Planting dates for late varieties of cabbage. Rules for planting seeds for seedlings

Cabbage is a familiar and favorite vegetable that is often grown in personal plots in our country. Many species and varieties are known. The main thing is that the plant is unpretentious. However, when cultivating this product, it is necessary to take into account not only the main characteristics and optimal sowing dates, but also the correct choice of the method of planting this crop and its compatibility with other vegetables in the garden.

Sowing time

The plant belongs to the cruciferous family. Cabbage loves moist air (70–80%), long daylight hours of up to 15 hours and places without shade. Does not tolerate acidic soils, prefers neutral and fertile ones. Southern and southeastern slopes are suitable for planting. The culture is cold-resistant, with a powerful root system.

Southern slopes without shading are suitable for planting cabbage

The timing of sowing seeds depends on the early maturity of the plants and the growing region. There are early, middle and late varieties that are planted at different times. Here are the average data typical for central Russia:

    Early cabbage and savoy are planted from mid-February to mid-March. And cauliflower, Chinese cabbage, kohlrabi and broccoli are sown starting in March for a month.

    All types of mid-season varieties - from March 25 to April 25, with the exception of colored varieties, which are planted for seedlings from April 10 to May 12.

  1. Sowing of late white and savoy cabbage occurs from mid-March to mid-April. Broccoli - from April 1 to April 20. For cauliflower, the optimal period is mid-May or early June, and for kohlrabi - 04/15–05/15.

However, not taken into account here climatic features other growing regions. For Siberia and the Urals these dates are shifted to a later period, and for the southern region - to an earlier period.

Table: favorable dates for sowing cabbage

The above data is approximate. For more accurate calculation For sowing time, use the countdown method and calculate specific dates based on the period of ripening of vegetables and the appearance of the first shoots.

Table: example of calculating the timing of sowing early cabbage

Sow seedlings on time! Experienced gardeners can easily determine the optimal time for planting seeds, but experience comes to everyone over time.

Basic methods of growing seedlings

To avoid spring frosts and shorten the growth period of cabbage in open ground by 50–70 days, gardeners and farmers grow seedlings. Pay attention to the main steps:

  1. We prepare the soil for seedlings.
  2. We process the seeds.
  3. We sow.
  4. We carry out regular watering.
  5. We feed plants with minerals and organic fertilizers.
  6. Don't forget about hardening.
  7. We carry out the prevention of infectious diseases.

2–10 days after sowing, the first cabbage shoots appear.

Growing cabbage using the seedling method is widely used in our country.

According to cultivation technology, they are distinguished:

  • With a pick. This method involves transplanting cabbage into pots when one appears. real leaf, or a greenhouse (another permanent place) when 4–6 pcs are formed.
  • No picking.

Dive landing

Picking, picking - removal of the final part of the taproot from a young seedling in order to stimulate branching of the root system. This word also refers to the planting of seedlings from common dishes into individual containers.


Let's look at the methods in more detail.

Sowing cabbage into a snail

This method of growing seedlings will save space in your room.

Snail planting is gaining popularity among gardeners

In addition to soil and seeds, we will need:

  • container no more than 10 cm high with sawdust;
  • waterproof material (for example, a backing for laminate, which must be cut into strips 10 cm wide and 1–1.5 m long);
  • rubber;
  • polyethylene film.

Planting technology:

  1. Pour the soil (no more than 1 cm high) onto the tape, compact it well and moisten it.

    Pour soil onto a tape 10 cm wide and 1–1.5 m long

  2. Place the seeds two centimeters from the edge and at a distance of 1.5–2 cm from each other, and slightly deepen them.

    Place the cabbage seeds, slightly deepening them in the soil

  3. Roll tightly and secure with an elastic band. We place the structure so that the seeds are at the top of the package.

    Roll it tightly and secure it with an elastic band.

  4. We water, cover with film (until shoots appear), place in a container with sawdust and move to a well-lit place. Next, add water to the container.

    Water the seeds and cover with film for germination

  5. We're not in a hurry to pick! We begin transplanting only when roots appear from the bottom of the snail, gradually select more developed seedlings and transfer them to individual containers. We grow the remaining shoots on the windowsill, first twist the snail tightly.

Cabbage seedlings in a snail are ready for picking

Video: how to twist a snail

Landing without picking

This method has a number of advantages, since the growth and development of seedlings occurs evenly, the root system is not damaged when transplanted into open ground, and the plants are less susceptible to attack by pests such as the cruciferous flea beetle.

For growing cabbage experienced gardeners It is recommended to use cassettes with a depth of 6–8 cm. The dimensions depend on the variety:

  • For early ones - from 6x6 to 7x8 cm.
  • For medium ones - 5x6 cm.
  • For later ones - 5x5 cm.

The growing season of seedlings is 45–60 days.

Planting in cassettes is widely used in growing vegetables.

This method is based on sowing seeds in individual cells.. The technology is simple:

  1. We fill the cassettes with the prepared mixture 2–3 mm below its top edge.

    Fill the cassettes with the prepared mixture 2–3 mm below its top edge

  2. Lightly compact the soil, make holes 0.3–0.5 cm deep and drop 1–2 grains of cabbage there.

    Make holes 0.5–1 cm deep and drop one cabbage grain into it.

  3. Cover the holes with soil.
  4. We keep the cassettes for two days at +21° and humidity 80–90%.
  5. We transfer it to a greenhouse, the temperature in which should be +8–12°. We install it on wooden blocks or frames to provide ventilation to the roots of the seedlings. After germination, we remove the weaker sprout in the cell.

    It is necessary to provide ventilation to the roots of cassette seedlings

  6. Water 2-3 times a week. A month before transplantation, we switch to abundant moisture for 20 days, and reduced moisture for a week. We stop watering 2–3 days before transferring the seedlings to the main place.

    Water cabbage seedlings in cassettes abundantly for 20 days

  7. 10 days after sowing, we fertilize at the rate of 100 mg of nitrogen and 300 mg of potassium per liter of water for an area of ​​1 m2. We carry out this procedure every two to three days for a month and a half. Two weeks before transplanting into the ground, we reduce feeding to once a week or stop altogether so that the seedlings do not outgrow.
  8. We begin hardening the plants seven days before the end of the growing season. We ventilate the greenhouse, and 2-3 days before the appointed time we take it outside.

    Start hardening of cabbage seedlings seven days before transplanting into open ground

  9. We plant cassette seedlings in the ground when 5–6 true leaves form, and we only spray the plants with water, and do not water the cassettes or soil at all.

    Planting cassette seedlings into the ground is carried out when 5–6 true leaves form

Video: secrets of sowing seedlings

Growing in peat tablets

This method has many advantages: it is economical and easy to use, since there is no need to feed the plants, loosen the soil, or protect against infections. But the main thing is that the roots are not injured, and excess moisture is not absorbed.

Observe the following technology:

  1. We place peat tablets with a diameter of at least 4 cm on a tray at a distance of 3–4 cm from each other, water them generously. The water temperature should be 35–40°.

    Peat tablets do not absorb excess water

  2. Leave in this form for several minutes so that the size of the tablets increases 6-8 times. Drain off excess water.

    After watering, peat tablets should increase 6–8 times

  3. Drop two seeds into a 0.5–1 cm depression made in the center, sprinkle with peat and move to a bright, warm place (temperature +18–20°). To create a microclimate, cover the container with plastic film.
  4. When the first shoots appear, remove it.
  5. To water the seedlings we use a spray bottle. When the plants get stronger, add water to the pan.

    To water the seedlings we use a spray bottle

  6. We leave one shoot, cutting off the weaker one with scissors.

    Many farmers and gardeners use the method of planting plants in peat tablets

Video: sowing in peat tablets

Planting cabbage in open ground

Cloudy or rainy weather - best time for transplanting cabbage. This can be done in the afternoon. Dig up the bed prepared in the fall, remove weeds and loosen the soil.

Table: popular varieties of cabbage in Russia

period, days
Head weight, kg
White cabbageearlyNozomi F180–100 1–1,8
Copenhagen market100–120 2–2,5
Gribovsky 147 F1100–110 0,9–2,9
Golden hectare100–110 3
averageBelorusskaya 455120–130 2,5–3,5
Present114–134 4,5
lateCrewmont F1165–170 1,9–2,1
Moscow late125–150 15
Red cabbageaverageMars105–110 1–2
lateLate Beauty160–180 2–3
BeijingearlyCha-cha F150–55 2,5–2,8
averageOrange tangerine F160–70 1,7–2
lateRussian size F180–90 4
ColoredearlyMovir 7475–96 0,5–1,3
averageDomestic100–120 0,7–0,9
lateAutumn giant120–130 1,8–2,2
KohlrabiearlyVienna white65–80 1–2,5
lateGiant112–136 2,5–3
BroccoliearlyTone60–90 0,16–0,2
averageLinda80–85 0,3–0,4
SavoyaverageVertus110–130 1,5–2
lateVertue 1340130–155 1,2–2,7

Optimal timing

  • early - at the end of April or beginning of May;
  • medium - from May 25 to June 10;
  • late - May 15–25.

Planting methods

Remember that a good harvest starts with a strong and healthy seedlings, but you can do without it. There are two technologies for planting cabbage in open ground:

This is the most common method in our country.

Growing cabbage using seedlings is the most common method in our country.

Follow the technology:

  1. Make holes in the bed with a diameter of 15–20 cm and a depth of 8–15 cm.

    Make holes in the garden bed for cabbage seedlings

  2. Place the plant in the center, cover with soil right up to the leaves. Compact the soil.

    Place the plant in the center of the hole and cover with soil

  3. Water warm water room temperature. Norm: 1 liter per plant.

    Water the planted cabbage with warm water at room temperature.

  4. Don’t forget to hill up the seedlings and mulch them with humus.

    Don't forget to hill up the cabbage seedlings

Table: required age of seedlings for transplanting into open ground

Seedless method

This is direct planting of seeds into the ground. This method is widely known to gardeners. It's called "Under the Cap." It is used for the cultivation of species such as broccoli, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts. The technology is as follows:

Cabbage is sown in the ground in early March.

  • Sprinkle with earth, compact, and mulch with humus.
  • We cover it with a cap, which we use as a cut-off plastic bottle, to create a microclimate. At a soil temperature of +5+10°, seedlings appear. We remove all unnecessary and weak shoots.

    Cover the sown seeds with a cap, for which we use a cut plastic bottle

  • For the first week, we water them every day at the rate of 1–2 liters per plant, without removing the cap.
  • Don’t forget to ventilate the cabbage by unscrewing the caps on the bottles and mulch the soil around the cap.

    Don’t forget to ventilate the cabbage by unscrewing the caps on the bottles

  • The fertilizing is standard, the only difference is the timing of the first one, which must be done after thinning the crops in the holes.
  • We use a checkerboard planting order, the distance between plants of middle varieties is 40 cm, and late varieties - 50 cm. We especially make sure that the soil is constantly moist, 1-2 waterings per week are enough. The norm for plants with 4–5 leaves is 3–4 liters of water.

    Planting cabbage in the ground using the seedless method is used by residents of central Russia

    Video: agricultural technology for planting in open ground

    We remove the cap when the seedlings become crowded inside.

    Features of sowing and care

    This crop is planted in well-lit, open areas with neutral soil acidity. The planting pattern for early varieties is 45x25 cm, and the rest - 60x40 cm. The best predecessors are onions, pumpkin and legume plants. With the seedless method, the root system develops well, which shortens the ripening period by 10 days. Watering is regular, the norm is 1–2 liters per plant for development and 3–4 liters for the formation of heads of cabbage. A month before harvest, stop moistening. We do not overexpose the vegetables in the garden; we remove them depending on the ripening time of the cabbage.

    Plant compatibility in the garden

    In order for some crops to have a beneficial effect on their neighbors in the garden, experienced gardeners organize mixed plantings vegetables

    Mixed plantings improve vegetable yields

    It should be noted that you need to take into account some subtleties when choosing plants:

    • ripening time different cultures so that the soil is not exposed;
    • differences in height and development of the root system (deep, shallow);
    • similar watering needs.

    The best neighbors for cabbage are lettuce, peas, potatoes, corn, onions, cucumbers, parsley, leaf celery, radishes, melon, and spinach.

    The best neighbors of cabbage are peas, lettuce, potatoes, etc.

    I came across an article by N. M. Zhirmunskaya “Good and bad neighbors in the garden bed.” Having become interested in this topic, I spent a long time studying the subtleties and nuances of the issue. Then, for two years, I tried to apply this planting algorithm at my dacha. Not everything worked out right away as I would have liked. Today I can note that I learned how to plant plants by mixing different vegetables, flowers and herbs. Thus, I get combined plantings of main crops and additional ones, which create a favorable environment, increase resistance to disease and even affect the taste of the fruit. When using this method, the soil is protected from weeds and drying out, and the number of pests is significantly reduced, since the smell of strong-smelling neighbors repels insects. I plant lavender, marigolds, calendula, oregano, basil, sage, wormwood and peppermint along the edges of the beds and around the perimeter of the vegetable garden. In addition, it creates an ideal refuge for predatory insects, spiders and frogs that feed on pests. This does not mean that they disappear completely, the main thing is that they do not cause significant damage. Last year I was once again convinced that early cabbage and tomatoes, late cabbage and early potatoes, tomatoes and celery, beans and potatoes. From the above, I can conclude that the main functions of using the correct neighborhood are:

    • rational use of land;
    • protection from diseases and pests;
    • no soil depletion;
    • increasing productivity.

    You will have to work hard to create such beds, but the results will not disappoint you.

    Cabbage is an unpretentious crop that requires a lot of light. When sowing seeds early, seedlings from lack of sun rays may die. For this reason, it is necessary to correctly calculate the timing of sowing seeds.

    Usually, planting white cabbage seedlings begins in the second decade of March; seeds are sown gradually every few days to extend the harvest period.

    Sowing is carried out taking into account the early maturity of the variety:

    Early ripening varieties planted in the garden at the age of 30-40 days;

    Medium aged 40-50 days;

    Late ripening at the age of 50-60 days.

    To this period you need to add 4-5 days required for seed germination and approximately 3-4 days for seedlings to take root after transplantation. Thus, it is possible to calculate with great accuracy the start date of sowing seeds of different varieties white cabbage.

    Growing any garden plants begins with choosing a variety suitable for your conditions. First of all, you need to figure out when and why the cabbage harvest is needed. This seems strange, but the answer determines, in addition to the variety, the time of sowing seeds to obtain seedlings of the required age. For example, if you need to get heads of cabbage in mid-summer for cabbage salads, then you need to choose early varieties, such as Iyunskaya, Kazachok F1. If the crop is fermented, then it is better to sow mid-season varieties, for example - Belorusskaya, Amager. For storage in winter time late varieties are needed - Geneva, Kolobok.

    Please note that early varieties give a small harvest. Most varieties produce small and loose (about 1.5 kg) heads of cabbage. They can produce a harvest in 90-120 days.

    Mid-late varieties can be used as food in the summer, they can be stored and salted for some time. They can produce a harvest in 150-170 days (there are mid-early varieties of white cabbage that form a head in 130-150 days).

    Late cabbage ideal for long-term storage (some varieties can last until spring). They form a head of cabbage in 160-180 days.

    Preparing white cabbage seeds

    It is necessary to prepare seeds before planting to speed up germination and to destroy disease germs.

    To disinfect seeds, they are soaked in water heated to 50 degrees.

    After this, they are placed on a saucer, covered with a damp cloth and kept in the refrigerator for 12 hours.

    Soil preparation

    For seedlings of this crop, you should not use garden soil; it is advisable to create nutritious soil yourself soil mixture. To do this, take an equal amount of coarse sand and turf soil to destroy pathogenic (harmful) microorganisms and water the mixture hot water, sift the composition. At the end, add 10 tbsp per 10 liters of mixture. l wood ash. Ash also destroys infection in the soil, reduces acidity, and reduces the risk of seedlings becoming infected with blackleg.

    The seeds are sown in boxes or pots. Pre-mixed soil is poured into them.

    Other soil mixtures can be made, they mainly differ in the main component. For example, peat is added, not turf soil. When selecting components, it is only important to choose air-intensive components with a good supply of nutrients. After this, it is necessary to treat the soil composition with a solution of potassium permanganate.

    Attention! You cannot use soil from beds where cruciferous crops previously grew, because these plants have probably infected the soil with diseases that affect cabbage. This will cause a decrease in the quality and quantity of the harvest, and may even lead to the death of seedlings.

    Before sowing seeds, you need to moisten the soil well. The seeds are sown in grooves cut every 3 cm; the space between the seeds in the rows should be 1 cm. There should be 1 cm between them; 3 cm between the grooves. Seeds of early cabbage are sown in the first ten days of May, mid-season cabbage from the last ten days of May until the end of April, late-ripening varieties before the 20th of April.

    Before sowing, containers intended for seedlings should be thoroughly washed and treated with disinfectants (potassium permanganate solution is suitable for this).

    Sowing white cabbage seeds

    At the bottom of a shallow (4-5 cm deep) box you need to pour a drainage layer 1 cm thick; small pebbles or expanded clay, eggshells are used as drainage. After this, add soil and water it well. You need to cut neat grooves in the ground, every 3-4 cm, the seeds are buried 1 cm into the soil. You cannot place the seeds close, otherwise you will need to dig through the seedlings. After this, the seeds are covered with soil, compacted and the soil in the box is sprayed with a spray bottle.

    The containers are covered plastic film or glass and placed in a bright place in the room, where the temperature is maintained within 18-20 degrees. The first shoots can be seen after 4-5 days.

    Important! The soil must be kept moist so that the swollen seeds do not dry out. This is best done with a spray bottle. But do not forget that too much moisture can lead to rotting of the seeds and the spread of diseases such as blackleg.

    Hardening off seedlings

    When the seedlings appear, you need to start hardening the seedlings.

    To do this, the container with them is brought into a room in which the temperature is maintained at 8-10 degrees, this will prevent the seedlings from stretching.

    After a week it can be returned with warm room(greenhouse, room or insulated balcony).

    During this period it is important to support temperature regime– in the daytime 14-17 degrees, at night and in cloudy weather 9 degrees.

    Cabbage pick

    Cabbage sprouts after a real leaf “hatches” on them. The seedlings are transplanted into a common box (planted according to a 5x5 cm pattern). Before picking, water the soil with warm potassium permanganate.

    Caring for cabbage seedlings

    Pickled cabbage seedlings should be placed in a room where the temperature is maintained within 18-20 degrees so that they do not weaken, grow new roots and, as a result, quickly take root. After 2 days, it is again necessary to harden the seedlings; to do this, place the boxes with seedlings in a room with a temperature of 13-14 degrees during the daytime and 9-10 degrees after the sun sets.

    At the beginning of spring, cabbage seedlings need to be additionally illuminated with special phytolamps or fluorescent lamps, since the amount of sunlight is not enough for proper development plants.

    If you decide not to pick the seedlings, then they are transplanted immediately into a separate container. With such a transplant, the roots of the plants are practically not injured. Please note that you should not moisten the soil too much, otherwise the risk of plant disease with blackleg increases.

    Attention! In order for cabbage seedlings to develop quickly and well, it is necessary to provide them with at least 12-15 hours of daylight.

    Don't forget that for good development Seedlings must be fed without fail. It is necessary to feed the plants for the first time at the age of 9 days, the next feeding – after 14-15 days. The last of them is carried out several days before transplanting to a permanent place to increase the immunity of seedlings. Ready-made ones are good for this. liquid formulations intended for seedlings (use for feeding, follow instructions exactly).

    In no case should the temperature regime be violated; seedlings must be systematically watered; this is the only way to raise a healthy and strong seedlings.

    Planting plants in a permanent place

    When you have grown high-quality seedlings, you need to plant them in the beds. But first, two weeks before this, it is necessary to harden the plants, accustom them to the effects of temperature, sunlight, and wind, which affect plants in the open air. It is not advisable to transfer plants into open ground when the air temperature drops; with such a transplant, the seedlings may throw out the flower shoot after a month.

    It is impossible to obtain high-quality heads of white cabbage without fertile soil. Loamy soils in well-ventilated areas are best suited for this crop. Don’t forget, for cabbage you need to fertilize the soil well in the fall. For every 1 m2 of bed, half a bucket of manure is added. In areas with acidic soil, you need to add 1-2 tablespoons to each hole. wood ash mixed with 2-3 cups of high-quality compost. You can plant several bushes of seedlings in one hole, and after two weeks remove the weak plants, leaving one of the strongest seedlings.

    Plants need to be replanted at the beginning (early varieties) or in the last ten days of May (for late-ripening varieties). The soil in the boxes with seedlings is well moistened 12 hours before planting. Early white cabbage is planted in beds according to the pattern 45x25 cm, late-ripening varieties according to the pattern 35x60 cm. It is better to plant seedlings in the garden beds in the late afternoon or in cloudy weather. During the first days, cover the plants from the sun.

    Caring for seedlings in the garden

    After planting white cabbage seedlings in a permanent place, for the rapid development of plants and the formation quality harvest It is necessary to follow several important rules for caring for seedlings.

    Mandatory operations must be performed:

    Regular feeding of seedlings will make it possible to grow required amount healthy and tasty heads of cabbage. Fertilizing is done with balanced fertilizer solutions;

    Regular watering is extremely important for the growth of the vegetative mass of white cabbage, the formation of elastic and dense heads of cabbage, without it it is impossible to obtain a normal harvest;

    It is necessary to carry out preventive treatment of plants by special means, protecting plants from diseases;

    It is necessary to regularly destroy weeds in the beds.

    Please note that cabbage seedlings should be planted no thicker than every 40-50 cm; the holes should be made deep based on the size of the root system. The holes need to be watered only before planting the cabbage bushes; about 1 liter of water is poured into each hole, and the plants are immediately planted in it. Bury the stem so as not to cover the bottom leaf.

    Cabbage seedlings grow better after legumes and grain plants. Cabbage develops well if root crops and pumpkin crops grew on the site before it.

    There are secrets to growing cabbage seedlings and planting them. A modern table is unthinkable without it. If you want to grow cabbage seedlings yourself at home, then first of all you need to think about the seeds, about those varieties that will provide you with the result that will satisfy your wishes. But on the one hand, many gardeners have problems with cabbage seedlings. On the other hand, there is nothing special or difficult. How to plant cabbage seedlings?

    Seedling box

    Choosing a variety for growing cabbage seedlings

    First of all, answer very important questions before purchasing seeds:

    • you want to use cabbage only in the summer, to make vitamin-rich salads from it, for example;
    • you want to leaven it;
    • or maybe you have a basement or other storage facility where you want to store it until the next harvest.

    There are countless varieties of this vegetable. There is super-early cabbage, which already ripens by the end of June, forming tight, juicy heads of cabbage, there are varieties that ripen in mid-summer, and there are varieties that are harvested only at the end of October - they are intended for late storage. In addition to white cabbage, there is cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, Peking cabbage, red cabbage, Savoy cabbage, broccoli, kohlrabi, and decorative cabbage. The choice of variety and type depends on your needs.

    Sowing cabbage seeds for seedlings

    The technology for growing cabbage seedlings is the same for all types. Its seeds resemble radish seeds; after all, they belong to the same cruciferous family, but a little smaller.

    Cabbage is grown mainly through seedlings. This is an extremely cold-loving, light-loving plant. People often ask about growing cabbage seedlings in.

    But now is the most important thing. You can sow the seeds at home, but know that the home microclimate is absolute nonsense for her. She simply cannot live in such a microclimate. The most she can do at home is to rise, but she will immediately lie down, the color will turn pale green, then yellow, and then she will disappear. Therefore, cabbage seedlings cannot be grown at home. But, if you have a cold veranda, a glassed-in balcony without heating, then perhaps something will work out. Cold and light are important to her.

    That's why cabbage seedlings you need to grow, roughly speaking, almost on the street. We need to make a so-called cold nursery. How to make it? Very simple.

    You take an ordinary box, you can even use a balcony box for flowers.

    Container for seedlings
    The sown seeds must be watered well

    Fill it with soil. There is no need to soak or heat the cabbage seeds. They can be sown in rows or scattered. It's not that important. After sowing, it is important to lightly sprinkle the seeds with soil, trample them lightly and be sure to water generously on top. Cabbage moisture-loving plant, so there will be no harm from abundant watering.

    This box of sown seeds should not be left at home. You need to bring it to the dacha or take it out to the garden. If you still have snow, then shovel it away and place the box with the sown seeds on the cold ground. The place should be open, warmed by the sun. Install arcs on top and stretch the film. This is how your nursery will stand until the shoots appear. Shoots will appear in ten to twelve days.

    If you already have a greenhouse installed, then bring the nursery inside; additional arcs with film will no longer be needed. An additional greenhouse will need to be made only for seedlings, since they are afraid of frost. But cabbage, Brussels sprouts, Savoy, etc. do not need additional shelter; they tolerate frosts down to -5°C.

    If you have a stationary greenhouse, for example, a glass one, then the seeds can be sown simply in the soil of the greenhouse without any nursery, since the soil there is very well heated by the sun in early spring.

    So, the cold nursery is main secret receiving good harvest cabbage

    How to care for cabbage seedlings


    After some time (10-12 days) in your cold nursery you will see the following picture - a forest of seedlings.

    Very few cabbage seeds do not germinate. It's not scary that your seeds sprouted so often. This is fine. It tolerates thickening up to a certain stage - until the 3-4th leaf appears. Until this moment, you don’t need to do anything with the seedlings - just make sure that the soil doesn’t dry out and water it periodically. Remember that if it is +5°C outside, it can be +20°C in the greenhouse, and this can cause the soil to dry out.

    Of course, you may already notice at this stage that some plants are stronger, taller, more robust. Most likely, these are the ones that will be planted in the garden. But for now they are all on equal terms. You can leave everything as is and wait for the 3-4th leaf to appear. Or you can carefully transplant some of the plants from the nursery along with a lump of earth into separate pot. If the seedlings have 1-2 true leaves, then you can transplant several plants at once into a separate pot. And if there is more, then plant it immediately in a separate glass.

    Picking seedlings

    Cabbage loves to be fertilized with organic fertilizers, but before planting better fertilizer do not apply.

    This plant has very interesting feature– it is better to replant it in the ground earlier, with the full presence of 1-2 true leaves, when the 3-4th leaves are just appearing. Well, as a last resort, when the 3-4th leaves have already grown, but not later. Since in this case you won’t get large beautiful heads of cabbage, but they will ripen later. This pattern has long been noticed, but why this happens is a mystery. Apparently, this is due to the energy of the environment.

    Cabbage seedlings are usually planted in open ground 30 days after germination.

    This is approximately the size the plants should be before planting.

    Can be transplanted to a permanent place

    I do not thin out the cabbage seedlings in the nursery. Let it grow thickly. When planting in the ground, you will reject weak seedlings and choose strong, strong, beautiful ones.

    When you remove cabbage seedlings from a pot or nursery, you will plant them in the correct way - at certain distances. Plants of different degrees of development will quickly level out and catch up with each other. Even if some plants were depressed, they will quickly recover. Best for cabbage early period development is not the main thing; what is important for her is what will happen in the garden after planting.

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    You will need

    1. Cabbage is planted in rows, the distance between which is 70 cm. In a row, the distance between plants is 30 cm for early varieties, 40-50 cm for middle and late varieties. For each variety there is an exact norm, the number of plants that should be on one hectare; this information is given in directories or advertising materials of the company that works with the variety. For example, for a certain variety it is indicated that there should be 33 thousand plants per hectare. If we go to square meters, then 3.3 plants per one square meter. This results in a planting pattern of 70 by 42 cm with row spacing of 70 cm or 60 by 50 cm with row spacing of 60 cm.​
    2. ​It's done like this. A small ditch 20 - 30 cm deep is dug, seeds are sown densely into it (distance 2 - 4 cm between seeds, seeding - 1 cm). Then they are lightly compacted, mulched on top with peat, dry leaves, or at least sand, watered well and covered with glass or transparent covering material. They are planted in a permanent place when 3 - 4 leaves are formed on the seedlings.
    3. - late-ripening cabbage, stores well, good for sourdough.
    4. ​Mid-early: Stakhanovka 1513, Golden Hectare 1432​
    5. Planting cabbage seedlings at home
    6. The plant is also demanding on soil fertility. In the fall, manure or compost is added for plowing. Mineral fertilizers will not harm either. When forming a strong rosette of leaves, nitrogen is preferable; for heads of cabbage, phosphorus and potassium are preferred. If there is an excess of nitrogen, the heads of cabbage may turn out loose. On our site, in addition to manure in the fall, we use only wood ash among all fertilizers, but we apply it both in the fall for plowing and in the spring when planting. This is due to the peculiarities of our swamp plot for cabbage.​
    7. ​Cabbage is transplanted into open ground, depending on the weather, 40-50 days after seed germination. Typically, bushes are planted in 2 rows with a distance between rows of 60 cm, and between plants of 30-40 cm. Fertilizers in the amount of 60-100 g of wood ash and the same amount of humus are poured into each hole.
    8. ​To grow healthy plants, next to the cabbage you should plant dill, onions on greens and others spices. They ripen quickly and protect vegetables from certain diseases and pests. Cabbage seed growth begins when the soil temperature reaches 5-10°C. When warm weather sets in, the film is removed from the seedlings, weak plants are removed.
    9. ​Then the seeds must be dipped in water heated to 50°C and left for 15-20 minutes.​
    10. ​Planting seedlings and seeds in the ground. At the end of May, loosen the cabbage bed. Keep it free of weeds. Make holes at a distance of 50 - 70 cm from each other. Add manure to each hole, sprinkle it with soil, add humus, and plant the plant one at a time in the hole. If you plant seeds, then put 5 pieces in one hole. When the seeds sprout, they need to be picked. Leave only strong sprouts. The seedlings should be well lit and blown by the breeze. In case of sudden frosts, cover the tops of the sprouts with cut plastic bottles.​


    • ​White cabbage is most widespread in our country. It is frost resistant and can be planted seedling method and seeds. It all depends on the region where you live. White cabbage is divided into early-ripening and late-ripening varieties. Early cabbage ripens by August. She is not suitable for long storage and pickling. Late varieties of cabbage are harvested in October.​
    • ​The most comfortable way is for cabbage to grow at a distance of 50 cm from each other. It will not interfere and shade each other with its leaves, and there will also be good ventilation, this will prevent the development of rot if there is a rainy summer.​
    • ​But it is better to plant the seedlings in a greenhouse in April and then transplant them from there to a permanent place.​
    • ​It’s a pity that spring comes late here... Still, in my opinion, growing cabbage seedlings at home is quite a troublesome task; in a greenhouse it’s more convenient. Although this year I still sowed early (just June) cabbage at home, I really want early cabbage)) And I sowed it not just like that, but with intent. I read a lot about how seed treatment different drugs helps improve germination, make seedlings stronger, and so on. At first I generally thought that all this was, as they say, “from the evil one,” advertising. Then I began to delve into the topic - I decided that there was something in it. But it became interesting: is there a difference between these drugs? Well, I checked it. The tests were carried out by Immunocytophyte, Fitosporin-M cabbage, GUMI-20; The control group was soaked in plain water. For those interested, the entire course of the experiment is detailed, with photographs. ​Mid-season: Peasant, Slava Gribovskaya 231, Slava 1305, Nadezhda, Pegasus F1.​​Times for planting seedlings for different periods:​

    Rules for growing cabbage from seeds

    ​Our cabbage plot is always teeming with mole crickets - this is a breeding ground for a “wonderful” pest. Even when landing, one or two mole crickets, which we call crayfish, can be caught. Classic way Growing on such land gives zero results. Once upon a time, my grandparents persistently poured crayfish soapy water, replanted each bush eaten 5-6 times and worried about future harvest. In wet years, the number of pests reached its peak and 30 years ago a decision was made to plant cabbage in “boots.”​

    ​In contrast to white cabbage cauliflower has a very poorly developed root system, so it is necessary to ensure that the soil under it does not dry out. In hot weather without rain, plants need to be watered daily and regularly mulched with a layer of humus 6-7 cm thick.​

    ​When pests appear on cabbage, they must be collected manually or sprayed with chemicals.​

    White cabbage: early varieties

    ​After time, the seeds must be removed and quickly rinsed with cold water from the tap.​

    ​Feeding and watering cabbage. Do the first feeding of plants 20 days after planting. Prepare a strong infusion of nettles and water the soil well. A second feeding with nettles is necessary when the heads of cabbage begin to set. Cabbage is watered 6–8 times during the summer. Watering should be done by spraying water from a height of 1.5 - 2 meters. Raise the hose higher and thus thoroughly water the plants.​

    1. - cabbage seeds
    2. It is best to plant cabbage seedlings on a cloudy day, but if the days are hot, dry, then the evening is suitable for planting.
    4. ​described here​
    5. ​Late: F1 Head garden, Slavyanka, F1 Krumont, F1 Albatross, F1 Lezhkaya, Zimovka 1474, Moskovskaya late 15, Amager 611​

    ​I have never seen anything more effective and harmless.​

    ​If cabbage is left to grow, it will bloom and produce seeds.​

    ​When growing vegetables, special attention must be paid to the appearance of pests on crops.​

    A solution of potassium permanganate is prepared in a proportion of 1 g per 1 liter of water. The seeds are placed in it for 20 minutes, then removed, washed and dried again.

    How to plant mid-season and late varieties?

    The soil around the cabbage must be loosened after each watering. Do this with a pitchfork. Don't damage the roots. Remove yellowed leaves and weeds. Stop watering white cabbage 20 days before the head of cabbage ripens. Remove the late one

    ​- garlic (20 g)​

    ​Early cabbage - the distance between rows should be 40-50 cm, and the distance between seedlings 25-30 cm.​


    ​. Let me say briefly: yes, the use of drugs does increase germination, and the drugs have different effects. But what’s interesting is that after some time all the seedlings level off. Next, we need to observe whether the treatment will somehow affect the plants themselves, but something tells me that everything will end when germination accelerates... Next, we need to directly feed and care for the seedlings...​

    Pest Control Methods

    ​June cabbage​

    ​mid-season - sown from April 10-12, grown for about 35-45 days​We plant cabbage strictly in the evening or very early in the morning. At night is preferable.​

    An important feature of growing this vegetable is the need to shelter the head of cabbage from sunlight. This is done as follows: 3 or 4 leaves located around the head of cabbage are broken and they cover the head. If this is not done, the head of cabbage may turn yellow and crumble.​

    ​If you notice that any bush has withered and tiny white worms have appeared on it, the plant must be pulled out and burned. Otherwise, the larvae cabbage fly Soon other bushes will become infected. To prevent the proliferation of pests, you can dilute 3 matchbox ammonium nitrate in 10 liters of water and spill the soil under the plants.​

    Already dried seeds are ready for planting. They can be sown in pre-prepared containers of any shape and size. Since cabbage has a fairly extensive root system, it is desirable that the depth of the containers be at least 25-30 cm. The seeds are placed in the soil at a distance of 5-10 cm from each other and to a depth of about 2 cm. Then the containers are covered with film and placed in a warm place. bright place.​

    Cauliflower: planting rules


    ​- water (100 g)​

    Mid-season cabbage - the distance between rows is about 55 cm, the distance between seedlings is 40-45 cm.

    ​Before starting sowing, the seeds are checked for germination. They are placed in a damp cloth, making sure that it does not dry out. After 45 days, the seeds should germinate.​

    ​Wow, everything is written out in such detail. Very good. In general, I am wary of growth accelerating drugs, who knows how it will later affect the human body, although there is so much unnatural food now. I even collect caterpillars or sprinkle them with ash. Only when the summer is really hot, then of course you have to spray the pests. Last year the seedlings completely died, I had to buy them, but I found a very good one, not a single head of cabbage cracked and was stored all winter.​

    - ultra-early variety. Heads of cabbage are ready for harvesting 90-110 days after emergence. Head weight 1-1.5 kg.​

    Caring for cauliflower

    ​We make holes for early cabbage at a distance of 40x40 cm (we plant later ones less often), since the first heads of cabbage are smaller, they are harvested earlier, and their leaves are not so huge.​

    ​Cauliflower is harvested as it ripens, when the head reaches its maximum ripeness. Delayed harvesting may result in the head becoming less dense and even. When collecting heads from early varieties of cabbage, you can leave the stem with the lower leaves on the bed. After some time, new shoots will appear from the sinuses. All shoots with the exception of one, the strongest, can be removed, and by autumn there is a possibility of obtaining a 2nd harvest.​

    ​In June, crops may be attacked by white butterfly caterpillars. You can deal with them without chemicals. To do this, you will need to inspect the plants daily and collect butterfly larvae and eggs by hand. Of course, some part of the cabbage may be damaged, but a massive spread of the pest will be avoided.​

    ​If the cabbage seeds are of high quality, seedlings will appear within 3-4 days. When this happens, the covering film must be removed. Twice a day it is necessary to turn the containers with seedlings so that they do not stretch. After the first true leaf appears, the seedlings are pricked. For this, disposable cups are used, preferably peat ones. Transplanted seedlings are placed in a shaded place for 2-3 days, which facilitates faster rooting.​

    ​, which is intended for winter storage until it is hit by frost.​

    - box for seedlings

    Urgently plant early cabbage in open ground | The village is my homeland...

    ​Late varieties of cabbage - distance between rows 55 cm, distance between seedlings 35 cm.​

    When to plant early cabbage

    Before sowing, dry seeds are soaked in nutrient solution for 12 hours (per 1 liter of water, a teaspoon of nitrophoska, or 1 teaspoon liquid fertilizer“Ideal” or sodium humate), rinse clean water and placed for hardening in a cold place in the middle of the refrigerator for a day at a temperature of 1-2 °C. This accelerates seed germination and increases their cold resistance.​

    How to choose a site for early cabbage

    ​Ash - yes, there is ash in my garden - universal remedy)) And from diseases, and from pests, and as a fertilizer: where something is wrong - use its ash! And it does help)) And I also treat all kinds of drugs with deep suspicion, so until recently I didn’t use anything at all. But the ones I tested - they all belong to the category of biological products, so they do not cause damage to environmental cleanliness)) GUMI - in fact, these are humates, natural substances, additionally enriched with microelements. Phytosporin is spores of living beneficial microorganisms (to put it briefly). Immunocytophyte is a slightly different breed, but is also considered safe.​

    ​Cabbage Stakhanovka 1513​

    ​Mid-ripening and late-ripening varieties can be planted in the ground under film as early as April 25. When choosing or preparing a mixture for sowing seedlings, it is better not to take a mixture with organic fertilizers and mineral fertilizers. Take turf soil about 20%, peat - 75%, river sand- 6%. Soil acidity should be normal. We pour the prepared planting mixture in advance into special containers for seedlings. A few days before planting, you can water the soil mixture with a solution of the antifungal drug Alirin-B. In the treated soil mixture, grooves are made 1 cm deep at a distance of about 3 cm from each other. The seeds are sown about 1-2 cm apart and sprinkled with soil. The container is placed in a bright place (for example, on a windowsill) at a temperature of 18-20 °C. After emergence (about 4 days), the seedlings are transferred to a room with a temperature of up to 13-15 ° C so that they do not stretch and deteriorate. When I was a teenager and tried to grow seedlings without knowing it, they often stretched out and died. Next, you can choose between two options for growing seedlings. The first method is a gradual transplant with picking. Immediately after emergence, the seedlings are planted so that there is 1.5 cm between plants. After about a week, the seedlings are transferred to a cassette with 3x3 cm sections, dripping them down to the cotyledon leaves. After another 2-3 weeks, each sprout with a lump of earth is transplanted into a separate 6x6 cm cup, also buried down to the first leaves. The second method is replanting immediately after germination. Each strong sprout from a common box is transplanted into a container with a side of 6-8 cm and a soil depth of about 6-7 cm. When transplanting, the main root of the plant is cut to 2/3 of its length so that the root system is more branched. Can be divided large capacity per sector, special cassettes for seedlings are also sold. For early ripening varieties optimal size sectors are about 5x5 cm, for mid-ripening and late-ripening - 8x8 cm. You can also sow seeds directly in separate sections. In this case, 2 seeds are placed in each cube and, after germination, one is broken through. In cloudy weather, the seedlings are illuminated; the amount of light is very important for obtaining good, strong seedlings cabbage Cabbage responds well to temperature changes during the day: on a sunny day the temperature can be 15-17 °C, on a cloudy day - 13-15 °C, and at night 7-10 °C. Then she won't stretch out too much. The seedlings are watered with water at room temperature, the room needs to be ventilated. A few days before planting, reduce watering; on the day of planting in the ground, on the contrary, water it well. It is necessary to harden your seedlings before planting; for this, the seedlings are exposed to air at a temperature of more than 8 ° C. When the temperature outside becomes higher, you can leave it under the film overnight. At the time of planting, your seedlings should already have about 6 leaves and a developed root system. Early-ripening varieties are planted in late April - early May, mid-ripening - in late May - early June, late-ripening - in mid-May. Beware of frost!​

    How to plant early cabbage so as not to fatten the mole cricket

    ​We add water to each hole (even on our damp soil).​

    ​Cauliflower has a huge number of pests. To prevent plants, they must be periodically pollinated with tobacco dust and watered with a soap solution. At the same time, preventive measures should also be carried out in neighboring beds, from where harmful insects can spread.​

    ​If the leaves of the plants begin to become covered with yellowish spots and curl, your garden has been visited by cabbage aphids - the most difficult pest to control. Immediately spray the plants with tobacco infusion, solution laundry soap or special biological products. The soap solution is prepared as follows: add 400 g of tobacco dust to 10 liters of water, infuse for 2 days, then add 100 g of grated or planed soap.​

    Cabbage shoots appear on the 3-4th day.

    ​It is difficult to find vegetables more loved by domestic consumers than potatoes and cabbage. They are the basis of many traditional dishes Russian cuisine. There are several types of cabbage, and all of them are available to our compatriots. Shopping centers offer big choice cabbage: white cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, Peking cabbage, etc. In addition, thanks to the developments of seed growers, today it is possible to grow almost every type of this vegetable on your own country plot.​

    ​- film

    ​You can plant two plants in one hole and a week later - another, you will determine the leader, and pull out the second weaker plant.​

    ​Seeds of early cabbage varieties are sown for seedlings from March 15 to March 25. To extend the harvest of early cabbage, seeds are sown at intervals of 5 days. For example, on March 15 sow 20 pieces, on March 25 another 20.​

    ​I bought cabbage seedlings this year, they said they were white cabbage, but it turned out to be quite the opposite! she grew a meter tall and with some yellow flowers, but the head of cabbage itself never appeared! Does anyone know why this happens?​

    Cabbage is the head of everything

    - medium-early, resistant to cracking. Head weight 1.5-2.5 kg.​

    Planting white cabbage

    ​Planting seedlings in open ground​​Everything goes into boots - plastic glasses for sour cream, yogurt, ice cream, bottles of lemonade and kvass cut into several pieces. As a last resort - 6-8 cm of scraps of old watering hoses, cut lengthwise on one side.​ ​​
    • ​Mid-season and late-season cabbage should be expected to ripen by mid-to-late autumn.​
    • ​When the temperature outside reaches positive temperatures and the threat of frost has passed, the seedlings can be taken out into the fresh air for hardening. It is exhibited in a greenhouse or under a film cover. After 7 days, young sprouts can be transplanted into the ground. To grow cabbage of early varieties by the beginning of June, seedlings should be planted in a greenhouse or greenhouse. In this case, the distance between the bushes must be at least 40 cm, and the depth of the holes is sufficient to accommodate the entire root system of the bushes.​
    • ​There is a large number of varieties of cabbage. But the most popular are cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels, and Beijing.​
    ​- well-lit sunny bed Cabbage seedlings must be dug in up to the first leaf and during the first week, so that the seedlings take root and take root, be sure to water them 2 times a day with warm water. Sowing seeds of late varieties is carried out from March 15 to April 15, but you can do this in April in open ground under film.​

    Cabbage care

    ​how to deal with clubroot?​

    Varieties and hybrids of white cabbage

    Cabbage Nadezhda
    1. ​If your area has a fairly warm climate without severe frosts, then you can plant cabbage directly in open land. In a sunny area, the soil is loosened to a depth of about 15 cm, beds are made and a film support is placed between them to warm the soil for several days before planting. Around the 20th of April, grooves are made in the ridges at a distance of about 10 cm and seeds are sown at intervals of 3-4 cm. Attach the film to the supports, during the day in sunny weather, remove the film and let the seedlings breathe. When the first leaves appear, you need to break through the extra shoots and leave about 6 cm between strong shoots. In case of stronger night frosts, take care additional insulation. At 5-7 weeks after planting, the sprouts are transplanted into pre-prepared holes at a distance of 20-25 cm from each other. We compact the soil around the transplanted seedlings and water them with water if the soil is dry.​
    2. ​We place the plant (small seedlings are not suitable for this method) in a “boot” so that the root and part of the leaves are outside. Carefully immerse the roots of the plant in a boot into the earthen slurry and sprinkle with dry soil. The main thing is not to let your heart fall asleep. The boot is fixed in such a way that the main part of it remains underground and about 1 cm above the ground.​
    3. ​Growing various types of cabbage in your own beds will allow you to get a rich harvest. Having spent very little time and effort, you will diversify your table with healthy and nutritious vegetables grown in purely ecological conditions.​
    4. ​Scheme for planting cabbage in a garden bed.​
    5. ​For proper cultivation 10 days after planting, you can fertilize the cabbage for the first time. To do this, prepare the following solution: mix 2 liters of rotted mullein or bird droppings, ½ cup of wood ash and 1 tablespoon of superphosphate in 10 liters of water. The mixture is thoroughly watered into the soil under the plants. Occasionally cabbage needs to be loosened, but deep loosening is not allowed.​
    ​Modern varieties produce abundant harvests not only in the middle zone, but also in northern regions, the main thing is to know how to grow cabbage seeds correctly.​ - a pitchfork for loosening the soil​
    ​Dig holes in well-loosened soil at a distance of 40 cm; when planting, add humus to the holes.​​SOWING AND GROWING SEEDLINGS
    ​Growing cabbage seedlings​- mid-season. The heads of cabbage are white, dense, weigh 3-3.5 kg.​
    ​To be successful in growing white cabbage, it needs to be watered abundantly and constantly. During dry periods, be especially careful. But during the ripening period, reduce watering so that the heads of cabbage do not crack. It is also necessary to fertilize with mineral and organic fertilizers: the first fertilizing on the 20th day after planting, the second - 12 days after the first, the third - 12 days after the second. Good fertilizers Chicken droppings or slurry diluted in water are used. You can mulch the soil with humus or compost around the plant. You can fight many pests with dolomite flour, I sprinkle the cabbage with a mixture of ash. You can spill the holes with a solution of colloidal sulfur before planting. If the caterpillars have overcome, there are now many drugs, for example, Iskra D or Fitoferm. Pests can also be collected mechanically. I kill cabbage aphids with water, but you can also sprinkle them with dolomite flour. Do not water the cabbage on top after planting so that a crust does not form. In hot and windy weather, we place old buckets without a bottom over the early cabbage to protect from the wind and scorching sun rays. As soon as a new leaf appears, we remove the covers.
    ​Hello, friends! Yesterday we planted early cabbage seedlings in open ground in a permanent place, and today it rained all night. It is precisely such plantings that are the most successful and painless for this ancient plant. vegetable crop. In ancient times, it was believed that “children who eat cabbage daily become strong, strong and resistant to various diseases" And today’s grandmothers, advising them to eat cabbage, often promise their grandchildren a white neck, a curly head, a lush chest, and not only that. So there is no choice, you need to plant it as early as possible and as much as possible. Not only white cabbage, but also cauliflower occupies a worthy place in the beds of our compatriots. This is very healthy vegetable, which can diversify your daily diet. The high percentage of vitamins A, B, and C in cabbage makes it a leader in nutritional quality among vegetables. Today, many varieties of cauliflower are known that can produce high yields in cool climates. But one condition still remains: it is possible to grow cabbage of this type only when the average daily temperature reaches 15-18°C. Even the mildest frosts can destroy young plants. In addition, it is necessary Special attention pay attention to soil moisture, since when the vegetable seedlings become too dry, they stop growing.​

    Marina, Nekrasovskoe

    ​White cabbage of mid-season and late varieties is usually planted in open ground. Many novice gardeners who don’t know how to grow cabbage are interested in how they should plant the seeds? And this question seems logical: growing late varieties with seedlings usually does not lead to good results. Under the influence high temperatures The seedlings are greatly elongated, which leads to a deterioration in their quality and, as a consequence, to a poor harvest. Growing this type of vegetable should begin with sowing the seedlings. It is usually sown at the end of January or beginning of February. Before sowing, it is necessary to properly prepare the seeds. In this case, you should adhere to the following procedure: - manure and humus

    Vera, Orel

    ​For very large varieties of cabbage, such as “Moskovskaya Pozdnyaya” with a large number of leaves (even when planted it already has 5 leaves already formed), a distance between heads of cabbage of at least 70 cm is required.

    Marina, Nekrasovskoe

    ​After hardening, the wet seeds are dried so that they do not stick to the fingers, and they begin to sow on the school (that is, thickened).

    Maria, Irkutsk

    ​You can grow cabbage of all ripening stages through seedlings. Cabbage is grown both with and without picking. Seedlings of middle and late cabbage can be grown in open ground nurseries.​​Cabbage Judge 146​

    How to plant cabbage seedlings


    ​I will list several varieties of white cabbage that are best adapted to our weather conditions.​

    ​According to my observations, the only difference between this method of growing is that the plants turn out to be a little “taller” in height. Although, perhaps these are the characteristics of our soil...​
    Cabbage is a frost-resistant crop, tolerates temperatures down to -8-10°C, or even lower, without problems. And it takes root and develops much better in cool temperatures (+15-18°C) wet conditions. Of course, late varieties used for winter storage, it is too early to plant, but for June cutting, seedlings can be moved to a permanent place from mid-April until May 5th. So hurry up.​
    ​Cauliflower seedlings must be sown 48-56 days before transplanting them into the ground. In order for the seeds to grow correctly, they must be prepared. The seeds are first disinfected by heating them in water at a temperature of 50°C, then dipping them into cold boiled water for several minutes. Then the seeds are planted in containers in rows to a depth of about 1 cm. The distance between plants should be 2 cm, and between rows - from 3 to 5 cm. It is better to take soil for seedlings from the beds where the cabbage will be planted.​
    ​After the first leaf appears, the cabbage is poured into separate cups.​
    ​Before planting, cabbage seeds are selected to be at least 2 mm thick, washed, and soaked in warm water with potassium permanganate.​

    - nettle infusion

    ​That's all scientific approach, not everyone has the opportunity to plant cabbage as needed, but if there is a lot of land, plant at such a distance that the leaves do not touch each other. It will be much easier to fertilize, water and hill. A Zinnia or Marigold flower is also often planted between the rows and helps repel pests.​

    ​Soil mixture. Use a pre-prepared soil mixture of peat, sand and turf soil in equal quantities. Old garden soil, manure humus and compost should not be taken in order to avoid seedling diseases (blackleg, etc.).​

    ​Early cabbage and kohlrabi are planted first. In the case of picking, it is planted in trays or shallow boxes with a distance of 1 - 2 cm between seeds, the depth of seeding is about 1 cm. With the method without picking, the seeds are immediately sown in boxes with a depth of at least 5 cm, the distance between seeds is 4 - 5 cm. The period of initial growth occurs in February - March, and at this time the daylight hours are short and there are many cloudy days. With a lack of light, the plants stretch out and die, therefore, as soon as the seeds have sprouted, the air temperature is reduced to 8 - 12 * C. Pick cabbage when it has formed 2 - 3 true leaves. The diameter of the cups is 4 - 7 cm.​

    - mid-late ripening. Heads of cabbage of medium density, good when pickled.​

    ​Very early varieties: Varayane, Ditmarskaya, Kuuziku, June​

    ​On the eve of spring, I would like to talk about a vegetable that is already close to Russian people at the genetic level. It's cabbage! Regular, white cabbage. Since we are all waiting for the snow to disappear and the onset of spring to begin cultivating our farm, I will start with planting, and later we will talk about varieties. Like any housewife and novice amateur gardener, I want to get early, mid-ripening and late-ripening cabbage this season. To please yourself and your kids with salads made from such healthy fiber from the beginning of summer, and stock up on beautiful heads of cabbage and a barrel of sauerkraut in the fall and winter.

    ​The biggest requirement is soil moisture. One plant can “drink” up to 10 liters of water per day. The closer to the “swamp”, the better. We plant our cabbage 15 m before the “squelching” places. Bedding level groundwater

    50-60 cm. Not a single cabbage variety died from such a neighborhood.​

    Cabbage is harvested as the head of cabbage ripens. ​You can use a simple and very effective method of planting and growing seeds of mid-season and late varieties of cabbage. For this you will need regular toilet paper. Seeds prepared using the above technology are glued onto a strip of toilet paper, the length of which is equal to the length of the bed. When sticking seeds mid-season variety

    they are arranged in 3 pieces every 40 cm, late - 3 pieces every 50 cm. Then the strips are rolled up and stored until sowing.​

    ​The seeds need to be poured out of the bag and calibrated, that is, selected according to size. Those with a size of less than 2 mm are thrown out.​ To grow an environmentally friendly and rich harvest, you need to know when and how to plant cabbage in open ground. Crop varieties differ different terms maturation, this means that compliance with the conditions and rules of planting in open ground - necessary measure

    for a good result. Cabbage is cultivated in two ways - seeds and seedlings. The first method keeps the taproot intact, which reaches 2 m in length without transplantation, drawing moisture from deep in the soil. Depending on the purpose of the variety, climatic conditions

    choose the sowing period and cultivation method.

    Seedless method

    • Landing dates:
    • early varieties are sown from the last ten days of April to mid-May;
    • Mid-early cabbage is sown at the end of May, the first ten days of June;

    late varieties are sown from mid to late May. In the southern regions, Rostov region and They practice sowing seeds in open ground after March 1, as soon as the ground warms up. Early varieties produce a harvest at the end of June. In the Saratov and Voronezh regions, cabbage is sown in April. In regions of temperate and northern climates, cabbage is grown from seeds only in protected soil, under a film.


    The optimal conditions for growing seedlings are a greenhouse or greenhouse. In the apartment, the seedlings stretch out greatly, the sprouts need coolness.

    • early cabbage is sown at the beginning or first half of March;
    • mid-early varieties are sown from mid-March to mid-April;
    • Late cabbage is sown in early April.

    Based on the ripening period, sowing dates are selected. Early varieties ripen in 2-3 months, middle varieties - 3-5 months, late varieties - 5-7 months. Do not allow overexposure on the beds, this leads to cracking of the heads of cabbage. The harvest is collected in a timely manner, the summer harvest is processed, and the autumn harvest is stored.

    In areas that are at the same latitude as Moscow, Chelyabinsk, and Ufa, it is recommended to grow cabbage from seedlings in unprotected soil, since spring frosts can destroy the emerging sprouts. In cold climate regions with short summers, only seedlings are used for growing crops in open ground.

    How to plant seeds?

    Before planting, the seeds are disinfected in a weak solution of potassium permanganate and heated in hot water (45-50° C). Add a spoonful of aloe juice or honey to the water as a growth stimulant. Then the seed is dried.

    The seeds are buried 0.7 cm in a container with soil, in rows at a distance of 3-4 cm. The box is covered with film on top, creating greenhouse conditions, maintain +18-20°C. After 4-5 days, sprouts appear, they are placed in the most illuminated place, and the film is removed. Seedlings need 14-16 hours of daylight, so additional lighting is turned on in the evenings.

    To grow cabbage without transplants in open ground, several seeds are planted in each hole to a depth of 1 cm. The plants are thinned out later, leaving the strongest specimen in each hole.

    Seedling care

    With the appearance of sprouts, the temperature is reduced to +10° C. The temperature is increased to +18° C a week later, when the first true leaves appear. Water as the top layer of soil dries, avoid overmoistening, and provide ventilation to prevent “blackleg”.

    Two weeks after germination, the seedlings are picked and planted in separate containers measuring 8 x 8 cm. They are transferred to open ground at the age of 40-60 days, when the plant reaches 13-15 cm, 4-6 leaves are formed on it.

    Seedlings are fed with mineral fertilizers twice - when the first true leaf appears and two weeks before transplanting to the site. Use a solution for irrigation: for 10 liters of water 15 g of urea, 30 g of potassium chloride, 30 g of superphosphate.

    Planting in open ground

    The seedlings are transplanted into the beds when the soil warms up to +8, +10° C. Do not be afraid of the influence of slight frosts. Cabbage is hardened off before planting in open ground. To do this, reduce watering to once every 2 days, and place cups with plants outside for 3-4 hours every day. Properly grown seedlings are frost-resistant, and they are not afraid of a sudden drop in temperature to -5°C at night.

    Selecting a location

    Cabbage loves water, so a lowland area in which moisture accumulates is suitable for the garden bed. Choose a site that is illuminated, with constant access to sunlight. Every 3 years, the crop in the garden is changed; soils that are good for cabbage are after onions, carrots, garlic, and cucumbers.

    The land for planting is prepared in the fall, dug up in September, weeds are removed, humus is added - 3-4 kg per 1 sq. m. m. The soil is preferably loamy, containing humus, which retains water well. Acidic soils are limed and 1-2 cups of chalk are added per 1 square meter. m. In spring, the area is dug up again, the lumps are carefully broken up, and leveled with a rake.


    Two weeks before transplanting into the ground, seedlings are fed with potassium, which increases frost resistance. Dissolve 4-6 g of potassium sulfate in 1 liter of water and water the cabbage.

    Early varieties are planted in open soil from April 25 to May 5, mid-season and late varieties - in late May - early June. The procedure is carried out on a cloudy day in the morning or evening so that the seedlings do not suffer from sunburn.


    Before planting, fertilize the soil, add 1 tsp. urea and 1 glass of wood ash per 1 sq. m. Between the rows for early cabbage, a distance of 40-50 cm is maintained, between plants – 25 cm is enough.

    For late crops, maintain a row spacing of 50-55 cm, seedlings are planted 30-35 cm apart.


    1. Each hole is thoroughly moistened - pour in at least 1 liter of water. If there is a lack of fertilizer, mix a pinch of nitrophoska, a tablespoon of wood ash, and 0.5 kg of manure into the soil of the hole.
    2. The cabbage root is taken out with a lump of earth, trying not to damage it, planted directly in the mud, and sprinkled with a layer of dry earth on top.
    3. Overgrown seedlings are buried down to the first true leaf.
    4. Compact the soil around the stem.
    5. Water the bed - 3-5 liters of water per 1 square. m.
    6. Shade with covering material and old newspapers for several days from direct sunlight.
    7. On the second day, sprinkle the soil around the seedlings with tobacco dust to repel cabbage flies, at a distance of 5-6 cm from the trunk.
    8. The first days the plants are sprayed with water for better adaptation.

    Outdoor care

    The cruciferous family has many pests; systematic measures to combat them are necessary throughout the growing season. Since a waxy coating forms on cabbage leaves, liquid laundry soap is added to the solution with protective agents for better adhesion.

    Causes the death of the entire plant

    Pre-treatment of soil with solution Bordeaux mixture 1% will eliminate infection of cabbage with fusarium and clubroot. Treatment of seed material with disinfectant solutions will protect against rot.


    Avoid abundant irrigation of the soil for the first time after planting cabbage in open ground. Excessive humidity provokes putrefactive diseases. The frequency of watering in the future depends on natural conditions and soil quality; watering is stopped 2-3 weeks before the expected harvest.

    During the rainy season, heavy loamy soils are watered 3-4 times per season. For light fertile lands, the amount is increased up to 6 times; a hot and dry period is a reason for more frequent soil moistening, especially during the setting and intensive growth of heads of late-ripening and medium-ripe varieties.


    The crust formed on the surface of the earth after rains and watering is loosened to a shallow depth, providing free access of oxygen to the roots. At the same time, weeds are removed.

    To enhance the development of the root system, rake the soil to the stem around each seedling with a diameter of 25 cm, stimulating the growth of new roots. Seedlings are treated 7-10 days after planting in open ground to ensure trunk stability. Repeated hilling is done after 2-3 weeks, in this way they also remove excess moisture in damp lowlands.

    Top dressing

    Early varieties are fertilized 1-2 times per season, middle and late varieties - 3-4 times. Nitrogen fertilizers applied no later than a month before harvesting.

    At the beginning of the growing season, more nitrogen substances are used. The first time they use superphosphate - 20 g, 10 g of urea, 15 g of potassium chloride per 1 sq. m. It is convenient to dissolve it in a bucket of water and pour it into grooves made in the soil at a distance of 10-12 cm from the row of seedlings.

    They feed the second time when the cabbage sets heads. Apply into row spacing per 1 square meter. m. potassium chloride 15-20 g, 10 g urea, 20-30 g superphosphate. The dose of potassium is increased for subsequent fertilizing of late-ripening varieties. It is taken into account that a lack of sunlight stimulates excessive accumulation of nitrates.

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