Soil for leek seedlings. Proper preparation of soil and seed material

The taste of many salads would not be as subtle without such an ingredient as leek. Thanks to its excellent gastronomic qualities and rich vitamin composition, the plant is grown by many gardeners. An annual crop native to the Mediterranean, it has unusual greenish-blue feathers with a characteristic aroma. The lack of pungency and sweetish taste elevate the variety to the category of aromatic spices.

Due to the long growing season (about six months) and the climate of central Russia, it is better to grow leeks using seedlings. It is being sown in the second half of February or early March into prepared boxes, pots or cups.

To obtain seedlings, watering conditions must be observed and temperature regime. If you sow seeds in open ground, you may not get a harvest due to the death of the plant due to frost and snow (the danger of freezing exists in both spring and autumn). Some gardeners practice growing leeks to produce greens, which are harvested in July.

One way to plant onions involves sowing seeds. late autumn(usually in November). It is important to ensure that the weather forecasts are not warm, this will provoke rapid shoots.

Sowing in beds can be done in greenhouse conditions or using the technology of growing under agrofibre.

Planting seeds for growing seedlings at home

Proper preparation of soil and seed material

Used to plant seeds a mixture of turf and compost soil with the addition of humus. Leeks love nutritious and light soil, in a dense substrate, seeds may not germinate.

When using a peat base, you should not forget to feed it with any additives:

  • dolomite flour;
  • urea;
  • double superphosphate;
  • potassium sulfate.

Spring sowing is usually done in March to produce onions by September. The timing and pattern of planting and sowing can be adjusted depending on the time of harvest.

How to plant seeds

Before you plant the seeds soaking at home in water at room temperature and kept for a day, and then dried.

Another preparation option involves keeping the seeds in a thermos with water (40 degrees) for 2-4 hours followed by rinsing under a cool shower and drying. Boxes 35 x 50 cm are used as containers.

Consumption seed material for such a capacity is 2-3 grams. After filling the container, the soil surface is covered with a 3-5 mm layer of sand and moistened.

Before the shoots appear, the box must be covered with glass or film to create a greenhouse effect.

To obtain good germination, plantings must be created favorable conditions. Among the main ones:

  • correct temperature within 22 degrees before emergence;
  • temperature adjustment after emergence (in the daytime up to 18-20 degrees, at night up to 8-14 degrees);
  • carry out watering heated water;
  • provide good lighting for photosynthesis.

Picking and hardening

It is better to grow crop seedlings without picking, there is no need to plant them in separate containers. The seedlings will be ready for planting in open ground after reaching the age of 2-2.5 months.

For 6-7 weeks after the shoots appear, seedlings need harden. To do this, boxes or pots should be taken outside and left in partial shade for several hours, gradually increasing the time spent in the air. At strong wind air procedures is not recommended.

Planting onion seedlings in open ground

Seedlings are planted in open ground in the first half of May, for example, this applies to the Moscow region. Before important stage It is necessary to thoroughly moisten the soil so as not to damage the root system of the plant. Do the work better in the evening or in cloudy weather. Active sun can destroy young shoots.

The leek bed is chosen in open areas so that it can grow with maximum access to light. It is not recommended to plant the crop close to bushes and trees.

The soil for planting must be neutral reaction, quite loose. If the soil is acidified, it must first be limed.

It is advisable to start preparing the beds in the fall. To do this, the area is dug up and cleared of roots and weeds, after which processed with Nitrophoska(2 tbsp per 1 m2). Early spring the beds are enriched with humus and compost without additional digging of the earth.

When the seedlings are ready to be transplanted, furrows are prepared in the selected area. Their depth is 10-15 cm, interval – 25-30 cm. A distance of 10-20 cm is maintained between shoots, depending on the variety.

Before being immersed in the ground, each root is treated with a special mash, which is prepared from clay, manure and water (all components are taken in equal proportions). Sprouts too long shortened to 4 cm. Seedlings are sprinkled with soil small quantity. Replanting work ends with abundant watering.

Leek care after transplantation

Leeks are not very demanding to care for, but it will take some effort to get a harvest. To grow good harvest, which will not be afraid of transportation and will grow healthy, needs to be looked after properly.

Care includes:

  • regular watering;
  • weeding;
  • hilling (3-4 times during the growing season);
  • bait;
  • loosening;
  • treatment against diseases and pests.

After transplanting the seedlings for three days the plant is not watered.

Leeks are fed during the season 3-4 times. The plant responds well to organic fertilizers: mullein, compost, bird droppings. Mineral complexes rich in potassium, phosphorus and other micro and macroelements are also suitable. It is recommended to combine each hilling with the introduction of ash.

Once every 2 weeks you need to loosen the soil around the shoots until the stem becomes as thick as a pencil. Further, the procedures become more frequent and expand into the furrow zone to saturate the soil with oxygen and prevent soil compaction.

Harvesting and storage

You can harvest onions up to late autumn, but it’s better to do this before frost and the first snow falls.

The plant should be cleaned of damaged and dried leaves, remove the top of the feathers(about 1/3 of the length), trim at the root part by 1 cm.

The harvest is well preserved in the refrigerator, wrapped cling film. Before packaging, the stems need to be cooled so that condensation does not form under the polyethylene. Basements, cellars or pits with a temperature regime of no higher than 2-5 degrees are also suitable for storage.

For preparations for the winter, leeks are placed in freezer. After defrosting, it retains its properties and is quite suitable for consumption.

Real summer residents are constantly trying to master the techniques of growing new vegetables. It’s so interesting to watch the growth of something that you previously only saw as ripe. A prime example of this is leeks. It is very useful for healthy eating, but it’s difficult to find it in the garden beds. Most often, gardeners are stopped by rumors and negative reviews. But you just have to carefully study the characteristics of leeks through seedlings.

We will tell you how to prepare leek seeds for seedlings, so that followers of a healthy diet can have their own useful harvest leek.

When to sow leeks for seedlings

If you choose the right time for sowing leeks for seedlings, then this will already be half the battle. After all, timely work allows you to grow healthy, strong seedlings. Moreover, we must not allow the plants to outgrow.

If you want to harvest the crop in early September, then the timing of sowing leeks for seedlings should be in the last days of February or the first days of March. Then, already at the end of April, it will be possible to move it to a warm room. To transplant leeks into open ground, sow its seeds two weeks later, that is, at the end of the first spring month.

Sowing leeks for seedlings is sometimes coordinated with the lunar phase calendar.

Then the optimal date for planting will be one of the indicated dates: February 14, 23-24 or March 2, 3, 7 and 9.

How to grow leeks from seedlings

The seeds must be prepared for sowing. To do this, soak them in hot water within 20 minutes. Then immerse them in cold water. Then, to speed up germination, it is recommended to warm water possible using Epin. The soaking process should last about three days.

At the moment when the seeds hatch, they need to be slightly dried, and then proceed to planting leeks for seedlings. In container suitable size Fill the pre-prepared soil mixture almost to the top.

You can prepare the soil for leek seedlings yourself. For it you will have to take two parts of humus and add peat and garden soil (they will need to be taken one part at a time).

Now it remains to find out the question of how to sow leeks for seedlings. Planting begins by making furrows in moist soil; they should have a depth of 1-1.5 cm. Place leek seeds in them every 5 cm. Sprinkle them with soil, cover with film, place in a warm (up to 25 degrees Celsius) and dry place.

After the shoots emerge (this will happen in 10-20 days), the film must be removed and the containers left in a room where the temperature during the day reaches 17 degrees and at night does not drop below 12. This regime is maintained for 7 days.

Then the seedlings again require more warm conditions, so the containers need to be rearranged again. The temperature in the room with leek seedlings should be higher than in the previous case: about 25 degrees during the day, and +14 at night.

We often see leeks in stores, but every summer resident can grow this crop on their own. Do it seedling method. IN initial stage The growth of the plants is small and thin; half a window sill is enough for them. There are enough varieties of leeks to choose the right plant for your region. Today you will learn when to plant leeks using the 2018 lunar calendar.

Leeks are annual crop, his homeland is the Mediterranean coast. The thick stem is used for food white root and onion leaves. Unlike usual onions, leek has a slightly pungent taste and delicate aroma. It is used as a side dish for meat, vegetable stew, added to various soups and sauces. Leeks are dried and used in winter as an addition to dishes.

Leeks are very productive, eating them has a good effect on metabolism, the condition of the liver and digestive system. It must grow in every garden. Therefore, it is worth knowing in advance when to plant leeks for seedlings. In this case, the lunar calendar of 2018 is taken into account.

When to plant leeks for seedlings

Planting dates are determined using the following criteria:

  • Germination. If you sow dry seeds without treatment with a stimulant, the germination time increases. When the seeds are fresh and aged in nutrient solution, sprouts appear in 7-10 days. When sown in a garden bed, the seeds germinate within a month.
  • Leek varieties have different terms ripening. Early species They are ready to eat 3-4 months after germination, so they are sown in April. Early varieties include: “Goliath”, “Vesta”, “Gulliver”. Medium-ripening varieties are ready to eat in approximately 145-175 days. They have a more powerful stem and the ability long-term storage yield compared to early varieties. Medium ripening seeds are sown in March or early April. These include the following varieties: “Giraffe”, “Bastion”, “Winner”. Late varieties leeks are not in great demand because the growth and ripening period lasts six months. I sow the seeds in February; heated greenhouses are used for this. Seedlings are planted in the garden at the end of March.
  • The timing of transplanting young plants into an open area is also taken into account. Early varieties replanted 60 days after germination.
  • Climatic conditions region. IN northern regions Leeks are sown no earlier than April or May; they are transferred to the garden bed in early June. In the Moscow region and middle lane seeds are planted in mid-February, in April the grown plants are planted in a greenhouse, and in May open areas.
  • Lunar calendar. Experienced vegetable growers use the lunar calendar to find out when to plant leek seedlings in 2018. In February, suitable days fell on the 17th, 18th, 21st, 25th, and 26th. In March, leeks are sown on the 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th; the periods from the 18th to the 22nd and from the 24th to the 26th are also favorable. In April, favorable days are from 2 to 9, and from 11 to 15.

What are the differences between leek varieties?

Knowing about characteristic features leeks, it will be easy to navigate in choosing a variety:

  1. External appearance of the plant.
  2. Duration of thickening of the white part.
  3. Ripening time.
  4. Resistance to cold weather.
  5. Harvest period.

Fact! The white stem of the plant is the main edible and valuable part of the leek.

Planting seeds for seedlings

Containers. Leeks practically do not tolerate picking, which is why containers with high sides are chosen. Their length should be 12 cm. They must be made in pots drainage hole, in order to drain excess water. If containers are reused, they must be treated with a solution of manganese or soda.

Soil. For good growth and light, fertile soil is suitable for plant development. You can purchase it at gardening stores or prepare it yourself. Soil from the garden with the addition coconut substrate and vermiculite is also suitable for planting leeks.

Before sowing the seeds, the soil is disinfected. This technique is necessary so that fungal and viral infections young shoots were not affected.

This can be done in the following ways:

  1. Freezing. The soil is laid in a durable cellophane bag and put in the freezer for a day. If the outside temperature is not higher than -18 degrees, then you can use the balcony. After 24 hours, the bag of soil is brought home and placed in a warm place. When the soil melts, the procedure is repeated again, this is necessary so that the remaining bacteria die.
  2. Heat treatment. The soil is poured in a thin layer (1.5 cm) onto a metal baking sheet. And install it in the oven. Processing time is approximately 15-20 minutes, at a temperature of 80 C.
  3. Using potassium permanganate. Prepare a deep pink solution of manganese and water the soil.

    Advice. The soil can also be treated with biological preparations, one of them is Fitosporin-m.

Seed preparation. Leek seeds are wrapped in plain fabric and placed in a solution of epin or another stimulant. After a few hours, take out the fabric and lay out the seeds to dry at room temperature. When they dry out a little, you can start planting.

There is a second way to prepare seeds. To do this, before planting, the seeds are dipped in water heated to +45 C and then in cold water. In this case, it is better to wrap the seeds in a cloth and tie them in a knot so they definitely won’t sleep through.

I scatter the seeds on moist soil and spray them with a spray bottle. Then carefully sprinkle half a centimeter of soil and cover with film. Every day the film cover is removed to ventilate and water the crops. During this period, it is better to place the boxes with the planted seeds at the top of the cabinet to ensure germination comfortable temperature. Leek seeds germinate at +25 degrees.

Seedling care

As soon as the first loops appear, the containers with the plantings are transferred to a bright place. Now the temperature should be lowered during the day to +20 C at night to + 15C. Most likely, such indicators are possible near the window. For normal growth of seedlings, provide 12-14 hours of daylight. To do this, additional light sources are installed, such as phytolamps or fluorescent lamps. They are installed at a distance of 25 cm from the seedlings.

The leaves of young plants are trimmed; it is enough to leave 8-10 cm of green mass. Trim the leek every two weeks. This method will allow the roots to grow and develop better, and also promotes thickening of the stem.

To make planting seedlings less painful, the plants are hardened off. First, the boxes with plantings are installed in front of the open window. Then you can take the seedlings out onto the glassed-in balcony. On the first day, the “walk” lasts no more than half an hour, in subsequent days the time is increased.

Transplantation into an open area

Light, loamy soils with a neutral reaction are suitable for planting leeks. It’s good if before this there were potatoes, or tomatoes, cucumbers, or beans growing in the garden. In the fall, the plot is dug up and compost is added to the bed at the rate of a bucket per 1 m2 of land. If it was not possible to apply fertilizer in October, it can be done in the spring, but use humus instead of compost.

Leek seedlings are most often planted in mid- or late May. Plants are planted in furrows 10-15 cm deep, into which water is first poured. The upper green part of the plant and roots are cut off by 1/3. Leek roots are dipped in a liquid clay solution. When planting, keep the plant 20 cm apart between plants, rows are spaced every 30-35 cm. Root system leeks are sprinkled with soil and watered.

Advice! Since leeks grow in narrow grooves, you can plant carrots, celery, beets, and strawberries next to them.

Leek care

Planted plants need watering, loosening the rows, and weeding. Watering is especially important for this crop and is carried out regularly. It is necessary to enter complex fertilizers. When the onion stems reach the diameter of a pencil or ballpoint pen, pour soil into the groove.

After 14 days, the plantings are earthed up, and then the procedure is repeated every two weeks. This is necessary for the light part of the plant to grow actively. Hill up onions at least four times during the entire growing season.

Since this vegetable is a cold-resistant crop, adult plants can withstand temperatures down to -7 degrees.

In regions with mild winters they can winter under snow. But plants slow down in cold weather, rainy summer at the same time the stem becomes thin.

Late winter varieties Suitable for growing in a greenhouse, since due to the long growing season they do not have time to fully grow. If such plants are planted in open ground, they can be transplanted into boxes and moved indoors. This is done before the onset of negative temperatures.

Now, you know when and how to plant leeks for seedlings. In 2018 lunar calendar auspicious days enough to buy a bag of seeds and start planting this Mediterranean crop.

The leek is a giant among other onions. Some of its varieties reach a meter in height. Traditionally, a lot of leeks are grown in the south of Ukraine, the Baltic states and Transcaucasia. In Russia it is just gaining popularity.

The main edible part of the vegetable is the bleached false stem, consisting of leaf sheaths. The length of this part of the plant can reach 50 cm. Young leek leaves - wide, ribbon-shaped - can also be used for food. As they mature, they will become coarser and tasteless.

Adding leek to food makes it tasty and digestible. Onions do not have a pungent odor, they have a delicate aroma and delicate taste. The bleached part of the leek is sweetish, so it can be eaten by people with diseases of the digestive tract

Requirements for growing conditions

Leeks are part of the group of sweet Spanish onions, along with shallots, onions, batun, multi-tiered and chives. The birthplace of culture is the northern and south coast Mediterranean Sea. Hence the temperature requirements - the plant is cold-resistant enough to tolerate a short-term drop in temperature to -5, sometimes up to -10 degrees and a long-term drop to -1... -2 degrees.

The optimal temperature for photosynthesis in leeks is the same as for other vegetables of Mediterranean origin - it ranges from +17... +23. Leeks grow poorly at temperatures above +30 degrees.

Temperature range for leek

The optimal soil acidity for the crop is 6.8-6.0.

Like all onions, leeks are a rosette plant, but unlike the tubular leaves of leeks and turnips, leek leaves have a linear, braid-like shape.

Leek is a biennial. In the first year, leaves are formed, in the second - the storage organ (bulb) and seeds.

Despite exotic look leek is cold-resistant. In areas where there is a lot of snow, for example in Siberia, it can successfully winter right in the garden bed. The next year the plant will produce a bulb and seeds.

The state register includes 27 varieties suitable for cultivation in all regions of Russia, including Siberia and Far East. In seed stores you can buy seeds of the following varieties:

  • Alligator– medium late, weight of the bleached part 300 g, yield 3.5 kg sq. m;
  • Karantansky– late ripening, weight of the bleached part 300 g, semi-sharp taste;
  • elephant trunk– mid-season, summer-autumn in ripening, mass of the productive part 150 g, yield more than 4 kg per square meter. m.

Preparing for landing

Due to the length of the growing season, in most regions of the Russian Federation, leeks are grown by seedlings. Only in the south can it be sown with seeds in open ground. Plants sown directly into the garden are more hardened and can more easily withstand drought and cold weather.

It is better not to overgrow seedlings. The highest yield is achieved when planting 30-40-day-old plants. When planting 50-day-old seedlings, you may lose yield, since its roots will be damaged during transplantation.

By the time of planting in open ground, good seedlings are 15-20 cm long, 3-4 true leaves and 0.3-0.4 cm in diameter.

Beyond the Urals, seeds for seedlings are sown on March 15, in the middle zone no later than March 1. Planting containers cover with peat mixed with diammophoska (40 g of fertilizer per 10 liters of substrate).

Table: mode of growing seedlings

Leeks are returned to their original place no earlier than after 3-4 years. The best predecessors crops:

  • legumes;
  • cruciferous;
  • Solanaceae;
  • pumpkin

Leeks are demanding of moisture and fertility. Loamy and floodplain soils with a pH close to neutral are suitable for growing the crop. The soil is prepared in the fall - they dig it with a shovel and apply mineral fertilizers. Add 100 g of diammofoska per meter of bed. Fertilizer can be applied later - with irrigation water.

Seeds are sown in the garden at the beginning of the first field work. Seedlings are planted 2 weeks later. The first date for planting seedlings in open ground is May 15.

Leeks are grown in multi-line ribbons with a distance between lines of 30 cm and between plants in a row of 10-20 cm. Largest harvest(4-5 kg) is obtained when 40 plants are planted per square meter.

In the first half of summer, onions develop slowly, so fast-growing vegetables can be sown between the rows: spinach, kohlrabi, radishes, carrots.

To extend the period of consumption of fresh produce, summer sowing of leek seeds in open ground is used. In such plants, only young leaves are eaten.


Caring for leeks is almost no different from caring for onions. The only difference is that you need to hill up the plants 2-3 times, covering the lower part of the leaves with soil. This technique ensures whitening of the false stem.

Plant care includes:

  • 2 fertilizing with complex fertilizers;
  • chemical treatment in May against onion fly;
  • 2 hillings - at the end of June and at the end of August;
  • weeding;
  • watering.


The crop removes an average amount of nutrients from the soil, which is due to the small volume of the root system. At the same time, leeks need high soil fertility, as they need to form an impressive above-ground mass. Particularly demanding on nutrition early ripening varieties, quickly forming a harvest.

Leeks are responsive to organic matter, but it must be introduced in the fall or under the previous crop. Regarding mineral fertilizers, most of all leeks require potassium. Nitrogen is in second place, phosphorus is in third.

Phosphorus promotes education powerful roots. Potassium improves taste. Nitrogen fertilizing promote leaf growth.

All fertilizing is stopped a month before harvesting so that the taste of the products does not deteriorate.


The crop is sensitive to lack of moisture in the soil. The soil in the garden should always be slightly moist.

During drought, leaf growth stops. If you water the onion at this time, pouring it onto square meter at least 2 buckets of water, growth will quickly resume.

Very effective drip irrigation, allowing you to keep the soil in the root zone constantly moist. You can use furrow irrigation.

When to Harvest

Leek has no physiological dormancy and grows intensively throughout the entire growing season, which can be up to 220 days. Harvest this green onion.

Leeks are 2-3 times more productive than onions.

In the first half of summer, leeks produce bunches. Onions begin to be selectively harvested when they have formed 4-5 true leaves. In the middle zone, leek harvesting ends at the end of October. Some of the onions can be left in the soil and removed in the spring.

Early ripening varieties can be harvested 130-150 days after emergence. The first digit means technical ripeness and selective cleaning, the second is the time when mass cleaning is carried out.

Plants during harvesting:

  • lightly dig with a shovel;
  • carefully removed from the ground;
  • shake the soil;
  • leaves are cut by 2/3;
  • dried.

Harvest in Siberia

Mid-season varieties have a growing season of 150-170 days. In Siberia they are harvested in the second half of September.

Late varieties with a growing season of 170-200 days are recommended only for cultivation in the south and middle zone. When sowing them in Siberia, you may not get a significant harvest.

How to store leeks

In the fall, the dug up leek can be buried in a greenhouse or cellar. At low positive temperatures, onions can be stored in storage for 3-4 months, while the content increases by 2 times.

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Leeks or pearl onions

The most ancient culture, widespread throughout the world, but it appeared in Russia only in the last century. Currently, leeks rank third in popularity among alliums after garlic and onions.

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A handsome one of especially large size - this is what amateur gardeners call leeks. Why do they prefer to grow this non-standard crop? There are several reasons: leek is practically not susceptible to diseases, pests do not like it, it is frost-resistant, it is a shelf-stable product that can be consumed in any form - from fresh to pickled, dietary and very valuable because it contains large number vitamin C and carotene.



And as for “special size”, then leeks will certainly have large dimensions for a plant from the onion family, the cultivation and care of which will not only be correct, but will turn out to be a little warmer and more soulful than the standard approach.

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Preparing leek seeds for planting

Growing leeks, of course, begins with seeds, or rather with their preparation. Leek seeds remain viable for 3 years.

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The seeds are disinfected (pickled) in the same way as cabbage seeds.. To do this, the seeds are placed in water immediately before planting: first in hot water (40-45°C) and then in cold water.

To quickly obtain seedlings, seeds are germinated. To do this, they are laid out on a cloth moistened with water (20-25°C) and left in a warm place. After 2-3 days, the seeds are slightly dried (to the point of flowability, to make it easier to sow) and sown immediately.


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The preparation methods described apply to seeds from your own garden, but if you use purchased seeds, then usually no preparation is needed.

But if you decide to grow leeks through winter sowing, then there is no need to soak the seeds and germinate them.


Growing leek seedlings

In the southern regions, leeks are grown in a seedless way: seeds are sown directly into the ground after May 15th.

In central and northern regions In Russia, leeks are grown as seedlings. This is also facilitated by the long growing season of this crop. You can find out about some varieties of onions and their growing season in the article about storing leeks.


mid - end of February (in seedling boxes on the window)
mid-April (in a glazed greenhouse) and end of April (under film in the garden bed).
Length daylight hours for leeks it is 10-12 hours. Therefore, when sowing in February, it is necessary to organize additional illumination of the seedlings.


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The prepared seeds are sown in small boxes with moisturized soil soil in rows every 5 cm. The depth of the furrow for sowing is 1-1.5 cm. The crops are covered with film and placed in a well-lit and warm (+22...+25°C) place. When the first shoots appear, the film is removed, and the temperature in the room is lowered to +15...+17°C during the day and +10...+12°C at night. At this temperature, the seedlings are kept for one week. After which the temperature is brought to +17...+20°C during the day and +10...+14 °C at night and maintained at this level throughout the entire period of growing the seedlings.

Temperature compliance - important condition to get a harvest. High temperature during the seedling period, it is dangerous because it contributes to the formation of a flower arrow not in the second year of the plant’s life (as it should be), but in the first.

After a month, the thickened seedlings are thinned out so that the distance between neighboring plants in the row is 2-3 cm. Seedlings are planted in pots with a diameter of 4 cm.

The best results are obtained by growing seedlings in peat-humus pots and peat tablets, since in this case picking is not required.

If conditions permit, the seedlings are watered with compost tea. Such feeding is carried out regularly (every 2 weeks) throughout the entire growing period.


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Before planting, leek seedlings, like other crops, begin to be gradually hardened off, that is, taken outside so that the plants get used to normal, rather than indoor, conditions.

Leek seedlings develop slowly. When the age of 6-8 weeks is reached, the stem diameter is 0.5-0.8 cm and three leaves appear, the leek seedlings are ready for planting.


Planting leek seedlings,

Most suitable soils for leeks - light fertile loamy with a neutral environment.

When preparing the site for growing leeks, In the fall, you can add about 6 kg of compost per 1 m2 of soil to the garden bed. In spring, you can add humus or compost to the garden bed (about 3 kg per 1 m2). Just don’t dig the bed under any circumstances.

Good predecessors for leeks are potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, legumes and cabbage crops.

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Leek seedlings are planted in the garden bed in May.


Immediately before boarding permanent place For seedlings, it is recommended to shorten the leaves and roots by 1/3. Plant roots can be dipped in mash - a mixture of clay and mullein taken in equal quantities. This technique improves the survival rate of seedlings.

To plant leek seedlings, prepare holes 10-13 cm deep, at the bottom of which manure (necessarily rotted) or compost is placed. Onion seedlings are planted one plant in each hole. The roots are sprinkled with soil, filling the hole halfway and watered.



For leeks use following diagrams landings:


two-row - with a distance between seedlings of 15-20 cm and a row spacing of 30-35 cm;
multi-row - with a distance between seedlings of 10-15 cm and a row spacing of 20-30 cm.
It is best to grow leeks in narrow beds However, this applies to most vegetables. In wider row spacing you can sow, for example, carrots. These two vegetables go well together. Leeks are also friends with strawberries ( garden strawberries), celery, beets and onions.

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Leek care


Care includes loosening the soil, hilling, weed control, watering and fertilizing. It is advisable to use mulching to make your work easier and also to provide plants with more comfortable conditions.

When the plant stems reach the diameter of a pencil, soil is poured into the holes. And then hilling is carried out every two weeks, this allows you to get a longer bleached stem. At least four hillings are carried out per season. It is better to hill up the plants during watering.

Leeks are quite demanding when it comes to watering and soil fertility. Regular and abundant watering and fertilizing is carried out in the first half of the growing season. Good fertilizers- this is bird droppings and mullein, used in the form of solutions in a ratio of 1:20 and 1:8, respectively.

The main productive part of the leek is the bleached false stem, also called the “stem.” At proper care the stem reaches up to 50 cm in length and up to 3-4 cm in thickness.

Leek is a cold-resistant crop. Adult plants can withstand frosts down to -5...-7°C and in areas with mild climates can overwinter under snow cover in open ground. However, cold and rainy summers lead to the formation of a short and thin stem.


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Late (winter) varieties of leeks are characterized by high cold and winter hardiness. But due to the long growing season, they do not have time to finish growing. Therefore, it is recommended to grow such varieties in a greenhouse (film or glass). When grown in open ground, plants are transplanted into boxes for growing and transferred to warmth. Transplantation is carried out in the fall before the onset of frost.

That’s probably all I wanted to tell you about growing and caring for leeks. You can also read how to harvest this onion and how to store it here on the website.

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Growing leeks is a bit of a painstaking task, but not as difficult as it seems at first glance. You already know how to grow leeks, starting from sowing seeds, and I think you can grow a good harvest of this onion.

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