which sugar is sold. Such containers will be durable compared to polyethylene ones.

It doesn’t even need to make special holes for water drainage, since it already has them (by structure). And thanks to the white color, the soil and roots of the plant do not overheat in the sun, which is a huge advantage. If you are using a low-growing tomato variety, fill the third part with soil. If the variety is tall, you need to fill it halfway with soil. Then you can place the container tightly, one to one, in the greenhouse, top part turn them outward (like a sleeve).

After the same procedure proper cultivation tomatoes is absolutely identical to the classic one. Water your future crop once every few days, or more often in extreme heat. You need to tie it at the base at the root, and also be sure to fertilize and pinch off the branches.

At the end of the season, after harvesting, the plant is burned. Don't throw away used bags! You will still need them for the next seasons. On average, you can use them for growing tomatoes for three seasons.

Thanks to growing these wonderful vegetables in white bags - in the spring, during frosts, you will protect them from hypothermia, creating comfortable conditions for development. In the fall, after harvesting, send the soil to compost.

Growing secrets

You can see some growing secrets in the video below. The main points are that this method is quite simple, although unusual at first glance, especially for those gardeners who have never even heard of this.

  1. Growing in a white plastic bag with compost. It needs to be cut lengthwise.
  2. For good harvest when planting tomatoes, you need to use three seedlings per container.
  3. And also for drainage function definitely worth doing small holes on the sides of the bag.

The essence of the method is that, having planted tomato seedlings in bags, you can probably expect high yield . To implement this idea, you need suitable bags, a substrate for filling, a place where you can place them, supports for garters and healthy seedlings. This method of growing tomatoes is not too different from.

In this case, we are talking about growing tomatoes in bags, when the seedlings need to be planted not in open ground in gardens, but in bags with soil, which is sold in large assortment in special stores.

When growing tomatoes in bags, you need to carry out standard procedures: watering, fertilizing, tying, loosening, pinching. Tomatoes, unlike many vegetables, develop quite well when grown in bags. Replanting plants in this way is very easy: tomatoes in bags can be easily moved from one place to another without worrying about damage to the roots or stems.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the advantages this method landings are as follows:

To the disadvantages this method growing tomatoes include:

  • When moving, bags of tomatoes may tear, given the bottom holes. But they are necessary to prevent rotting of tomato rhizomes and stagnation of water in the soil.
  • The color of the bags should be light, because dark shades attract heat, and because of this, tomatoes will grow poorly and overheat, and it will also be necessary to increase the amount of water for irrigation several times.
  • It is possible to overdo it with watering. If you don’t check it in time, the tomatoes will die.
  • Need for use additional materials as opposed to the conventional method of planting crops.
  • You need to think in advance about the preparation and time for planting and caring for tomatoes.
  • It will take a lot frequent watering. You need to think about the location of the bags on the site so that the well or standpipe is nearby.

Water should be poured specifically into the drainage column, otherwise from excess moisture root system plants may rot.



To grow tomatoes using this method, you can use large sugar bags.(30 or more kilograms), since they are more durable and allow air and water to pass through well than similar polyethylene ones.

In this case, it is necessary to trim the corners to form special drainage holes. But this does not prevent you from taking plastic bags for planting tomatoes.

When preparing materials for planting tomatoes You should pay attention to the color of the bags: it's better that they are light colors, but if there are none, then dark bags need to be wrapped in light (white) material so that their rhizomes do not overheat. And the material from which the bags are made is not so important; they can be made of polyethylene, or you can take bags that previously contained sugar.


It is possible to buy seeds in a specialized store or prepare them yourself first. Before planting tomatoes in the soil, you need to prepare the seeds 62-67 days before - there should be 55-60 days + a week for seedlings to emerge (for details on how to grow tomato seedlings the Chinese way, read, and from this you will learn about prick-free method of sowing seeds).

Seeds must first be calibrated in a 3% solution table salt (3 g per 100 ml of water). Within a few minutes, empty seeds will float, and good ones will sink to the bottom. Then the seeds need to be disinfected in a solution of potassium permanganate or a solution of hydrogen peroxide for thirty minutes. Next, you need to harden the seeds in the refrigerator for two days at a temperature of + 1 °C.

If applied purchased seeds, then you need to monitor the expiration date. Seedlings will sprout much better if the seeds have the shortest shelf life.

The rest of the material

The soil: In order to increase the yield of tomatoes, it is best to prepare special soil before planting. The pre-prepared one should not be very alkaline or acidic; it is better to make it neutral. To obtain a loose effect, vermiculite should be added to the soil, sawdust and sand.

In order not to feed the tomatoes in the future before the ovaries appear, you need to fill the bags half with humus, and fill the second part with ordinary soil. Compost can also serve as a filler.

Supports for tying tomatoes: You can tie up the tomatoes with a rope, wire or strip, which should be pulled over the bags, to which the bushes will be tied with twine. Can also be inserted into bags wooden supports.

Detailed instructions: step by step

In a sugar container

It is best to use white sugar bags for planting tomatoes in this way, as they are denser than plastic bags. Then you need to take a spatula and pour two buckets of compost soil into the bag.

If you use sugar bags, you don’t have to worry about the holes.. Using a special production technology, they are already done in advance. Thanks to the white color, the plants will not overheat and the rhizomes will develop faster.

Firstly, growing a tall variety of tomatoes means filling a third of the volume with soil. Secondly, if a low-growing variety is planted, then the bag is filled strictly halfway. Then the bags should be placed tightly next to each other in the greenhouse, and the top part of the bag should be turned outward.

Landing goes like this:

  1. The nutrient mixture should be poured into a bag.
  2. From the container you need to transplant two or three plants into each bag, depending on their height.
  3. Tomato rhizomes should be sprinkled with soil on top, the neck should be at ground level.
  4. The soil must be compacted thoroughly.
  5. Then the planted seedlings should be watered.
  6. Next, you need to move the bags of tomatoes to the greenhouse. If the cold weather has passed, then they can be taken out into the garden.

In plastic bags

  1. In case of use plastic bag To plant tomatoes, you should cut holes for the seedlings, while cutting off the top of the bag along the cut line.

    These bags are best designed for planting three tomato seedlings in one bag.

  2. Next, you need to make drainage holes on the sides of the bag.
  3. Then you need to make small holes in the soil for planting seedlings. The dimensions of such holes must correspond to the size of the container from which the plant will be planted.
  4. The seedling should be carefully removed and transplanted into a dug hole.
  5. You can use small pegs or string for support.
  6. At the end of planting, the tomatoes must be irrigated abundantly.

How to care for tomato seeds before and after planting?

Before planting tomatoes in bags, you need to carry out high-quality disinfection of the seeds.. The seeds should be soaked in hydrogen peroxide or a solution of potassium permanganate in advance. If you purchase seeds, the need for this procedure automatically disappears. Before planting, the seeds should be germinated in advance: you need to put them in warm water and wrap in a damp cloth for several days until germination.

They also need to be dried until they flow. You need to make special grooves at a distance of several centimeters from each other using a pen, water well and sow the seeds at intervals of about three centimeters. Then you should cover the container with a transparent film until germination, periodically moistening and ventilating.

What result should you expect?

When growing tomatoes in bags, the fruits ripen much earlier than when grown traditional method(about two to three weeks ahead of schedule). Tomatoes grown in bags are significantly larger in number on each bush than those plants that grow in open ground.

With this method, tomatoes turn out much juicier and larger (you can learn about the difficulties and features of growing large tomatoes). Their weight can even reach one kilogram. Such fruits do not crack, and their flesh is much denser and fleshier than the fruits of tomatoes growing in garden beds.

Common Mistakes

  • Excessive watering. There is no need to over-fill the soil, since the outflow excess moisture removal from the bag occurs quite slowly, and the roots may rot.
  • Insufficient disinfection before next landing tomatoes.
  • After harvesting, the soil can be thrown into compost pit, and save the bags, as they can be used more than once. But before the next planting, you must definitely treat the bags with a disinfectant composition, especially if the tomatoes were sick.
  • Insufficient care of plants during decline temperature regime. When it gets cold, you need to unfold the upper free edge of the bag and cover the seedlings; for a while you can drag the bags to a more insulated room.
  • Insufficient disinfection. It is necessary, first of all, to disinfect seeds, soil and containers for growing tomatoes to prevent the occurrence of diseases, and not to treat plants for diseases.

Exactly Thanks to planting tomatoes in bags, it is easy to protect them from frost in the spring, create favorable conditions for plant development and good harvest.

Many who garden are constantly trying to find all sorts of ways to increase the yield of the products they grow and simplify the planting process itself. We advise you to look at our materials about other non-standard methods of growing tomatoes:,.

Useful video

You can watch the video below for more information on how to grow tomatoes in bags:

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