Garden rose watering. Serious mistakes gardeners make when watering roses

What kind garden plot without gorgeous rose bushes? They are a wonderful decoration of the garden, and delight with their bright buds with early spring and until autumn. But for all this beauty to truly evoke admiration, rose bushes need proper and regular watering.

The fact is that roses are very moisture-loving plants, but they have different periods of their development, when they need more or less water, and therefore it is very important to follow this rule and water the plants according to their requirements.

For example, in the first half of summer a lot of water is required, but by autumn, if watering is not reduced, young shoots will develop that will freeze in winter, so watering must be stopped altogether. Before the first frost, the soil must be thoroughly moistened (at least 30 liters per bush) and hilled, otherwise the rose will not survive the winter well.

How often to water garden roses in summer?

As already mentioned, roses love water, but in order to water one plant surface irrigation not enough. Powerful root system It lies quite deep and needs plenty of intensive moisture.

Bush forms of roses, including roses, require slightly less water - 5-10 liters per bush, but large climbing varieties require from 10 to 15 liters.

So that when watering the water is absorbed exactly where it was intended and does not spread, it is necessary to make a kind of earthen rampart around the trunk of the plant, and the bush itself will be located in a small funnel. Arrange in a similar way trunk circles fruit trees, only for roses their diameter is much smaller.

In dry summers, you need to water roses often in the heat, since the soil dries out very quickly and the roots do not have time to absorb moisture. This should be done at least twice a week, because a little wetting of the top layer of soil will not give results.

But if the summer turns out to be humid and rainy, then one watering a week will be enough. It is wrong to think that if it rains, the plant does not need watering. After all, as a rule, rain wets only 5-10 centimeters of soil, and the root system remains dry.

What to water roses with?

For watering rose bushes, a regular watering can without a sprayer or a bucket is best. But it is extremely undesirable to water plants with a hose, because tap water is quite cold and plants will develop poorly when watered with it. It’s good when there is a tank or barrel on the site where water can settle and warm up before watering - this way it acquires suitable temperature and is freed from harmful chlorine.

Those who prefer the sprinkling method to moisturize their plantings should know that it is better to do this in the early morning hours, because in the heat of the day, water under the scorching rays of the sun will leave burns on the leaves. And if overhead watering is carried out late in the evening, then at night, with a natural drop in temperature due to moisture, fungal diseases can develop.

There are forms of rose bushes that are planted in pots and tubs to decorate a garden or gazebo. They can be as large as garden forms, and miniature ones, which decorate window sills and terraces.

Be that as it may, roses that don't grow in open ground, also need moist soil, which means regular watering. The soil should not be wet at all times, but moist. It is very good if a rose grows in clay pot, which retains moisture well, preventing the roots from drying out, as happens with plastic containers.

Not everyone knows that you need to water a domestic (Chinese) rose in the same way as a miniature one - often and abundantly. As a rule, such a plant is grown in large containers, which means that at least 5 liters of water will be required for watering. To prevent root rotting, indoor roses good drainage is needed. These plants respond well to spraying on the leaves, but not under direct sprays. sun rays.

The long-awaited summer has arrived and gardening lovers have more worries and troubles. After all, growing roses in the garden is not a simple process and involves quite a lot of work - watering, treatment against pests and diseases, pruning, weed removal, loosening, fertilizing and a host of other problems.

First of all, we need to talk about how to water roses in the summer, since water is life for all living things and this circumstance should not be overlooked.

There is no need to water the plants with small portions of water and often. This leads to the formation of new roots in the upper layers of the soil. IN winter frosts and in the summer heat such a root system can be significantly damaged .

If the soil under the rose bushes is dry to the depth of a finger, then you need to start watering. It is recommended to pour under each mature plant at least 10 liters of water. This dose should be enough for a week or 10 days depending on weather conditions. After watering the next day, the crust that invariably forms under the bushes should be loosened and mulched. Mulch will not allow moisture to quickly evaporate from the top layer of soil. and then watering in hot weather can be reduced.

The best solution would be to add crushed grass to the plants. tree bark or the remains of pruned branches, also finely chopped or passed through a shredder ( special device for grinding). Water passes through this mulch well and a crust does not form. Loosening helps the roots get the oxygen they need.

It is not recommended to water roses late in the evening if the nights are cool, as this may cause the plant to become sick. Also, you should not water on the leaves and flowers, especially in the heat. Drops of water refract the sun's rays and plants can get burned.

To save more moisture, it is under the rose bush that you can make a roller of earth around the trunk. Then the water will not spread to the sides and will all go to the roots. Young plants are watered in smaller doses, but adults are lavishly flowering bushes may require a water consumption of significantly more than 10 liters. Climbing and bush species roses After all, they themselves sometimes grow up to several meters, so water evaporates from their huge leaf mass much more than, for example, from a bush hybrid tea rose or patio roses. If you water your pets early in the morning, it would be a good idea to give them a shower, the leaves will be washed off dust, and the plant will have time to dry before the heat sets in. Of course, the most good option it would be install automatic system automatic watering, but not everyone has such capabilities, so you will need to take into account the consumption of water in liters that fit in buckets and watering cans.

If we consider the question of how often roses should be watered, then it is impossible to give a definite answer, since much depends on the structure of the soil. Roses growing on sandy and sandy loam soils naturally need more frequent watering. At the same time, watering can be combined with fertilizing with organic or mineral complex fertilizers. But more on that in another article.

The rose is called the queen of flowers, and, true to its name, it is one of the most capricious plants. In order for your roses in your flower garden to have a lush color, they need proper care, because even the slightest mistake can destroy the plant. One of the important procedures in the process of growing roses is watering. In this article we will tell you in detail how to water roses.

Rose - very capricious flower, which will be negatively affected by both a lack of moisture and its excess. How often should you water roses? Flower growers talk about what to water rose bushes should be once a week. However, you must determine the exact watering regime yourself, based on the condition of the topsoil and changes in the plant itself.

Young seedlings need more moisture than more mature specimens. This way they can take root well.

Also, during the period of bud break, you can slightly increase the frequency of watering. A plant that has bloomed for the first time should also be watered generously.

Watering rules

Before we talk about how to water roses at each time of the year, let's look at a few general rules which should be followed. So, how to properly water roses in open ground?

  • First of all, when planting, leave a small soil cushion around the rose bush. This will allow you to immediately collect moisture from the roots, preventing the water from spreading and evaporating without properly nourishing the plant.
  • Be sure to reserve water for irrigation. As is known, ordinary tap water contains a large number of harmful elements, extremely dangerous for your flower (for example, chlorine). So don’t forget to let the water sit for at least a few days so that it becomes more or less clean. If it is possible to water the flowers with rainwater, this will be the best option.

  • It is strictly forbidden to water your beauty cold water. It must be warm so that the rose does not get sick.
  • It is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the soil and plants, and water the roses in a timely manner. On average, watering is carried out once a week, but if the soil is still quite moist, postpone the procedure for another day. If the leaves begin to turn yellow, this is one of the signs that the rose does not have enough water and the situation needs to be corrected immediately.
  • As a rule, one bucket of water is spent on one rose bush.
  • To ensure that the roots have free access to oxygen, be sure to loosen the soil after each watering. This way, a film does not form on the surface and the earth becomes breathable.
  • Flowers take sprinkling very well, so you can buy a small watering can. This way you can thoroughly moisten both the soil at the very base of the plant and the leaves.
  • But you can forget about watering with a hose - this will only harm your roses. Firstly, such superficial watering will be of little use. Secondly, for such irrigation, as a rule, cold tap water is used, and we have already written above about its dangers.
  • Never water or spray your rose in hot weather. Droplets of water that remain on the leaves or petals after this procedure can cause a very severe sunburn.
  • Do not water the plant in the evening, since at this time of day such a procedure can lead to the appearance of extremely unpleasant fungal diseases that can cause a lot of trouble for gardeners.

in spring

As soon as the warm sun comes out, you can think about the first watering in this year. Since in spring period roses are actively growing - new shoots are growing, buds are swelling - it takes them a lot of effort. As a caring owner, help your flowers.

Water them once a week in the spring. If you have just planted a young seedling in the ground, you should give it Special attention and water every other day, gradually accustoming it to the normal frequency of watering. This will greatly contribute to accelerating its growth.

Not too much young plant Watering once every two weeks will be sufficient.

In fact, despite these recommendations, you determine the watering time yourself, based on the condition of the soil under the roses. To check this, you need to remove the layer of mulch and use a shovel to dig 10 centimeters into the ground. If the ground there is wet, then the rose does not need moisture.

In summer

During dry, hot summers, watering must be done often enough so that the soil in which the rose bushes grow does not dry out. If the summer turns out to be cool, then you can water the roses as usual, you can even slightly reduce the frequency of watering. At rainy summer it is still necessary to water the plant - although rain creates the appearance of saturating the soil with moisture, it only wets it upper layer, the root system remains intact.

In general, monitor the condition of your flower garden and determine whether the flowers need this procedure.

in autumn

In order for the flowers to gain strength before severe frosts, it is necessary to water them generously with water two weeks before frost (10–15 liters are needed per bush). If they grow on your site, they will require as much as 40 liters of water. After this procedure, the bushes are hilled up, and the plants themselves are covered.

Watering during feeding

The rose is nourished with water nutrients, therefore, before feeding or immediately after it, it is customary to water the flowers abundantly. In addition, they often add to water nutritional elements, which promotes the rapid absorption of these substances by roses. So, dilution in water will be very effective. wood ash, urea or saltpeter.

In addition, you can add to the water used for watering plants. various infusions. The most popular is nettle infusion, but sometimes weed infusion is used.

Video “How to water roses correctly”

From this video you will learn how to water roses correctly.

I love roses very much abundant watering. Immediately after planting, water them every day. When the seedlings take root, once a week will be enough: in the morning or in the evening. Do not water rose bushes during the day in the heat: drops of water falling on the leaves will very quickly cause a burn. Water for irrigation must be warm ( room temperature). You can use rainwater. Leave tap water for 24 hours: during this time, chlorine will be released and it will have time to warm up under the sun's rays. Water very carefully from a watering can, right to the very root of the seedling. After this, the soil around the rose bush must be mulched: place a thin layer of peat, sawdust or loose vegetable compost on it. Mulching is performed for two purposes: to prevent moisture evaporation and to prevent erosion of rose roots. The roots must have constant access to oxygen. To do this, loosen the soil regularly. As soon as the cold weather sets in, compact the soil around the roses.

Disease and pest control

Inspect roses regularly in order to manually collect individual pests. Sprays serve as protection against diseases and bugs. Treat the bushes in early spring copper sulfate(100 grams per 10 liters of water). This spraying helps a lot powdery mildew. If the disease does appear, then to combat it, use the drug “Topaz” (4 ml per 10 liters of water) or “Skor” (2 ml per 10 liters of water). Spraying with colloidal sulfur (40 grams per 5 liters of water) is very effective. Fungicides such as Bordeaux mixture and a solution of copper-soap liquid help well in the fight against many diseases and pests.

Feeding roses

Traditionally, fertilizing is carried out several times. Complex fertilizers enter before you start abundant flowering. Ammonium nitrate and potassium salt - 10-15 grams per bush. During the bud period best fertilizer- slurry solution. Water to manure ratio: 10:1. For 3-4 plants you will need about 10 liters. Feed the roses in August phosphorus-potassium fertilizers: 15-20 grams per bush.

Pruning and shaping the bush

Pruning is the key to intensive growth and abundant flowering of rose bushes. Each rose shoot grows and develops for several years, and then dies, starting from the top. On the stem of the bush there are buds from which new shoots develop. If the rose bush is not pruned, it will look unsightly due to the presence of dead shoots. Only climbing roses do not need pruning. After removing excess shoots, a more strength in order to nourish the aboveground part of the plant. They no longer need to supply dead branches with the necessary substances.

For pruning, use sharp pruning shears, and if the stems are more than 2 cm thick, use a garden saw. Shrub, standard and other types of roses are usually pruned in early spring. Form multi-flowered roses in late summer or autumn, after flowering has ended. Avoid pruning too late as this will weaken the rose bush. There is also a rule: trim the planted bush so that the number of shoots is equal to the number of roots.

Roses - pretty capricious plants, sensitive to many factors, including watering. They respond to the composition of the water, the frequency and abundance of watering. It seems that it could be simpler: water the flower regularly every day, and it will grow and bloom. But in the case of roses there are subtleties and peculiarities. How to water roses correctly so that they bloom well and abundantly? How often and with what water should roses be watered?

Experienced gardeners It is recommended to water roses with rain or melt water. Tap water from the tap is not very suitable for watering roses, since it contains a large amount of various mineral salts. In the absence of rainwater, you can use regular water. tap water and leave it for 24 hours.

Roses are moisture-loving flowers. They suffer from a lack of water painfully: the foliage withers and crumbles, the growth of shoots stops, the bushes lose their decorative effect, flowering is reduced, and the flowers themselves become smaller.

Despite the fact that roses love moisture, water them frequently and small quantities Not recommended. With frequent watering, rose bushes develop strong superficial roots, which are easily destroyed when loosening the soil, and the rose may die as a result.

On dry days, roses are watered 2-3 times a week. Approximately 5 liters of water (about half a bucket) are added to each bush. Water roses early in the morning or late in the evening, but so that the leaves have time to dry before nightfall.

In rainy weather, watering should be done less frequently.

Once a week it is necessary to water the roses abundantly. Around each bush, holes or small furrows are dug into which 10 - 15 liters of water (1 - 1.5 buckets) are poured. After watering, the holes are sealed and the soil around the bush is loosened to a depth of 5 - 10 cm.

In hot weather, it is not recommended to water roses with cold water. Strong temperature changes are harmful. Under such conditions, the roots of roses lose their ability to absorb water, and the rose may experience water starvation. It turns out that you water the bush, but no moisture enters the plant.

Before and after fertilizing the rose, it is necessary to water it, since excess salts are harmful to roses. After applying fertilizers, watering is carried out, and then, when the soil dries out a little, the soil around the rose bush is loosened to a depth of 5 - 6 cm.

In order for the rose to survive the winter well, the soil under the bush must be dry. Therefore, rose bushes begin to prepare for winter in advance. At the end of August - beginning of September, watering of roses is stopped. If the summer turns out to be rainy, then watering the roses is stopped even earlier - from the second half of August.

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