Cucumbers in open ground. Garter solves several problems

Hello, dear gardeners! Do you think cucumbers are a capricious crop? Do they succeed every year, or sometimes do you exclaim in your hearts: “What do they need? How do the neighbors’ cucumbers grow, that they collect them in buckets almost every day?” Cucumbers, of course, have a lot of requirements, but they are very responsive to proper agricultural technology and give excellent fruits to those who understand them.

Cucumbers absolutely need plenty of heat. good lighting, loose and very nutritious soil, regular moisturizing. It is advisable to feed them on time and, in some cases, correctly.


Of course, to recreate the climate of tropical India - the homeland of cucumber plants - in northern latitudes almost impossible. In our garden we can get closer to the ideal by planting cucumbers in a greenhouse.

At what temperature do these tropical visitors feel most comfortable?It is believed that the optimal indicator is 25 degrees Celsius (plus or minus 3 degrees). If in closed ground cucumbers have stopped growing, this may be due to heat above +40 degrees or sudden changes temperatures (unlike tomatoes, all crops of the pumpkin family do not like drafts).

Under open air We have no control over air temperature, but we are quite capable of creating warm soil. In a regular garden bed, cucumbers grow very slowly. It will take a long time before they begin to bear fruit, and the harvest will be small.

Constant warmth in the root zone is created with the help of special greenhouses and beds built on the principle of compost (based on manure, grass and other rotting organic matter). Beginning gardeners can easily master this wisdom by studying photos in magazines and the Internet.

Or maybe you have experience with compact growing in a barrel? Isn't it a great option! If the place is protected from the wind (a wall or a curtain of plants on the north side), this provides additional warmth.

Using film, roofing material, etc. can help raise the temperature of the soil layer by several degrees.

You should never neglect the well-known rule that cucumber bushes can only be watered warm water!


Breeders have created several varieties that tolerate shading (“Chinese”, a number of hybrids from the Manul company). But for the most part it is a very light-loving culture. When growing seedlings on a windowsill with insufficient lighting, the seedlings quickly stretch out and turn pale. Those who are trying to get a harvest on a loggia or balcony may face the same problem. There is only one way out - lighting.

The bed should be located in a sunny place, and the plants should be placed no more than in 1-2 rows. On one linear meter 3-5 pieces can be adjacent, and it is better to maintain a half-meter distance between two rows.

One of the most common mistakes for beginning gardeners - thickened planting in a greenhouse. How many cucumber bushes and in what area will not shade each other and capture the maximum energy of the sun? The recommended reasonable option is 5 pieces per 2 square meters. New selections such as cucumbers with limited lateral branching and single-stem hybrids can be planted a little more often - up to 6 pieces per square meter.


You should always remember that cucumber fruits consist almost entirely of liquid, the proportion of dry matter is only 4-5%. This is a water-drinking crop; wide leaves evaporate a lot of moisture. The roots of cucumbers are located in the surface layer of soil.

The root zone of cucumber bushes must be constantly moist, which is achieved good mulching and regular watering (with heated water). During the initial period of growth, there is still no risk of developing fungal and bacterial infections, cucumbers love watering using the sprinkling method (warm water from a watering can or hose).

The most frequent supply of water is required for plantings in barrels.

As you know, they can appear precisely due to a lack of moisture. Although many modern hybrids contain a genetic absence of such an unpleasant taste.
Water supply deficiency sometimes occurs in cucumber plants during periods of extreme heat or cold weather– the absorption capacity of the roots decreases.

In this case, the temperature regime in the greenhouse should be adjusted, and open ground– if possible, cover the bushes. Agrofibre materials cope with shading or insulation various thicknesses. Water containers (barrels, buckets, bottles) “keep warm” well.

Other vegetables can be grown without watering, but cucumbers cannot. Do you agree with this point of view? What is your personal experience?

Loose soil

Cucumbers do not grow well in compacted soil. But their fibrous roots can develop even ona pile of freshly picked or half-ripe grass. The best substrate for planting holes is light humus (dung, grass, leaves, sawdust). Mulching (with bulk substances or covering material, film) prevents compaction during the season.


It is very important that cucumber culture does not like acidic soils, the substrate reaction should be close to neutral. It is advisable to carry out deoxidation in advance, in the fall; spring application lime interferes with nitrogen absorption. More gentle and gentle action dolomite flour And .

Increased acidity leads to a general deterioration in nutrition, plants look depressed, lag behind in growth and development, form weak ovaries or drop them. If there was no deoxidation in advance, it is difficult to immediately correct the situation. You can try to support the plants by watering and spraying with a solution of calcium nitrate ( Matchbox per bucket of water) or wood ash (a glass per bucket of water).

Cucumbers need increased doses of nitrogen and potassium. The first is needed constantly, the second - mainly in the fruiting phase. In the first month, the bushes should grow “by leaps and bounds.” cucumber plants it is difficult to overfeed, fertilizing watering can be carried out every 5-7 days (depending on the condition of the plants).

Nitrogen (and in smaller doses potassium) in accessible forms is found in such natural fertilizers like manure, chicken droppings, herbal infusion. In wood ash, potassium is found in the form of potash - a highly soluble form that is quickly absorbed.

Gardeners often ask why the first cucumbers don’t grow, although the plants look healthy? In such cases, pets need to be “nudged” by fertilizing with any nitrogen-potassium fertilizer mixtures; you can also add humates with microelements, a little boric acid. After such stimulation, the fruiting process is activated.

What to do if ugly fruits appear? A pear-shaped shape (with a narrow base) indicates a lack of potassium, and a “narrow nose” indicates a nitrogen deficiency.

Hooked embryos most often appear at the end of the season due to deterioration of nutrition (from cold, disease). Complex foliar feeding can “encourage” you.


Modern hybrids practically do not need to form a bush, except that in a greenhouse it is sometimes necessary to pinch side shoots. If you appreciate ancient varieties, then in most of them female flowers are formed on third-order branches. For getting decent harvest In such plants, the top of the main stem above the fourth leaf is removed, and the technique is repeated one more time on the side shoots that appear.

In your opinion, where do cucumbers grow and bear fruit better – in a greenhouse or in open ground? Or in in capable hands Isn't it a big deal?

Good luck to you! Happy harvest and see you soon on the pages of our blog!

Sincerely, Andrey!

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Cucumber is one of the vegetables that is quite easy to grow if the appropriate conditions are provided. This is a heat-loving crop, so first of all it is necessary to maintain the temperature regime and give the cucumbers enough light. All this is easy to achieve in a greenhouse, but how to comply with such requirements when planting in open ground?

The first task is to choose the right variety. Not all cucumbers can adapt to harsh conditions outside a greenhouse, and some varieties will not even germinate, let alone produce a harvest. On the other hand, some species are intended only for planting outside greenhouses and on outdoors they will produce more yield than under a greenhouse film. There are also universal varieties that perform well in any conditions.

VarietyImagePeculiaritiesUnder what conditions can it grow?
Harvest early ripening variety, suitable for pickling and fresh consumption
It is sensitive to moisture and nutritional content of the soil, resistant to diseases, more suitable for saltingIn greenhouses and outdoors
Early ripening variety, cucumbers small size, preferably consumed fresh
Early ripening variety, best used for picklingIn greenhouses and outdoors
Used exclusively for picklingCan be grown outdoors
Hardy and unpretentious variety, which gives a good harvest even in dry areasIdeally planted in open ground

Seedless sowing

The easiest way to grow cucumbers is to sow the seeds in the soil. On the one hand, you won’t have to waste time growing seedlings, but you will have to wait longer for the harvest, which, moreover, may not be very rich.

You can increase the yield and germination percentage by hardening the seeds:

  1. Seeds prepared for planting are placed on gauze, which in turn is placed on the bottom of a flat dish filled with water.
  2. The seeds are also covered with gauze on top.
  3. After some time, when the seeds swell, the container with the seeds is placed in the refrigerator for two to three days (provided that the temperature in the refrigerator is not lower than -3 degrees).
  4. After this period, the seeds can be planted.

The best time for planting is at the end of May, when the soil warms up to +15-+17 degrees, but these dates may vary depending on the region. Such seeds are planted at a distance of 50-60 centimeters; the sowing depth should not exceed two centimeters. Considering that the percentage of seed germination with this method is not high, it is better to put several seeds in one hole at once, and if all of them sprout at once, the weakest and sickest ones should be removed. Such shoots are not pulled out, but carefully cut off.

The seedless method has one advantage: when transplanting seedlings into the ground, there is always a risk of damage root system, as a result of which the plant may stop developing or turn into a barren flower, and may also produce a small or poor-quality harvest. On the other hand, this can be avoided simply by being careful, and given the fact that many seeds die when planted directly into the ground, this advantage is offset.

Video - All about growing cucumbers. Planting seeds in the ground

Growing seedlings for open ground

When preparing seedlings, it is important to choose three or four varieties, and not stop at one. Especially if this is the first experience or cucumbers have not yet been planted in the selected area.

Seeds cannot be immediately planted in the soil - they must be “warmed up” by keeping them on the windowsill near the radiator for about 30 days.

Growing cucumber seedlings

Then the seeds are placed in a bowl of water where they should hatch. By the way, floating seeds can be immediately caught and thrown away - they will not germinate. The remaining seeds will hatch in about a day or two, and during this time you need to prepare the soil for planting:

  1. Sawdust, peat and humus are mixed in a ratio of 1:2:2
  2. Add to the resulting mass wood ash at the rate of “a tablespoon of ash per 10 liters of mixture.”
  3. All this is thoroughly mixed and scattered into small pots into which the sprouted seeds are planted.
  4. When sprouts appear, the dishes are placed in a bright place.

When two leaves appear on the sprouts, fertilizing with a nitrophoska solution begins (add two teaspoons per three liters of water). The water must be warm, heated to a temperature of 25 degrees. It is enough to water the seedlings once a week.

The seedlings are ready for planting when the stem becomes thick and strong, and the leaves acquire dark green color. For each variety, this preparatory period is individual.

Video - Growing cucumber seedlings at home

Soil preparation

Good seedlings in poor soil will not produce the expected harvest, so the area for planting also requires preparation, and such work begins in the fall. It is advisable to plant seedlings where potatoes, tomatoes, legumes, cabbage or pepper.

Growing cucumbers where other pumpkins previously grew is permissible no earlier than five years later. Otherwise, cucumbers will grow sluggish and sickly, since their “predecessors” deplete the soil.

During the autumn digging of a plot for cucumbers, 5-6 kilograms of manure and 30 grams of any phosphorus-potassium mineral fertilizers are applied per square meter of plot. If the soil is acidic or slightly acidic, you can add 150-250 grams of lime or ash per square meter.

In the spring, the soil is also dug up; now 2-3 kilograms of compost or humus per square meter are added to it. Also, approximately 50 grams of any complex mineral fertilizers are added to this area.

This is the most effective method soil preparation, but it is not always possible to meet such conditions, so you can use the following tips:

  1. If the soil has not been prepared in the fall, you can limit yourself to digging in the spring, but then you need to increase the amount of humus and compost added.
  2. If there is little humus and there is nowhere to get it, it is not necessary to fertilize the entire area - just add it to the planting holes.
  3. The soil should always be kept free of weeds and fertilized annually - this will reduce the amount of mineral fertilizers used.

Correct choice of location and planting

When planting cucumbers in open ground, not only the quality of the soil is important, but also other factors. It is not worth planting cucumbers in a place where other pumpkins have grown in the last five years, not only because of the poor quality of the soil. The fact is that if previous plants had some kind of disease, pathogenic microorganisms must have accumulated in the soil. But if other crops are resistant to such diseases, then cucumbers related to pumpkins and zucchini will certainly suffer.

The following requirements must also be met:

  • the place should be well lit, the beds should not be blocked from the sun by trees or buildings on the site;
  • cucumber beds should be protected from the wind;
  • completely open areas It is recommended to plant tall plants in a circle - legumes, corn, sunflowers, which will protect the cucumbers from the winds;
  • the area should be large enough so that the distance between the bushes is at least 50 centimeters.

If the plot is not very large, but there are a lot of seedlings, you should not reduce the distance between plants. Instead, you can simply plant them in a checkerboard pattern. All beds must be cleared of weeds, and this procedure must be performed regularly.

The beds must be loosened periodically, but not deeper than three centimeters, so as not to damage the root system.

Video - How to plant cucumbers in the ground


The most difficult thing about growing cucumbers in the ground is watering. It is necessary to strictly observe the timing (every 5-6 days) and the amount of water (within 2-4 liters per square meter, depending on the soil). After flowering begins, watering is done every two to three days, and the amount of water increases to 8-10 liters per meter. And most importantly, the water should not be cold, as heat-loving cucumbers begin to get sick from low temperatures. For this reason, cucumbers do not yet produce fruit - they must be watered manually, from a container in which the water is pre-settled and heated to a temperature of +18-+20 degrees.

There should always be enough water, especially during the period of fruit formation. Otherwise, the harvest will taste bitter. At the same time, an excess of water will lead to rotting of the root system and death of the plant. It is very easy to determine an excess or lack of water visually: the pale green color of the leaves indicates that there is too much moisture. If the leaves are dark and brittle, it means there is not enough water.

Top dressing

Feeding cucumbers begins from the moment two full leaves appear at the seedling stage and can continue until autumn, depending on the quality of the soil. This procedure is necessary in order to:

  • cucumbers grew faster and began to bear fruit earlier;
  • the number of fruits increased;
  • the fruiting period was extended;
  • the taste of the fruits improved.

In addition, fertilizers allow plants to strengthen their immunity and protect them from diseases, and for cucumbers, as fastidious plants, this is extremely important. Standard feeding occurs in two stages: at the seedling stage, and then every two weeks after planting in the ground. Three common types of feeding are considered safe and economical:

  1. The container for preparing fertilizer is filled cow dung add water by a third and two-thirds, leaving for about a week and a half for fermentation. Before use, the finished fertilizer is diluted with two parts of water.
  2. The second method is identical to the first, but in this case chicken manure is used instead of manure, and ready-made fertilizer diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 3.
  3. Add 10 grams per ten liters ammonium nitrate, superphosphate and potassium salt. This amount is enough to process one square meter soil (about 4-5 plants).

Yellow leaves are a sign of lack of fertilizer

The lack of fertilizer can be easily determined by yellowing leaves and dropping ovaries.

Diseases of cucumbers in open ground

Most often, cucumbers planted in open ground are susceptible to fungal diseases (gray, white, root rot, ascochyta blight, bacteriosis and others). If we accept necessary measures in a timely manner - plants can be cured by initial stage. If the disease progresses and cannot be treated, the diseased plants will have to be cut off and disposed of. Such stems need to be cut and burned - just dump them in compost heap This is not possible, as fungal spores can spread throughout the area.

Most often, the first symptoms of diseases are easily eliminated by spraying with a solution copper sulfate, but if it is possible to determine obvious signs specific disease - it is worth using certain methods.

So, if gray and black spots appear on the leaves and fruits, and the growth of the fruits stops and they themselves bend and become crooked - this is fungal disease cladosporiosis. Such plants must be sprayed with benzimidazole-based preparations.

Another common disease is powdery mildew- appears in the form white plaque on the leaves, and over time the plant dies. In most cases, this disease comes from weeds, so it is necessary to keep the beds tidy and clean, and if powdery mildew does appear, spraying with fungicides will help.

Yellow coating or spots on the leaves and their subsequent drying are a sign of downy mildew. The disease is also a consequence of a large number of weeds and is treated in the same way as the previous one. If the fruits of such a plant are planned to be used for planting next year, the seeds must be treated with potassium permanganate.

If you follow all the recommendations, do not skip watering, remove weeds on time and properly prepare the soil, even novice gardeners will not have problems with cucumbers. And the reward for such an attitude towards your garden will always be big harvest delicious cucumbers, which can be enjoyed already a month and a half after planting the seedlings (provided that early ripening varieties are used).

Interestingly, cucumber is a rare vegetable that is good on the table when unripe. Small and green are the best! Almost every gardener, experienced or beginner, grows this crunchy fruit in their garden beds. So what do you need to know to reap excellent harvests every year?

To make the dream of the ideal come true bountiful harvest cucumbers, you need to master the difficult secrets of the cucumber business. If you miss even one of them, you can not only lose high yield, but also completely destroy the plants. You need to please the cucumber! Select Extra time for care, and correctly follow all the rules of agricultural technology. How to grow cucumbers correctly?

Do you think it is necessary to follow all the rules for growing cucumbers?



Heat-loving nature is a fundamental factor, because the cucumber comes from India. The culture is hypersensitive to lack of heat.

When cucumbers are sown in open ground, there may still be frosts at night, and it can get very cold during the day. A sudden change in weather can cause the seeds to wither or rot.

Expert opinion

Filatov Ivan Yurievich, private farmer for more than 30 years

The temperature of the top layer of soil should warm up to +14°C. Then the cucumbers will sprout well. After the first sprouts appear and before flowering begins, the thermometer should rise to +22°C, and during flowering to +20°C. On time active growth, if the air temperature drops to +10°C, the growth of the crop will stop.

Extreme heat is also not comfortable for this vegetable. For better growth ideal thermometer reading from +23 to +27°C


Cucumbers constantly need water to grow and develop.

Required for high yield special conditions watering the plant:

  1. Watering mode. If there is not enough moisture, the leaves darken, become brittle, the ovary falls off, growth is delayed, and the taste of the greens deteriorates. But excess water harms the plant: it reduces air capacity in the root system, the leaves turn pale, and the vines slow down growth and fruit formation. Increased susceptibility to disease. Fluctuations in hydration cause the fruits to become bitter.
  2. Watering temperature. Cucumber is a heat-loving plant. Its roots grow shallow in the ground and absorb water well only when the soil is warm. This means that watering should be done only with heated water (from +18 to +25°C). If the weather is cold, then the water temperature can be significantly increased.
  3. Watering time. It is more favorable to water cucumbers in the evening, but it is possible at certain hours in the morning, when the sun has not yet risen high.
  4. Watering methods. Pour water not with a stream from a hose, but from a watering can into the holes between the rows, so that it does not wet the leaves, but gets directly under the bush. Ideal to apply drip irrigation, sprinkling.
  5. Regular hydration. Watering should be done regularly so that the soil does not dry out. This is the key to success for growing great harvest cucumbers In hot weather, the plant should be watered daily. This is not required in rainy weather.
  6. Irrigation norms. Before the cucumbers begin to bloom and the greens appear, you need to water them moderately, once every 4-6 days, 4-5 liters of water per 1 square meter. m. During the period of flower setting and mass fruiting, water frequently and abundantly.
  • Increase water consumption to 10-12 liters, water every other day.
  • It is optimal if the soil moisture for the plant is at 80%; if it is below 35%, the bushes will wither.


An important condition for the growth of cucumbers is moderate illumination. If there is not enough light, growth slows down and the plant does not develop. But it is also very unfavorable for the plant if the cucumber vines are illuminated by the scorching sun around the clock.

  • They require a short period of photosynthesis.
  • The optimal daylight hours for them are from 10 to 12 hours.
  • June and August days are ideal for abundant fruit ripening.

If there is no good lighting, the summer is rainy and the nights are warm, a a large number of male flowers.

The soil

A professional gardener will be able to grow cucumbers on almost any land if the beds are provided with good air permeability, sufficient soil aeration and drainage.

But very heavy soils are not suitable for the plant or, if they lie close to the beds groundwater. Cucumbers belong to vegetable crops with a root system close to the surface of the earth, and therefore structured soil suits them. So that the roots of the plant have good access to oxygen and moisture.

The vegetable is best grown on light neutral soils, where a lot of humus is added, with a pH in the range of 6.5-7.0.


Following necessary condition receiving wonderful harvest- competent and regular feeding of the plant:

  1. Preparing the site. The growing bed must be prepared in advance so that it is enriched with a sufficient amount of microelements. Best predecessor cucumber crop - well-rotted cow manure.
  2. What to feed. Any organic matter, rotted hay, or ash will do for feeding cucumbers. Directly under the bush you can add chicken droppings, fresh manure diluted with water in a ratio of one to five. It is necessary to combine all types of fertilizers, mineral and organic. Cucumbers respond most to nitrogen. But they also need other microelements: potassium, phosphorus.
  3. Feeding mode. With the appearance of the first two or three leaves on the bushes, regular feeding of the plant grown in an open bed begins. It continues throughout the entire fruiting period. During this period, fertilizing must be done at least 4 times. When mass fruiting occurs, the dose of fertilizer can be increased.
  4. Everything is good in moderation. Doses of fertilizing should be moderate. If we add settled chicken droppings or fresh manure, they should be diluted with ten parts of water. Apply a liter or one and a half of the resulting solution under the bush. In the hot season, the frequency of fertilizing increases.

Excess nitrogen and lack of potassium and phosphorus cause the ovaries to fall off. When the fruits appear, the plant itself will tell you whether it needs additional microelements.

Crop rotation

If beds for cucumbers are laid out in the same place for many years in a row, the plant will become sick and the yield will noticeably decrease. It is recommended to change the location annually. Do not return to your previous place before five years.

The ideal predecessors for cucumber are:

  • peas and carrots;
  • lettuce and tomatoes;
  • radishes and peppers, early cabbage.

Vegetables react quite tolerably to early potatoes, onions and corn. But, if pumpkin, zucchini or beans grew in the garden bed in front of him, then the likelihood of infection with similar diseases is high.


One of the conditions for an excellent harvest is timely and sufficient pollination of plants by insects to increase the number of ovaries on the bush. When there are few bees, natural pollination is problematic. But it can be applied artificial pollination, using a soft brush to transfer pollen from the flowers.

Whycucumbers nAre they growing?

Why is cucumber difficult? There are no friendly shoots, slow growth of vines, poor ripening of green plants? The ovaries turn yellow, rot and fall off, and instead of fruits on the vine there are only barren flowers? Let us list the possible most basic and most common mistakes gardeners make - the causes of these phenomena:

  • Poor soil. Sowing cucumbers in poor soil will not give a full harvest. In order for the soil to be fertile, it needs to be supplemented with organic and complex mineral fertilizers.
  • Failure to comply with crop rotation. Failure to observe crop rotation is a big mistake, leading to a decrease in yield. Reuse of the area allocated for cucumbers, without replacing the soil, without crop rotation. If the cucumbers were brought excellent harvest last season, then even with good feeding next year they may get sick because pests have accumulated in the ground.
  • Poor quality seeds. Poor quality, poorly hardened seeds, and improperly prepared seeds for sowing are one of the reasons for the slow growth of cucumbers.

  • Unfriendly varieties. Some varieties of cucumbers should not be planted nearby. They can inhibit each other's growth. Compatibility information can be obtained from the labels on the seed packet.
  • Wrong choice. Wrong choice of cucumber variety, its unsuitability for cultivation in a particular region.
  • Early planting of seeds in open ground. When landing, you should not rely only on the dates prescribed in lunar calendars, on “this is how our grandfathers sowed,” as well as on our own experience, on the weather. You should wait until the soil warms up, when night frosts are no longer a concern. Planting seeds in cold soil will not give good shoots. If the soil is not warmed properly, the seeds may rot.
  • Overgrown seedlings. Such seedlings have overgrown roots, and since the roots of the cucumbers are easily injured, they need ovaries to plant them in the garden. It may die.

  • A lot of sun. A plant planted in an area that is too exposed to the sun will have a shorter flowering period, and the lifespan of such bushes will also be shortened. Due to possible burns on the leaves, the sprinkling watering method cannot be used. It is optimal to plant cucumbers in light shade or partial shade. Why do cucumbers grow poorly? Often the answer to this question lies in excessive sun exposure.
  • Dense bushes. In overly dense plantings with poor ventilation of the bushes and insufficient lighting, plants can develop fungal infections. Cucumbers will fight by intertwining branches and compete for food. Have a good harvest You shouldn't wait in such cucumber thickets.
  • Unsuitable temperature. The yield of cucumbers is greatly influenced by air temperature. If you remember that the cucumber comes from India, then it becomes clear why he doesn’t like the cold Russian nights so much. But also excessively heat dangerous for the plant.
  • Error in watering mode. If watering is not in moderation, or after a period of drought, pour abundantly, and even ice water, the plant may experience stress. Such watering can stop the ovary female flowers. If you poured a lot of water under the root, expect an abundance of barren flowers! Watered the cucumbers scorching sun- there were burns on the leaf plates.

  • Maintaining a balance in nutrition. Amount applied to the soil mineral fertilizer or organics need to be balanced. Proper feeding - the use of fertilizers depending on the stage of ripening or growth of the plant.
  • Refusal of chemistry. Have you decided to completely give up chemicals? Then use disease-resistant seeds when sowing. Their list can be found in specialized literature. But many varieties give guaranteed harvest only with correct and regular chemical treatments.
  • Untimely treatment. Ignoring various plant ailments will lead to poor results. There is no need to wait until the plant gets sick, because then we will not get a full harvest. Bushes need to be treated in advance, systematically, throughout the season.
  • Errors when loosening. When the soil is not loosened, a crust forms on the surface, and the cucumbers lack air. This means that growth retardation cannot be avoided. But if deep loosening is not done correctly, the roots of the plant can be injured. After all, the roots of cucumbers lie shallow from the surface of the earth. As a result of illiterate weeding, the bush gets sick and spends energy on restoration, which has an adverse effect on the future harvest.
  • Rare collection. If an overgrown fruit with a significant weight remains on the vine, then it will retard the growth of the remaining greens and will not allow new ovaries to form. This biological feature cucumbers The plant switches to the opportunity to grow the fruit for seeds, and begins to intensively feed it at the expense of other greens. The smaller the picked cucumber, the more often the fruits are collected, the higher the yield of the bush can be raised.

  • No pollination. Greens do not appear on bee-pollinated varieties of cucumbers because there are no bees and no one to pollinate the peduncle. This situation can arise in a greenhouse without windows. On either open beds during the rainy season.

Cucumber fruits grow at night, and low temperature interferes with normal growth

What to do if cucumbers don't grow

If cucumbers are stunted, sick, or produce few fruits, these tips will help you:

  • It is necessary to maintain crop rotation: do not sow cucumbers in the same place earlier than after 4 years, be sure to alternate different crops.
  • Do not plant cucumbers densely. Densely planted plants slow down their growth and are more susceptible to disease.
  • Prevent diseases. You shouldn’t wait until the plants become sick en masse and all the leaves suddenly turn yellow or spotted. It is necessary to carry out preventive spraying.
  • The first spraying is carried out on the first adult leaves, again after two weeks, and the third on the eve of the appearance of flowers.
  • Don't water the plants cold water, so as not to harm the growth and not to reduce the ovary of female flowers.
  • We do not allow excess moisture, so as not to provoke the formation of barren flowers and the development of fungal diseases.
  • Keep cucumber beds clean of weeds and plant debris.
  • Mulch the beds. Mulch will retain water and reduce the need for watering, protect cucumbers from temperature changes, saturate the soil with oxygen, and help worms and other beneficial soil microorganisms reproduce.

  • Hill up wisely. It is necessary not only to add soil, but to create conditions for water to flow to the roots. As a result of hilling, the lateral roots grow additionally, and more powerful roots, the faster the cucumbers set. The resistance of cucumbers to gusts of wind also increases, which is beneficial for preserving moisture in the soil. At the same time, the cucumbers do not get wet.
  • Feed in a timely manner and maintain a balanced diet. Complete abandonment of chemicals often leads to crop loss.
  • The shape and color of the fruit will tell you what the plant needs.
  • If there is a lack of nitrogen, the fruit will be narrowed at the top with a light skin, if there is potassium, the fruit will narrow at the stalk.
  • Loosen the soil correctly: shallowly, without damaging the roots of the bush.
  • Strengthen roots by forming new ones adventitious roots. To do this, press the lash with the ovaries previously removed (the ovaries are partially removed) to the ground and sprinkle with damp soil.
  • Attract bees for pollination. There are several methods to lure insects: pour sweet syrup into special drinking bowls, plant honey-bearing plants.

  • Tie up the cucumbers. If the lashes spread along the ground, they can be damaged and many diseases arise.
  • Do not remove barren flowers. If you pick barren flowers yourself, the pollination rate of cucumbers will decrease. Unnecessary ovaries turn yellow and fall off on their own.
  • Collect fruits in a timely manner so that they grow to normal size. standard sizes. When the time comes for active fruiting, cucumbers need to be collected daily. Otherwise, they will outgrow and interfere with the formation of new ones.
  • You should also periodically remove all low-quality fruits from the vine: crooked in shape and damaged.
  • In the cold summer, arrange warm beds. Straw and organic matter are suitable for it. Can be built from plastic bottles heating pads with hot water and placing them along the bed overnight to warm the plant.

An interesting method to force the plant to form many new greens is to stop watering for a while on the eve of the formation of flowers. Plants, fearing to die, will begin to actively form ovaries.

What to do if cucumbers grow with a hook?

Why do cucumbers grow with crochets? Because the rules of agricultural technology were violated.

So how to grow good cucumbers if, during harvesting, hooked cucumbers began to appear en masse on the vines:

  • Don't ignore the rules of crop rotation. It is necessary to meticulously take into account what was growing in the cucumber bed before sowing the cucumbers. The fruit will be distorted if the predecessor was a crop with a similar consumption of microelements. The lack of microelements in the soil cannot be compensated for by fertilizing.
  • Never plant pollinated and parthenocarpic types of plants next to each other.
  • To make cucumbers grow correct form and not bent, you need to add it under each bush potash fertilizers and wood ash.
  • Water cucumber bushes only with heated water above 15 C. To prevent cucumbers from becoming distorted during weak watering, you need to hill up the bushes to preserve moisture.
  • It is important to save water balance soil in the beds, for this it is good to mulch with rotted leaves, straw or peat.
  • To avoid jumps in temperature conditions At the end of the season, we cover the plant with film or make warm beds or heating pads.
  • If the cucumbers are crooked because it is not possible to harvest regularly, and the load on the bush is great when insufficient hydration, then it is better to tear off the greens 5-8 cm long in advance to free the lash.

Now you know why cucumbers are crooked!


You can also watch a video where they will tell you how to early spring before late autumn feed the cucumbers.

By following the rules of agricultural technology when growing cucumbers, you will receive a guaranteed harvest of cucumbers with excellent taste qualities. But every mistake is yours invaluable experience. And a new gardening season is ahead!

Most types of various vegetables have already been planted that tolerate cool weather well: beets, potatoes, carrots. In mid-May, warm weather gradually begins to set in outside. This period is just ideal for planting cucumbers in open ground. But if it's still cold outside, then you need to use by special means protection and cover the cucumbers after planting with film or agril.

Cucumbers can be planted either sprouted or simple seeds. The advantage of a sprouted cucumber is that it begins to yield faster, but it is more difficult for it to take root in new conditions. To germinate, cucumbers are planted in small jars in April, such as mayonnaise jars, and placed on sunny place in the house.

Planting cucumbers in open ground

Cucumbers in general are heat-loving plants. Therefore, the location of the landing site should be at sunny side your garden.

It is better to prepare the soil in advance. Enter the required complex fertilizers and definitely humus. Sprinkle the ground with water properly.

Cucumber seedlings are planted at a distance of 10 centimeters from each other; there is no need to separate them, they love space. If you plant sprouted cucumbers, make a hole about five centimeters deep, and deepen the seeds two centimeters into the ground.

In a week or a week and a half, the cucumbers will sprout and will delight the owner. If cucumber bed covered with material, it should be removed only after warm weather has established above 20 degrees.

Water the cucumbers daily personal plot. They love moisture and its lack can lead to detrimental consequences.

A mandatory requirement when growing cucumbers is to pinch out excess shoots and remove them.

When the cucumbers reach the required length, create a frame for them from boards or twigs along which they will weave. Or you can put posts along the edges, connect them with a strip and tie the plants with strings.

In principle, cucumbers are not a particularly fastidious plant in terms of caring for them, but loosening and weeding the soil under them needs to be done regularly. It is also good to fertilize on time, for example with a solution based on chicken manure.

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