Fertilizing currants in the spring after flowering. Folk methods of feeding currants

Currants, no less than other plants, need feeding, especially in the spring months. The main thing is to know what and how to feed, as well as in what periods fertilizers for shrubs are best suited, in order to get an increased yield as a result.

Spring feeding of currants: why is it necessary and when is it required

After a long rest in winter time the currant bush is almost completely depleted. The plant spends all its nutrients for a safe winter, so feeding in the spring months is very important for an exhausted tree.

In addition, the soil in which the plant is located quickly becomes empty without fertilizers, without any useful substances necessary for high-quality growth and development of shrubs.

Currants tend to mercilessly suck out all mineral fertilizers and organic matter from the ground, especially when it remains in one place for long period time.

If the shrub is quite young, planted only 1-2 years ago, then only nitrogen fertilizer. It stimulates the activation of the growth of new young leaves and shoots.

But such a requirement should only be met if the soil was properly fertilized during the process. Not only organic substances in the form of turf soil and humus with manure, but also mineral fertilizers - phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen - must first be added to the soil.

For old shrubs, organic matter should be added. Their volume is regulated depending on the natural state and fertility of the land.

Important! For poorly cultivated soils it is necessary to apply large quantity feeding - up to 6 kg per 1 m 2. Sufficiently cultivated soil does not require excessive application of nutrients; 4 kg per 1 m2 is sufficient for it.

Top dressing of currants is carried out in several stages. The very first application of fertilizers in the spring should be done after the last snow has melted, the ground is well saturated with moisture, and the buds on the bushes begin to swell.

Types and specifics of currant fertilizing

To apply the required amount of fertilizer, root and foliar fertilizers are used. They differ in the way nutrients are supplied to the bush.

Root fertilizer brought into the ground. It is from the soil that the plant is saturated through the root system with useful minerals and organic elements. Adding recharge to the soil is carried out in two ways:

Careful spraying ensures that the surface of the stems and leaves quickly absorb the necessary nutrients required to restore the original state.

Spraying is also possible mineral fertilizers as a control against diseases and pests. For these purposes, special chemical insecticides are purchased and sold in flower shops.

Particularly effective in spring.

The advantages of foliar feeding are the speed of absorption of nutrients and the increased rate of absorption of the resulting microelements.

How and what to feed currants in spring

For proper development Plants need two types of nutrients - mineral fertilizers and organic fertilizers. In order not to harm the currants, you should know in what volumes you need to add useful components.

Mineral supplements

In spring, minerals are most important for currants. It feeds on resources found in the soil. They are necessary for rapid development and a large increase in greenery on the plant. An insufficient amount nutrients quickly affects the general condition of the bush.

The following mineral substances used as currant nutrition are distinguished:

  1. Phosphorus-potassium– are paid once every 2 years. Only those substances that do not contain chlorine are used. Perfect option for soil substrate – wood ash. Such fertilizer is primarily required for light soils and sandstones. This fertilizer is best applied in the fall.
  2. Nitrogen fertilizers– fill the bush with nutrients that stimulate the active growth of the green part of the currant. If the soil where the plant is located is fertile, such nutrients are not particularly needed. Instead of being beneficial, they will provoke increased growth of greenery, which will stop the formation of inflorescences. Perfect time such feeding is spring.
  3. Microfertilizers- This special group fertilizers, which, along with other components, contain necessary for plants microelements. Here is the recipe for such foliar feeding: boric acid, copper sulfate, zinc sulfate - all components 2 g each, manganese - 5 g. Everything is diluted with water in a volume of 10 liters. Spraying is carried out in cloudy weather.

Organic fertilizers

Organic products are required to replace the absence minerals. This type has its own favorable results after use, but the simultaneous use of both mineral and organic products gives a more positive outcome.

The following are suitable organic fertilizers: humus, manure and compost.

For active growth and collection big harvest 6-7 kg of fertilizers per bush will be required. They are buried at the base, next to the currant root system.

Folk remedies

As folk remedies often used to fertilize currants in spring potato peelings . The advantage of this feeding is the high content of starch in the peelings, which is necessary for plant growth.

If you try to fertilize a bush store-bought starch, then you can see a significant deterioration in the condition of the bush. And potato peelings help improve general view plants. In addition, potato waste includes other microelements, vitamins and nutrients required for currants.

To dilute the consistency you will need 10 liters of boiling water, 1 liter of frozen or fresh peelings and 3 days of infusion in dark place. After this, the solution can be distributed among the bushes.

Stages of fertilizing currants in spring

First feeding

This is carried out until the plant produces its first tender young leaf blades. If you have already introduced phosphorus, potassium and organic matter in the fall, then nutrients limited to nitrogen-containing preparations: calcium nitrate (35 g), urea (15 g), ammonium nitrate(15 g). Or you can simply fertilize the currants with urea (40-50 g). Substances are diluted in water until completely dissolved. The calculation is made based on the volume of 1 currant bush.

Attention!Mature plant Do not overfeed with mineral supplements. After 4 years of age, the volume of urea is reduced to 25-40 grams and is divided into 2 feedings - in spring and autumn.

At the first stage, you can carry out liquid fertilizing.

For this you need to use the following organic fertilizers:

  • bird droppings and infusion of green herbs in a ratio of 1: 10 parts of water, slurry - 1: 4 per 10 liters of water;

Mineral fertilizers:

  • phosphorus (20 g), potassium (10 g) and nitrogen (10 g) per 10 liters of water.

Second feeding

It is carried out 14 days after the first application of fertilizers. Currants are fed with non-aggressive substances when the inflorescences fade and the first berries begin to form in their place. For this, rotted manure is used with the addition of 1 tbsp. potassium sulfate and humus. The mixture is simply poured under the bush.

Third feeding

After the second application of fertilizer, wait 2 weeks again, and the bush is irrigated from a spray bottle using a urea solution. The consistency is dissolved in 10 liters of water per 10 g of the drug. For black currants spring feeding finished.

Following (fourth) Fertilizers are applied after the entire harvest has been harvested, that is, during autumn feeding bush, in front

Popular mistakes in the process of spring feeding

Often, when working in the garden to add micronutrients to the soil, it is not experienced gardeners make some mistakes. In order for the plant to develop correctly and within strictly specified periods, it is recommended to refrain from inaccuracies when carrying out work on fertilizing the site:

  1. Many beginning farmers believe that foliar feeding is not required for the plant. But it's worth remembering that root system after winter weakened and in need of different types fertilizers
  2. It is not recommended to use nutrient fixatives for spraying leaf blades. They tend to damage and deform the delicate structure of the sheet.
  3. Inaccurate dosage results in burns on the trunk or death of the entire bush.
  4. Root fertilizers should be applied so that they do not touch either the foliage, the trunk, or the root collar, otherwise burns may occur and pathogenic bacteria may attach
  5. It is strictly forbidden to apply liquid root fertilizers to dry soil - they will burn the roots, which will lead to the death of the currants. Before work, the soil substrate should be well saturated with moisture.
  6. It is mandatory to comply climatic conditions– the procedure is performed only on a cloudy day, before sunrise or after the sun sets below the horizon. The first fertilizing is carried out at a temperature of at least +10 0 C.

Thus, spring feeding for currants is very important. You should adhere to the correct dosage and follow the recommendations for applying fertilizers to the soil, otherwise you can provoke not only burns, but also the death of currants. Nutrients applied in a timely manner have a beneficial effect on the quantity and quality of the crop.

In contact with

Currant is a plant with a unique vitamin composition. Berries can be used in the treatment of vitamin deficiency and colds. The leaves and stems can be used as an antipyretic. They are also used in cooking when canned. Therefore, currants grow in all summer cottages and agricultural farms.

The plant is quite unpretentious. Many gardeners are interested in the question of how to feed currants. Proper care allows you to increase the yield of berries several times. With timely application of fertilizers, the fruiting of the bush can be maintained for 12-15 years. Unique property plants are excellent at absorbing nutrients from the soil. After this, the plant grows quickly.

You can determine that the bushes need feeding by looking at them. appearance. With phosphorus deficiency, a decrease in berry size is observed. If there is not enough potassium, then a edging appears on the edges of the leaves yellow color. When there is not enough nitrogen fertilizer, then fruit buds bloom quite slowly. At the same time, the bush gives almost no annual growth.

Methods of feeding plants

You can feed the crop different ways. If you need to save time, you can scatter dry substances on the soil near the bush. Subsequently, the currant bushes need to be watered generously.

An increased effect can be obtained from liquid root preparations. When diluted, they can quickly reach the roots. It is also envisaged to dilute the drug in a container of water. Together with organic matter, fertilizer can be irrigated along the furrows.

How to feed currants during flowering

It is recommended to use in early spring nitrogen fertilizers at the rate of 40 g of urea per bush. As the plant matures, this norm is reduced to 25 g. After flowering, increased plant growth begins, which largely determines the yield. Don’t know what to feed your currants during flowering?

Prepare liquid organic fertilizer You can take bird droppings 1:10 to water, also in a ratio of 1:4 mullein or slurry. For these purposes, “ green manure" It is prepared using weed in a ratio of 1:10. Mineral fertilizing currants can be produced by dissolving 20 g of phosphorus and 10 g of potassium and nitrogen fertilizers in 10 liters of liquid.

Traditional methods of fertilizing plants

According to one of the recipes, you need to take 0.5 kg of brewer's yeast per ten liters of water. The yeast is diluted and 50 g of sugar is added to the bucket. Thus, you can get mash. The resulting solution is watered over the plant. Here you need to calculate that 10 liters per bush. A replacement for yeast can be Rye bread. As a rule, the crusts should be dry. They fill the bucket a third full. After this you need to add liquid. 50 g of old jam or sugar is added to the resulting composition. This fertilizer is applied identically to yeast, by watering it into loose soil.

You can make fertilizing for currants using ordinary kitchen waste. An excellent tool potato peelings appear. They need to be dried well. Subsequently, it must be crushed into powder. Professional gardeners recommend scattering this mass on bushes during snowfalls. This fertilizer, due to its rich amount of potassium, promotes the formation of ovaries. This significantly increases the yield of currants.

You can replace potato peelings by using store-bought starch. To do this, you need to take a pack of starch with a total volume of 200 g and dilute it in five liters of liquid. Subsequently bring to a boil and cool. This solution should be diluted in one bucket of water. Fertilize with the resulting mixture at a rate of two liters per currant bush. When the plant blooms, you need to apply a volume of three liters.

The ideal fertilizer is considered fish waste. They contain a lot of phosphorus. Thus, fruiting can be significantly increased berry plants. Fresh bones should be immediately passed through a meat grinder and dried. This powdery mass is quite rich in potassium, calcium and iodine.

Natural mineral fertilizer is ash. It is a complex fertilizer. It contains up to 5% potassium and other trace elements. Experts believe that pouring the entire contents of the fertilizer under the bush is not enough. It is better to prepare an ash infusion.

To do this, you need to fill approximately ½ of the bucket with ash to the top. All contents must stand for two days. After this, it needs to be diluted ten times with liquid. Watering should be done using one bucket per adult bush. For young plant½ bucket will be enough.

Foliar feeding of plants

Experienced gardeners advise foliar feeding of currants in June. Microelements are quite suitable for these purposes. Zinc, boron and selenium are excellent in this regard. It is necessary to spray the plant on the foliage in cloudy weather.

There are a sufficient number of preparations rich in microelements on sale. Most often they are made in tablets or powder. An example is “Uniflor-micro”. To fertilize a currant bush, take 1 tablespoon and dilute it in ten liters of water. The first time you need to apply fertilizer is before flowering, and then after the ovaries appear.

You can carry out foliar feeding by preparing a special solution. You need to take 10 g of potassium permanganate and 60 g copper sulfate. Also add 6 g boric acid. All components must be diluted in a 9-10 liter container. The resulting mixture should be sprayed onto the leaves of the plants. After this procedure, the yield of berries can increase by 1-1.5 times. When spraying, you must carefully try to ensure that the composition gets on the lower part of the leaf. It absorbs fertilizer quite quickly.

Feeding shrubs after currant blossoms

Before you start feeding the plant after flowering, you need to inspect it. If ticks and aphids are found, the bushes must be treated with a solution of karbofos. It should be used at the rate of 70 g per 10 liters of water.

Organic fertilizers must be added to each bush. A good option will be the use of rotted manure. It needs to be laid out 50 cm from the center of the berry crop. It all needs to be dusted with ash. For one plant, 200 g will be sufficient. Also, approximately 100 g of superphosphate should be evenly distributed over the surface. After this, everything should be carefully dug up near the bush. Particular care must be taken not to harm the root system. The volume of fertilizers applied depends on the composition of the soil.

Rules for feeding plants in spring

Fertilizing in the spring helps increase yields. With their help, the soil receives a sufficient amount of nutrients. Especially feeding the bush should be done in spring period. This is due to the fact that the bush is weakened after winter. Timely feeding of plants allows the root system to develop intensively.

Get attractive and large berries You can apply fertilizers in May, when the bushes are just beginning to bear fruit. In this regard, it is necessary to use complex fertilizers. It is enough to dissolve them in liquid and water the plants.

When the currant bush was planted last year, nitrogen fertilizers need to be applied to it. 6-10 g will be enough for one bush. An adult plant can be fed with organic fertilizers. In this regard, you need to use humus, manure and compost.

You can stimulate active plant growth by using 6-7 kg of fertilizers per bush. They need to be buried near the root system of the plant. Provide good feeding plants can be grown by adding 40-50 grams of urea under it. In the fourth year of life, the amount of feeding is reduced to 20-30 grams.

Currant bushes should also be fed before flowering. For this purpose, you need to use one tablespoon of potassium sulfate and 50 milliliters complex fertilizer. All components are calculated for 10 liters of water. They need to be mixed in water and watered at the root of the bush. For one bush you need to prepare at least 20 liters of fertilizer. After watering, thirty grams of ammonium sulfate is required to be added under the bush. It can be replaced with lime-ammonium nitrate.

Systematic feeding of berry crops is the key great harvest. As a rule, this allows you to collect large berries. Fruit shedding is significantly reduced. Professional gardeners recommend timely watering and pruning along with fertilizing. You also need to destroy pests and weeds.

See the basic feeding rules here:

Currants constantly need nutrients, which they mainly consume from the soil. From year to year, the amount of nutrients in the soil decreases and in order to prolong the life of berry bushes, the quality of the soil must be increased by applying fertilizers. During the season, it is recommended to fertilize currants 4-5 times, using both mineral and organic fertilizers.

  1. The very first fertilizing is carried out at the moment the plant awakens and the active growth of green mass;
  2. The second feeding is carried out during flowering;
  3. The third feeding occurs during the period of fruit formation and ripening;
  4. Fourth, after harvest;
  5. The fifth can be done when preparing bushes for wintering.

Top dressing can be root or foliar. Foliar feeding carried out by spraying the bush with a weak fertilizer solution.

With this type of feeding, nutrients are absorbed through the leaves and reach the plant faster than with root feeding.
For root feeding Nutrients enter the soil and are absorbed by the plant through the absorption of beneficial elements by the roots. The process of delivering nutrients to the roots takes time, and the bush does not receive them immediately.

To obtain healthy harvest With berry bushes, it is recommended to alternate these two types of fertilizing.

How can you feed currant bushes?

On the Internet there are a lot of tips and recipes for all kinds of solutions for fertilizing with the percentage and weight content of all substances necessary for application, depending on the stage of vegetative development of the bush. It is almost impossible to remember everything, and probably not necessary. The most important thing that novice gardeners need to know is:

  • The first two fertilizers should contain nitrogen.
  • Subsequent feeding should be carried out by eliminating or reducing the level of nitrogen elements (since nitrogen promotes the active growth of green mass, and at the stage of formation and ripening of berries this is no longer necessary, because the bush should direct all its forces to the formation and ripening of fruits, and not active growth of green mass).

The simplest compositions for feeding currant bushes

Specialized mixtures fertilizers for fruit bushes. Store-bought granular or liquid fertilizers for feeding fruit bushes (spring-autumn) are easy to use. On the back of each package there is detailed instructions on application, composition, timing and rates of fertilizer application.

Folk recipes:

  • Nitrogen-containing fertilizers (spring);
  • Complex feeding (summer - autumn).

Nitrogen is found in manure, compost, and bird droppings.
1. Rotted manure is diluted in water 1:4 and the bushes are watered. Fresh, add water 1:1 and leave for 2-3 days. Dilute the prepared mixture 1:10 and water it at the rate of 1 bucket of solution per bush.

2. Bird droppings are diluted 1:12, the application rate is the same - 1 bucket per bush.
3. It is good to mulch the ground under the bush with humus or compost throughout the spring and summer period.

Complex fertilizing of currants

Complex fertilizing must contain phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, etc. useful elements. For such fertilizing, you can use ash, starch, and yeast.

All of the listed compositions can be used for both root method feeding, and for foliar feeding. You just need to be careful with manure and bird droppings; their concentration should be halved.

At first glance, it may seem that preparing infusions is a long and labor-intensive process, but this is not so; we put the necessary ingredients in a bucket of water and put them in the greenhouse. The cooking process will proceed on its own while you go about your business.

Traditional feeding methods should be used in combination with mineral fertilizers, alternating them with each other.

Take care of the currant bushes and then they will definitely thank you with an abundant, juicy and very sweet harvest.

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