Planting onions on turnips before winter. Planting winter onions in the fall: suitable varieties and optimal planting time

When to plant onions in winter in the Moscow region to get guaranteed harvest? The planting time for onions in the Moscow region is slightly different from the planting time for garlic. And if garlic can afford to show feathers above the soil level before the start of snowstorms, then onions are like death. Planting such an onion is too premature and prohibited. Because once the seedlings are released, extra efforts will be required to additional protection shoots, and filling it up too late is equally dangerous. The bulb may not produce roots at the right time.

Planting onions before winter in the Moscow region takes place from September 19 to October 25. Moreover, the first terms are small fractions and “oatmeal”. And the larger the onion head, the later it can be planted. So the most successful period for landing is during the day from 0 to plus 5-8 °C, and in dark time drops to –3 °C. At this time, the soil heating figures are in the zone from +3 to +5 °C at a depth of 0 to 10 cm. But according to the forecast, there is no thaw

How to plant onions before winter, to what depth should they be buried so as not to freeze?

For the purpose of planting, it is advisable to give preference to a dry place well warmed by the sun. And besides, for winter onions It is good to arrange a bed after growing, in these beds, cucumbers, potatoes, beans, peas or tomatoes.

The planting of onions for the winter itself begins with the initial digging of the planting site with a flat-toothed fork, followed by cutting up the soil with a rake and manually selecting all the roots and rhizomes of the weeds. After a week, the soil should settle, the beds are marked out. If onions from 1 to 2.4 cm are planted, then the distance between the rows is 15-17 cm, and if small onions are 10-15 cm. The depth depends on the type of soil in the beds. If it is heavy, then the depth is up to 8 cm, and if it is sandy loam, then 10-12 cm.

In dry autumn, it is necessary to water the bottom of the row. After complete absorption of water, planting can be carried out. Between the onions themselves you need to leave from 2-4 cm (small things) to 6-9 cm if these are large onions. But no larger than 2cm in diameter.

You cannot fertilize the soil with manure, ammonium nitrate and urea before planting onions; it can either freeze over the winter or “burn out” from rot. The planted onion can and should be covered with humus, leaf or turf soil, but not with sand. If this is not possible, then it is necessary to rake the soil from the garden bed.

When a stable winter sets in, it is good to cover the bed with corn, sunflower or spruce branches. This will save more water, but do not allow the soil to thaw during deep thaws. However, in the spring it is better to remove such protection, and early. Since late heating of the soil negatively affects the condition and development of the plant, which in turn leads to crop losses. Under no circumstances should polymer films or dense agrofibre be used for covering. This can kill the plants, because from the beginning they will be squeezed out of the ground by growing roots, and then, when the soil freezes completely and severe frosts set in, the bulbs freeze and can no longer recover with the arrival of spring.

What onions are planted before winter (varieties, types, sizes)?

For a long time, gardeners in the north used only the smallest fraction of local varieties for winter planting. And that’s only because it dried out anyway when stored in the hut. But starting in the 90s of the twentieth century, the climate began to change, becoming hotter and drier. This weather is most unsuitable for onion plants. Therefore, scientific breeders joined forces and found that when grown in the “winter” type, onions receive, without loss, all the winter-spring moisture and remain in a comfortable atmosphere (cool and humidity) for as long as possible.

Thanks to the efforts of many European breeding giants, we have many varieties of winter onions. Nowadays, foreign companies, manufacturers of planting material, sell varieties and hybrids of onions: F1 Element, Glacier, Swift, Radar, Aldobo, Alike, Agro winter, Kip-Well F1, Shakespeare, Troy, Echo F1, Arctic, Sunshine, High Keeper, Taf Ball, Sonic, for growing with planting in winter. Varieties have not only different degrees of bitterness, but different time ripening, which allows you to extend not only the harvesting time, but also the time of using the harvested crop. Since such onions can be stored for no more than four months. Thus, golden-orange onions are sharper than those with milky white covers. And raspberry-lilac varieties are ideal for salads and snacks, without heat treatment.

Of the local varieties, only the sharp, low-germ onion varieties Bessonovsky, Strigunovsky, Arzamassky, Danilovsky-301, Myagkovsky-300, Odintsovets, Chalcedony are suitable. But they “winter well” only if they are the size of a wild oat or smaller.

Can be planted in winter. There is also a lot in common in terms of timing - you can plant at the same time. But onion, despite the fact that it is not a capricious crop, it can be planted before winter in the Moscow region and reap a rich harvest spicy vegetable to the envy of the neighbors, and even a couple of months earlier. But there is still a row significant features and nuances that must be known and observed so that the onion comes out large, well-formed, well stored, and does not shoot during the growth process. Knowledge of these subtleties allows the summer resident to spring sowing that when planting onions for the winter, you will get excellent harvests. And winter plantings, in some ways, have a number of significant advantages over early spring plantings. Especially in areas with hot, rain-poor summers. Which is what central Russia is.

Planting winter onions

The bed for planting is prepared early in the fall. In this case, the place should be sunny, protected from drafts and well warmed by sunlight. It is important to observe crop rotation on your site. Before allocating a place for its planting, it is necessary to take into account the crops that grew in this place before it. You cannot plant it after onions, garlic, potatoes, tomatoes, and other crops.

The best predecessors are carrots, beets, dill, zucchini, cucumbers, and pumpkin.

Onions are not particularly picky about soil composition. But still, it prefers light loams, humus-rich, well-structured chernozems. Not particularly fertile soils need to be enriched with minerals. To do this, well-rotted manure (3-4 kg/m2) or mineral fertilizers are added under the shovel: superphosphate (20-25 g/m2), potassium salt (10-15 g/m2), half a glass of ash per m2. Nitrogen fertilizers are applied only in early spring ( ammonium nitrate 10-15g/m2, urea).

The ridges should be high, rising 7 - 15 cm above the level of the bed itself. On low, marshy ridges it is cold and winter onions do not winter well. In addition, he is afraid of flooding during spring floods and may dry out. They must be cut in advance (1-2 days in advance) so that the soil shrinks, as if it floats, and only then distribute the seed along the row to a depth of 2.5-4 cm (it should be approximately three times the diameter of the planting onion clove). The distance between the rows should be 20-25 cm, and between the bulbs in a row - 7-10 cm.

Seed material must first be disinfected by placing it in a solution of fungicide or manganese for no more than 20-25 minutes, followed by drying.

Most good bow sets for obtaining a large head, which lies well and does not shoot during the growing season, has a diameter of 1.5 cm. More large set gives an arrow if stored incorrectly. Before planting, it is recommended to immerse such winter onions in boiling water for one minute to remove the shoots.

A more modern way is to place it in the microwave for 1-1.5 minutes.

Thus, knowing which onions are best to plant before winter, and how to do it, the summer resident will easily receive the planned harvest in the summer, a harvest without loss.

When to plant onions before winter in 2018 according to the lunar calendar

Planting begins on average 25-35 days before the onset of stable minus. Planting before winter in the Moscow region , just fall on the 1st-2nd decade of October. It can also be planted in November, subject to optimal temperatures.

Favorable days in 2018:

  • October - 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26
  • November - 1, 2, 19, 20, 21, 22, 28, 29

The most important thing is to guess the timing so that the onion sets only have time to become saturated with moisture, swell and take root well, but at the same time they do not begin to grow and do not produce shoots that appear above the soil surface. In this case, its winter hardiness is greatly reduced.

It is best to plant winter onions when the soil temperature reaches 2-3 ºС.

The sowing rate should also be increased in case the plants “fall out” due to severe frosts.

If the winter is favorable, in the spring you can thin out the rows for the first green salads. Later, when the ground begins to freeze, be sure to cover the bed with spruce branches, dry litter, peat, or possibly agricultural material. Cover with snow in winter. In the spring, as early as possible, this blanket will need to be “removed” to open the surface of the bed first sun rays and warmth.

In the case of a snowless and very cold winter with prolonged frosts below - 2ºC, the result of wintering can be sad. But it can be fixed. In the spring, after the snow melts, when the ground warms up enough, “repair” them with onion sets left for the spring.

During the same period for bookmarking large onion It is important not to be late with early spring feeding with a solution of mullein and bird droppings (1:10, 1:15, respectively). It is advisable to cover winter onions with film to prevent moisture from evaporating. A little later, closer to the second ten days of May, carry out another fertilizing with mineral fertilizers at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. per bucket of water: superphosphate, potassium sulfate, wood ash and mullein 1:10 (1 part mullein: 10 parts water). It is better not to overdo it with nitrogen fertilizers. An excess of them will lead to the growth of green leaves, which will have a detrimental effect on the size of the head.

Planting onions before winter means you can’t go wrong!

This winter planting has whole line advantages over spring:

  1. Firstly, the summer resident, having planted onions before winter, frees his time from these worries in the spring. After all, in the spring there is especially not enough time, along with the simultaneous worries about all the crops at once.
  2. Secondly, it sprouts very early, long before planting spring set. And moisture during this period is the dominant factor for its development and the laying of the future harvest. This is also a plus - it does not need to be watered. Saving time and water.
  3. Thirdly, winter onions are more tender and sweeter than spring onions, they turn out to be fulfilled and ripened, so they are stored well. It has enough moisture throughout the growing season to grow a large juicy mass. And by the time of harvesting, just at the end of May, which is 1.5 - 2 months earlier than spring harvesting, precipitation is in short supply, which is what onions need in the pre-harvest state. Which also has a beneficial effect on its gradual ripening in natural conditions. The root collar dries to the desired state, so that the causative agent of neck rot cannot penetrate inside the head. All this contributes to good shelf life during the entire storage period.
  4. Fourthly, planting onions for the winter means protecting them from the onion fly. By the time she awakens, he is no longer afraid of her.
  5. Fifthly, preserving onions in winter is sometimes a real problem. IN in this case it disappears. There is no need to store it, no need to rack your brains about where to put it so it doesn’t dry out or rot, and how to store it so that it doesn’t shoot out in the spring. This is especially true for the small fraction, the so-called wild oat (up to 1 cm in diameter). During storage, it simply dries out, although when planting such onions for the winter, they produce good heads, and even those that do not shoot.
  6. Sixth, the first spring greens, the first vitamins, are already on the table in April. You can make your first green salads.

Onion varieties for planting before winter

And yet, not every variety of spicy vegetable can be planted on your site in winter. Winter varieties Breeders are specially bred for these purposes. Therefore, before deciding to plant it on your summer cottage next year, you need to familiarize yourself with the list of such varieties and, having chosen the most suitable one, purchase it in a specialized store.

Winter varieties are the most winter-hardy, resistant to fungal diseases and gray rot above all.

Spring varieties require longer duration daylight hours, respectively, sown in the fall, it will give a friendly shoot in the spring and the entire harvest can be thrown into the trash.

Such valuable qualities The following winter varieties are available: Elodie, Buffalo, Avanti, Augusta, Radar, Danilovsky, Odintsovets, Ellan, Strigunovsky, Swift, Arzamas local, Bessonovsky, Malakoff, Siberian early ripening, others; hybrids: Ibis, Imago, Music, Wolf, Radar, Panther, Siberia, Echo, others.

It turns out to grow winter variety onions you just need a little knowledge and work to get desired harvest. It turns out that this is not as difficult as it seems at first glance.

And planting onions before winter in the Moscow region, as well as in middle lane Russia and even in distant Siberia are a wonderful way to grow such a useful vegetable, which is irreplaceable in the national Russian cuisine. Now there is no need to complain about bad climatic conditions, frost, drought, lack of watering, bad soil, pests, diseases, bad seed material. You just need to change the approach and technology of growing onion vegetables so that there is plenty of it all winter and all year. Have a good harvest!


With the arrival of spring, activities on summer cottages resumes. This wonderful time forces gardeners to work hard to move into the phase of waiting for the harvest. And I really want to make my work a little easier and enjoy the fruits from my garden a little faster. Therefore the majority experienced gardeners prefers to do some of the planting work in the fall. This technique has a lot of advantages - no need to waste time in the spring and the opportunity to get early harvest. Usually garlic is planted before winter, but this article describes planting onions before winter. This burning crop develops well with the arrival of spring, but special attention should be paid to the execution of the work. In the materials of the article you will find useful tips, description of the organization autumn planting, subtleties of crop cultivation in different regions and the best cultivars.

Onion – description, photo

Allium is like that scientific name kind. In nature, the plant develops as a perennial, but most cultivated forms are grafted with a biennial life cycle. Wild representatives of the genus are widespread in the Northern Hemisphere - meadows, undergrowth and wide steppe are the favorite habitats of plants of the Amaryllidaceae family, the Onion subfamily.

Informative! Tearing when cleaning turnips is caused by 1-sulfinylpropane. The product of the reaction of this lachrymator with water from the lacrimal glands is sulfuric acid, causing merciless burning and lacrimation.

The underground part of the plant is represented by a bulb with a fibrous bunch of roots. The diameter of the head is up to 15 cm. The bulb consists of several layers of scales. The outer ones dry out and turn into a protective shell. The color scheme is yellow, white and red-violet. The inner scales are white and fleshy.

Less common are specimens with greenish or purple tint. In fact, the scales are reduced leaves that are attached to a shortened stem - the bottom. It serves to accumulate nutrients, has a characteristic smell. The aroma of the plant is caused by the content of essential oils containing sulfur compounds. Allicin causes irritation of mucous membranes and is used by representatives of the genus Allium as protection against pests. The axils of the succulent scales contain growth buds from which daughter bulbs develop. Hollow leaves of linear shape are collected in a basal rosette. The dark green plate is covered with a layer of bluish waxy coating.

By mid-summer, a powerful flower stalk appears from the bottom, reaching a length of 1.5 m. The flower stalk is hollow, thickened, and swollen. At the end there is a large multi-flowered inflorescence in the form of an umbrella. Before flowering begins, the umbrella is covered with a film shell.

Flowers with a greenish-white corolla consist of 6 petals with 6-7 pronounced veins. Inside the corolla there are 6 stamens and a pistil attached to a three-locular ovary. Up to 6 small triangular seeds are formed inside the fruit-box. Rarely do tiny bulbs form in the umbrella. Black wrinkled seeds remain viable for only 2-3 years and ripen by the end of summer.

Know! Essential oils cultures easily pass into breast milk, giving it an unpleasant taste. At breastfeeding It is better to refrain from consuming raw onions. For the same reason, it is not advisable to graze animals in areas where wild relatives of the plant grow.

Surprisingly, the hot vegetable contains up to 6-10% sugars. They have approximately the same indicator green apples and watermelon. Onions are rich in inulin, organic acids, and enzymes that improve digestion. B vitamins, ascorbic acid, potassium, magnesium, calcium salts, iodine, carotene, phytoncides - this is not the entire list of useful substances that make up the fleshy scales.

The beneficial properties of the plant were also noted by Avicenna, who advised treating sore throats and cataracts with the product. Ibn Sina noted the disinfecting properties of the culture. The doctor recommended washing purulent wounds with juice, purifying contaminated water, and saving yourself from epidemics. At the same time, the vegetable’s ability to improve intestinal motility and stimulate appetite was discovered.

Since ancient times, the culture has been used by humans as a seasoning for various dishes. The harvest is consumed fresh, canned, dried, and added to salads and soups. The ancient Egyptians used beneficial features for the treatment of obesity, rheumatism, gout. The Romans believed that daily consumption of bulbs would give strength and courage to soldiers, so the crop was included in the soldiers' diet.

This is interesting! The plant is a valuable honey plant, capable of producing a lot of nectar for pollinators even in the heat. By the time it ripens, light yellow honey loses its characteristic flavor.

Even modern medicine recognized the benefits of the product and released a number of drugs for the treatment of atherosclerosis, diseases gastrointestinal tract, hypertension and colpitis. Asian guest used in folk medicine and cosmetology. It perfectly strengthens hair, treats seborrhea, reduces freckles, and prevents skin aging.

Features of planting onions before winter

Gardeners who have decided to do this should know that not every cultivar is suitable for this. This method is especially frightening for residents of frosty regions - Siberia and the Urals. Experienced vegetable growers recommend using cultivars strictly in accordance with their zoning. Of course, they must have a high threshold of winter hardiness.

The second nuance of growing is careful sorting of the material. The smaller the bulb, the greater the likelihood of successful wintering in the ground. For these purposes, only the first category of bulbs and wild oat, the diameter of which does not exceed 1 cm, are suitable.
It is also important to choose the right time for planting, because the appearance of sprouts is unacceptable. If you plant a bed early, they will certainly appear and destroy the future harvest. If planting is too late, the material will simply lie in the ground and will develop only with the arrival of spring (if it does not freeze due to lack of moisture). The organization of shelter from freezing is necessary only in regions with harsh climatic conditions.

Advice! Seeds can be used as planting material. Behind cold period they will undergo natural stratification and give good harvest sevka

What varieties of onions are suitable for planting before winter?

Only frost-resistant hybrids, zoned for your region, are suitable for winter planting. They tolerate frosts more easily, and with the arrival of spring they quickly begin to grow and have excellent germination rates. Give preference to early ripening cultivars, then the harvest can be harvested at the end of June. Southern varieties are absolutely not suitable for winter planting; they will simply freeze out. To make sure you don’t make a mistake, select several cultivars, and after harvesting, mark the most productive ones.

Gardeners preferred the following varieties:

  • Ellan;
  • Strigunovsky;
  • Arzamas;
  • Odintsovets;
  • Ruby;
  • Stuttgarten Riesen;
  • Chalcedony;
  • Bessonovsky;
  • Buran;
  • Danilovsky-301;
  • Myachkovsky-300.

Advice! The most productive are Ellan, Bessonovsky and Strigunovsky. They combine high yield, early ripening and good frost resistance.

After which crops is it better to plant onions?

Compliance with crop rotation on the site allows you to achieve high yields. If cultivated plants Constantly planting in the same place increases the likelihood of infection by fungi and pests, the soil structure is disrupted, and nutrients are depleted. It is important to select the right predecessors, since most crops have the same diseases. If from year to year the plants “roam” around the site, the risk of contracting a disease or being attacked by pests will be significantly reduced.

As predecessors for representatives of the genus Allium, it is preferable to choose corn, tomatoes, cruciferous vegetables, green manure, tomatoes, cucumbers, peas, root vegetables, and beans. Can be planted after any grains except oats.

Its closest relative, garlic, is not suitable as a predecessor. It is permissible to plant beds with “relatives” only after 4 years. The risk of nematode damage increases when planting potatoes, strawberries, celery root, parsley, alfalfa.

Landing dates

Most gardeners are skeptical about planting vegetables in winter. But this method is gaining increasing popularity due to the opportunity to harvest the long-awaited harvest early. After all, by spring the cost of vegetables and fruits steadily increases several times. This is due to the end of last season's supplies and the long wait for the new harvest.

Important! Decisive factor determining optimal time is the climate of the growing region.

You already know what will happen to the bulbs during early and late planting, so strictly follow the rule for selecting the optimal time for autumn work. It occurs a month before expected frosts in the region. This period of time is enough for the material to take root, but it will not be enough for the development of sprouts. Better focus on landing winter garlic in your region. When the soil has cooled and the thermometer stays at +5⁰ for several days, it’s time to start.

For regions with cold climates, it is better to plant from mid-September to early October. In a moderate climate, it is permissible to extend the period until the end of October, and in the South, feel free to postpone the sowing season to November. But rely on weather needed in any area.

Processing onions before planting

Pre-planting preparation of seedlings should be done 10 days before the planned event. First you should sort the material into fractions. There are several categories, each of which is suitable for certain purposes. Oatmeal are tiny onions less than 1 cm in diameter. They will form an average turnip weighing 60-100 g. In any case, this fraction will either have to be thrown away or used only for winter sowing, since it will simply dry out before spring.

The next category is called sevka. Its diameter reaches 1.5-3 cm, but it is better to take smaller bulbs. They will grow large and will be stored for a long time. Selections whose diameter exceeds 3 cm are usually planted in the spring. For the purpose described, it is suitable as a producer of green feathers, since by summer it will certainly produce a peduncle.

Attention! Select only healthy hard specimens without signs of spoilage. When sorting, you should not cut off the neck, because your goal is to get a turnip, not a feather.

The next stage of pre-plant preparation is disinfection. Although the bulbs should not be soaked before winter sowing, they should still be pickled. Do this at least a week before planting in the garden. This time is enough for the sevka to dry. Usually they are soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 6 hours or use the “grandmother’s method”. A saline solution is prepared for it at the rate of 1 tablespoon of the component per liter of water. First, keep the heads in a saline solution for 3 hours, and then for the same amount of time in potassium permanganate.
Dry the bulbs in the attic for a week. Turn over periodically to ensure even drying. Re-inspect the material for damage.

In order for an Asian guest to grow well, it is necessary to correctly determine its place in the garden. He loves the sun and warmth, prefers light, loose substrates with good drainage. It is important to choose a place on a hill where, with the arrival of spring, the snow melts faster and moisture stagnation is excluded. Otherwise, growth will slow down or the onion will rot. The southern slope of the garden is ideal for creating a garden bed. Make sure there are natural barriers nearby that will protect the plant from the wind. Sandy loam soils with the addition of humus or light fertile loams are suitable for Asians.

The preparatory stage includes digging with a shovel and adding organic matter. Mature compost or humus is suitable as a fertilizer. It is added 5 kg per square meter beds. You can additionally add a full mineral complex of 20 g per 1 m2. Immediately before planting, dust the soil with ash.

Attention! The use of fresh manure is unacceptable. It will become a nutrient substrate for the development of diseases and cause burns.

Planting onions on turnips

To make planting easier, we recommend that you read the following instructions:

  1. In the prepared area, form a raised bed up to 20 cm high. It is better to do it in advance so that the soil shrinks.
  2. The length of the bed is arbitrary, and it is better to make the width no more than a meter.
  3. Carefully break up all the lumps with a rake; if weeds appear, be sure to remove them.
  4. Form grooves 5 cm wide, 15 cm apart.
  5. Place the prepared planting material (wild wild oat or small sets). The step between the bulbs is 5-7 cm.
  6. The depth of placement of wild oat grass and small fractions is 3 cm.
  7. Fill the furrow with soil and compact it.

This completes the planting process; the planted bulbs will not need additional irrigation. Be sure to follow the recommended seal level. If you bury the bulb, it will not have enough strength to germinate. If the bulbs are too close to the surface of the ground, they become susceptible to frost.

Caring for onions after planting in the fall

If the weather remains dry for a long time after planting, you can periodically water the bed. Maintain a 10-day interval between irrigations. With the onset of stable cold weather mulch should be placed on top of the bed. Deciduous or coniferous litter will do.

Know! It is undesirable to take peat and straw, since they freeze, and with the arrival of spring it will be quite difficult to remove the mulch without damaging the seedlings.

For detention more snow cover, use branches or spruce branches. The use of film and covering material is not recommended. In the spring, under the film, the bulbs run the risk of drying out from excess moisture, and the covering material will be seized by an ice shell and impede the supply of oxygen. It is better to periodically rake it into the garden bed after snow falls. He will provide the best protection from freezing.

How to plant onions before winter in the Moscow region

The climatic conditions of the Moscow region are changeable, but not so severe. The principles of winter landing described in the article are quite applicable to this region. The organization of winter shelter is mandatory, since the temperature background in the Moscow region can fluctuate sharply. In severe frost, your onion will overwinter wonderfully under cover and snow, which, if necessary, must be shoveled onto the garden bed.

Which varieties are suitable for the Moscow region

In the Moscow region, it is advisable to use hybrids that are resistant to harsh climatic conditions. It is also important to make a choice in accordance with your own preferences, because some people like hot vegetables, while others prefer a milder taste. It is necessary to take into account the productivity of the plant, ripening time, and keeping quality of the product. It is better if the cultivar is comprehensively resistant to various diseases.

The best varieties in terms of yield and endurance

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the best varieties crops that will delight you with large heads and will withstand cold weather with dignity:

  1. Shakespeare. The peculiarities of this Dutch hybrid include its extremely early ripening period. It will be ready for harvesting in 75 days. It is not susceptible to bolting and is comprehensively resistant to various diseases. The heads are large, weigh 100-250 grams, and have a round shape. The dense pulp has a semi-sharp taste, snow-white color and increased juiciness. The cover scales are colored yellowish-brown. The culture is frost-resistant.
  2. Siberian annual. Another early ripening cultivar with a semi-sharp taste. Its golden, flat-round heads will ripen in 2-2.5 months. The mass of the bulb reaches 150-200 g, keeping quality is excellent. Productivity is 4 kg/sq.m. m. Siberian annual cold-hardy.
  3. Radar. Cultivar of Dutch selection with durable integumentary scales of a golden hue. Such a shell reliably protects the head from freezing, which affects the absence of arrows and the duration of storage. Round turnips are slightly flattened on top, weigh from 300 to 500 g. A powerful root system makes the crop resistant to pest attack. The combination of high productivity and early maturation has made Radar very popular.
  4. Ellan. A new product on the market, combining high yield, ultra-early ripening, and unpretentiousness. Ellan is comprehensively resistant to fungal diseases, forms round fruits weighing 100-120 cm. Dense yellow scales reliably protect against freezing. The taste qualities are highly appreciated by experts. Tearing when cutting is minimal.
  5. Senshui. An early ripening hybrid with high productivity. It's enough large heads weigh up to 200 g, have a pungent taste and are perfectly stored. Among the advantages are the absence of peduncles and immunity to powdery mildew.
  6. Centurion. This hybrid is characterized by the formation of medium-sized heads, weighing up to 150 g. The crop has high marketability, is stored for a long time and ripens very early. The centurion does not shoot, is stable and productive.
  7. Sturon is easily recognized by its characteristic oblong-oval shape of fruits with a golden covering. The weight of the head is up to 200 g, the taste is sharp. Ripening occurs in 100-110 days. Sturon is frost-resistant, unpretentious, and highly productive.
  8. Arzamas. This early ripening variety has been showing excellent results for a long time. It ripens in 80-90 days, forms a round turnip weighing up to 100 g. Under the yellow cover hides dense, burning pulp. Productivity is good, storage is long. Arzamas is frost-resistant, but prone to downy mildew.
  9. Stuttgarter Riesen. The popular German hybrid is highly productive. The time required to grow the crop is minimal, and care is very simple. The weight of the flattened yellowish head reaches 150-250 g. The delicate pungency in taste makes the hybrid attractive to chefs. Transportability and keeping quality are excellent.
  10. Panther F1. The hybrid was bred by Japanese breeders. It has increased foliage and a developed root lobe. Not attacked by pests, resistant to frost and the appearance of flower stalks. Bronze heads reach a weight of 200 g and are perfectly stored.
  11. Chalcedony. The most resistant hybrid successfully tolerates frost, drought and fungal diseases. The heads are large up to 150 g, productivity is high. Beneath the bronze cover lies juicy, semi-sharp flesh. white.
  12. Danilovsky. One of the best cultivars both for direct consumption and for long-term storage. Its beautiful flat bulbs are red in color and have a sweetish-savory taste. Under the cover lies very juicy white pulp. Productive, frost-resistant, reaches a weight of 150 g.
  13. Myachkovsky-300. Early ripening lettuce onion with small flat yellow turnips. Fruit weight 50-70 g. It is consistently productive, has high juiciness and a pleasant semi-sharp taste. It does not last long and is suitable for preservation.

Know! When planting wild oatmeal, frost resistance is not too important.

These tiny bulbs will overwinter well if they are not heat-loving southern varieties.

Planting onions in 2017 in the Moscow region according to the lunar calendar

The lunar calendar has been a constant companion of gardeners since ancient times. Even then, people noted the influence of the small star on various processes on the ground. Gardeners still prefer to select the optimal days for various works Location on.

During the growth of the lunar disk, the circulation of plant juices is concentrated in the upper part of the crops. The moon seems to be pushing the plant to direct all its strength to growth. When the disk decreases, the juices move down. This period is favorable for root crops. Twice a month there come days when it is better to postpone planting work and spend time cleaning up weeds. We are talking about the full moon and the new moon.

On a note! Since the Asian guest forms fruits underground, it is advisable to plant it when the lunar disk wanes.

According to the data lunar calendar 2017, in September, the 9th, 14th, 17th, 20th are optimal for winter planting. You should refrain from work on the 6th and 20th. You should not do them on October 5 and 19. This month you can allocate time 6-9, 16-17. If you are a supporter of disembarkation too late, you can do this on November 6, 7, 12-14.

Planting onions before winter in the Urals

The climate in the Urals is inhospitable and harsh, so those who decide to plant vegetables using the described method should slightly shift the work schedule. So that the bulbs have time to sprout roots, but do not freeze, plant them towards the end of September. Be sure to purchase local planting material, since it has already been acclimatized to the conditions of the cultivation area. You shouldn’t think about buying southern cultivars even in the Moscow region, and in the Urals you should definitely buy only cold-resistant species. Without shelter, the tiny wild oat will freeze to death, depriving you of an early harvest.

Planting onions before winter in Siberia

The success of cultivating winter onions in Siberian conditions is possible only with strict adherence to deadlines and favorable weather. Among the hybrids, give preference to the most frost-resistant ones and carefully cover the bed. If in the spring you discover that some of the bulbs have frozen, it is worth planting a large fraction of seeds in place of the gaps, and in the fall try a different variety.

Onion sets - planting before winter

Using small fraction sets will allow you to get excellent heads by mid-summer. If you want to use vitamin feathers soon after the snow melts, you should give preference to a sample or a large fraction with a head diameter of more than 2 cm. Such bulbs need to be planted in different ways, and you will find out exactly how later.

Varieties and advantages of planting before winter

The choice of a specific cultivar depends on climate zone cultivation, but there are also universal varieties, which can be planted both in the Moscow region or Ukraine, and in colder climates. For example, Ellan, Stuttgarter Riesen, Danilovsky, Red Baron, Strigunovsky and Arzamasky.
The advantages of the winter type of cultivation include:

  • cheapness and big choice planting material;
  • the opportunity to get excellent heads from small wild oats;
  • absence of arrows when planting wild oats;
  • early ripening of the crop;
  • the ability of the turnip to independently protect itself from the onion fly (by the time the larvae appear on the bottom, a dense root lobe will grow, preventing them from gnawing out the passages);
  • extended deadlines for work, saving time on work;
  • opportunity to harvest two crops different cultures from one site;
  • excellent keeping quality of assembled heads.

Know! This method cultivation is attractive to farmers selling vegetables from their land. The heads will ripen earlier, their cost at this time will be slightly higher.

How to prepare a bed for onion sets

Whatever fraction you choose for planting material, the preparation of bulbs, soil and beds is carried out in accordance with the recommendations described in the article.

Planting seedlings before winter

It is carried out similarly to that described in the article, but the depth of embedding and the distance between copies varies.
The larger the fraction, the deeper it is worth immersing the onion in the soil. The fleshy layers accumulate moisture, which is why they can quickly freeze. Oatmeal is immersed in the soil by 3 cm, and large sets are buried to 5-7 cm. In the row between large bulbs leave at least 10 cm.

How to care for such onions in the spring

With the arrival of spring, it is necessary to remove the mulch from the garden bed. This is done after the snow cover has melted. Immediately feed the hatched onion so that it gets stronger and is not afraid of frost. The best feeding will become wood ash. Place 10 g of fertilizer per square meter on the garden bed, then gently loosen the soil.

In spring, there is enough moisture in the soil for the normal development of the vegetable, so the turnips will begin to quickly gain weight. Irrigate the bed periodically, using up to 10 liters of water per square meter of area. In dry weather it is better to water onion bed twice a week. A day after irrigation, provide oxygen access to the roots by loosening upper layer land.

Advice! By the time the crop is actively growing, the flower seedlings will have grown.

Use Tagetes or calendula seedlings to repel pests. When the rosette grows 4 leaves, you should re-fertilize. Use chicken or mullein, garden infusion, potassium-phosphorus complex. If the density is too thick, thin out. Extra heads will come in handy for replenishing vitamin reserves. The harvest will ripen by mid-summer.


As you can see, planting onions before winter has many nuances. But if they are carried out, it is quite possible to achieve an excellent harvest, which will ripen almost a month earlier than usual.

Every experienced summer resident knows for sure that without taking into account auspicious days lunar calendar, the efforts invested in caring for crops may not lead to the most pleasant result. You can believe or not believe in horoscopes, but not a single physicist will dispute the influence of the Moon on the Earth. You should also take into account the characteristics of the crop itself when planting it in the soil. In winter, it is recommended to plant onions 24-32 days before establishment subzero temperature. For the Moscow region this is usually the first or second ten days of October.

Taking into account weather conditions and recommendations for planting according to the lunar cycle, the optimal dates for sowing onions before winter in 2019 will be October 20-21. If for some reason someone does not have time to do the work on these dates, the next favorable dates will be November 3 and 15 or December 1, 29, 30. But these days, weather conditions can seriously fail, and the seeds will not take root before the first frost. So try to plant onions in October.

How to choose the right seeds for planting onions for the winter

Before you start planting, you need to correctly decide on the variety, choose one that can take root under the snow and begin to grow rapidly. in early spring. Southern heat-loving varieties Definitely not suitable for this.

Odintsovo and Bessonovsky are considered to be the most resistant to shooting. They are also one of the earliest: by the beginning of July they already bear a bountiful harvest. Ellan and Stuttgarden are also able to survive frosts well. If you have the opportunity to plant not one, but several varieties, be sure to do so. This will help you decide for the future which onion grows best in your area and under your weather conditions.

It is better to choose seeds from 1 to 1.5 centimeters in size. Onions of this size are almost impossible to store in winter, but in the ground they can take root perfectly and sprout in early spring. It is better not to plant onions more than 3 cm in diameter before winter - there is a risk that they will go to the shoot. The secret of small onions is that they have few nutrients, and there definitely won’t be enough for an arrow.

Soil preparation

The process of preparing the soil for planting winter onions is not much different from preparing for spring landing. But there are some nuances that must be taken into account, especially for beginners in this matter:

  • The plant will remain in cold soil for several months, so it really needs additional nutrition. Urea is quite suitable at the rate of 1 bucket per 1 hectare of land. Two kilograms of potassium chloride for the same area will also be useful. They can be used to fertilize the soil when loosening. Phosphorus fertilizers will take good care of the safety of seeds in the most severe frosts.
  • Compost, ash or humus are perfect for enriching poor soil.
  • To prevent winter stagnation of water from leading to rotting of the crops, you should choose a higher place for planting, or simply raise the bed a few centimeters.
  • For better growth, legumes, tomatoes, cabbage, carrots, and lettuce are suitable as predecessors for onions. But you shouldn’t plant winter onions in place of parsley, celery and potatoes.

Soil preparation should begin approximately a week before the planned planting. The soil is dug up and thoroughly loosened to the consistency of small lumps. To prevent the onions from rotting and to produce quick, healthy shoots by spring, the ground should be soaked in Emochek solution. This solution is made simply: 1/2 cup per bucket of water. The solution must be prepared in sufficient quantities at the rate of 1 bucket per 1 sq. m. On the day of planting, you should repeat the procedure of loosening the soil; this will help get rid of weeds at the thread stage.

How to plant onions in the Moscow region

First you need to decide on your family’s onion needs for the summer and early autumn until the summer harvest arrives.

  • Before planting, seeds must be soaked for disinfection in a solution of potassium permanganate, but for no more than 25 minutes. Then the onion must be removed and dried thoroughly. Alternative option Microwaves have become disinfectants for modern gardeners. For the same purposes, the onion is placed there for one and a half minutes. It's quick and there's no need to dry it after microwave.
  • On well-loosened soil, grooves are made about 5 cm deep. The optimal distance between them is 15-20 cm. On one meter of soil there should be approximately 6 grooves. The distance between the bulbs should be about 15 cm, that is, 6 pieces per meter. For more space for sowing, it is recommended to plant seeds in a checkerboard pattern, rather than strictly one under one.
  • After finishing planting, you should compact the soil with your hands. As soon as the first frosts arrive, but before snow cover is established, the ground is sprinkled with sawdust, and branches are thrown on top of them to keep the onions warm in winter. When the first snow falls, collect it from the neighboring area and throw it on the garden bed. It will become a protective blanket for your seeds and protect them from possible freezing.

You can determine whether you did everything correctly by yourself. true sign: before frost sets in, your onion should have 5 leaves. If you have them, your onions will be able to survive the winter just fine!

I share with you little tricks gardeners and gardeners))

Will give onions before winter good result in case of a dry spring. Planted in advance, it will collect all the winter moisture, which means it will give vigorous early shoots, and before the onset of dry weather it will form a developed root system - the key to a good harvest.

If you are afraid that the seeds may freeze, then conduct an experiment. Select only the smallest bulbs for winter planting and look at the result. In any case, then it will be possible to plant an additional bed in May, so as not to be left without a harvest altogether.

There are no specific recommendations when choosing an onion variety for planting before winter, since any local, zoned varieties are suitable. Perhaps it’s not worth taking risks with heat-loving southern varieties - they may well not withstand winter frosts.

Onion planting material is divided into oatmeal (onions with a diameter of less than 1 cm), sets (onion diameter from 1 to 3 cm) or onion selection - onions larger than 3 cm. If you are planting onions for greens, it is better to use a selection, since large onions are more common goes to the arrow, and small sets are planted to produce turnip bulbs.

Therefore, sort the seed before planting in the ground, separating small sets from larger samples; do not cut off the necks of the bulbs. Professionals recommend sevok and wild oatmeal specifically for winter planting, since they winter storage indoors they can dry out, and if they are planted in the ground, then next year they will produce large bulbs.

The second most important point that must be taken into account when planting onions before winter is the choice of location. The soil should be sufficiently loose (dense clay soils are not suitable) and have a neutral reaction.

The selected area should be well lit and ventilated. And water, after the snow melts in the spring, should not stagnate, because spring excess moisture is the worst enemy of any bulbous crop.

To prevent onions from becoming infected with nematodes, do not plant them after beans, potatoes, red clover, alfalfa, parsley and celery.

Before planting, the soil must be dug up along with humus (norm: 5 kg per m²) and mineral fertilizers (10 to 15 grams of potassium salt and 20 to 25 grams of superphosphate per m²). Mineral fertilizers can be replaced with ecophosphate in the same quantity. Before planting, it is recommended to scatter ash on the site (10 grams per m²).

It has long been known that onions can be planted in both spring and autumn, but for some reason planting onions in winter was not widespread until recently. Planting onions for the winter in cold regions - in Siberia, the Urals, and even in the Moscow region - was especially wary, but today there are many varieties of winter onions that winter well in the ground, but give an early harvest the next year.

How to plant onions in the fall, when to plant winter onions, how to protect them from winter frosts - we will answer all these questions in this article.

The best time to plant onions in areas with not very cold winters is from late October to early November - 30-35 days before the onset of persistent cold weather. Keep an eye on the outside thermometer: if the temperature drops to 5 ºC and lasts for several days, then it’s time to plant onions.

In general, you should be guided by the weather: the onion should have time to grow roots before the onset of cold weather, but sprouts should not be allowed to appear. If you plant an onion ahead of time, it will bolt and die from frost; if planted late, there is a risk that the roots will not have time to develop and the seedling will freeze in the ground.

Some gardeners believe that planting onions in the ground at the end of November is optimal solution, however in this case the result depends only on luck.

Often, not knowing how to plant onions, gardeners make mistakes that lead to low yields. All grains except oats, corn, beets, mustard, rapeseed, phacelia, peas, beans, tomatoes, lettuce, cucumbers and any cabbage are considered good predecessors for onions.

To avoid nematode infection on onions, do not plant them after beans, potatoes, parsley, celery, alfalfa and red clover. You can grow winter onions as a second harvest after harvesting rapeseed, winter barley, beans, peas, radishes, carrots and table beets, if you managed to harvest the first harvest before the third decade of July.

Planting and caring for onions in open ground simple and easy. As soon as the soil begins to warm up in the spring, remove the film from the winter onions, and after a week, remove the mulch, sprinkle the area with ash at the rate of 10 g per m², and loosen the soil.

If you remove the cover too late, the onions may get wet under the film, and the mulch will delay the passage of sprouts through the soil. It is advisable to loosen the soil after each rain or watering, while simultaneously freeing the area from weeds.

The formation of four leaves at the seedlings indicates that the bulb has begun to form, which means that it is time to apply a second feeding, but before that, thin out the onion if it is growing too densely. The plucked plants can be eaten.

As a second feeding, 15-20 g of superphosphate and 10-15 g of potassium fertilizer are added per 1 m² of planting, and it is better to first dissolve the superphosphate granules and ash in a solution of fermented herbs. Maybe instead mineral fertilizers add liquid chicken manure.

If the spring is wet, the onions are watered infrequently, but if it is hot and dry, you will have to water them twice a week. To prevent your harvest from being destroyed by the onion fly, plant marigolds or calendula around the perimeter of the onion plot - this is guaranteed to save you from trouble. Winter onions ripen about a month earlier than those planted in the spring.

Planting onions in the Moscow region is almost no different from cultivating them in Ukraine or other warm regions. The problem can only become too Cold winter, but if the temperature does not drop below -15 ºC, and you cover the onions for the winter, then they will not be in danger of freezing.

If the frosts are stronger, but there is a lot of snow, then we can only hope that in this case everything will go well.

Planting and caring for winter onions in the Urals is somewhat different from growing this crop in areas with temperate climate. For example, planting dates shift closer to the beginning of autumn - from late September to mid-October.

Shelter for the winter in the Urals is mandatory, in addition, not every variety can be planted before winter in the Ural climate, but only those that have high winter hardiness.

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